changeset 0 15bf7259bb7c
child 5 433cbbb6a04b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:15bf7259bb7c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Adapter to the GfxTransEffect client. This is the entry point into
    15 *                the Nokia specific parts of the KML transition sollution, from the
    16 *                GfxTransEffect client. 
    17 *
    18 */
    22 #include <s32mem.h> //RMemReadStream
    23 #include <coecntrl.h>
    24 #include <ecom.h>
    26 #include <akntranseffect.h>
    27 #include <akntransitionutils.h>
    28 #include <avkondomainpskeys.h>
    29 #include <centralrepository.h>
    30 #include <aknlistboxtfxinternal.h> // list box types
    31 #include <eikenv.h>
    32 #include <eikappui.h>
    33 #include <eikapp.h>
    34 #include <eiksrvs.h>
    36 #include "gfxtransenginetfx.h"
    37 #include "e32property.h"
    38 //#include "wstranscontrolgraphic.h"
    39 //#include "wsadaptergraphic.h"
    41 //#include "tfxserverdef.h"
    42 //#include "subwocon.h"
    44 #include <gfxtranseffect/gfxtranseffect.h>
    46 #include <alfdecoderserverclient.h>
    47 #include <alf/AlfTransEffectPlugin.h>
    48 #include <alflogger.h>
    50 //maximum number of ongoing component effects
    51 //No restrictions at the moment. Anything goes.
    52 //const TInt KMaxOngoing = 10;
    54 enum TNoteSequenceState
    55     {
    56     ENoSequence = 0,
    57     EFirst = 1,
    58     EMid = 2,
    59     ELast = 3
    60     };
    62 // ======== LOCAL CLASS ========
    64 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CTransControlDrawerInfo) : public CBase
    65 	{
    66 	CTransControlDrawerInfo(TInt aHandle);
    67 public:
    68 	static CTransControlDrawerInfo* NewL(TInt aHandle, TRect& aRect);
    69 	~CTransControlDrawerInfo();
    70 	inline TInt Handle();
    71 	inline CWsTransControlGraphic* Drawer();
    72 	void DeleteDrawer();
    73 	void SetHasWOParticipants(TBool aHasWOParticipant);
    74 	TBool HasWOParticipants();
    75 private:
    76 	TInt iHandle;
    77 	TBool iHasWOParticipant;
    78 //	CWsTransControlGraphic* iDrawer;
    79 	};
    81 CTransControlDrawerInfo::CTransControlDrawerInfo(TInt aHandle) :
    82 	iHandle(aHandle)
    83 	{
    84 	}
    86 CTransControlDrawerInfo* CTransControlDrawerInfo::NewL(TInt aHandle, TRect& /*aRect*/)
    87 	{
    88 	RThread t; //To get id of current thread to use as client handle.
    89 	CTransControlDrawerInfo* self = new (ELeave) CTransControlDrawerInfo(aHandle);
    90 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    91 //	self->iDrawer = CWsTransControlGraphic::NewL(aRect, aHandle, t.Id());
    92 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    93 	return self;
    94 	}
    96 void CTransControlDrawerInfo::SetHasWOParticipants(TBool aHasWOParticipant)
    97 	{
    98 	iHasWOParticipant = aHasWOParticipant;
    99 	}
   101 TBool CTransControlDrawerInfo::HasWOParticipants()
   102 	{
   103 	return iHasWOParticipant;
   104 	}
   106 CTransControlDrawerInfo::~CTransControlDrawerInfo()
   107 	{
   108 //	delete iDrawer;
   109 	}
   111 void CTransControlDrawerInfo::DeleteDrawer()
   112 	{
   113 //	delete iDrawer;
   114 //	iDrawer = NULL;
   115 	}
   117 //Inline functions kept here, since they are only used within this file
   119 inline TInt CTransControlDrawerInfo::Handle()
   120 	{
   121 	return iHandle;
   122 	}
   124 /*
   125 inline CWsTransControlGraphic* CTransControlDrawerInfo::Drawer()
   126 	{
   127 	return iDrawer;
   128 	}
   129 */	
   131 /**
   132  * Helper class, handles requests to the transition plugin
   133  */
   134 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAlfTransitionRequest): public CActive
   135 {
   136 public:
   137 	enum TType 
   138 		{
   139 		ETransFinish,
   140 		EPolicyUpdate
   141 		};
   143 	CAlfTransitionRequest(CGfxTransAdapterTfx* aParent, MTfxServerObserver* aOwner, TType aType);
   144 	~CAlfTransitionRequest();		
   146 	void IssueReq();
   147 	inline TType Type();
   148 private:
   149 	void RunL();
   150 	void DoCancel();
   151 	TInt RunError(TInt aError);
   153 	MTfxServerObserver* iOwner;
   154 	CGfxTransAdapterTfx* iParent;
   155 	TType iType;
   157 };
   159 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   160 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   161 //
   162 CAlfTransitionRequest::CAlfTransitionRequest(CGfxTransAdapterTfx* aParent, MTfxServerObserver* aOwner, TType aType) : 
   163 	CActive(CActive::EPriorityHigh), 
   164 	iOwner(aOwner),
   165 	iParent(aParent),
   166 	iType(aType)
   167 	{
   168 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   169 	}
   171 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   172 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   173 //
   174 CAlfTransitionRequest::~CAlfTransitionRequest() 
   175 	{
   176   	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("CAlfTransitionRequest - cancelling and deleting policy request" );
   177 	Cancel();
   178 	}
   180 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   181 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 //
   183 void CAlfTransitionRequest::RunL()
   184 	{
   185 	if ( iStatus.Int() == KErrCancel )
   186 	    {
   187 	    // If the request was cancelled, we are done
   188     	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("CAlfTransitionRequest: Policy request cancelled" );
   189 	    return;
   190 	    }
   192 	switch( iType ) 
   193 		{
   194 /*		
   195 // not supported at the time being - all transaction finishing is handled in alf
   196 		case ETransFinish:
   197 			iOwner->TransitionFinished(iStatus.Int());
   198 			__ALFFXLOGSTRING1("Client::CActive.iOwner->TransitionFinished status = %d", iStatus.Int());
   199 			break;
   200 */			
   201 		case EPolicyUpdate:
   202 			{
   203 #ifdef _DEBUG
   204 			RThread me;
   205 			TInt ap = me.Id();
   206 			me.Close();
   207 			__ALFFXLOGSTRING2("CAlfTransitionRequest: Policy received. Cli: %d, status %d",ap,iStatus.Int());
   208 #endif
   209             User::LeaveIfError( iStatus.Int() );
   210             iParent->GetNewPoliciesL( iStatus.Int() );
   211             User::LeaveIfError( iParent->RequestPolicyUpdates() );
   212 			}
   213 			break;
   214 		default:
   215 			break;
   216 		}
   217 	}
   219 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   220 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   221 //
   222 TInt CAlfTransitionRequest::RunError(TInt aError)
   223 	{
   224 	//The idea here is that on failure (wich should be OOM), we clear all our policies
   225 	//clientside.
   226 	//We must also inform server of this, so it can resend all policies the next time we request.
   227 	//Next time a transition is tried, policies will be re-requested.
   228 #ifdef _DEBUG
   229 	RThread me;
   230 	TInt meid = me.Id();
   231 	TInt tmp = aError; //remove warning when debug prints and turned off
   232 	aError = tmp;
   233 	__ALFFXLOGSTRING2("--->> Policy error <<--. Cli: %d, status: %d",meid,aError);
   234 	me.Close();
   235 #endif
   237 	iOwner->ClearAllPolicies(); //clear all policies clientside
   238 	iParent->CancelPolicyUpdates(); //cancel requests on server.
   240 	return 0;
   241 	}
   243 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   244 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   245 //
   246 void CAlfTransitionRequest::DoCancel()
   247 	{
   248     //nothing to do here. requests are cancelled elsewhere.
   249 	}
   251 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   252 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   253 //
   254 void CAlfTransitionRequest::IssueReq() 
   255 	{
   256 	SetActive();
   257 	}
   259 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   260 // We keep it here, even though its inline, since it is never used outside this
   261 // file anyway.
   262 // The idea with .inl files is to keep the header file clean.
   263 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   264 //
   265 inline CAlfTransitionRequest::TType CAlfTransitionRequest::Type()
   266 	{
   267 	return iType;
   268 	}
   271 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
   273 CGfxTransAdapterTfx::CGfxTransAdapterTfx(MGfxTransClient* aClient) :
   274 	iClient(aClient),
   275 	iConnected(EFalse),
   276 	iHasPlugin(EFalse)
   277 	{
   278 	}
   280 CGfxTransAdapterTfx::~CGfxTransAdapterTfx()
   281 	{
   283 	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx for HWA transitionn effects, destructor ");
   284 //	iIgnoredWOChildControls.Close();
   285 	//iControlInfo.ResetAndDestroy();
   286 	if ( iConnected )
   287 	    {
   288 	    if ( iHasPlugin )
   289 	        {
   290         	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx, canceling policy updates in destructor  ");
   291 	        CancelPolicyUpdates();
   292 	        // should we wait here until the cancellation has returned?
   293         	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx, unloading plugin  ");
   294 	        iTfxServer.UnloadTfxPlugin( iPluginImplementation );
   295 	        }
   296 	    }
   297 	delete iPolicyReq;    
   298   	iTfxServer.Close();
   299   	iConnected = EFalse;
   300   	iHasPlugin = EFalse;
   301 	delete iTransferBuffer;
   302 	delete iReturnBuffer;
   303 	delete iAsyncTransferBuffer;
   304 	delete iAsyncReturnBuffer;
   305 	}
   307 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::ConstructL()
   308 	{
   310 	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx for HWA transitionn effects, ConstructL");
   312 	RThread me;
   313 	iClientId = me.Id();	
   314     me.Close();
   316     iPluginImplementation = TUid::Null();
   317     ConnectToServer();
   319     // We need to save various 32 bit integers. The exact number depends on the function.
   320     // We reserve a bit extra here, should check if the size is big enough for all cases.
   321     iTransferBuffer = HBufC8::NewL( 25 * sizeof(TInt32) );
   322     // If we get return values, we'll need a bigger buffer
   323     iReturnBuffer = HBufC8::NewL( sizeof( TInt ) );
   325     // We need to save various 32 bit integers. The exact number depends on the function.
   326     // We reserve a bit extra here, should check if the size is big enough for all cases.
   327     iAsyncTransferBuffer = HBufC8::NewL( 25 * sizeof(TInt32) );
   328     // If we get return values, we'll need a bigger buffer
   329     iAsyncReturnBuffer = HBufC8::NewL( sizeof( TInt ) );
   331 	iPolicyReq = new( ELeave )CAlfTransitionRequest(this,
   332         this,
   333 		CAlfTransitionRequest::EPolicyUpdate);
   335 	}
   337 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::ConnectToServer()
   338     {
   339     // We need to resolve the plugin id for starters, 
   340     // use default parameters, we take the first one we find.
   342     TInt err = KErrNone;
   344     if ( !iConnected )
   345         {
   346         err = iTfxServer.Open();
   347         if ( err == KErrNone )
   348             {
   349             iConnected = ETrue;
   350             }
   351         else
   352             {
   353             // could not connect to server - cannot continue.
   354             return;
   355             }
   356         }
   358     if ( iHasPlugin )
   359         {
   360         // already connected
   361         return;
   362         }
   364     if ( iPluginImplementation == TUid::Null())
   365         {
   366         RImplInfoPtrArray pluginArray;
   367         TRAP( err, REComSession::ListImplementationsL( KAlfGfxPluginInterfaceUId, pluginArray ) );
   369 	    if ( pluginArray.Count() > 0 )
   370 	        {
   371 	        iPluginImplementation = pluginArray[0]->ImplementationUid();
   372 	        }
   373         // Clear the data in plugin array, it is not going to be used any more.    
   374         TInt i = 0;    
   375         for ( i = pluginArray.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
   376             {
   377             // destroy 
   378             delete pluginArray[i];
   379             pluginArray.Remove( i );
   380             }
   381         pluginArray.Close();
   382         }
   384     if ( err == KErrNone && iPluginImplementation != TUid::Null() )
   385         {
   386         err = iTfxServer.LoadTfxPlugin( iPluginImplementation );
   387         if ( err == KErrNone || err == KErrAlreadyExists )
   388             {
   389             // We have successfully loaded the plugin and saved
   390             // the implementation uid to be used later.
   391             iHasPlugin = ETrue;
   392         	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("HWA TransEffect Plugin loaded");
   393             }
   394         }
   396     }
   399 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   400 // tests if adapter is active (trying to make it active if needed)
   401 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   402 //
   403 TBool CGfxTransAdapterTfx::IsActive()
   404 	{
   405 	TInt ap = iClientId.Id();
   406 	__ALFFXLOGSTRING1("IsActive() cli: %d",ap);
   408 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   409 	if( !iHasPlugin ) 
   410 		{
   411 		ConnectToServer();
   412 		if (!iHasPlugin )
   413 		    {
   414     		return EFalse;
   415 		    }
   416 		}
   418 	if( err == KErrNone )
   419 		{
   420 		//Make sure policy request handling is on.
   421 		err = RequestPolicyUpdates();
   422 		}
   423 	else
   424 		{
   425 		//Failed to connect, remove all policies from client.
   426 		iClient->ClearAllPolicies();
   427 		}
   429 	return (err == KErrNone);
   430 	}
   432 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   433 // Handles the different states of the client.
   434 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   435 //
   436 TInt CGfxTransAdapterTfx::HandleClientState( TClientState aState, const CCoeControl* aKey, TInt aHandle )
   437 	{
   438 	if( !iHasPlugin )
   439 	    {
   440 	    return KErrNone;
   441 	    }
   443 	TInt err = KErrNone;    
   444 	TInt action = 0;
   445 	const CTransitionData* transdata;
   446 	err = iClient->GetTransitionData( aHandle, transdata );
   447 	if ( err == KErrNone )
   448 	    {
   449     	action = transdata->iAction;
   450 	    }
   452 	switch(aState)
   453 		{
   454 		case EFallback:
   455 		    break;
   456 		case EPreBeginCapture:
   457 		    break;
   458 		case EPostBeginCapture:
   459 		    // If we get KGfxControlAppearAction, it is followed by StartTransition,
   460 		    // but disappear action is not. Therefore we must handle it byself
   461 		    // We use begin capture as trigger, as we assume that the control is still present
   462 		    // at that time. After EPostBeginCapture it will probably be already gone.
   463 		    // If we don't have plugin yet, there will be no transitions.
   464 		    if ( action == KGfxControlDisappearAction && iHasPlugin && aKey && aKey->DrawableWindow())
   465 		        {
   466 		        // We must generate our own transition as we won't be sending 
   467 		        // iClient->TransitionFinished back.
   468 		        // (Client did not ask for transition to be started, and won't be
   469 		        // interested in the end.)
   470           		TRAP( err, GenerateTransitionL( aKey, transdata ) );
   471 		        }
   472 		    break;
   473 		case EPreEndCapture:	
   474 		    break;
   475 		case EPostEndCapture:
   476 		    break;
   477 		case EAbort:
   478 		// Abort component transition, handle given.
   479 		    break;
   480 		case EGlobalAbort:
   481 		// abort component transition, no handle.
   482 	        break;
   483 		case EBeginGroup:
   484 			{
   485 			__ALFFXLOGSTRING1("-- BeginGroup: New transition group for groupid: %d)",aHandle);
   486 			SendGroupCommand(aHandle, EFalse);
   487 		    break;
   488 			}
   489 		case EEndGroup:
   490 			{
   491 			__ALFFXLOGSTRING1("-- EndGroup: closing transition group: %d)",aHandle);
   492 			SendGroupCommand(aHandle, ETrue);
   493 		    break;
   494 			}
   495 		default:
   496 			break;
   497 		}
   498 	return err;
   499 	}
   501 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   502 // Called by client when a participant of a transition updates in mid transition.
   503 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   504 //
   505 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::HandleParticpantUpdate(TInt /*aHandle*/, const CParticipantData* /*aParticipant*/, 
   506 												RWsGraphicMsgBuf* /*aCommandBuffer*/, 
   507 												const TRect& /*aDrawRect*/, const TRect& /*aBoundingRect*/)
   508 	{
   509 /*	
   510 	if(aCommandBuffer->Count() == 0)
   511 	    {
   512 	    return;
   513 	    }
   515 	const CTransitionData* transdata;
   516 	TInt err = iClient->GetTransitionData(aHandle,transdata);
   517 	if(err != KErrNone) 
   518 		{
   519 		return;
   520 		}
   522 	CTransControlDrawerInfo* drawinfo = FindControl(aHandle);
   523 	if(drawinfo && drawinfo->HasWOParticipants()) 
   524 		{
   525 		return;
   526 		}
   529 	TInt participantid = -1;
   530 	if(aParticipant == transdata->iBaseControl) 
   531 		{
   532 		participantid = 0;
   533 		}
   534 	else
   535 		{
   536 		TBool found = EFalse;
   537 		for(TInt i = transdata->iSubControls.Count() - 1; (i >= 0) && !found; i--) 
   538 			{
   539 			if(transdata->iSubControls[i] == aParticipant) 
   540 				{
   541 				participantid = i + 1;
   542 				found = ETrue;
   543 				}
   544 			}
   545 		}
   547 	if(participantid >= 0) 
   548 		{
   549 		//Find control drawer for this handle, send updated participant to it.
   550 		CWsTransControlGraphic* drawer = FindDrawer(aHandle);
   551 		if(drawer) 
   552 			{
   553 			RThread t;
   554 			__ALFFXLOGSTRING2("Sending participant update for client:%d, handle:%d",t.Id().Id(),aHandle);
   555 			drawer->SendParticipantUpdate(participantid, aCommandBuffer, aDrawRect, aBoundingRect);			
   556 			}
   557 		}
   558 */		
   559 	}
   562 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   563 // returns an array of supported control transitions
   564 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   565 //
   566 TControlPolicy* CGfxTransAdapterTfx::GetTransitionPolicies(TInt &aCount)
   567 	{
   568 	if( !iHasPlugin )
   569 		{
   570 		ConnectToServer();
   571 		if ( !iHasPlugin )
   572 		    {
   573     		return NULL;
   574 		    }
   575 		}
   576 	//Start requesting policies
   577 	RequestPolicyUpdates();
   579 	//No policies at this point, all will be pushed.
   580 	aCount = 0;
   581 	return NULL;
   582 	}
   584 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   585 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   586 //
   587 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::SubConBegin( const CCoeControl* /*aControl*/ )
   588     {
   589 /*    
   590     if ( aControl )
   591         {
   592         for ( TInt i = 0; i < aControl->CountComponentControls(); i++ )
   593             {
   594             const CCoeControl* subcon = aControl->ComponentControl( i );
   595             if ( subcon && subcon->OwnsWindow() && subcon->Size() != TSize( 0, 0 )  && !GfxTransEffect::IsRegistered(subcon))
   596                 {
   597                 if ( iIgnoredWOChildControls.Find( subcon ) == KErrNotFound )
   598                     {
   599                     iSubCons++;
   600                     GfxTransEffect::Register( subcon, iActiveUid );
   601                     GfxTransEffect::Begin( subcon, iActiveAction );
   602                     }
   603                 }
   604             iCurrZ++;
   605             SubConBegin( subcon );
   606             iCurrZ--;
   607             }
   608         }
   609 */        
   610     }
   612 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   613 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   614 //
   615 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::SubConEnd(const CCoeControl* /*aControl*/)
   616     {
   617 /*    
   618     if ( aControl )
   619         {
   620         for ( TInt i = aControl->CountComponentControls() - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- )
   621             {
   622             CCoeControl* subcon = aControl->ComponentControl(i);
   623             SubConEnd( subcon );
   624             if ( subcon && subcon->OwnsWindow() &&
   625                  GfxTransEffect::IsRegistered( subcon ) )
   626                 {
   627                 if (subcon->IsVisible())
   628                     {
   629                     GfxTransEffect::SetBeginDemarcation(subcon, TRect(0, 0, 0, 0));
   630                     }
   631                 else
   632                     {
   633                     GfxTransEffect::SetEndDemarcation(subcon, TRect(0, 0, 0, 0));
   634                     }
   635                 GfxTransEffect::Invalidate(subcon);
   636                 GfxTransEffect::End(subcon);
   637                 if(subcon->IsVisible())
   638                     {
   639                     // make subcon temporarily invisible to avoid redrawing when deregistering
   640                     // redrawing will go to the remotegc of the main control but is bad for performance
   641                     // and causes Begin/End Redraw on the window which can cause flicker.
   642                     subcon->MakeVisible(EFalse);
   643                     GfxTransEffect::Deregister(subcon);
   644                     subcon->MakeVisible(ETrue);
   645                     }
   646                 else 
   647                     {
   648                     GfxTransEffect::Deregister(subcon);
   649                     }
   650                 iSubCons--;
   651                 }
   652             }
   653         }
   654 */        
   655     }
   657 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   658 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   659 //
   660 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::SubConAbort( const CCoeControl* /*aControl*/ )
   661     {
   662 /*    
   663     if ( aControl )
   664         {
   665         for ( TInt i = aControl->CountComponentControls() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
   666             {
   667             CCoeControl* subcon = aControl->ComponentControl( i );
   668             SubConAbort( subcon );
   669             if ( subcon && subcon->OwnsWindow() &&
   670                  GfxTransEffect::IsRegistered( subcon ) )
   671                 {
   672                 GfxTransEffect::Abort( subcon );
   673                 }
   674             }
   675         }
   676 */        
   677     }
   679 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   680 // calls to GfxTransEffect::NotifyExternalState comes through here.
   681 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   682 //
   683 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::NotifyExternalState( TInt aState, const TDesC8* /*aArg*/ )
   684 	{
   685 	switch(aState)
   686 		{
   687 		case ECaptureComponentsBegin:
   688         	if( !IsActive() )
   689                 {
   690                 return; //dont do anything if server is not running
   691                 }
   692             break;                
   693 		case ECaptureComponentsEnd:
   694         	if( !IsActive() )
   695                 {
   696                 return; //dont do anything if server is not running
   697                 }
   698             break;                
   699         case ECaptureComponentsAbort:
   700         	if( !IsActive() )
   701                 {
   702                 return; //dont do anything if server is not running
   703                 }
   704 //			iTfxServer.AbortControlTransition();
   705 			return;
   706 		case ENotifyGlobalAbort:
   707 //			iTfxServer.AbortControlTransition();
   708 			return;
   709         case EBeginPopupSequence:
   710 	    case ELastPopupInSequence:
   711 	    case EEndPopupSequence:
   712 		case EInternalHandleSequence:
   713 		case EGetRegistrationType:
   714         case EAddIgnoreWOChildComponent:
   715         case ERemoveIgnoreWOChildComponent:
   716         default:
   717             //ignored
   718             break;
   719         }
   720     }
   722 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   723 // called by client to start the specific transition
   724 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   725 //
   726 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::StartTransition(TInt aHandle)
   727 	{
   728 	if( !iHasPlugin )
   729 		{
   730 		iClient->TransitionFinished( aHandle );
   731 		return;
   732 		}
   734 	const CTransitionData* transdata;
   735 	TInt err = iClient->GetTransitionData( aHandle, transdata );
   737 	if( err == KErrNone ) 
   738 		{
   739     	if ( transdata->iAction != KGfxControlDisappearAction )
   740     	    {
   741     	    // Disappear action was started by EPostBeginCapture event
   742     		TRAP( err, DoStartTransitionL( aHandle, transdata ) );
   743     	    }
   744     	else
   745     	    {
   746             __ALFFXLOGSTRING( "CGfxTransAdapterTfx::StartTransition called for disappear action" );
   747     	    }
   748 		}
   750     // always finish the caller		
   751     iClient->TransitionFinished( aHandle );
   752 	}
   754 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   755 // GfxTransEffect::BeginFullscreen gets passed here.
   756 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   757 //
   758 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::BeginFullScreen(TUint /*aAction*/, const TRect& /*aEffectArea*/)
   759 	{
   760 	//This function will not be used.
   761 	}
   763 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   764 // GfxTransEffect::BeginFullscreen gets passed here.
   765 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   766 //
   767 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::BeginFullScreen(TUint aAction, const TRect& aEffectArea, 
   768 										 TUint aType, const TDesC8& aParams)
   769 	{
   770     __ALFFXLOGSTRING1( "CGfxTransAdapterTfx::BeginFullScreen - %S >>", &RThread().Name());
   771     __ALFFXLOGSTRING1( "CGfxTransAdapterTfx::BeginFullScreen - iHasPlugin %d >>", iHasPlugin);
   772 	if( !iHasPlugin )
   773 		{
   774 		ConnectToServer();
   775 		if ( !iHasPlugin )
   776 		    {
   777     		return;
   778 		    }
   779 		}
   781     TInt op = MAlfGfxEffectPlugin::EBeginFullscreen;
   783 	TPtr8 inPtr = iTransferBuffer->Des();
   784 	inPtr.Zero();
   785 	TPtr8 outPtr = iReturnBuffer->Des();
   786 	outPtr.Zero();
   787 	RDesWriteStream inBuf( inPtr );
   789     // We won't leave here because our buffer is long enough
   790     // The buffer has been allocated in the constructor
   791     // If you add parameters, check the length of the buffer
   792     TRAP_IGNORE(
   793         {
   794         inBuf.WriteInt32L( op );
   795         inBuf.WriteUint32L( aAction );
   796         inBuf.WriteInt32L( aEffectArea.iTl.iX );
   797         inBuf.WriteInt32L( aEffectArea.iTl.iY );
   798         inBuf.WriteInt32L( aEffectArea.iBr.iX );
   799         inBuf.WriteInt32L( aEffectArea.iBr.iY );
   800         inBuf.WriteInt32L( aType );
   802         AknTransEffect::TParameter tmp;
   803         TPckgC<AknTransEffect::TParameter> params( tmp );
   804     	params.Set( aParams );
   805     	if ( aType == AknTransEffect::EParameterType )
   806     		{
   807             __ALFFXLOGSTRING3("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::BeginFullScreen - EParameterType, iNext.iUid: 0x%x, iPrev.iUid: 0x%x, iFlags: %d", params().iNext.iUid, params().iPrev.iUid, params().iFlags );
   808             inBuf.WriteInt32L( params().iNext.iUid );
   809             inBuf.WriteInt32L( params().iPrev.iUid );
   810             inBuf.WriteInt32L( params().iFlags );
   812     		}    
   813     	else if ( aType == AknTransEffect::EParameterAvkonInternal )
   814     	    {
   815        		const TUint* data = reinterpret_cast<const TUint*>( aParams.Ptr() );
   816             inBuf.WriteUint32L( data[0] );
   817             inBuf.WriteUint32L( data[1] );
   818             inBuf.WriteUint32L( data[2] );
   819             __ALFFXLOGSTRING3("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::BeginFullScreen - EParameterAvkonInternal, data[0-2] = [%d, %d, %d]", data[0], data[1], data[2]);
   820     	    }
   821     	else
   822     	    {
   823             inBuf.WriteUint32L( 0 );
   824             inBuf.WriteUint32L( 0 );
   825             inBuf.WriteUint32L( 0 );
   826     	    }
   828         inBuf.CommitL();
   829         });
   831     inBuf.Release();
   832     inBuf.Close();
   835     // we ignore any returned error as we are just doing our best...
   836     iTfxServer.SendSynchronousData( iPluginImplementation, inPtr, outPtr );
   838     // clear out used data    
   839 	inPtr.Zero();
   840 	outPtr.Zero();
   841 	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::BeginFullScreen <<");
   842 	}
   844 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   845 // GfxTransEffect::EndFullscreen gets passed here.
   846 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   847 //
   848 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::EndFullScreen()
   849 	{
   850     __ALFFXLOGSTRING1( "CGfxTransAdapterTfx::EndFullScreen() - %S >>", &RThread().Name());
   851 	if( !iHasPlugin )
   852 		{
   853   		return;
   854 		}
   856 	TPtr8 inPtr = iTransferBuffer->Des();
   857 	inPtr.Zero();
   858 	TPtr8 outPtr = iReturnBuffer->Des();
   859 	outPtr.Zero();
   860 	RDesWriteStream inBuf( inPtr );
   861     TInt op = MAlfGfxEffectPlugin::EEndFullscreen;
   862     // We won't leave here because our buffer is long enough
   863     TRAP_IGNORE(
   864         {
   865     	// no other parameters used
   866         inBuf.WriteInt32L( op );
   867         inBuf.CommitL();
   868         });
   869     inBuf.Release();
   870     inBuf.Close();
   872     __ALFFXLOGSTRING( "CGfxTransAdapterTfx::EndFullScreen" );
   873     // we ignore any returned error as we are just doing our best...
   874     iTfxServer.SendSynchronousData( iPluginImplementation, inPtr, outPtr );
   875     // clear out used data    
   876 	inPtr.Zero();
   877 	outPtr.Zero();
   879 	}
   881 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   882 // GfxTransEffect::AbortFullscreen gets passed here.
   883 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   884 //
   885 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::AbortFullScreen()
   886 	{
   887     __ALFFXLOGSTRING1( "CGfxTransAdapterTfx::AbortFullScreen() - %S >>", &RThread().Name());
   888     if ( !iHasPlugin )
   889         {
   890         return;
   891         }
   893 	TPtr8 inPtr = iTransferBuffer->Des();
   894 	inPtr.Zero();
   895 	TPtr8 outPtr = iReturnBuffer->Des();
   896 	outPtr.Zero();
   897 	RDesWriteStream inBuf( inPtr );
   898     TInt op = MAlfGfxEffectPlugin::EAbortFullscreen;
   899     // We won't leave here because our buffer is long enough
   900     TRAP_IGNORE(
   901         {
   902 	    // no other parameters used
   903         inBuf.WriteInt32L( op );
   904         inBuf.CommitL();
   905         });
   906     inBuf.Release();
   907     inBuf.Close();
   909     // we ignore any returned error as we are just doing our best...
   910     iTfxServer.SendSynchronousData( iPluginImplementation, inPtr, outPtr );
   911     // clear out used data    
   912 	inPtr.Zero();
   913 	outPtr.Zero();
   914 	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::AbortFullScreen <<");
   915 	}
   918 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   919 // implementation, handling transition startup
   920 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   921 //
   922 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::DoStartTransitionL( TInt /*aHandle*/, const CTransitionData* aTransData )
   923 	{
   924     // send the transition request to Alf Plugin
   925     __ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::DoStartTransitionL >>");
   926     if ( !aTransData->iKey->DrawableWindow() )
   927         {
   928         // If we don't have a window, we cannot do transition
   929         return;
   930         }
   932 	TPtr8 inPtr = iTransferBuffer->Des();
   933 	inPtr.Zero();
   934 	TPtr8 outPtr = iReturnBuffer->Des();
   935 	outPtr.Zero();
   936 	RDesWriteStream inBuf( inPtr );
   937     TInt op = MAlfGfxEffectPlugin::EBeginComponentTransition;
   938     TInt windowGroup = aTransData->iKey->DrawableWindow()->WindowGroupId();
   939     TInt windowHandle = aTransData->iKey->DrawableWindow()->ClientHandle(); 
   941     // We don't send all the position information as we will do no screen capture
   942     // based on position, and the visuals know their own positions anyway.
   943     // If we find out that we need to specify some starting or ending positions,
   944     // we can add the information later.
   946     inBuf.WriteInt32L( op );
   947     inBuf.WriteUint32L( aTransData->iAction );
   948     inBuf.WriteInt32L( aTransData->iUid.iUid );
   949     inBuf.WriteInt32L( windowGroup ); // window group id of the control
   950     inBuf.WriteInt32L( windowHandle ); // server side window handle for the control
   951     inBuf.WriteInt32L( aTransData->iNLayered );
   952     // Participant data for the main layer. Other layers not handled separately.
   953     const CParticipantData* baseControl = aTransData->iBaseControl;        
   954     inBuf.WriteInt32L( baseControl->iLayerType.iUid ); // uid for this participant
   955     inBuf.WriteInt32L( baseControl->iFlags ); // hints 
   956     // Possible component control data missing - we assume handling of the whole control as one
   958     inBuf.CommitL();
   959     inBuf.Release();
   960     inBuf.Close();
   962     __ALFFXLOGSTRING( "CGfxTransAdapterTfx::DoStartTransitionL" );
   963     iTfxServer.SendSynchronousData( iPluginImplementation, inPtr, outPtr );
   964     // clear out used data    
   965 	inPtr.Zero();
   966 	outPtr.Zero();
   968 	/*
   969 	if ( iSubCons ) //Note: "normal" nesting wont work, but is not used in this platform.
   970 		{
   971 		if(iMainControl) 
   972 			{
   973 			//Collecting window owning sub controls, add to list.
   974 			__ALFFXLOGSTRING2("Adding subcon %x, handle: %d",aTransData->iKey, aHandle);
   975 	        CSubWOControl* subcon = CSubWOControl::NewL( aHandle, *aTransData );
   976 			iSubWOControls.AppendL(subcon);
   977 			return;
   978 			}
   979 		else
   980 			{
   981 			//Subcon Mismatch, abort transition and clean up.
   982 			iClient->TransitionFinished(aHandle);	
   983 			return;
   984 			}
   985 		}
   987 	if(iControlInfo.Count() >= KMaxOngoing)
   988 		{
   989 		__ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::DoStartTransitionL maxongoing");
   990 		iClient->TransitionFinished(aHandle);
   991 		return;
   992 		}
   994 	TInt ap = iClientId.Id();
   995 	__ALFFXLOGSTRING2("Adapter: Transition Started: %d, cli: %d",aHandle,ap);
   996 	TRect boundingrect = TRect(aTransData->iBeginWOPos + aTransData->iBaseControl->iBeginRect.iTl, 
   997 							   aTransData->iBeginWOPos + aTransData->iBaseControl->iBeginRect.iBr);
   998 	boundingrect.BoundingRect(TRect(aTransData->iEndWOPos + aTransData->iBaseControl->iEndRect.iTl, 
   999 									aTransData->iEndWOPos + aTransData->iBaseControl->iEndRect.iBr));
  1000 	CTransControlDrawerInfo* drawinfo = CTransControlDrawerInfo::NewL(aHandle, boundingrect);
  1001 	CleanupStack::PushL(drawinfo);
  1002 	User::LeaveIfError(iControlInfo.Append(drawinfo));
  1003 	CleanupStack::Pop(drawinfo);
  1004 	CWsTransControlGraphic* drawer = drawinfo->Drawer();
  1006 	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("Adapter: Sending participant 0");
  1007 	drawer->SendParticipant(aTransData->iBaseControl,0);
  1008 	TInt count = aTransData->iSubControls.Count(); 	
  1009 	for(TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
  1010 		{
  1011 		__ALFFXLOGSTRING1("Adapter: Sending participant %d",i+1);
  1012 		drawer->SendParticipant(aTransData->iSubControls[i],i + 1);
  1013 		}
  1015 	TInt wocount = iSubWOControls.Count();
  1016 	if(wocount) 
  1017 		{
  1018 		drawinfo->SetHasWOParticipants(ETrue);
  1019 		}
  1020 	for(TInt i = wocount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
  1021 		{
  1022 		drawer->SendWOParticipant(*iSubWOControls[i]);
  1023 		}
  1024 	for(TInt i = 0; i < wocount; i++)
  1025 		{
  1026 		iClient->TransitionFinished(iSubWOControls[i]->Handle());
  1027 		}
  1028 	iSubWOControls.ResetAndDestroy();
  1030 	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("Adapter: Sending Transition Data");
  1032 	TBool drawerstart = EFalse;
  1033 	if(iIsWO && !aTransData->iKey->IsVisible())
  1034 		{
  1035 		drawerstart = ETrue;
  1036 		}
  1038 	drawer->SendTransitionData(aTransData, aHandle, drawerstart); 
  1039 	drawer->Flush();
  1041     if(iIsWO && !aTransData->iKey->Parent())
  1042         {
  1043         // aTransData->iKey->DrawNow();
  1044         if ( aTransData->iKey->IsVisible() && !aTransData->iKey->IsBackedUp() )
  1045             {
  1046             RWindow* window = ( RWindow* ) aTransData->iKey->DrawableWindow();
  1047             window->BeginRedraw();
  1048             window->EndRedraw();
  1049             }
  1050         }
  1051     else
  1052 		{
  1053 		const CCoeControl* parent = aTransData->iKey->Parent();
  1054 		if(parent)
  1055 			{
  1056 //			TRect rect;
  1057 //			if(iIsWO)
  1058 //				{
  1059 //				rect = TRect(aTransData->iKey->PositionRelativeToScreen(),aTransData->iKey->Size());
  1060 //				rect.Move(-parent->PositionRelativeToScreen());
  1061 //				}
  1062 //			else
  1063 //				{
  1064 //				rect = aTransData->iBaseControl->iBeginRect;
  1065 //				}
  1067 			//Drawing problems with listboxes in component if
  1068 			//particle systems is used. We disable this rect for now
  1069 			//to resolve this. Shouldn't affect performance much.
  1071             if ( !aTransData->iKey->IsVisible() )
  1072                 {
  1073                 parent->DrawNow();
  1074                 }
  1075             }
  1076         }
  1077     ////
  1078 	iCoeEnv->WsSession().Flush();
  1080 	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("Adapter: Requesting finished event");
  1081 	if(KErrNone != iTfxServer.RequestFinishedEvent(aHandle))
  1082 		{
  1083 		iCurrHandle = 0;
  1084 		TransitionFinished(aHandle);
  1085 		return;
  1086 		}
  1088 	if(!drawerstart) 
  1089 		{
  1090 		if(KErrNone != iTfxServer.SendStartTick(iClientId,aHandle))
  1091 			{
  1092 			TransitionFinished(aHandle);
  1093 			}
  1094 		}
  1095 	iCurrHandle = 0;
  1096 */	
  1097 	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::DoStartTransitionL <<");
  1098 	}
  1100 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::GenerateTransitionL( const CCoeControl* aKey, const CTransitionData* aTransData)
  1101     {
  1102     __ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::GenerateTransitionL >>");
  1103     // We generate a transition call from begin capture for control exit transitions
  1104 	TPtr8 inPtr = iTransferBuffer->Des();
  1105 	inPtr.Zero();
  1106 	TPtr8 outPtr = iReturnBuffer->Des();
  1107 	outPtr.Zero();
  1108 	RDesWriteStream inBuf( inPtr );
  1109     TInt op = MAlfGfxEffectPlugin::EBeginComponentTransition;
  1110     TInt windowGroup = aKey->DrawableWindow()->WindowGroupId();
  1111     TInt windowHandle = aKey->DrawableWindow()->ClientHandle(); 
  1113     inBuf.WriteInt32L( op );
  1114     inBuf.WriteUint32L( aTransData->iAction );
  1115     inBuf.WriteInt32L( aTransData->iUid.iUid );
  1116     inBuf.WriteInt32L( windowGroup ); // window group id of the control
  1117     inBuf.WriteInt32L( windowHandle ); // server side window handle for the control
  1118     inBuf.WriteInt32L( aTransData->iNLayered );
  1119     // Participant data not present in exit
  1120     inBuf.WriteInt32L( 0 );
  1121     inBuf.WriteInt32L( 0 ); // no hints
  1123     inBuf.CommitL();
  1124     inBuf.Release();
  1125     inBuf.Close();
  1127     __ALFFXLOGSTRING( "CGfxTransAdapterTfx::GenerateTransitionL" );
  1128     iTfxServer.SendSynchronousData( iPluginImplementation, inPtr, outPtr );
  1129     // clear out used data    
  1130 	inPtr.Zero();
  1131 	outPtr.Zero();
  1133 	// Don't signal client because client did not request the transition to start
  1134     __ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::GenerateTransitionL <<");
  1135     }
  1138 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1139 // finds a control
  1140 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1141 //
  1142 //CTransControlDrawerInfo* CGfxTransAdapterTfx::FindControl(TInt /*aHandle*/)
  1143 /*	
  1144 	{
  1145 	for(TInt i = iControlInfo.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
  1146 		{
  1147 		if(iControlInfo[i]->Handle() == aHandle)
  1148 			{
  1149 			return iControlInfo[i];			
  1150 			}
  1151 		}
  1152 	return NULL;
  1153 	}
  1154 */		
  1156 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1157 // finds a control drawer.
  1158 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1159 //
  1160 //CWsTransControlGraphic* CGfxTransAdapterTfx::FindDrawer(TInt /*aHandle*/)
  1161 /*	
  1162 	{
  1163 	for(TInt i = iControlInfo.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
  1164 		{
  1165 		if(iControlInfo[i]->Handle() == aHandle)
  1166 			{
  1167 			return iControlInfo[i]->Drawer();			
  1168 			}
  1169 		}
  1170 	return NULL;
  1171 	}
  1172 */		
  1174 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1175 // callback called by server when a policy updates.
  1176 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1177 //
  1178 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::PolicyUpdate(TControlPolicy* aPolicy)
  1179 	{
  1180 	iClient->TransitionPolicyUpdate(aPolicy);	
  1181 	}
  1184 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1185 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1186 //
  1187 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::ClearAllPolicies()
  1188 	{
  1189 	iClient->ClearAllPolicies();	
  1190 	}
  1192 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1193 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1194 //
  1195 TInt CGfxTransAdapterTfx::RequestPolicyUpdates()
  1196     {
  1197     __ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::RequestPolicyUpdates >>");
  1198 	if( iPolicyReq->IsActive() )
  1199 		{
  1200 		// request already ongoing
  1201 		return KErrNone;	
  1202 		}
  1204     if ( !iHasPlugin )
  1205         {
  1206         return KErrDisconnected;
  1207         }
  1209     // send a request to plugin to start sending us policy updates
  1210     // This is an asynchronous request
  1212     TPtr8 inPtr = iAsyncTransferBuffer->Des();
  1213     inPtr.Zero();
  1214     TPtr8 outPtr = iAsyncReturnBuffer->Des();
  1215     outPtr.Zero();
  1216 	RDesWriteStream inBuf( inPtr );
  1217     TInt op = MAlfGfxEffectPlugin::ETfxServerOpControlPolicyRequest;
  1218     // We won't leave here because our buffer is long enough
  1219     TRAP_IGNORE(
  1220         {
  1221 	    // no other parameters used
  1222         inBuf.WriteInt32L( op );
  1223         inBuf.CommitL();
  1224         });
  1225     inBuf.Release();
  1226     inBuf.Close();
  1228     __ALFFXLOGSTRING( "CGfxTransAdapterTfx::RequestPolicyUpdates" );
  1229     iTfxServer.SendAsynchronousData( iPluginImplementation, inPtr, outPtr, iPolicyReq->iStatus );
  1230     iPolicyReq->IssueReq();
  1231     // clear out used data    
  1232     inPtr.Zero();
  1233     outPtr.Zero();
  1234     __ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::RequestPolicyUpdates <<");
  1235     return KErrNone;
  1237     }
  1239 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1240 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1241 //
  1242 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::GetNewPoliciesL( TUint aCount )
  1243     {
  1244     __ALFFXLOGSTRING1("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::GetNewPoliciesL %d >>", aCount);
  1245     if ( !iHasPlugin )
  1246         {
  1247         User::Leave( KErrDisconnected );
  1248         }
  1249     // Send request to plugin  
  1251 	TInt err = KErrNone;
  1253 	TPtr8 inPtr = iTransferBuffer->Des();
  1254 	inPtr.Zero();
  1256 	TInt bufferSize = sizeof( TUint32 ) + ( sizeof( TInt32 ) * 2 + sizeof( TUint8 ) ) * aCount ;
  1257 	if ( iReturnBuffer->Des().MaxSize() < bufferSize )
  1258 	    {
  1259 	    delete iReturnBuffer;
  1260 	    iReturnBuffer = NULL;
  1261         iReturnBuffer = HBufC8::NewL( bufferSize );
  1262 	    }
  1264 	TPtr8 outPtr = iReturnBuffer->Des();
  1265 	outPtr.Zero();
  1266 	RDesWriteStream inBuf( inPtr );
  1267     TInt op = MAlfGfxEffectPlugin::ETfxServerOpControlPolicyGet;
  1268    	RThread me;
  1270     inBuf.WriteInt32L( op );
  1271 	TUint64 id = me.Id();
  1272     TUint8* ptr = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( &id );
  1273     inBuf.WriteL( ptr, 8 );
  1274     inBuf.WriteInt32L( aCount );
  1276     inBuf.CommitL();
  1277     inBuf.Release();
  1278     inBuf.Close();
  1279     me.Close();
  1281     if ( iHasPlugin )
  1282         {
  1283         __ALFFXLOGSTRING( "CGfxTransAdapterTfx::GetNewPoliciesL" );
  1284         err = iTfxServer.SendSynchronousData( iPluginImplementation, inPtr, outPtr );
  1285         }
  1286     // This is a case where we are supposed to get data back        
  1287     if ( err == KErrNone )
  1288         {
  1289         RDesReadStream instream( outPtr );
  1290         CleanupClosePushL( instream );
  1291         TUint count = instream.ReadUint32L();
  1292         while ( count-- > 0 )
  1293             {
  1294             TInt uid = instream.ReadInt32L();
  1295             TUint action = instream.ReadUint32L();
  1296             TPolicy policyId = ( TPolicy ) instream.ReadUint8L();
  1297             TControlPolicy* policy = new ( ELeave ) TControlPolicy();
  1298             policy->iId.iUid = uid;
  1299             policy->iAction = action;
  1300             policy->iPolicy = policyId;
  1301             iClient->TransitionPolicyUpdate( policy );
  1302             }
  1303         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // instream
  1304         }
  1306     // clear out used data    
  1307 	inPtr.Zero();
  1308 	outPtr.Zero();
  1309 	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::GetNewPoliciesL <<");
  1310     }
  1312 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1313 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1314 //
  1315 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::CancelPolicyUpdates()
  1316     {
  1317     __ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::CancelPolicyUpdates >>");
  1318     if ( !iHasPlugin )
  1319         {
  1320         // nothing to cancel
  1321         return;
  1322         }
  1324     // send request to plugin
  1325     // If the updates have not been subscribed, there is nothing to cancel either
  1326     TPtr8 inPtr = iTransferBuffer->Des();
  1327     inPtr.Zero();
  1328     TPtr8 outPtr = iReturnBuffer->Des();
  1329     outPtr.Zero();
  1330 	RDesWriteStream inBuf( inPtr );
  1331     TInt op = MAlfGfxEffectPlugin::ETfxServerOpControlCancelPolicyUpdate;
  1332    	RThread me;
  1333     // We won't leave here because our buffer is long enough
  1334     TRAP_IGNORE(
  1335         {
  1336 	    // no other parameters used
  1337         inBuf.WriteInt32L( op );
  1338     	TUint64 id = me.Id();
  1339 	    TUint8* ptr = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( &id );
  1340 	    inBuf.WriteL( ptr, 8 );
  1341         inBuf.CommitL();
  1342         });
  1343     inBuf.Release();
  1344     inBuf.Close();
  1345     me.Close();
  1347     // not waiting for policies, nothing to cancel
  1348 	if( iPolicyReq->IsActive() )
  1349 		{
  1350 		// The cancel function will complete the request
  1351         __ALFFXLOGSTRING( "CGfxTransAdapterTfx::CancelPolicyUpdates" );
  1352         iTfxServer.SendSynchronousData( iPluginImplementation, inPtr, outPtr );
  1353 		}
  1355     // clear out used data    
  1356     inPtr.Zero();
  1357     outPtr.Zero();
  1358     __ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::CancelPolicyUpdates <<");
  1359     }
  1361 // ------------------------------------------------------------
  1362 // SendGroupCommand
  1363 //-------------------------------------------------------------
  1364 //
  1365 void CGfxTransAdapterTfx::SendGroupCommand(TInt aGroupId, TBool aGroupFinished)
  1366     {
  1367     __ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::SendGroupCommand >>");
  1368     if ( !iHasPlugin )
  1369         {
  1370         // nothing to cancel
  1371         return;
  1372         }
  1374     // send request to plugin
  1375     // If the updates have not been subscribed, there is nothing to cancel either
  1376     TPtr8 inPtr = iTransferBuffer->Des();
  1377     inPtr.Zero();
  1378     TPtr8 outPtr = iReturnBuffer->Des();
  1379     outPtr.Zero();
  1380 	RDesWriteStream inBuf( inPtr );
  1382     TInt op;
  1383     if ( aGroupFinished )
  1384     	{
  1385 		op = MAlfGfxEffectPlugin::ETfxServerOpEndGroup;
  1386     	}
  1387     else
  1388     	{
  1389 		op = MAlfGfxEffectPlugin::ETfxServerOpBeginGroup;
  1390     	}
  1391    	RThread me;
  1392     // We won't leave here because our buffer is long enough
  1393     TRAP_IGNORE(
  1394         {
  1395 	    // no other parameters used
  1396         inBuf.WriteInt32L( op );
  1397         inBuf.WriteInt32L( aGroupId );
  1398     	TUint64 id = me.Id();
  1399 	    TUint8* ptr = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( &id );
  1400 	    inBuf.WriteL( ptr, 8 );
  1401         inBuf.CommitL();
  1402         });
  1403     inBuf.Release();
  1404     inBuf.Close();
  1405     me.Close();
  1407     iTfxServer.SendSynchronousData( iPluginImplementation, inPtr, outPtr );
  1409     // clear out used data    
  1410     inPtr.Zero();
  1411     outPtr.Zero();
  1412     __ALFFXLOGSTRING("CGfxTransAdapterTfx::SendGroupCommand <<");
  1413     }
  1416 // ======== GLOBAL FUNCTIONS ========
  1418 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1419 // DLL interface. used by the client to create the adapter
  1420 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1421 //
  1422 EXPORT_C MGfxTransAdapter* MGfxTransAdapter::CreateL(MGfxTransClient* aClient)
  1423 	{
  1424 	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("MGfxTransAdapter::CreateL >>");
  1425 	CGfxTransAdapterTfx* adapter = new (ELeave) CGfxTransAdapterTfx(aClient);
  1426 	CleanupStack::PushL(adapter);
  1427 	adapter->ConstructL();
  1428 	CleanupStack::Pop(adapter);
  1429 	__ALFFXLOGSTRING("MGfxTransAdapter::CreateL <<");
  1430 	return adapter;
  1431 	}
  1433 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1434 // DLL interface. used by the client to destroy the adapter
  1435 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1436 //
  1437 EXPORT_C void MGfxTransAdapter::Destroy(MGfxTransAdapter* aEngine)
  1438 	{
  1439 	delete static_cast<CGfxTransAdapterTfx*>(aEngine);
  1440 	}