changeset 7 be09cf1f39dd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/smf/smfservermodule/util/qjson/tests/testparser.cpp	Tue May 18 17:37:12 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+/* This file is part of QJson
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Flavio Castelli <>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include "parser.h"
+#include <QtCore/QVariant>
+class TestParser: public QObject
+  private slots:
+    void parseNonAsciiString();
+    void parseSimpleObject();
+    void parseEmptyObject();
+    void parseEmptyValue();
+    void parseUrl();
+    void parseMultipleObject();
+    void parseSimpleArray();
+    void parseInvalidObject();
+    void parseMultipleArray();
+    void testTrueFalseNullValues();
+    void testEscapeChars();
+    void testNumbers();
+    void testNumbers_data();
+using namespace QJson;
+void TestParser::parseSimpleObject() {
+  QByteArray json = "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}";
+  QVariantMap map;
+  map.insert (QLatin1String("foo"), QLatin1String("bar"));
+  QVariant expected(map);
+  Parser parser;
+  bool ok;
+  QVariant result = parser.parse (json, &ok);
+  QVERIFY (ok);
+  QCOMPARE(result, expected);
+void TestParser::parseEmptyObject() {
+  QByteArray json = "{}";
+  QVariantMap map;
+  QVariant expected (map);
+  Parser parser;
+  bool ok;
+  QVariant result = parser.parse (json, &ok);
+  QVERIFY (ok);
+  QCOMPARE(result, expected);
+void TestParser::parseEmptyValue() {
+  QByteArray json = "{\"value\": \"\"}";
+  QVariantMap map;
+  map.insert (QLatin1String("value"), QString(QLatin1String("")));
+  QVariant expected (map);
+  Parser parser;
+  bool ok;
+  QVariant result = parser.parse (json, &ok);
+  QVERIFY (ok);
+  QCOMPARE(result, expected);
+  QVERIFY (result.toMap().value(QLatin1String("value")).type() == QVariant::String);
+  QString value = result.toMap().value(QLatin1String("value")).toString();
+  QVERIFY (value.isEmpty());
+void TestParser::parseInvalidObject() {
+  QByteArray json = "{\"foo\":\"bar\"";
+  Parser parser;
+  bool ok;
+  QVariant result = parser.parse (json, &ok);
+  QVERIFY (!ok);
+void TestParser::parseNonAsciiString() {
+  QByteArray json = "{\"artist\":\"Queensr\\u00ffche\"}";
+  QVariantMap map;
+  QChar unicode_char (0x00ff);
+  QString unicode_string;
+  unicode_string.setUnicode(&unicode_char, 1);
+  unicode_string = QLatin1String("Queensr") + unicode_string + QLatin1String("che");
+  map.insert (QLatin1String("artist"), unicode_string);
+  QVariant expected (map);
+  Parser parser;
+  bool ok;
+  QVariant result = parser.parse (json, &ok);
+  QVERIFY (ok);
+  QCOMPARE(result, expected);
+void TestParser::parseMultipleObject() {
+  //put also some extra spaces inside the json string
+  QByteArray json = "{ \"foo\":\"bar\",\n\"number\" : 51.3 , \"array\":[\"item1\", 123]}";
+  QVariantMap map;
+  map.insert (QLatin1String("foo"), QLatin1String("bar"));
+  map.insert (QLatin1String("number"), 51.3);
+  QVariantList list;
+  list.append (QLatin1String("item1"));
+  list.append (QLatin1String("123"));
+  map.insert (QLatin1String("array"), list);
+  QVariant expected (map);
+  Parser parser;
+  bool ok;
+  QVariant result = parser.parse (json, &ok);
+  QVERIFY (ok);
+  QCOMPARE(result, expected);
+  QVERIFY (result.toMap().value(QLatin1String("number")).canConvert<float>());
+  QVERIFY (result.toMap().value(QLatin1String("array")).canConvert<QVariantList>());
+void TestParser::parseUrl(){
+  //"http:\/\/\/venue\/8926427"
+  QByteArray json = "[\"http:\\/\\/\\/venue\\/8926427\"]";
+  QVariantList list;
+  list.append (QVariant(QLatin1String("")));
+  QVariant expected (list);
+  Parser parser;
+  bool ok;
+  QVariant result = parser.parse (json, &ok);
+  QVERIFY (ok);
+  QCOMPARE(result, expected);
+ void TestParser::parseSimpleArray() {
+  QByteArray json = "[\"foo\",\"bar\"]";
+  QVariantList list;
+  list.append (QLatin1String("foo"));
+  list.append (QLatin1String("bar"));
+  QVariant expected (list);
+  Parser parser;
+  bool ok;
+  QVariant result = parser.parse (json, &ok);
+  QVERIFY (ok);
+  QCOMPARE(result, expected);
+void TestParser::parseMultipleArray() {
+  //put also some extra spaces inside the json string
+  QByteArray json = "[ {\"foo\":\"bar\"},\n\"number\",51.3 , [\"item1\", 123]]";
+  QVariantMap map;
+  map.insert (QLatin1String("foo"), QLatin1String("bar"));
+  QVariantList array;
+  array.append (QLatin1String("item1"));
+  array.append (123);
+  QVariantList list;
+  list.append (map);
+  list.append (QLatin1String("number"));
+  list.append (QLatin1String("51.3"));
+  list.append ((QVariant) array);
+  QVariant expected (list);
+  Parser parser;
+  bool ok;
+  QVariant result = parser.parse (json, &ok);
+  QVERIFY (ok);
+  QCOMPARE(result, expected);
+void TestParser::testTrueFalseNullValues() {
+  QByteArray json = "[true,false, null, {\"foo\" : true}]";
+  QVariantList list;
+  list.append (QVariant(true));
+  list.append (QVariant(false));
+  list.append (QVariant());
+  QVariantMap map;
+  map.insert (QLatin1String("foo"), true);
+  list.append (map);
+  QVariant expected (list);
+  Parser parser;
+  bool ok;
+  QVariant result = parser.parse (json, &ok);
+  QVERIFY (ok);
+  QCOMPARE(result, expected);
+  QCOMPARE (result.toList().at(0).toBool(), true);
+  QCOMPARE (result.toList().at(1).toBool(), false);
+  QVERIFY (result.toList().at(2).isNull());
+void TestParser::testEscapeChars() {
+  QByteArray json = "[\"\\b \\f \\n \\r \\t \", \" \\\\ \\/ \\\\\", \"http:\\/\\/\"]";
+  QVariantList list;
+  list.append (QLatin1String("\b \f \n \r \t "));
+  list.append (QLatin1String(" \\ / \\"));
+  list.append (QLatin1String(""));
+  QVariant expected (list);
+  Parser parser;
+  bool ok;
+  QVariant result = parser.parse (json, &ok);
+  QVERIFY (ok);
+  QCOMPARE(result.toList().size(), expected.toList().size() );
+  QCOMPARE(result, expected);
+void TestParser::testNumbers() {
+  QFETCH(QByteArray, input);
+  QFETCH(QVariant, expected);
+  QFETCH(QVariant::Type, type);
+  Parser parser;
+  bool ok;
+  QVariant result = parser.parse ("[" + input +"]", &ok);
+  QVERIFY (ok);
+  QVariant value = result.toList().at(0);
+  QCOMPARE(value, expected);
+  QCOMPARE( value.type(), type);
+void TestParser::testNumbers_data() {
+  QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>( "input" );
+  QTest::addColumn<QVariant>( "expected" );
+  QTest::addColumn<QVariant::Type>( "type" );
+  QByteArray input;
+  QVariant output;
+  // simple ulonglong
+  input = QByteArray("1");
+  output = QVariant(QVariant::ULongLong);
+  output.setValue(1);
+  QTest::newRow("simple ulonglong") << input << output << QVariant::ULongLong;
+  // big number
+  input = QByteArray("128708157440");
+  output = QVariant(QVariant::ULongLong);
+  output.setValue(128708157440ull);
+  QTest::newRow("big number") << input << output << QVariant::ULongLong;
+  // simple double
+  input = QByteArray("2.4");
+  output = QVariant(QVariant::Double);
+  output.setValue(2.4);
+  QTest::newRow("simple double") << input << output << QVariant::Double;
+  // negative int
+  input = QByteArray("-100");
+  output = QVariant(QVariant::LongLong);
+  output.setValue(-100);
+  QTest::newRow("negative int") << input << output << QVariant::LongLong;
+  // negative double
+  input = QByteArray("-3.4");
+  output = QVariant(QVariant::Double);
+  output.setValue(-3.4);
+  QTest::newRow("negative double") << input << output << QVariant::Double;
+  // exp1
+  input = QByteArray("-5e+");
+  output = QVariant(QVariant::ByteArray);
+  output.setValue(input);
+  QTest::newRow("exp1") << input << output << QVariant::ByteArray;
+  // exp2
+  input = QByteArray("2e");
+  output = QVariant(QVariant::ByteArray);
+  output.setValue(input);
+  QTest::newRow("exp2") << input << output << QVariant::ByteArray;
+  // exp3
+  input = QByteArray("3e+");
+  output = QVariant(QVariant::ByteArray);
+  output.setValue(input);
+  QTest::newRow("exp3") << input << output << QVariant::ByteArray;
+  // exp4
+  input = QByteArray("4.3E");
+  output = QVariant(QVariant::ByteArray);
+  output.setValue(input);
+  QTest::newRow("exp4") << input << output << QVariant::ByteArray;
+  // exp5
+  input = QByteArray("5.4E-");
+  output = QVariant(QVariant::ByteArray);
+  output.setValue(input);
+  QTest::newRow("exp5") << input << output << QVariant::ByteArray;
+#include "moc_testparser.cxx"