changeset 22 03674e5abf46
parent 21 09b1ac925e3f
child 23 94da73d93b58
--- a/pkiutilities/securitydialognotifier/tsrc/srvauthfaildlglauncher/srvauthfaildlglauncher.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:04:40 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Test application for untrusted certificate dialog.
-#include "srvauthfaildlglauncher.h"
-#include <HbMainWindow>
-#include <HbView>
-#include <HbLabel>
-#include <HbComboBox>
-#include <HbTextEdit>
-#include <HbCheckBox>
-#include <HbPushButton>
-#include <HbDeviceDialog>
-#include <HbMessageBox>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QBuffer>
-#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
-#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-#include <securitydefs.h>       // TValidationError
-#include <secdlgimpldefs.h>     // TServerAuthenticationFailureInput, KUidSecurityDialogNotifier
-HBufC8* GetInputBufferL( const QString& server, const QByteArray& certificate, int reason )
-    {
-    const TPtrC16 serverNameUnicode(reinterpret_cast<const TText*>(server.constData()),
-        server.length());
-    const TPtrC8 encodedCert(reinterpret_cast<const TText8*>(certificate.constData()),
-        certificate.length());
-    const TInt KServerNameMaxLength = 512;
-    TBuf8<KServerNameMaxLength> serverName;
-    serverName.Copy(serverNameUnicode);
-    TServerAuthenticationFailureInput serverAuthenticationInput;
-    serverAuthenticationInput.iOperation = EServerAuthenticationFailure;
-    serverAuthenticationInput.iFailureReason = static_cast<TValidationError>(reason);
-    serverAuthenticationInput.iServerNameLength = serverName.Length();
-    serverAuthenticationInput.iEncodedCertLength = encodedCert.Length();
-    TServerAuthenticationFailureInputBuf inputBuf( serverAuthenticationInput );
-    TInt bufferSize = sizeof( inputBuf ) + serverName.Length() + encodedCert.Length();
-    HBufC8* packedBuffer = HBufC8::NewL( bufferSize );
-    TPtr8 packedBufferPtr( packedBuffer->Des() );
-    packedBufferPtr.Append( inputBuf );
-    packedBufferPtr.Append( serverName );
-    packedBufferPtr.Append( encodedCert );
-    return packedBuffer;
-    }
-bool ShowDialogL( const QString& server, const QByteArray& certificate, int reason, bool cancel )
-    {
-    RNotifier notifier;
-    User::LeaveIfError( notifier.Connect() );
-    CleanupClosePushL( notifier );
-    HBufC8* buffer = GetInputBufferL( server, certificate, reason );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
-    TRequestStatus status;
-    TPckgBuf<TServerAuthenticationFailureDialogResult> resultPckg;
-    notifier.StartNotifierAndGetResponse( status, KUidSecurityDialogNotifier,
-        *buffer, resultPckg );
-    if( cancel )
-        {
-        const TInt KTenSecDelay = 10000000;
-        User::After( KTenSecDelay );
-        notifier.CancelNotifier( KUidSecurityDialogNotifier );
-        }
-    User::WaitForRequest( status );
-    User::LeaveIfError( status.Int() );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &notifier );
-    return( resultPckg() == EContinue );
-    }
-#endif  // Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-const QString KTestCertDir = "c:/data/testCerts";
-SrvAuthFailDlgLauncher::SrvAuthFailDlgLauncher(int& argc, char* argv[])
-    : HbApplication(argc, argv), mMainWindow(0), mMainView(0)
-    mMainWindow = new HbMainWindow();
-    mMainView = new HbView();
-    mMainView->setTitle(tr("SrvAuthFailDlgLauncher"));
-    QGraphicsLinearLayout *layout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical);
-    layout->addItem(new HbLabel(tr("Server host name:")));
-    mHostName = new HbTextEdit(tr(""));
-    layout->addItem(mHostName);
-    layout->addStretch();
-    layout->addItem(new HbLabel(tr("Certificate file:")));
-    mFilesList = new HbComboBox;
-    mFilesList->setEditable(false);
-    QDir dir(KTestCertDir);
-    if (dir.exists()) {
-        QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files);
-        QListIterator<QFileInfo> iter(list);
-        while (iter.hasNext()) {
-            const QFileInfo &info(;
-            mFilesList->addItem(info.fileName());
-        }
-    }
-    layout->addItem(mFilesList);
-    layout->addStretch();
-    layout->addItem(new HbLabel(tr("Validation result:")));
-    mValidationResult = new HbComboBox;
-    QStringList validationResults;
-    validationResults
-	    << "EValidatedOK"
-	    << "EChainHasNoRoot"
-	    << "ESignatureInvalid"
-	    << "EDateOutOfRange"
-	    << "ENameIsExcluded"
-	    << "ENameNotPermitted"
-	    << "ENotCACert"
-	    << "ECertificateRevoked"
-	    << "EUnrecognizedCriticalExtension"
-	    << "ENoBasicConstraintInCACert"
-	    << "ENoAcceptablePolicy"
-	    << "EPathTooLong"
-	    << "ENegativePathLengthSpecified"
-	    << "ENamesDontChain"
-	    << "ERequiredPolicyNotFound"
-	    << "EBadKeyUsage"
-	    << "ERootCertNotSelfSigned"
-	    << "ECriticalExtendedKeyUsage"
-	    << "ECriticalCertPoliciesWithQualifiers"
-	    << "ECriticalPolicyMapping"
-	    << "ECriticalDeviceId"
-	    << "ECriticalSid"
-	    << "ECriticalVid"
-	    << "ECriticalCapabilities";
-    mValidationResult->addItems(validationResults);
-    mValidationResult->setCurrentIndex(1);      // EChainHasNoRoot
-    layout->addItem(mValidationResult);
-    layout->addStretch();
-    mCancelShortly = new HbCheckBox("Cancel after 10 seconds");
-    layout->addItem(mCancelShortly);
-    HbPushButton *button = 0;
-    button = new HbPushButton("Launch dialog");
-    connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(activateDialog()));
-    layout->addItem(button);
-    button = new HbPushButton("Exit");
-    connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));
-    layout->addItem(button);
-    mMainView->setLayout(layout);
-    mMainWindow->addView(mMainView);
-    mMainWindow->show();
-    delete mMainView;
-    delete mMainWindow;
-void SrvAuthFailDlgLauncher::activateDialog()
-    QString server = mHostName->toPlainText();
-    QString fileName = mFilesList->currentText();
-    QFile file;
-    QDir::setCurrent(KTestCertDir);
-    file.setFileName(fileName);
-    QByteArray fileContent = file.readAll();
-    file.close();
-    int reason = mValidationResult->currentIndex();
-    bool cancel = mCancelShortly->isChecked();
-    int error = 0;
-    bool accepted = false;
-#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-    TRAP( error, accepted = ShowDialogL(server, fileContent, reason, cancel) );
-#endif // Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-    if (!error) {
-        if (accepted) {
-            HbMessageBox::information(QString("Accepted"));
-        } else {
-            HbMessageBox::information(QString("Declined"));
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (error == KErrCancel) {
-            HbMessageBox::information(QString("Cancelled"));
-        } else {
-            HbMessageBox::information(QString("Failed, error %1").arg(error));
-        }
-    }