changeset 0 f5a58ecadc66
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/upnp/upnpstack/dlnawebserver/inc/upnptcpsession.h	Tue Feb 02 01:12:20 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+/** @file
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies  this distribution, and is available 
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Class that is derived by CUpnpHttpSession. Implements TCP-level
+*                functionalities
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "upnphttpmessage.h"
+#include "upnplist.h" 
+#include "upnpnotifytimer.h"
+#include "upnpsocketshutdown.h"
+class CUpnpHttpBuffer;
+class CUpnpHttpServer;
+class CUpnpSocketShutdown;
+class RSocket;
+class CUpnpTcpSessionWriter;
+class CUpnpHttpFileTransferReader;
+class CUpnpHttpFileTransferWriter;
+class CUpnpTcpSessionReader;
+class CUpnpHttpFileAccess;
+static const TInt KErrorTimeout = 3000000;
+//when reading from a file
+static const TInt KServeFileSizeDefault = 10000;
+// Based on (DLNA 1.5 rev 0.90)
+// We need wait until 30second for response
+static const TInt KSessionTimeout = 35000000; 
+static const TInt KConnectTimeout = 7000000;
+//default buffer size for reading from socket
+static const TInt KRcvBufSizeDefault = 10000;
+//default size for fiel content reading from a socket, must be a power of 2
+static const TInt KFileTransferReaderBufSizeDefault = 16384;
+//timeout value for awaiting 100 continue
+static const TInt K100ContinueTimeout = 5000000;
+*  @brief CUpnpTcpSession is a class handling TCP functionality of the session.
+*   Class is responsible for managing connection and its timeout as well as
+*   for reading from and writing to socket. Those two last are directly 
+*   handled by CUpnpTcpSessionReader and CUpnpTcpSessionWriter but CUpnpTcpSession 
+*   supervises those processes.
+*  @lib DLNAWebServer.lib
+*  @since Series60 2.6
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS (CUpnpTcpSession) : public CBase, public MUpnpNotifyTimerObserver
+    {
+       friend class CUpnpSocketShutdown;        
+public: // Constructors and destructor
+    /** 
+    * Constructor for building CUpnpTcpSession. 
+    * This constructor is used when connection is iniatiated from network.
+    * Second-phase construction is made by TcpConstructL().
+    * @param aSocket Pointer to new Socket.
+    * @param aPriority Priority of this session
+    * @return A new CUpnpTcpServer instance.
+    **/
+    CUpnpTcpSession( RSocket& aSocket, TThreadPriority aPriority );
+    /** 
+    * Virtual destructor.
+    **/
+    virtual ~CUpnpTcpSession();
+public: // Session functionality
+    void ShutdownStop();
+    /**
+    * Starts to receive messages to this session
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    * @return None.
+    **/
+    void InitialReceiveL();
+    /**
+    * Receive messages to this session
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    * @return None.
+    **/
+    void ReceiveL();
+    /**
+    * Writes data thru this session's socket
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    * @param aBuffer Data to write.
+    * @return None.
+    **/
+    void WriteL( const TDesC8& aBuffer );
+    /**
+    * Checks is session is connected.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    * @return ETrue, if session is connected; EFalse othewise.
+    **/
+    TBool IsConnected();
+    /**
+    * Returns the address that session is connected to.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    * @return Address of remote endpoint of session's socket.
+    **/
+    TInetAddr& RemoteHost();
+    /**
+    * Starts the timeoutTimer for session. If timer expires, no reply has 
+    * been sent to remote host.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    * @param aSessionErrorReplyNeeded ETrue, if in timeout there should be
+    * sent HTTP error 408 Server timeout.
+    **/
+    void StartTimeoutTimer( TBool aSessionErrorReplyNeeded );
+    /**
+    * Starts the timeoutTimer for session. Session is deleted after 0.5ms by default.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    **/
+    void StartDisconnectingTimer(TInt aTime = 500);
+    /**
+    * Starts disconnect session.
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    **/
+    void StartDisconnect( TBool aDisconnectNotification = EFalse );
+    /**
+    * Function that is used to send notification to client and disconnect 
+    * the session.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    **/
+    void ServerBusyL();
+    /**
+    * Returns the SessionId of this session.
+    * @since Series60 3.1
+    * @return SessionId.
+    **/
+    TInt Id();
+public: // Callback functions for reader and writer
+    /**
+    * Handles possible error that can occure in the session as well as
+    * in reader and writer active objects.
+    * @since Series60 3.0
+    * @param aError error code
+    **/
+    void HandleErrorL( TInt aError  );
+    /**
+    * Callback function for reader object. When the reader gets some 
+    * data, it forwards it to the session with this callback.
+    * @since Series60 3.0
+    * @param aBuffer buffer with received data.
+    **/
+    void ReceivingCompletedL( TDesC8& aBuffer );
+    /**
+    * Callback function for writer object. When the request writing is
+    * completed then writer calls this function to notify session about it.
+    * @since Series60 3.0
+    **/
+    void WritingCompletedL();
+    /**
+    * Callback function for writer object. When the request writing is
+    * not completed due to an error, a new attempt to write is being made...
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    **/
+    void WaitRetryError(TInt aError, TBool aStartTimer = EFalse);    
+     /** 
+    * Second phase constructor for building CUpnpTcpSession. 
+    * This constructor is used when connection is iniatiated from network.
+    * @param aSocket Pointer to new Socket which is already connected 
+    *  to remote host.
+    * @return None
+    **/
+    void TcpConstructL( RSocket aSocket, TInt aReadBufferSize, TInt aFileReadBufferSize );
+    /** 
+    * Cancels TcpReader
+    * @return None.
+    **/
+    void CancelTcpReader();
+public: // virtual callback functions
+    /**
+    * Callback function. Called when data has been received.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    * @param aBuffer Data that has been received thru session.
+    **/
+    virtual void BufferReceivedL( TDesC8& aBuffer ) = 0;
+    /**
+    * Callback function. Deletes given session.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    * @param aSession Session to delete.
+    **/
+    virtual void DeleteThisSessionL( CUpnpTcpSession* aSession ) = 0;
+    /**
+    * Checks if FileServe Exists.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    * @return ETrue, if fileServe exists; EFalse otherwise.
+    **/
+    virtual TBool FileServeExists() = 0;
+    /**
+    * Callback function. Notifies upper layers that session has been disconnected.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    * @param aAddr Address of remote host.
+    **/
+    virtual void NotifyDisconnectL( TInetAddr aAddr ) = 0;
+    virtual void NotifyTimeoutL() = 0;
+    //file transfer reader callbacks
+    /**
+    * Callback function. Notifies http session when upload finished
+    * @since Series60 3.2    
+    **/
+    virtual void FileTransferReaderDoneL() = 0;
+    /**
+    * Callback function. Notifies http session when error in upload
+    * @since Series60 3.2    
+    **/
+    virtual void FileTransferReaderErrorL(TInt aError) = 0;
+    /**
+    * Callback function. Notifies http session when download finished
+    * @since Series60 3.2    
+    **/
+    virtual void FileTransferWriterDoneL() = 0;
+    /**
+    * Callback function. Checks for outstanding downloads
+    * @since Series60 3.2    
+    **/
+    virtual void FileTransferWriterHandleMoreL() = 0;
+    /**
+    * Callback function. Notifies upper layers that SocketServer is busy.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    * @param aAddr Address of remote host.
+    **/
+    virtual void SocketServerBusyL( const TInetAddr& aAddr ) = 0;
+    /**
+    * Callback function. Deletes fileserve of this session.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    **/
+    virtual void DeleteServeFileL() = 0;
+    /**
+    * Returns a pointer to FileAccess object of this session.
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    * @return Pointer to FileAccess object.
+    **/
+    virtual CUpnpHttpFileAccess* FileAccess()=0;
+    /**
+    * Callback function. Returns the port number of parent HttpServer.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    * @return Portnumber of http server.
+    **/
+    virtual TInt ServerPort() = 0;
+    /**
+    * Callback function. Checks if connection uses Connection: Close 
+    * header, and if so, tries to parse message and send it to upper layers.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    **/
+    virtual void CheckConnectionCloseL() = 0;
+    /**
+    * Callback function. Informs upper layers that HTTP POST has been started 
+    * by sending HTTP error code 801 message to upper layers.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    **/
+    virtual void NotifyUpperLayersOnPostL() = 0;
+    /**
+    * Callback function. Informs upper layers that HTTP POST has been finished 
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    **/
+    virtual void PostingFileCompleteL() = 0;
+public: // From MNotifyTimeObserver
+    /**
+    * Callback function for timer expirations.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    * @param aTimer Timer that has expired.
+    **/
+    void TimerEventL( CUpnpNotifyTimer* aTimer );   
+    /**
+    * Cancel timer
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    **/
+    void TimerCancel();
+    /**
+    * Handles disconnect request
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    **/
+    void DisconnectRequestL();      
+    /**
+    * Starts closing the session, no more message to be sent to the client
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    **/
+    void StartClosingSession();
+     /**
+    * Marked if a persistent connection
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    **/
+    TBool IsPersistentConnection();
+     /**
+    * Returns pointer to CUpnpHttpFileTransferReader
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    * @return CUpnpHttpFileTransferReader*
+    **/
+    CUpnpHttpFileTransferReader* FileTransferReader();
+     /**
+    * Returns pointer to CUpnpHttpFileTransferWriter
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    * @return CUpnpHttpFileTransferWriter*
+    **/
+    CUpnpHttpFileTransferWriter* FileTransferWriter();
+    /**
+    * Checks if there are outstanding sending operations.
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    * @return TBool
+    **/
+    TBool DownloadOngoing();
+    /**
+    * Checks if the session is being shutdown
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    * @return TBool
+    **/
+    TBool ShuttingDown() ;
+      /**
+    * Returns current value of the timeout
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    * @return TInt
+    */
+     /**
+    * Closes the socket
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    */
+    void CloseSocketL();
+    TInt TimeoutCurrentValue();  
+private: // private enumerations
+    /**
+    * State of session.
+    *   - EnotConnected - Connection is not established yet.
+    *   - EConnecting - TcpSession requested connection in asynchronous mode.
+    *   - EConnected  - Connection is established, TcpReader is started and TcpWriter 
+    *                 can write to the socket.
+    *   - EDisconnecting - Session is about to be disconnected but socket is not closed
+    *                 so TcpWriter can still write a response.
+    *   - EServerBusy - Server is already occupied with processing requests so no other
+    *                 session can be established.
+    **/
+    enum TUpnpTcpSessionState 
+      {
+      ENotConnected,
+      EConnecting,
+      EConnected,
+      EDisconnecting,
+      EShuttingDownWriteWait,
+      EShuttingDownStop,
+      EShuttingDown,
+      EServerBusy
+      };
+private: // New functions
+    /**
+    * Sets session statel.
+    * @since Series60 2.6
+    * @param aState new state of the session.
+    **/
+    void SetState( TUpnpTcpSessionState aState );
+    /**
+    * Checks if there are outstanding writing operations.
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    * @return TBool
+    **/
+    TBool OutstandingWritings();
+     /**
+    * Contructs file transfer reader
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    **/
+    void FileTransferReaderConstructL();
+    virtual void DestroyIt(CUpnpTcpSession* aSession ) = 0;
+    /**
+    * Contructs file transfer writer
+    * @since Series60 3.2
+    **/
+    void FileTransferWriterConstructL(TInt aWriteSize);    
+    TInt iFileReadBufferSize;
+    // Session's socket, owned
+    RSocket iSocket;
+    // Address of remote host, owned
+    TInetAddr iAddr;
+    // iTcpReader, active object to control reads from the socket.
+    // Owned by CUpnpTcpSession object.
+    CUpnpTcpSessionReader* iTcpReader;
+    // iFileTransferReader, active object to control reads from the socket.
+    // Owned by CUpnpTcpSession object.
+    CUpnpHttpFileTransferReader* iFTReader;
+    // iFileTransferWriter, active object to control writes from the socket.
+    // Owned by CUpnpTcpSession object.
+    CUpnpHttpFileTransferWriter* iFTWriter;
+    // iTcpWriter, active object to control writes to the socket.
+    // Owned by CUpnpTcpSession object.
+    CUpnpTcpSessionWriter* iTcpWriter;
+    // Timer that is used to disconnect session when timeout expires, owned
+    CUpnpNotifyTimer* iTimeoutTimer;
+    // Buffer that is used to receive messages. See CUpnpHttpBuffer.
+    CUpnpHttpBuffer* iReceivedMessage;
+    // Session id of this session, owned
+    TInt iId;
+    // State of session, owned
+    TUpnpTcpSessionState iState;
+    // ETrue, if session is meant to be kept alive; EFalse otherwise, owned
+    TBool iSessionKeepAlive;
+    // ETrue, if session needs 408 HTTP error on timeout, owned
+    TBool iSessionNeedsErrorReply;
+    // Used with session disconnects. If ETrue, session send notification 
+    // of disconnect to upper layers, owned
+    TBool iDisconnectNotification;
+    //Flag set true if any pending requests are left in a pipeline awating to be proccessed
+    TBool iPendingPostRequests;
+    // value that is used to check if downloaded content should be saved 
+    // into a file.
+    TBool iSaveToFile;
+    // The current value of timeout, changes dependent on a operation-connecting, sending,...
+    TInt iTimeoutCurrentValue;
+    // Timeout that defines the session length
+    TInt iTimeoutSessionValue;
+    // Flag indicating if POST message with header "Expect: 100-continue"
+    // was received and server should wait for download of body after
+    // sending permission to continue download.
+    TBool iContinuedMessageDownload;
+    // Initial priority, priority set for message that initialize this session
+    TThreadPriority iInitialPriority;
+    //flag for indicating a persistant connection
+    TBool iIsPersistent;
+    // Implementation of the socket shutdown algorithm
+    CUpnpSocketShutdown *iSocketShutdown;
+    // Retry counter during export action
+    TInt iExportRetryCounter;
+    TInt iSessionError;
+    };
+// End Of File