changeset 0 164170e6151a
child 21 09b1ac925e3f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pkiutilities/CertSaver/inc/CertSaverModel.h	Tue Jan 26 15:20:08 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Model of the CertSaver. Saves the keys and certificates
+*              : to the databases and shows appropriate dialogs for user
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <ct/rmpointerarray.h>
+#include <securitydefs.h>
+#include <mpkcs12.h>
+#include <cctcertinfo.h>
+#include <signed.h>
+class CCertSaverDocument;
+class CCertSaverAppUi;
+class RFs;
+class CCertSaverSyncWrapper;
+class CUnifiedCertStore;
+class CCTCertInfo;
+class CX509Certificate;
+class TCertificateAppInfo;
+class CCertParser;
+* CCertSaverModel dialog class.
+* Saves certificates and shows
+* needed queries and error notes for user.
+class CCertSaverModel : public CBase
+    {
+    public: // Constructors and destructor
+        CCertSaverModel( CCertSaverAppUi* aAppUi, const CCertParser& aParser );
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        ~CCertSaverModel();
+    public: // New functions
+        void SaveCertificateL(
+                const CX509Certificate& aCertificate,
+                const TCertificateOwnerType& aOwnerType,
+                const TCertificateFormat& aCertFormat );
+         /**
+        * Saves content of the PKCS#12 PDU.
+        * @param void
+        */
+        void SavePKCS12L();
+        /**
+        * Shows a error note with given text.
+        * @param aResourceID Id of the resource text to be shown.
+        */
+        void ShowErrorNoteL( TInt aResourceID ) const;
+    private:  // New functions
+        /**
+        * Initialises unified certstore.
+        */
+        void InitCertStoreL();
+         /**
+        * Checks that there is enough space in filesystem
+        * @param aDataToSave Data to be saved.
+        */
+        void CheckFSSpaceL( const TDesC8& aDataToSave );
+        void SaveCertL();
+        void SavePrivateKeyL();
+        void DoSavePrivateKeyL( const TDesC8& aKey );
+        void CreateKeyLabelL( TDes& aLabel );
+        void GetKeyValidityPeriodL(
+            TTime& aStartDate,
+            TTime& aEndDate,
+            const TKeyIdentifier& aKeyIdentifier );
+        TKeyUsagePKCS15 KeyUsageL(
+            const TKeyIdentifier& aKeyIdentifier,
+            TAlgorithmId aAlgorithm );
+        TBool KeyAlreadyExistsL(
+            TTime& aStartDate,
+            TTime& aEndDate,
+            const TKeyIdentifier& aKeyIdentifier,
+            TKeyUsagePKCS15& aKeyUsage );
+        /**
+        * Saves certificate to database in phone memory.
+        */
+        void DoSaveCertL();
+        /**
+        * Shows appropriate error note if something odd happeneds
+        * certificate is saved. Shows also note if everything
+        * goes fine.
+        * @param aStatus Status of the save operation.
+        */
+        void HandleSaveErrorL( TInt aStatus ) const;
+        /**
+        * Adds string to aMessage.
+        * @param aMessage Buffer where message is saved.
+        * @param aStringResID id of the string to be added. Read from resources.
+        */
+        void AddToMessageL( TDes& aMessage, TInt aStringResID ) const;
+        /**
+        * Constructs the message shown to user in details-dialog.
+        * @param aMessage Buffer where message is saved.
+        */
+        void ConstructMessageL( TDes& aMessage ) const;
+        /**
+        * Constructs the message shown to user in pkcs#12
+        * file contents and saving completed queries.
+        * @param aMessage Buffer where message is saved.
+        */
+        void ConstructPKCS12QueryMsgL(
+            TDes& aMessage,
+            TInt aPrivateKeys,
+            TInt aUserCerts,
+            TInt aCACerts ) const;
+        /**
+        * Adds string to aMessage.
+        * @param aMessage Buffer where message is saved.
+        * @param aStringResID id of the string to be added. Read from resources.
+        * @param aString Replaces the first (and only) %U parameter in resources.
+        */
+        void AddToMessageWithStringL(
+            TDes& aMessage,
+            TInt aStringResID,
+            const TDesC& aString ) const;
+        /**
+        * Adds string to aMessage.
+        * @param aMessage Buffer where message is saved.
+        * @param aStringResID id of the string to be added. Read from resources.
+        * @param aString Replaces the first (and only) %U parameter in resources.
+        */
+        void AddToMessageWithIntL(
+            TDes& aMessage,
+            TInt aStringResID,
+            TInt aInt ) const;
+        /**
+        * Adds validity period of the certificate to aMessage.
+        * @param aMessage Buffer where message is appended.
+        * @param aCert Certificate
+        */
+        void AddValidityPeriodL( TDes& aMessage, const CX509Certificate& ) const;
+        /**
+        * Adds key usage of the certificate to aMessage.
+        * @param aMessage Buffer where message is appended.
+        * @param aCert Certificate
+        */
+        void AddKeyUsageL( TDes& aMessage, const CX509Certificate& aCert ) const;
+        /**
+        * Adds new lines to message.
+        * @param aMessage Buffer where message is saved.
+        */
+        void AddNewlinesToMessage( TDes& aMessage ) const;
+        /**
+        * Shows a confirmation note with given text.
+        * @param aResourceID Id of the resource text to be shown.
+        */
+        void ShowConfirmationNoteL( TInt aResourceID ) const;
+        /**
+        * Shows a information note with given text.
+        * @param aResourceID Id of the resource text to be shown.
+        */
+        void ShowInformationNoteL( TInt aResourceID ) const;
+        /**
+        * Checks that certificate is ok. That is, it's not
+        * corrupted and it's of supported type. If certificate
+        * is not ok an error note is displayed. If certificate
+        * is not valid yet/anymore an error note is displayed
+        * but certificate is considered to be ok ie. can be saved anyway.
+        * @return TBool ETrue if ok else EFalse.
+        */
+        TBool CertificateOkL() const;
+        /**
+        * Checks that certificate is of supported type.
+        * @return TBool ETrue if supported else EFalse.
+        */
+        TBool CertificateSupported() const;
+        /**
+        * Checks if certificate isn't valid anymore.
+        * @return TBool ETrue if not valid else EFalse.
+        */
+        TBool CertNotValidAnymore() const;
+        /**
+        * Checks if certificate isn't valid yet.
+        * @return TBool ETrue if not valid else EFalse.
+        */
+        TBool CertNotValidYet() const;
+        /**
+        * Trims given descriptor so that everything after and
+        * including the fourth semicolon (;) is cropped. .
+        * @param aField data to be trimmed.
+        * @return TPtrC trimmed content
+        */
+        TPtrC TrimCertificateFields( TPtrC aField ) const;
+        /**
+        * If given descriptor contains more than 80
+        * characters, this function cut it to 80.
+        * @param aField data to be possibly cut.
+        * @return TPtrC trimmed content
+        */
+        TPtrC CutCertificateField( TPtrC aField ) const;
+        /**
+        * Queries label from user and confirms that label doesn't already
+        * exist.
+        * @param aLabel IN Default label of the Certificate
+        *               OUT Unique label that might been changed by user
+        * @param aStore Unified Certificate Store
+        * @return KErrNone if everything is ok.
+        *         KErrCancel if user pressed cancel
+        *         Otherwise status of the list operation.
+        *
+        */
+        TInt QueryLabelL( TCertLabel& aLabel, CUnifiedCertStore& aStore );
+        /**
+        * Queries trust settings from user
+        * @param OUT aUids contains user selected uids of
+        * the trusted applications
+        * @return KErrNone if everything is ok.
+        *         KErrCancel if user pressed cancel
+        *         Otherwise status of the list operation.
+        *
+        */
+        TInt QueryTrusterUidsL( RArray<TUid>& aUids );
+        /**
+        * Queries trust site certificate from user
+        * @param
+        * @return KErrNone if everything is ok.
+        *         KErrCancel if user pressed cancel
+        *         Otherwise status of the list operation.
+        *
+        */
+        TInt QueryTrustedSiteL();
+        /**
+        * Updates localised strings to listbox item array
+        * @param aApps All trusted applications
+        * @param aAppsInItemArray Trusted applications in right order.
+        * @param aItemsArray Localised strings in same order.
+        * @return void
+        *
+        */
+        void UpdateTrustListboxItemL(
+            const RArray<TCertificateAppInfo>& aApps,
+            RArray<TCertificateAppInfo>& aAppsInItemArray,
+            CDesCArray& aItemsArray ) const;
+        /**
+        * Divides string to four characters blocks
+        * and delimits them with space.
+        * @param aInput String to devide
+        * @param aOutput Descriptor where result is appended
+        * @return void
+        */
+        void DivideToBlocks( const TDesC8& aInput, TDes& aOutput ) const;
+        TBool DoMessageQueryL(
+            TInt aDialogResId,
+            TInt aHeadingResId,
+            TDesC& aMessage );
+    private: //data
+        TCertificateOwnerType     iCertOwnerType;
+        TCertificateFormat        iCertFormat;
+        const CCertSaverDocument* iDocument;
+        CCertSaverAppUi*          iAppUi;
+        CCertSaverSyncWrapper*    iWrapper;    // synchronous wrapper
+        // variables for SaveCertL
+        CUnifiedCertStore*          iUnifiedCertStore;
+        RMPointerArray<CCTCertInfo> iEntries;
+        const CCertificate*         iNewCert;
+        RArray<TUid>                iTrusterUids;
+        RFs& iFs;
+        const CCertParser& iParser;
+        TInt  iSavedCACertsCount;
+        TInt  iSavedKeysCount;
+        TInt  iSavedUserCertsCount;
+        TInt  iSelectedKeyStore;
+        TBool iKeyAlreadyExists;
+    };
+// End of File