changeset 0 c3e98f10fcf4
child 1 388a17646e40
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c3e98f10fcf4
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of CBtListenActive
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include    <avkon.hrh>                    // AVKON components
    21 #include    "oppcontroller.h"
    22 #include    "btengdevman.h"
    23 #include    <obexutilsmessagehandler.h>
    24 #include    "debug.h"
    25 #include    <obexutils.rsg>
    26 #include    <bautils.h>
    27 #include    <UiklafInternalCRKeys.h>
    28 #include    <obexutilsuilayer.h>
    29 #include    <btengdomaincrkeys.h>
    30 #include    <AiwServiceHandler.h> // The AIW service handler
    31 #include    <sysutil.h>
    32 #include    <btengdomaincrkeys.h> 
    33 #include    <msvids.h>
    34 #include    <pathinfo.h>          // provides interface for quering system paths 
    35 #include    <es_sock.h>
    36 #include    <bt_sock.h>
    38 // CONSTANTS
    40 const TInt    KBufferSize = 0x4000;  // 16kB
    42 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    45 COPPController* COPPController::NewL()
    46     {
    47     COPPController* self = new ( ELeave ) COPPController();
    48 	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    49 	self->ConstructL();
    50 	CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    51 	return self;
    52     }
    54 COPPController::COPPController()
    55 	{
    56     TRACE_FUNC
    57 	}
    59 void COPPController::ConstructL()	
    60 	{
    61     TRACE_FUNC
    62     iObexTransferState = ETransferIdle;
    63     iLowMemoryActiveCDrive = CObexUtilsPropertyNotifier::NewL(this, ECheckPhoneMemory);
    64     iLowMemoryActiveMMC = CObexUtilsPropertyNotifier::NewL(this, ECheckMMCMemory);        
    65     iDevMan=CBTEngDevMan::NewL(this);  
    66     iResultArray = new (ELeave) CBTDeviceArray(1);
    67     // Get default folder from CenRep 
    68     TObexUtilsMessageHandler::GetCenRepKeyStringValueL(KCRUidBluetoothEngine, 
    69                                                        KLCReceiveFolder,
    70                                                        iCenRepFolder);
    71 	} 
    73 COPPController::~COPPController()
    74     {
    75     TRACE_FUNC
    76     delete iObexObject;
    77     delete iBuf;
    78     delete iLowMemoryActiveCDrive;
    79     delete iLowMemoryActiveMMC;
    80     delete iProgressDialog;
    81     delete iWaitDialog;
    82     delete iDevMan;
    83     if (iResultArray)
    84         {
    85         iResultArray->ResetAndDestroy();
    86         delete iResultArray;
    87         }
    88     iFs.Close();
    89     }
    91 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    92 // ErrorIndication()
    93 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    94 //
    95 void COPPController::ErrorIndication( TInt TRACE_ONLY(aError) )
    96     {
    97     TRACE_FUNC
    98     TRACE_ERROR((_L( "[oppreceiveservice] COPPController: ErrorIndication error:\t %d" ),aError));
    99     HandleError(EFalse); // false because not explicit abort
   100     }
   102 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   103 // AbortIndication() 
   104 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   105 //
   106 void COPPController::AbortIndication()
   107 	{
   108 	TRACE_FUNC
   109 	HandleError(ETrue); // true because explicit abort
   110 	}
   112 void COPPController::HandleError(TBool aAbort)
   113     {
   114     TRACE_ERROR((_L( "[oppreceiveservice] COPPController:HandleError" )));
   115     if( iObexTransferState == ETransferPut || iObexTransferState == ETransferPutDiskError )
   116         {        
   117         if(iObexObject)
   118             {
   119             iObexObject->Reset();
   120             }
   121         CancelTransfer();
   122         if(!aAbort)
   123         	{
   124 			if(iMediaType == ESrcsMediaBT)
   125 				{
   126 				TRAP_IGNORE( TObexUtilsUiLayer::ShowGlobalConfirmationQueryL( R_BT_FAILED_TO_RECEIVE ) );
   127 				}
   128 			TRACE_ASSERT(iMediaType != ESrcsMediaIrDA, KErrNotSupported)
   129         	}
   130         }
   131     delete iBuf;
   132     iBuf = NULL;
   133     iObexTransferState = ETransferIdle;
   134     TRAP_IGNORE(TObexUtilsMessageHandler::RemoveInboxEntriesL(iObexObject, iMsvIdParent));
   135     TRAP_IGNORE(TObexUtilsMessageHandler::RemoveTemporaryRFileL (iFullPathFilename));
   136     }
   138 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   139 // TransportUpIndication()
   140 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   141 //
   142 void COPPController::TransportUpIndication()
   143 	{
   144 	TRACE_FUNC    
   145     iObexTransferState = ETransferIdle;	
   147 	if ( !iFs.Handle() )
   148 	    {
   149 	    TRACE_INFO( (_L( "[oppreceiveservice] TransportUpIndication iFs.Connect()" )) ); 
   150 	    if ( iFs.Connect() )   // error value not preserved, iFs.Handle() checked one more time before first useage
   151 	        {
   152 	        TRACE_INFO( (_L( "[oppreceiveservice] TransportUpIndication iFs.Connect() failed" )) ); 
   153 	        }
   154 	    }
   156     iFile = RFile();
   157     iFullPathFilename.Zero();
   158     iMsvIdArray.Reset();  
   159 	}
   161 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   162 // ObexConnectIndication()
   163 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   164 //
   165 TInt COPPController::ObexConnectIndication( const TObexConnectInfo& /*aRemoteInfo*/,
   166                                             const TDesC8& /*aInfo*/)
   167     {
   168     TRACE_FUNC  
   169     if ( iMediaType == ESrcsMediaBT )
   170         {
   171         TRACE_INFO( _L( "[oppreceiveservice] ObexConnectIndication: BT media \t" ) );
   173         // Get remote device socket address and bluetooth name
   174         // Remote bluetooth name will be displayed in the new message in inbox.
   175         //
   176         TSockAddr addr;
   177         iObexServer->RemoteAddr(addr);
   178         TBTDevAddr tBTDevAddr = static_cast<TBTSockAddr>(addr).BTAddr();
   180         TBTRegistrySearch nameSearch;
   181         nameSearch.FindAddress(tBTDevAddr);
   183         iResultArray->Reset();
   184         // ignore any errors here, if we don't get the name, we don't get the name
   185         static_cast<void>(iDevMan->GetDevices(nameSearch, iResultArray));
   186         }
   188     return KErrNone;
   189     }
   191 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   192 // ObexDisconnectIndication(
   193 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   194 //
   195 void COPPController::ObexDisconnectIndication(const TDesC8& /*aInfo*/)
   196     {
   197     TRACE_FUNC
   199     }
   201 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   202 // TransportDownIndication()
   203 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   204 //
   205 void COPPController::TransportDownIndication()
   206     {
   207     TRACE_FUNC
   208     TRAP_IGNORE(ShowFileReceivedQueryL());
   209     iFs.Close();
   210     }
   212 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   213 // PutRequestIndication()
   214 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   215 //
   216 CObexBufObject* COPPController::PutRequestIndication()
   217     {
   218     TRACE_FUNC
   219     iLengthHeaderReceived = EFalse; // New put request so clear header based state
   220     iObexTransferState = ETransferPut;
   221     TRAPD(err, HandlePutRequestL());
   222     if(err == KErrNone)
   223         {
   224         return iObexObject;
   225         }
   226     TRACE_INFO( _L( "[oppreceiveservice] COPPController: PutRequestIndication end\t" ) );
   227     if (iObexTransferState != ETransferPutInitError)
   228         {
   229         iObexTransferState = ETransferPutDiskError;
   230         }
   231     return NULL;
   232     }
   234 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   235 // PutPacketIndication()    
   236 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   237 //
   238 TInt COPPController::PutPacketIndication()
   239     {
   240     TRACE_FUNC
   241     if(iObexTransferState == ETransferPutCancel)
   242         {
   243         // User cancelled the put request, so error the next packet to terminate the put request.
   244         // BIP considers the Unauthorized error response suitable for this...
   245         HandleError(ETrue); // reset state and clear up
   246         return KErrIrObexRespUnauthorized;
   247         }
   249     iTotalSizeByte = iObexObject->Length();     // get size of receiving file
   250     iReceivingFileName = iObexObject->Name();   // get name of receiving file
   252     // Check that capacity is suitable as soon as possible
   253     if(!iLengthHeaderReceived && iTotalSizeByte > 0)
   254         {
   255         iLengthHeaderReceived = ETrue; // total size value is from length header
   256         TBool capacity = ETrue;
   257         TRAPD(retTrap, capacity = CheckCapacityL());
   258         if(retTrap != KErrNone)
   259             {
   260             return KErrGeneral;
   261             }
   262         if(!capacity)
   263             {
   264             TRAP_IGNORE(TObexUtilsUiLayer::ShowGlobalConfirmationQueryL(R_OUT_OF_MEMORY));
   265             return KErrDiskFull;
   266             }
   267         }
   268     if(iObexObject->Name().Length() > KMaxFileName)
   269         {
   270         return KErrAccessDenied;
   271         }
   272     if(iObexTransferState == ETransferPutDiskError)
   273         {
   274         return KErrDiskFull;
   275         }
   276     // successfully received put packet if we reached here
   277     iObexTransferState = ETransferPut;
   279     // Now we need to either create (in the first instance) or update the dialog on the UI.
   280     if(ReceivingIndicatorActive())
   281         {
   282         UpdateReceivingIndicator();
   283         }
   284     else if(!iNoteDisplayed)
   285         {
   286         // No note launched yet, so try to launch
   287         TRAPD(err, LaunchReceivingIndicatorL());
   288         iNoteDisplayed = (err == KErrNone);
   289         }
   291     return KErrNone;
   292     }
   294 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   295 // PutCompleteIndication()
   296 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   297 //
   298 TInt COPPController::PutCompleteIndication()
   299     {
   300     TRACE_FUNC
   301     TInt retVal = KErrNone;
   302     if(iObexTransferState == ETransferPutCancel)
   303         {
   304         retVal = KErrIrObexRespUnauthorized;
   305         HandleError(ETrue);
   306         }
   307     else
   308         {
   309         retVal = HandlePutCompleteIndication();
   310         iObexTransferState = ETransferIdle;
   311         CloseReceivingIndicator();
   312         }
   313     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   314     return retVal;
   315     }
   317 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   318 // GetRequestIndication()
   319 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   320 //
   321 CObexBufObject* COPPController::GetRequestIndication( CObexBaseObject* /*aRequiredObject*/)
   322     {
   323     TRACE_FUNC
   324     return NULL;
   325     }
   327 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   328 // GetPacketIndication()
   329 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   330 //
   331 TInt COPPController::GetPacketIndication()
   332     {
   333     TRACE_FUNC
   334     return KErrNone;
   335     }
   337 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   338 // GetCompleteIndication()
   339 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   340 //
   341 TInt COPPController::GetCompleteIndication()
   342     {
   343     TRACE_FUNC
   344     return KErrNone;
   345     }
   347 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   348 // SetPathIndication()
   349 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   350 //
   351 TInt COPPController::SetPathIndication( const CObex::TSetPathInfo& /*aPathInfo*/, 
   352                                         const TDesC8& /*aInfo*/)
   353     {
   354     TRACE_FUNC
   355     // SetPath is not implemented in OPP - so following IrOBEX guidance, return
   356     // the Forbidden response code.
   357     return KErrIrObexRespForbidden;
   358     }
   362 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   363 // HandleNotifyL()
   364 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   365 //
   366 void COPPController::HandleNotifyL( TMemoryPropertyCheckType aCheckType )
   367     {    
   368     TRACE_FUNC        
   370     // Only interested on this notification if we are receiving something
   371     if ( iObexTransferState == ETransferPut )
   372         {
   373         // Check the keys, what has been changed.
   374         TRACE_INFO( _L( "[oppreceiveservice] COPPController::HandleNotifyL\t" ) );
   375         if ( aCheckType == ECheckPhoneMemory )
   376             {            
   377             if ( SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( NULL, 0 ) )
   378                 {
   379                 TRACE_INFO( _L( "[oppreceiveservice] COPPController: Obex Server error diskfull\t" ) );
   380                 iObexTransferState = ETransferPutDiskError;                    
   381                 }
   382             }
   383         else if ( aCheckType == ECheckMMCMemory )
   384             {                                
   385             if ( SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( NULL, 0 ) )
   386                 {                        
   387                 TRACE_INFO( _L( "[oppreceiveservice] COPPController: Obex Server error diskfull\t" ) );
   388                 iObexTransferState = ETransferPutDiskError;
   389                 }
   390             }            
   391         }        
   392     }
   393 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   394 // HandlePutRequestL()
   395 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   396 //
   397 void COPPController::HandlePutRequestL()
   398     {
   399     TRACE_FUNC
   401     delete iObexObject;
   402     iObexObject = NULL;
   404     iFile = RFile();
   406     if ( !iFs.Handle() )
   407         {
   408         User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   409         }
   411     // Assign an initial value to iDrive
   412     iDrive = GetDriveWithMaximumFreeSpaceL();    
   414     // If iDrive is at critical space level, we immediately show out_of_memory.
   415     //
   416     if (SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &iFs, 0, iDrive ))
   417         {
   418         TRAP_IGNORE(TObexUtilsUiLayer::ShowGlobalConfirmationQueryL(R_OUT_OF_MEMORY));
   419         User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   420         }
   422     TRACE_INFO( (_L( "[oppreceiveservice] HandlePutRequestL %d\t" ),iDrive ) ); 
   424     iObexObject = CObexBufObject::NewL( NULL );    
   426     delete iBuf;
   427     iBuf = NULL;
   429     TRACE_ASSERT(iMediaType != ESrcsMediaIrDA, KErrNotSupported);
   430     if ( iMediaType == ESrcsMediaBT )
   431         {
   432         TChar driveLetter;
   433         iDefaultFolder.Zero();
   434         iFs.DriveToChar(iDrive, driveLetter);
   435         iDefaultFolder.Append(driveLetter);
   436         if ( iDrive == EDriveC )
   437             {
   438             iDefaultFolder.Append(_L(":\\data\\"));
   439             }
   440         else
   441             {
   442             iDefaultFolder.Append(_L(":\\"));
   443             }
   444         iDefaultFolder.Append(iCenRepFolder);
   446         iFile = RFile();
   447         iFullPathFilename.Zero();
   448         TRAPD(err, TObexUtilsMessageHandler::CreateReceiveBufferAndRFileL(iFile,
   449                                                                               iDefaultFolder,
   450                                                                               iFullPathFilename,
   451                                                                               iBuf,
   452                                                                               KBufferSize));
   453         if(err != KErrNone)
   454             {
   455             iObexTransferState = ETransferPutInitError;
   456             User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   457             }
   458         }
   459     else
   460         {
   461         iObexTransferState = ETransferPutInitError;
   462         User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   463         }
   465     User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Open(iFs,iFullPathFilename,EFileWrite));   
   466     TObexRFileBackedBuffer bufferdetails(*iBuf,iFile,CObexBufObject::EDoubleBuffering);    
   468     TRAPD(err, iObexObject->SetDataBufL( bufferdetails) );
   469     if (err != KErrNone)
   470         {
   471         iObexTransferState = ETransferPutInitError;
   472         User::Leave(KErrGeneral);  // set to != KErrNone
   473         }
   475     TRACE_INFO( _L( "[oppreceiveservice] COPPController: HandlePutRequestL completed\t" ) );
   476     }
   479 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   480 // HandlePutCompleteIndication()
   481 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   482 //
   483 TInt COPPController::HandlePutCompleteIndication()
   484 	{
   485 	TRACE_FUNC        
   486     TInt retVal = KErrNone;
   488 	TChar driveLetter;
   489 	iDefaultFolder.Zero();
   490 	iFs.DriveToChar(iDrive, driveLetter);
   491 	iDefaultFolder.Append(driveLetter);
   492 	if ( iDrive == EDriveC )
   493 	    {
   494 	    iDefaultFolder.Append(_L(":\\data\\"));
   495 	    }
   496 	else
   497 	    {
   498 	    iDefaultFolder.Append(_L(":\\"));
   499 	    }
   500 	iDefaultFolder.Append(iCenRepFolder);
   501 	iFullPathFilename.Zero();
   502 	iFullPathFilename.Append(iDefaultFolder);
   505 	TRACE_INFO( (_L( "[oppreceiveservice] HandlePutCompleteIndication %d\t" ),iDrive ) ); 
   507 	if (iMediaType==ESrcsMediaBT)
   508 	    {
   509 	    TRAP ( retVal, TObexUtilsMessageHandler::SaveFileToFileSystemL(iObexObject,
   510 	                                                                   KUidMsgTypeBt,
   511 	                                                                   iMsvIdParent,
   512 	                                                                   iFullPathFilename,
   513 	                                                                   iFile,
   514 	                                                                   iRemoteDeviceName));
   515 	    }
   516 	TRACE_ASSERT( iMediaType!=ESrcsMediaIrDA, KErrNotSupported);
   517 	if ( retVal == KErrNone)
   518 	    {
   519 	    TRAP (retVal, TObexUtilsMessageHandler::AddEntryToInboxL(iMsvIdParent, iFullPathFilename, &iMsvIdArray));		    
   521     if( retVal != KErrNone )
   522         {
   523         TRACE_INFO( (_L( "[oppreceiveservice] HandlePutCompleteIndication AddEntryToInboxL() failed  %d \t" ),retVal ) );                 	
   524         TRAP_IGNORE(TObexUtilsMessageHandler::RemoveInboxEntriesL(iObexObject, iMsvIdParent));        
   525         }
   526         }
   527 	else
   528 	    {
   529 	    TRACE_INFO( (_L( "[oppreceiveservice] HandlePutCompleteIndication failed  %d \t" ),retVal ) ); 
   530 	    }
   533     delete iObexObject;
   534     iObexObject = NULL;
   536     delete iBuf;
   537     iBuf = NULL;
   539     iPreviousDefaultFolder = iDefaultFolder;  // save the last file path where file is successfully saved to file system.
   540     iMsvIdParent = KMsvNullIndexEntryId; 
   541     TRACE_INFO( _L( "[oppreceiveservice] HandlePutCompleteIndication Done\t" ) );    
   542     return retVal;
   543 	}
   546 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   547 // CheckCapacity()
   548 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   549 //	    
   550 TBool COPPController::CheckCapacityL()
   551     {
   552     TRACE_FUNC_ENTRY   
   554     iDrive = EDriveZ; // Intialize iDrive to Z
   555     TInt filesize = iObexObject->Length();
   557     RFs rfs ;
   558     User::LeaveIfError(rfs.Connect());
   560     TFileName mmcRoot = PathInfo::MemoryCardRootPath();   // e.g. "E:\\"
   562     TInt mmcDrive = KDefaultDrive;   // External memroy card  
   563     TInt imsDrive = KDefaultDrive;   // Internal mass storage
   565     if ( mmcRoot == _L("E:\\"))
   566         {
   567         mmcDrive = EDriveE;
   568         imsDrive = EDriveF;
   569         }
   570     else if ( mmcRoot == _L("F:\\") )
   571         {
   572         mmcDrive = EDriveF;
   573         imsDrive = EDriveE;
   574         }
   576     TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
   577     TInt err = rfs.Volume(volumeInfo, imsDrive);
   579     // If err != KErrNone, Drive is not available.
   580     //
   581     if ( !err )
   582         {
   583         // Check capacity on Internal mass storage            
   584         TRACE_INFO( (_L( "[oppreceiveservice] CheckCapacityL Internal mass storage E\t" )) );
   585         if ( !SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &rfs, filesize, imsDrive ) )
   586             {
   587             iDrive = imsDrive;            
   588             }
   589         }
   590     else
   591         {
   592         err = rfs.Volume(volumeInfo, mmcDrive);
   593         if ( !err )
   594             {
   595             // Check capacity on Internal mass storage    
   596             TRACE_INFO( (_L( "[oppreceiveservice] CheckCapacityL Checking memory card F\t" )) );
   597             if ( !SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &rfs, filesize, mmcDrive ) )
   598                 {                    
   599                 iDrive = mmcDrive;
   600                 }   
   601             }
   602         }           
   603     if ( iDrive == EDriveZ )
   604         {
   605         TRACE_INFO( (_L( "[oppreceiveservice] CheckCapacityL Checking phone memory\t" )) );
   606         // Phone memory
   607         if( !SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &rfs, filesize, EDriveC ))
   608             {
   609             iDrive = EDriveC;
   610             }
   611         }
   612     rfs.Close();
   613     TRACE_INFO( (_L( "[oppreceiveservice] CheckCapacityL iDrive = %d\t" ),iDrive ) );
   614     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   615     if (iDrive == EDriveZ)
   616         {
   617         // If there is no free space for receiving file, we need to set iPreviousDefaultFolder back to iDefaultFolder.
   618         // In order to show the file receveing dialog correctly.
   619         iDefaultFolder = iPreviousDefaultFolder;
   620         return EFalse;
   621         }
   622     return ETrue;
   623     }    
   625 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   626 // IsOBEXActive()
   627 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   628 //	    
   629 TBool COPPController::IsOBEXActive()
   630     {
   631     TRACE_FUNC
   632     return ETrue;
   633     }
   635 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   636 // SetMediaType()
   637 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   638 //
   639 void COPPController::SetMediaType( TSrcsMediaType aMediaType ) 
   640     {
   641     TRACE_FUNC    
   642     iMediaType=aMediaType;    
   643     }
   645 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   646 // SetObexServer()
   647 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   648 //
   649 TInt COPPController::SetObexServer( CObexServer* aServer)
   650 	{	
   651 	TInt retVal=KErrNone;    
   653 	if (aServer)
   654 	    {  
   655 	    iObexServer = aServer;
   656 	    retVal=aServer->Start(this);    
   657 	    }
   658 	return retVal;
   659 	}
   661 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   662 // CancelTransfer()
   663 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   664 //
   665 void COPPController::CancelTransfer()
   666     {
   667     TRACE_FUNC
   668     CloseReceivingIndicator();
   669     if(iObexTransferState == ETransferPut)
   670         {
   671         iObexTransferState = ETransferPutCancel;
   672         }
   673     else // go to idle for all other states
   674         {
   675         iObexTransferState = ETransferIdle;
   676         }
   677     }
   679 void COPPController::LaunchReceivingIndicatorL()
   680     {
   681     if(ReceivingIndicatorActive())
   682         {
   683         return;
   684         }
   686     if(iTotalSizeByte > 0)
   687         {
   688         iProgressDialog = CGlobalProgressDialog::NewL(this);  
   689         if(iReceivingFileName.Length() > 0)
   690             {
   691             iProgressDialog->ShowProgressDialogNameSizeL(iReceivingFileName, iTotalSizeByte);
   692             }
   693         else
   694             {
   695             if(iMediaType == ESrcsMediaBT)
   696                 {
   697                 iProgressDialog->ShowProgressDialogL(R_BT_RECEIVING_DATA);
   698                 }
   699             TRACE_ASSERT(iMediaType != ESrcsMediaIrDA, KErrNotSupported);
   700             }
   701         }
   702     else
   703         {
   704         iWaitDialog = CGlobalDialog::NewL(this);
   705         if(iMediaType == ESrcsMediaBT)
   706             {
   707             iWaitDialog->ShowNoteDialogL(R_BT_RECEIVING_DATA, ETrue);
   708             }
   709         TRACE_ASSERT(iMediaType != ESrcsMediaIrDA, KErrNotSupported);
   710         }
   711     }
   713 void COPPController::UpdateReceivingIndicator()
   714     {
   715     if(iProgressDialog)
   716         {
   717         iProgressDialog->UpdateProgressDialog(iObexObject->BytesReceived(), iTotalSizeByte);
   718         }
   719     // else we are using a wait note, so no "need" to update
   720     }
   722 void COPPController::HandleGlobalProgressDialogL( TInt aSoftkey )
   723     {
   724     TRACE_FUNC
   726     if(aSoftkey == EAknSoftkeyCancel)
   727         {
   728         CancelTransfer();
   729         }
   730     else if(aSoftkey == EAknSoftkeyHide)
   731         {
   732         CloseReceivingIndicator(EFalse); // Don't reset state as only hiding
   733         }
   734     }
   736 void COPPController::HandleGlobalNoteDialogL( TInt aSoftkey )
   737     {
   738     TRACE_FUNC
   740     if(aSoftkey == EAknSoftkeyCancel)
   741         {
   742         CancelTransfer();
   743         }
   744     else if(aSoftkey == EAknSoftkeyHide)
   745         {
   746         CloseReceivingIndicator(EFalse); // Don't reset state as only hiding
   747         }
   748     }
   750 void COPPController::CloseReceivingIndicator(TBool aResetDisplayedState)
   751     {
   752     TRACE_FUNC
   753     if(aResetDisplayedState)
   754         {
   755         iNoteDisplayed = EFalse;
   756         }
   757     if(iProgressDialog)
   758         {
   759         iProgressDialog->ProcessFinished();
   760         delete iProgressDialog;
   761         iProgressDialog = NULL;
   762         }
   763     if(iWaitDialog)
   764         {
   765         iWaitDialog->ProcessFinished();
   766         delete iWaitDialog;
   767         iWaitDialog = NULL;
   768         }
   769     }
   771  // ---------------------------------------------------------
   772  // ShowFileReceivedQuery()
   773  // ---------------------------------------------------------
   774  // 
   775  void COPPController::ShowFileReceivedQueryL()
   776      {
   777      // Remove receiving buffer and files used during file receiving.
   778      //
   779     delete iObexObject;
   780     iObexObject = NULL;
   781     TObexUtilsMessageHandler::RemoveTemporaryRFileL (iFullPathFilename);    
   783     TInt fileCount = iMsvIdArray.Count();     
   784     if ( fileCount )
   785         {
   786         TBool answer = EFalse;        
   787         TInt resourceID = R_BT_SAVED_SINGLE;
   788         if( fileCount > 1)
   789             {
   790             resourceID = R_BT_SAVED_MULTIPLE;
   791             }
   792         answer = TObexUtilsUiLayer::ShowGlobalFileOpenConfirmationQueryL(resourceID, iDefaultFolder);
   794         TInt sortMethod = 2; // 0 = 'By name' 1 = 'By type' 2 = 'Most recent first' and 3 = 'Largest first'
   796          if ( answer && fileCount == 1 )  // User accepts the query
   797             {
   798             TRAPD( error, TObexUtilsUiLayer::LaunchEditorApplicationL(iMsvIdArray[0]));
   799             if ( error != KErrNone )  // File is not supported
   800                 {
   801                 TObexUtilsUiLayer::LaunchFileManagerL(iFullPathFilename,
   802                                                              sortMethod,
   803                                                              EFalse);  // EFalse -> start file manager in standalone mode
   804                 }         
   805             }
   807         if ( answer && fileCount > 1 )
   808             {
   809             // We open the file manager at default folder
   810             //
   811             TObexUtilsUiLayer::LaunchFileManagerL(iFullPathFilename,
   812                                                          sortMethod,
   813                                                          EFalse);  // EFalse -> start file manager in standalone mode
   814             }
   815         iMsvIdArray.Reset();
   816         }
   818     }
   820  // ---------------------------------------------------------
   821   // GetDriveWithMaximumFreeSpace()
   822   // ---------------------------------------------------------
   823   // 
   824   TInt COPPController::GetDriveWithMaximumFreeSpaceL()
   825       {
   826       // Get drive with maximum freespace among phone memory, MMC, internal mass storage.
   827       //
   828       TRACE_FUNC   
   829       TVolumeInfo volumeInfoC;
   830       TVolumeInfo volumeInfoE;
   831       TVolumeInfo volumeInfoF;
   832       TInt64 max = 0;
   833       TInt drive = 0;
   835       TInt err = iFs.Volume(volumeInfoC, EDriveC);
   837       if ( !err )
   838           {
   839           // set initial values to max and drive.
   840           max = volumeInfoC.iFree;
   841           drive = EDriveC;
   842           }
   844       err = iFs.Volume(volumeInfoE, EDriveE);     
   845       if ( !err )
   846           {
   847           if (volumeInfoE.iFree >= max)
   848               {
   849               max = volumeInfoE.iFree;
   850               drive = EDriveE;             
   851               }
   853           }
   855       err = iFs.Volume(volumeInfoF, EDriveF);
   856       if ( !err )
   857           {
   858           if (volumeInfoF.iFree >= max)
   859               {
   860               max = volumeInfoF.iFree;
   861               drive = EDriveF;             
   862               }
   863           }
   865       max = 0;
   866       return drive;
   867       }
   870  // ----------------------------------------------------------
   871  // COPPController::HandleGetDevicesComplete
   872  // Callback from devman
   873  // ----------------------------------------------------------
   874  //
   875  void COPPController::HandleGetDevicesComplete(TInt aErr, CBTDeviceArray* /*aDeviceArray*/)
   876     {
   877     TRACE_INFO( _L( "[oppreceiveservice] HandleGetDevicesComplete: enter \t" ) );
   878     if ( aErr == KErrNone )
   879         {
   880         if ( iResultArray->Count())
   881             {             
   882             iRemoteDeviceName.Zero();
   883             if ( iResultArray->At(0)->FriendlyName().Length() > 0 )
   884                 {
   885                 TRACE_INFO( _L( "[oppreceiveservice] HandleGetDevicesComplete: got friendly name \t" ) );
   886                 iRemoteDeviceName.Copy(iResultArray->At(0)->FriendlyName());
   887                 }
   888             else
   889                 {
   890                 TRACE_INFO( _L( "[oppreceiveservice] HandleGetDevicesComplete: got devciename name \t" ));
   891                 TRAP_IGNORE(iRemoteDeviceName.Copy( BTDeviceNameConverter::ToUnicodeL(iResultArray->At(0)->DeviceName())));
   892                 }
   893             }
   894         }
   895     }
   897 //////////////////////////// Global part ////////////////////////////
   899 //  End of File