changeset 0 15bf7259bb7c
child 5 433cbbb6a04b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uiacceltk/hitchcock/coretoolkit/rendervg10/inc/HuiVg10Texture.h	Tue Feb 02 07:56:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Defines CHuiVg10Texture, an OpenVG-based texture class.
+#ifndef __HUIVG10TEXTURE_H__
+#define __HUIVG10TEXTURE_H__
+#include <bldvariant.hrh>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <gdi.h>
+#include <VG/openvg.h>
+#include "uiacceltk/HuiTexture.h"
+#include "uiacceltk/HuiTextureHandle.h"
+#include "HuiVg10RenderPlugin.h"
+#ifdef __NVG
+    #include <AknIconHeader.h>
+    class CNvgEngine;
+    class MNVGIcon;
+ * CHuiVg10Texture wraps an OpenVG texture object. It provides methods 
+ * for uploading image data. When an instance of CHuiVg10Texture is 
+ * destroyed, the OpenVG texture object is deleted as well.
+ *
+ * @todo  Proper segment support. Support more than two segments.
+ * @todo  Placeholder should be a THuiTextureHandle.
+ */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CHuiVg10Texture) : public CHuiTexture
+    {
+    /* Constructors and destructor. */
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new texture object. The texture has no segments initially.
+     *
+     * @param   aRenderPlugin The render plugin that created this texture.
+     * @return  Texture object.
+     */
+    static CHuiVg10Texture* NewL(CHuiVg10RenderPlugin& aRenderPlugin, const THuiTextureHandle* aExistingTexture = 0);
+    /**
+     * Constructs a new texture object and leaves it on the cleanup stack.
+     * The texture has no segments initially.
+     *
+     * @param   aRenderPlugin The render plugin that created this texture.
+     * @return  Texture object.
+     */
+    static CHuiVg10Texture* NewLC(CHuiVg10RenderPlugin& aRenderPlugin, const THuiTextureHandle* aExistingTexture = 0);
+    /** @beginAPI */
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~CHuiVg10Texture();
+    /* Methods. */
+    TBool HasContent() const; // override
+    /**
+     * Determines if the texture has an alpha channel.
+     *
+     * @return  <code>ETrue</code>, if the texture has an alpha channel.
+     *          Otherwise, <code>EFalse</code>.
+     */
+    TBool HasAlpha() const;
+    /**
+     * Determines the maximum possible actual (OpenVG) size for
+     * textures. This limit is usually set by the underlying 
+     * graphics driver/hardware.
+     * @todo should be moved out?
+     */
+    TSize MaxTextureSize() const;
+    void UploadL(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,
+                 const CFbsBitmap * aMaskBitmap = NULL,
+                 THuiTextureUploadFlags aFlags = EHuiTextureUploadFlagDefault);
+    void UploadL(THuiTextureFormat aFormat,
+                 const TSize& aSize,
+                 const TUint8* aBuffer,
+                 THuiTextureUploadFlags aFlags = EHuiTextureUploadFlagDefault,
+                 TUint aBufferSize = 0);
+    void PartialUploadL(THuiTextureFormat aFormat,
+                        const TPoint& aOrigin,
+                        const TSize& aSize,
+                        const TUint8* aBuffer);
+    void SegmentUploadL(TInt aSegment,
+                        const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,
+                        const CFbsBitmap * aMaskBitmap = NULL,
+                        THuiTextureUploadFlags aFlags = EHuiTextureUploadFlagDefault);
+    void SegmentUploadL(TInt aSegment,
+                        THuiTextureFormat aFormat,
+                        const TSize& aSize,
+                        const TUint8* aBuffer,
+                        TUint aBufferSize = 0);
+    void SegmentPartialUpload(TInt aSegment,
+                              THuiTextureFormat aFormat,
+                              const TPoint& aOrigin,
+                              const TSize& aSize,
+                              const TUint8* aBuffer);
+    void SegmentClearL(TInt aSegment,
+                       TBool aWithAlpha,
+                       const TRgb& aColor,
+                       TUint8 aAlpha);
+    void SetupSegmentsL(const TSize& aLogicalSize,
+                        const TSize& aTextureSize,
+                        THuiTextureUploadFlags aFlags = EHuiTextureUploadFlagDefault);
+    /** @endAPI */
+    /**
+     * Delete the texture.
+     */
+    void Reset();
+    void EnableShadow(TBool aEnable = ETrue);
+    TBool IsShadowEnabled() const;
+    TBool GetShadowTexture(THuiTextureHandle& aHandle) const;
+#ifdef __NVG
+    /**
+     * Creates a normal texture with the VGImage from extended texture
+     * 
+     * @param   aNvgEngine  Used to draw the extended bitmap data on the VGImage, if ObjectCached icon wasn't found
+     * @param   aDestSize   Destination size for the VGImage
+     * @return  Handle to the rasterized image or <code>VG_INVALID_HANDLE</code> if something went wrong.
+     */ 
+    VGImage CreateRenderedImage(CNvgEngine* aNvgEngine, HBufC8* aNVGData, const TSize& aDestSize);
+    /** 
+     * Identifies whether this texture contains extended texture data
+     */
+    TBool IsExtended() const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the extended texture data. Prefer the GetIconCommandsData() instead.
+     * 
+     * @return  The OpenVG command buffer for the texture
+     */
+    HBufC8* GetExtendedTextureData() const;
+    /**
+     * Gets the VG ObjectCached NVG icon, which can be drawn directly by calling the DrawL() method 
+     * 
+     * @return  The OpenVG Object Cached NVG icon
+     */
+    MNVGIcon* GetIconCommandsData() const;
+    /* Constructors. */
+    /**
+     * Constructor. Creates a new texture object with no texture maps.
+     */
+    CHuiVg10Texture(CHuiVg10RenderPlugin& aRenderPlugin);
+    /**
+     * Second-phase constructor.
+     * @param   aRenderPlugin The render plugin that created this texture.     
+     */
+    void ConstructL(const THuiTextureHandle* aExistingTexture);
+    /* Methods. */
+    /**
+     * Deallocate resources associated with segment. Will free
+     * all resources associated with a texture segment.
+     * @see SetSegmentCount()
+     */
+    virtual void ResetSegment(TInt aSegment);
+    /**
+     * Initialize segment for holding texture data. Allocate texture name etc.
+     */
+    virtual void InitSegmentL(TInt aSegment);
+    // from MHuiTexture
+    void TextureExtension(const TUid& aExtensionUid, TAny** aExtensionParameters); 
+    /**
+     *  Define the contents of an image using raw data.
+     * 
+     *  @param aCreateImage If ETrue, a new image is created, otherwise an existing image is updated.
+     * 
+     *  @see SegmentPartialUpload
+     */
+    void SegmentPartialUploadInternal(TInt aSegment, THuiTextureFormat aFormat, const TPoint& aOrigin,
+                                      const TSize& aSize, const TUint8* aBuffer, TBool aCreateImage);
+    /**
+     *  Generate a shadow for this texture if shadowing is enabled.
+     */
+    void GenerateShadowL();
+    /**
+     *  Make sure the shadow texture is of the proper dimensions.
+     */
+    void UpdateShadowSizeL(const TSize& aSize);
+    /** The render plugin that created this texture. */
+    CHuiVg10RenderPlugin& iRenderPlugin;
+    /** Flags indicating the state of the image object */
+    TInt iInternalFlags;
+    /** Shadow texture */
+    THuiTextureHandle iShadow;
+    /** Should a shadow texture be generated */
+    TBool iShadowEnabled;
+#ifdef __NVG
+    /**
+     * Reads the NVG data from the extended CFbsBitmap
+     * 
+     * @param   aBitmap The extended bitmap, which carries the NVG data to be read
+     * @return  The read NVG data in a 8-bit descriptor
+     */
+    HBufC8* ReadNVGDataL(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap);
+    /**
+     * Compares two NVG data buffers. Ignores the iconheader part.
+     */
+    TInt CompareNvgData(HBufC8* aNVGData1, HBufC8* aNVGData2);
+    /**
+     * Uploads the NVG data into the texture.
+     * 
+     * @param aBitmap The bitmap that is to be uploaded. Includes the extended NVG data.
+     * @param aFlags Texture upload flags, either EHuiTextureUploadFlagUsePureNvg => upload as object cached NVG. Otherwise will be rasterized into VGImage.
+     */
+    void SegmentUploadNvgL(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, const CFbsBitmap* aMaskBitmap, THuiTextureUploadFlags aFlags);
+    /**
+     * Create the Object cached icon out of the NVG data. Does the parsing of the icon header as well.
+     */
+    void CreateObjCachedNVGIconL();
+    /**
+     * Parses the NVG icon header out of the NVG data.
+     * 
+     * @param   aNVGData The NVG formatted data, from which to parse the icon header
+     * @return  The iconheader information
+     */
+    TAknIconHeader GetNvgIconHeader(HBufC8* aNVGData);
+    /**
+    * This method has to be called before calling nvgEngine->DrawNvg().
+    * 
+    * @param   aNVGData Nvg data buffer
+    * @return  Descriptor to the NVG data without the additional header information.
+    */
+    TPtr8 GetNvgDataWithoutHeader(HBufC8* aNVGData);
+    /**
+     * Sets the NVG icon aspect ratio and rotation (from the NVG icon header).
+     * 
+     * @param   aNvgEngine NvgEngine instance used for setting the aspect ratio.
+     * @param   aNVGData Nvg data buffer
+     * @param   aIgnoreAspectRatio Use this, if you want to set the rotation, but ignore the aspect ratio.
+     */
+    void SetNvgParamsFromIconHeader(CNvgEngine& aNvgEngine, HBufC8* aNVGData);
+    /**
+     * Calculates new iconsize that will have at least the required 12% margin.
+     * 
+     * @param   aVgImage Image that has been rasterized from the NvgData, used for determining if there's enough margin or not
+     * @param   aSize Size for drawing the image. Used as a base for margin calculations.
+     * @param   aDisplay EGLDisplay, needed for making the VGImage based ClientPBuffer current again.
+     * @param   aSurface EGLSurface, -||-
+     * @param   aContext EGLContext, -||-
+     * @return  New size with the correct margin.
+     */
+    TSize ApplyMargin(VGImage aVgImage, TSize aSize, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSurface aSurface, EGLContext aContext);
+    /**
+     * Sets the color for the icon, if such is defined in the icon header.
+     * 
+     * @param   aSrcImage Image that has been rasterized from the NvgData, used as a source for the color transformation.
+     *          Will be replaced by the new image got from transformation.
+     * @param   aSize Size for creating destination image.
+     * @param   aColor Color from the iconheader, used to fill the icon with it.
+     */
+    void SetIconColor(VGImage& aSrcImage, TSize aSize, TUint32 aColor);
+    /**
+     * Replaces the alpha channel information within aImage, with the alpha mask
+     * information from the aMaskImage. Both images have to be in VG_sARGB_8888 format.
+     * 
+     * @param   aImage VGImage, which's alpha channel is to be replaced.
+     * @param   aMaskImage a mask VGImage.
+     * @param   aSize Size of the images.
+     */
+    void ReplaceVGImageAlphaChannelL(VGImage aImage, VGImage aMaskImage, TSize aSize);
+    /*
+     * Assertains that all texture uploads are done into the same EGL context as the first upload.
+     * Changes context if necessary.
+     */
+    void PushEGLContext();
+    /*
+     * Rolls back to the previous EGL context, if necessary.
+     */
+    void PopEGLContext();
+	// Rolling back to state for PopEGLContext
+    TEGLState iPreviousEGLState;
+    /** Identifies whether this texture has extended bitmap NVG data **/
+    TBool iIsExtended;
+    /** Carries the extended NVG data, if any **/
+    HBufC8* iNVGData;
+    /** 
+     * Stores the ObjectCached VG commands, which are ready to be drawn without
+     * the need to parse the NVG data and create the VG objects again
+     */
+    MNVGIcon* iIconCommands;
+    };
+#endif  // __HUIVG10TEXTURE_H__