changeset 6 c39a6cfd1fb9
equal deleted inserted replaced
5:edb9dc8273d9 6:c39a6cfd1fb9
     1 /**
     2  * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
     3  * All rights reserved.
     4  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5  * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 
     6  * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
     7  * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"
     8  *
     9  * Initial Contributors:
    10  * Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
    11  *
    12  * Contributors:
    13  * Manasij Roy, Nalina Hariharan
    14  */
    18 #include "displaywidget.h"
    19 #include <QApplication>
    20 #include <QDesktopWidget>
    22 DisplayWidget::DisplayWidget(QWidget *parent)
    23     : QWidget(parent)
    24 {
    25 	ui.setupUi(this);
    26 	ui.verticalLayout->setGeometry(QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry());
    27 	//Add item as and when they are implemented
    28 	ui.comboBox_intf->addItem("Contact Fetcher");
    29 	ui.comboBox_intf->addItem("Post Provider");
    30 //	connect(ui.comboBox_intf,
    31 //			SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),
    32 //			this,
    33 //			SLOT(interfaceSelected(int)));
    34 	connect(ui.pushButton_intf,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(interfaceSelected()));
    35 	connect(ui.pushButton_SP,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(serviceProviderSelected()));
    36 	connect(ui.pushButton_service,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(serviceSelected()));
    37 	writeLog("Start");
    38 }
    39 void DisplayWidget::interfaceSelected()
    40 	{
    41 	SmfClient client;
    42 	//TODO:- PM should use commented interface name instead
    43 //	QString name("org.symbian.smf.client.contact.posts");
    44 	QString intfName;
    45 	switch(ui.comboBox_intf->currentIndex())
    46 		{
    47 		case 0:
    48 			intfName = "org.symbian.smf.client.contact.fetcher";
    49 			break;
    50 		case 1:
    51 			intfName = "posts";
    52 			break;
    53 		default:
    54 			//should not reach here!!!!
    55 			break;
    56 		}
    57 	writeLog("Before client.GetServices");
    58 	providerList= client.GetServices(intfName);
    59 	ui.comboBox__SP->clear();
    60 	//add provider names to the combobox
    61 	for(int i=0; i< providerList->count();i++)
    62 		{
    63 		SmfProvider provider = providerList->at(i);
    64 		ui.comboBox__SP->addItem(provider.serviceName());
    65 		}
    67 	//logging for debugging purpose
    68 	writeLog("GetServices count=");
    69 	QString c = QString::number(providerList->count());
    70 	writeLog(c);
    71 	//serviceProviderSelected
    72 //	connect(ui.comboBox__SP,
    73 //			SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),
    74 //			this,
    75 //			SLOT(serviceProviderSelected(int)));
    76 	}
    77 void DisplayWidget::serviceProviderSelected()
    78 	{
    80 	switch(ui.comboBox_intf->currentIndex())
    81 		{
    82 		case 0:
    83 			ui.comboBox_service->addItem("Get Friend List");
    84 			//ui.comboBox_3->addItem("Get Group List");
    85 			break;
    86 		case 1:
    87 			ui.comboBox_service->addItem("Get Own Posts");
    88 			//ui.comboBox_3->addItem("Get Friend's Posts");
    89 			break;
    90 		}
    91 //	connect(ui.comboBox_service,
    92 //			SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),
    93 //			this,
    94 //			SLOT(serviceSelected(int)));
    95 	}
    96 void DisplayWidget::serviceSelected()
    97 	{
    98 	SmfProvider smfP(providerList->at(ui.comboBox_service->currentIndex()));
   100 	writeLog("Selected SmfProvider=");
   101 	writeLog(smfP.m_description);
   102 	writeLog(smfP.m_serviceUrl.toString());
   103 	writeLog(smfP.m_appUrl.toString());
   104 	switch(ui.comboBox_intf->currentIndex())
   105 		{
   106 		case 1:
   107 			m_postProvider = new SmfPostProvider(&smfP);
   108 			//TODO:- it should be nested switch case as there are multiple APIs under one interface
   109 			//connect to appropriate slot
   110 			connect(m_postProvider,
   111 					SIGNAL(postsAvailable(SmfPostList*, SmfError, SmfResultPage)),
   112 					this,
   113 					SLOT(showPosts(SmfPostList* , SmfError , SmfResultPage )));
   115 			writeLog("Before m_postProvider->posts=");
   116 			//request for self posts
   117 			m_postProvider->posts();
   118 			break;
   119 		case 0:
   120 			m_contactFetcher = new SmfContactFetcher(&smfP);
   121 			//connect to appropriate slot
   122 			connect(m_contactFetcher,
   123 					SIGNAL(friendsListAvailable(SmfContactList*, SmfError , SmfResultPage)),
   124 					this,
   125 					SLOT(showFriends(SmfContactList*, SmfError , SmfResultPage)));
   127 			writeLog("Before m_contactFetcher->friends=");
   128 			//request for friends, excluding paging info
   129 			m_contactFetcher->friends();
   130 			break;
   131 		}
   132 	}
   133 void DisplayWidget::showPosts(SmfPostList* postlist, SmfError error, SmfResultPage resultPage)
   134 	{
   135 	writeLog("TestScreen::showPosts");
   136 	ui.listWidget->clear();
   137 	ui.listWidget->setVerticalScrollBar(ui.verticalScrollBar_list);
   138 	writeLog("TestScreen::showPosts count=");
   139 	writeLog(QString::number(postlist->count()));
   140 	writeLog("Error=");
   141 	writeLog(QString::number(error));
   142 	if(error)
   143 		{
   144 		QString smferrString("Smf Error code=");
   145 		smferrString += QString::number(error);
   146 		QMessageBox::information(this,"Error",smferrString,QMessageBox::Ok);
   147 		}
   148 	//display post description
   150 	foreach(SmfPost post, *postlist)
   151 			{
   152 			QString desc = post.description();
   153 			ui.listWidget->addItem(desc);
   154 			}
   155 	ui.listWidget->show();
   156 	}
   157 void DisplayWidget::showFriends(SmfContactList* frnds, SmfError err, SmfResultPage)
   158 	{
   159 	splash.finish(this);
   160 	writeLog("TestScreen::showFriends count=");
   161 	writeLog(QString::number(frnds->count()));
   162 	writeLog("Error=");
   163 	writeLog(QString::number(err));
   164 	//display friends
   166 	foreach(SmfContact frnd, *frnds)
   167 			{
   168 		//lets display only street
   169 		QVariant nameVar = frnd.value("Name");
   170 		QContactName name = nameVar.value<QContactName>();
   171 		QString fname;
   172 		QString lname;
   173 #ifdef OLDER_QT_MOBILITY
   174 		fname = name.first();
   175 		lname = name.last();
   176 #else
   177 		fname = name.firstName();
   178 		lname = name.lastName();
   179 #endif
   181 		ui.listWidget->addItem(fname);
   182 			}
   183 	ui.listWidget->show();
   184 	}
   185 void DisplayWidget::writeLog(QString log) const
   186 	{
   187 #ifdef WRITE_LOG 
   188 	QFile file("c:\\data\\SmfClientLogs.txt");
   189     if (!file.open(QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Text))
   190 	         ;
   191     QTextStream out(&file);
   192     out << log << "\n";
   193     file.close();
   194 #endif
   195 	}
   196 DisplayWidget::~DisplayWidget()
   197 {
   199 }