changeset 5 989d2f495d90
child 10 fc9cf246af83
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:a36b1e19a461 5:989d2f495d90
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of the add contact observer functionality.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 //User include
    20 #include "addcontactobserver.h"
    21 #include "contactcallback.h"
    23 //System include 
    24 #include "contactservice.h"// for iContactService
    25 #include <mvpbkcontactstore.h>// for iContactStore
    26 #include <mvpbkstorecontact.h>// used in many function to get the store contact
    27 #include <mvpbkcontactoperationbase.h>//for observer
    28 #include <mvpbkcontactlink.h>//for param in ContactsSaved()
    29 #include <MVPbkContactGroup.h>
    30 #include <MVPbkContactFieldTextData.h>
    31 #include <MVPbkContactFieldData.h>
    32 #include <MVPbkContactFieldBinaryData.h>
    33 #include <MVPbkContactFieldDateTimeData.h>
    35 /*
    36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    37 CAddContactObserver::NewL( CContactService* aContactService,
    38 											 	MVPbkContactStore* aContactStore, 
    39 											 	CSingleContact* aStoreContact,
    40 											 	const TDesC8& aGroupId,
    41 											 	const TDesC& aGroupLabel,
    42 											 	TInt aTransId,
    43 											 	MContactCallback* aCallback)
    44 Description        : Static method to create instance of add contact observer.
    45 Return values      : CAddContactObserver*
    46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    47 */
    48 CAddContactObserver* CAddContactObserver::NewL(CContactService* aContactService,
    49 											   MVPbkContactStore* aContactStore, 
    50 											   CSingleContact* aStoreContact,
    51 											   const TDesC8& aGroupId,
    52 											   const TDesC& aGroupLabel,
    53 											   TInt aTransId,
    54 											   MContactCallback* aCallback)
    55     {
    57     CAddContactObserver* self =  new( ELeave )
    58                                  CAddContactObserver(aContactService, 
    59         										     aContactStore, 
    60         										     aStoreContact,        										     
    61         										     aTransId,
    62         										     aCallback);
    65     CleanupStack::PushL(self);            										     
    66     self->ConstructL(aGroupId,aGroupLabel);    										   
    67     CleanupStack::Pop(self);										   
    68     return self;
    69     }
    71 /*
    72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 CAddContactObserver::CAddContactObserver(CVPbkContactManager* aContactManager, 
    74 									    MVPbkContactStore* aContactStore, 
    75 									    CSingleContact* aStoreContact,										 
    76 									    TInt aTransId,
    77 									    MContactCallback* aCallback)
    78 Description        : This is the default constructor
    79 Return values      : N/A										    
    80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 */
    83 CAddContactObserver::CAddContactObserver( CContactService* aContactService,
    84 										  MVPbkContactStore* aContactStore, 
    85 										  CSingleContact* aStoreContact,										 
    86 										  TInt aTransId,
    87 										  MContactCallback* aCallback )
    88     {
    89     iContactService = aContactService;
    90     iContactStore = aContactStore;
    91     iStoreContact = aStoreContact;    
    92     iGroupId = NULL;    
    93     iGroupLabel = NULL;    
    94     iTransId = aTransId;
    95     iCallback = aCallback;
    96     iLockFlag = EFalse;
    97     iContact = NULL;
    98     iGroup = NULL;
    99     iOp = NULL;
   100     iErrorID = 0;    
   101     }
   103 void CAddContactObserver::ConstructL(const TDesC8& aGroupId,
   104     							     const TDesC& aGroupLabel)
   105     {
   106     iGroupId = HBufC8 :: NewL(aGroupId.Length());
   107     *iGroupId = aGroupId;
   109     iGroupLabel = HBufC :: NewL(aGroupLabel.Length());
   110     *iGroupLabel = aGroupLabel;    
   111     }
   114 /*
   115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   116 CAddContactObserver::~CAddContactObserver()
   117 Description        : Destructor
   118 Return values      : N/A										    
   119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 */
   122 CAddContactObserver::~CAddContactObserver()
   123     {
   124     delete iGroupId;
   125     delete iGroupLabel;
   126     delete iContact;
   127   	delete iGroup;
   128 	if(iOp)
   129 	{
   130 	delete iOp;	
   131 	}
   133     if(iContactStore)
   134         {
   135         iContactStore->Close(*this);
   136         }
   137     }
   139 /*
   140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   141 CAddContactObserver::Cancel()
   142 Description 		: Cancel implementation relevant to AddObserver
   143 Return values		: KErrorNone on Success and KErrGeneral on Failure
   144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 */
   147 void CAddContactObserver::Cancel()
   148 	{
   149 	iCallback->HandleReturnValue(EOpCancel, KErrNone, iTransId);
   150 	delete this;	
   151 	}
   153 /*
   154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   155 CAddContactObserver::CreateAndAddFieldToContactL()
   156 Description        : This method creates the contact field and adds to the data base.
   157 Return values      : N/A										    
   158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   159 */
   160 void CAddContactObserver::CreateAndAddFieldToContactL()
   161     {
   162     TPtrC8 fieldKey(KNullDesC8);
   163     TPtrC  label(KNullDesC); 
   164     TPtrC  value(KNullDesC);    
   165     iErrorID = 0;
   167     TInt fieldCount = iStoreContact->FieldCount();
   168 	const CVPbkContactManager* contactManager = &(iContactService->GetContactManager());
   169     for(TInt index = 0; index < fieldCount; index++)
   170     {
   171     CSingleContactField* field = iStoreContact->FieldAt(index);
   173     field->GetFieldDataL(fieldKey, label, value);
   174     TInt fieldTypeResId = CSearchFields::GetIdFromFieldKey(fieldKey);
   175     iErrorID =  fieldTypeResId;        
   176     MVPbkStoreContactField* cntField = 
   177     			iContact->CreateFieldLC( * contactManager->FieldTypes().Find( fieldTypeResId ) );
   179     iErrorID = 0;
   181     TVPbkFieldStorageType storageType = cntField->FieldData().DataType();
   183     if( EVPbkFieldStorageTypeBinary == storageType )
   184     	{        
   185         //(MVPbkContactFieldBinaryData::Cast(cntField->FieldData())).SetBinaryDataL( value8bit );
   186     	}
   187     else if( EVPbkFieldStorageTypeDateTime == storageType )
   188     	{
   189     	TTime timeVal = field->GetDateTime();
   190     	(MVPbkContactFieldDateTimeData::Cast(cntField->FieldData())).SetDateTime( timeVal );
   191     	}
   192     else
   193     	{
   194     	(MVPbkContactFieldTextData::Cast(cntField->FieldData())).SetTextL( value );
   195     	}
   197 	TRAP_IGNORE(cntField->SetFieldLabelL(label));
   199     iContact->AddFieldL(cntField);
   201     CleanupStack::Pop(); //cntField
   202     }
   203     }
   206 /*
   207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   208 CAddContactObserver::DoAddL()
   209 Description        : Called for 1) Adding a new contact/group to the contacts database.
   210                                 2) Editing a contact/group from the contacts database.
   211 Return values      : N/A                               
   212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   213 */
   214 void CAddContactObserver::DoAddL()
   215     {
   216     //if iStoreContact is non-null pointer then it is a new contact or existing contact.
   217     if( iStoreContact )
   218         {
   219         //get contact id from the contact.
   220     	TPtrC8 cntId = iStoreContact->GetContactId();
   221     	//If cntId is null then it is new contact, get the fields from the CSingleContact
   222     	//create new contact, add the fields to it and commit the contact.
   223     	if( cntId == KNullDesC8 )
   224             {
   225             iContact = iContactStore->CreateNewContactLC();
   226             CleanupStack::Pop(); //contact
   228             CreateAndAddFieldToContactL();
   230             iContact->CommitL(*this);
   232             }
   233     	else //Edit contact : retrieve contact and update the fields and commit.
   234         	{
   235         	const CVPbkContactManager* contactManager = &(iContactService->GetContactManager());
   236     		MVPbkContactLinkArray* linkArray = contactManager->CreateLinksLC(cntId);
   237     		const MVPbkContactLink* link = &(linkArray->At(0));
   238     		CleanupStack::Pop(); //linkArray
   239     		MVPbkContactOperationBase* iOp =contactManager->RetrieveContactL(*link, *this);
   240         	}
   241     }
   242     //group id is not null and grp label is not null then exiting grp, 
   243     //retrieve the grp,and edit the label.
   244     else if( *iGroupId != KNullDesC8 && *iGroupLabel != KNullDesC )
   245         {
   246         const CVPbkContactManager* contactManager = &(iContactService->GetContactManager());
   247     	MVPbkContactLinkArray* linkArray = contactManager->CreateLinksLC(*iGroupId);
   248     	const MVPbkContactLink* link = &(linkArray->At(0));
   249     	CleanupStack::Pop(); //linkArray
   250     	contactManager->RetrieveContactL(*link, *this);
   251         }
   252     //if grp id is null and grp label is non-null then, create new grp and set the label.
   253     else if( *iGroupId == KNullDesC8 && *iGroupLabel != KNullDesC )
   254         {
   255     	iGroup = iContactStore->CreateNewContactGroupLC();
   256     	iGroup->SetGroupLabelL(*iGroupLabel);
   257     	iGroup->CommitL( *this );
   258     	CleanupStack::Pop(); //group
   259         }
   260     }
   262 /*
   263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   264 CAddContactObserver::DoCommitL()
   265 Description        : Commit contact to the contacts database.
   266 Return values      : TInt                               
   267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   268 */
   269 TInt CAddContactObserver::DoCommitL( TContactOpResult aResult )
   270     {
   271     TInt retVal = KErrGeneral;
   273 	//if lockflag is true, opcode is EContactLock, group id is not null 
   274 	//and grp label is not null then exiting grp, get ptr to grp from 
   275 	//contact and edit the label and commit the same.
   276 	if( iLockFlag && 
   277 		aResult.iOpCode == EContactLock && 
   278 		((*iGroupId != KNullDesC8) && (*iGroupLabel != KNullDesC)) )
   279     	{
   280 		(iContact->Group())->SetGroupLabelL(*iGroupLabel);
   281 	    (iContact->Group())->CommitL(*this);
   282 		//set lock flag to false, as it is done.
   283 		iLockFlag = EFalse;
   284 		//set return value to ErrNone...completed successfully.
   285 	    retVal = KErrNone;
   286     	}	
   287 	//lock is success, so update the fields in the contact and commit.
   288 	else if( iLockFlag && aResult.iOpCode == EContactLock )
   289 	    {	
   290 		//remove all the fields from the original contact.
   291 		iContact->RemoveAllFields();
   293 		//add new fields to the contact;
   294 		CreateAndAddFieldToContactL( );
   296 		//added all the fields...commit the contact.
   297 		iContact->CommitL( *this );
   298 		//set lock flag to false, as it is done.
   299 		iLockFlag = EFalse;
   300 		//set return value to ErrNone...completed successfully.
   301 		retVal = KErrNone;
   302 	    }
   303 	else if( aResult.iOpCode == EContactCommit )
   304 	    {
   305 		retVal = KErrNone; 
   306     	}
   308 	return retVal;
   309     }
   311 /*
   312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   313 void CAddContactObserver::DoEditContactOrGroupL(MVPbkStoreContact* aContact)
   314 Description        : This method is used to edit the group,it locks 
   315                      the contact to be edited and performs the edit operation.
   316 Return values      : N/A                                
   317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   318 */
   319 void CAddContactObserver::DoEditContactOrGroupL(MVPbkStoreContact* aContact)
   320     {
   321 	//Edit contact : lock the contact for edit operation.
   322 	iLockFlag = ETrue;
   323 	aContact->LockL(*this);
   324 	if(!iContact )
   325 		{
   326 		iContact = aContact;    
   327 		}
   328     }
   331 /*
   332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   333 CAddContactObserver::ContactOperationCompleted( TContactOpResult aResult )
   334 Description        : Virtual Phonebook Observer method called back once 
   335                      the contact operation is completed successfully.
   336 Return values      : N/A                                
   337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   338 */
   339 void CAddContactObserver::ContactOperationCompleted( TContactOpResult aResult )
   340     {
   341 	//if lock operation is successfull then it enters here...
   342 	//call DoCommitL(), to commit the contact into the contact store.
   343 	TRAPD(error, error = DoCommitL(aResult));
   345 	//notify the user with the status of the operation.
   346 	if((aResult.iOpCode != EContactLock) || (error != KErrNone))
   347 	    {
   348     	iContactService->RequestComplete(iTransId);
   349 		iCallback->HandleReturnValue(EOpComplete, error, iTransId);
   350 		delete this;
   351     	}
   352     }
   354 /*
   355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   356 CAddContactObserver::ContactOperationFailed(TContactOp aOpCode, 
   357                                             TInt aErrorCode, 
   358                                             TBool aErrorNotified)
   359 Description        : Virtual Phonebook Observer method called back if 
   360                      the contact operation is Failed.
   361 Return values      : N/A                               
   362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   363 */
   364 void CAddContactObserver::ContactOperationFailed(TContactOp /*aOpCode*/, 
   365                                                  TInt aErrorCode, 
   366                                                  TBool /*aErrorNotified*/)
   367     {
   368 	//operation failed....handle the error
   369 	iContactService->RequestComplete(iTransId);
   370 	iCallback->HandleReturnValue(EOpError, aErrorCode, iTransId);
   371 	delete this;
   372     }
   374 /*
   375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   376 CAddContactObserver::ContactOperationFailed(TContactOp aOpCode, 
   377                                             TInt aErrorCode, 
   378                                             TBool aErrorNotified)
   379 Description        : Virtual Phonebook Observer method called back when OpenL(),
   380                      the database open operation is successfull.
   381 Return values      : N/A                                
   382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   383 */	    
   384 void CAddContactObserver::StoreReady(MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore)
   385     {
   386 	iContactStore = &aContactStore;
   388 	TRAPD(error, DoAddL());
   390     if( error !=  KErrNone )
   391         {        
   392        	iContactService->RequestComplete(iTransId);
   393        	if(error == KErrNotSupported && iErrorID != 0)
   394             {                        
   395             iCallback->HandleReturnValue(EInvalidKey, iErrorID, iTransId);    
   396             }            
   397         else
   398             {
   399             iCallback->HandleReturnValue(EOpComplete, error, iTransId);    
   400             }    
   402         delete this;
   403         }
   405     }
   407 /*
   408 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   409 CAddContactObserver::StoreUnavailable(MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore,
   410                                            TInt aReason)
   411 Description        : Virtual Phonebook Observer method called back when OpenL(),
   412                      the database open operation is failed due to unavailable store.
   413 Return values      : N/A                                
   414 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   415 */	 
   416 void CAddContactObserver::StoreUnavailable(MVPbkContactStore& /*aContactStore*/,
   417                                            TInt aReason)
   418     {
   419 	//store open failed.....handle the error
   420 	iContactService->RequestComplete(iTransId);
   421 	iCallback->HandleReturnValue(EOpError, aReason, iTransId);
   423 	delete this;
   424     }
   426 /*
   427 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   428 CAddContactObserver::HandleStoreEventL(MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore, 
   429                                        TVPbkContactStoreEvent aStoreEvent)
   430 Description        : Virtual Phonebook Observer method Not used here.                     
   431 Return values      : N/A                                
   432 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   433 */	 
   434 void CAddContactObserver::HandleStoreEventL(MVPbkContactStore& /*aContactStore*/, 
   435                                             TVPbkContactStoreEvent /*aStoreEvent*/)
   436     {
   437     	//do nothing here     	
   438     }
   440 /*
   441 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   442 CAddContactObserver::VPbkSingleContactOperationComplete
   443                         (MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation,
   444                 		 MVPbkStoreContact* aContact)
   445 Description        : Virtual Phonebook Observer method called back when
   446                      Single Contact Operation completes successfully..
   447 Return values      : N/A                                
   448 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   449 */
   451 void CAddContactObserver::VPbkSingleContactOperationComplete
   452                           (MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation,
   453                 		  MVPbkStoreContact* aContact)
   455     {
   456 	delete &aOperation;
   457 	TRAPD(error, DoEditContactOrGroupL(aContact));
   458 	if(KErrNone != error)
   459 	    {
   460     	iContactService->RequestComplete(iTransId);
   461 		iCallback->HandleReturnValue(EOpComplete, error, iTransId);
   462 		delete this;
   463 	    }
   464     }
   466 /*
   467 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   468 CAddContactObserver::VPbkSingleContactOperationFailed
   469                           (MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation, 
   470         				   TInt aError)
   471 Description        : Virtual Phonebook Observer method called back when
   472                      Single Contact Operation fails.
   473 Return values      : N/A                                
   474 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   475 */
   476 void CAddContactObserver::VPbkSingleContactOperationFailed
   477                           (MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation, 
   478         				   TInt aError)
   479     {
   480 	delete &aOperation;
   481 	iContactService->RequestComplete(iTransId);
   482 	iCallback->HandleReturnValue(EOpError, aError, iTransId);
   484 	delete this;
   485     }