changeset 0 14df0fbfcc4e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sapi_applicationmanager/src/appmanagerinterface.cpp	Mon Mar 30 12:51:10 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1099 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  This Class provides the interface for
+*				 calling the functionality to Application Manager SAPI.
+*  Interafce
+#include <Liwcommon.h>
+#include <Liwbufferextension.h>
+#include <utf.h>
+#include "appmanagerinterface.h"
+#include "appmanagerservice.h"
+#include "appitemslist.h"
+#include "appserviceobserver.h"
+#include "serviceerrno.h"
+#include "appserviceerrmsg.hrh"
+//Supported Operation
+_LIT8(KGetList,  "GetList");
+_LIT8(KCancel,  "Cancel");
+//Input Keys/arguments
+// Data source name
+// Filter Map
+//Filter criteria
+//_LIT8(KPath ,"Path");
+//Possible Content
+//Output Keys/arguments
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAppManagerInterface::NewLC
+// Returns the instance of CAppManagerInterface.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAppManagerInterface* CAppManagerInterface::NewL()
+	{
+	CAppManagerInterface* self = new ( ELeave )CAppManagerInterface();
+	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+	return self;
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAppManagerInterface::~CAppManagerInterface
+// Destructor of class
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	{
+     //Release the instance of core class
+	 delete iCoreClass;
+     iCoreClass = NULL;
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAppManagerService::ExecuteCmdL
+// Request handler method of interface class
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAppManagerInterface::ExecuteCmdL(const TDesC8& aCmdName,
+                           const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
+                           CLiwGenericParamList& aOutParamList,
+                           TUint aCmdOptions ,
+                           MLiwNotifyCallback* aCallBack)
+	{
+    TInt32 transactionID = 0;
+	TInt errCode = 0;
+	TInt pos = 0;
+    const TLiwGenericParam* param = NULL;
+    TLiwGenericParam posbasedparam;
+    if( (aCmdOptions & KLiwOptCancel ) && (0== aCmdName.CompareF( KCancel ))) // for cancel asynchronous request
+	    {
+            param = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KTransactionID );
+            if( !param )
+                {
+                if( aInParamList.Count() > 0 )
+                    {
+                     pos = 0;
+                     aInParamList.AtL( pos, posbasedparam );
+                     if (posbasedparam.Value().IsEmpty() )
+                        {
+                        param = NULL;
+                        }
+                     else
+                        {
+                        param = &posbasedparam;
+                        }
+                     }
+                 }
+            if( param )
+			    {
+			    param->Value().Get( transactionID );
+                errCode = iCoreClass->Cancel( transactionID );
+		    	if ( KErrNone != errCode )
+			        {
+			        TInt sapiErr = SapiError(errCode);
+                    aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam(KErrorCode,TLiwVariant((TInt32)sapiErr)));
+                    aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KIncorrectTransactionId ) ) );
+			        }
+			    }
+			else
+			    {
+			    aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam ( KErrorCode,TLiwVariant( TInt32( SErrMissingArgument ) ) ) );
+			    aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KTransactionIdMissing ) ) );
+	            }
+	    return;
+    	}
+    // Check the command name;Cmd name should be GetList,LaunchApp or LaunchDoc
+	if( 0 == aCmdName.CompareF( KGetList ) )
+		{
+	    //Call GetListAPI
+	    if( (aCmdOptions & KLiwOptASyncronous ) && ( NULL != aCallBack ) ) //Asynchronous request
+		    {
+		    //No Asynch version of getlist is supported
+             aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam(KErrorCode,TLiwVariant((TInt32)SapiError(KErrNotSupported))));
+             aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant(KAsynchVersionNotSupported ) ) );
+		    }
+		else if( (!aCmdOptions) && ( NULL == aCallBack ) ) //Synchronous request
+		    {
+		    GetListL( aInParamList, aOutParamList );
+		    }
+		else
+		    {
+		    aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam(KErrorCode,TLiwVariant((TInt32)SapiError(KErrArgument))));
+		    aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KAsynchRequestNotProper ) )  );    
+		    }
+	    }
+	else if( 0 == aCmdName.CompareF( KLaunchApp ) )
+	    {
+	    //Call LaunchApp API
+	    if( (aCmdOptions & KLiwOptASyncronous ) && ( NULL != aCallBack ) ) //Asynchronous request
+	        {
+	        //Asynch Call
+	        transactionID = aCallBack->GetTransactionID();
+	        LaunchAppL( aInParamList, aOutParamList, aCallBack , transactionID );
+	        }
+	    else if( (!aCmdOptions) && ( NULL == aCallBack ) ) //Synchronous request
+	        {
+	        //Synchronous Call
+	        LaunchAppL( aInParamList, aOutParamList);
+	        }
+	    else
+	        {
+	        aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam(KErrorCode,TLiwVariant((TInt32)SapiError(KErrArgument))));
+		    aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KAsynchRequestNotProper ) )  );       
+	        }
+	    }
+	else if( 0 == aCmdName.CompareF( KLaunchDoc )  )
+	    {
+	    //Call LaunchDoc API
+	    if( (aCmdOptions & KLiwOptASyncronous ) && ( NULL != aCallBack ) ) //Asynchronous request
+	        {
+	         //Asynch Call
+	         transactionID = aCallBack->GetTransactionID();
+	         LaunchDocL( aInParamList, aOutParamList, aCallBack , transactionID );
+	        }
+	    else if( (!aCmdOptions) && ( NULL == aCallBack ) ) //Synchronous request
+	        {
+	        //Synchronous Call
+	        LaunchDocL( aInParamList, aOutParamList);
+	        }
+	    else
+	        {
+	        aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam(KErrorCode,TLiwVariant((TInt32)SapiError(KErrArgument))));
+		    aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KAsynchRequestNotProper ) )  );       
+	        }    
+	    }
+	else
+	    {
+	    //error code = command not supported
+	    aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam(KErrorCode,TLiwVariant((TInt32)SapiError(KErrNotSupported))));
+	    aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KCommandNotSupported ) ) );
+	    }
+    if( (aCmdOptions & KLiwOptASyncronous ) && ( NULL != aCallBack ) ) //Asynchronous request
+        {
+		aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KTransactionID, TLiwVariant( transactionID ) ) );
+        }
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAppManagerInterface::CAppManagerInterface
+// Constructor  of class
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                       :iCoreClass( NULL )
+	{
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAppManagerInterface::ConstructL
+// Two-phased constructor of class
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAppManagerInterface::ConstructL()
+	{
+	// Create the instance of core class
+	iCoreClass = CAppManagerService::NewL();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAppManagerInterface::GetListL
+// This function will send the request to Core class
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAppManagerInterface::GetListL(const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList , CLiwGenericParamList& aOutParamList  )
+	{
+	 TLiwGenericParam posbasedparam;
+     TBool postionbasedsearching = EFalse;
+	 const TLiwGenericParam* param = NULL;
+	 TInt pos = 0;
+	 param = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KType );
+	 if(!param)
+        {
+         if( aInParamList.Count() > 0 )
+            {
+            pos = 0;
+            aInParamList.AtL( pos,posbasedparam );
+            if ( (posbasedparam.Name().CompareF(KNullDesC8) != 0 ) || posbasedparam.Value().IsEmpty() ) 
+                {
+                param = NULL;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                param = &posbasedparam;
+                postionbasedsearching = ETrue;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    TBuf<KMAXCONTENTLENGTH>  content;
+    if( param )
+        {
+	 // content present : Mandatory Argument
+		if (param->Value().TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeDesC || param->Value().AsDes().Length() > KMAXCONTENTLENGTH || !param->Value().Get( content )   ) 
+	    	{
+	    	//content type is different: append error and return
+	    	aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant ((TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType) ));
+	    	aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KContentTypeMismatch ) ) ); 
+	    	posbasedparam.Reset();
+	    	return;
+	    	}
+        HBufC8* heapBuffer = NULL;
+     	param = NULL;
+       	if ( postionbasedsearching && ( aInParamList.Count() > 1) )
+            {
+            pos = 1;
+            aInParamList.AtL( pos,posbasedparam );
+            if ( (posbasedparam.Name().CompareF(KNullDesC8) != 0 ) || posbasedparam.Value().IsEmpty() ) 
+                {
+                param = NULL;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                param = &posbasedparam;
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            pos=0;//Search from starting point
+            //filter map
+            param =  aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KFilter );
+            }
+        CFilterParam* filter = NULL;
+        TLiwVariant documentname;
+	    TLiwVariant mimetype;
+        //Filter is prsent
+        if ( param && (param->Value().TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeNull ) )
+            {
+            filter = CFilterParam::NewL();
+            CleanupStack::PushL( filter );
+            const CLiwMap* filtermap;
+	        TPtrC val;
+	        filtermap = param->Value().AsMap();
+			if (filtermap )
+                {
+                CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &documentname) );
+                if (filtermap->FindL( KDocumentPath, documentname ) && (documentname.TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeNull )  )
+                	{
+                	if ((documentname.AsDes().Length() < KMAXPATHLENGTH ) && documentname.Get(val))
+                		{
+                		filter->SetDocName(val);
+                		val.Set(NULL,0);	
+                		}
+                	 else
+                	 	{
+                	 	//content type is different: do cleanup, append error and return			        
+				        CleanupStack::Pop(&documentname);    
+				        documentname.Reset();
+                	 	if( filter )
+				            {
+				            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( filter );
+				            }
+                	 	aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant ( (TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType) ) );
+                		aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KFilterTypeMismatch ) ) ); 	
+                		posbasedparam.Reset();
+                		return;
+                	 	}	
+                	}
+				CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &mimetype) );
+	            if (filtermap->FindL( KMimeType, mimetype ) && (mimetype.TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeNull ) )
+	            	{
+	                if ((mimetype.AsDes().Length() < KMAXPATHLENGTH ) && mimetype.Get(val))
+                		{
+	               		//Before sending convert 16 bit to 8 Bit
+			            heapBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(val.Length());
+		                TPtr8  val8(heapBuffer->Des());
+		                val8.Copy(val);
+		                filter->SetmimeType(val8);			
+	            		}
+	            	else
+                	 	{
+                	 	//content type is different: do cleanup, append error and return
+                	 	CleanupStack::Pop(&mimetype); 
+				        mimetype.Reset();
+				        CleanupStack::Pop(&documentname);    
+				        documentname.Reset();
+                	 	if( filter )
+				            {
+				            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( filter );
+				            }
+				        delete heapBuffer;    
+                	 	aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant ( (TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType) ) );
+                		aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KFilterTypeMismatch ) ) ); 	
+                		posbasedparam.Reset();
+                		return;
+                	 	}			            	
+	            	}
+	            CleanupStack::Pop(2);
+                }
+	        else
+	            {
+	            aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant ( (TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType  ) ));
+                aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KFilterTypeMismatch ) ) ); 
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( filter );
+                posbasedparam.Reset();
+                return;   
+	            }
+	        }
+         //Call GetList of Core class
+         MIterator* iter = NULL;
+         TRAPD ( errCode, iCoreClass->GetListL( iter, content, filter ) );
+         TInt sapiErr = SErrNone;
+         if (errCode)
+    	    {
+    	    sapiErr = SapiError(errCode);
+    	    }
+         aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam ( KErrorCode,TLiwVariant( ( TInt32 )sapiErr ) ) );
+         if( errCode == KErrNone )
+            {
+             // Fill the Iterator in Generic Paaram List
+             TLiwVariant response;
+	         // Iterator will accept the MIterator * and will become the owner
+             CAppItemsList *iterator = CAppItemsList::NewL( iter );
+ 	         CleanupClosePushL( *iterator );
+	         response.Set( iterator );
+	         aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam ( KResponse, response ) );
+ 		     CleanupStack::Pop( iterator );
+             iterator->DecRef();
+            }
+          if( filter )
+            {		        
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( filter );
+            }
+          mimetype.Reset();
+		  documentname.Reset();
+       	  delete heapBuffer;
+        }
+     else
+        {
+        //content type missig : Mandatory Argument
+        aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant ( (TInt32)SErrMissingArgument)));
+        aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KContentMissing ) ) );
+        }
+       posbasedparam.Reset();
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAppManagerInterface::LaunchAppL
+// This function will send the request to Core class
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAppManagerInterface::LaunchAppL(const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList ,
+                                            CLiwGenericParamList& aOutParamList,
+                                            MLiwNotifyCallback* aCallBack,
+                                            TInt32 aTransactionID )
+	{
+	 TLiwGenericParam posbasedparam;
+     TBool postionbasedsearching = EFalse;
+     TOptions options;
+	 const TLiwGenericParam* param = NULL;
+	 TInt pos = 0;
+	 param = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KApplicationID );
+	 if( !param )
+        {
+         if( aInParamList.Count() > 0 )
+            {
+            pos = 0;
+            aInParamList.AtL( pos,posbasedparam );
+             if ( (posbasedparam.Name().CompareF(KNullDesC8) != 0 ) || posbasedparam.Value().IsEmpty() ) 
+                {
+                param = NULL;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                param = &posbasedparam;
+                postionbasedsearching = ETrue;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    if( param )
+        {
+        // content present : Mandatory Argument
+		if (param->Value().TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeDesC || param->Value().AsDes().Length() > KMAXCONTENTLENGTH || !param->Value().Get( appId ))
+	    	{
+	    	//content type is different: append error and return
+	    	aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant ((TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType) ));
+	    	aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KApplicationIDMismatch ) ) ); 
+	    	posbasedparam.Reset();
+	    	return;
+	    	}
+        TPtrC  cmdline;
+       // TBuf<KMAXCONTENTLENGTH> cmdline;
+        TLiwVariant mode;
+	    TLiwVariant postion;
+	    TLiwVariant document;
+       	param = NULL;
+        if ( postionbasedsearching && ( aInParamList.Count() > 1) )
+            {
+            pos = 1;
+            aInParamList.AtL( pos,posbasedparam );
+           if ( (posbasedparam.Name().CompareF(KNullDesC8) != 0 ) || posbasedparam.Value().IsEmpty() ) 
+                {
+                param = NULL;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                param = &posbasedparam;
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            pos=0;//Search from starting point
+            //filter map
+            param =  aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KCmdLine );
+            }
+        //CommandLine  is prsent
+        if ( param && (param->Value().TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeNull ) )
+            {
+            if( !param->Value().Get( cmdline ) )
+                {
+                aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant( (TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType ) ) );
+                aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KCommandLineMismatch ) ) );
+                posbasedparam.Reset();
+                return;
+                }
+            }
+        param = NULL;
+       	if ( postionbasedsearching && ( aInParamList.Count() > 2) )
+            {
+            pos = 2;
+            aInParamList.AtL( pos,posbasedparam );
+            if ( (posbasedparam.Name().CompareF(KNullDesC8) != 0 ) || posbasedparam.Value().IsEmpty() ) 
+                {
+                param = NULL;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                param = &posbasedparam;
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            pos=0;//Search from starting point
+            //filter map
+            param =  aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KOptions );
+            }
+        //Options is prsent
+        if ( param && (param->Value().TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeNull ) )
+            {
+            if( (param->Value().TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeMap ) && 
+            	(param->Value().TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeNull ))
+            		{
+            		aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant( (TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType ) ) );
+                	aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KLaunchAppOptionsTypeMismatch ) ) );
+	                posbasedparam.Reset();
+	                return;    	
+            		}
+            const CLiwMap* optionsmap = param->Value().AsMap();
+            if ( optionsmap )
+                {
+				CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &mode) );
+                if (optionsmap->FindL( KMode, mode ) && (mode.TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeNull ))
+                	{
+                	if (( mode.AsDes().Length() > KMAXCONTENTLENGTH ) || !mode.Get( options.iMode ))
+                		{
+	               	 	//content type is different: do cleanup, append error and return 
+				        CleanupStack::Pop(&mode);
+				        mode.Reset() ;
+                	 	aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant ( (TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType) ) );
+                		aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KLaunchAppOptionsTypeMismatch ) ) ); 	
+                		posbasedparam.Reset();
+                		return;		            	
+	            		}	
+                	}
+	            CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &postion) );
+                if (optionsmap->FindL( KPosition, postion ) && (postion.TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeNull ))
+                	{
+                	if (( postion.AsDes().Length() > KMAXCONTENTLENGTH ) || !postion.Get( options.iPostion ))
+                		{
+	               	 	//content type is different: do cleanup, append error and return 
+	               	 	CleanupStack::Pop(&postion);
+	               	 	CleanupStack::Pop(&mode);
+				        mode.Reset() ;
+				        postion.Reset() ;
+                	 	aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant ( (TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType) ) );
+                		aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KLaunchAppOptionsTypeMismatch ) ) ); 	
+                		posbasedparam.Reset();
+                		return;		            	
+	            		}
+                	}
+	            CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &document) );
+				if (optionsmap->FindL( KDocumentPath, document ) || (document.TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeNull ) )
+					{
+					if ( ( document.AsDes().Length() > KMAXPATHLENGTH ) || !document.Get( options.iDocument ) )
+						{
+	               	 	//content type is different: do cleanup, append error and return 
+	               	 	CleanupStack::Pop(3); //document, position, mode
+				        mode.Reset() ;
+				        postion.Reset() ;
+				        document.Reset();
+                	 	aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant ( (TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType) ) );
+                		aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KLaunchAppOptionsTypeMismatch ) ) ); 	
+                		posbasedparam.Reset();
+                		return;		            	
+	            		}
+					} 
+				CleanupStack::Pop(3);	 //document, position, mode
+                }
+	        }
+       TInt errCode;
+       //Converting command line form 16 to 8-bit
+       HBufC8* heapBuffer = HBufC8::NewL( cmdline.Length() );
+       CleanupStack::PushL( heapBuffer );
+       TPtr8 cmdline8( heapBuffer->Des() );
+       cmdline8.Copy( cmdline );
+        if( aCallBack )
+            {
+             //Asynch Call
+             CAppServiceObserver* observer = CAppServiceObserver::NewL( aCallBack );
+             CleanupStack::PushL( observer );
+             TRAP ( errCode, iCoreClass->LaunchApplicationL( appId, cmdline8, options, observer,  aTransactionID  )  );
+             CleanupStack::Pop( observer );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+             TRAP ( errCode, iCoreClass->LaunchApplicationL( appId, cmdline8, options )  );
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( heapBuffer );
+        mode.Reset();
+	    postion.Reset();
+	    document.Reset();
+        TInt sapiErr = SErrNone;
+        if (errCode)
+           {
+           sapiErr = SapiError( errCode );
+           }
+        aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant( ( TInt32 ) sapiErr ) ));
+        }
+     else
+        {
+        //content type missig : Mandatory Argument
+        aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant( (TInt32)SErrMissingArgument) ) );
+        aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KApplicationIDMissing ) ) );
+        }
+       posbasedparam.Reset();
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAppManagerInterface::GetListL
+// This function will send the request to Core class
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAppManagerInterface::LaunchDocL(const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
+                                            CLiwGenericParamList& aOutParamList,
+                                            MLiwNotifyCallback* aCallBack,
+                                            TInt32 aTransactionID )
+	{
+	 TLiwGenericParam posbasedparam;
+     TBool postionbasedsearching = EFalse;
+     TDocument document;
+     TOptions options;
+	 const TLiwGenericParam* param = NULL;
+	 TInt pos = 0;
+	 const CLiwMap* documentmap = NULL;
+     TLiwVariant mode;
+     TLiwVariant path;
+	 TLiwVariant handle;   
+	 param = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KDocument );
+	 if( !param )
+        {
+         if( aInParamList.Count() > 0 )
+            {
+            pos = 0;
+            aInParamList.AtL( pos,posbasedparam );
+            if ( (posbasedparam.Name().CompareF(KNullDesC8) != 0 ) || posbasedparam.Value().IsEmpty() ) 
+                {
+                param = NULL;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                param = &posbasedparam;
+                postionbasedsearching = ETrue;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    if ( param )
+        {
+          documentmap = param->Value().AsMap();
+	      if ((param->Value().TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeNull) && 
+	      		(!documentmap && !postionbasedsearching))
+	        {
+	        aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant( (TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType ) ) );
+	        aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KLaunchDocMapTypeMismatch ) ) );
+	        posbasedparam.Reset();
+	        return;    
+	        }
+        }
+    param = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KMimeType );
+    if( !param )
+        {
+         if( aInParamList.Count() > 1 )
+            {
+            pos = 1;
+            aInParamList.AtL( pos,posbasedparam );
+            if ( (posbasedparam.Name().CompareF(KNullDesC8) != 0 ) || posbasedparam.Value().IsEmpty() ) 
+                {
+                param = NULL;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                param = &posbasedparam;
+                postionbasedsearching = ETrue;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+	if ((param) && (param->Value().TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeNull)  && (param->Value().TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeDesC)  )
+		{
+		aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant( (TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType ) ) );
+        aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KLaunchDocMimeTypeMismatch ) ) );
+        posbasedparam.Reset();
+        return;    	
+		}
+    // present : Mandatory Argument
+    TBuf<KMAXCONTENTLENGTH>  mimetype;
+    if( ( (param)  && ( param->Value().AsDes().Length() < KMAXCONTENTLENGTH ) && (param->Value().Get( mimetype ))  ) || ( documentmap ) )
+        {
+        param = NULL;
+       	if ( postionbasedsearching && ( aInParamList.Count() > 2) )
+            {
+            pos = 2;
+            aInParamList.AtL( pos,posbasedparam );
+            if ( (posbasedparam.Name().CompareF(KNullDesC8) != 0 ) || posbasedparam.Value().IsEmpty() ) 
+                {
+                param = NULL;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                param = &posbasedparam;
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            pos=0;//Search from starting point
+            //filter map
+            param =  aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KOptions );
+            }
+        //Options is prsent
+        if ( param )
+            {
+            if( (param->Value().TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeMap ) && 
+            	(param->Value().TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeNull ) )
+        		{
+        		 //Option Type MisMatch 
+                mode.Reset();
+                aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant( (TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType  ) ) );
+                aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KLaunchOptionsTypeMismatch ) ) );
+                posbasedparam.Reset();
+                return;       	
+        		}
+            const CLiwMap* optionsmap = param->Value().AsMap();
+            if(optionsmap)
+                {
+                CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &mode) );
+                optionsmap->FindL( KMode, mode );
+                if (( mode.AsDes().Length() > KMAXCONTENTLENGTH ) || !mode.Get( options.iMode ))
+                		{
+				        CleanupStack::Pop(&mode);
+				        mode.Reset() ;
+                	 	aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant ( (TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType) ) );
+                		aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KLaunchAppOptionsTypeMismatch ) ) ); 	
+                		posbasedparam.Reset();
+                		return;		            	
+	            		}	
+                CleanupStack::Pop(&mode);
+                }
+            }
+       	//Document is prsent
+        if ( documentmap )
+            {
+            CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &path) );
+            if (documentmap->FindL( KDocumentPath, path ))
+            	{
+            		if ( ( path.AsDes().Length() > KMAXPATHLENGTH ) || !path.Get( document.iPath ) )
+						{
+	               	 	//content type is different: do cleanup, append error and return 
+	               	 	CleanupStack::Pop(&path);//path
+	                    path.Reset();
+                	 	aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant ( (TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType) ) );
+                		aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KLaunchAppOptionsTypeMismatch ) ) ); 	
+                		posbasedparam.Reset();
+                		return;		            	
+	            		}
+            	}
+            CleanupStack::Pop();
+			CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &handle) );
+	    	if (documentmap->FindL( KHandle, handle ) && (handle.TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeNull ))
+                {
+            	if (!handle.Get( document.iHandle ))
+                		{
+	               	 	//do cleanup, append error and return 
+				        CleanupStack::Pop(&handle);
+				        handle.Reset() ;
+                	 	aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant ( (TInt32)SErrBadArgumentType) ) );
+                		aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KLaunchAppOptionsTypeMismatch ) ) ); 	
+                		posbasedparam.Reset();
+                		return;		            	
+	            		}	
+               	}
+            CleanupStack::Pop();
+            /*
+            // The follwing code will be introduced once default file buffer is created
+            CLiwBuffer* buffer = NULL;
+            buffer = handle.AsBuffer();
+            if ( KLiwBufferFile == buffer->TypeID() )
+                {
+                CLiwFileBuffer* filebuffer = ( CLiwFileBuffer* ) buffer;
+                document.iHandle = filebuffer->AsFile();
+                }
+            */
+            }
+       TInt errCode;
+       //Converting command line form 16 to 8-bit
+       HBufC8* heapBuffer = HBufC8::NewL( mimetype.Length() );
+       CleanupStack::PushL( heapBuffer );
+       TPtr8 mimetype8( heapBuffer->Des() );
+       mimetype8.Copy( mimetype );
+       TPtrC filename;
+       if( aCallBack )
+            {
+             //Asynch Call
+             CAppServiceObserver* observer = CAppServiceObserver::NewL( aCallBack );
+             CleanupStack::PushL( observer );
+             TRAP ( errCode, iCoreClass->LaunchDocumentL( document, mimetype8, options , filename, observer,  aTransactionID  )  );
+             CleanupStack::Pop( observer );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+             TRAP ( errCode, iCoreClass->LaunchDocumentL(document, mimetype8, options , filename )  );
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( heapBuffer );
+        path.Reset();
+	    handle.Reset();
+	    mode.Reset();
+        TInt sapiErr = SErrNone;
+        if (errCode)
+           {
+           sapiErr = SapiError( errCode );
+           }
+        aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant( ( TInt32 ) sapiErr ) ));
+        if( filename.Length() != 0)
+            {
+            aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KDocumentName, TLiwVariant( filename ) ));
+            }
+        }
+     else
+        {
+        //missig : Mandatory Argument
+        aOutParamList.AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode, TLiwVariant( ( TInt32 ) SErrMissingArgument  ) ) );
+        aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMsg, TLiwVariant( KDocumentMissing ) ) );
+        }
+       posbasedparam.Reset();
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAppManagerInterface::SapiError
+// This function is called by the user to get mapped SAPI generic error code
+// from symbian error codes .
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAppManagerInterface::SapiError( TInt aSymbianErr )
+    {
+    TInt sapiErr(SErrGeneralError);
+   	switch (aSymbianErr)
+    	{
+      	case KErrArgument:
+   		    {
+   		    sapiErr = SErrBadArgumentType;
+   		    break;
+   		    }
+   		case KErrNotSupported:
+   		    {
+   		    sapiErr = SErrServiceNotSupported;
+   		    break;
+   		    }
+   		case KErrServerBusy:
+   		    {
+   		    sapiErr = SErrServerBusy;
+   		    break;
+   		    }
+    	case KErrGeneral:
+    	case KErrBadName: 
+    		{
+    		sapiErr = SErrGeneralError;
+   		    break;
+   		    }
+   		case KErrCancel:
+	   		{
+	   		sapiErr = SErrCancelSuccess;
+			break;
+	   		}
+		case KErrNone:
+			{
+			sapiErr= SErrNone;
+			break;
+			}
+		case KErrNotFound:
+			{
+			sapiErr= SErrMissingArgument;
+			break;
+			}
+		case KErrNoMemory:
+			{
+			sapiErr = SErrNoMemory;
+			break;
+			}
+		case KErrInUse:
+			{
+			sapiErr = SErrServiceInUse;
+			break;
+			}
+		case KErrNotReady:
+        	{
+        	sapiErr = SErrServiceNotReady;
+        	break;
+        	}
+		case KErrPathNotFound:
+			{
+			sapiErr = SErrPathNotFound ;
+        	break;	
+			}
+   		}
+    return sapiErr;
+    }