changeset 0 f5a58ecadc66
equal deleted inserted replaced
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Declaration of CHeaderField, CHeaderFieldPart, THeaderFieldPartIter, CHeaderFieldParam,
    15 // and THeaderFieldParamIter classes.
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 #ifndef __CHEADERFIELD_H__
    20 #define __CHEADERFIELD_H__
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    23 #include <http/thttphdrval.h>
    24 #include "rhttpheaders.h"
    28 // The default chunk size for Raw data should be set to the average length of a header field when encoded in
    29 // plaintext
    30 const TInt KHttpDefaultRawChunkSize= 32;
    33 class CHeaders;
    34 class CHeaderFieldPart;
    35 class THeaderFieldPartIter;
    36 class CHeaderFieldParam;
    37 class THeaderFieldParamIter;
    38 class CHeaderCodec;
    41 /** Generalised internal representation of a single HTTP header field.  The field's
    42 	value may be contained as raw data as received by HTTP, or
    43 	in a object-oriented parsed form, which is accessible to the client via
    44 	the class API.
    46 	Each field has a type and a (potentially complex) value.  The type must
    47 	be chosen at construction time, and remains the same during the
    48 	header's lifetime.
    50 	Simple headers are represented using a single 'part'.  Several factory
    51 	methods are provided for each type the part can take; e.g.
    53 	@verbatim
    54 	Max-Forwards: 3							-- a single integer value
    55 	Location:				-- a single string token value
    56 	Expires: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 10:30:25 GMT	-- a single date/time value
    57 	@endverbatim
    59 	More complex headers are possible (see the RFC2116 for many more examples)
    60 	which are built up from several parts; e.g.
    62 	@verbatim
    63 	Accept: text/wml, application/vnd.wap.wmlc	-- a header with two string token parts
    64 	Allow: GET, POST, HEAD						-- a header with three string token parts
    65 	@endverbatim
    67 	Multiple parts are supported by the CHeaderFieldPart class.
    69 	Furthermore, some headers allow parameters to be supplied in the form of attribute-value
    70 	pairs.   These may be present on any part of the header, according to the syntax defined
    71 	in the RFC; e.g.
    73 	@verbatim
    74 	Accept-Charset: utf-8; q=0.8, us-ascii; q=0.2
    75 	Cache-Control: maxage=6000
    76 	@endverbatim
    78 	Parameters are supported by the CHeaderFieldParam class.	
    80     The classes CHeaderField, CHeaderFieldPart and CHeaderFieldParam are internal header representations
    81 	and will only be manipulated by protocol handlers and filters.  Only the RHTTPHeaders and THTTPHdrVal
    82 	classes are intended for use by the Client.
    83 	@see RHTTPHeaders
    84 	@see THTTPHdrVal
    85 	@see CHeaderFieldPart
    86 	@see CHeaderFieldParam
    87 	*/
    89 class CHeaderField : public CBase
    90 	{
    91 friend class THeaderFieldPartIter;
    92 friend class RHeaderField;
    93 public:
    94 	//
    95 	// Getters
    96 	//
    98 	/** Obtain the name of the header field, e.g. Accept
    99 		@return The header field name as a string token
   100 	*/
   101 	RStringF Name() const;
   103 	/** Access the header value parts via an iterator
   104 		@return An iterator constructed to point at the first part
   105 		@leave KErrNoMemory - insufficient free memory for object creation when decoding parts
   106 		@leave KErrNotSupported - if decoding when counting parts fails
   107 	*/
   108 	THeaderFieldPartIter PartsL();
   110 	/** Get the Raw header representation.  This will flip the internal state of the header,
   111 		if it's not already in Raw form. Requires a Codec to be set.
   112 		@param The 8-bit data buffer representing the header in Raw form
   113 		@leave KErrNoMemory - insufficient free memory for object creation when decoding parts
   114 		@leave KErrNotSupported - if decoding when counting parts fails
   115 	*/
   116 	IMPORT_C
   117 	void RawDataL(TPtrC8& aRawData);
   119 	//
   120 	// Setters
   121 	//
   123 	/** Set a part in the header. It replaces any existing parts at the specified index.
   124 		Note this is for use only by the header codec, when converting Raw data into parsed header parts from parsed Raw data.
   125 		This function may leave with any of the system wide error codes, if the attempt to append this part to the internal list
   126 		fails.
   127 		@param aPart The part to be added.  The header takes ownership of the new part.
   128 		@param aIndex The index of the part you are replacing
   129 	*/
   130 	//void SetPartL(CHeaderFieldPart* aPart, TInt aIndex);
   132 	/** Start setting Raw data in the header.  Leaves if initial Raw buffer allocation fails. The
   133 		optional parameter specifies the size to be used for Raw data chunk allocation.
   134 		Note this is for use only by the header codec. 
   135 		@leave KErrNoMemory - insufficient free memory buffer allocation
   136 	*/
   137 	void BeginRawDataL(TInt aChunkSize = KHttpDefaultRawChunkSize);
   139 	/** Add more Raw data, supplied as a descriptor.  The buffer is extended as necessary.
   140 		Leaves if buffer allocation fails.
   141 		Note this is for use only by the header codec. 
   142 		@leave KErrNoMemory - insufficient free memory buffer allocation
   143 	*/
   144 	void WriteRawDataL(const TDesC8& aData);
   146 	/** Add more Raw data, supplied as a single character.  The buffer is extended as necessary.
   147 		Leaves if buffer allocation fails.
   148 		Note this is for use only by the header codec. 
   149 		@leave KErrNoMemory - insufficient free memory buffer allocation
   150 	*/
   151 	//void WriteRawDataL(TChar aData);
   153 	/** Commit the Raw data.  The parsed header parts and parameters are removed.
   154 		Note this is for use only by the header codec.
   155 	*/
   156 	void CommitRawData();
   160 	/** Obtain the number of parts in this header
   161 		@return The number, as an integer
   162 		@leave KErrNoMemory - insufficient free memory for object creation when decoding parts
   163 		@leave KErrNotSupported - if decoding when counting parts fails
   164 	*/
   165 	TInt NumPartsL();
   168 	/** Create a new header field that has no value yet.
   169 		@param aHeaderFieldName The header field type.
   170 		@param aOwner The header fields collection that this field belongs to
   171 		@leave KErrNoMemory - insufficient free memory to create an instance of the class.
   172 	*/
   173 	static CHeaderField* NewL(RStringF aHeaderFieldName, CHeaders& aOwner);
   175 	/** Create a new header field with a single part, whose HTTP value is specified.
   176 		@param aHeaderFieldName The header field type.
   177 		@param aOwner The header fields collection that this field belongs to
   178 		@param aVal The header field value. A copy is taken when storing.
   179 		@leave KErrNoMemory - insufficient free memory to create an instance of the class, or any classes needed to create subclasses for parsing
   180 		@leave KErrNotSupported - if decoding for this header field can't be made
   181 	*/
   182 	static CHeaderField* NewL(RStringF aHeaderFieldName, CHeaders& aOwner, THTTPHdrVal aVal);
   184 	/** Create a new header field from the supplied Raw data using the specified transaction codec.
   185 		@param aHeaderFieldName The header field type.
   186 		@param aOwner The header fields collection that this field belongs to
   187 		@param aRawData The raw data buffer, as a descriptor
   188 		@leave KErrNoMemory - insufficient free memory to create an instance of the class, or any classes needed to create subclasses for parsing
   189 		@leave KErrNotSupported - if decoding for this header field can't be made
   190 	*/
   191 	static CHeaderField* NewL(RStringF aHeaderFieldName, CHeaders& aOwner, const TDesC8& aRawData);
   193 	// Class destructor
   194 	virtual ~CHeaderField();
   195 	/** Access the header value parts by index
   196 		@param aIndex The index of the desired part. 0 references the first one.
   197 		@return The indexed part, or NULL if the index was invalid.
   198 		@leave KErrNoMemory - insufficient free memory for object creation when decoding parts
   199 		@leave KErrNotSupported - if decoding when counting parts fails
   200 	*/
   201 	CHeaderFieldPart* PartL(TInt aIndex);
   204 	/** Add a part to the header. It is appended after any existing parts. Simple headers
   205 		have just one part;  they could be constructed using the 'single part' NewL() methods.
   206 		@param aPart The part to be added.  The header takes ownership of the new part.
   207 		@leave KErrNoMemory - insufficient free memory to create an instance of the class, or any classes needed to create subclasses for parsing
   208 		@leave KErrNotSupported - if decoding for this header field can't be made
   209 	*/
   210 	void AddPartL(CHeaderFieldPart* aPart);
   212 	/** Insert a part into the header. It is inserted at the specified index - i.e. to insert
   213 		a new part at the start of the header, aIndex should be set to 0.
   214 		@param aPart The part to be inserted.  The header takes ownership of the new part.
   215 		@param aIndex The index at which the part is to be inserted.
   216 		@leave KErrNoMemory - insufficient free memory to create an instance of the class, or any classes needed to create subclasses for parsing
   217 		@leave KErrNotSupported - if decoding for this header field can't be made
   218 	*/
   219 	//void InsertPartL(CHeaderFieldPart* aPart, TInt aIndex);
   222 	/** Remove the specified part from the header.
   223 		@param aPart The part to be removed.  The header deletes the removed part.
   224 		@return An error code; KErrNone if the removal succeeds or KErrNotFound if it didn't.
   225 		@leave KErrNoMemory - insufficient free memory to create an instance of the class, or any classes needed to create subclasses for parsing
   226 		@leave KErrNotSupported - if decoding for this header field can't be made
   227 	*/
   228 	//TInt RemovePartL(CHeaderFieldPart* aPart);
   231 	/** Remove the indexed part from the header
   232 		@param aIndex An index to the part to be removed.  The header deletes the removed part.
   233 		@return An error code; KErrNone if the removal succeeds or KErrNotFound if it didn't.
   234 		@leave KErrNoMemory - insufficient free memory to create an instance of the class, or any classes needed to create subclasses for parsing
   235 		@leave KErrNotSupported - if decoding for this header field can't be made
   236 	*/
   237 	TInt RemovePartL(TInt aIndex);
   238 private: // methods
   240 	//
   241 	// Internal format conversion
   242 	//
   244 	/** Create an Raw encoding of the header's field name and value. This is done
   245 		using the Codec, which must be supplied prior to this call.	The part data is removed
   246 		after conversion to the Raw format.
   247 		@leave KErrNotSupported if a codec that supports encoding this header cannot be found
   248 	*/
   249 	void ConvertToRawFormatL();
   251 	/** Create the part objects that represent the header field's value, by parsing the 
   252 		Raw data received by HTTP.  The Raw data is removed after conversion completes
   253 		successfully.
   254 		@leave KErrNotSupported if a codec that supports encoding this header cannot be found
   255 	*/
   256 	void ConvertToParsedFormatL();	
   258 	/** Standard constructor.  Used when client constructs headers.
   259 		@param aHeaderFieldName A string table reference to the header field's name.
   260 		@param aOwner The header fields collection that this field belongs to
   261 		@return The constructed instance of CHeaderField
   262 	*/
   263 	CHeaderField(RStringF aHeaderFieldName, CHeaders& aOwner);
   265 	/** Phase Two construction. This variant copies-to-keep the supplied Raw data buffer.
   266 		@param aRawData An 8-bit buffer containing raw header data received by HTTP.
   267 	*/
   268 	void ConstructL(const TDesC8& aRawData);
   270 	// Empty and destroy contents of the 'parts' array.
   271 	void ClearParsedData();
   273 	// Empty and destroy any Raw data held
   274 	void ClearRawData();
   276 private: // types and enums
   278 	/** Enumeration of the states in which this header's value data can exist.
   279 	*/
   280 	enum TDataState
   281 		{
   282 		ENoDataSupplied	= 0x00, /**< the header object is not populated with data after construction*/
   283 		EDataInRawForm	= 0x01, /**< the data is in it's raw form, i.e. not accessible by part*/
   284 		EDataParsedOK	= 0x02, /**< the data is in it's client representation, i.e. parsed into parts.	*/
   285 		EDataParseError	= 0x03  /**< the data could not be parsed so remains in Raw form*/
   286 		};
   288 private: // attributes
   290 	/**  Name of this header (a reference into the string table) 
   291 	*/
   292 	RStringF iName;
   294 	/** Has this header been parsed yet? did it parse correctly?
   295 	*/
   296 	TDataState iDataParseState;
   298 	/**  Headers collection that owns this field
   299 	*/
   300 	CHeaders* iOwner;
   302 	/** Header data - in Raw format.
   303 	*/
   304 	HBufC8* iRawData;
   306 	/** Header data - in parsed format.
   307 	*/
   308 	RPointerArray<CHeaderFieldPart> iParts;
   310 	/** Codec used to convert this header
   311 	*/
   312 	const CHeaderCodec& iCodec;
   314 	/** Size of data chunk used when allocating and extending the Raw data buffer
   315 	*/
   316 	TInt iRawChunkSize;
   317 	};
   322 /** Generalised representation of a single HTTP header value part.  The part takes a
   323 	value of one of the following three types:
   325 	- integer, signed (i.e. can be -ve or +ve)
   326 	- string token, which can represent free text (i.e. text with no special meaning; ETags; MD5 hashes;
   327 	  MIME types, etc.), enumerations (words with special meanings such as 'private', 'close', ') or URLs
   328 	- Date/Time
   330 	In addition the part may have one or more parameters.  These take the form of
   331 	attribute-value pairs.  They are implemented by the CHeaderFieldParam class.
   332 */
   333 class CHeaderFieldPart : public CBase
   334 	{
   335 friend class THeaderFieldParamIter;
   337 public:
   338 	/** Create a new part, for the supplied HTTP value 
   339 		@param aVal The HTTP value for this part of the header field. A copy is taken when storing.
   340 		@return The constructed instance of CHeaderFieldPart.
   341 	*/
   342 	IMPORT_C
   343 	static CHeaderFieldPart* NewL(THTTPHdrVal aVal);
   345 	// Class destructor
   346 	virtual ~CHeaderFieldPart();
   348 	//
   349 	// Getters
   350 	//
   352 	/** Obtain the value held in this field part.  The caller must call Copy() on the returned THTTPHdrVal
   353 		if it is going to be stored.  This is needed in order to correctly maintain string references.
   354 		@return The field part's HTTP value
   355 	*/
   356 	IMPORT_C
   357 	THTTPHdrVal Value() const;
   359 	/** Obtain the number of parameters in this header
   360 		@return The number, as an integer
   361 	*/ 
   362 	IMPORT_C
   363 	TInt NumParameters() const;
   365 	/** Access the parameters in this header part via an iterator
   366 		@return An iterator constructed to point at the first parameter
   367 	*/
   368 	IMPORT_C
   369 	THeaderFieldParamIter Parameters() const;
   371 	/** Access the header parameters by index
   372 		@param aIndex The index of the desired parameter. 0 references the first one.
   373 		@return The indexed parameter, or NULL if the index was invalid.
   374 	*/
   375 	//CHeaderFieldParam* Parameter(TInt aIndex) const;
   377 	/** Access the header parameters by parameter name
   378 		@param aParamName The name of the desired part.
   379 		@return The named parameter, or NULL if it doesn't exist.
   380 	*/
   381 	CHeaderFieldParam* Parameter(RStringF aParamName) const;
   383 	//
   384 	// Setters
   385 	//
   387 	/** Change the value held in this field part
   388 		@param  The HTTP value. It is copied in order to store it.
   389 	*/
   390 	//void SetValue(THTTPHdrVal aVal);
   392 	/** Add a parameter to the header part. It is appended after any existing
   393 		parameters.
   394 		@param aParam The parameter to be added.  The header takes ownership of the
   395 					  new parameter.
   396 	*/
   397 	IMPORT_C
   398 	void AddParamL(CHeaderFieldParam* aParam);
   400 	/** Remove the specified parameter from the header part.
   401 		@param aParam The parameter to be removed.  The header deletes the removed
   402 					  parameter.
   403 		@return An error code; KErrNone if the removal succeeds or KErrNotFound if
   404 				it didn't.
   405 	*/
   406 	//TInt RemoveParam(CHeaderFieldParam* aParam);
   408 private: // methods
   410 	// Default constructor. 
   411 	CHeaderFieldPart(THTTPHdrVal aVal);
   413 private: // attributes
   415 	// The value of this part of the header field
   416 	THTTPHdrVal iValue;
   418 	// Parameters for this part.
   419 	RPointerArray<CHeaderFieldParam> iParams;
   420 	};
   423 /** Generalised representation of a single HTTP header parameter.  The parameter has
   424 	a name and takes a value using one of the three types supported in CHeaderFieldPart.
   426 	Special case:
   427 	- an unnamed parameter with an assigned value
   429 	Examples of the use for this special case are:
   431 	@verbatim
   432 	Cache-Control: max-stale [=delta-seconds]
   433 	Expect: expectation1=value1; expectation2=value2
   434 	Content-Range: bytes 0-1023/4096
   435 	@endverbatim
   437 	Cache-Control's max-stale directive can take an optional value; hence the client
   438 	should create a one-part header where the part is an enumeration value 'max-stale',
   439 	and assign to that part an un-named parameter for the delta-seconds value if it is
   440 	desired.
   442 	Expect's sets of expectation expressions should each be added by the client as a
   443 	separate part, each of which is given an unnamed parameter that takes the
   444 	expectation	value.
   446 	Content-Range should have one part added containing the enumeration 'bytes'.  Three
   447 	parameters should be defined for that part: 'first', 'last' and 'total' which take
   448 	the values in the byte-range.  This is, of course, application-specific and similar
   449 	guidelines might be adopted by the parser to represent other headers.
   450 	*/
   452 class CHeaderFieldParam : public CBase
   453 	{
   454 public: // methods
   456 	/** Create a new header parameter that has a descriptor value. 
   457 		@param aParamName The name of the parameter, as a string table
   458 						  reference. Can be an empty string.
   459 		@param aVal The HTTP value of the parameter. A copy is taken when storing.
   460 		@return The constructed instance of CHeaderFieldParam
   461 	*/
   462 	IMPORT_C
   463 	static CHeaderFieldParam* NewL(RStringF aParamName, THTTPHdrVal aVal);
   465 	// Class destructor
   466 	virtual ~CHeaderFieldParam();
   468 	//
   469 	// Getters
   470 	//
   472 	/** Obtain the name of the parameter, e.g. q
   473 	    @return String table reference to the name
   474 	*/
   475 	IMPORT_C
   476 	RStringF Name() const;
   478 	/** Obtain the value of the parameter.  The caller must call Copy() on the returned THTTPHdrVal
   479 		if it is going to be stored.  This is needed in order to correctly maintain string references.
   480 		@return The parameter's HTTP value
   481 	*/
   482 	IMPORT_C
   483 	THTTPHdrVal Value() const;
   485 	//
   486 	// Setters
   487 	//
   489 	/** Change the value held in this field parameter
   490 		@param  The HTTP value
   491 	*/
   492 	//void SetValue(THTTPHdrVal aVal);
   494 private: // methods
   496 	/** Default constructor. 
   497 	*/
   498 	CHeaderFieldParam(RStringF aName, THTTPHdrVal aVal);
   500 private: // attributes
   502 	// A string table reference for the name of this parameter
   503 	RStringF iName;
   505 	// The value of this part of the header field
   506 	THTTPHdrVal iValue;
   507 	};
   509 /** Iterator class to iterate the parts contained within a header field. Requires friendship with
   510 	CHeaderField and as such is tightly bound to that class.
   511 */
   512 class THeaderFieldPartIter
   513 	{
   514 public:
   515 	/** Construct an iterator for the parts of the supplied header.
   516 		@param aHeader The header whose parts we want to iterate
   517 	*/
   518 	THeaderFieldPartIter(const CHeaderField* aHeader);
   519 	/** Class destructor
   520 	*/
   522 	/** Reset iterator to point at the first part of the header
   523 	*/
   524 	IMPORT_C
   525 	void First();
   526 	/** Check if the iterator is at the end of the list. If so, further calls to
   527 	    operator() will return NULL.
   528 		@return True if the iterator has hit the end of the parts list
   529 	*/
   530 	IMPORT_C
   531 	TBool AtEnd();
   533 	/** Advance the iterator.
   534 	*/
   535 	IMPORT_C
   536 	void operator++();
   537 	/** Obtain the header part currently pointed at by the iterator.
   538 		@return The header part;  NULL if the iterator has gone off the end of the list
   539 	*/
   540 	IMPORT_C
   541 	const CHeaderFieldPart* operator()();
   543 private:
   545 	/** Check the iterator state for invalidity following deletions in the list
   546 	*/
   547 	void CheckInvalidation();
   549 	/** The header whose parts we are iterating.
   550 	*/
   551 	const CHeaderField* iHeader;
   553 	/** The index of the part in the header that is currently pointed at by the iterator
   554 	*/
   555 	TInt iPosIdx;
   556 	};
   558 /** Iterator class to iterate the parameters contained within a header part. Requires friendship with
   559 	CHeaderFieldPart and as such is tightly bound to that class.
   560 */
   561 class THeaderFieldParamIter
   562 	{
   563 public:
   564 	/** Construct an iterator for the parameterss of the supplied header part.
   565 		@param aHeaderPart The header part whose parameters we want to iterate
   566 	*/
   567 	THeaderFieldParamIter(const CHeaderFieldPart* aHeaderPart);
   568 	/** Class destructor
   569 	*/
   570 	IMPORT_C
   571 	~THeaderFieldParamIter();
   573 	/** Reset iterator to point at the first part of the header
   574 	*/
   575 	IMPORT_C
   576 	void First();
   577 	/** Check if the iterator is at the end of the list. If so, further calls to
   578 	    operator() will return NULL.
   579 	*/
   580 	IMPORT_C
   581 	TBool AtEnd();
   583 	/** Advance the iterator.
   584 		@return True if the iterator still points at a valid parameter after advancing.
   585 	*/
   586 	IMPORT_C
   587 	void operator++();
   588 	/** Obtain the header parameter currently pointed at by the iterator.
   589 		@return The header parameter;  NULL if the iterator has gone off the end of the list
   590 	*/
   591 	IMPORT_C
   592 	const CHeaderFieldParam* operator()();
   594 private:
   596 	/** Check the iterator state for invalidity following deletions in the list
   597 	*/
   598 	void CheckInvalidation();
   600 	/** The header part whose parameters we are iterating.
   601 	*/
   602 	const CHeaderFieldPart* iHeaderPart;
   603 	/** The index of the parameter in the header part that is currently pointed at by the iterator
   604 	*/
   605 	TInt iPosIdx;
   606 	};
   608 #endif // __CHEADERFIELD_H__