* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32def.h>
#include <msvapi.h>
#include <msvids.h>
#include <cmsvattachment.h>
#include "messageheader.h"
#include "messagingservice.h"
#include "messaginginterface.h"
#include "serviceerrno.h"
using namespace LIW;
_LIT8(KErrorCode, "ErrorCode");
_LIT8(KTransactionID, "TransactionID");
_LIT8(KReturnValue, "ReturnValue");
_LIT8(KContentType, "Type");
// Messaging Command Names
_LIT8(KCmdSendMessage, "Send");
_LIT8(KCmdGetHeaderList, "GetList");
_LIT8(KCmdRegNotification, "RegisterNotification");
_LIT8(KCmdDeleteMsg, "Delete");
_LIT8(KCmdChangeStatus, "ChangeStatus");
_LIT8(KCmdCancel, "Cancel");
// Send Message Parameters
_LIT8(KMessageParam, "MessageParam");
_LIT8(KMtm, "MessageType");
_LIT8(KTemplateId, "TemplateId");
_LIT8(KSubject, "Subject");
_LIT8(KBodyText, "BodyText");
_LIT8(KLaunchEditor, "LaunchEditor");
_LIT8(KRecipientTo, "To");
_LIT8(KRecipientToElement, "To List Element");
_LIT8(KRecipientCc, "Cc");
_LIT8(KRecipientCcElement, "Cc List Element");
_LIT8(KRecipientBcc, "Bcc");
_LIT8(KAttachmentName, "Attachment");
_LIT8(KRecipientBccElement, "Bcc List Element");
_LIT8(KAttachmentList, "AttachmentList");
_LIT8(KAttachmentListElement,"AttachmentList Element");
_LIT8(KAttachmentType, "AttachmentType" );
_LIT8(KFileName, "FileName" );
_LIT8(KMimeType, "MimeType" );
_LIT(KAttachmentFile, "File" );
_LIT(KAttachmentLinkedFile, "LinkedFile" );
// Header List Input Parameters
_LIT8(KFilter, "Filter" );
_LIT8(KSortOrder, "SortOrder" );
_LIT8(KField, "Key");
_LIT8(KOrder, "Order");
_LIT(KSortByDate, "Date" );
_LIT(KSortBySize, "Size" );
_LIT(KSortBySender, "Sender" );
_LIT(KSortBySubject, "Subject" );
_LIT(KSortById, "MessageId" );
_LIT(KSortAsc, "Ascending" );
_LIT(KSortDec, "Descending" );
_LIT8(KSenderList, "SenderList");
_LIT8(KMtmList, "MessageTypeList" );
_LIT8(KSenderElement, "SenderList Number");
_LIT8(KMtmElement, "MessageTypeList Element" );
_LIT8(KMessageId, "MessageId");
_LIT8(KStartDate, "StartDate" );
_LIT8(KEndDate, "EndDate" );
// Header List Output Parameters
_LIT8(KUnreadFlag, "Unread");
_LIT8(KAttachFlag, "Attachment");
_LIT8(KPriority, "Priority");
_LIT8(KTime, "Time");
// Message detail Output Parameters
_LIT8(KSender, "Sender");
_LIT8(KFileSize, "FileSize" );
_LIT8(KFileHandle, "FileHandle" );
// Change status parameters
_LIT8(KStatus, "Status");
_LIT(KInbox, "Inbox");
_LIT(KStatusFlagRead, "Read");
_LIT(KStatusFlagUnread, "Unread");
_LIT(KStatusFlagReplied, "Replied");
_LIT(KStatusFlagForward, "Forwarded");
_LIT(KStatusFlagDeleted, "Deleted");
// New Message Notification Parameters
_LIT8(KNotificationType, "Type");
_LIT(KNotificationNewMsg, "NewMessage");
_LIT8( KErrorMessage, "ErrorMessage");
const TInt KMaxMsgSize = 256;
_LIT( KIncorrectValue, " Value Incorrect" );
_LIT( KDateMismatch, " Start Date greater than EndDate in Filter" );
_LIT( KTypeInvalid, " Type Invalid" );
_LIT( KMissing, " Missing" );
_LIT( KErrMsgMissingLiwCancel, "Liw Cancel Options Not Set" );
_LIT( KInvalidCallbackSetup, "Insufficent argument for asynchronous request" );
_LIT( KInvalidCMD, "Command not supported");
_LIT( KAsyncNotSupported,"Asynchronous Operation not supported" );
_LIT( KSyncNotSupported,"Synchronous Operation not supported" );
void UpdateOutputAsHeaderL( CLiwGenericParamList* aOutParamList, TAny* aResult );
void UpdateOutputAsIdListL( CLiwGenericParamList* aOutParamList,
CMsvEntrySelection* aEntrySelection,
CMessagingService* aMsgService,
CFilterParamInfo* aFilter );
void UpdateMessageDetailToMapL( CLiwMap* aResultMap, CMessageDetailInfo* aMessageDetail );
TBool GetLiwHeaderL( CMessageHeader* aHeader,
TLiwVariant& aElement,
CMessagingService* aMsgService = NULL,
TBool aCustomMap = EFalse );
TInt32 ErrCodeConversion(TInt code);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check the Type of Liw variant... whether they match or not....
// If they dont match leave
// If source is of nullvariant type then leave only if aLeaveflag is set
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMessagingInterface::CheckInputTypeL( const TLiwVariant* aSource,
TBool aLeaveFlag,
LIW::TVariantTypeId aExpectedtype,
const TDesC8& aCmdName,
const TDesC8& aParameter,
const TDesC& aMessage )
if ( aSource->TypeId() == aExpectedtype )
return ETrue;
else if ( ( aSource->TypeId() != LIW::EVariantTypeNull ) || aLeaveFlag )
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, aParameter, aMessage, 0 );
User::Leave( KErrBadName );
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Append Error Message
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessagingInterface::AppendErrorMessageL( const TDesC8& aCmdName,
const TDesC8& aParameter,
const TDesC& aMessage,
TInt aNoneOrMissingOrIncorrect )
iErrorMessage = HBufC::NewL( KMaxMsgSize );
TPtr tmpMsgPtr = iErrorMessage->Des();
HBufC* temp = HBufC::New( KMaxMsgSize );
if ( aCmdName.Length() )
tmpMsgPtr.Append( KErrorMsgSeparator );
temp->Des().Copy( aCmdName );
tmpMsgPtr.Append( temp->Des() );
if ( aParameter.Length() )
if ( aMessage.Length() )
tmpMsgPtr.Append( aMessage );
delete temp;
switch( aNoneOrMissingOrIncorrect )
case 1:
case 2:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function called from sync APIs to check whether Async set up is done if yes then leaves
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void CMessagingInterface::LeaveIfAsynchronousL( TUint aCmdOptions,
MLiwNotifyCallback* aCallback,
const TDesC8& aCmdName,
const TDesC& aMessage )
if( aCallback && ( KLiwOptASyncronous & aCmdOptions ) )
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, KNullDesC8, aMessage, 2/*For KErrArgument*/ );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Two-phased constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMessagingInterface* CMessagingInterface::NewL()
CMessagingInterface* self = new (ELeave) CMessagingInterface();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iErrorMessage;
delete iMsgService;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Closes the interface
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessagingInterface::Close()
delete this;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMessagingInterface::CMessagingInterface(): iErrorMessage(0)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Symbian Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessagingInterface::ConstructL()
iMsgService = CMessagingService::NewL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Executes the SAPI as per params
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessagingInterface::ExecuteCmdL( const TDesC8& aCmdName,
const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
CLiwGenericParamList& aOutParamList,
TUint aCmdOptions,
MLiwNotifyCallback* aCallback )
TInt errcode = KErrNotSupported;
TInt32 transactionId(-1);
if( ( aCallback && !( KLiwOptASyncronous & aCmdOptions ) )
|| ( !aCallback && ( KLiwOptASyncronous & aCmdOptions ) ) )
{//if any one of them is set it is an error
errcode = KErrArgument;
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, KNullDesC8, KInvalidCallbackSetup, 0 );
if ( aCmdName.CompareF( KCmdGetHeaderList ) == 0 )
TRAP( errcode, GetHeaderListL( aInParamList, aOutParamList, aCmdOptions, aCallback ) );
else if ( aCmdName.CompareF( KCmdSendMessage ) == 0 )
TRAP( errcode, SendMessageL( aInParamList, aOutParamList, aCmdOptions, aCallback ) );
else if ( aCmdName.CompareF( KCmdRegNotification ) == 0 )
TRAP( errcode, RequestNotificationL( aInParamList, aOutParamList, aCmdOptions, aCallback ) );
else if ( aCmdName.CompareF( KCmdCancelNotification ) == 0 )
TRAP( errcode, CancelNotificationL( aInParamList, aOutParamList, aCmdOptions, aCallback ) );
else if ( aCmdName.CompareF( KCmdDeleteMsg ) == 0 )
TRAP( errcode, DeleteMessageL( aInParamList, aOutParamList, aCmdOptions, aCallback ) );
else if ( aCmdName.CompareF( KCmdChangeStatus ) == 0 )
TRAP( errcode, ChangeStatusL( aInParamList, aOutParamList, aCmdOptions, aCallback ) );
else if ( aCmdName.CompareF( KCmdCancel ) == 0 )
TRAP( errcode, CancelAsyncL( aCmdName, aInParamList, aOutParamList, aCmdOptions) );
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, KNullDesC8, KInvalidCMD, 0 );
aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode,
if( errcode != KErrNone )
aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorCode,
if ( iErrorMessage )
aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KErrorMessage,
delete iErrorMessage;
iErrorMessage = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Issues SendMessage request to MessagingService
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessagingInterface::SendMessageL( const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
CLiwGenericParamList& aOutParamList,
TUint aCmdOptions,
MLiwNotifyCallback* aCallback )
CSendMessageParams* sendParam = GetSendParametersL( aInParamList );
CMsgCallbackBase* callback = NULL;
if ( aCallback && ( KLiwOptASyncronous & aCmdOptions ))
callback = CMsgCallbackInt::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( callback );
callback->iPtrInParamList = &aInParamList;
callback->iPtrNotifyCallback = aCallback;
callback->iTransactionId = aCallback->GetTransactionID();
aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KTransactionID,
TLiwVariant( callback->iTransactionId )));
// callback ownership Passed to SendMessageL
iMsgService->SendMessageL( sendParam, callback );
if ( callback )
CleanupStack::Pop( callback );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sendParam );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cancel an Asynch request
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessagingInterface::CancelAsyncL( const TDesC8& aCmdName,
const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
CLiwGenericParamList& aOutParamList,
TUint aCmdOptions)
TInt errcode = KErrNotSupported;
TInt32 transactionId(-1);
if( KLiwOptCancel & aCmdOptions )
GetTransactionIdL( aInParamList, transactionId, KCmdCancel);
errcode = iMsgService->Cancel( transactionId );
if ( errcode == KErrNotFound )
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, KTransactionID, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, KNullDesC8, KErrMsgMissingLiwCancel, 2 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Issues GetList request to MessagingService
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessagingInterface::GetHeaderListL( const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
CLiwGenericParamList& aOutParamList,
TUint aCmdOptions,
MLiwNotifyCallback* aCallback )
const TLiwGenericParam* param = NULL;
TBool indexBaseInp = EFalse;
TInt pos = 0;
TMsvId folderId = KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId;//default is inbox
param = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KContentType );
if( !param )
if( aInParamList.Count() ) //changed from 1 to non zero
param = &aInParamList[0];//changed from 1 to 0
if( param->Name().Compare( KNullDesC8 ) )
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdGetHeaderList, KContentType, KMissing, 1 );
indexBaseInp = ETrue; //Indexed based parsing not name value based
if ( param && CheckInputTypeL( ¶m->Value(), ETrue, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdGetHeaderList, KContentType, KTypeInvalid ) )
TPtrC value = param->Value().AsDes();
if ( value.CompareF( KInbox ) == 0 )
folderId = KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId;
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdGetHeaderList, KContentType, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdGetHeaderList, KContentType, KMissing, 1 );
CFilterParamInfo* filterParam = GetFilterParametersL( aInParamList, indexBaseInp );
CleanupStack::PushL( filterParam );
CMsvEntrySelection* entrySelection = NULL;
CMsgCallbackBase* callback = NULL;
if ( aCallback && ( KLiwOptASyncronous & aCmdOptions ))
callback = CMsgCallbackHeader::NewL(iMsgService);
CleanupStack::PushL( callback );
callback->iPtrInParamList = &aInParamList;
callback->iPtrNotifyCallback = aCallback;
callback->iTransactionId = aCallback->GetTransactionID();
aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KTransactionID,
TLiwVariant( callback->iTransactionId )));
iMsgService->GetIdListL( filterParam,
entrySelection );
if ( callback )
CleanupStack::Pop( callback );
CleanupStack::Pop( filterParam );
// Successfull completion
// filterParam and entrySelection ownership passed to called function
UpdateOutputAsIdListL( &aOutParamList, entrySelection, iMsgService, filterParam );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Issues request for new message notifications to MessagingService
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessagingInterface::RequestNotificationL( const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
CLiwGenericParamList& aOutParamList,
TUint aCmdOptions,
MLiwNotifyCallback* aCallback )
if ( ! (aCallback && ( KLiwOptASyncronous & aCmdOptions ) ) )
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdRegNotification, KNullDesC8, KSyncNotSupported, 2 );
TNotificationType notificationType;
GetNotificationTypeL( aInParamList, notificationType, KCmdRegNotification );
CMsgCallbackBase* callback = NULL;
callback = CMsgCallbackHeader::NewL(iMsgService);
callback->iPtrInParamList = &aInParamList;
callback->iPtrNotifyCallback = aCallback;
callback->iTransactionId = aCallback->GetTransactionID();
TInt errcode = iMsgService->RequestNotification( notificationType, callback );
if ( errcode != KErrNone )
delete callback;
User::Leave( errcode );
aOutParamList.AppendL(TLiwGenericParam( KTransactionID,
TLiwVariant( callback->iTransactionId )));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Issues request for new message notifications to MessagingService
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessagingInterface::CancelNotificationL( const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
CLiwGenericParamList& /*aOutParamList*/,
TUint aCmdOptions,
MLiwNotifyCallback* aCallback )
LeaveIfAsynchronousL( aCmdOptions, aCallback, KCmdCancelNotification, KAsyncNotSupported );
TNotificationType notificationType;
GetNotificationTypeL( aInParamList, notificationType, KCmdCancelNotification );
User::LeaveIfError( iMsgService->CancelNotification( notificationType ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Issues request for delete message to MessagingService
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessagingInterface::DeleteMessageL( const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
CLiwGenericParamList& /*aOutParamList*/,
TUint aCmdOptions,
MLiwNotifyCallback* aCallback )
LeaveIfAsynchronousL( aCmdOptions, aCallback, KCmdDeleteMsg, KAsyncNotSupported );
TMsvId messageId;
GetMessageIdL( aInParamList, messageId , KCmdDeleteMsg);
if ( messageId > 0 )
iMsgService->DeleteMessageL( messageId );
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdDeleteMsg, KMessageId, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Issues request for changing status of a message to MessagingService
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessagingInterface::ChangeStatusL( const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
CLiwGenericParamList& /*aOutParamList*/,
TUint aCmdOptions,
MLiwNotifyCallback* aCallback )
LeaveIfAsynchronousL( aCmdOptions, aCallback, KCmdChangeStatus, KAsyncNotSupported );
TMsvId messageId;
TMessageStatusFlag statusFlag;
TBool flagValue;
GetMessageIdL( aInParamList, messageId, KCmdChangeStatus );
GetStatusFlagAndValueL( aInParamList, statusFlag, flagValue, KCmdChangeStatus );
if ( messageId > 0 )
iMsgService->ChangeStatusL( messageId, statusFlag, flagValue );
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdChangeStatus, KMessageId, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the message id
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessagingInterface::GetMessageIdL( const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
TMsvId& aMessageId,
const TDesC8& aCmdName )
TInt pos = 0;
const TLiwGenericParam* param = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KMessageId );
if(!param && aInParamList.Count() )
param = &aInParamList[0];
if( param->Name().Compare( KNullDesC8 ) )
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, KMessageId, KMissing, 1 );
if ( param && CheckInputTypeL( ¶m->Value(), ETrue, LIW::EVariantTypeTInt32, aCmdName, KMessageId, KTypeInvalid ) )
aMessageId = param->Value().AsTInt32();
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, KMessageId, KMissing, 1 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the Transaction id
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessagingInterface::GetTransactionIdL( const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
TInt32& aTransactionId,
const TDesC8& aCmdName )
TInt pos = 0;
const TLiwGenericParam* param = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos,
KTransactionID );
if(!param && aInParamList.Count() )
param = &aInParamList[0];
if( param->Name().Compare( KNullDesC8 ) )
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, KTransactionID, KMissing, 1 );
if ( param && CheckInputTypeL( ¶m->Value(), ETrue, LIW::EVariantTypeTInt32, aCmdName, KTransactionID, KTypeInvalid ) )
aTransactionId = param->Value().AsTInt32();
if( aTransactionId < 0 )
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, KTransactionID, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, KTransactionID, KMissing, 1 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the status flag and its value
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessagingInterface::GetStatusFlagAndValueL( const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
TMessageStatusFlag& aStatusFlag,
TBool& aFlagValue,
const TDesC8& aCmdName )
TInt pos = 0;
const TLiwGenericParam* paramMandatory = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KMessageId );
const TLiwGenericParam* param = NULL;
pos = 0;
if ( paramMandatory )
param = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KStatus );
else if( aInParamList.Count() > 1 )
param = &aInParamList[1];
if ( param && CheckInputTypeL( ¶m->Value(), ETrue, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, aCmdName, KStatus, KTypeInvalid ) )
TPtrC value = param->Value().AsDes();
aFlagValue = ETrue;
if ( value.CompareF( KStatusFlagRead ) == 0 )
aStatusFlag = EUnread;
aFlagValue = EFalse;
else if ( value.CompareF( KStatusFlagUnread ) == 0 )
aStatusFlag = EUnread;
else if ( value.CompareF( KStatusFlagReplied ) == 0 )
aStatusFlag = EReplied;
else if ( value.CompareF( KStatusFlagForward ) == 0 )
aStatusFlag = EForward;
else if ( value.CompareF( KStatusFlagDeleted ) == 0 )
aStatusFlag = EDelete;
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, KStatus, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, KStatus, KMissing, 1 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the notification type
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMessagingInterface::GetNotificationTypeL( const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
TNotificationType& aNotificationType,
const TDesC8& aCmdName )
TInt pos = 0;
const TLiwGenericParam* param = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KNotificationType );
if(!param && aInParamList.Count() )
param = &aInParamList[0];
if( param->Name().Compare( KNullDesC8 ) )
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, KNotificationType, KMissing, 1 );
if ( param && CheckInputTypeL( ¶m->Value(), ETrue, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, aCmdName, KNotificationType, KTypeInvalid) )
TPtrC notifType = param->Value().AsDes();
if( notifType.CompareF( KNotificationNewMsg ) == 0 )
aNotificationType = ENewMessage;
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, KNotificationType, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
AppendErrorMessageL( aCmdName, KNotificationType, KMissing, 1 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the param list for sending message form the inputparam list
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSendMessageParams* CMessagingInterface::GetSendParametersL(
const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList )
TInputValidator validator;
CSendMessageParams* sendParams = CSendMessageParams::NewL();
TInt pos = 0;
TBool indexBaseInp = ETrue;
const TLiwGenericParam* inMessageType = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KMtm );
if ( inMessageType )
indexBaseInp = EFalse;
if( aInParamList.Count() )
inMessageType = &aInParamList[0];
if( inMessageType->Name().Compare( KNullDesC8 ) )
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdSendMessage, KMtm, KMissing, 1 );
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdSendMessage, KMtm, KMissing, 1 );
CheckInputTypeL( &inMessageType->Value(), ETrue, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdSendMessage, KMtm, KTypeInvalid );
TPtrC type = inMessageType->Value().AsDes();
if( sendParams->SetMessageTypeL( type ) != KErrNone )
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdSendMessage, KMtm, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
const TLiwGenericParam* inTmpParam = NULL;
// Read Recipient "To"
if ( indexBaseInp )
if ( aInParamList.Count() > 1 )
inTmpParam = &aInParamList[1];
pos = 0;
inTmpParam = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KRecipientTo );
if ( inTmpParam && CheckInputTypeL( &inTmpParam->Value(), ETrue, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdSendMessage, KRecipientTo, KTypeInvalid ))
TPtrC recipient = inTmpParam->Value().AsDes();
if( validator.CheckValidNumberWithPlus( recipient ) )
sendParams->AddRecipientL(recipient, EMsvRecipientTo);
inTmpParam = NULL;
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdSendMessage, KRecipientTo, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdSendMessage, KRecipientTo, KMissing, 1 );
// Read BodyText
if ( indexBaseInp )
if ( aInParamList.Count() > 2 )
inTmpParam = &aInParamList[2];
pos = 0;
inTmpParam = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KBodyText );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( inTmpParam && CheckInputTypeL( &inTmpParam->Value(), EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdSendMessage, KBodyText, KTypeInvalid ) )
TPtrC bodytext = inTmpParam->Value().AsDes();
sendParams->SetBodyTextL( bodytext );
inTmpParam = NULL;
// Read Subject
if ( indexBaseInp )
if ( aInParamList.Count() > 3 )
inTmpParam = &aInParamList[3];
pos = 0;
inTmpParam = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KSubject );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( inTmpParam && CheckInputTypeL( &inTmpParam->Value(), EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdSendMessage, KSubject, KTypeInvalid ) )
TPtrC subject = inTmpParam->Value().AsDes();
sendParams->SetSubjectL( subject );
inTmpParam = NULL;
// Read Attachment
if ( indexBaseInp )
if ( aInParamList.Count() > 4 )
inTmpParam = &aInParamList[4];
pos = 0;
inTmpParam = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KAttachmentName );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( inTmpParam && CheckInputTypeL( &inTmpParam->Value(), EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdSendMessage, KAttachmentName, KTypeInvalid ) )
TBuf<KMaxFileName> attachmentfile;
TBuf8<KMaxFileName> mimeType;
if( ! validator.CheckDesSize(inTmpParam->Value().AsDes()) )
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdSendMessage, KAttachmentName, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
attachmentfile.Copy( inTmpParam->Value().AsDes() );
inTmpParam = NULL;
// Read Attachment Mime type
if ( indexBaseInp )
if ( aInParamList.Count() > 5 )
inTmpParam = &aInParamList[5];
pos = 0;
inTmpParam = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KMimeType );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( inTmpParam && CheckInputTypeL( &inTmpParam->Value(), EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdSendMessage, KMimeType, KTypeInvalid ) )
if( ! validator.CheckDesSize( inTmpParam->Value().AsDes() ) )
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdSendMessage, KMimeType, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
mimeType.Copy( inTmpParam->Value().AsDes() );
inTmpParam = NULL;
CMsvAttachment* attachment = CMsvAttachment::NewL( CMsvAttachment::EMsvFile );
attachment->SetAttachmentNameL( attachmentfile );
if ( mimeType.Length() )
attachment->SetMimeTypeL( mimeType );
sendParams->AddAttachmentL( attachment );
const TLiwGenericParam* inMessageParam = NULL;
if ( indexBaseInp )
if ( aInParamList.Count() > 6 )
inMessageParam = &aInParamList[6];
pos = 0;
inMessageParam = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KMessageParam );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( inMessageParam && CheckInputTypeL( &inMessageParam->Value(), EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeMap, KCmdSendMessage, KMessageParam, KTypeInvalid ) )
const CLiwMap* inMap = inMessageParam->Value().AsMap();
TLiwVariant inParam;
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &inParam) );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( inMap->FindL( KTemplateId, inParam ) && CheckInputTypeL( &inParam, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeTInt32, KCmdSendMessage, KTemplateId, KTypeInvalid ) )
sendParams->SetTemplateId( (TMsvId)(inParam.AsTInt32()) );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( inMap->FindL( KLaunchEditor, inParam ) && CheckInputTypeL( &inParam, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeTBool, KCmdSendMessage, KLaunchEditor, KTypeInvalid ) )
sendParams->SetLaunchEditor( inParam.AsTBool() );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( inMap->FindL( KRecipientTo, inParam ) && CheckInputTypeL( &inParam, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeList, KCmdSendMessage, KRecipientTo, KTypeInvalid ) )
CLiwList* obj = (CLiwList*)(inParam.AsList());
for ( int index = 0; index < obj->Count(); index++ )
TLiwVariant element;
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &element) );
obj->AtL(index, element);
if( CheckInputTypeL( &element, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdSendMessage, KRecipientToElement, KTypeInvalid ) )
if( validator.CheckValidNumberWithPlus( element.AsDes() ) )
sendParams->AddRecipientL( element.AsDes(), EMsvRecipientTo);
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdSendMessage, KRecipientToElement, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &element );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( inMap->FindL( KRecipientCc, inParam ) && CheckInputTypeL( &inParam, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeList, KCmdSendMessage, KRecipientCc, KTypeInvalid ) )
CLiwList* obj = (CLiwList*)(inParam.AsList());
for ( int index = 0; index < obj->Count(); index++ )
TLiwVariant element;
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &element) );
obj->AtL(index, element);
if( CheckInputTypeL( &element, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdSendMessage, KRecipientCcElement, KTypeInvalid ) )
if( validator.CheckValidNumberWithPlus( element.AsDes() ) )
sendParams->AddRecipientL( element.AsDes(), EMsvRecipientTo);
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdSendMessage, KRecipientCcElement, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &element );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( inMap->FindL( KRecipientBcc, inParam ) && CheckInputTypeL( &inParam, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeList, KCmdSendMessage, KRecipientBcc, KTypeInvalid ) )
CLiwList* obj = (CLiwList*)(inParam.AsList());
for ( int index = 0; index < obj->Count(); index++ )
TLiwVariant element;
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &element) );
obj->AtL(index, element);
if( CheckInputTypeL( &element, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdSendMessage, KRecipientBccElement, KTypeInvalid ) )
if( validator.CheckValidNumberWithPlus( element.AsDes() ) )
sendParams->AddRecipientL( element.AsDes(), EMsvRecipientTo);
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdSendMessage, KRecipientBccElement, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &element );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( inMap->FindL( KAttachmentList, inParam ) && CheckInputTypeL( &inParam, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeList, KCmdSendMessage, KAttachmentList, KTypeInvalid ) )
CLiwList* obj = (CLiwList*)(inParam.AsList());
if( obj && ( obj->Count() > 0 ) )
for ( int index = 0; index < obj->Count(); index++ )
TLiwVariant list;
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &list) );
if( obj->AtL(index, list) && CheckInputTypeL( &list, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeMap, KCmdSendMessage, KAttachmentListElement, KTypeInvalid ) )
CLiwMap* map = (CLiwMap*)(list.AsMap());
TLiwVariant element;
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &element) );
TBuf<KMaxFileName> fileName;
if ( map->FindL(KFileName, element) && CheckInputTypeL( &element, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdSendMessage, KFileName, KTypeInvalid ) )
if( ! validator.CheckDesSize( element.AsDes() ) )
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdSendMessage, KFileName, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
fileName.Copy( element.AsDes() );
CMsvAttachment::TMsvAttachmentType fltype = CMsvAttachment::EMsvFile;
if ( map->FindL(KAttachmentType, element) && CheckInputTypeL( &element, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdSendMessage, KAttachmentType, KTypeInvalid ) )
TPtrC fileType = element.AsDes();
if ( fileType.CompareF( KAttachmentLinkedFile ) == 0 )
fltype = CMsvAttachment::EMsvLinkedFile;
if ( fileType.CompareF( KAttachmentFile ) != 0 )
User::Leave( ErrCodeConversion(KErrNotSupported));
TBuf8<KMaxFileName> mimeType;
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( map->FindL(KMimeType, element) && CheckInputTypeL( &element, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdSendMessage, KMimeType, KTypeInvalid ) )
if( ! validator.CheckDesSize( element.AsDes() ) )
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdSendMessage, KMimeType, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
mimeType.Copy( element.AsDes() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &element );
CMsvAttachment* attachment = CMsvAttachment::NewL(fltype);
attachment->SetAttachmentNameL( fileName );
if ( mimeType.Length() )
attachment->SetMimeTypeL( mimeType );
sendParams->AddAttachmentL( attachment );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &list );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &inParam );
CleanupStack::Pop( sendParams );
return sendParams;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gives the sort type
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TMsvSorting CMessagingInterface::SortType( const TDesC& aSortField, const TDesC& aSortOrder )
TMsvSorting retValue = EMsvSortByNone;//this indicates mismatch in either the sortfield or sortorder
if ( aSortOrder.CompareF( KSortAsc)== 0 )
if ( aSortField.CompareF( KSortByDate ) == 0 )
retValue = EMsvSortByDate;
else if ( aSortField.CompareF( KSortBySize ) == 0 )
retValue = EMsvSortBySize;
else if ( aSortField.CompareF( KSortBySender ) == 0 )
retValue = EMsvSortByDetails;
else if ( aSortField.CompareF( KSortBySubject ) == 0 )
retValue = EMsvSortByDescription;
else if ( aSortField.CompareF( KSortById ) == 0 )
retValue = EMsvSortById;
else if ( aSortOrder.CompareF( KSortDec) == 0 )
if ( aSortField.CompareF( KSortByDate ) == 0 )
retValue = EMsvSortByDateReverse;
else if ( aSortField.CompareF( KSortBySize ) == 0 )
retValue = EMsvSortBySizeReverse;
else if ( aSortField.CompareF( KSortBySender ) == 0 )
retValue = EMsvSortByDetailsReverse;
else if ( aSortField.CompareF( KSortBySubject ) == 0 )
retValue = EMsvSortByDescriptionReverse;
else if ( aSortField.CompareF( KSortById ) == 0 )
retValue = EMsvSortByIdReverse;
return retValue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the filter parameters and sorting option from the inputparam list
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CFilterParamInfo* CMessagingInterface::GetFilterParametersL(
const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList, TBool aIndexBaseInp )
TInputValidator validator;
TInt pos = 0 ;
CFilterParamInfo* filterparam = CFilterParamInfo::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( filterparam );
const TLiwGenericParam* filter = NULL;
if ( aIndexBaseInp )
if ( aInParamList.Count() > 1 )
filter = &aInParamList[1];
pos = 0 ;
filter = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KFilter );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( filter && CheckInputTypeL( &filter->Value(), EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeMap, KCmdGetHeaderList, KFilter, KTypeInvalid ) )
const CLiwMap* inputMap = filter->Value().AsMap();
if ( inputMap )
// FromArray
TLiwVariant inParam;
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &inParam) );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( inputMap->FindL( KSenderList, inParam ) && CheckInputTypeL( &inParam, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeList, KCmdGetHeaderList, KSenderList, KTypeInvalid ) )
CLiwList* obj = (CLiwList*)( inParam.AsList() );
for ( int index = 0; index < obj->Count(); index++ )
TLiwVariant element;
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &element) );
if( obj->AtL(index, element) && CheckInputTypeL( &element, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdGetHeaderList, KSenderElement, KTypeInvalid ) )
TPtrC fromaddr = element.AsDes();
//This check needs to be relaxed
/*if( validator.CheckValidNumberWithPlus( fromaddr ) )
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdGetHeaderList, KSenderElement, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
} */
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &element );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
// Mtmarray
if ( inputMap->FindL( KMtmList, inParam ) && CheckInputTypeL( &inParam, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeList, KCmdGetHeaderList, KMtmList, KTypeInvalid ) )
CLiwList* obj = (CLiwList*)( inParam.AsList() );
for ( int index = 0; index < obj->Count(); index++ )
TLiwVariant element;
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( TLiwVariant::VariantCleanup , &element) );
if( obj->AtL(index, element) && CheckInputTypeL( &element, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdGetHeaderList, KMtmElement, KTypeInvalid ) )
TPtrC mtm = element.AsDes();
if( filterparam->AddMtmL(mtm) != KErrNone )
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdGetHeaderList, KMtmElement, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &element );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
// Subject
if ( inputMap->FindL( KSubject, inParam ) && CheckInputTypeL( &inParam, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdGetHeaderList, KSubject, KTypeInvalid ) )
TPtrC obj = inParam.AsDes();
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( inputMap->FindL( KMessageId, inParam ) && CheckInputTypeL( &inParam, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeTInt32, KCmdGetHeaderList, KMessageId, KTypeInvalid ) )
TInt32 messageid = (TInt32)inParam.AsTInt32();
filterparam->SetMessageIdFilter( messageid );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
TTime startDate = Time::NullTTime();
if ( inputMap->FindL( KStartDate, inParam ) && CheckInputTypeL( &inParam, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeTTime, KCmdGetHeaderList, KStartDate, KTypeInvalid ) )
startDate = inParam.AsTTime();
filterparam->SetStartDateFilter( startDate );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
TTime endDate = Time::NullTTime();
if ( inputMap->FindL( KEndDate, inParam ) && CheckInputTypeL( &inParam, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeTTime, KCmdGetHeaderList, KEndDate, KTypeInvalid ) )
endDate = inParam.AsTTime();
filterparam->SetEndDate( endDate );
if( ( startDate != Time::NullTTime() && endDate != Time::NullTTime() ) &&
startDate > endDate )
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdGetHeaderList, KStartDate, KDateMismatch, 2 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &inParam );
const TLiwGenericParam* sortOrder = NULL;
if ( aIndexBaseInp )
if( aInParamList.Count() > 2 )
sortOrder = &aInParamList[2];
pos = 0 ;
sortOrder = aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KSortOrder );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( sortOrder && CheckInputTypeL( &sortOrder->Value(), EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeMap, KCmdGetHeaderList, KSortOrder, KTypeInvalid ) )
const CLiwMap* sortMap = sortOrder->Value().AsMap();
if ( sortMap )
TLiwVariant sortParam;
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( sortMap->FindL( KField, sortParam ) && CheckInputTypeL( &sortParam, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdGetHeaderList, KField, KTypeInvalid ) )
HBufC* sordField = sortParam.AsDes().AllocL();
CleanupStack::PushL( sordField );
//this is an optional parameter so check for not null constraint, ignore this in case of NULL
if ( sortMap->FindL( KOrder, sortParam ) && CheckInputTypeL( &sortParam, EFalse, LIW::EVariantTypeDesC, KCmdGetHeaderList, KOrder, KTypeInvalid ) )
TPtrC sortOrder = sortParam.AsDes();
TMsvSorting sortCriterion = SortType( *sordField, sortOrder );
if( sortCriterion == EMsvSortByNone )
AppendErrorMessageL( KCmdGetHeaderList, KSortOrder, KIncorrectValue, 2 );
filterparam->SetSortType( sortCriterion );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sordField );
CleanupStack::Pop( filterparam );
return filterparam;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Two-phase Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMsgCallbackHeader* CMsgCallbackHeader::NewL(CMessagingService* aMsgService)
CMsgCallbackHeader* self = new (ELeave) CMsgCallbackHeader(aMsgService);
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMsgCallbackHeader::CMsgCallbackHeader(CMessagingService* aMsgService):iMsg(aMsgService)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gives the result of asynchronous SAPI
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMsgCallbackHeader::NotifyResultL( TInt aErrCode, TAny* aResult )
CLiwGenericParamList* outParams = CLiwGenericParamList::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( outParams );
if ( aErrCode == KErrNone && aResult )
UpdateOutputAsHeaderL( outParams, aResult );
TInt event = KLiwEventInProgress;
if ( aErrCode == KErrCancel )
event = KLiwEventCanceled;
else if ( aErrCode != KErrNone )
event = KLiwEventStopped;
((MLiwNotifyCallback*)iPtrNotifyCallback)->HandleNotifyL( iTransactionId,
*((CLiwGenericParamList*)iPtrInParamList) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( outParams );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gives the result of getlist asynchronous SAPI
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMsgCallbackHeader::HandleGetlistL( TInt aErrCode, CMsvEntrySelection* aEntrySelection, CFilterParamInfo* aFilter )
CLiwGenericParamList* outParams = CLiwGenericParamList::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( outParams );
if ( aErrCode==KErrNone )
CIterableIdList* iter = CIterableIdList::NewL( aEntrySelection, iMsg, aFilter );
CleanupStack::PushL( iter );
TLiwVariant listVal;
listVal.Set( iter );
outParams->AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KReturnValue/*KMessageList*/, listVal ));
CleanupStack::Pop( iter );
TInt event = KLiwEventCompleted;
if ( aErrCode == KErrCancel )
event = KLiwEventCanceled;
else if ( aErrCode != KErrNone )
event = KLiwEventStopped;
((MLiwNotifyCallback*)iPtrNotifyCallback)->HandleNotifyL( iTransactionId,
*((CLiwGenericParamList*)iPtrInParamList) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( outParams );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Two-phase Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMsgCallbackBase* CMsgCallbackInt::NewL()
return new (ELeave) CMsgCallbackInt;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gives the result of asynchronous SAPI
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMsgCallbackInt::NotifyResultL( TInt aErrCode, TAny* /*aResult*/ )
CLiwGenericParamList* outParams = CLiwGenericParamList::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( outParams );
TInt event = KLiwEventCompleted;
if ( aErrCode == KErrCancel )
event = KLiwEventCanceled;
else if ( aErrCode != KErrNone )
event = KLiwEventStopped;
((MLiwNotifyCallback*)iPtrNotifyCallback)->HandleNotifyL( iTransactionId,
*((CLiwGenericParamList*)iPtrInParamList) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( outParams );
void CMsgCallbackInt::HandleGetlistL( TInt aErrCode, CMsvEntrySelection* aEntrySelection, CFilterParamInfo* aFilter )
//Dummy Function
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Updates the output for message header
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UpdateOutputAsHeaderL( CLiwGenericParamList* aOutParamList, TAny* aResult )
CMessageHeader* header = (CMessageHeader*)aResult;
TLiwVariant newElement;
if( GetLiwHeaderL( header, newElement ) )
aOutParamList->AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KReturnValue/*KMessage*/, newElement ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the message header
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool GetLiwHeaderL( CMessageHeader* aHeader, TLiwVariant& aElement,
CMessagingService* aMsgService,
TBool aCustomMap )
CLiwMap* map = NULL;
if ( aCustomMap )
map = CLiwMessagingMap::NewL( aMsgService );
map = CLiwDefaultMap::NewL();
CleanupClosePushL( *map );//CleanupStack::PushL(map);
map->InsertL( KUnreadFlag, TLiwVariant( aHeader->UnreadFlag() ) );
map->InsertL( KAttachFlag, TLiwVariant( aHeader->AttachFlag() ) );
map->InsertL( KPriority, TLiwVariant( aHeader->Priority() ) );
map->InsertL( KMessageId, TLiwVariant( aHeader->MessageId() ) );
map->InsertL( KTime, TLiwVariant( aHeader->Time() ) );
map->InsertL( KSender, TLiwVariant( aHeader->From() ) );
map->InsertL( KSubject, TLiwVariant( aHeader->Subject() ) );
map->InsertL( KMtm, TLiwVariant( aHeader->Mtm() ) );
aElement.SetL( map );
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Updates output param list with the headerlist.
// aFilter ownership is passed
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UpdateOutputAsIdListL( CLiwGenericParamList* aOutParamList,
CMsvEntrySelection* aEntrySelection,
CMessagingService* aMsgService,
CFilterParamInfo* aFilter )
CIterableIdList* iter = CIterableIdList::NewL( aEntrySelection, aMsgService, aFilter );
CleanupStack::PushL( iter );
TLiwVariant listVal;
listVal.Set( iter );
aOutParamList->AppendL( TLiwGenericParam( KReturnValue/*KMessageList*/, listVal ));
CleanupStack::Pop( iter );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Updates the message details to input map
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UpdateMessageDetailToMapL( CLiwMap* aResultMap, CMessageDetailInfo* aMessageDetail )
if ( aResultMap )
aResultMap->InsertL( KMessageId, TLiwVariant( aMessageDetail->MessageId() ) );
aResultMap->InsertL( KBodyText, TLiwVariant( aMessageDetail->BodyText() ) );
// Update recipient list
if ( aMessageDetail->RecipientArray() )
CLiwDefaultList* bccList = CLiwDefaultList::NewL();
CleanupClosePushL( *bccList ); //CleanupStack::PushL( bccList );
CLiwDefaultList* ccList = CLiwDefaultList::NewL();
CleanupClosePushL( *ccList ); //CleanupStack::PushL( ccList );
CLiwDefaultList* toList = CLiwDefaultList::NewL();
CleanupClosePushL( *toList ); //CleanupStack::PushL( toList );
for( TInt index = 0 ; index < aMessageDetail->RecipientArray()->Count() ;index++ )
switch ( aMessageDetail->RecipientArray()->Type( index ) )
case EMsvRecipientTo :
toList->AppendL(TLiwVariant( (*(aMessageDetail->RecipientArray()))[index] ) );
case EMsvRecipientCc :
ccList->AppendL(TLiwVariant( (*(aMessageDetail->RecipientArray()))[index] ) );
case EMsvRecipientBcc :
bccList->AppendL(TLiwVariant( (*(aMessageDetail->RecipientArray()))[index] ) );
default :
User::Leave( ErrCodeConversion(KErrGeneral) );
break ;
if ( toList->Count() > 0 )
aResultMap->InsertL( KRecipientTo, TLiwVariant(toList) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( toList );
if ( ccList->Count() > 0 )
aResultMap->InsertL( KRecipientCc, TLiwVariant(ccList) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ccList );
if ( bccList->Count() > 0 )
aResultMap->InsertL( KRecipientBcc, TLiwVariant(bccList) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bccList );
// Update attachment list
if ( aMessageDetail->AttachmentInfoArray() )
CLiwDefaultList* mapList = CLiwDefaultList::NewL();
CleanupClosePushL( *mapList ); //CleanupStack::PushL( mapList );
for ( TInt index = 0 ; index < aMessageDetail->AttachmentInfoArray()->Count(); index++ )
CLiwDefaultMap* map = CLiwDefaultMap::NewL();
CleanupClosePushL( *map ); //CleanupStack::PushL( map );
CMessageAttachInfo* attachinfo = aMessageDetail->AttachmentInfoArray()->At( index );
map->InsertL(KFileName, TLiwVariant( attachinfo->Name() ) );
map->InsertL(KFileSize, TLiwVariant( attachinfo->Size() ) );
map->InsertL(KMimeType, TLiwVariant( attachinfo->MimeType() ) );
RFile tmpFile = attachinfo->FileHandle();
CMsgFileBuffer* fileObj = CMsgFileBuffer::NewL( tmpFile );
CleanupStack::PushL( fileObj );
map->InsertL(KFileHandle, TLiwVariant( fileObj ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( fileObj );
mapList->AppendL( TLiwVariant(map) );
if ( mapList->Count() > 0 )
aResultMap->InsertL( KAttachmentList, TLiwVariant(mapList) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapList );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Two-Phase constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CIterableIdList* CIterableIdList::NewL( CMsvEntrySelection* aList,
CMessagingService* aMsgService,
CFilterParamInfo* aFilter )
return new(ELeave) CIterableIdList( aList, aMsgService, aFilter );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if( iList )
delete iList;
delete iFilter;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reset the list
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CIterableIdList::Reset()
if( iList )
iIndex = 0; //iList->Reset();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets next element in list
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CIterableIdList::NextL(TLiwVariant& aNext)
TBool retValue = EFalse;
if ( iList && iList->Count() > iIndex )
CMessageHeader* header = NULL;
TRAPD( err, iMsgService->GetNextHeaderL( iFilter, iList, iIndex, NULL, header ));// Check for trap
if ( ( err == KErrNone ) && header )
CleanupStack::PushL( header );
// Get object of the custom map
if ( GetLiwHeaderL( header, aNext, iMsgService, ETrue ) )
retValue = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( header );
User::LeaveIfError( ErrCodeConversion(err));
return retValue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CIterableIdList::CIterableIdList(CMsvEntrySelection* aList,
CMessagingService* aMsgService,
CFilterParamInfo* aFilter ):
iList( aList ),
iMsgService( aMsgService ),
iFilter( aFilter )
//Messaging Custom map Implementation
CLiwMessagingMap* CLiwMessagingMap::NewL( CMessagingService* aMsgService )
CLiwGenericParamList* gl = CLiwGenericParamList::NewLC();
CLiwMessagingMap* tempMap = new (ELeave) CLiwMessagingMap(gl, aMsgService);
return tempMap;
void CLiwMessagingMap::InsertL(const TDesC8& aKey, const TLiwVariant& aValue)
TLiwGenericParam mp;
mp.SetNameAndValueL(aKey, aValue);
TBool CLiwMessagingMap::FindL(const TDesC8& aKey, TLiwVariant& aValue) const
TInt pos = 0;
const TLiwGenericParam* tempParam = iMap->FindFirst(pos, aKey);
if (tempParam)
return ETrue;
// add for bodytext/recipient cc bcc to/attachlist
if( aKey.CompareF( KBodyText ) == 0 ||
aKey.CompareF( KRecipientTo ) == 0 ||
aKey.CompareF( KRecipientCc ) == 0 ||
aKey.CompareF( KRecipientBcc ) == 0 ||
aKey.CompareF( KAttachmentList ) == 0 )
pos = 0;
const TLiwGenericParam* messageIdParam = iMap->FindFirst( pos, KMessageId );
if ( messageIdParam && iMsgService )
TMsvId messageId = messageIdParam->Value().AsTInt32();
CMessageDetailInfo* messageDetail = NULL;
TRAPD( err, iMsgService->GetMessageDetailL( messageId, NULL, messageDetail ));
if ( err == KErrNone && messageDetail )
CleanupStack::PushL( messageDetail );
UpdateMessageDetailToMapL( (CLiwMap*)this, messageDetail );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( messageDetail );
pos = 0;
const TLiwGenericParam* detailParam = iMap->FindFirst(pos, aKey);
if ( detailParam )
aValue.SetL( detailParam->Value() );
return ETrue;
User::LeaveIfError( ErrCodeConversion(err) );
return EFalse;
TInt CLiwMessagingMap::Count() const
return iMap->Count();
TBool CLiwMessagingMap::AtL(TInt aIndex, TDes8& aKey) const
if(0 <= aIndex && aIndex < iMap->Count())
aKey = ((*iMap)[aIndex]).Name();
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
void CLiwMessagingMap::Remove(const TDesC8& aKey)
iMap->Remove( aKey );
delete iMap;
//File Buffer Implementation
CMsgFileBuffer* CMsgFileBuffer::NewL(RFile& aFile)
return new(ELeave) CMsgFileBuffer(aFile);
CMsgFileBuffer::CMsgFileBuffer( RFile& aFile ):
iFile( aFile )
RFile& CMsgFileBuffer::AsFile()
return iFile;
TUint8* CMsgFileBuffer::Buf() const
return NULL;
TInt CMsgFileBuffer::Len()
TInt size = 0;
TInt retValue = iFile.Size( size );
if ( retValue == KErrNone )
return size;
return retValue;
TInt CMsgFileBuffer::Read( TUint8* aPtr,TInt aLength )
TPtr8 temp(aPtr, aLength);
TInt errCode = iFile.Read( temp, aLength );
return errCode;
TInt CMsgFileBuffer::Write(const TUint8 /*aPtr*/, TInt /*aLength*/)
return KLiwBufferReadOnly;
void CMsgFileBuffer::Release()
TInt CMsgFileBuffer::TypeID()
return KLiwBufferFile;
TBool CMsgFileBuffer::operator==(CLiwBuffer& /*aBuffer*/)
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ErrCode Conversion
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt32 ErrCodeConversion(TInt code)
TInt32 err;
switch (code)
case KErrCancel:
case KErrNone:
err= SErrNone;
case KErrNotFound:
err= SErrNotFound;
case KErrNoMemory:
err = SErrNoMemory;
case KErrInUse:
err = SErrServiceInUse;
case KErrNotSupported:
err = SErrServiceNotSupported;
case KErrBadName:
err = SErrBadArgumentType;
case KErrArgument:
err = SErrInvalidServiceArgument;
case KErrAlreadyExists:
err = SErrEntryExists;
case SErrMissingArgument:
err = SErrMissingArgument;
default :
err = SErrGeneralError;
return err;
TBool TInputValidator::CheckValidFile( const TDesC &aFileName )
if( aFileName.Length() <= KMaxFileName )
RFs fileSession;
if( fileSession.Connect() == KErrNone )
if( fileSession.IsValidName( aFileName ) )
RFile tmpfile;
if( tmpfile.Open( fileSession, aFileName, EFileRead ) == KErrNone )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
return EFalse;
TBool TInputValidator::CheckDesSize( const TDesC &aDes )
if( aDes.Length() <= KMaxFileName )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
TBool TInputValidator::CheckValidDate( const TTime &aTime )
TTime null = Time::NullTTime();
TTime low = Time::MinTTime();
TTime high = Time::MaxTTime();
if( aTime == null || aTime < low || aTime > high )
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
TBool TInputValidator::CheckValidNumber( const TDesC &aDes )
if( aDes.Length() )
TLex parser( aDes );
TChar character;
while( (character = parser.Get()) !=0 )
if( !character.IsDigit() )
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
TBool TInputValidator::CheckValidNumberWithPlus( const TDesC &aDes )
if( aDes.Length() )
TLex parser( aDes );
TChar character;
character = parser.Get();
if( !(character == '+') && !character.IsDigit() )//check for the first character
return EFalse;
while( (character = parser.Get()) !=0 )
if( !character.IsDigit() )
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
return EFalse;