--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sapi_logging/tsrc/testing/tlogprovidertest/src/taddtest.cpp Mon Mar 30 12:51:10 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <LiwServiceHandler.h>
+#include <LiwCommon.h>
+#include <logcli.h>
+#include <logwrap.h>
+#include "tlogprovidertest.h"
+#include "serviceerrno.h"
+#include "tcallback.h"
+#include "teventdetails.h"
+#include "tconstants.h"
+ TInt addtest1L(CEventDetails *aDetails)
+CLiwServiceHandler* ServiceHandler = CLiwServiceHandler::NewL();
+ // Input and output parameter list
+ CLiwGenericParamList* inputlist = &(ServiceHandler->InParamListL());
+ CLiwGenericParamList* outputlist = &(ServiceHandler->OutParamListL());
+ CLiwCriteriaItem* crit = CLiwCriteriaItem::NewL(1, KDsInterfaceName , KLoggingContents) ;
+ crit->SetServiceClass(TUid::Uid(KLiwClassBase));
+ RCriteriaArray a;
+ a.AppendL(crit);
+ ServiceHandler->AttachL(a) ;
+ ServiceHandler->ExecuteServiceCmdL(*crit, *inputlist, *outputlist);
+ TInt pos = 0;
+ const TLiwGenericParam *genericparm = outputlist->FindFirst(pos , KDsInterfaceName);
+ if(!genericparm)
+ {
+ User :: Leave(KErrArgument) ;
+ }
+ MLiwInterface* LogInterface = (genericparm->Value()).AsInterface();
+ TBufC8<20>CmdBufSet(KCmdAdd) ;
+ outputlist->Reset() ;
+ inputlist->Reset() ;
+ CLiwDefaultMap *EventDetails = CLiwDefaultMap :: NewL() ;
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KEventTypeKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetEventType()) );
+ if(((unsigned int)aDetails->GetDurationType()!=0))
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KEventDurationKey ,TLiwVariant((unsigned int)aDetails->GetDurationType()) );
+ }
+ if(aDetails->GetContactType() !=0 )
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KContactidKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetContactType()) );
+ }
+ if((unsigned int)aDetails->GetLinkType()!=0)
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KLinkKey , TLiwVariant((unsigned int)aDetails->GetLinkType()) );
+ }
+ if(aDetails->GetTimer() !=0 )
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KEventTimeKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetTimer())) ;
+ }
+ TBuf<10> EmptyDes ;
+ if(aDetails->GetSubjectType() != EmptyDes)
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KSubjectKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetSubjectType())) ;
+ }
+ if(aDetails->GetNumberType()!= EmptyDes)
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KPhoneNumberKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetNumberType())) ;
+ }
+ if(aDetails->GetRemotePartyType() != EmptyDes)
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KRemotePartyKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetRemotePartyType())) ;
+ }
+ if(aDetails->GetDirectionType() >= 0 )
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KDirectionKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetDirectionType())) ;
+ }
+ if(aDetails->GetDescriptionType() != EmptyDes)
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KDescriptionKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetDescriptionType())) ;
+ }
+ if(aDetails->GetStatusType() >= 0 )
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KDeliveryStatusKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetStatusType())) ;
+ }
+ TBuf16 <10> Contents(KContentType) ;
+ inputlist->AppendL(TLiwGenericParam(KContentTypeKey , TLiwVariant(Contents))) ;
+ inputlist->AppendL(TLiwGenericParam(KEventDetails , TLiwVariant(EventDetails))) ;
+ EventDetails->DecRef();
+ LogInterface->ExecuteCmdL(CmdBufSet , *inputlist , *outputlist );
+ TInt index = 0 ;
+ const TLiwGenericParam *ErrCode = outputlist->FindFirst(index , KErrCode) ;
+ if(!ErrCode )
+ {
+ User :: Leave(KErrArgument) ;
+ }
+ TInt retval = ErrCode->Value().AsTInt32() ;
+ if(retval != SErrNone )
+ {
+ LogInterface->Close() ;
+ delete ServiceHandler;
+ a.ResetAndDestroy();
+ a.Close();
+ User :: Leave(KErrArgument) ;
+ }
+ index = 0 ;
+ const TLiwGenericParam *genparm = outputlist->FindFirst(index , KResponse) ;
+ if(!genparm)
+ {
+ User :: Leave(KErrArgument) ;
+ }
+ LogInterface->Close() ;
+ delete ServiceHandler;
+ // delete crit;
+ a.ResetAndDestroy();
+ a.Close();
+ }
+ TInt addtest2L(CEventDetails *aDetails)
+ tcallback icallback;
+ CLiwServiceHandler* ServiceHandler = CLiwServiceHandler::NewL();
+ CLiwGenericParamList* inputlist = &(ServiceHandler->InParamListL());
+ CLiwGenericParamList* outputlist = &(ServiceHandler->OutParamListL());
+ CLiwCriteriaItem* crit = CLiwCriteriaItem::NewL(1, KDsInterfaceName , KLoggingContents) ;
+ crit->SetServiceClass(TUid::Uid(KLiwClassBase));
+ RCriteriaArray a;
+ a.AppendL(crit);
+ ServiceHandler->AttachL(a) ;
+ ServiceHandler->ExecuteServiceCmdL(*crit, *inputlist, *outputlist);
+ TInt pos = 0;
+ const TLiwGenericParam *genericparm = outputlist->FindFirst(pos , KDsInterfaceName);
+ if(!genericparm)
+ {
+ User :: Leave(KErrArgument) ;
+ }
+ MLiwInterface* LogInterface = (genericparm->Value()).AsInterface();
+ TBufC8<20>CmdBufSet(KCmdAdd) ;
+ outputlist->Reset() ;
+ inputlist->Reset() ;
+ CLiwDefaultMap *EventDetails = CLiwDefaultMap :: NewL() ;
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KEventTypeKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetEventType()) );
+ if(((unsigned int)aDetails->GetDurationType()!=0))
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KEventDurationKey ,TLiwVariant((unsigned int)aDetails->GetDurationType()) );
+ }
+ if(aDetails->GetContactType() !=0 )
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KContactidKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetContactType()) );
+ }
+ if((unsigned int)aDetails->GetLinkType()!=0)
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KLinkKey , TLiwVariant((unsigned int)aDetails->GetLinkType()) );
+ }
+ if(aDetails->GetTimer() !=0 )
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KEventTimeKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetTimer())) ;
+ }
+ TBuf<10> EmptyDes ;
+ if(aDetails->GetSubjectType() != EmptyDes)
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KSubjectKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetSubjectType())) ;
+ }
+ if(aDetails->GetNumberType()!= EmptyDes)
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KPhoneNumberKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetNumberType())) ;
+ }
+ if(aDetails->GetRemotePartyType() != EmptyDes)
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KRemotePartyKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetRemotePartyType())) ;
+ }
+ if(aDetails->GetDirectionType() >= 0 )
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KDirectionKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetDirectionType())) ;
+ }
+ if(aDetails->GetDescriptionType() != EmptyDes)
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KDescriptionKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetDescriptionType())) ;
+ }
+ if(aDetails->GetStatusType() >= 0 )
+ {
+ EventDetails->InsertL(KDeliveryStatusKey , TLiwVariant(aDetails->GetStatusType())) ;
+ }
+ TBuf16 <10> Contents(KContentType) ;
+ inputlist->AppendL(TLiwGenericParam(KContentTypeKey , TLiwVariant(Contents))) ;
+ inputlist->AppendL(TLiwGenericParam(KEventDetails , TLiwVariant(EventDetails))) ;
+ EventDetails->DecRef();
+ // LogInterface->ExecuteCmdL(CmdBufSet , *inputlist , *outputlist );
+ LogInterface->ExecuteCmdL(CmdBufSet , *inputlist , *outputlist ,KLiwOptASyncronous, &icallback);
+ TInt index = 0 ;
+ const TLiwGenericParam *ErrCode = outputlist->FindFirst(index , KErrCode) ;
+ if(!ErrCode )
+ {
+ User :: Leave(KErrArgument) ;
+ }
+ TInt retval = ErrCode->Value().AsTInt32() ;
+ if(retval != SErrNone )
+ {
+ LogInterface->Close() ;
+ delete ServiceHandler;
+ a.ResetAndDestroy();
+ a.Close();
+ User :: Leave(KErrArgument) ;
+ }
+ icallback.Start();
+ LogInterface->Close() ;
+ delete ServiceHandler;
+ // delete crit;
+ a.ResetAndDestroy();
+ a.Close();
+ }