author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Fri, 19 Feb 2010 23:43:21 +0200
changeset 32 4ac3198c2c5b
parent 5 989d2f495d90
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201003 Kit: 201007

* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  describes system information notifiers.


#include <e32property.h>
#include "sysinfo.h"
#include "sysrequest.h"


class   CRepository;

*  @ref CActiveRequest base class to be extended for implementing asynchronous requests.
*	static member function CreateActiveRequestL() is a factory method to create CActiveRequest
*	object to handle specified asynchronous operation.
*  @lib sysinfoservice.lib
*  @since S60 3.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CActiveRequest) : public CActive
    * Issues asynchronous request. funtionality need to provided by implementing class.
    virtual TInt Request() = 0;
    * @return Transaction ID associated with the asynchronous request.
    inline TInt32  TransactionID() const;
    * @return type of request this object handling.
    inline TSysRequest::TRequestType  RequestType() const;
    * Destructor.

    * This is an factory method to create asynchronous request based on request 
    * specified in aSysRequest.
    * @param aSysRequest Input request consists of SA, Type of request, TID 
    *	and SystemData if any.
    * @param aActiveObj On return aActiveObj consists of active object that will 
    *	handle requested asynchronus operation.
    * @error	@p KErrNotFound	If requested SA not found.
    *			@p KErrNotSupported	If specified requeust type doesn't qualify with  
    *				requested SA specification.
    *			@p KErrArgument	if specified input SystemData doesn't comply 
    *				system attribute specification. 
    static void CreateActiveRequestL( const TSysRequest& aSysRequest,
                                        CActiveRequest*& aActiveObj );

    * C++ default constructor.
    CActiveRequest(TSysRequest::TRequestType aReqType,TInt32 aTransID,
                                            ISystemObserver* aObsrvr);
    * returns observer.
    inline ISystemObserver* SystemObserver();

    * This function creates active objects that handles network related
    * system attributes.
    * @param aSysRequest Input request consists of SA, Type of request, TID 
    *                   and SystemData if any.
    * @param aActiveObj On return aActiveObj consists of active object that will 
    *                   handle requested asynchronus operation.
    * @error    @p KErrNotSupported	If specified requeust type doesn't qualify with  
    *               requested SA specification.
    *           @p KErrArgument	if specified input SystemData doesn't comply 
    *               system attribute specification. 
    static void CreateNetworkRequestL(const TSysRequest& aSysRequest,
                                        CActiveRequest*& aActiveObj);

    * This function creates active objects that handles General Entity related
    * system attributes.
    * @param aSysRequest Input request consists of SA, Type of request, TID 
    *	and SystemData if any.
    * @param aActiveObj On return aActiveObj consists of active object that will 
    *	handle requested asynchronus operation.
    * @error    @p KErrNotSupported	If specified requeust type doesn't qualify with  
    *               requested SA specification.
    *           @p KErrArgument	if specified input SystemData doesn't comply 
    *               system attribute specification. 
    static void CreateGeneralRequestL(const TSysRequest& aSysRequest,
    CActiveRequest*& aActiveObj);

    * This function creates active objects that handles Display Entity related
    * system attributes.
    * @param aSysRequest Input request consists of SA, Type of request, TID 
    *	and SystemData if any.
    * @param aActiveObj On return aActiveObj consists of active object that will 
    *	handle requested asynchronus operation.
    * @error    @p KErrNotSupported	If specified requeust type doesn't qualify with  
    *               requested SA specification.
    *           @p KErrArgument	if specified input SystemData doesn't comply 
    *               system attribute specification. 
    static void CreateDisplayRequestL(const TSysRequest& aSysRequest,
                                        CActiveRequest*& aActiveObj);

    //	Transaction ID
    TInt32                      iTransactionID;

    //	Request Type.
    TSysRequest::TRequestType   iRequestType;
    ISystemObserver*            iObserver;

#include "activerequest.inl"

*  @ref ActiveStore This class maintains pointer reference of all ongoing 
*	active requests. Offers funtionality to add or remove an active 
*	request to/from the list. An active object request is identified by this 
*	unique Transaction ID.
*  @lib sysinfoservice.lib
*  @since S60 3.2
class ActiveStore
    * This function appends a new active request to the active store.
    * @param aActiveReq Input active request to be appended.
    * @error @p KErrAlreadyExists  
    *               if Transaction ID specified already exists.
    static void AddRequestL(const CActiveRequest* aActiveReq);
    * This function removes an active request in active store.
    * @param aActiveReq Input active request to be appended.
    * @return   @p KErrNone on success.
    *           @p KErrNotFound if specified transaction id doesn't exists.
    static TInt RemoveRequest(TInt32 aTransID);
    * This function releases or removes all requests stored.
    static void ReleaseResources();
    //pointer array of active requests.
    static RPointerArray<CActiveRequest>  iHandlers;

    friend class CSysInfoService;

*  @ref CCenrepNotifier active object class to handle asynchronous notifications
*       of central repository key value changes.
*  @lib sysinfoservice.lib
*  @since 3.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCenrepNotifier): public CActiveRequest
    public:	// Constructors and destructor

    // Enumeration of supported commands by CCenrepNotifier.
    enum TCommand  {

    * Two-phased constructor.
    * @return A new instance of this class.
    static CCenrepNotifier* NewL( const TSysRequest& aRequest, 
                                            TCommand aCommand);
    * Destructor.

    * C++ default constructor.
    CCenrepNotifier(TSysRequest::TRequestType aReqType, TInt32 aTransID, 
                            TCommand aCommand, ISystemObserver* aObsrver);

    * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
    void ConstructL(const TSysRequest& aRequest);

    * Issues notification request.
    TInt Request();

    protected: // from CActive
    void RunL();

    void DoCancel();

    private:	// DATA
    *	Local copy of Entity.
    HBufC*          iEntity;

    *	Local copy of Key.
    HBufC*          iKey;

    *	Handle to repository.
    CRepository* 	iCenrep;

    *	Repository UID
    TUid            iRepositoryUid;

    *	Repository KEY
    TUint 			iRepositoryKey;

    *	Repository KEY
    TInt			iValue;

    *	Supported command
    TCommand		iCommand;

*  @ref CPubSubNotifier active object class to handle publish & subscribe key value 
*   changes.
*  @lib   sysinfoservice.lib
*  @since 3.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPubSubNotifier): public CActiveRequest
    public:	// Constructors and destructor

    // Enumeration of supported commands by CPubSubNotifier.
    enum TCommand

    * Two-phased constructor.
    * @return A new instance of this class.
    static CPubSubNotifier* NewL(const TSysRequest& aRequest, TCommand aCommand);
    * Destructor.


    * C++ default constructor.
    CPubSubNotifier( TSysRequest::TRequestType aReqType, TInt32 aTransID, 
                            TCommand aCommand, ISystemObserver* aObsrver);

    * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
    void ConstructL( const TSysRequest& aRequest);

    * Issues notification request.
    TInt Request();

    protected: // from CActive

    void RunL();

    void DoCancel();

    private:	// DATA
    *	Local copy of Entity.
    HBufC*      iEntity;

    *	Local copy of Key.
    HBufC*      iKey;

    *	RProperty handle.
    RProperty   iProperty;

    *	RProperty category UID.
    TUid        iPropertyUid;

    *	RProperty KEY of any category.
    TUint       iPropertyKey;

    *	RProperty category,KEY value.
    TInt        iValue;

    *	CPubSubNotifier supported input command.
    TCommand    iCommand;

*  @ref CCriticalMemNotifier active object class to handle critical memory 
*   notifications of drive.
*  @lib   sysinfoservice.lib 
*  @since 3.2

NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCriticalMemNotifier): public CActiveRequest
    public:	// Constructors and destructor

    * Two-phased constructor.
    * @return A new instance of this class.
    static CCriticalMemNotifier* NewL(const TSysRequest& aRequest);

    * Destructor.


    * C++ default constructor.
    CCriticalMemNotifier(TSysRequest::TRequestType aReqType, TInt32 aTransID,
                                                    ISystemObserver* aObsrver);

    * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
    void ConstructL(const TSysRequest& aRequest);


    TInt Request();

    protected: // from CActive

    void RunL();

    void DoCancel();

    private:	// DATA

    *	Session handle to file server.
    RFs         iFs;

    *	Drive number
    TInt        iDrvNumber;

    *	Critical memory associcated with the drive.
    TInt        iCriticalFreeMemory;