changeset 0 f5a58ecadc66
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/servicediscoveryandcontrol/pnp/test/upnp/Server/Flow/src/httpserver.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:12:20 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <ss_glob.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_nodemessages.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_nodemessages_dataclient.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_nodemessages_factory.h>
+#include <elements/nm_interfaces.h>
+#include <httpstringconstants.h>
+#include <httperr.h>
+#include <http/thttptable.h>
+#include <http/framework/cheadercodecplugin.h>
+#include <upnp/tupnptable.h>
+#include <uriutils.h>
+#include "app_protintf_msgs.h"
+#include "httpserver.h"
+#include "ctransaction.h"
+#include "httpserverhandler.h"
+#include "httpevent.h"
+#include "upnpserverconstants.h"
+#include "upnplog.h"
+#include "upnppint.h"
+#include "upnpmemoryutils.h"
+using namespace Messages;
+using namespace ESock;
+CServiceInfo* CServiceInfo::NewL ( const TDesC8& aUri, MHttpEventObserver& aObserver )
+	{
+	CServiceInfo* self = new (ELeave) CServiceInfo ( aObserver );
+	CleanupStack::PushL ( self );
+	self->ConstructL ( aUri );
+	CleanupStack::Pop (); // self
+	return self;
+	}
+TBool CServiceInfo::Match ( const TDesC8& aUri )
+	{
+	return ( iUri.CompareF ( aUri ) == 0 );
+	}
+TBool CServiceInfo::Match ( const TUriC8& aUri, const TDesC8& aHost ) const
+	{
+	// Check host matches
+	if ( aHost.Length () != 0 )
+		{
+		// Search if aHost has the port also.
+		TInt pos = aHost.Find(_L8(":"));
+		if((pos != KErrNotFound) && (UriUtils::HostType(aHost.Left(pos)) == UriUtils::EIPv4Host))
+			{
+			// Port number is present in aHost
+			if(iParsedUri.Extract(EUriHost).Compare(aHost.Left(pos)) == 0)
+				{
+				LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("UriHost Matched")));
+				// Check if the port in aHost matches with the port in iParsedUri
+				if(iParsedUri.Extract(EUriPort).Compare(aHost.Right(aHost.Length()-(pos+1))) !=0 )
+					{
+					// Port numbers did not match
+					LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("UriPort Not Matched")));	
+					return EFalse;	
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("UriHost Not Matched")));	
+				return EFalse;
+				}
+			}
+		else if ( iParsedUri.Extract ( EUriHost ).CompareF ( aHost ) )
+			{
+			LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("UriHost Not Matched")));
+			return EFalse;
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Check if its matches in the Uri
+		if ( iParsedUri.Compare ( aUri, EUriHost ) )
+			{
+			LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("UriHost Not Matched")));
+			return EFalse;
+			}
+		}
+	// Check path component matches
+	if ( iParsedUri.Compare ( aUri, EUriPath ) )
+		{
+		LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("UriPath Not Matched")));
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("UriPath Matched")));
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+CServiceInfo::CServiceInfo ( MHttpEventObserver& aObserver )
+: iObserver ( aObserver )
+	{
+	}
+void CServiceInfo::ConstructL ( const TDesC8& aUri )
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError ( iParsedUri.Parse ( aUri ) );
+	iUri.CreateL ( aUri );
+	}
+CServiceInfo::~CServiceInfo ()
+	{
+	iUri.Close ();
+	}
+MHttpEventObserver& CServiceInfo::Observer () const
+	{
+	return iObserver;
+	}
+// -------------------------------------------------
+CServiceInfoArray::CServiceInfoArray ()
+	{
+	}
+CServiceInfoArray::~CServiceInfoArray ()
+	{
+	iServiceInfos.ResetAndDestroy ();
+	}
+void CServiceInfoArray::AddServiceUriL ( const TDesC8& aUri, MHttpEventObserver& aObserver )
+	{
+	TInt position = FindServiceUri ( aUri );
+	if( position != KErrNotFound )
+		{
+		User::Leave ( KErrAlreadyExists );
+		}
+	CServiceInfo* info = CServiceInfo::NewL ( aUri, aObserver );
+	CleanupStack::PushL ( info );
+	iServiceInfos.AppendL ( info );
+	CleanupStack::Pop (); // info
+	}
+void CServiceInfoArray::RemoveServiceUri ( const TDesC8& aUri )
+   	{
+   	TInt pos = FindServiceUri ( aUri );
+   	if ( pos != KErrNotFound  )
+   		{
+   		CServiceInfo* info = iServiceInfos [ pos ];
+   		iServiceInfos.Remove ( pos );
+   		delete info;
+   		}
+   	}
+TInt CServiceInfoArray::FindServiceUri ( const TDesC8& aUri )
+	{
+	for ( TInt i = 0; i < iServiceInfos.Count(); ++i )
+		{
+		if ( iServiceInfos[i]->Match( aUri ) )
+			return i;
+		}
+	return KErrNotFound;
+	}
+TInt CServiceInfoArray::MatchServiceUri ( const TUriC8& aUri, const TDesC8& aHost )
+	{
+	for ( TInt i = 0; i < iServiceInfos.Count(); ++i )
+		{
+		if ( iServiceInfos[i]->Match( aUri, aHost ) )
+			return i;
+		}
+	return KErrNotFound;
+	}
+TInt CServiceInfoArray::CountServiceUri ()
+	{
+	return iServiceInfos.Count();
+	}
+// -------------------------------------------------------------
+void HttpRequestUtils::ValidateL ( const CRequest& aRequest )
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError ( ValidateMethod ( aRequest ) );
+	User::LeaveIfError ( ValidateHost ( aRequest ) );
+	}
+TInt  HttpRequestUtils::ValidateMethod ( const CRequest& aRequest )
+	{
+	// We validate the RFC2616 methods that we support. Currrent we support only
+	// GET and POST method. Other methods are validated in the protocol flow.
+	RStringF method = aRequest.Method ();
+	RStringPool strP = aRequest.StringPool();
+	RStringF connect = strP.StringF(HTTP::ECONNECT, THTTPTable::Table());
+	RStringF del = strP.StringF(HTTP::EDELETE, THTTPTable::Table());
+	RStringF head = strP.StringF(HTTP::EHEAD, THTTPTable::Table());
+	RStringF options = strP.StringF(HTTP::EOPTIONS, THTTPTable::Table());
+	RStringF put = strP.StringF(HTTP::EPUT, THTTPTable::Table());
+	RStringF trace = strP.StringF(HTTP::ETRACE, THTTPTable::Table());
+	if(aRequest.Method() == connect||aRequest.Method() == del||aRequest.Method() == head||
+	   aRequest.Method() == options||aRequest.Method() == put||aRequest.Method() == trace 
+	   )
+		{
+		return KErrNotSupported;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	}
+TInt HttpRequestUtils::ValidateHost ( const CRequest& aRequest )
+	{
+	if ( !aRequest.IsHTTP10 () )
+		{
+		// HTTP/1.1 Host header must be present.
+		// Relevant information from RFC2616 Sec 14.23
+		// 1. A client MUST include a Host header field in all HTTP/1.1 request messages .
+		// 2. If the requested URI does not include an Internet host name for the service being requested, then the Host header
+		// field MUST be given with an empty value.
+		// Also from sec - Servers MUST report a 400 (Bad Request) error if an HTTP/1.1 request does not include a Host
+		// request-header.
+		// For more information refer the above sections in RFC2616
+		// Note: ( seee above 2 ) - RFC2616 explicitly is not saying what we should do when we are having Host header field with
+		// emtpy value. Only it mandates the Host header field MUST be present if it is a HTTP/1.1 request. So we just check
+		// the presence of Host header field and we will leave rest to URI matching.
+		if ( !HttpRequestUtils::IsHostPresent ( aRequest ) )
+			{
+			return KErrCorrupt;
+			}
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TBool HttpRequestUtils::IsHostPresent ( const CRequest& aRequest )
+	{
+	CRequest& req = const_cast < CRequest& > ( aRequest );
+	RRequest request = req.Handle ();
+	RHTTPHeaders headers = request.GetHeaderCollection ();
+	RStringF hostStr = aRequest.StringPool ().StringF ( HTTP::EHost, THTTPTable::Table() );
+	THTTPHdrVal hostValue;
+	return headers.GetField(hostStr, 0, hostValue) == KErrNone;
+	}
+const TDesC8& HttpRequestUtils::HostStr ( const CRequest& aRequest )
+	{
+	CRequest& req = const_cast < CRequest& > ( aRequest );
+	RStringF hostStr = aRequest.StringPool ().StringF ( HTTP::EHost, THTTPTable::Table() );
+	RHTTPHeaders headers = req.Handle ().GetHeaderCollection ();
+	THTTPHdrVal hostValue;
+	if ( headers.GetField(hostStr, 0, hostValue) != KErrNotFound )
+		{
+		return hostValue.StrF ().DesC ();
+		}
+	return KNullDesC8 ();
+	}
+TBool HttpRequestUtils::IsConnectionRequired ( const CRequest& aRequest )
+	{
+	TBool bConnRequired = EFalse;
+	CRequest& req = const_cast < CRequest& > ( aRequest );
+	RRequest request = req.Handle ();
+	RHTTPHeaders headers = request.GetHeaderCollection ();
+	RStringF name = aRequest.StringPool ().StringF ( HTTP::EConnection, THTTPTable::Table() );
+	THTTPHdrVal value;
+	if ( request.IsHTTP10 () ) // HTTP 1.0 request,  check for keep alive header value.
+		{
+		// Check for Connection: Keep Alive header
+		if ( headers.GetField ( name, 0, value ) == KErrNone &&
+				value.Type ( ) == THTTPHdrVal::KStrFVal &&
+				value.StrF ( ).Index ( THTTPTable::Table() ) == HTTP::EKeepAlive )
+			{
+			bConnRequired = ETrue;
+			}
+		}
+	else // HTTP 1.1
+		{
+		// Check for Connection: Keep Alive header
+		if ( headers.GetField ( name, 0, value ) == KErrNone &&
+				value.Type ( ) == THTTPHdrVal::KStrFVal &&
+				value.StrF ( ).Index ( THTTPTable::Table() ) == HTTP::EClose )
+			{
+			bConnRequired = EFalse;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			bConnRequired = ETrue;
+			}
+		}
+	return bConnRequired;
+	}
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+CHttpServer* CHttpServer::NewL (ESock::CProtocolIntfBase* aProtIntf)
+	{
+	CHttpServer* self = new (ELeave)CHttpServer(aProtIntf);
+	CleanupStack::PushL ( self );
+	self->ConstructL ();
+	CleanupStack::Pop ();
+	return self;
+	}
+CHttpServer::CHttpServer (ESock::CProtocolIntfBase* aProtIntf) : 
+		iStarted ( EFalse ), iIsLeaving ( EFalse ), iProtIntf ( aProtIntf )
+	{
+	LOG_NODE_CREATE ( KESockFlowTag, CHttpServer );
+	}
+CHttpServer::~CHttpServer ()
+	{
+	delete iServiceInfos;
+	delete iParser;
+	delete iComposer;
+	delete iTransaction;
+	if ( !iMemChunk.IsEmpty() )
+		iMemChunk.Free ();
+	iServerHandlerArray.ResetAndDestroy ();
+	iServiceControlProviderInfos.Reset ();
+	iServiceControlProviderInfos.Close ();
+	//delete iCodec;
+	iStringPool.Close();
+	LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("Destroyed CHttpServer")));
+	LOG_NODE_DESTROY(KESockFlowTag, CHttpServer);
+	}
+void CHttpServer::ConstructL ()
+	{
+	iStringPool.OpenL(TUPnPTable::Table());
+	iStringPool.OpenL(THTTPTable::Table());
+	iCodec = CHeaderCodecPlugin::NewL ( KUPnPCodecName, iStringPool );
+	iParser = CUpnpRequestParser::NewL ( *this );
+	iComposer = CUpnpResponseComposer::NewL ( *this );
+	iTransaction = CTransaction::NewL ( *iCodec, iStringPool );
+	iServiceInfos = new ( ELeave ) CServiceInfoArray;
+	LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("Created CHttpServer")));
+	}
+void CHttpServer::AddServiceUriL ( const TDesC8& aUri, MHttpEventObserver& aObserver, TNodeCtxId aServiceId, TNodeCtxId aControlProviderId )
+	{
+	LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("CHttpServer::AddServiceUriL")));
+	iServiceInfos->AddServiceUriL ( aUri, aObserver );
+	if ( iAppProtIntfId == TNodeId::NullId () && iServiceControlProviderInfos.Count () == 0 )
+		{
+		CreateListener ();
+		}
+	if ( !iStarted )
+		{
+		TServiceControlProviderInfo newInfo ( aServiceId, aControlProviderId );
+		iServiceControlProviderInfos.Append ( newInfo );
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose ( aServiceId, aControlProviderId, ESock::TCFDataClient::TStarted ().CRef () );
+		}
+	}
+TBool CHttpServer::RemoveServiceUri ( const TDesC8& aUri, TNodeCtxId aServiceId, TNodeCtxId aControlProviderId )
+	{
+	LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("CHttpServer::RemoveServiceUri")));
+	iServiceInfos->RemoveServiceUri ( aUri );
+	if ( iServiceInfos->CountServiceUri () == 0 ) // last service is stopped, so stop listener
+		{
+		iLastServiceControlProviderInfo.iServiceId = aServiceId;
+		iLastServiceControlProviderInfo.iControlProviderId = aControlProviderId;
+		iIsLeaving = ETrue;
+		StopServer ();
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	if ( TNodeId::NullId () != aControlProviderId )
+		{		
+		RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose ( aServiceId, aControlProviderId, TCFDataClient::TStopped ( 0 ).CRef () );		
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+TBool CHttpServer::MatchRequestUri () const
+	{
+	LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("CHttpServer::MatchRequestUri")));
+	CRequest* request = iTransaction->Request ();
+	return iServiceInfos->MatchServiceUri ( request->Handle ().URI (), HttpRequestUtils::HostStr ( *(iTransaction->Request ()) ) ) != KErrNotFound ? ETrue : EFalse;
+	}
+void CHttpServer::CreateListener ()
+	{
+	LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("CHttpServer::CreateListener")));
+	const TInt KAppProtIntfFactoryUid = 0x2000D05B; // Put in common place
+//	const TInt KGenericContainerIndex = 1;
+	const TInt KListenPort = 80; // Maybe we should make it as configurable and multiple ports
+	TAppProtIntfQuery query ( KProtocolInetTcp, KListenPort );
+	LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("CHttpServer::CreateListener - Posting message TCFMessage::TFindOrCreateFactoryObject")));
+	TCFFactory::TFindOrCreatePeer foMsg ( TCFPlayerRole::EDataPlane, TUid::Uid( KAppProtIntfFactoryUid ), &query );
+//    foMsg.PostTo ( SockManGlobals::Get()->GetPlaneFC ( EDataPlane, KGenericContainerIndex ) );
+    TNodeId containerId = static_cast<CUPnPProtocolIntfBase*>(iProtIntf)->GetAppProtIntfContainerId();
+    if(containerId != TNodeId::NullId ( ))
+    	{    	
+    	RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose ( NodeId (), containerId, foMsg );
+    	}
+	}
+void CHttpServer::ReceivedL ( const TRuntimeCtxId& /*aSender*/, const TNodeId& /*aRecipient*/, TSignatureBase& aMessage )
+	{
+	LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("CHttpServer::ReceivedL")));
+	if ( aMessage.MessageId ().Realm () == TCFFactory::ERealmId )
+		{
+		if ( aMessage.MessageId().MessageId()  == TCFFactory::TPeerFoundOrCreated::EId )
+			{
+			LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("CHttpServer::ReceivedL - TCFMessage::TFOCreated")));
+			const TCFFactory::TPeerFoundOrCreated & msg = message_cast < const TCFFactory::TPeerFoundOrCreated  > ( aMessage );
+			iAppProtIntfId = msg.iNodeId;			
+			RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose ( TNodeCtxId ( MeshMachine::KActivityNull, NodeId () ), iAppProtIntfId, TAppProtIntfMessage::TJoin ().CRef () );
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		switch ( aMessage.MessageId().MessageId() )
+			{
+			case TAppProtIntfMessage::TJoinComplete::EId:
+				{
+				LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("CHttpServer::ReceivedL - TAppProtIntfMessage::TJoinComplete")));
+				// We joined. Now we started listening for incomming connections
+				iStarted = ETrue;
+				for ( TInt i = 0; i < iServiceControlProviderInfos.Count (); i++ )
+					{
+					RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose ( iServiceControlProviderInfos[i].iServiceId, iServiceControlProviderInfos[i].iControlProviderId, TCFDataClient::TStarted ().CRef () );			
+					}
+				iServiceControlProviderInfos.Reset ();
+				}
+			break;
+			case TAppProtIntfMessage::TNewConnection::EId:
+				{
+				LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("CHttpServer::ReceivedL - TAppProtIntfMessage::TNewConnection")));
+				TAppProtIntfMessage::TNewConnection& currentMsg = message_cast < TAppProtIntfMessage::TNewConnection > ( aMessage );
+				if ( !iIsLeaving )
+					{
+		        	RMemoryAllocator allocator(static_cast<CUPnPProtocolIntfBase *>( iProtIntf )->GetMemoryChunkManager());
+		        	if ( iMemChunk.IsEmpty() )
+		        		{
+		        		TUPnPMemoryUtils::CreateMemChunk(iMemChunk, currentMsg.iData, allocator);
+						RMemChunk memChunk = iMemChunk;
+						iParser->ParseRequest ( memChunk, iTransaction->Request() );
+		        		}
+		        	else
+		        		{
+		        		//In case of More data parse only new data and then append to iMemChunk.
+						RMemChunk mChunk;
+						TUPnPMemoryUtils::CreateMemChunk(mChunk, currentMsg.iData, allocator);
+						RMemChunk memChunk = mChunk;
+						iParser->ParseRequest ( memChunk, iTransaction->Request() );
+						iMemChunk.Append(mChunk);
+			        	}
+					}
+				}
+			break;
+			case TAppProtIntfMessage::TTransferConnection::EId:
+				{
+				LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("CHttpServer::ReceivedL - TAppProtIntfMessage::TTransferConnection")));
+				// Now we are going to accept the connection. Create a new server handler and reset the parser
+				TAppProtIntfMessage::TTransferConnection& msg = message_cast < TAppProtIntfMessage::TTransferConnection > ( aMessage );
+				TransferConnectionL ( msg.iSocket, msg.iData );
+				}
+			break;
+			case TAppProtIntfMessage::TLeaveComplete::EId:
+				{
+				LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("CHttpServer::ReceivedL - TAppProtIntfMessage::TLeaveComplete")));
+				// post dataclient stopped to controlprovider
+				if ( TNodeId::NullId () != iLastServiceControlProviderInfo.iControlProviderId )
+					{
+					RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose ( iLastServiceControlProviderInfo.iServiceId, iLastServiceControlProviderInfo.iControlProviderId, TCFDataClient::TStopped ( 0 ).CRef () );
+					}
+				// post destroy to service provider				
+				RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose ( NodeId (), iAppProtIntfId, TAppProtIntfMessage::TDestroy ().CRef () );
+				// make self destruction
+				delete this;
+				}
+			break;
+			case TAppProtIntfMessage::TError::EId:
+				{
+				LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("CHttpServer::ReceivedL - TAppProtIntfMessage::TError")));
+				//Note! Nothing to do if already leaving state,
+				// else need to send error to control clients and do listener cleanup
+				}
+			break;
+			default:
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CHttpServer::StopServer ()
+	{
+	LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("CHttpServer::StopServer - Posting message TAppProtIntfMessage::TLeave")));
+	RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose ( TNodeCtxId ( MeshMachine::KActivityNull, NodeId () ), iAppProtIntfId, TAppProtIntfMessage::TClientLeavingRequest ().CRef () );				
+	}
+void CHttpServer::GotHeaders()
+	{
+	TRAPD(err, HttpRequestUtils::ValidateL(*(iTransaction->Request())));
+	if(err == KErrCorrupt)
+		{
+		// Generate an error response. 400 Bad Request
+		CHttpServerHandler::CreateResponse ( *(iTransaction->Response ()), HTTPStatus::EBadRequest );
+		iComposer->ComposeResponse ( iTransaction->Response () );
+		}
+	// If we are accepting the connection application protocol interface will
+	// send a TTransferConnection msg. In other case we will send a 404 Not Found response
+	else if ( MatchRequestUri () )
+		{
+		RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose ( TNodeCtxId ( MeshMachine::KActivityNull, NodeId () ), iAppProtIntfId, TAppProtIntfMessage::TAcceptConnection ().CRef () );	
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Generate an error response. 404 Not Found
+		CHttpServerHandler::CreateResponse ( *(iTransaction->Response ()), HTTPStatus::ENotFound );
+		iComposer->ComposeResponse ( iTransaction->Response () );
+		}
+	// We can reset the parser now as we completed the URI matching.
+	// Reset the parser as we don't need to parse anymore
+	iParser->ResetParser ();
+	}
+void CHttpServer::DataParsed ()
+	{
+	RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose ( NodeId (), iAppProtIntfId, TAppProtIntfMessage::TMoreData ().CRef () );	
+	}
+void CHttpServer::ParserError ( TInt /*aError*/ )
+	{
+	// Reset the parser as we don't need to parse anymore
+	iParser->ResetParser ();
+	// Generate an error response. 400 Bad request
+	CHttpServerHandler::CreateResponse ( *(iTransaction->Response ()), HTTPStatus::EBadRequest );
+	iComposer->ComposeResponse ( iTransaction->Response () );
+	}
+void CHttpServer::MessageDataReadyL ( RBuf8& aData )
+	{
+	RMBufChain data;	//Need to Check
+	data.CreateL(aData);
+	RejectConnection ( data );
+	iComposer->ResponseDataSent ();
+ 	iComposer->ResetComposer (); // composer's DataState is left in WaitingForRelease, so Reset it
+	}
+void CHttpServer::ComposerError ( TInt /*aError*/ )
+	{
+	RMBufChain data;
+	RejectConnection ( data );
+	iComposer->ResetComposer ();
+	}
+void CHttpServer::RejectConnection ( RMBufChain& aData )
+	{
+	LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("CHttpServer::RejectConnection")));
+	// Sending an eror response.
+	TAppProtIntfMessage::TRejectConnection msg ( aData );
+	RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose ( NodeId (), iAppProtIntfId, msg );
+	// Reset our current transaction
+	iTransaction->Reset ();
+	}
+void CHttpServer::TransferConnectionL ( RInternalSocket& aSocket, RMBufChain& aData )
+	{
+	LOG(ESockLogExternal::Printf(KSubsysHttpServer, KComponent, _L8("CHttpServer::TransferConnectionL")));
+	if ( iIsLeaving )
+		{
+		aSocket.Close ();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		CChunkManager* chunkMgr = static_cast<CUPnPProtocolIntfBase *>( iProtIntf )->GetMemoryChunkManager();
+		CHttpServerHandler* serverHandler = CHttpServerHandler::NewL ( aSocket, iMemChunk, *iServiceInfos, iServerHandlerArray, *iCodec, iStringPool, chunkMgr );
+		CleanupStack::PushL ( serverHandler );
+		iServerHandlerArray.AppendL ( serverHandler );
+		CleanupStack::Pop (); // serverHandler
+		iTransaction->Reset ();
+		}
+	aData.Free ();
+	}