changeset 22 03674e5abf46
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/securitydialogs/lockapp/src/lockappkeyguardcontrol.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:19:59 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Keyguard UI
+ *
+#include "lockappkeyguardcontrol.h"
+#include "lockappstatecontrolinterface.h"
+#include "lockappcenrepobserver.h"
+#include "lockapppubsubobserver.h"
+#include "lockapputils.h"
+#include "lockapplockednote.h" // keyguard notes
+#include "lockappkeycapturecontroller.h"
+#include <avkon.rsg> // general avkon resources
+#include <aknnotpi.rsg> // keyguard spesific resources
+#include <AknUtils.h>
+#include <activitymanager.h>
+// this is not needed
+// #include <SecondaryDisplay/AknSecondaryDisplayDefs.h> // publishing keyguard notes to secondary display
+#include <featmgr.h> // feature manager
+#include <eikcba.h> // keyguard soft buttons
+#include <eikspane.h>
+#include "AutolockPrivateCRKeys.h"
+#include <settingsinternalcrkeys.h>
+#include <ScreensaverInternalPSKeys.h>
+#include <hwrmdomainpskeys.h>
+#include <activeidle2domainpskeys.h>
+//#include <CoreApplicationUIsPrivateCRKeys.h> TODO remove
+#include <coreapplicationuisdomainpskeys.h>
+#include <ctsydomainpskeys.h>
+#include <startupdomainpskeys.h>
+// Asterisk key's scan code for the keylock
+const TUint KStdKeyAsterisk = 42;
+//const TUint KAknChineseAsterisk = 0xFF0A;
+// timeout defined in keyguard ui specification custom value
+// since avkon note TTimeout values don't support 1 second timeout
+const TInt KKeyLockCustomShortTimeout = 1000000;
+// Auto Keyguard Off value
+const TInt KAutoKeyguardOff( 60000 );
+// Flip open value
+const TInt KFlipOpen = 1;
+// Screensaver started fron idle status value
+const TInt KSsStartedFromIdle = 1;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Standard Symbian OS construction sequence
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CLockAppKeyguardControl* CLockAppKeyguardControl::NewL(MLockAppStateControl& aStateControl )
+    {
+    CLockAppKeyguardControl* self = new (ELeave) CLockAppKeyguardControl( aStateControl );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL( );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Notes, cba and localized resources are freed in Keyguard UI destruction.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CLockAppKeyguardControl::~CLockAppKeyguardControl( )
+    {
+    if ( iActivityManager )
+        {
+        iActivityManager->Cancel( );
+        delete iActivityManager;
+        iActivityManager = NULL;
+        }
+    // CenRep observers
+    if ( iCRAutoKeyguardTime )
+        {
+        delete iCRAutoKeyguardTime;
+        iCRAutoKeyguardTime = NULL;
+        }
+    if ( iCRPersistentKeyguardStatus )
+        {
+        delete iCRPersistentKeyguardStatus;
+        iCRPersistentKeyguardStatus = NULL;
+        }
+    if ( iPSStartupObserver )
+        {
+        delete iPSStartupObserver;
+        iPSStartupObserver = NULL;
+        }
+    // child notes
+    delete iConfirmationNote;
+    delete iLockedNote;
+    delete iKeypadUnlockedNote;
+    delete iKeypadLockedNote;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor passes the reference to the main state control.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CLockAppKeyguardControl::CLockAppKeyguardControl(MLockAppStateControl& aStateControl ) :
+    CLockAppBaseControl(aStateControl)
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Keyguard UI constructor reserves localized resources, configures itself
+// using CenRep and FeatureManager and reserves child controls.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLockAppKeyguardControl::ConstructL( )
+    {
+    INFO( "CLockAppKeyguardControl::ConstructL started" );
+    CLockAppBaseControl::ConstructL( );
+    // feature manager is used for determining if the phone is a slider
+    TBool aFeatureKeypadNoSlider(ETrue);
+    FeatureManager::InitializeLibL( );
+    aFeatureKeypadNoSlider = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdKeypadNoSlider );
+    INFO_1("CLockAppKeyguardControl::ConstructL - aFeatureKeypadNoSlider: %d", aFeatureKeypadNoSlider);
+    FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib( );
+    // keyguard hardware switch support
+    CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidLockConf );
+    TInt hardwareSupport(0);
+    repository->Get( KKeyguardHardwareConf, hardwareSupport );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
+    iHardwareSupport = TLockHardware( hardwareSupport );
+    iHardwareSupport = TLockHardware( 0 );
+    TBool touchEnabled( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() );
+    // Cba control
+    iCba = CEikButtonGroupContainer::NewL( CEikButtonGroupContainer::ECba,
+                                           CEikButtonGroupContainer::EHorizontal,
+                                           this,
+                                           touchEnabled ? R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_EMPTY :
+                                           R_KEYLOCK_SOFTKEYS_UNLOCK_EMPTY );
+    TRect screenRect;
+    AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, screenRect );
+    iCba->SetBoundingRect( screenRect );
+    iCba->MakeVisible( EFalse );
+    // Construct Keyguard Notes
+    iKeypadLockedNote = new (ELeave) CLockAppLockedNote();
+    iKeypadLockedNote->ConstructSleepingNoteL( touchEnabled ? R_KEYLOCK_NOTE_DISPLAY_LOCK_ON_TOUCH :
+                                               R_KEYLOCK_NOTE_LOCK_ON );
+    iKeypadLockedNote->ButtonGroupContainer().ButtonGroup()->AsControl()->DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, 2 );
+		// this is not needed
+    // iKeypadLockedNote->PublishDialogL( EAknKeysLockedNote );
+    iKeypadUnlockedNote = new (ELeave) CLockAppLockedNote();
+    iKeypadUnlockedNote->ConstructSleepingNoteL( touchEnabled ? R_KEYLOCK_NOTE_DISPLAY_LOCK_OFF_TOUCH :
+                                                 R_KEYLOCK_NOTE_LOCK_OFF );
+    iKeypadUnlockedNote->ButtonGroupContainer().ButtonGroup()->AsControl()->DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, 2 );
+		// this is not needed
+    // iKeypadUnlockedNote->PublishDialogL( EAknKeysReleasedNote );
+    iLockedNote = new (ELeave) CLockAppLockedNote();
+    if ( touchEnabled )
+        {
+        iLockedNote->ConstructSleepingNoteL( R_KEYLOCK_NOTE_DISPLAY_LOCKED_TOUCH );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        switch ( iHardwareSupport )
+            {
+            case EKeyguardOnePositionSwitch:
+            case EKeyguardTwoPositionSwitch:
+                {
+                iLockedNote->ConstructSleepingNoteL( R_KEYLOCK_NOTE_KEYLOCKED_SWITCH );
+                break;
+                }
+            case EKeyguardDefaultHardware:
+            default:
+                {
+                iLockedNote->ConstructSleepingNoteL( R_KEYLOCK_NOTE_KEYLOCKED );
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    iLockedNote->ButtonGroupContainer().ButtonGroup()->AsControl()->DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, 2 );
+    // These are created only if touch is not enabled, since
+    // currently in touch devices the keylock state is controlled
+    // with switch.
+    if ( !touchEnabled )
+        {
+        //Note showing "Now Press *" - when user has pressed "Unlock" in locked state.
+        if ( aFeatureKeypadNoSlider )
+            {
+            // for normal phones
+            iConfirmationNote = new (ELeave) CLockAppLockedNote();
+            iConfirmationNote->ConstructSleepingNoteL( R_KEYLOCK_NOTE_UNLOCK_ASTERISK );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // for special slider phones
+            iConfirmationNote = new (ELeave) CLockAppLockedNote();
+            iConfirmationNote->ConstructSleepingNoteL( R_KEYLOCK_NOTE_UNLOCK_CONFIRM );
+            }
+        iConfirmationNote->ButtonGroupContainer().ButtonGroup()->AsControl()->DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, 2 );
+        }
+    // CenRep observers
+    // TODO create private CR key for storing persistent keyguard state (currently in Sysap)
+    // iCRPersistentKeyguardStatus = CLockAppCenRepObserver::NewL ( this, KCRUidCoreApplicationUIsSysAp, KSysApKeyguardActive );
+    iCRAutoKeyguardTime = CLockAppCenRepObserver::NewL ( this, KCRUidSecuritySettings, KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime );
+    // Activity manager
+    iActivityManager = CUserActivityManager::NewL( CActive::EPriorityStandard );
+    StartActivityMonitoringL( );
+    // PubSub observers
+    iPSStartupObserver = CLockAppPubSubObserver::NewL( this, KPSUidStartup, KPSGlobalSystemState );
+    // Setup key pattern matcher
+    if ( !SetupKeyPatternsWithPolicyL( EPolicyDeactivateKeyguard ) )
+        {
+        INFO( "CLockAppKeyguardControl::ConstructL - No CenRep policy defined" );
+        if ( aFeatureKeypadNoSlider )
+            {
+            iKeyPattern->AddPattern( EStdKeyDevice0, KStdKeyAsterisk ); // LSK + *
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iKeyPattern->AddPattern( EStdKeyDevice0, EStdKeyDevice1 ); // LSK + RSK
+            }
+        }
+#ifdef __WINS__
+    // In Emulator add the LSK+* pattern also.
+    iKeyPattern->AddPattern( EStdKeyDevice0, EStdKeyNkpAsterisk ); // LSK + *
+    INFO( "CLockAppKeyguardControl::ConstructL completed" );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Check weather its allowed to automatically lock the keys
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CLockAppKeyguardControl::AutoActivationAllowedL( )
+    {
+    TInt value = 0;
+    TBool flipOpen(EFalse);
+    RProperty::Get( KPSUidHWRM, KHWRMFlipStatus, value );
+    flipOpen = (value = KFlipOpen);
+    INFO_1("CLockAppKeyguardControl::AutoActivationAllowedL - flipOpen: %d", flipOpen);
+    if ( flipOpen )
+        {
+        CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidAutolockConf );
+        repository->Get( KAutoKeyLockConf, value );
+        delete repository;
+        if ( value & KAutoKeylockFeatureIdFlipOpenDisabled )
+            {
+            INFO( "CLockAppKeyguardControl::AutoActivationAllowedL : False because flipOpenDisabled" );
+            return EFalse;
+            }
+        }
+    TInt lightStatus=EForcedLightsUninitialized; 
+    RProperty::Get(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs,KLightsVTForcedLightsOn,lightStatus ); 
+    INFO_1("CLockAppKeyguardControl::AutoActivationAllowedL - lightStatus: %d", lightStatus);
+    if ( lightStatus == EForcedLightsOn )
+	{
+	INFO( "CLockAppKeyguardControl::AutoActivationAllowedL : False because EForcedLightsOn" );
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+    TBool keysLocked(EFalse);
+    TBool idle(EFalse);
+    TBool ongoingCall(EFalse);
+    TBool screenSaverOn(EFalse);
+    TBool screenSaverStertedFromIdle(EFalse);
+    keysLocked = (iStateControl.LockStatus() != ELockNotActive);
+    INFO_1("CLockAppKeyguardControl::AutoActivationAllowedL - keysLocked: %d", keysLocked);
+    value = 0;
+    RProperty::Get( KPSUidCtsyCallInformation, KCTsyCallState, value );
+    ongoingCall = (value > EPSCTsyCallStateNone);
+    INFO_2("CLockAppKeyguardControl::AutoActivationAllowedL - ongoingCall: %d %d", value, ongoingCall);
+    value = 0;
+    RProperty::Get( KPSUidAiInformation, KActiveIdleState, value );
+    idle = (value == EPSAiForeground);
+    INFO_2("CLockAppKeyguardControl::AutoActivationAllowedL - idle: %d %d", value, idle);
+    value = 0;
+    RProperty::Get( KPSUidScreenSaver, KScreenSaverOn, value );
+    screenSaverOn = (value > 0);
+    INFO_2("CLockAppKeyguardControl::AutoActivationAllowedL - screenSaverOn: %d %d", value, screenSaverOn);
+    value = 0;
+    RProperty::Get( KPSUidScreenSaver, KScreenSaverActivatedFromIdle, value );
+    screenSaverStertedFromIdle = (value == KSsStartedFromIdle);
+    INFO_2("CLockAppKeyguardControl::AutoActivationAllowedL - screenSaverStertedFromIdle: %d %d", value, screenSaverStertedFromIdle);
+    // If a call is ongoing or idle doesnt have foreground and
+    // screensaver is not started from idle -> dont lock keys
+    if ( keysLocked || ongoingCall || (!idle && !(screenSaverOn && screenSaverStertedFromIdle)) )
+        {
+        INFO("CLockAppKeyguardControl::AutoActivationAllowedL : False");
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    INFO("CLockAppKeyguardControl::AutoActivationAllowedL : True");
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Check weather its allowed to activate the control
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CLockAppKeyguardControl::ActivationAllowedL( )
+    {
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Check weather its allowed to deactivate the control
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CLockAppKeyguardControl::DeActivationAllowedL( )
+    {
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Activate control
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLockAppKeyguardControl::HandleActivateEventL( TUint aEnvMask )
+    {    
+    INFO_1("CLockAppKeyguardControl::HandleActivateEventL - aEnvMask: %x", aEnvMask);
+    CLockAppBaseControl::HandleActivateEventL( aEnvMask );
+    if ( IsBitFieldSet( aEnvMask, KLockAppEnvScreenSaverOn ) )
+        {
+        // if screensaver is on - capture primary keys
+        CapturePrimaryKeys( ETrue );
+        }
+    // capture keys
+    CLockAppKeyCaptureController::CaptureKey( EStdKeyApplication0, EKeyApplication0, EKeyCaptureAllEvents ); // App key
+    CLockAppKeyCaptureController::CaptureKey( EStdKeyDevice2, EKeyDevice2, EKeyCaptureAllEvents ); // Power key (for lights)
+    CLockAppKeyCaptureController::CaptureKey( EStdKeyDevice6, EKeyDevice6, EKeyCaptureAllEvents ); // Voice key (for lights)
+    CLockAppKeyCaptureController::CaptureKey( EStdKeyNo, EKeyNo, EKeyCaptureAllEvents ); // End key (for Rosetta lights)
+    SetPointerEventCapture( ETrue );
+    SetKeyguardIndicatorStateL( ETrue );
+    ShowCba( ETrue );
+    // close task-list in case it is displayed : fast-swap window
+    iEikonEnv->DismissTaskList( );
+    if ( iCba )
+        {
+        TBool areWeInIdleState = CEikStatusPaneBase::Current()->PaneCapabilities(TUid::Uid(EEikStatusPaneUidClock)).IsInCurrentLayout( );
+        if ( areWeInIdleState )
+            {
+            (static_cast<CEikCba*>(iCba->ButtonGroup()))->SetSkinBackgroundId( KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaControlIdle );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            (static_cast<CEikCba*>(iCba->ButtonGroup()))->SetSkinBackgroundId( KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaControl );
+            }
+        }
+    if ( iCRPersistentKeyguardStatus )
+        {
+        iCRPersistentKeyguardStatus->SetValue( 1 );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DeActivate control
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLockAppKeyguardControl::HandleDeActivateEventL( TUint aEnvMask )
+    {
+    INFO_1("CLockAppKeyguardControl::HandleDeActivateEventL - aEnvMask: 0x%x", aEnvMask);
+    CLockAppBaseControl::HandleDeActivateEventL( aEnvMask );
+    if ( IsBitFieldSet( aEnvMask, KLockAppEnvScreenSaverOn ) )
+        {
+        // if screensaver is on - uncapture primary keys
+        CapturePrimaryKeys( EFalse );
+        }
+    // phonecall or not - uncapture keys anyway
+    CLockAppKeyCaptureController::ReleaseKey( EStdKeyApplication0 );
+    CLockAppKeyCaptureController::ReleaseKey( EStdKeyDevice2 );
+    CLockAppKeyCaptureController::ReleaseKey( EStdKeyDevice6 );
+    CLockAppKeyCaptureController::ReleaseKey( EStdKeyNo );
+    SetPointerEventCapture( EFalse );
+    SetKeyguardIndicatorStateL( EFalse );
+    ShowCba( EFalse );
+    if ( iCRPersistentKeyguardStatus )
+        {
+        iCRPersistentKeyguardStatus->SetValue( 0 );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handle environment changes (Screensaver, Telephony, etc.)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLockAppKeyguardControl::HandleEnvironmentChange( TUint aEnvMask, TUint aEventMask )
+    {
+    if ( IsBitFieldSet( aEventMask, KLockAppEnvScreenSaverOn ) )
+        {
+        // screen saver state changed
+        CapturePrimaryKeys( IsBitFieldSet( aEnvMask, KLockAppEnvScreenSaverOn ) );
+        }
+    if ( IsBitFieldSet( aEventMask, KLockAppEnvFPS ) )
+        {
+    		// iStateControl.DisableKeyguardL( ETrue );
+    		// iStateControl.LockStatus() != ELockNotActive		// no need to check, because keyguard will catch fingerprint only if not locked
+    		iStateControl.EnableDevicelockL( EDevicelockManual );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Inform the user that keys are locked (i.e. "Please press LSK+'*' to unlock).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLockAppKeyguardControl::DisplayLockedNote( )
+    {
+    ShowNote( iLockedNote, CAknNoteDialog::ELongTimeout, CAknNoteDialog::ENoTone );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handle all Central Repository observer callbacks.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLockAppKeyguardControl::HandleCenRepNotify(TUid aCenRepUid, TUint32 aKeyId, TInt aValue )
+    {
+    if ( aCenRepUid == KCRUidSecuritySettings )
+        {
+        switch ( aKeyId )
+            {
+            case KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime:
+                {
+                INFO_1( "CLockAppKeyguardControl::HandleCenRepNotify - KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime = %d", aValue );
+                ResetInactivityTimeout( );
+                }
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handle all Publish & Subscribe observer callbacks.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLockAppKeyguardControl::HandlePubSubNotify(TUid aPubSubUid, TUint aKeyId, TInt aValue )
+    {
+    if ( aPubSubUid == KPSUidStartup )
+        {
+        switch ( aKeyId )
+            {
+            case KPSGlobalSystemState:
+                {
+                // In case of unexpected reset (e.g. hidden boot) the keylock must be enabled silently.
+                if ( !iAlreadyNormalState && (aValue == ESwStateNormalRfOn || aValue == ESwStateNormalRfOff) )
+                    {
+                    iAlreadyNormalState = ETrue;
+                    TInt keylockWasEnabled = 0;
+                    if ( iCRPersistentKeyguardStatus )
+                        {
+                        iCRPersistentKeyguardStatus->GetValue( keylockWasEnabled );
+                        if ( keylockWasEnabled )
+                            {
+                            TRAPD(err, iStateControl.EnableKeyguardL( EFalse ));
+                            ERROR(err, "CLockAppKeyguardControl::HandlePubSubNotify - EnableKeyguardL");
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    INFO_3( "CLockAppKeyguardControl::HandlePubSubNotify %x %x = %x", aPubSubUid.iUid, aKeyId, aValue );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Show that keys are locked.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLockAppKeyguardControl::DisplayKeysLockedNote( )
+    {
+    ShowNote( iKeypadLockedNote, KKeyLockCustomShortTimeout, CAknNoteDialog::ENoTone );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Show that keys are unlocked.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLockAppKeyguardControl::DisplayKeysActiveNote( )
+    {
+    ShowNote( iKeypadUnlockedNote, KKeyLockCustomShortTimeout, CAknNoteDialog::ENoTone );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Show confirmation note when user has pressed "Unlock".
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLockAppKeyguardControl::DisplayConfirmationNote( )
+    {
+    ShowNote( iConfirmationNote, CAknNoteDialog::EShortTimeout, CAknNoteDialog::EConfirmationTone );
+    // inform sysap to put lights on left soft key press
+    SendMessageToSysAp( EEikKeyLockLightsOnRequest );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Keyguard UI key events are handled trough here.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TKeyResponse CLockAppKeyguardControl::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
+    {
+    INFO_4( "%s %s (%u) iActive=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, iActive );
+    INFO_4( "%s (%u) aKeyEvent.iCode=%x aType=%x", __FILE__, __LINE__, aKeyEvent.iCode, aType );
+    if ( iActive )
+        {
+        		if(AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled())
+        			{
+        			if(aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDeviceF)	// any Type
+        				{
+        				iStateControl.DisableKeyguardL( ETrue );
+        				}
+        			}
+        if ( aType == EEventKeyDown )
+            {
+            switch ( iKeyPattern->HandleKeyEvent( aKeyEvent.iScanCode ) )
+                {
+                case EPatternNoMatch:
+                    DisplayLockedNote( );
+                    break;
+                case EPatternPrimaryMatch:
+                    DisplayConfirmationNote( );
+                    break;
+                case EPatternSecondaryMatch:
+                    iStateControl.DisableKeyguardL( ETrue );
+                    break;
+                default:
+        						INFO_4( "%s %s (%u) default=%x", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 1 );
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    return EKeyWasConsumed;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get autokeyguard timeout (in seconds)
+// @return 0 means Off
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CLockAppKeyguardControl::GetAutoKeyguardTimeout( )
+    {
+    TInt timeoutInSeconds( 0 );
+    iCRAutoKeyguardTime->GetValue( timeoutInSeconds );
+    return timeoutInSeconds;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// Starts monitoring user activity
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+void CLockAppKeyguardControl::StartActivityMonitoringL( )
+    {
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iActivityManager, DoPanic(ELockIllegalState));
+    if ( iActivityManager && !iActivityManager->IsActive() )
+        {
+        TInt value = GetAutoKeyguardTimeout( );
+        INFO_1( "CLockAppKeyguardControl::StartActivityMonitoringL - %d sec", value);
+        if ( value )
+            {
+            iActivityManager->Start( value,
+                    TCallBack( HandleInactiveEventL, this ),
+                    TCallBack( HandleActiveEventL, this ) );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iActivityManager->Start( KAutoKeyguardOff,
+                    TCallBack( HandleInactiveEventL, this ),
+                    TCallBack( HandleActiveEventL, this ) );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// Gets keyguard period and starts monitoring user activity
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+void CLockAppKeyguardControl::ResetInactivityTimeout( )
+    {
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iActivityManager, DoPanic(ELockIllegalState));
+    if ( iActivityManager )
+        {
+        TInt value = GetAutoKeyguardTimeout( );
+        INFO_1( "CLockAppKeyguardControl::ResetInactivityTimeout - %d sec", value);
+        if ( value )
+            {
+            iActivityManager->SetInactivityTimeout( value );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iActivityManager->SetInactivityTimeout( KAutoKeyguardOff );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// Stop monitoring user activity.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+void CLockAppKeyguardControl::StopActivityMonitoring( )
+    {
+    if ( iActivityManager )
+        {
+        iActivityManager->Cancel( );
+        }
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// Handle Active event. Called by ActivityManager
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CLockAppKeyguardControl::HandleActiveEventL(TAny* /*aPtr*/)
+    {
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// Handles InActive event. Called by ActivityManager
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CLockAppKeyguardControl::HandleInactiveEventL(TAny* aPtr )
+    {
+    CLockAppKeyguardControl* keyguard = STATIC_CAST(CLockAppKeyguardControl*, aPtr);
+    if ( keyguard->GetAutoKeyguardTimeout( ) && keyguard->AutoActivationAllowedL( ) )
+        {
+        keyguard->iStateControl.EnableKeyguardL( EFalse );
+        }
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handle UI commands received from the child controls
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLockAppKeyguardControl::ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId )
+    {
+    INFO_1("CLockAppKeyguardControl::ProcessCommandL : %d ", aCommandId );
+    }
+TInt CLockAppKeyguardControl::CountComponentControls( ) const
+    {
+    return 1;
+    }
+CCoeControl* CLockAppKeyguardControl::ComponentControl(TInt /*aIndex*/) const
+    {
+    return iCba;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Notification if layout changes.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLockAppKeyguardControl::HandleResourceChange(TInt aType )
+    {
+    if ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch && iCba )
+        {
+        TRect screenRect;
+        AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, screenRect );
+        iCba->SetBoundingRect( screenRect );
+        }
+    CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange( aType );
+    }