* Copyright (c) 2007-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This Class is observer for the mgservice class (core class)
#include <liwcommon.h>
#include <MCLFItemListModel.h>
#include "mgserviceobserver.h"
#include "mgitemslist.h"
#include "mginterface.h"
#include "serviceerrno.h"
#include "mgclfoperationobserver.h"
//using namespace LIW;
//Output Keys/arguments
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgServiceObserver::NewL
// Returns the instance of CMgServiceObserver.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMgServiceObserver* CMgServiceObserver::NewL()
CMgServiceObserver* self = new ( ELeave )CMgServiceObserver();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgServiceObserver::MgNotify
// Called by CMgService class when asynch operation complete
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMgServiceObserver :: MgNotifyL( TUint aTransactionID,
MCLFItemListModel* aListModel,
CClfOperationObserver* aOperationObserver,
TMgOperationEvent& aOperationEvent,
const TInt& aError )
//const CLiwGenericParamList& temp1 = *iOutput;
//const CLiwGenericParamList* temp2 = &temp1;
//delete temp2;
if ( EMgModelCancel == aOperationEvent )
if( iCallBack )
iOutput->AppendL( TLiwGenericParam ( KErrorCode,TLiwVariant( (TInt32)SErrNone ) ) );
TRAP_IGNORE(iCallBack->HandleNotifyL ( aTransactionID, KLiwEventCanceled, *iOutput,*iInput ));
//self destruction should be done here in future
// instead of below four lines
iCallBack = NULL ;
//iOutput= NULL;
iInput = NULL;
iCmdId= EMgBlankCmdId;
// Fill the Error code inside Generic Param List
TInt sapiErr = SErrNone;
if (aError)
sapiErr = CMgInterface::SapiError( aError );
// if not error create the iterator class and put it into output list
if( ( EMgRefreshComplete == aOperationEvent )&& ( KErrNone == aError ) )
// Fill the Iterator in Generic Paaram List
TLiwVariant response;
// Iterator will accept the cmd Id and iListmodel and
// it will become the owner of iListModel,Ownership of
// Iterator is transfered to consumer
CMgItemsList *iterator = CMgItemsList::NewL( aListModel, aOperationObserver, iCmdId );
CleanupStack::PushL( iterator );
response.Set( iterator );
iOutput->AppendL( TLiwGenericParam ( KResponse, response ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( iterator );
// iterator->DecRef(); //This code is commented because the when the iterator is passed to user by using
//AsIterable() call refCount is not getting increased. As the iterator control is
//with the user we dont need to decrement the ref count here.
delete aListModel;
delete aOperationObserver;
aListModel = NULL;
aOperationObserver = NULL;
if( NULL != iCallBack )
// call callback of consumer
if( KErrNone == aError )
( aTransactionID, KLiwEventCompleted, *iOutput,*iInput ));
iCallBack->HandleNotifyL ( aTransactionID, KLiwEventError, *iOutput,*iInput );
iCmdId = EMgBlankCmdId;
iCallBack = NULL;
// For back to back call observer instance should be deleted here
delete this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgServiceObserver::SetMemberVar
// set the member varibale for the current request.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMgServiceObserver::SetMemberVar(const TMgCmdId& aCmdId,
const CLiwGenericParamList* aInput,
MLiwNotifyCallback* aCallBack)
iCmdId= EMgBlankCmdId;
iCallBack = aCallBack;
iInput = aInput;
iCmdId = aCmdId;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgServiceObserver::Cancel
// Cancel the pending asynchronous request
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMgServiceObserver::CancelL()
if( iCallBack )
iCallBack->HandleNotifyL ( 0,
*iInput );
iCallBack = NULL ;
iInput = NULL;
iCmdId= EMgBlankCmdId;
// For back to back call support
delete this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgServiceObserver::CMgServiceObserver
// constructor of class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgServiceObserver::~CMgServiceObserver
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//release output Parameter List
if ( iOutput )
delete iOutput;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMgServiceObserver::ConstructL
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMgServiceObserver::ConstructL()
iOutput = CLiwGenericParamList::NewL();