* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: BTHid item
#ifndef C_PARSER_H
#define C_PARSER_H
#include "hidreportroot.h"
class TItem;
* HID Parser error codes. For a description of the error code
* format, see "HID Parser Error Codes", Revision 1.2, USB
* Implementers' Forum, February 2000.
enum THidParserError
// General:
EUnknownItem = 0xbf00,
ELongItemDefined = 0x3e00,
// Global:
EZeroUsagePage = 0x8004,
EUsagePageOutOfRange = 0x8104,
ELogicalMinInvalidForArray = 0x8214,
ELogicalMaxInvalidForArray = 0x8224,
ELonelyPhysicalMin = 0x8034,
ELonelyPhysicalMax = 0x8044,
EZeroReportId = 0x8084,
EReportIdTooBig = 0x8184,
ELateReportId = 0x8284,
EReportIdOutsideTopLevel = 0x8484,
EZeroReportCount = 0x8094,
EPushWithoutPop = 0x80a4,
EPushHasData = 0x81a4,
EPopWithoutPush = 0x80b4,
EPopHasData = 0x81b4,
ERedundantGlobalItem = 0x80f4,
EReservedUsagePage = 0x0004,
ELogicalMinExceedsMax = 0x0014,
EPhysicalMinExceedsMax = 0x0034,
EExponentReservedBitsNonZero = 0x0054,
EUnitReservedBitsNonZero = 0x0064,
// Local:
ELonelyUsageMin = 0x8018,
EUsageMinExceedsMax = 0x8118,
EUsagePageMismatchMin = 0x8318,
ELonelyUsageMax = 0x8028,
EUsagePageMismatchMax = 0x8228,
ELonelyDesignatorMin = 0x8048,
EDesignatorMinExceedsMax = 0x8148,
ELonelyDesignatorMax = 0x8058,
ELonelyStringMin = 0x8088,
EStringMinExceedsMax = 0x8188,
ELonelyStringMax = 0x8098,
EUnknownDelimiter = 0x80a8,
ENestedDelimiter = 0x81a8,
ELonelyDelimiter = 0x82a8,
EInvalidItemWithinDelimiter = 0x83a8,
EDelimiterAtTopLevel = 0x84a8,
EZeroUsage = 0x0008,
// Main:
EInputMissingItems = 0x8080,
EInputItemWithinDelimiter = 0x8180,
EInputReportSize = 0x8280,
EInputMinExceedsMax = 0x8380,
EOutputMissingItems = 0x8090,
EOutputItemWithinDelimiter = 0x8190,
EOutputReportSize = 0x8290,
EOutputMinExceedsMax = 0x8390,
EFeatureMissingItems = 0x80b0,
EFeatureItemWithinDelimiter = 0x81b0,
EFeatureReportSize = 0x82b0,
EFeatureMinExceedsMax = 0x83b0,
ENoMatchingBeginCollection = 0x80c0,
EEndCollectionWithinDelimiter = 0x81c0,
EReportMustBeEightBitMultiple = 0x82c0,
ENoMatchingEndCollection = 0x80a0,
EBeginCollectionWithinDelimiter = 0x81a0,
EApplicationCollectionLevel = 0x82a0,
EInputReservedBitsNonZero = 0x0080,
EInputLocalMultipleUse = 0x0280,
EOutputReservedBitsNonZero = 0x0090,
EOutputLocalMultipleUse = 0x0290,
EFeatureReservedBitsNonZero = 0x00b0,
EFeatureLocalMultipleUse = 0x02b0,
ECollectionLocalUnused = 0x00a0,
ECollectionTypeUnknownReserved = 0x01a0,
EEndCollectionLocalUnused = 0x00c0,
EEndCollectionHasData = 0x01c0,
// Our ("vendor specific") codes:
EInvalidItemLength = 0xC000,
EApplicationHasDelimiter = 0x40a0,
EDelimiterWithinNamedArray = 0x40a8,
ECollectionHasNoUsage = 0x40c0,
ECollectionHasNoUsagePage = 0x41c0
* HID parser panics
enum THidParsingError
EZeroLengthItem = 1, //!< Zero descriptor length in TItem constructor
ENoReportRoot = 2, //!< iReportRoot is 0 in CreateFieldL()
ENoCurrentCollection = 3, //!< No current collection in Collection()
ENoCollectionToCheck = 10, //!< No collection in CheckForCollectionErrors()
EPopFailed = 11, //!< Empty collection stack in PopCollection()
EIndexOutOfRange = 12, //!< Index out of range in TItem::operator[]
EItemTooLong = 13 //!< Data() called for item with size > 4
* Parser global states
* CParser uses TParserGlobalState objects to store the global item
* state during parsing. The global state can be saved and restored
* using the HID descriptor POP and PUSH tags, therefore CParser
* incorporates a stack of TParserGlobalState objects.
* @lib generichid.lib
* @since S60 v5.0
class TParserGlobalState
friend class CParser;
* Copies all data members into a CField object. The other
* members of the CField object (those corresponding to local
* HID descriptor tags) are unaffected.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aField Pointer to the field object to populate.
* @return None.
void Populate(CField *aField) const;
* Usage page
TInt iUsagePage;
* Logical minimum
TInt iLogicalMin;
* Logical maximum
TInt iLogicalMax;
* Physical minimum
TInt iPhysicalMin;
* Physical maximum
TInt iPhysicalMax;
* Unit type
TInt iUnit;
* Unit exponent
TInt iUnitExponent;
* Associated report ID
TInt iReportId;
* Report size
TInt iSize;
* Report count
TInt iCount;
* HID parser
* CParser parses a HID report descriptor. It outputs a CReportRoot
* containing a tree of CCollection and CField objects representing
* the descriptor information. A HID device driver can then use this,
* in conjunction with TReportTranslator and CReportGenerator objects,
* to facilitate communication with a HID device.
* The parsing process conforms to the HID class specification
* document: "USB Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices
* (HID)", Firmware Specification, Version 1.11, USB Implementers' Forum,
* June 2001.
* @lib generichid.lib
* @since S60 v5.0
class CParser : public CBase
IMPORT_C static CParser* NewL();
IMPORT_C static CParser* NewLC();
virtual ~CParser();
* ParseL() parses a string of bytes representing a HID report
* descriptor. It returns a tree of collection and field objects (a
* CReportRoot). Ownership of the CReportRoot is transferred to the
* caller.
* Warning messages produced during the parse process are added to
* a list which the driver can retrieve using the Warnings()
* function. Note that the list will be overwritten by the next
* ParseL() operation.
* Errors and warnings are represented using the format described
* in "HID Parser Error Codes", Revision 1.2, USB Implementers'
* Forum, February 2000.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aRawData The report descriptor data to be processed
* @return The root collection, a tree of CCollection and CField objects
IMPORT_C CReportRoot* ParseL(const TDesC8& aRawData);
* Return field count
* @since S60 v5.0
* @return field count
TInt FieldCount();
void ConstructL();
* Handle a HID descriptor main item. This includes the creation
* of new field objects in the current collection and management of
* the global item state stack.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem The current report descriptor tag and its associated data
* @return KErrNone (0) on success, otherwise a critical error code in
* the standard HID format.
TInt MainItemL(const TItem& aItem);
* Handle a HID descriptor local item. Stores the data in the
* appropriate member of the local state object, *iLocal.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem The current report descriptor tag and its associated data
* @return KErrNone (0) on success, otherwise a critical error code in
* the standard HID format.
TInt LocalItemL(const TItem& aItem);
* Handle a HID descriptor global item. Stores the data in the
* appropriate member of the current global state object, iGlobal.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem The current report descriptor tag and its associated data
* @return KErrNone (0) on success, otherwise a critical error code in
* the standard HID format.
TInt GlobalItemL(const TItem& aItem);
* Used to access the current collection object, i.e. the object
* at the top of the collection stack (iCollectionStack).
* @since S60 v5.0
* @return A pointer to the current collection object.
CCollection* Collection();
* Pushes a pointer to the current collection object on to the
* collection stack.
* Note that the collection stack is used to create the tree of
* collections. It should not be confused with the global state
* stack, iGlobalStack.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aCollection The collection to be pushed onto the stack
* @return None.
void PushCollectionL(const CCollection* aCollection);
* Pushes a pointer to the current collection object on to the
* collection stack.
* Note that the collection stack is used to create the tree of
* collections. It should not be confused with the global state
* stack, iGlobalStack.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @return None.
void PopCollection();
* CreateFieldL() is called to instantiate a new CField object
* when an input, output or feature item is encountered in the
* report descriptor.
* The current local and global states extracted from the report
* descriptor are copied to the CField, which is placed into the
* current CCollection.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aType The type of field: input, output or feature
* @param aAttributes The attributes for the field (e.g. Data, Array,
* Absolute.)
* @return KErrNone (0) on success, otherwise a critical error code
* in the standard HID format.
TInt CreateFieldL(CField::TType aType, TUint32 aAttributes);
* ClearLocalState() clears the appropriate fields in the CField
* object that represents the current local item state.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @return None
void ClearLocalState();
* DumpStateTableL() copies the current local and global item state
* into a CField object.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aField The field object to receive the data
* @return None
void DumpStateTableL(CField *aField) const;
* CreateCollectionL() is called to instantiate a new CCollection
* object when a "begin collection" item is encountered in the
* report descriptor.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aType The type of the collection. This can be one of the
* seven standard types defined in CCollection::TType,
* or a vendor defined value.
* @return KErrNone (0) on success, otherwise a critical error code in
* the standard HID format.
TInt CreateCollectionL(TUint32 aType);
* CheckForCollectionErrors() validates the current collection
* object. It adds non-critical errors to the warnings list. It
* returns an error code if a critical error is encountered.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aType The type of the collection (one of the CCollection::TType
* values, or vendor defined).
* @return KErrNone (0) if there was no error, otherwise a critical
* error code in the standard HID format.
TInt CheckForCollectionErrors(TUint32 aType);
* CheckForFieldErrors() validates the current global and local
* item state in preparation for creating a CField object. It adds
* non-critical errors to the warnings list. It returns an error
* code if a critical error is encountered.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param @param aType The type of the field (input, output or feature).
* @param aAttributes The attributes for the field (e.g. Data, Array,
* Absolute.)
* @return KErrNone (0) if there was no error, otherwise a critical
* error code in the standard HID format.
TInt CheckForFieldErrors(CField::TType aType, TUint32 aAttributes);
* CheckForMainErrors() performs error checking common to
* CheckForCollectionErrors() and CheckForFieldErrors(). It adds
* non-critical errors to the warnings list. It returns an error
* code if a critical error is encountered.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @return KErrNone (0) if there was no error, otherwise a critical
* error code in the standard HID format.
TInt CheckForMainErrors();
* CheckAllReportSizes() checks if all report sizes are integral
* multiples of 8 bits.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @return ETrue if all report sizes are integral multiples of
* 8 bits.
TBool CheckAllReportSizes() const;
* BitsToRepresentRange() returns the number of bits required to
* represent all values in a given range. It is used to check
* that the report field size is appropriate for the given
* logical minimum and maximum.
* If the range is all positive then it is assumed that there is no
* sign bit, otherwise twos complement format is assumed, as per
* the HID class specification, v1.11, Section
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aMin Logical minimum
* @param aMax Logical maximum
* @return The number of bits required to represent the range aMin
* to aMax (inclusive).
static TInt BitsToRepresentRange(TInt aMin, TInt aMax);
* NumberOfLeadingZeros() is used by BitsToRepresentRange(). It
* returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation
* of a number, effectively performing a log_2 operation.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aValue Unsigned 32-bit value
* @return Number of leading zeros in the binary representation of aValue
static TInt NumberOfLeadingZeros(TUint32 aValue);
* IssueWarning() adds a TParserWarning to the warning list.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aHidWarningCode The error or warning code, which should
* be in the standard HID format.
* @return None
void IssueWarning(TInt aHidWarningCode);
* IsReservedUsagePage() checks if the given HID usage page is
* listed as reserved according to the HID clas specification,
* v1.11.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aUsagePage The usage page to check.
* @result ETrue if the usage page is listed as reserved.
static TBool IsReservedUsagePage(TInt aUsagePage);
* HandleMainInputTagL
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleMainInputTagL(const TItem& aItem);
* HandleMainOutputTag
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleMainOutputTagL(const TItem& aItem);
* HandleMainFeature
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleMainFeatureL( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleMainCollection
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleMainCollectionL( const TItem& aItem );
* MainEndCollection
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleMainEndCollection( const TItem& aItem);
* HandleGlobalReportId
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleGlobalReportId( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleGlobalUsagePage
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleGlobalUsagePage( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleGlobalLogicalMinimum
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleGlobalLogicalMinimum( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleGlobalLogicalMaximum
* @since S60 ?S60_version *** for example, S60 v3.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleGlobalLogicalMaximum( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleGlobalPhysicalMinimum
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleGlobalPhysicalMinimum( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleGlobalPhysicalMinimum
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleGlobalPhysicalMaximum( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleGlobalUnit
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleGlobalUnit( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleGlobalUnitExponent
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleGlobalUnitExponent( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleGlobalReportSize
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleGlobalReportSize( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleGlobalReportSize
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleGlobalReportCount( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleGlobalPush
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleGlobalPushL( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleGlobalPop
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleGlobalPop( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleLocalUsage
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleLocalUsageL( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleLocalUsageMinimum
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleLocalUsageMinimum( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleLocalUsageMinimum
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleLocalUsageMaximum( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleLocalDesignatorIndex
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleLocalDesignatorIndex( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleLocalDesignatorMinimum
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleLocalDesignatorMinimum( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleLocalDesignatorMaximum
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleLocalDesignatorMaximum( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleLocalStringIndex
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleLocalStringIndex( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleLocalStringMinimum
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleLocalStringMinimum( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleLocalStringMaximum
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleLocalStringMaximum( const TItem& aItem );
* HandleLocalDelimiter
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItem a Hid field item
* @result error code
TInt HandleLocalDelimiter( const TItem& aItem );
* CheckMandatoryFieldError
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aType a field type
* @param aAttributes attributes
* @result error code
TInt CheckMandatoryFieldExistence( CField::TType aType, TUint32 aAttributes );
* CheckUsageMinAndMaxErrors
* @since S60 v5.0
* @result error code
TInt CheckUsageMinAndMaxErrors();
* CheckDesignatorMinAndMaxErrors
* @since S60 v5.0
* @result error code
TInt CheckDesignatorMinAndMaxErrors();
* CheckStringMinAndMaxErrors
* @since S60 v5.0
* @result error code
TInt CheckStringMinAndMaxErrors();
* CheckMandatoryFieldError
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aType a field type
* @param aAttributes attributes
* @result error code
TInt CheckMandatoryFieldErrors( CField::TType aType, TUint32 aAttributes );
* CheckLogicalMinAndMax
* Check if logical minimum and maximum must match the number of usage
* values
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aAttributes attributes
* @result error code
void CheckLogicalMinAndMax( TUint32 aAttributes );
* CheckMandatoryFieldError
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aType a field type
* @param aAttributes attributes
* @result error code
void CheckFieldBitNeeded( CField::TType aType, TUint32 aAttributes );
* HandleItem
* @since S60 v5.0
* @result error code
void HandleItemL(TItem& aItem);
* CheckParseErrors
* @since S60 v5.0
* @result error code
void CheckParseErrors();
* ResetParser
* @since S60 v5.0
* @result error code
void ResetParserL();
* A bitmask containing the THidItem flags which represent local
* (as opposed to main or global) items.
static const TUint32 KLocalItemMask;
* A bitmask containing the THidItem flags which represent local
* unused items.
static const TUint32 KUnusedLocalItemsMask;
* A bitmask containing the THidItem flags which represent mandatory
* items.
static const TUint32 KMandatoryItemMask;
* A bitmask containing the THidItem flags which represent report
* items.
static const TUint32 KReportItemMask;
* THidItem defineds a set of flags used for keeping track of
* which items have been encountered in the report descriptor for
* the current report field. The flags are used with the
* iItemsDefined and iGlobalItemsDefined data members.
enum THidItem
EUsagePage = 1<<0,
ELogicalMin = 1<<1,
ELogicalMax = 1<<2,
EReportSize = 1<<3,
EReportCount = 1<<4,
EReportId = 1<<5,
EUsageMin = 1<<6,
EUsageMax = 1<<7,
EPhysicalMin = 1<<8,
EPhysicalMax = 1<<9,
EUnit = 1<<10,
EUnitExponent = 1<<11,
EDesignatorIndex = 1<<12,
EDesignatorMin = 1<<13,
EDesignatorMax = 1<<14,
EStringIndex = 1<<15,
EStringMin = 1<<16,
EStringMax = 1<<17,
EInputReport = 1<<18,
EOutputReport = 1<<19,
EFeatureReport = 1<<20,
EDelimiter = 1<<21,
EUsageId = 1<<22
* HID local tags
enum THidLocalTags
ELocalUsage = 0x00,
ELocalUsageMinimum = 0x01,
ELocalUsageMaximum = 0x02,
ELocalDesignatorIndex = 0x03,
ELocalDesignatorMinimum = 0x04,
ELocalDesignatorMaximum = 0x05,
ELocalStringIndex = 0x07,
ELocalStringMinimum = 0x08,
ELocalStringMaximum = 0x09,
ELocalDelimiter = 0x0a
* HID global tags
enum THidGlobalTags
EGlobalUsagePage = 0x00,
EGlobalLogicalMinimum = 0x01,
EGlobalLogicalMaximum = 0x02,
EGlobalPhysicalMinimum = 0x03,
EGlobalPhysicalMaximum = 0x04,
EGlobalUnitExponent = 0x05,
EGlobalUnit = 0x06,
EGlobalReportSize = 0x07,
EGlobalReportId = 0x08,
EGlobalReportCount = 0x09,
EGlobalPush = 0x0a,
EGlobalPop = 0x0b
* HID main tags
enum THidMainTags
EMainInput = 0x08,
EMainOutput = 0x09,
EMainFeature = 0x0b,
EMainCollection = 0x0a,
EMainEndCollection = 0x0c
* The local state, cleared after each "Main" item
* Own.
CField* iLocal;
* Current global state
TParserGlobalState iGlobal;
* Global state stack, to allow HID descriptor PUSH and POP commands
RArray<TParserGlobalState> iGlobalStack;
// For delimiter handling:
* ETrue if currently within a delimiter pair
TBool iWithinDelimiter;
* Count of alternate USAGE declarations so far
TInt iAliasCount;
* Count of alternate USAGE_MIN declarations
TInt iAliasCountMin;
* Count of alternate USAGE_MAX declarations
TInt iAliasCountMax;
* The root node of the collection tree
* Own.
CReportRoot* iReportRoot;
* Stack used to create the collection tree
RPointerArray<CCollection> iCollectionStack;
// Keep track of which items have been seen in the descriptor:
* All items forming the current item state
TUint32 iItemsDefined;
* Global items seen since the last main tag
TUint32 iGlobalItemsDefined;
* ETrue if a redundant local item is seen
TBool iLocalMultipleUse;
* Number of the item we're currently processing
TInt iItemNumber;
* Record of any critical error encountered
TInt iErrorCode;
* Field count
TInt iFieldCount;