changeset 0 164170e6151a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:164170e6151a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Handles individual channels on a singular SC (which equals one
    15 *                Smart Card reader handler). Can be queried for information 
    16 *                about channels, controls traffic etc.
    17 *
    18 */
    23 #include    "ScardAccessControl.h"
    24 #include    "ScardBase.h"
    25 #include    "ScardChannelManager.h"
    26 #include    "ScardMessageStack.h"
    27 #include    "WimTrace.h"
    30 // MACROS
    31 //  Assert that a session is on a channel  
    32 #define __ASSERT_SESSION( a, b ) if ( !SessionIsOnChannel( (a), (b) ) )\
    33     User::Leave( KScServerErrIllegalChannel );
    34 //  Assert that the channel number is legal, or leave
    35 #define __ASSERT_CHANNEL_LEAVE( a ) if ( (a) < 0 || (a) > KMaxChannels - 1 )\
    36     User::Leave( KScServerErrIllegalChannel )
    38 //  Assert that the channel number is legal, or return false
    39 #define __ASSERT_CHANNEL_FALSE( a ) if ( (a) < 0 || (a) > KMaxChannels - 1 )\
    40     return EFalse
    43 TUint8 pow2( const TInt aPower );
    46 // ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
    48 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 // pow2
    50 // Returns: 2 powered to given value
    51 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 //
    54 TUint8 pow2( const TInt aPower )
    55     {
    56     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::pow2|Begin"));
    57     TUint8 result = 1;
    58     for ( TInt i = 0; i < aPower; i++ )
    59         {
    60         result *= 2;
    61         }
    62     return result;
    63     }
    65 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    67 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    68 // CScardChannelManager::CScardChannelManager
    69 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    70 // might leave.
    71 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72 //
    73 CScardChannelManager::CScardChannelManager()
    74     {
    75     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::CScardChannelManager|Begin"));
    76     }
    78 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79 // CScardChannelManager::ConstructL
    80 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    81 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    82 //
    83 void CScardChannelManager::ConstructL()
    84     {
    85     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::ConstructL|Begin"));
    86     iChannels = new( ELeave ) CArrayPtrFlat<CArrayFixFlat<TInt> >( 1 );
    88     //  Channel 0 is always open
    89     CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* zeroChannel = new( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>( 1 );
    90     CleanupStack::PushL( zeroChannel );
    91     iChannels->AppendL( zeroChannel );
    93     // others are opened as the need arises
    94     iChannels->AppendL( static_cast< CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* >( NULL ) );
    95     iChannels->AppendL( static_cast< CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* >( NULL ) );
    96     iChannels->AppendL( static_cast< CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* >( NULL ) );
    98     iMessageStack = CScardMessageStack::NewL();
    99     CleanupStack::Pop( zeroChannel );
   100     }
   102 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   103 // CScardChannelManager::NewL
   104 // Two-phased constructor.
   105 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   106 //
   107 CScardChannelManager* CScardChannelManager::NewL()
   108     {
   109     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::NewL|Begin"));
   110     CScardChannelManager* self = new( ELeave ) CScardChannelManager;
   112     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   113     self->ConstructL();
   114     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   116     return self;
   117     }
   120 // Destructor
   121 CScardChannelManager::~CScardChannelManager()
   122     {
   123     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::~CScardChannelManager|Begin"));
   124     if ( iChannels )
   125         {
   126         iChannels->ResetAndDestroy();
   127         }
   128     delete iChannels;
   129     delete iMessageStack;
   130     }
   133 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   134 // CScardChannelManager::ChannelStatus
   135 // Give available channels
   136 // Returns two-byte parameter telling:
   137 // b0 - Channel 0 open (should always be set)
   138 // b1 - Channel 0 reserved
   139 // b2 - Channel 1 open
   140 // b3 - Channel 1 reserved
   141 // ...
   142 // b7 - Channel 3 open
   143 // b8 - Channel 3 reserved
   144 //                
   145 // b9-b15 Maximum number of channels available (at the moment always 4)
   146 //
   147 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 //
   149 TUint16 CScardChannelManager::ChannelStatus()
   150     {
   151     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::ChannelStatus|Begin"));
   152     TUint16 free( 0 );
   153     free = static_cast< TUint16 >( 0x04 << 8 ); // 4 channels available
   155     //  Get the status for each individual channel, and set the according bits
   156     for ( TInt i = 0; i < KMaxChannels; i++ )
   157         {
   158         if ( iChannels->At( i ) )    
   159             {
   160             free |= pow2( 2 * i );
   161             }
   162         if ( iReserverID[i] )
   163             {
   164             free |= pow2( 2 * i + 1 );
   165             }
   166         }
   167     return free;
   168     }
   170 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   171 // CScardChannelManager::SessionIsOnChannel
   172 // Does the session have permission to the channel.
   173 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   174 //
   175 TBool CScardChannelManager::SessionIsOnChannel(
   176     const TInt8 aChannel, 
   177     const TInt aSessionID ) const
   178     {
   179     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::SessionIsOnChannel|Begin"));
   180     __ASSERT_CHANNEL_FALSE( aChannel );
   181     if ( iChannels->At( aChannel ) )
   182         {
   183         TInt count = iChannels->At( aChannel )->Count();
   184         for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < count; j++ )
   185             {
   186             if ( iChannels->At( aChannel )->At( j ) == aSessionID )
   187                 {
   188                 _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::SessionIsOnChannel|Permission granted"));
   189                 return ETrue;
   190                 }
   191             }
   192         }
   193     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::SessionIsOnChannel|Permission denied"));
   194     return EFalse;
   195     }
   197 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   198 // CScardChannelManager::AddSessionToChannelL
   199 // Give the session the right to use the channel
   200 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   201 //
   202 TBool CScardChannelManager::AddSessionToChannelL(
   203     const TInt8 aChannel, 
   204     const TInt aSessionID )
   205     {
   206     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::AddSessionToChannelL|Begin"));
   207     __ASSERT_CHANNEL_FALSE( aChannel );
   208     if ( !SessionIsOnChannel( aChannel, aSessionID ) )
   209         {
   210         // if the channel is not yet opened...
   211         if ( !iChannels->At( aChannel ) )
   212             {
   213             CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* channel = NULL;
   214             channel = new( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>( 1 );
   215             iChannels->At( aChannel ) = channel;
   216             }
   217         iChannels->At( aChannel )->AppendL( aSessionID );
   218         }
   219     return ETrue;
   220     }
   222 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   223 // CScardChannelManager::RemoveSessionL
   224 // Remove session entries from the channel.
   225 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   226 //
   227 TBool CScardChannelManager::RemoveSessionL(
   228     const TInt8 aChannel, 
   229     const TInt aSessionID )
   230     {
   231     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::RemoveSessionL|Begin"));
   232     __ASSERT_CHANNEL_LEAVE( aChannel );
   233     if ( SessionIsOnChannel( aChannel, aSessionID ) )
   234         {
   235         for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iChannels->At( aChannel )->Count(); i++ )
   236             {
   237             // remove the indivídual from the channel
   238             if ( iChannels->At( aChannel )->At( i ) == aSessionID )
   239                 {
   240                 iChannels->At( aChannel )->Delete( i );
   241                 i = iChannels->At( aChannel )->Count(); // Stop loop
   242                 }
   243             }
   244         //  if the channel is empty (except channel 0), delete it
   245         if ( aChannel != 0 && !iChannels->At( aChannel )->Count() )
   246             {
   247             delete iChannels->At( aChannel );
   248             iChannels->At( aChannel ) = NULL;
   249             return EFalse;
   250             }
   251         }
   252     return EFalse;
   253     }
   255 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   256 // CScardChannelManager::PushMessageToBottomL
   257 // Push message to bottom of message stack
   258 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   259 //
   260 void CScardChannelManager::PushMessageToBottomL(
   261     const TMessageHandle& aMessage )
   262     {
   263     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::PushMessageToBottomL|Begin"));
   264     __ASSERT_CHANNEL_LEAVE( aMessage.iChannel );
   265     __ASSERT_SESSION( aMessage.iChannel, aMessage.iSessionID );
   266     __ASSERT_MEMORY( iMessageStack->PushToBottom( aMessage ) );
   267     }
   269 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   270 // CScardChannelManager::PushMessageToTopL
   271 // Push message to top of message stack
   272 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   273 //
   274 void CScardChannelManager::PushMessageToTopL(
   275     const TMessageHandle& aMessage )
   276     {
   277     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::PushMessageToTopL|Begin"));
   278     __ASSERT_CHANNEL_LEAVE( aMessage.iChannel );
   279     __ASSERT_SESSION( aMessage.iChannel, aMessage.iSessionID );
   280     __ASSERT_MEMORY( iMessageStack->PushToTop( aMessage ) );
   281     }
   283 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   284 // CScardChannelManager::NextMessageL
   285 // Get the next available message from the stack (preserving
   286 // the order of other messages)
   287 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   288 //
   289 const TMessageHandle CScardChannelManager::NextMessageL()
   290     {
   291     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::NextMessage|Begin"));
   292     TInt count = iMessageStack->Count();
   293     TInt index( 0 );
   294     while ( index < count )
   295         {
   296         TMessageHandle tmp = iMessageStack->FromPositionL( index );
   298         // If the channel is reserved (for someone else), 
   299         // put message back to wait
   300         if ( iReserverID[tmp.iChannel] && iReserverID[tmp.iChannel] != 
   301             tmp.iSessionID )
   302             {
   303             iMessageStack->PushToPositionL( index, tmp );
   304             index++;
   305             }
   306         else
   307             {
   308             return tmp;
   309             }
   310         }
   311     TMessageHandle noMessage;
   312     return noMessage;
   313     }
   315 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   316 // CScardChannelManager::MessageFromTop
   317 // Get message from top of message stack
   318 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   319 //
   320 const TMessageHandle CScardChannelManager::MessageFromTop()
   321     {
   322     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::MessageFromTop|Begin"));
   323     return iMessageStack->FromTop();
   324     }
   326 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   327 // CScardChannelManager::CancelAll
   328 // Cancel all messages from the stack that match the criteria
   329 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   330 //
   331 void CScardChannelManager::CancelAll( const TInt aSessionID )
   332     {
   333     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::CancelAll|Begin"));
   334     if ( aSessionID == EAccessMasterID )
   335         {
   336         iMessageStack->CancelAll( KScErrCancelled );
   337         }
   338     else
   339         {
   340         iMessageStack->CancelAll( aSessionID, KScErrCancelled );
   341         }
   342     }
   344 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   345 // CScardChannelManager::ChannelReservedL
   346 // Return reserver session of the channel
   347 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   348 //
   349 TInt CScardChannelManager::ChannelReservedL(
   350     const TInt8 aChannel ) const
   351     {
   352     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::ChannelReservedL|Begin"));
   353     __ASSERT_CHANNEL_LEAVE( aChannel );
   354     return iReserverID[aChannel];
   355     }
   357 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   358 // CScardChannelManager::FreeChannelL
   359 // Free channel
   360 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   361 //
   362 void CScardChannelManager::FreeChannelL(
   363     const TInt8 aChannel, 
   364     const TInt aSessionID )
   365     {
   366     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::FreeChannelL|Begin"));
   367     __ASSERT_CHANNEL_LEAVE( aChannel );
   368     if ( iReserverID[aChannel] == aSessionID )
   369         {
   370         iReserverID[aChannel] = ENoSession;
   371         }
   372     }
   374 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   375 // CScardChannelManager::FreeChannels
   376 // Free all channels this session has reserved
   377 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   378 //
   379 void CScardChannelManager::FreeChannels( const TInt aSessionID )
   380     {
   381     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::FreeChannels|Begin"));
   382     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < KMaxChannels; i++ )
   383         {
   384         if ( iReserverID[i] == aSessionID )
   385             {
   386             iReserverID[i] = 0;
   387             }
   388         }
   389     }
   391 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   392 // CScardChannelManager::ChannelOpenedYet
   393 // Return ETrue if channel is allready opened, otherwise return EFalse
   394 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   395 //
   396 TBool CScardChannelManager::ChannelOpenedYet( const TInt8 aChannel )
   397     {
   398     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::ChannelOpenedYet|Begin"));
   399     __ASSERT_CHANNEL_LEAVE( aChannel );
   400     if ( iChannels->At( aChannel ) )
   401         {
   402         _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::ChannelOpenedYet|True"));
   403         return ETrue;
   404         }
   405     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::ChannelOpenedYet|False"));
   406     return EFalse;
   407     }
   409 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   410 // CScardChannelManager::UnreservedLogicalChannel
   411 // First channel w/o a reservation
   412 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   413 //
   414 TInt8 CScardChannelManager::UnreservedLogicalChannel() const
   415     {
   416     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::UnreservedLogicalChannel|Begin"));
   417     for ( TInt8 i( 0 ); i < KMaxChannels; i++ )
   418         {
   419         if ( !iReserverID[i] )
   420             {
   421             return i;
   422             }
   423         }
   424     return -1;
   425     }
   427 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   428 // CScardChannelManager::NextMessageFromFree
   429 // Return next message from free 
   430 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   431 //
   432 const TMessageHandle CScardChannelManager::NextMessageFromFree(
   433     const TInt8 aChannel)
   434     {
   435     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::NextMessageFromFree|Begin"));
   436     TMessageHandle tmp = iMessageStack->NextReservation( aChannel );
   437     if ( tmp.iSessionID != ENoSession )
   438         {
   439         return tmp;
   440         }
   442     TMessageHandle nextMessage;
   444     TRAPD( err, nextMessage = NextMessageL() );
   446     if ( err != KErrNone )
   447         {
   448         TMessageHandle noMessage;
   449         return noMessage;
   450         }
   451     else
   452         {
   453         return nextMessage;
   454         }
   455     }
   457 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   458 // CScardChannelManager::ValidateChannelL
   459 // Channel is legal & open for this session
   460 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   461 //
   462 void CScardChannelManager::ValidateChannelL(
   463     const TInt8 aChannel, 
   464     const TInt aSessionID )
   465     {
   466     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::ValidateChannelL|Begin"));
   467     __ASSERT_CHANNEL_LEAVE( aChannel );
   468     if ( iChannels->At( aChannel ) )
   469         {
   470         for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < iChannels->At( aChannel )->Count(); j++ )
   471             {
   472             if ( iChannels->At( aChannel )->At( j ) == aSessionID )
   473                 {
   474                 return;
   475                 }
   476             }
   477         }
   478     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardSession::ValidateChannelL|Leave"));
   479     User::Leave( KScErrNotFound );
   480     }
   482 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   483 // CScardChannelManager::CardRemoved
   484 // Card removed. Clear all card-spesific data & transmissions
   485 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   486 //
   487 void CScardChannelManager::CardRemoved()
   488     {
   489     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::CardRemoved|Begin"));
   490     // Cancel all card operations
   491     iMessageStack->CancelCardOperations();
   493     // remove all session entries from channel registers
   494     for ( TInt i( 1 ); i < iChannels->Count(); i++ )
   495         {
   496         delete iChannels->At( i );
   497         iChannels->At( i ) = static_cast< CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* >( NULL );
   498         iReserverID[i] = ENoSession;
   499         }
   500     }
   502 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   503 // CScardChannelManager::CancelByTimeOut
   504 // Cancel messages by timeout
   505 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   506 //
   507 void CScardChannelManager::CancelByTimeOut( CScardCommandTimer* aTimer )
   508     {
   509     _WIMTRACE(_L("WIM|Scard|CScardChannelManager::CancelByTimeOut|Begin"));
   510     iMessageStack->CancelByTimeOut( aTimer );
   511     }
   513 //  End of File