changeset 0 c3e98f10fcf4
child 1 388a17646e40
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c3e98f10fcf4
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  This class handles services management requests.
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include "SrcsServiceManager.h"
    22 #include "debug.h"
    25 // CONSTANTS
    27 // The granularity of the array used to hold BT, IrDA and USB connnection objects
    28 static const TInt KConnectionArrayGranularity = 4;
    30 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    33 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    34 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    35 // might leave.
    36 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    37 //
    38 CSrcsServiceManager::CSrcsServiceManager():CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard)
    39     {
    40     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);    
    41     }
    43 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    44 // Destructor
    45 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    46 //
    47 CSrcsServiceManager::~CSrcsServiceManager()
    48     {       
    49     Cancel();    
    50     if ( iBTConnectionArray )
    51         {
    52         // Cleanup the array
    53         iBTConnectionArray->ResetAndDestroy();
    54         }
    55     delete iBTConnectionArray;
    57     if ( iUSBConnectionArray )
    58         {
    59         // Cleanup the array
    60         iUSBConnectionArray->ResetAndDestroy();        
    61         }
    62     delete iUSBConnectionArray;
    65     if ( iIrDAConnectionArray )
    66         {
    67         // Cleanup the array
    68         iIrDAConnectionArray->ResetAndDestroy();
    69         }
    70     delete iIrDAConnectionArray;
    72 	REComSession::FinalClose();
    73     }
    75 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    76 // NewL
    77 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    78 //
    79 CSrcsServiceManager* CSrcsServiceManager::NewL()
    80     {
    81     FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: NewL"));
    82     CSrcsServiceManager* self = new (ELeave) CSrcsServiceManager();
    83 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    84     self->ConstructL();
    85 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    86     return self;
    87     }
    89 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    90 // ConstructL
    91 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    92 //
    93 void CSrcsServiceManager::ConstructL()
    94     {
    95     iBTConnectionArray = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CSrcsTransport>(KConnectionArrayGranularity);
    96     iUSBConnectionArray = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CSrcsTransport>(KConnectionArrayGranularity);
    97 	iIrDAConnectionArray = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CSrcsTransport>(KConnectionArrayGranularity);
    98     }
   100 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   101 // ManagerServicesL
   102 // Method to manage service controllers on all supported transports.
   103 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   104 //
   105 TInt CSrcsServiceManager::ManageServices( TSrcsTransport aTransport, TBool aState, 
   106                                             MObexSMRequestObserver* aObserver, 
   107                                             const RMessage2& aMessage)
   108     {
   109     FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServices"));
   110     if ( !IsActive() ) 
   111         { 
   112         iStatus=KRequestPending; 
   113         DoManageServices( aTransport,aState, aObserver, aMessage );
   114         SetActive();
   115         FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServices KErrNone"));
   116         return KErrNone; 
   117         } 
   118     else 
   119         { 
   120         FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServices KErrServerBusy"));
   121         return KErrServerBusy; 
   122         }
   123     }
   125 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   126 // DoManageServices
   127 // Method to manage service controllers on all supported transports.
   128 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   129 //    
   130 void CSrcsServiceManager::DoManageServices(TSrcsTransport aTransport, TBool aState, MObexSMRequestObserver* aObserver, 
   131                                             const RMessage2& aMessage)
   132     {
   133     FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: DoManageServices"));
   134     iObserver=aObserver;
   135     iMessage=aMessage;    
   136     TRAPD(error,RealDoManageServiceL(aTransport,aState));    
   137     if (error != KErrNone)
   138         {
   139         iErrorState=error;    
   140         }
   141     TRequestStatus* temp = &iStatus;
   142     User::RequestComplete( temp, iErrorState );
   143     FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: DoManageServices exit"));
   144     }
   146 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   147 // RunL
   148 // Notifies request completion
   149 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   150 //    
   151 void CSrcsServiceManager::RunL()
   152     {
   153     FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: RunL"));
   154     iObserver->RequestCompleted(iMessage,iStatus.Int());
   155     FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: RunL exit"));
   156     }
   157 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   158 // RunErrorL
   159 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   160 //        
   161 void CSrcsServiceManager::RunError()
   162     {
   163     }
   164 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   165 // DoCancel
   166 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   167 //            
   168 void CSrcsServiceManager::DoCancel()
   169     {
   170     FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: DoCancel"));
   171     }
   172 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   173 // RealDoManageServiceL
   174 // Method to manage service controllers on all supported transports.
   175 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   176 //                
   177 void CSrcsServiceManager::RealDoManageServiceL(TSrcsTransport aTransport, TBool aState)
   178     {    
   179     FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: RealDoManageServiceL"));
   180     CArrayPtr<CSrcsTransport>* connectionArray=NULL;
   181     TPtrC8 transportName;
   183     switch(aTransport)
   184         {
   185     case ESrcsTransportBT:
   186 	    FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServicesL(Bluetooth)"));
   187         transportName.Set(KSrcsTransportBT);
   188         connectionArray = iBTConnectionArray;
   189         break;
   190     case ESrcsTransportUSB:
   191 	    FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServicesL(USB)"));
   192         transportName.Set(KSrcsTransportUSB);
   193         connectionArray = iUSBConnectionArray;        
   194         break;
   195     case ESrcsTransportIrDA:
   196 	    FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServicesL(IrDA)"));
   197         transportName.Set(KSrcsTransportIrDA);
   198         connectionArray = iIrDAConnectionArray;
   199         break;
   200     default:
   201         FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServicesL. Transport not supported.")));
   202         iErrorState = KErrNotSupported;              
   203         }
   204     // We start and stop services by aState value
   205     if ( aState ) // trun on service
   206         {
   207 	    FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServicesL(Turn ON)"));
   208         // We do not re-start services if they have been started        
   209         if ( connectionArray && !(connectionArray->Count()) )
   210             {   			
   211 			//Declare array of service controllers
   212             RImplInfoPtrArray infoArrayServiceController;                        
   214 			//Declare array of SRCS transport plugins
   215             RImplInfoPtrArray infoArrayTranport;
   216             CleanupClosePushL(infoArrayTranport);		
   218             CleanupClosePushL(infoArrayServiceController);
   220             //List all SRCS transport plugin implementations
   221             FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServicesL about to list Transport Impl"));
   222             CSrcsTransport::ListImplementationsL(transportName,infoArrayTranport);
   224 			//Found SRCS transport plugin. Then start to enumerate service controller and make connections.
   225             if(infoArrayTranport.Count())
   226                 {
   227 				//There should be only one transport plugin of each type. Others are just ignored.
   228                 if(infoArrayTranport.Count() != 1) 
   229                     {
   230                     FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServicesL. Warning: Found %d transport implementations." ), infoArrayTranport.Count()));
   231                     }
   233                 FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServicesL. Using Transport ImplementationUid %x"), infoArrayTranport[0]->ImplementationUid()));
   235 				//enumerate service controllers
   236                 CSrcsInterface::ListImplementationsL(transportName,infoArrayServiceController);
   238                 // Loop through each found service controller, 
   239                 // create SRCS transport connection for each found service controller
   240 				// and instantiate the service controller.
   241                 CSrcsTransport *cm;
   243                 for (TInt i=0; i< infoArrayServiceController.Count(); i++)
   244                     {
   245                     // TRAP is needed because of OOM situations.
   246                     // Otherwise whole server is leaving and panicing.
   247                     FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServicesL. Found Service Controller ImplementationUid %x"), infoArrayServiceController[i]->ImplementationUid()));                  
   249                     TRAPD( error, cm = CSrcsTransport::NewL(infoArrayTranport[0]->ImplementationUid(), infoArrayServiceController[i] ));
   250                     if ( error != KErrNone )
   251                         {
   252                         // Error when creating service controller (e.g. no memory). Cleanup and zero.
   253                         FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServicesL. Create implementation failed with error code %d"), error));
   254                         }
   255                     else
   256                         {
   257                         // Add this connection to the list
   258                         connectionArray->AppendL(cm);
   259                         FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServicesL: Implementation created successfully.")));
   260                         }
   261                     }
   262                 }
   263             else
   264                 {
   265                 FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServicesL. Transport implementation not found.")));
   266                 }
   268             // Clean up            
   269            infoArrayTranport.ResetAndDestroy();                 
   270            infoArrayServiceController.ResetAndDestroy();                
   271            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //infoArrayServiceController
   273             }
   274         }
   275     else // turn off service
   276         {
   277 	    FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: ManageServicesL(Turn OFF)"));          	        
   278         connectionArray->ResetAndDestroy();                 
   279         }        
   280     FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsServiceManager: RealDoManageServiceL exit"));
   281     }    
   282 // End of file