changeset 21 4096754ee773
parent 20 3dcb815346df
child 22 52a167391590
--- a/localconnectivityservice/obexserviceman/plugins/src/bt/obexsmbtconnection.cpp	Thu Aug 19 10:46:39 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  This class handles service connections.
-#include <obexbttransportinfo.h>
-#include "obexsmbtconnection.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-_LIT( KBTProtocol, "RFCOMM" );
-// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-CObexSMBtConnection::CObexSMBtConnection(TAny* aInitParams)    
-    :iImplementationInfo((CImplementationInformation *)aInitParams),
-     iBtDiscovery(NULL)
-    {    
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    // Cleanup
-    FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsBtConnection::~CSrcsBtConnection begin"));
-    if(iPasskey)
-        {
-        iPasskey->Cancel();
-	    FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsBtConnection::~CSrcsBtConnection passkey query cancelled."));
-        }
-    if ( iBtDiscovery )
-        {
-        iBtDiscovery->DeleteSdpRecord( iSDPHandle );
-        delete iBtDiscovery;
-        }
-    FTRACE( FPrint( _L( "[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection::~CSrcsBtConnection: UnregisterSDPSettingsL" ) ) );
-    if(iServer)
-        {
-        iServer->Stop();
-	    FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsBtConnection::~CSrcsBtConnection obex server stopped."));
-        }
-    // Delete OBEX Server
-    if (iServer)
-        {
-        delete iServer;
-        FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsBtConnection::~CSrcsBtConnection obex server deleted."));
-        iServer = NULL;
-        }
-    // Delete passkey
-    delete iPasskey;
-    FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsBtConnection::~CSrcsBtConnection iPasskey deleted."));
-    iPasskey = NULL;
-    // Delete Service Controller callback
-    delete iController;
-    FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsBtConnection::~CSrcsBtConnection service controller deleted."));
-    iController = NULL;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// NewL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-CObexSMBtConnection* CObexSMBtConnection::NewL(TAny* aInitParams)
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("[SRCS]\tserver\tCSrcsBtConnection: NewL"));
-    CObexSMBtConnection* self = new (ELeave) CObexSMBtConnection(aInitParams);
-    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop();
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// ConstructL
-// Method to create BT connections.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CObexSMBtConnection::ConstructL()
-    {
-    TLex8 lex;
-    // Create service controller implementation object
-    iController = CSrcsInterface::NewL(iImplementationInfo->ImplementationUid());
-    FLOG(_L("[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection: ConstructL: CSrcsInterface::NewL\t"));	
-	  iController->SetMediaType( ESrcsMediaBT );	
-    // parsing opaque_data in iImplementationInfo
-    TPtrC8 res_string = iImplementationInfo->OpaqueData();
-    CObexUtilsOpaqueData res_data(res_string);
-    TBuf8<KObexUtilsMaxOpaqueDataStringLen> op_LocalWho;
-    TUint	op_Protocol, op_Authenticate, op_Authorise, op_Encrypt;
-	  TUint	op_ReceiveMtu(KSRCSDefaultReceiveMtu), op_TransmitMtu(KSRCSDefaultTransmitMtu);
-    // skip 1st entry: USB interface string descriptor
-    User::LeaveIfError ( res_data.GetString(op_LocalWho) );
-    // get 2nd entry: OBEX local who
-    User::LeaveIfError ( res_data.GetString(op_LocalWho) );
-    // get 3rd to 7th entry
-	  // All service ID should be strings !
-	  TBuf8<KObexUtilsMaxOpaqueDataStringLen> serviceUUID;
-    User::LeaveIfError ( res_data.GetString(serviceUUID) );    
-    FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[SRCS] CObexSMBtConnection::ConstructL() serviceUUID Length %d"), serviceUUID.Length()));
-    if (serviceUUID.Length() < 6)
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
-        }
-    lex.Assign(serviceUUID);
-    User::LeaveIfError ( res_data.GetNumber(op_Protocol) );
-    User::LeaveIfError ( res_data.GetNumber(op_Authenticate) );
-    User::LeaveIfError ( res_data.GetNumber(op_Authorise) );
-    User::LeaveIfError ( res_data.GetNumber(op_Encrypt) );
-	// Get OBEX packet size:
-	if( res_data.GetNumber(op_ReceiveMtu) != KErrNone )
-		{
-		op_ReceiveMtu = KSRCSDefaultReceiveMtu; // restore default value in case it is modified;
-	    FLOG(_L("[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection: ConstructL: op_ReceiveMtu not specified.\t"));
-		}
-	if( res_data.GetNumber(op_TransmitMtu) != KErrNone )
-		{
-		op_TransmitMtu = KSRCSDefaultTransmitMtu; // restore default value in case it is modified;
-	    FLOG(_L("[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection: ConstructL: op_TransmitMtu not specified.\t"));
-		}
-    FLOG(_L("[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection: ConstructL: Successfully get all data from opaque_data.\t"));
-    // Create CBTEngDiscovery
-    FLOG(_L("[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection: ConstructL: CBTConnection::NewL\t"));
-    // For handling Obex Passkey note
-    iPasskey = CObexSMPasskey::NewL();
-    FLOG(_L("[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection: ConstructL: CSrcsPasskey::NewL\t"));
-    // For showing Error Notes
-    // iErrorUi = CErrorUI::NewL();
-    // set up the protocol stack...
-    TObexBluetoothProtocolInfo aObexBluetoothProtocolInfo;
-    aObexBluetoothProtocolInfo.iTransport = KBTProtocol ;
-	// Configure security setting
-	FLOG(_L("[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection: ConstructL: Setting Security\t"));
-	TBTServiceSecurity sec;
-	sec.SetAuthentication(op_Authenticate);
-	sec.SetAuthorisation(op_Authorise);
-	sec.SetEncryption(op_Encrypt);
-	TUint32 serviceUID;
-	lex.Inc(2);
-	lex.Val(serviceUID,EHex);
-	sec.SetUid(TUid::Uid(serviceUID));
-	aObexBluetoothProtocolInfo.iAddr.SetSecurity(sec);	
-	if (serviceUUID.Length() == 34)
-	    {
-	    TUint32 HH; TUint32 HL; TUint32 LH; TUint32 LL;
-	    lex = serviceUUID.Mid(2, 8);
-	    lex.Val(HH, EHex);
-	    lex = serviceUUID.Mid(10, 8);
-	    lex.Val(HL, EHex);
-	    lex = serviceUUID.Mid(18, 8);
-	    lex.Val(LH, EHex);
-	    lex = serviceUUID.Mid(26, 8);
-	    lex.Val(LL, EHex);
-        iServiceUUID = TUUID(HH, HL, LH, LL);
-	    }
-	else
-	    {
-	    iServiceUUID = TUUID(serviceUID);
-	    }
-	// Configure Obex packet size
-	TObexProtocolPolicy aObexProtocolPolicy;
-	aObexProtocolPolicy.SetReceiveMtu( static_cast<TUint16>(op_ReceiveMtu) );
-	aObexProtocolPolicy.SetTransmitMtu( static_cast<TUint16>(op_TransmitMtu) );
-	FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection: ConstructL: op_ReceiveMtu[%x] op_TransmitMtu[%x]"), 
-		aObexProtocolPolicy.ReceiveMtu(), aObexProtocolPolicy.TransmitMtu() ));
-	// try to find a available channel to start OBEX server.
-    TUint channel=KRfcommPassiveAutoBind;
-	aObexBluetoothProtocolInfo.iAddr.SetPort( channel );	
-    TRAPD(err,iServer = CObexServer::NewL(aObexBluetoothProtocolInfo, aObexProtocolPolicy);)
-	// Try to start server on this channel
-    if ( err == KErrNone )
-	    {
-	    err=iController->SetObexServer( iServer );   
-		if ( err == KErrNone )
-		    {			
-			// Set authentication handler
-			iServer->SetCallBack( *this );
-			//If there is "local who" field, set it to OBEX server.
-			if(op_LocalWho.Size())
-			    {
-				User::LeaveIfError ( iServer->SetLocalWho( op_LocalWho ) );
-				FLOG(_L("[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection: ConstructL: SetLocalWho\t"));
-				}
-			FLOG(_L("[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection: ConstructL: SetObexServer\t"));
-		    // Register SDP settings
-		    TObexBtTransportInfo *info=(TObexBtTransportInfo*)iServer->TransportInfo();
-		    channel=info->iAddr.Port();  		    
-		    FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection: ConstructL: CObexServer started on channel %d"), channel));			
-		    iBtDiscovery = CBTEngDiscovery::NewL();		    
-			User::LeaveIfError ( iBtDiscovery->RegisterSdpRecord(iServiceUUID, channel, iSDPHandle ));				                
-			}
-		else
-		    {
-			// Failed to start Obex server. Delete server and try again
-			FLOG(_L("[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection: ConstructL: Failed to start Obex server. Delete server and try again.\t"));
-			delete iServer;
-			iServer = NULL;
-			}
-		}
-    if ( !iServer )
-        {
-        // Server did not start.
-        FLOG(_L("[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection: ConstructL: Failed to start Obex server. Leave now! \t"));
-        User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// GetUserPasswordL(const TDesC& )
-// Purpose: Get the Obex password from user with ObexPasskeyNotifier
-// Parameters:
-// Return value:
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CObexSMBtConnection::GetUserPasswordL( const TDesC& )
-    {
-    FLOG( _L( "[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection: GetUserPassword\t" ) );
-    iPasskey->StartPassKeyRequestL( iServer );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// Check if OBEX service is still active.
-// @return ETrue:  OBEX service is still active.
-//  	   EFalse: OBEX service is inactive.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CObexSMBtConnection::IsOBEXActive()
-	{
-    FLOG( _L( "[SRCS] CSrcsBtConnection: IsOBEXActive\t" ) );
-	return ETrue;	
-	}
-// End of file