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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Viewport layout definition.
    15 *
    16 */
    23 #include <alf/alflayout.h>
    25 /**
    26  *  Viewport layout
    27  *  Usage:
    28  *  @code
    29  *  // Aim is to zoom into one of the grids of icons using a viewport layout.
    30  *
    31  *  // Create a anchor layout and grid layout into the parent anchor layout and 
    32  *  // populate it with application icons.
    33  * 
    34  *  // The viewport layout sits in the middle of the screen.
    35  *   parent->SetRelativeAnchorRect(1, EAlfAnchorOriginHCenter, EAlfAnchorOriginVCenter, TAlfRealPoint(-0.2, -0.2),
    36  *                                    EAlfAnchorOriginHCenter, EAlfAnchorOriginVCenter, TAlfRealPoint(0.2, 0.2));
    37  *   
    38  *   // Create the viewport.
    39  *   CAlfViewportLayout* viewport = CAlfViewportLayout::AddNewL(*this, parent);
    40  * 
    41  *  // Set our virtual coordinate system to be based on the number of items in the grid (KNumGridItems).
    42  *   viewport->SetVirtualSize(TAlfRealSize(KNumGridItems, 1.0), 0);
    43  *   
    44  *   // Set the size and position of the viewport to look at the middle icon in the list.
    45  *   viewport->SetViewportSize(TAlfRealSize(2, 1.0/6.0), 0);
    46  *   viewport->SetViewportPos(TAlfRealPoint(TReal32(KNumGridItems/2)-1.0f, 5.0/12.0), 0);
    47  *   
    48  *   // This anchor layout will contain a strip of large icons clipped by the viewport window.
    49  *   CAlfAnchorLayout* zoomedParent = CAlfAnchorLayout::AddNewL(*this, viewport);     
    50  *   
    51  *  @endcode
    52  * 
    53  *  @lib alfclient.lib
    54  *  @since S60 v3.2
    55  */
    56 class CAlfViewportLayout : public CAlfLayout
    57     {
    59 public:
    61     /**
    62      * Two-phased constructor, which attach new object into the control.
    63      * @param aOwnerControl Control that owns this new obejct.
    64      * @param aParentLayout If given, the new object is set as child.
    65      */
    66     IMPORT_C static CAlfViewportLayout* AddNewL(CAlfControl& aOwnerControl,
    67                                             CAlfLayout* aParentLayout = 0);
    69     /**
    70      * Constructor.
    71      */
    72     IMPORT_C CAlfViewportLayout();
    74     /**
    75      * Second-phase constructor.
    76      */
    77     IMPORT_C void ConstructL(CAlfControl& aOwner);
    79     /**
    80      * Virtual destructor.
    81      */
    82     IMPORT_C ~CAlfViewportLayout();
    84     /** @beginAPI */
    86 	/**
    87 	 * Set virtual size of the viewable area.
    88 	 *
    89 	 * This is different from the physical size of the viewport -
    90 	 * it defines the coordinate space that is used for scrolling.
    91 	 * To use a normalised (u, v) coordinate mapping system, set aSize to (,1.0, 1.0).
    92 	 *
    93 	 * @param aSize The bottom-right corner of the child visual, in the units you wish to use for positioning the viewport.
    94 	 * @param aTransitionTime The time it will take to complete the resizing of the virtual size.
    95 	 */
    96     IMPORT_C void SetVirtualSize(const TAlfRealSize& aSize, TInt aTransitionTime);
    98 	/**
    99 	 * Set size of the viewport area.
   100 	 *
   101 	 * This is the size of the "window" we are using to look at the visual.
   102 	 *
   103 	 * @param aSize The size of the viewport in the units defined by SetVirtualSize().
   104 	 * @param aTransitionTime The time it will take to complete the resizing of the viewport area.
   105 	 * @see SetVirtualSize, SetViewportPos
   106 	 */
   107     IMPORT_C void SetViewportSize(const TAlfRealSize& aSize, TInt aTransitionTime);
   109 	/**
   110 	 * Set position of the viewport area.
   111 	 *
   112 	 * This is the offset of the "window" we are using to look at the visual.
   113 	 *
   114 	 * @param aSize The size of the viewport in the units defined by SetVirtualSize().
   115 	 * @param aTransitionTime The time it will take to complete moving the viewport area.
   116 	 * @see SetVirtualSize, SetViewportSize
   117 	 */
   118     IMPORT_C void SetViewportPos(const TAlfRealPoint& aPos, TInt aTransitionTime);
   120     /** @endAPI */
   122     /**
   123      * From CAlfVisual
   124      * @see CAlfVisual
   125      */
   126     IMPORT_C void RemoveAndDestroyAllD();
   127     IMPORT_C void UpdateChildrenLayout(TInt aTransitionTime = 0);
   128     IMPORT_C CAlfVisual* FindTag(const TDesC8& aTag);
   130     /** 
   131      * From CAlfLayout
   132      * @see CAlfLayout
   133      */
   134     IMPORT_C TAlfXYMetric BaseUnit() const; 
   137 protected:
   138     /**
   139      * From CAlfVisual
   140      * @see CAlfVisual
   141      */
   142     IMPORT_C void DoRemoveAndDestroyAllD();
   143     IMPORT_C void PropertyOwnerExtension(const TUid& aExtensionUid, TAny** aExtensionParams);
   146 private:
   148     // Private data structure. Owned.
   149     struct TViewportLayoutPrivateData;
   150     TViewportLayoutPrivateData* iViewportLayoutData;
   152     };
   156 #endif // C_ALFVIEWPORTLAYOUT_H