changeset 0 15bf7259bb7c
child 5 433cbbb6a04b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:15bf7259bb7c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include "HuiFxGroupLayer.h"
    22 EXPORT_C CHuiFxGroupLayer::CHuiFxGroupLayer()
    23     {
    24 #ifdef HUIFX_TRACE    
    25     RDebug::Print(_L("CHuiFxGroupLayer::CHuiFxGroupLayer - 0x%x "), this);
    26 #endif
    27     }
    29 EXPORT_C CHuiFxGroupLayer::~CHuiFxGroupLayer()
    30     {
    31     /*for (TInt i = 0; i < iLayers.Count(); i++)
    32         {
    33         delete iLayers[i];
    34         }
    35     iLayers.Close();*/
    36     iLayers.ResetAndDestroy();
    37     iLayers.Close();
    38 #ifdef HUIFX_TRACE    
    39     RDebug::Print(_L("CHuiFxGroupLayer::~CHuiFxGroupLayer - 0x%x "), this);
    40 #endif
    41     }
    43 EXPORT_C CHuiFxGroupLayer* CHuiFxGroupLayer::NewL(TBool aIsRoot)
    44     {
    45     CHuiFxGroupLayer* e = new (ELeave) CHuiFxGroupLayer();
    46     CleanupStack::PushL(e);
    47     e->ConstructL(aIsRoot);
    48     CleanupStack::Pop(e);
    49     return e;
    50     }
    52 EXPORT_C CHuiFxGroupLayer *CHuiFxGroupLayer::CloneL() const
    53 {
    54    CHuiFxGroupLayer *gl = new (ELeave)CHuiFxGroupLayer;
    55    gl->CHuiFxLayer::CopyFromL(this);
    56    for(int i=0;i<iLayers.Count();i++)
    57        {
    58        CHuiFxLayer *layer = iLayers[i];
    59        CHuiFxLayer *layer2 = layer->CloneL();
    60        gl->iLayers.AppendL(layer2);
    61        }
    62    gl->iIsRoot = iIsRoot;
    63    gl->iBackbufferRect = iBackbufferRect;
    64    return gl;
    65 }
    66 EXPORT_C void CHuiFxGroupLayer::SetExtRect( TRect *aExtRect )
    67     {
    68     for(int i=0;i<iLayers.Count();i++)
    69         {
    70         CHuiFxLayer *layer = iLayers[i];
    71         layer->SetExtRect( aExtRect );
    72         }
    73     }
    74 EXPORT_C void CHuiFxGroupLayer::SetVisual( CHuiVisual *aVisual )
    75     {
    76     for(int i=0;i<iLayers.Count();i++)
    77         {
    78         CHuiFxLayer *layer = iLayers[i];
    79         layer->SetVisual(aVisual);
    80         }
    81     }
    82 EXPORT_C void CHuiFxGroupLayer::SetVisual( MHuiEffectable *aVisual )
    83     {
    84     for(int i=0;i<iLayers.Count();i++)
    85         {
    86         CHuiFxLayer *layer = iLayers[i];
    87         layer->SetVisual(aVisual);
    88         }    
    89     }
    90 EXPORT_C void CHuiFxGroupLayer::ConstructL(TBool aIsRoot)
    91     {
    92     CHuiFxLayer::ConstructL( ELayerTypeGroup );
    93     iIsRoot = aIsRoot;
    94     }
    96 EXPORT_C TBool CHuiFxGroupLayer::PrepareDrawL(CHuiFxEngine& aEngine)
    97     {
    98     // TODO: fast path
    99     if (!VisualArea(iBackbufferRect))
   100         {
   101         ApplyMargin( iBackbufferRect );
   103         // Clip to display area (if set) 
   104         iBackbufferRect.Intersection(iDisplayArea);
   106         SetVisualRect(iBackbufferRect);
   107         //iBackbufferRect = TargetRect();
   108         }
   109     else
   110         {
   111         ApplyMargin( iBackbufferRect );
   112         // Restrict rendering to the output area
   114         // Clip to display area (if set) 
   115         iBackbufferRect.Intersection(iDisplayArea);
   117         SetVisualRect(iBackbufferRect);
   118         //iBackbufferRect.Intersection(TargetRect());
   119         }
   121     TRect targetRect;
   122     TRect sourceRect;
   124     if (!iIsRoot)
   125         {
   126         sourceRect = targetRect = TRect(TPoint(0, 0), iBackbufferRect.Size());
   127         }
   128     else
   129         {
   130         sourceRect = targetRect = iBackbufferRect;
   131         }
   133     TRect newBackbufferRect(0,0,0,0);
   134     for (TInt i = 0; i < iLayers.Count(); i++)
   135         {
   136         iLayers[i]->SetDisplayArea(iDisplayArea);
   138         // Should we shrink the visual area?
   139         if (i > 0 && iLayers[i]->VisualArea(newBackbufferRect))
   140             {
   141             ApplyMargin( newBackbufferRect );
   142             SetVisualRect(newBackbufferRect);
   143             //newBackbufferRect.Intersection(TargetRect());
   145             // Clip to display area (if set) 
   146             newBackbufferRect.Intersection(iDisplayArea);
   148             ASSERT(newBackbufferRect.Size().iWidth  <= iBackbufferRect.Size().iWidth &&
   149                    newBackbufferRect.Size().iHeight <= iBackbufferRect.Size().iHeight);
   150             if (iIsRoot)
   151                 {
   152                 sourceRect = targetRect = newBackbufferRect;
   153                 }
   154             else
   155                 {
   156                 targetRect.iTl.iX = newBackbufferRect.iTl.iX - iBackbufferRect.iTl.iX;
   157                 targetRect.iTl.iY = newBackbufferRect.iTl.iY - iBackbufferRect.iTl.iY;
   158                 targetRect.iBr.iX = newBackbufferRect.iBr.iX - iBackbufferRect.iTl.iX;
   159                 targetRect.iBr.iY = newBackbufferRect.iBr.iY - iBackbufferRect.iTl.iY;
   160                 sourceRect = targetRect;
   161                 }
   162             }
   163         iLayers[i]->SetSourceRect(sourceRect);
   164         iLayers[i]->SetTargetRect(targetRect);
   165         iLayers[i]->SetVisualRect(VisualRect());
   166         if (!iLayers[i]->PrepareDrawL(aEngine))
   167             {
   168             return EFalse;
   169             }
   170         }
   171     return ETrue;
   172     }
   174 EXPORT_C void CHuiFxGroupLayer::Draw(CHuiFxEngine& aEngine, CHuiGc& aGc, CHuiFxRenderbuffer& aTarget, 
   175                                      CHuiFxRenderbuffer& aSource)
   176     {
   177 #ifdef HUIFX_TRACE    
   178     RDebug::Print(_L("CHuiFxGroupLayer::Draw - 0x%x "), this);
   179 #endif
   180     // TODO: fast path
   181     CHuiFxRenderbuffer* backBuffer = &aTarget;
   182     CHuiFxRenderbuffer* sourceBuffer = &aSource;
   183     THuiFxEngineType engineType = aEngine.EngineType();
   185     // The root group does not require a back buffer
   186     if (!iIsRoot)
   187         {
   188         backBuffer = aEngine.AcquireRenderbuffer(iBackbufferRect.Size());
   189         if (!backBuffer)
   190             {
   191             return;
   192             }
   193         sourceBuffer = backBuffer;
   195         // Translate the graphics context so that the content appears in the correct place
   196         backBuffer->BindAsRenderTarget();        
   197         aGc.Push(EHuiGcMatrixModel);
   198         if(engineType == EHuiFxEngineVg10)
   199             {
   200             aGc.Scale(EHuiGcMatrixModel, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
   201             aGc.Translate(EHuiGcMatrixModel, 0.0f, -iBackbufferRect.Size().iHeight, 0.0f);
   202             }
   204         aGc.Translate(EHuiGcMatrixModel, -iBackbufferRect.iTl.iX, -iBackbufferRect.iTl.iY, 0.0f);
   205         backBuffer->UnbindAsRenderTarget();
   206         }
   207     else if (iIsRoot && (&aTarget != aEngine.DefaultRenderbuffer()))
   208         {
   209         // We are rendering to offscreen buffer
   210         // Translate the graphics context so that the content appears in the correct place
   211         backBuffer->BindAsRenderTarget();        
   212         aGc.Push(EHuiGcMatrixModel);
   213         if(engineType == EHuiFxEngineVg10)
   214             {
   215             aGc.Scale(EHuiGcMatrixModel, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
   216             aGc.Translate(EHuiGcMatrixModel, 0.0f, -iBackbufferRect.Size().iHeight, 0.0f);
   217             }
   219         aGc.Translate(EHuiGcMatrixModel, -iBackbufferRect.iTl.iX, -iBackbufferRect.iTl.iY, 0.0f);
   220         backBuffer->UnbindAsRenderTarget();        
   221         }
   223     for (TInt i = 0; i < iLayers.Count(); i++)
   224         {
   225         iLayers[i]->Draw(aEngine, aGc, *backBuffer, *sourceBuffer);
   226         }
   228     // The root group does not support composition
   229     if (!iIsRoot)
   230         {
   231         TRect compSourceRect(TPoint(0, 0), iBackbufferRect.Size());
   232         TInt alpha = 0xff; // TODO
   233         if(engineType == EHuiFxEngineVg10)
   234             {
   235             backBuffer->BindAsRenderTarget();
   236             aGc.Pop(EHuiGcMatrixModel);
   237             backBuffer->UnbindAsRenderTarget();
   238             }
   239         else
   240             {
   241             aGc.Pop(EHuiGcMatrixModel);
   242             }                    
   244         // Composite the result
   245         TRect compositionTargetRect(TargetRect());        
   246         compositionTargetRect.Move(-aTarget.Position());
   248         aEngine.Composite(aTarget, *backBuffer, compositionTargetRect, compSourceRect, BlendingMode(), alpha);
   249         aEngine.ReleaseRenderbuffer(backBuffer);
   250         }
   251     else if (iIsRoot && (&aTarget != aEngine.DefaultRenderbuffer()))
   252         {
   253         // We did rendering to offscreen buffer
   254         if(engineType == EHuiFxEngineVg10)
   255             {
   256             backBuffer->BindAsRenderTarget();
   257             aGc.Pop(EHuiGcMatrixModel);
   258             backBuffer->UnbindAsRenderTarget();
   259             }
   260         else
   261             {
   262             aGc.Pop(EHuiGcMatrixModel);
   263             }                            
   264         }
   265     }
   267 EXPORT_C void CHuiFxGroupLayer::AddLayerL(const CHuiFxLayer* aLayer)
   268     {
   269     iLayers.AppendL(aLayer);
   270     }
   272 EXPORT_C TBool CHuiFxGroupLayer::VisualArea( TRect& aRect )
   273     {
   274     for( TInt i=0 ; i < iLayers.Count() ; i++ )
   275         {
   276         if( iLayers[i]->Type() == ELayerTypeFilter )
   277             {
   278             // found filter layer before visual => should apply to whole screen
   279             return EFalse;
   280             }
   281         else if(iLayers[i]->VisualArea( aRect ))
   282             {
   283             return ETrue;
   284             }
   285         }
   286     return EFalse;
   287     }
   289 EXPORT_C void CHuiFxGroupLayer::ApplyMargin( TRect &aRect )
   290     {
   291     if (IsMarginEnabled())       
   292         {
   293         TMargins m;
   294         Margin(m);
   295         aRect.iTl.iX -= m.iLeft;
   296         aRect.iTl.iY -= m.iTop;
   297         aRect.iBr.iX += m.iRight;
   298         aRect.iBr.iY += m.iBottom;
   299         }
   300     }
   302 EXPORT_C TBool CHuiFxGroupLayer::Margin( TMargins &aMargin )
   303      {
   304      TMargins m;
   305      m.iLeft = 0;
   306      m.iRight = 0;
   307      m.iTop = 0;
   308      m.iBottom = 0;
   309      for( TInt i=0; i < iLayers.Count() ; i++)
   310          {
   311          TMargins m2;
   312          if ( iLayers[i]->Margin(m2) )
   313              {
   314              m.iLeft += m2.iLeft;
   315              m.iRight += m2.iRight;
   316              m.iTop += m2.iTop;
   317              m.iBottom += m2.iBottom;
   318              }
   319          }
   320      aMargin = m;
   321      return ETrue;
   322      }
   323 void CHuiFxGroupLayer::EnableMarginApplyChildren(TBool aEnable)
   324     {
   325     for( TInt i=0 ; i < iLayers.Count() ; i++ )
   326         {
   327         iLayers[i]->EnableMargin(aEnable);
   328         }
   329     }
   331 EXPORT_C void CHuiFxGroupLayer::AdvanceTime(TReal32 aElapsedTime)
   332     {
   333     for( TInt i=0 ; i < iLayers.Count() ; i++ )
   334         {
   335         iLayers[i]->AdvanceTime(aElapsedTime);
   336         }
   337     }
   339 EXPORT_C TBool CHuiFxGroupLayer::Changed() const
   340     {
   341     for( TInt i=0 ; i < iLayers.Count() ; i++ )
   342         {
   343         if (iLayers[i]->Changed())
   344             {
   345 #ifdef HUIFX_TRACE    
   346             RDebug::Print(_L("CHuiFxGroupLayer::Changed true - 0x%x,"), this);
   347 #endif
   348             return ETrue;
   349             }
   350         }
   351 #ifdef HUIFX_TRACE    
   352     RDebug::Print(_L("CHuiFxGroupLayer::Changed false- 0x%x,"), this);
   353 #endif
   354     return EFalse;
   355     }
   357 TBool CHuiFxGroupLayer::IsAnimated() const
   358     {
   359     if (CHuiFxLayer::IsAnimated())
   360         {
   361         return ETrue;
   362         }
   363     else
   364         {
   365         for( TInt i=0 ; i < iLayers.Count() ; i++ )
   366             {
   367             if (iLayers[i]->IsAnimated())
   368                 {
   369                 return ETrue;
   370                 }
   371             }
   372         }
   373     return EFalse;
   374     }
   376 TBool CHuiFxGroupLayer::IsTransformed() const
   377     {
   378     if (CHuiFxLayer::IsTransformed())
   379         {
   380         return ETrue;
   381         }
   382     else
   383         {
   384         for( TInt i=0 ; i < iLayers.Count() ; i++ )
   385             {
   386             if (iLayers[i]->IsTransformed())
   387                 {
   388                 return ETrue;
   389                 }
   390             }
   391         }
   392     return EFalse;
   393     }
   395 TBool CHuiFxGroupLayer::IsFiltered() const
   396     {
   397     if (CHuiFxLayer::IsFiltered())
   398         {
   399         return ETrue;
   400         }
   401     else
   402         {
   403         for( TInt i=0 ; i < iLayers.Count() ; i++ )
   404             {
   405             if (iLayers[i]->IsFiltered())
   406                 {
   407                 return ETrue;
   408                 }
   409             }
   410         }
   411     return EFalse;
   412     }
   414 TBool CHuiFxGroupLayer::IsSemitransparent() const
   415     {
   416     if (CHuiFxLayer::IsSemitransparent())
   417         {
   418         return ETrue;
   419         }
   420     else
   421         {
   422         for( TInt i=0 ; i < iLayers.Count() ; i++ )
   423             {
   424             if (iLayers[i]->IsSemitransparent())
   425                 {
   426                 return ETrue;
   427                 }
   428             }
   429         }
   430     return EFalse;
   431     }
   434 TInt CHuiFxGroupLayer::LayerCount() const
   435     {
   436     return iLayers.Count();
   437     }
   439 CHuiFxLayer& CHuiFxGroupLayer::Layer(TInt aIndex) const
   440     {
   441     return *iLayers[aIndex];
   442     }
   443 void CHuiFxGroupLayer::FxmlVisualInputs(RArray<THuiFxVisualSrcType> &aArray)
   444     {
   445     for( TInt i=0 ; i < iLayers.Count() ; i++ )
   446         {
   447         iLayers[i]->FxmlVisualInputs(aArray);
   448         }
   449     }