author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Tue, 02 Feb 2010 07:56:43 +0200
changeset 0 15bf7259bb7c
child 3 d8a3531bc6b8
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201003

* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:   Handles serializing of data and sending it to alf streamer server.


#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <e32std.h> 
#include <s32mem.h>
#include <gdi.h>
#include <alfwindowstructs.h>
#include <huiwscanvascommands.h>
#include "alfrenderstageutils.h"

#define _OLD_STREAM

const TInt KAlfWsCommandCount = 90; 
const TInt KAlfWsMaxParameterCount = 15;
const TInt KAlfRsSearchRectMaxCount = 9;

class RAlfBridgerClient;
class CAlfCommandDebug;
class TRgb;
class CAlfRenderStage;
class TResourceReader;
class CAlfCompositionCntrlClient;
 *  The class handles data serialization and syncronous sending to server. Multiple renderstages will share the same chunk.
 *  @code
 *   iAlfSendBuffer = CAlfRsSendBuffer::NewL();
 *  @endcode
 *  @lib alfrenderstage.lib
 *  @since S60 v5.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAlfRsSendBuffer) : public CActive, public MAlfBridge
    public: // New methods
	     * NewL
	     * Constructor
	     * @param aParent   
	     * @param aScreenNumber   
	     * @return  New instance of the class
		static CAlfRsSendBuffer* NewL( CAlfRenderStage& aParent, TInt aScreenNumber );

	     * C++ destructor.
		virtual ~CAlfRsSendBuffer();

	     * ConnectL
	     * Establish connection to AlfStreamerServer.
	     * @return ETrue, if connection was made or connection was already established. Otherwise returns EFalse
		TBool ConnectL();

         * Connected
         * Check connection state
         * @return Connection state
		TBool Connected(){ return iChunk.Handle(); }
         * WriteIntsL
         * Convenience function for writing TInt values to the stream
         * @param aCommand  CommandId
         * @param aCount    Amount of TInt values to be streamed
         * @param aFirst    The first value
         * @param ...       variable aCount-1 amount of TInt values
	    void WriteIntsL( const TUint8& aCommand, TInt aCount, TRefByValue<const TInt> aFirst, ...);

         * WriteIntL
         * Convenience function for writing possible unsupported command (depending on its parameters) to the stream 
         * @param aCommand   CommandId
         * @param aValue    parameters value
	    void WriteIntL( const TUint8& aCommand, TInt aValue );
         * WriteRegionL
         * Convenience function for writing region to the stream 
         * @param aCommand   CommandId
         * @param aRegion    Region
	    void WriteRegionL( const TUint8& aCommand, const TRegion& aRegion );
         * WriteDescriptorAndIntsL
         * Convenience function for writing TDesC reference and TInt values to the stream.
         * Inserts padding to ensure that text starts on divisible by 4 offset.
         * @param aCommand  CommandId
         * @param aText     Descriptor to be streamed
         * @param aCount    Amount of TInt values to be streamed
         * @param aFirst    The first value
         * @param ...       variable aCount-1 amount of TInt values
        void WriteDescriptorAndIntsL( const TUint8& aCommand, const TDesC& aText, TInt aCount, TRefByValue<const TInt> aFirst,... );

         * WriteDescriptorL
         * Convenience function for writing TDesC reference to the stream. 
         * Inserts padding to ensure that text starts on divisible by 4 offset.
         * @param aCommand  CommandId
         * @param aText  Descriptor to be streamed
         * @param aTextParameter    Text parameters
         * @param aCount Amount of Ints to be streamed
         * @param aFirst    The first value
         * @param ...       variable aCount-1 amount of TInt values
        void WriteDescriptorAndIntsL(const TUint8& aCommand, const TDesC& aText, const CGraphicsContext::TTextParameters* aTextParameter, TInt aCount, TRefByValue<const TInt> aFirst, ... );

         * WriteCommandL
         * Convenience function for writing 1 value to the stream
         * @param aCommand  Command
         * @param aSize  Size
        void WriteCommandL( const TUint8& aCommand, TInt aSize = 0);

         * WritePointArrayL
         * Convenience function for writing pointer array to the stream
         * @param aCommand  CommandId
         * @param aPoWriteIntList  Point array to be streamed
        void WritePointArrayL( const TUint8& aCommand, const CArrayFix<TPoint>* aPoWriteIntList );

         * WritePointArrayL
         * Convenience function for writing pointer array to the stream
         * @param aCommand  CommandId
         * @param aPoWriteIntList  Point array to be streamed
         * @param aNumPoints  Point array to be streamed
        void WritePointArrayL( const TUint8& aCommand, const TPoint* aPoWriteIntList, TInt aNumPoints );

         * WritePointArrayL
         * Convenience function for writing pointer array to the stream
         * @param aCommand  CommandId
         * @param aPoWriteIntList  Point array to be streamed
        void WritePointArrayL( const TUint8& aCommand, const TArray<TPoint>* aPoWriteIntList );
         * WriteFlagsL
         * Write flags to the stream
        void WriteFlagsL();
	struct TOffsetElem
	TInt32 iOffset; // offset from beginning of buffer
	TInt32 iSize;   // size of the data.
	TInt32 iLayerId;
    TRect iBoundingRectangle;

	void WriteArrayHeaderTemplateL();
	void InitTOffsetElemArray(RArray<TOffsetElem> &aOffset);
	void WriteArrayHeaderL(const TOffsetElem &aIndexArrayOffset);
	TOffsetElem WriteIndexArrayL(const RArray<TOffsetElem> &aOffset);
	void InitMarker(TInt &aMarker);
	void StartMarkerL(TInt &aMarker, TRect &aRectangle, TInt &aLayer, TRect aBoundingRectangle, TInt aLayerId);
	void EndMarkerL(RArray<TOffsetElem> &aOffset, TInt &aMarker, const TRect &aRectangle, TInt aLayerId);
    void StartMarkerL(TRect aBoundingRectangle, TInt aLayerId);
    void EndMarkerL();
        * SendL
        * Sends commands to via AlfBridger to AlfStreamerServer. Flushes the buffer.
        * iBufStream is ready for writing after this call.
        * @param aStatus  Request status
        void SendL( TRequestStatus* aStatus );

         * Commit
         * Report the last written offset. Reader side may read until
		 * offset.
        void Commit();

         * CommitL
         * Starts the timer for FlushBuffer call. The idea is to deliver bigger 
         * patch of commands to alf in one go and avoid unnecessary IPC calls.
        void CommitL( );

         * SetFlag
         * Set flags
         * @param aFlag  Flags
        void SetFlag( TAlfSendBufferFrameFlags aFlag );

         * EndFrameL
         * Prepares frame for sending
        void EndFrameL();

         * FrameContainsDataL
         * @return  ETrue, if data has been serialized to the frame after previous call to PrepareBufferL. this is used for filtering out empty
         *          frames. Wserv might be fixed in the future and this could become obsolete.
        TBool FrameContainsDataL();

         * SendAsyncCmd
         * Called by CRsAlfNativeWindowListener::RequestEvent. Used when requesting native window handle from 
         * Alf.
         * @param aFlag  aCmd
         * @param aFlag  aBuf
         * @param aFlag  aStatus
		void SendAsyncCmd(TInt aCmd, TDes8& aBuf, TRequestStatus& aStatus);

         * OpenPrimaryChunkForWritingL
         * Open the stream 
		void OpenPrimaryChunkForWritingL();
         * PrepareBufferL
         * Resets buffer. Must be called before Write*L and SendSyncL.
        void PrepareBufferL();

         * WriteWindowDataL
         * Writes data to the stream
         * @param aWindowUid
         * @param aRegionSize
         * @param aShapeRegionSize
        void WriteWindowDataL(TUint32 aWindowUid, TInt aRegionSize, TInt aShapeRegionSize );

         * WriteFrameSizeTemplateL
         * Writes a temporary value to the beginning of a frame. This value is later updated with WriteNextFrameBeginL.
        void WriteFollowingFrameOffsetTemplateL();
         * WriteFollowingFrameOffsetL
         * Goes back to header of the drawing commands and updates the offset to the following frame.
         * This is called, when drawing into a single window in a frame is complete.
         * @return  ETrue, If this frame contains any commands. Otherwise EFalse.
        TBool WriteFollowingFrameOffsetL(TBool aWriteArray= ETrue);
		 * WriteWindowIdentifierL
		 * Convience function for writing window id and group id to the stream
		void WriteWindowIdentifierL();

		 * FlushBuffer
		 * Commands are not passed immediately after they are serialized. There
		 * is a timer, which regularly flushes the buffer. See doFlushBuffer. 
		 * Buffer is also flushed (or in fact the flushtimer is canceled, and buffer
		 * is flushed) when SendL is called from CAlfRsRenderStage
		void FlushBuffer();

         * SetSupportedCommand
         * Sets this command as supported
         * @param aIndex
         * @param aSupport
		void SetSupportedCommand( TInt aIndex, TInt8 aSupport );
		 * AppendPatternSearchCache
		 * Caches data for the pattern search. This is call from CAlfRsGc. Cache is released by
		 * ResetPatternSearch.
         * @param aSourceBitmap
         * @param aMaskBitmap
         * @param aSourceRect
         * @param aDestPos
         * @param aInvertMask
	    void AppendPatternSearchCache( const CFbsBitmap& aSourceBitmap, const CFbsBitmap* aMaskBitmap,const TRect& aSourceRect, const TPoint& aDestPos, TBool aInvertMask );

         * PreviousCommand
         * This is used for filtering out sequential reset commands in window command stream
         * @return Previous command
        inline TInt PreviousCommand(){ return iPreviousCommand; } 
    public: // From CActive

	    void RunL();
	    void DoCancel();

        * CAlfRsSendBuffer
        * C++ constructor
        * @param aParent
        * @param aScreenNumber
	    CAlfRsSendBuffer( CAlfRenderStage& aParent, TInt aScreenNumber ) : iParent( aParent), iScreenNumber( aScreenNumber) , CActive( EPriorityStandard ){CActiveScheduler::Add( this ); };

        * ConstructL
        * Constructor
        void ConstructL();

         * ReadNonSupportedCommandsL
         * It is known that some commands are not/cannot be supported by certain
         * renderers. Each frame is inspected in case of such command and frame 
         * is marked if it has unsupported commands for certain renderer. This
         * information can be in the future used for selecting suitable renderer
         * during runtime.
         * @todo This table could be shared with multiple renderstages. 
         *       Currently each sendbuffer has own table.
        void ReadNonSupportedCommandsL();
        // only in debug mode
        void ReadCommandDescriptionsL();

		 * SeekL
	    void SeekL( const TInt aOffset );
	     * ConvertToBitsL
	     * Converts aCount bytes of data into one byte.
	     * @param  aCount  Must be under 7.
	     * @param  aReader
	     * @return Converted result
	    TUint8 ConvertToBitsL( TInt aCount, TResourceReader* aReader );
         * JumpToAnotherChunkL
	    void JumpToAnotherChunkL( TInt32 aChunkId, TInt aChunkSize );

         * WriteInt8L
	    inline void WriteInt8L( const TInt8& aValue )
#ifdef _OLD_STREAM
	        iBufStream->WriteInt8L( aValue );
	        //memcpy( ( TUint8*)(iStreamPtr->Ptr()+iOffset), (const TUint8*)&aValue, sizeof(TInt8));
	        *(( TUint8*)(iStreamPtr->Ptr()+iOffset)) = aValue;
            iOffset += sizeof(TInt8);
         * WriteInt32L
	    inline void WriteInt32L( const TInt32& aValue )
#ifdef _OLD_STREAM
	        iBufStream->WriteInt32L( aValue );
	        memcpy( ( TUint8*)(iStreamPtr->Ptr()+iOffset), (const TUint8*)&aValue, sizeof(TInt32));
            iOffset += sizeof(TInt32);
         * WriteL
	    inline void WriteL( const TUint8* aPtr, TInt aSize )
#ifdef _OLD_STREAM	        
	        iBufStream->WriteL( aPtr, aSize );
	        memcpy( ( TUint8*)(iStreamPtr->Ptr()+iOffset), (const TUint8*)aPtr, aSize);
	        iOffset += aSize;

         * DoCreateTemporaryChunkL
		void DoCreateTemporaryChunkL( TInt aMinimumRequiredSize );
	     * DoWrapL
	     * Wraps the writing in the chunk. This happens when write head has reached the maximum size of the chunk.
	     * After wrapping, writing continues from the beginning of the chunk. If wrap happens during a frame, then 
	     * the frame is split into two parts. The first part is padded (@see InsertPaddingL) 
	    void DoWrapL( TInt aCommandSize, TBool aCreateTempororaryChunk );
	     * ReserveSpaceL
	     * Checks if there is enough space to stream the command. Calls DoWrap 
	     * or DoWait, if there is not enough space for serializing the command. 
	     * @param  aCommandSize
	    TBool ReserveSpaceL( TInt aCommandSize );
         * InitCommandL
	    TBool InitCommandL( const TUint8& aCommand, TInt aSize );

         * CreateTemporaryChunkL
	    TBool CreateTemporaryChunkL( TInt& aSize );
         * OpenRewindChunkL
	    void OpenRewindChunkL( TInt aSize );
	     * DoPatternSearch
	     * Searches for certain bitblit pattern.
	     * This functions is most likely to change in the future.
	    void DoPatternSearch( const TUint8& aCommand, TInt aSize );
	     * ResetPatternSearch
	     * Called when searched pattern was not found and search needs to start
	     * from beginning.
	    void ResetPatternSearch();
	     * FinalizePatternL
	     * Full pattern was found. Replace the bitblits with EAlfCombinedBitBlit
	     * that joins the clipping regions, drawrects and partial images into single 
	     * command.
	    void FinalizePatternL(const TUint8& aCommand);
	     * InsertPaddingL
	     * Each frame payload need to start on address divisible by 4.
	     * Otherwise operations on the streamed data will fail due to alignment
	     * issues. This function adds padding if necessary.
	    void InsertPaddingL();

	    RAlfBridgerClient* Client()
            return iAlfBridgerClient;
        void WriteIntsL(TUint8 aCommand, TInt aCount, TInt* aArray);
	private:    // data
         * If this is true this class acts as a stub, the does not really do anything.
         * That is used when we handle tv-out drawing commands as they should not go to anywhere. 
	    TBool iDisabled;
    	 * Window Uid is cached for the use of FlushBuffer
    	TUint32 iWindowId;

        TInt iWindowGroupIdentifier;

         * Stream access for chunk received from server side
#ifdef _OLD_STREAM
        RMemWriteStream* iBufStream;
        TPtr8* iStreamPtr;
        TInt iNextFrameOffsetPos;
        TBool iIsSprite;
    	 *	Bridge to Alf stream server
    	 * 	Own.
    	RAlfBridgerClient* iAlfBridgerClient;

         * Our handle to server chunk. InitBufferL must be called before this is valid.
        RChunk iChunk;

         * Cache chunks are needed for 2 purposes. See DoCreateTemporaryChunkL for more information.
         * 1. During booting, the primary chunk (owned by alf) is not available and data must be serialized into something
         * 2. App (and sequentially Wserv) pushes more data than the primary chunk can chew (write head reachs read head).
        RArray<RChunk> iCacheChunks;
    	 * Non drawing window updates have no relevance to the drawing. If frame update contains only such
    	 * commands, it can be discarded altogether.
    	 * Use Mark() to mark the place of frame start. Use RollBack() to set the buffer to the original place,
    	 * if only non-drawing commands were issued. See CAlfGraphicsContext::iDrawCommandCount for more details.
#ifdef _OLD_STREAM
        TStreamPos iFrameBeginOffset;
        TInt iFrameBeginOffset;
         * Data transfer is normally asynchronous operation. iParent is used for the callback.
         * Not own.
        CAlfRenderStage& iParent;

         * The maximum size of the iChunk and iBufStream
        TInt iUsedChunkMaxSize;
        TInt iPrimaryChunkMaxSize;
        TTime   iBeginTime;
        TInt iOffset;
         * iState values

        TInt iState;
        TInt iTemplateOpen;

        TRequestStatus* iQuedStatus;

        TChunkHeader* iChunkHeader;
        TBool iReceivingDrawingCommands;

         * Debug variable for tracking the delivered chunk sizes. Can be used for optimizing the junk size.
        //TInt iMaxSentBatchSize;
        TBool iWrappingFrame;
         * Screen connected to this CAlfRsSendBuffer
        TInt iScreenNumber; 

        CPeriodic* iFlushBufferTimer;
        TUint8 iNonSupportedCommandsInWindow;
         * See ReadNonSupportedCommandsL for more information
        TUint8 iNonSupportedCommands[KAlfWsCommandCount];

        TUint8 iSupportedCommandParameters[KAlfWsCommandCount][2]; // [index of first parameter in iSupportedParameters][index of last parameter in iSupportedParameters] 
        TInt8 iSupportedParameters[KAlfWsMaxParameterCount][2]; // [parameter value][render support], note the limited count
        TInt iPerformanceIssueCommandCount;
        TInt iMaxPerformanceIssueCommandCount;
        struct TWindowHeaderStruct
            TInt32 iWindowEndOffset;
            TUint8 iCommandEndMarker;
            TUint8 iContainsUnsupportedCommandsCommand;
            TUint8 iUnsupportedCommandsInWindow;
        TWindowHeaderStruct iWindowHeaderStruct;
        TUint8 iFramePadding;
        TInt32 iFlags;

        TUint8 iPreviousCommand;
         * AlfRsSendBuffers searches certain bitblit pattern in the serialized 
         * commands. It tries to combine joined bitblits into one command, which 
         * can be handled more efficiently on HW.
         * See DoPatternSearch, AppendPatternSearchCache, ResetPatternSearch and FinalizePatternL for more 
         * information.
        TInt iPatternSearchState;
        TInt iPatterSearchSequentialBlits;
        TInt iPenStyle;
         * Under normal circumtances, a single chunk is used for passing the 
         * commands to alf. However, if Wserv pushes large frames that fill the
         * whole chunk, alfsendbuffer takes a growing cache chunk into use.
         * The cache chunk is destroyed, when it is no longer needed.
        TUint8 iChunkInUse;
         * Joined clipping region is usually different than the following joined blit region (iSearchPatternBlitRect)
        RRegionBuf<KAlfRsSearchRectMaxCount> iSearchPatternClipRegion;
        RRegionBuf<KAlfRsSearchRectMaxCount> iSearchPatternBlitRect;
        class TBlitStruct
        	TBlitStruct( TInt aHandle, TInt aMaskHandle, TPoint aTl ) : iHandle( aHandle ), iMaskHandle( aMaskHandle ), iTl( aTl ){};
            TInt iHandle;
            TInt iMaskHandle;
            TPoint iTl;
        RArray<TBlitStruct> iPatternHandleCache;
#ifdef _OLD_STREAM        
        TStreamPos iPatternCacheBeginPosition;
        TInt iPatternCacheBeginPosition;
        TBool iBooting;

         * debug for printing the serializaed commands in human understandable format
        TBool iLog;
        CAlfCommandDebug* iCommandDebugger;
        class TPatternCommand
            TPatternCommand( TUint8 aCommand, TInt aSize ): iCommand( aCommand ), iSize(aSize){};
            TUint8 iCommand;
            TInt iSize;
        RArray<TPatternCommand> iPatternCommands;

        // caches text. If same text is used 2nd time inside buffer
        HBufC16* iCachedText;
        CAlfCompositionCntrlClient* iAlfCompositionCntrlClient;
        // array implementation
        RArray<TOffsetElem> iOffsetArray;
        TInt iMarker;
        TRect iBoundingRectangle;
        TInt iLayerId;
        TInt iArrayImplOffset;
        TInt iPreviousBlockOffset;
        TInt iExtraLayerId;
        TBool iLayersEnabled;