author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Tue, 02 Feb 2010 07:56:43 +0200
changeset 0 15bf7259bb7c
child 6 10534483575f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201003

* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:   Server declaration, internal for Nokia


#include "graphics/surface.h"
#include "themerepositorylistener.h"

class CAlfStreamerServerSession;
class CAlfStreamerBridge;
class CAlfWindowManager;
class CAlfHierarchyModel;
class TSurfaceId;

NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAlfStreamerServer): public CServer2
    static TInt LaunchServer(TThreadId& aThreadId, CAlfStreamerBridge* aBridge );
    static void NewLC(CAlfStreamerBridge* aBridge);
    void HandleClientExit(const CSession2* aClient);
    CAlfWindowManager* WindowMgr() 
        return iWindowMgr;
    CAlfStreamerBridge* Bridge()
        return iBridge;

    CAlfHierarchyModel* WindowTree()
        return iWindowHierarcy;

    /** composition control **/
    void AppendCompositionSessionL(CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession, TBool aHost = EFalse );
    void RemoveCompositionSession(CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession);
    void HandleCompositionRequestL(CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession, TInt aOp, const RMessage2& aMessage);
    void QueueRequestForSessionL(CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession, const TPtrC8& aPtr, TInt aOp);
    void QueueRequestAllSessionsL(const TPtrC8& aPtr, TInt aOp, TBool aAlsoWserv = EFalse);   
    void HandleCompositionEventL(CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession, TInt aOp, const RMessage2& aMessage);

    TInt CreatePermissionToken(const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aTarget, CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession);
    void ValidateToken(CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession, const RMessage2& aMessage);

    void FreeCompositionSessionExtents(CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession);
    void ConstructL();

    CAlfStreamerServer( CAlfStreamerBridge* aBridge):
        CServer2(CActive::EPriorityStandard), iBridge(aBridge){}
    CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion,const RMessage2& aMessage) const;

    CAlfStreamerServerSession* WservSession(TInt aScreenNumber);
    CAlfStreamerBridge* iBridge; // not owned
    mutable TUint iSessions;
    CAlfWindowManager* iWindowMgr;
    CAlfHierarchyModel* iWindowHierarcy;
    CThemeRepositoryListener* iThemesListener;
    RPointerArray<CAlfStreamerServerSession> iCompositionSessions;
    RPointerArray<CAlfStreamerServerSession> iCompositionHostSessions;
    RPointerArray<CAlfStreamerServerSession> iWindowServerSessions;
    class CCompositionToken : public CBase
         * CCompositionToken is used by CAlfCompositionSource and CAlfCompositionHost
         * for maintaining layer sharing permissions.
        CCompositionToken( TInt aKey, TInt aSecretKey, TInt aFlags, TInt aTarget, TInt aScreenNumber, TBool aCombinedTarget = EFalse) : 
            TInt iKey;
            TInt iSecretKey;
            TInt iFlags;
            TInt iTarget;
            TInt iScreenNumber;
            TBool iCombinedTarget;
    RArray<CCompositionToken> iCompositionTokens;
    CAsyncCallBack * iRendezvous;

NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAlfStreamerServerSession): public CSession2
    void ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
    void HandleCompositionOpL(TInt aOp, const RMessage2& aMessage, CAlfStreamerServer* aServer);
    RMessagePtr2& MessagePtr()
        return iMessagePtr;
    TBool CompletedFromQueue(const RMessage2& aMessage);
    void QueueL(const TPtrC8& aPtr, TInt aCmd);    
    void SetScreenNumber(TInt aScreennumber);
    TInt ScreenNumber() const;
    TSurfaceId& ExtentSurfaceId();
    RArray<TInt> iLoadedPlugins;
    RArray<TInt> iCmds;
    RPointerArray<HBufC8> iQueue;
    TBool iIsListeningCompositionEvents;
    RMessagePtr2 iMessagePtr;
    // Number of the screen where composition client has its window.
    // KErrNotFound if composition client does not have a window at all.
    TInt iScreenNumber;
    // Surface id of the composition client. If composition client has set extent to some other screen than where its actual window is. 
    // This is used to identify layers created for this composition client 
    TSurfaceId iExtentSurfaceId;  
