* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file contains the header of a CCrPKCS12 Class.
#ifndef CRPKCS12
#define CRPKCS12
#include "CX509CertificateSet.h" // X509CertificateSet
#include "crcrypto.h" // Crypto library
#include <crber.h> // CCrBer
#include <e32base.h>
#include <secdlg.h>
// Object Identifiers
// They are used to identify different objects
enum TCrPkcs12Algorithm
// Pkcs12 algorithms.
const TInt K40BitRC2KeySize = 5;
const TInt K128BitRC2KeySize = 16;
const TInt KDesKeySize = 8;
// Digest algorithm identifiers
_LIT(KCrSha1,""); // Digest algorithm Sha1.
_LIT(KCrMD5, "1.2.840.113549.2.5"); // Digest algorithm Sha1.
// Used pkcs12 encryption algorithms
_LIT(KpbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC4,"1.2.840.113549."); // These are algorith
_LIT(KpbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC4,"1.2.840.113549."); // identifiers for deriving
_LIT(KpbeWithSHAAnd3_KeyTripleDES_CBC,"1.2.840.113549."); // keys and IVs.
_LIT(KpbeWithSHAAnd2_KeyTripleDES_CBC,"1.2.840.113549."); // As implied by their
_LIT(KpbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC2_CBC,"1.2.840.113549."); // names, all of the object
_LIT(KpbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC2_CBC,"1.2.840.113549."); // identifiers here use the hash
// function SHA-1.
// Pkcs12 SafeBags-types
_LIT(KkeyBag,"1.2.840.113549."); // SafeBag types. Each SafeBag holds one piece
_LIT(Kpkcs8ShroudedKeyBag,"1.2.840.113549."); // of information -a key,
_LIT(KcertBag,"1.2.840.113549."); // a certificate, etc.- which is identified
_LIT(KcrlBag,"1.2.840.113549."); // by an object identifier.
// Pkcs7 datatypes used in this library
_LIT(Kpkcs7Data,"1.2.840.113549.1.7.1"); // Pkcs7 Data-type
_LIT(Kpkcs7EncryptedData,"1.2.840.113549.1.7.6"); // Pkcs7 encryptedData-type
// Pkcs9 object identifiers
_LIT(Kpkcs9LocalKeyId,"1.2.840.113549.1.9.21"); // LocalKeyId. This is used to identify
// what certificate belongs to what
// PrivateKey
_LIT(Kx509certificate,"1.2.840.113549."); // X509Certificate
// pkcs1 object identifier for rsaEncryption
_LIT(Kpkcs1rsaEncryption,"1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"); // For PrivateKey
_LIT(KdsaSignatureKey,"1.2.840.10040.4.1"); // DSA signature key
const TInt KVersion3 = 0x3; // Version number for PFX
const TInt KVersion1 = 0x0; // PrivateKey version
const TInt KFirstObject = 0; // First object
const TInt KEdVer0 = 0x0; // PKCS #7 Encrypted-data content type
// version number
const TInt KId1 = 1; // If ID = 1, then pseudo-random bits being produced are
// used as key material for performing encryption / decryption
const TInt KId2 = 2; // If ID = 2, then pseudo-random bits produced are to be used as
// an IV (Initial Value) for encryption / decryption
const TInt KId3 = 3; // If ID = 3, then pseudo-random bits being produced are to be
// used as an integrity key for MAC-ing.
* Class CCrPKCS12
* Class CCrPKCS12 opens pkcs12-file with help of CCrBer-library.
* @lib crpkcs12.lib
* @since Series 60 3.0
// Constructors and destructors.
void ConstructL();
static CCrPKCS12* NewLC();
static CCrPKCS12* NewL();
public: // Functions
// This is the main function of this library. It validates PKCS #12 file,
// checks integrity of file, checks password, opens and decrypts ContentInfo,
// decrypts certificates and private keys. If this function returns
// ValidFile, other exported functions can be called.
TCrStatus OpenL(
CCrData& aPkcs12File,
const TDesC16& aPassword );
// Returns set of CX509Certificate objects defined in certman.
// These are CACertificates.
const CX509CertificateSet& CACertificates() const;
// Returns set of TDesC8 objects defined in certman.
// These are CACertificates.
const CArrayPtrFlat<TDesC8>& CACertificateBuffer() const;
// Returns set of CX509Certificate objects defined in certman.
// These are UserCertificates.
const CX509CertificateSet& UserCertificates() const;
// Returns set of TDesC8 objects defined in certman.
// These are UserCertificates.
const CArrayPtrFlat<TDesC8>& UserCertificateBuffer() const;
const CArrayPtrFlat<HBufC8>& PrivateKeys() const;
// Returns the number of iterations.
TUint Iter();
// Returns mac.
HBufC8* Mac();
// Returns salt.
HBufC8* Salt();
// Returns number of SafeBags in PKCS #12 file.
TUint SafeBagsCount();
// Private helper class for asynchronous calls.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CPKCS12SyncWrapper ): public CActive
TInt EnterPasswordL(const TPINParams& aPINParams, TBool aRetry, TPINValue& aPINValue);
protected: // Functions from base classes
* From CActive
void DoCancel();
void RunL();
TInt SetActiveAndWait();
MSecurityDialog* iSecDlg;
CActiveSchedulerWait iWait;
// Jumps next object at same level, used in Open-function.
TUint JumpNextObjectAtSameLevel();
// Returns what's the algorithm (via OID).
// Returns 0, if it isn't algorithm at all.
TUint GetAlgorithmL( HBufC* aBuf );
// This function adds given certificate to given set.
void PutCertsIntoSetL(CX509CertificateSet* aSet,
CArrayPtrFlat<TDesC8>* aBufSet,
HBufC8* aX509certificate );
// This function generates double byte pasword from given eight
// byte password and calls VerifyMac.
TBool VerifyMacFromEightBytePassword(const TDesC8& aPassWord);
// Verifies mac (integrity of file and if password is correct).
// Used in Open-function.
TBool VerifyMacL(const TDesC8& aPassWord);
TBool VerifyMacL(const TDesC16& aPassWord);
// Opens ContentInfo, used in Open-function.
TBool ReadContentInfo( CCrData& aContentInfo );
// Decodes SafeBags. Used in Open function.
TInt DecodeSafeBagsL();
// Decrypts ContentInfo, used in OpenContentInfo-function.
TBool UnpackContentInfo( CCrData& aContentData );
// Decrypts pkcs7Data, used in DecryptContentInfo-function.
TBool UnpackPkcs7DataL( CCrData& aPkcs7Data );
// Unpacks pkcs7EncryptedData, used in DecryptContentInfo-
// function.
TBool UnpackPkcs7EncryptedDataL( CCrData& aPkcs7EncryptedData );
// Decrypts pkcs7EncryptesData, used in UnpackPkcs7EncryptedData
// function.
TBool DecryptPkcs7EncryptedDataL(HBufC8* aPkcs7EncryptedData,
HBufC8* aSalt,
TInt aIter,
TInt aAlgorithm );
// Extracts contents of keybag, used in DecodeSafeBags function.
void CCrPKCS12::ExtractKeybagL( CCrData& aSafeBag );
// Decrypts pkcs8-shroudedkeybag, used in DecodeSafeBags function.
void DecryptShroudedKeybagL( CCrData& aSafeBag );
// Decodes certificate bag, used in DecodeSafeBags function.
void DecodeCertBagL( CCrData& aSafeBags );
// Decrypts private key, used in DecryptShroudedKeybag.
TBool DecryptPrivateKeyL( HBufC8* aEncryptedPrivateKey,
HBufC8* aSalt,
TInt aIter,
TInt aAlgorithm );
// Gets SafeBags LocalKeyId. This is used to identidy what certificate
// belongs to private key. Used in DecryptPrivateKey function.
HBufC8* GetLocalKeyId( CCrData& aBagData );
void DecryptDataL( const TDesC8& aEncryptedData,
const TDesC8& aSalt,
TInt aIter,
TInt aAlgorithm,
TDes8& aDecryptedData );
private: // Data.
// Iterations
TUint iIter;
// CCrBerSet, set of CCrBer-objects, from crber.lib.
CCrBerSet* iberSet;
// CCrBer-object, from crber.lib.
CCrBer* iberObject;
// UserCertificates, contains set of CX509Certificate Objects,
// defined in certman. These certificates are user certificates.
// Usually there are just one user certificate in PKCS #12 file.
CX509CertificateSet* iUserCertificates;
// CACertificates, contains set of CX509Certificate Objects,
// defined in certman. These certificates are CA certificates.
CX509CertificateSet* iCACertificates;
CArrayPtrFlat<TDesC8>* iUserCertificateBuffer;
CArrayPtrFlat<TDesC8>* iCACertificateBuffer;
// Decrypted PKCS#8 encoded private keys.
CArrayPtrFlat<HBufC8>* iPKCS8PrivateKeyArray;
// This is private keys' LocalKeyIds. With these we can identify
// a corresponding certificate.
RPointerArray<HBufC8> iPrivateKeyIdArray;
// For storing mac.
HBufC8* iMac;
// For storing salt.
HBufC8* iSalt;
// index number of berObject.
TInt iObjectNum;
// Password given to Open function. Must be available to other
// functions also, so it is declared here.
HBufC8* iPassWord;
// Number of SafeBags.
TInt iSafeBagsCount;
// Used HMAC-algorithm.
TInt iHMACalgorithm;
// PKCS #7 data.
HBufC8* iContentInfo;
// SafeBags.
HBufC8* iBags;
HBufC8* iDecryptionKey;
TFileName iFileName;