changeset 0 05e9090e2422
child 1 ba33815114d6
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:05e9090e2422
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Internal utility class to handle scalability-related
    15                  operations.
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include "AknsCppPreface.h"
    23 #include <coecntrl.h>
    24 #include <w32std.h>
    25 #include <AknIconUtils.h>
    26 #include <akniconconfig.h>
    28 #include "AknsScalabilityUtils.h"
    30 #include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
    31 #include <AknsItemData.h>
    32 #include <AknsImageAttributeData.h>
    33 #include "AknsTemporaryBitmap.h"
    35 #include "AknsRlRenderer.h"
    36 #include "AknsRlMasterLayout.h"
    37 #include "AknsAppSkinInstance.h"
    38 #include "AknsAlConversionUtil.h"
    39 #include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
    41 #include "AknSkinsVariant.hrh"
    43 #include "AknsDebug.h"
    44 #include "AknsBackgroundLayout.h"
    46 // CONSTANTS
    48 static const TInt KAknsSURErrNoParent   = -9000;
    49 static const TInt KAknsSURErrNoLayout   = -9001;
    50 static const TInt KAknsSURErrNoData     = -9002;
    52 static const TInt KAknsSURecursionLimit = 8;
    54 // ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
    56 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 // GetSourceSize
    58 //
    59 // Retrieves source size based on the given size parameter and image data.
    60 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 //
    62 static TSize GetSourceSize(
    63     const TSize& aOverridingSize, const TSize& aTargetLayoutSize,
    64     CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TBool& aPreserved )
    65     {
    66     // Use overriding size, if defined
    67     if( aOverridingSize.iWidth>=0 && aOverridingSize.iHeight>=0 )
    68         {
    69         return aOverridingSize;
    70         }
    72     if( aBitmap )
    73         {
    74         if( AknIconUtils::IsMifIcon( aBitmap ) )
    75             {
    76             TSize svgSize( aTargetLayoutSize );
    77             // Preserve icon data
    78             AknIconUtils::PreserveIconData( aBitmap );
    79             aPreserved = ETrue;
    80             // Set source rectangle from SVG dimension
    81             if( AknIconUtils::GetContentDimensions( aBitmap, svgSize ) )
    82                 {
    83                 AKNS_TRACE_ERROR("AknsScalabilityUtils-GetSourceSize GetContentDimensions FAILED!");
    84                 }
    85             return svgSize;
    86             }
    87         else
    88             {
    89             // Set source rectangle from bitmap dimension
    90             return aBitmap->SizeInPixels();
    91             }
    92         }
    94     return aTargetLayoutSize;
    95     }
    97 void DestroyPreservedIcon( TAny* aBitmap )
    98     {
    99     CFbsBitmap* bitmap = static_cast<CFbsBitmap*>(aBitmap);
   100     if ( bitmap )
   101         {
   102         AknIconUtils::DestroyIconData( bitmap );
   103         }
   104     }
   106 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
   108 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109 // AknsScalabilityUtils::DrawPartialCachedImage
   110 // (commented in the header).
   111 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   112 //
   113 TBool AknsScalabilityUtils::DrawPartialCachedImage(
   114     MAknsSkinInstance* /*aSkin*/, CBitmapContext& aGc, const TRect& aTrgLayoutRect,
   115     const TRect& aTrgDrawRect, CAknsImageItemData* aImgData,
   116     const TAknsItemID& /*aIID*/, const TAknsImageAttributeData* aAttr,
   117     const TInt aDrawParam )
   118     {
   119     // Check for empty draw rectangle
   120     if( aTrgDrawRect.IsEmpty() )
   121         {
   122         return ETrue;
   123         }
   125     TBool isChained (EFalse);
   126     if (aImgData && (aDrawParam&KAknsDrawParamChained))
   127         {
   128         isChained = ETrue;
   129         }
   131     // @TODO KAknsDrawParamAlphaOnly supports only soft masks!
   133     // Attribute retrieval
   134     TAknsImageAttributeData attr;
   135     //lint --e{961} Valid logic
   136     if( aAttr )
   137         {
   138         AKNS_TRACE_INFO("AknsScalabilityUtils::DPCI Using supplied attributes");
   139         attr.Set( *aAttr );
   140         }
   141     else if( aImgData->Attributes() )
   142         {
   143         AKNS_TRACE_INFO("AknsScalabilityUtils::DPCI Using data attributes");
   144         attr.Set( *(aImgData->Attributes()) );
   145         }
   147     TAknsItemType type = aImgData->Type();
   149     // Sanity checks
   151     if( AknsUtils::IsDerivedType( EAknsITBitmap, type ) )
   152         {
   153         if( !static_cast<CAknsBitmapItemData*>(aImgData)->Bitmap() )
   154             {
   155             AKNS_TRACE_ERROR("AknsScalabilityUtils::DPCI Bitmap is NULL");
   156             return EFalse;
   157             }
   158         }
   159     if( AknsUtils::IsDerivedType( EAknsITMaskedBitmap, type ) )
   160         {
   161         if( !static_cast<CAknsMaskedBitmapItemData*>(aImgData)->Mask() )
   162             {
   163             AKNS_TRACE_ERROR("AknsScalabilityUtils::DPCI Mask is NULL");
   164             return EFalse;
   165             }
   166         }
   168     // Graphics type detection
   170     CFbsBitmap* bdBmp = NULL;
   171     if( AknsUtils::IsDerivedType( EAknsITBitmap, type ) )
   172         {
   173         bdBmp = static_cast<CAknsBitmapItemData*>(aImgData)->Bitmap();
   174         }
   176     TSize overridingSize( -1, -1 ); // By default there is no overriding size
   178     // Backward compatibility operations
   180     if( !(attr.iAttributes&EAknsImageAttributeNBC) )
   181         {
   182         // Scale NONE and ALIGNED images to the entire rectangle
   183         if( (attr.iAttributes==EAknsImageAttributeNone) ||
   184             (attr.iAttributes&EAknsImageAttributeAlign) )
   185             {
   186             AKNS_TRACE_INFO("AknsScalabilityUtils::DPCI BC scale" );
   187             overridingSize = aTrgLayoutRect.Size();
   188             }
   189         }
   191     // Concrete image layout
   193     if( attr.iAttributes & EAknsImageAttributeSize )
   194         {
   195         overridingSize = attr.iSize;
   196         }
   198     if( (attr.iAttributes & EAknsImageAttributeStretch) || 
   199           (attr.iAttributes & EAknsImageAttributeTileX) ||
   200             (attr.iAttributes & EAknsImageAttributeTileY) )
   201         {
   202         overridingSize = aTrgLayoutRect.Size();
   203         }
   205     TBool iconPreserved = EFalse;
   206     TRect imgRect( aTrgLayoutRect.iTl,
   207         GetSourceSize( overridingSize, aTrgLayoutRect.Size(), bdBmp, iconPreserved ) );
   208     if ( iconPreserved )
   209         {
   210         // Let's make room to the cleanupstack so that the following TCleanupItem
   211         // PushL never leaves.
   212         TRAPD( err,
   213             CleanupStack::PushL( static_cast<TAny*>(NULL) );
   214             CleanupStack::Pop(); // NULL
   215             );
   216         if ( err )
   217             {
   218             iconPreserved = EFalse;
   219             }
   220         else
   221             {
   222             // Now - this should never leave. Leavescan still complains about this, 
   223             // but it should be ignored.
   224             CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( DestroyPreservedIcon, bdBmp ) );
   225             }
   226         }
   228     if( attr.iAttributes & EAknsImageAttributeCoords )
   229         {
   230         imgRect.Move( attr.iCoords );
   231         }
   233     if( attr.iAttributes & EAknsImageAttributeAlign )
   234         {
   235         switch( attr.iAlignment & EAknsImageAlignVMask )
   236             {
   237             case EAknsImageAlignVBottom:
   238                 {
   239                 imgRect.Move( 0, aTrgLayoutRect.Height() - imgRect.Height() );
   240                 break;
   241                 }
   242             case EAknsImageAlignVCenter:
   243                 {
   244                 // Negative values should not appear, and thus "rounding to
   245                 // the wrong direction" is acceptable.
   246                 imgRect.Move( 0, ( aTrgLayoutRect.Height() -
   247                     imgRect.Height() ) >> 1 ); //lint !e702
   248                 break;
   249                 }
   250             default: // incl. EAknsImageAlignVTop
   251                 {
   252                 break;
   253                 }
   254             } //lint !e788 Default correct for unexpected values
   255         switch( attr.iAlignment & EAknsImageAlignHMask )
   256             {
   257             case EAknsImageAlignHRight:
   258                 {
   259                 imgRect.Move( aTrgLayoutRect.Width() - imgRect.Width(), 0 );
   260                 break;
   261                 }
   262             case EAknsImageAlignHCenter:
   263                 {
   264                 // Negative values should not appear, and thus "rounding to
   265                 // the wrong direction" is acceptable.
   266                 imgRect.Move( ( aTrgLayoutRect.Width() -
   267                     imgRect.Width() ) >> 1, 0 ); //lint !e702
   268                 break;
   269                 }
   270             default: // incl. EAknsImageAlignHLeft
   271                 {
   272                 break;
   273                 }
   274             } //lint !e788 Default correct for unexpected values
   275         }
   277     TRect uncroppedImgRect = imgRect;
   278     imgRect.Intersection( aTrgLayoutRect );
   280     AKNS_TRACE_INFO2("AknsScalabilityUtils::DPCI ImgRectSize=%i,%i", imgRect.Size().iWidth, imgRect.Size().iHeight );
   282     // Drawing
   284     if( (attr.iAttributes & EAknsImageAttributeTile) ||
   285         (attr.iAttributes & EAknsImageAttributeTileX) ||
   286         (attr.iAttributes & EAknsImageAttributeTileY) )
   287         {
   288         if( bdBmp )
   289             {
   290             TInt setSizeErr( KErrUnknown );
   292             if( attr.iAttributes & EAknsImageAttributeTile )
   293                 {
   294                 setSizeErr = AknIconUtils::SetSize( bdBmp,
   295                     uncroppedImgRect.Size(), EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
   296                 }
   297             else if( attr.iAttributes & EAknsImageAttributeTileX )
   298                 {
   299                 setSizeErr = AknIconUtils::SetSize( bdBmp,
   300                     TSize( KMaxTInt, aTrgLayoutRect.Height() ),
   301                     EAspectRatioPreservedAndUnusedSpaceRemoved );
   302                 }
   303             else if( attr.iAttributes & EAknsImageAttributeTileY )
   304                 {
   305                 setSizeErr = AknIconUtils::SetSize( bdBmp,
   306                     TSize( aTrgLayoutRect.Width(), KMaxTInt ),
   307                     EAspectRatioPreservedAndUnusedSpaceRemoved );
   308                 }
   309             // Destroy icon data
   310             if ( iconPreserved )
   311                 {
   312                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // DestroyPreservedIcon
   313                 }
   314             if( setSizeErr )
   315                 {
   316                 AKNS_TRACE_ERROR1("AknsScalabilityUtils::DPCI SetSize (in tiling) FAILED, err=%i", setSizeErr);
   317                 return EFalse;
   318                 }
   319             iconPreserved = EFalse;
   320             }
   322         if( aDrawParam&KAknsDrawParamPrepareOnly )
   323             {
   324             // Prepare only, return before drawing
   325             if ( iconPreserved )
   326                 {
   327                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // DestroyPreservedIcon
   328                 }
   329             return ETrue;
   330             }
   332         //lint --e{961} Valid logic
   333         // RGB-only drawing falls to next branch
   334         if( AknsUtils::IsDerivedType( EAknsITMaskedBitmap, type ) &&
   335             (!(aDrawParam&KAknsDrawParamRGBOnly)) )
   336             {
   337             // This fallback functionality draws tiled masked bitmaps.
   338             // It's known to be slow - therefore such elements are strongly
   339             // discouraged.
   340             CAknsMaskedBitmapItemData* bmpData =
   341                 static_cast<CAknsMaskedBitmapItemData*>(aImgData);
   343             aGc.SetClippingRect( aTrgDrawRect );
   344             aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
   346             TSize tileSize( bmpData->Bitmap()->SizeInPixels() );
   348             for( int tileY = aTrgLayoutRect.iTl.iY;
   349                 tileY < aTrgLayoutRect.iBr.iY;
   350                 tileY += tileSize.iHeight )
   351                 {
   352                 for( int tileX = aTrgLayoutRect.iTl.iX;
   353                     tileX < aTrgLayoutRect.iBr.iX;
   354                     tileX += tileSize.iWidth )
   355                     {
   356                     TRect tileRect( TPoint( tileX, tileY ), tileSize );
   357                     if( !tileRect.Intersects( aTrgDrawRect ) )
   358                         {
   359                         // Skip tiles that fall outside the drawing rectangle
   360                         continue;
   361                         }
   362                     if( aDrawParam&KAknsSDMAlphaOnly )
   363                         {
   364                         aGc.BitBlt( tileRect.iTl, bmpData->Mask(),
   365                             TRect( TPoint(0,0), tileSize ) );
   366                         }
   367                     else
   368                         {
   369                         aGc.BitBltMasked( tileRect.iTl, bmpData->Bitmap(),
   370                             TRect( TPoint(0,0), tileSize ),
   371                             bmpData->Mask(), ETrue );
   372                         }
   373                     }
   374                 }
   376             aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   377             aGc.CancelClippingRect();
   378             }
   379         else if( AknsUtils::IsDerivedType( EAknsITBitmap, type ) )
   380             {
   381             if( aDrawParam&KAknsSDMAlphaOnly )
   382                 {
   383                 // Do not draw anything
   384                 if ( iconPreserved )
   385                     {
   386                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // DestroyPreservedIcon
   387                     }
   388                 return ETrue;
   389                 }
   391             CAknsBitmapItemData* bmpData =
   392                 static_cast<CAknsBitmapItemData*>(aImgData);
   394             aGc.UseBrushPattern( bmpData->Bitmap() );
   395             aGc.SetBrushOrigin( aTrgLayoutRect.iTl );
   396             aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::EPatternedBrush);
   398             aGc.DrawRect( aTrgDrawRect );
   400             aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   401             aGc.DiscardBrushPattern();
   402             }
   403         }
   404     else
   405         {
   406         // Size must be set (to support SVG icons)
   407         // This also handles stretching of masks transparently
   408         if( AknsUtils::IsDerivedType( EAknsITBitmap, type ) )
   409             {
   410             CAknsBitmapItemData* bmpData =
   411                 static_cast<CAknsBitmapItemData*>(aImgData);
   412             if( AknIconUtils::SetSize( bmpData->Bitmap(),
   413                 imgRect.Size(), EAspectRatioNotPreserved ) )
   414                 {
   415                 AKNS_TRACE_ERROR("AknsScalabilityUtils::DPCI SetSize FAILED!");
   416                 if ( iconPreserved )
   417                     {
   418                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // DestroyPreservedIcon
   419                     }
   420                 return EFalse;
   421                 }
   422             }
   423         if( bdBmp )
   424             {
   425             // Destroy icon data
   426             if ( iconPreserved )
   427                 {
   428                 iconPreserved = EFalse;
   429                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // DestroyPreservedIcon
   430                 }
   431             }
   433         if( aDrawParam&KAknsDrawParamPrepareOnly )
   434             {
   435             // Prepare only, return before drawing
   436             if ( iconPreserved )
   437                 {
   438                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // DestroyPreservedIcon
   439                 }
   440             return ETrue;
   441             }
   443         TRect imgDrawRect = imgRect;
   444         imgDrawRect.Intersection( aTrgDrawRect );
   445         TPoint imgDrawPoint = imgDrawRect.iTl - uncroppedImgRect.iTl;
   448         TBool isMasked = AknsUtils::IsDerivedType( EAknsITMaskedBitmap, type);
   449         CAknsMaskedBitmapItemData* bmpData =
   450                 static_cast<CAknsMaskedBitmapItemData*>(aImgData);
   452         TRect drawrect = isChained ? TRect( imgDrawPoint + aImgData->DrawRect().iTl,imgDrawRect.Size() ) :
   453                                      TRect( imgDrawPoint,imgDrawRect.Size() );
   454         // RGB-only falls to next branch
   455         if( isMasked && bmpData->Mask()
   456             && (!(aDrawParam&KAknsDrawParamRGBOnly)) )
   457             {
   458             aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
   459             if( aDrawParam&KAknsSDMAlphaOnly)
   460                 {
   461                 aGc.BitBlt( imgDrawRect.iTl, bmpData->Mask(), drawrect );
   462                 }
   463             else
   464                 {
   465                 aGc.BitBltMasked( imgDrawRect.iTl, bmpData->Bitmap(), drawrect, bmpData->Mask(), ETrue );
   466                 }
   467             int m = bmpData->Bitmap()->DisplayMode();
   468             aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   469             }
   470         else if( AknsUtils::IsDerivedType( EAknsITBitmap, type ) )
   471             {
   472             if( aDrawParam&KAknsSDMAlphaOnly )
   473                 {
   474                 // Do not draw anything
   475                 if ( iconPreserved )
   476                     {
   477                     AknIconUtils::DestroyIconData( bdBmp );
   478                     }
   479                 return ETrue;
   480                 }
   482             CAknsBitmapItemData* bmpData2 =
   483                 static_cast<CAknsBitmapItemData*>(aImgData);
   484             int m = bmpData2->Bitmap()->DisplayMode();
   485             aGc.BitBlt(imgDrawRect.iTl, bmpData2->Bitmap(), drawrect );
   487             }
   488         }
   489     return ETrue;
   490     }
   492 // ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
   494 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   495 // CachedLayoutBitmap
   496 //
   497 // Retrieves a cached masked bitmap representing particular layout item
   498 // (or @c NULL if not found).
   499 //
   500 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   501 //
   502 CAknsImageItemData* CachedLayoutBitmap( CAknsAppSkinInstance* aSkin,
   503     const TAknsItemID& aIID, const TSize& /*aSize*/,
   504     const TSize& aLayoutSize, const TInt aLayout, TBool& aMorphingOut, const TBool& aLocalItem )
   505     {
   506     return aSkin->GetLayoutBitmap( aIID, aLayoutSize, aLayout, aMorphingOut, aLocalItem );
   507     }
   509 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
   511 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   512 // AknsScalabilityUtils::ProcessDefL
   513 // (commented in the header).
   514 // If additional handling is added - then might leave. Leave indication 'L'
   515 // left for future purposes.
   516 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   517 //
   518 CAknsItemDef* AknsScalabilityUtils::ProcessDefL( CAknsItemDef* aDef )
   519     {
   520     // INSERTION POINT for any additional handling
   521     return aDef;
   522     }
   524 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   525 // AknsScalabilityUtils::ConvertToBitmap
   526 // (commented in the header).
   527 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   528 //
   529 CAknsImageItemData* AknsScalabilityUtils::ConvertToBitmap(
   530     CAknsAppSkinInstance* aSkin, const TAknsItemID aIID,const TAknsBackground* aLayout)
   531     {
   532     AKNS_TRACE_INFO2("AknsScalabilityUtils::ConvertToBitmap Called for item %x %x", aIID.iMajor, aIID.iMinor );
   534     //  Comment out so that client can always get image
   535     //  aSkin->BeginRender is used later for sync,Refer bug EHLU-7GBDRY&ESNN-7HN92G
   536     //if( aSkin->IsUpdateInProgress() )
   537     //    {
   538     //    AKNS_TRACE_INFO("AknsScalabilityUtils::ConvertToBitmap Update in progress, exiting immediately." );
   539     //    return NULL;
   540     //    }
   542     CAknsImageItemData* renderedData = NULL;
   544     CAknsRlMasterLayout* masterLayout = aSkin->MasterLayout();
   545     TInt layoutType = masterLayout->CurrentLayoutType();
   546     TSize layoutSize = masterLayout->CurrentLayoutSize();
   548     if (aIID == KAknsIIDQsnBgScreen && aLayout)
   549         {
   550         const TSize QvgaPrtSize = TSize(240,320);
   551         const TSize QhdPrtSize = TSize(360,640);
   552         if ( layoutSize == QvgaPrtSize && aLayout->iRect.Size() == QhdPrtSize)
   553             {
   554             //Change Compatible Qvga background to a Qhd background
   555             const TInt QhdLayoutType = 0x10283389;    
   556             layoutType = QhdLayoutType; //Qhd LayoutType
   557             layoutSize = QhdPrtSize;//Qhd Protrait Size
   558             }
   559         }
   560     aSkin->BeginRender();
   562     TRect ignored1;
   563     TBool ignored2;
   564     TBool ignored3 = EFalse;
   565     TRAPD( renderErr, ( renderedData=RecursiveCacheRenderL(
   566         aSkin, aIID, layoutType, *(masterLayout), layoutSize, ignored1, ignored2, ignored3 ) ) );
   568     aSkin->EndRender();
   570     if( renderErr )
   571         {
   572         AKNS_TRACE_ERROR1("AknsScalabilityUtils::ConvertToBitmap Rendering error %i", renderErr );
   573         }
   575     return renderedData;
   576     }
   578 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   579 // AknsScalabilityUtils::ConcreteEffectQueue
   580 // (commented in the header).
   581 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   582 //
   583 TAknsItemID AknsScalabilityUtils::ConcreteEffectQueue(
   584     CAknsAppSkinInstance* aSkin, const TAknsItemID& aIID )
   585     {
   586     TAknsItemID iid = aIID;
   587     TInt findLevel = 0;
   588     while( findLevel < KAknsSURecursionLimit )
   589         {
   590         // First, check whether this is a morphing element
   591         CAknsAnimationItemData* adata = static_cast<CAknsAnimationItemData*>(
   592             aSkin->GetCachedItemData( iid, EAknsITAnimation ) );
   593         if( adata && adata->Morphing() )
   594             {
   595             return iid;
   596             }
   598         // Otherwise, search for scalable item
   599         CAknsEffectQueueItemData* data =
   600             static_cast<CAknsEffectQueueItemData*>(
   601             aSkin->GetCachedItemData( iid, EAknsITEffectQueue ) );
   602         if( !data )
   603             {
   604             // Not found
   605             AKNS_TRACE_INFO2("AknsScalabilityUtils::ConcreteEffectQueue No data found for %x %x", iid.iMajor, iid.iMinor );
   606             return KAknsIIDNone;
   607             }
   609         TAknsItemID refIid = data->RefItem();
   610         if( refIid == KAknsIIDDefault )
   611             {
   612             // Concrete item
   613             return iid;
   614             }
   615         else
   616             {
   617             iid = refIid;
   618             }
   619         }
   621     AKNS_TRACE_ERROR2("AknsScalabilityUtils::ConcreteEffectQueue SEARCH LIMIT EXCEEDED for %x %x", aIID.iMajor, aIID.iMinor );
   622     return KAknsIIDNone;
   623     }
   625 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   626 // AknsScalabilityUtils::GetBackwardCompatibilityColor
   627 // (commented in the header).
   628 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   629 //
   630 TBool AknsScalabilityUtils::GetBackwardCompatibilityColor(
   631     MAknsSkinInstance* aInstance, TRgb& aRgb,
   632     const TAknsItemID& aID, const TInt aIndex )
   633     {
   634     CAknsColorTableItemData* colorData = static_cast<CAknsColorTableItemData*>(
   635         aInstance->GetCachedItemData(
   636         KAknsIIDQsnComponentColors, EAknsITColorTable ) );
   637     // If there is no old table or it's marked NBC, do not use it.
   638     if( (!colorData)
   639         || (colorData->Attributes()->iAttributes&EAknsImageAttributeNBC) )
   640         {
   641         return EFalse;
   642         }
   644     TInt ccIndex = KErrNotFound;
   645     if( aID == KAknsIIDQsnIconColors )
   646         {
   647         switch( aIndex )
   648             {
   649             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG1:  // icon #1    main area; idle    status indicators    #215
   650                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG1; // #1 status indicators
   651                 break;
   652             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG2:  // icon #2    status area    universal indicator pane icons    #215
   653             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG3:  // icon #3    status area    reception off icon    #215
   654                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG3; // #3 universal status indicators
   655                 break;
   656             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG4:  // icon #4    navi pane    editing state icons    #0
   657             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG5:  // icon #5    navi pane    signal iconpacket data indications    #0
   658             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG6:  // icon #6    navi pane    battery icon    #0
   659             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG7:  // icon #7    navi pane    other navi pane icons (e.g. tab 1 icons)    #0
   660             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG20: // icon #20    stacon area    universal indicator pane icons    #0
   661             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG21: // icon #21    stacon area    reception off icon    #0
   662             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG22: // icon #22    stacon navi pane    editing state icons    #0
   663             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG23: // icon #23    stacon navi pane    signal iconpacket data indications    #0
   664             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG24: // icon #24    stacon navi pane    battery icon    #0
   665             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG25: // icon #25    stacon navi pane    other navi pane icons (e.g. tab 1 icons)    #0
   666                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG2; // #2 navi pane text, editing state icons, navi pane arrows, other navi pane icons, gprs indications, tab 1 icons
   667                 break;
   668             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG8:  // icon #8    active tab    active tab icon colour    #215
   669                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG6a; // #6a tab 2 icons, tab 3 icons, tab 4 icons (active)
   670                 break;
   671             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG9:  // icon #9    passive tab    passive tab icon colour    #243
   672                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG6b; // #6b tab 2 icons, tab 3 icons, tab 4 icons (passive)
   673                 break;
   674             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG10: // icon #10    popup window    query editing state icons    #210
   675                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG4; // #4 query editing state icons
   676                 break;
   677             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG11: // icon #11    call graphics    call status icons    #215
   678                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG5; // #5 call status icons
   679                 break;
   680             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG12: // icon #12
   681                 // Intentionally unassigned, use default
   682                 break;
   683             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG13: // icon #13    main area    additional list icons    #215
   684             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG14: // icon #14    settings popup list    checkbox, radio button    #215
   685             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG15: // icon #15    form popup list    checkbox, radio button    #215
   686             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG16: // icon #16    list highlight    additional list iconsform checkbox, radio button    #215
   687             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG17: // icon #17    grid highlight    additional list iconsgms images    #215
   688             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG19: // icon #19    calendar views    additional list icons    #215
   689                 // Although there is BC item (#11), do not use it
   690                 // Old skins do not necessarily define correct main pane colors
   691                 break;
   692             case EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG18: // icon #18    setting list highlight    checkbox, radio button    #0
   693                 // Intentionally unassigned, use default
   694                 break;
   695             }
   696         }
   697     else if( aID == KAknsIIDQsnTextColors )
   698         {
   699         switch( aIndex )
   700             {
   701             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG1:  // text #1    status area    title text    #215
   702             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG36: // text #36  status area title text in idle #215
   703                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG10; // #10 title font color
   704                 break;
   705             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG2:  // text #2    navi pane    navi pane texts    #0
   706             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG37: // text #37  stacon area title text  #0
   707             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG38: // text #38  stacon area title text in idle #0
   708             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG39: // text #39  stacon area top softkey text    #0
   709             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG40: // text #40  stacon area bottom softkey text    #0
   710             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG41: // text #41  stacon area top softkey text in idle #0
   711             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG42: // text #42  stacon area bottom softkey text in idle #0
   712             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG43: // text #43  stacon navi pane text   #0
   713                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG2; // #2 navi pane text, editing state icons, navi pane arrows, other navi pane icons, gprs indications, tab 1 icons
   714                 break;
   715             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG3:  // text #3    active tab    active tab text    #215
   716                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG6a; // #6a tab 2 icons, tab 3 icons, tab 4 icons (active)
   717                 break;
   718             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG4:  // text #4    passive tab    passive tab text    #243
   719                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG6b; // #6b tab 2 icons, tab 3 icons, tab 4 icons (passive)
   720                 break;
   721             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG5:  // text #5    power save state    time/date power save text    #0
   722                 // Intentionally unassigned, use default
   723                 break;
   724             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG6:  // text #6    main area    main area texts    #215
   725             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG7:  // text #7    settings popup list    settings list item text    #215
   726             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG8:  // text #8    form popup listform input field    form list item textform data entry text    #215
   727             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG9:  // text #9    application grid    unfocused application title texts     #215
   728             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG10: // text #10    list highlight    list texts    #215
   729             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG11: // text #11    grid highlight    grid text     #215
   730             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG22: // text #22    calendar month viewcalendar day view    active month day numbersday view list items    #215
   731             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG23: // text #23    calendar month viewcalendar week view    day abbreviationshoursweek numbers    #215
   732             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG33: // text #33    pinboard/list view    item title    #215
   733             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG35: // text #35  active idle text    #215
   734                 // Although there are BC item (#11, #14, #15), do not use them
   735                 // Old skins do not necessarily define correct main pane colors
   736                 break;
   737             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG12: // text #12    settings popup list highlight;settings list item value box    settings value item text    #0
   738                 // Intentionally unassigned, use default
   739                 break;
   740             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG13: // text #13    control pane general    left softkey text    #215
   741             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG14: // text #14    control pane general    right softkey text    #215
   742             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG15: // text #15    control pane idle    left softkey text    #215
   743             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG16: // text #16  control pane idle    right softkey text    #215
   744             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG17: // text #17    control pane popup windows    left softkey text    #215
   745             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG18: // text #18    control pane popup windows    right softkey text    #215
   746                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG12; // #12 softkey texts
   747                 break;
   748             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG19: // text #19    popup windows    popup windows text    #215
   749             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG20: // text #20    submenu popup windows    submenu texts    #215
   750                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG13; // #13 popup windows text
   751                 break;
   752             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG21: // text #21    calendar month view    passive month day numbers    #221
   753                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG16; // #16 calendar month view passive month numbers
   754                 break;
   755             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG24: // text #24    cut/copy/paste highlight    copied text    #0
   756                 // Intentionally unassigned, use default
   757                 break;
   758             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG25: // text #25    find pane    search string text    #215
   759             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG26: // text #26    settings input field    setting text entry    #215
   760             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG27: // text #27    query input field    query text entry    #215
   761             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG32: // text #32    pinboard input field    item title/find string    #215
   762                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG18; // #18 search string text, text input, code/date/time entry
   763                 break;
   764             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG28: // text #28    power save mode    time/date shadow text    #215
   765                 // Intentionally unassigned, use default
   766                 break;
   767             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG29: // text #29    calculator paper     operator/operand    #215
   768                 // Intentionally unassigned, use default
   769                 break;
   770             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG30: // text #30    calculator display    result    #210
   771                 // Intentionally unassigned, use default
   772                 break;
   773             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG31: // text #31  calculator display    result shadow    #219
   774                 // Intentionally unassigned, use default
   775                 break;
   776             case EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG34: // text #34    notepad    note text    #215
   777                 // Intentionally unassigned, use default
   778                 break;
   779             }
   780         }
   781     else if( aID == KAknsIIDQsnLineColors )
   782         {
   783         switch( aIndex )
   784             {
   785             case EAknsCIQsnLineColorsCG1: // line #1    calendar day/week/month view    lines     #215
   786             case EAknsCIQsnLineColorsCG3: // line #3    heading pane    heading pane separator line    #215
   787             case EAknsCIQsnLineColorsCG6: // line #6    lists    column separator lines    #215
   788             case EAknsCIQsnLineColorsCG7: // line #7    setting list    column separator lines    #215
   789                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG7; // #7 separator lines, primary separator lines
   790                 break;
   791             case EAknsCIQsnLineColorsCG2: // line #2    calendar day/week/month view    lines     #221
   792             case EAknsCIQsnLineColorsCG4: // line #4    main pane    grid cell separator lines    #221
   793             case EAknsCIQsnLineColorsCG5: // line #5    popup windows    grid cell separator lines    #221
   794             case EAknsCIQsnLineColorsCG11: // line #11    popup     separator line in options menu    #221
   795                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG8; // #8 separator lines, secondary separator lines
   796                 break;
   797             case EAknsCIQsnLineColorsCG8: // line #8    form    slider line     #215
   798             case EAknsCIQsnLineColorsCG9: // line #9    settings list    value item slider line    #215
   799             case EAknsCIQsnLineColorsCG10: // line #10    opened settings list    value item slider line    #215
   800                 // Intentionally unassigned, use default
   801                 break;
   802             }
   803         }
   804     else if( aID == KAknsIIDQsnOtherColors )
   805         {
   806         switch( aIndex )
   807             {
   808             case EAknsCIQsnOtherColorsCG1: // other #1    calendar week view    public event    #35
   809                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG20; // #20 public event
   810                 break;
   811             case EAknsCIQsnOtherColorsCG2: // other #2    calendar week view    private event    #210
   812                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG21; // #21 private event
   813                 break;
   814             case EAknsCIQsnOtherColorsCG3: // other #3    calendar week view    not synchronized event    #35 dimmed
   815                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG22; // #22 not synchronized event
   816                 break;
   817             case EAknsCIQsnOtherColorsCG4: // other #4    calendar week view    2 or more events overlapping    #215
   818                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG23; // #23 2 or more events overlapping
   819                 break;
   820             case EAknsCIQsnOtherColorsCG5: // other #5    calendar month view    event indication on focused month    #215
   821             case EAknsCIQsnOtherColorsCG6: // other #6    calendar month view    event indication on unfocused month    #221
   822                 // Intentionally unassigned, use default
   823                 break;
   824             }
   825         }
   826     else if( aID == KAknsIIDQsnHighlightColors )
   827         {
   828         switch( aIndex )
   829             {
   830             case EAknsCIQsnHighlightColorsCG1: // highlight #1    link highlight     browser link highlight colour; japanese fep predictive candidate indication;automatic find item indcation    #244
   831                 // Intentionally unassigned, use default
   832                 break;
   833             case EAknsCIQsnHighlightColorsCG2: // highlight #2    cut/copy/paste     cut/copy/paste highlight    #210
   834                 ccIndex = EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG17; // #17 input, text entry
   835                 break;
   836             case EAknsCIQsnHighlightColorsCG3: // highlight #3    link indication    link text and underline indication    #210
   837                 // Intentionally unassigned, use default
   838                 break;
   839             }
   840         }
   842     if( ccIndex >= 0 )
   843         {
   844         TRAPD( err, colorData->GetColorL( ccIndex, aRgb ) );
   845         if( err == KErrNone )
   846             {
   847             return ETrue;
   848             }
   849         }
   851     return EFalse;
   852     }
   854 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   855 // AknsScalabilityUtils::RecursiveCacheRenderL
   856 // (commented in the header).
   857 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   858 //
   859 CAknsImageItemData* AknsScalabilityUtils::RecursiveCacheRenderL(
   860     CAknsAppSkinInstance* aSkin, const TAknsItemID aIID,
   861     const TInt aLayoutType,
   862     CAknsRlMasterLayout& aLayoutMaster, const TSize& aLayoutSize, TRect& aRectOut, TBool& aMorphingOut, TBool& aLocalItem )
   863     {
   864     AKNS_TRACE_INFO2("AknsScalabilityUtils::RecursiveCacheRenderL (START) Rendering %x %x", aIID.iMajor, aIID.iMinor );
   866     if ( aIID == KAknsIIDWallpaper ) 
   867         {
   868         aSkin->ReleaseItem( KAknsIIDWallpaper );	
   869         }
   871     CAknsItemDef* itemToFind = NULL;
   873     if (aSkin->iLocalItemDefArray.Count() && !aLocalItem )
   874         {
   875         TInt index = 0;
   877         itemToFind = CAknsItemDef::NewL( aIID );
   878         if( (aSkin->iLocalItemDefArray.FindInOrder( itemToFind, index,
   879                 CAknsItemDef::LinearOrder ) == KErrNone) )
   880             {
   881             aLocalItem = ETrue;
   882             }
   883         delete itemToFind;
   884         }
   886     TBool morphing( EFalse );
   888     TAknsItemID thisIid = ConcreteEffectQueue( aSkin, aIID );
   889     TBool hasData( ETrue );
   890     if( thisIid == KAknsIIDNone )
   891         {
   892         AKNS_TRACE_INFO2("AknsScalabilityUtils::RecursiveCacheRenderL No concrete item found for %x %x", aIID.iMajor, aIID.iMinor );
   893         hasData = EFalse;
   894         thisIid = aIID;
   895         }
   898     TAknsItemID parent = aLayoutMaster.GetParent( thisIid );
   899     TRect parentRect;
   900     CAknsImageItemData* parentData = NULL;
   902     if( parent == KAknsIIDDefault )
   903         {
   904         // Item can not be rendered (no definite parent)
   905         AKNS_TRACE_ERROR2("AknsScalabilityUtils::RecursiveCacheRenderL Can not render, no parent for %x %x", thisIid.iMajor, thisIid.iMinor );
   906         User::Leave( KAknsSURErrNoParent );
   907         }
   908     else if( parent != KAknsIIDNone )
   909         {
   910         TBool parentMorphing( EFalse );
   911         parentData = RecursiveCacheRenderL( aSkin, parent, aLayoutType,
   912             aLayoutMaster, aLayoutSize, parentRect, parentMorphing, aLocalItem );
   913         if( parentMorphing ) morphing = ETrue;
   914         }
   915     else
   916         {
   917         // Root element (KAknsIIDNone)
   918         parentRect = TRect(0,0,KMaxTInt,KMaxTInt);
   919         if( !hasData )
   920             {
   921             AKNS_TRACE_ERROR2("AknsScalabilityUtils::RecursiveCacheRenderL Root element has no data %x %x", thisIid.iMajor, thisIid.iMinor );
   922             User::Leave( KAknsSURErrNoData );
   923             }
   924         }
   926     // First get the layout
   928     TRect rect;
   929     if( aLayoutMaster.GetItemLayout( thisIid, parentRect, rect ) == EFalse )
   930         {
   931         AKNS_TRACE_ERROR2("AknsScalabilityUtils::RecursiveCacheRenderL Can not render, no layout for %x %x", thisIid.iMajor, thisIid.iMinor );
   932         User::Leave( KAknsSURErrNoLayout );
   933         }
   934     aRectOut = rect;
   936     // If already rendered, nothing further to do
   937     TBool bitmapMorphing( EFalse );
   938     CAknsImageItemData* existingData = CachedLayoutBitmap( aSkin, thisIid,
   939         rect.Size(), aLayoutSize, aLayoutType, bitmapMorphing, aLocalItem );
   940     if( bitmapMorphing ) morphing = ETrue;
   941     if( existingData )
   942         {
   943         aMorphingOut = morphing;
   944         return existingData;
   945         }
   947     // Otherwise, start rendering
   949     CAknsMaskedBitmapItemData* thisData = CAknsMaskedBitmapItemData::NewL();
   950     CleanupStack::PushL( thisData ); // (1)
   952      // if this item is "empty" and parent has data
   953     if (!hasData && parentData)
   954         {
   955         // parent is the root element, or
   956         // parent has rendered itself
   957         if (parentData->ParentIID() == KAknsIIDNone)
   958             {
   959             thisData->SetDrawRect(aRectOut);
   960             thisData->SetParentIID(parent);
   961             }
   962         else
   963             {
   964             if (parentRect.iTl != TPoint(0,0) && aRectOut.iTl == TPoint(0,0))
   965                 {
   966                 thisData->SetDrawRect(TRect(parentRect.iTl,aRectOut.Size()));
   967                 }
   968             else
   969                 {
   970                 thisData->SetDrawRect(aRectOut);
   971                 }
   972             thisData->SetParentIID(parentData->ParentIID());
   973             }
   974         thisData->SetBitmap(NULL);
   975         thisData->SetMask(NULL);
   977         TAknsImageAttributeData attributes;
   978         attributes.iAttributes = EAknsImageAttributeNBC;
   979         thisData->SetAttributesL( attributes );
   980         CleanupStack::Pop( thisData );
   981         aSkin->AddLayoutBitmapL( thisIid, thisData, aLayoutType, aLayoutSize, morphing, aLocalItem );
   982         // Skin instance may choose to re-create the item, thus re-fetch
   983         aMorphingOut = morphing;
   984         return CachedLayoutBitmap( aSkin, thisIid, rect.Size(),
   985             aLayoutSize, aLayoutType, morphing, aLocalItem );
   986         }
   988     CAknsEffectQueueItemData* queue = NULL;
   989     TBool queueOwned( EFalse );
   990     if( hasData )
   991         {
   992         queue = static_cast<CAknsEffectQueueItemData*>(
   993             aSkin->GetCachedItemData( thisIid, EAknsITEffectQueue ) );
   994         if( !queue )
   995             {
   996             // If no queue exists, if may be a morphing item
   997             CAknsAnimationItemData* animation = NULL;
   998             animation = static_cast<CAknsAnimationItemData*>(
   999                 aSkin->GetCachedItemData( thisIid, EAknsITAnimation ) );
  1000             if( animation && animation->Morphing() )
  1001                 {
  1002                 // Fetch timestamp
  1003                 TTime timeStamp;
  1004                 CAknsStringItemData* ttData =
  1005                     static_cast<CAknsStringItemData*>(
  1006                     aSkin->CreateUncachedItemDataL(
  1007                     KAknsIIDPropertyMorphingTime, EAknsITString ) );
  1008                 CleanupStack::PushL( ttData );
  1009                 if( ttData )
  1010                     {
  1011                     const TUint* hiPtr = reinterpret_cast<const TUint*>(ttData->String().Ptr());
  1012                     const TUint* loPtr = hiPtr+1;
  1013                     timeStamp = MAKE_TINT64( *hiPtr, *loPtr );
  1014                     }
  1015                 else
  1016                     {
  1017                     // In case the server did not update timestamp, use hometime
  1018                     timeStamp.HomeTime();
  1019                     }
  1020                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ttData );
  1022                 // Convert to queue
  1023                 queue = AknsAlConversionUtil::AnimationToEffectQueueL( *animation, timeStamp );
  1025                 // Queue is now owned by us
  1026                 CleanupStack::PushL( queue );
  1027                 queueOwned = ETrue;
  1029                 morphing = ETrue;
  1030                 }
  1031             }
  1033         if( !queue )
  1034             {
  1035             // Still no data, abort
  1036             AKNS_TRACE_ERROR2("AknsScalabilityUtils::RecursiveCacheRenderL Existing data vanished %x %x", thisIid.iMajor, thisIid.iMinor );
  1037             User::Leave( KAknsSURErrNoData );
  1038             }
  1039         }
  1041     MAknsRlRenderer* renderer = aSkin->DefaultRenderer();
  1043     CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
  1044     CFbsBitmap* alpha = NULL;
  1046     MAknsRlCommandIterator* commands = NULL;
  1047     TInt inputLayer = 0;
  1048     TInt outputLayer = 0;
  1049     if( hasData )
  1050         {
  1051         commands = queue->CreateCommandIteratorL();
  1052         inputLayer = queue->InputLayer();
  1053         outputLayer = queue->OutputLayer();
  1054         }
  1055     CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem(
  1056         MAknsRlCommandIterator::CleanupOperation, commands ) ); // (2)
  1058     CFbsBitmap* parentBitmap = NULL;
  1059     CFbsBitmap* parentAlpha = NULL;
  1060     CAknsImageItemData* realParent = parentData;
  1061     TRect realRect = rect;
  1062     if (parentData&& parentData->ParentIID() != KAknsIIDNone)
  1063         {
  1064         realParent = CachedLayoutBitmap( aSkin, parentData->ParentIID(), rect.Size(),
  1065             aLayoutSize, aLayoutType, morphing, aLocalItem );
  1066         if (!realParent)
  1067             {
  1068             TAknsItemID concreteiid = ConcreteEffectQueue( aSkin, parentData->ParentIID() );
  1069             realParent = CachedLayoutBitmap( aSkin, concreteiid, rect.Size(),
  1070                 aLayoutSize, aLayoutType, morphing, aLocalItem );
  1071             }
  1072         if (hasData)
  1073             {
  1074             if (realParent && realParent->ParentIID() == KAknsIIDNone && aRectOut.iTl == TPoint(0,0))
  1075                 {
  1076                 realRect = parentRect;
  1077                 }
  1078             if (inputLayer >= 0 && parentData->ParentIID() != KAknsIIDNone)
  1079                 {
  1080                 // input layer present and the parent is not a root element,
  1081                 // need to adjust the realrect
  1082                 if (realRect.iTl != parentRect.iTl)
  1083                     {
  1084                     realRect.iTl.iY+=parentRect.iTl.iY;
  1085                     realRect.iBr.iY+=parentRect.iTl.iY;
  1086                     }
  1087                 }
  1088             }
  1089         }
  1090     // Bitmap and mask is being created, no leaves allowed
  1091     if( realParent &&
  1092         AknsUtils::IsDerivedType( EAknsITBitmap, realParent->Type() ) )
  1093         {
  1094         parentBitmap = static_cast<CAknsBitmapItemData*>(
  1095             realParent)->Bitmap();
  1096         if( AknsUtils::IsDerivedType( EAknsITMaskedBitmap, realParent->Type() ) )
  1097             {
  1098             parentAlpha = static_cast<CAknsMaskedBitmapItemData*>(
  1099                 realParent)->Mask();
  1100             }
  1101         TInt rendererErr = renderer->RenderItemWithBackground(
  1102             bitmap, alpha, outputLayer, commands, rect.Size(),
  1103             parentBitmap, parentAlpha, realRect, inputLayer );
  1104         if( rendererErr )
  1105             {
  1106             AKNS_TRACE_ERROR3("AknScalabilityUtils::RecursiveCacheRenderL Renderer (RIWB) for %x %x exited with ERROR %i", thisIid.iMajor, thisIid.iMinor, rendererErr );
  1107             User::Leave( rendererErr );
  1108             }
  1109         }
  1110     else
  1111         {
  1112         // Root element
  1113         TInt rendererErr = renderer->RenderItem(
  1114             bitmap, alpha,
  1115             outputLayer, commands, rect.Size() );
  1116         if( rendererErr )
  1117             {
  1118             AKNS_TRACE_ERROR3("AknScalabilityUtils::RecursiveCacheRenderL Renderer (RI) for %x %x exited with ERROR %i", thisIid.iMajor, thisIid.iMinor, rendererErr );
  1119             User::Leave( rendererErr );
  1120             }
  1121         }
  1123     thisData->DestroyAndSetBitmap( bitmap );
  1124     thisData->DestroyAndSetMask( alpha );
  1125     // Leaves are OK after this point
  1127     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // commands (1)
  1129     // Adjust data according to queue setup
  1130     if( hasData )
  1131         {
  1132         switch( queue->OutputLayerMode() )
  1133             {
  1134             case KAknsRlLayerRGBA:
  1135                 // Do nothing
  1136                 AKNS_TRACE_INFO("AknsScalabilityUtils::RecursiveCacheRenderL No adjustment necessary");
  1137                 break;
  1138             case KAknsRlLayerRGBOnly:
  1139                 // Drop alpha
  1140                 thisData->DestroyAndSetMask( NULL );
  1141                 AKNS_TRACE_INFO("AknsScalabilityUtils::RecursiveCacheRenderL Alpha-output dropped");
  1142                 break;
  1143             default:
  1144                 AKNS_TRACE_ERROR1("AknsScalabilityUtils::RecursiveCacheRenderL Invalid output mode %i", queue->OutputLayerMode() );
  1145                 break;
  1146             }
  1147         }
  1148     else
  1149         {
  1150         // No data, but parent exists (with bitmap but no mask)
  1151         if( realParent && parentBitmap && (!parentAlpha) )
  1152             {
  1153             // Drop alpha
  1154             thisData->DestroyAndSetMask( NULL );
  1155             AKNS_TRACE_INFO("AknsScalabilityUtils::RecursiveCacheRenderL Fall-through alpha-output dropped");
  1156             }
  1157         else
  1158             {
  1159             AKNS_TRACE_INFO("AknsScalabilityUtils::RecursiveCacheRenderL No fall-through adjustment necessary");
  1160             }
  1161         }
  1163     // Post-processing, only if compression is defined
  1164     AknIconConfig::CompressIfPreferred(thisData->Bitmap(), thisData->Mask());
  1166     // Disable backward compatibility, size should be already correct
  1167     TAknsImageAttributeData attributes;
  1168     attributes.iAttributes = EAknsImageAttributeNBC;
  1169     thisData->SetAttributesL( attributes );
  1171     // Destroy owned queue, if any
  1172     if( queueOwned )
  1173         {
  1174         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( queue );
  1175         }
  1177     // Ownership transfer
  1178     CleanupStack::Pop( thisData ); // thisData (0)
  1179     aSkin->AddLayoutBitmapL( thisIid, thisData, aLayoutType, aLayoutSize, morphing, aLocalItem );
  1181     // Skin instance may choose to re-create the item, thus re-fetch
  1182     aMorphingOut = morphing;
  1183     return CachedLayoutBitmap( aSkin, thisIid, rect.Size(),
  1184         aLayoutSize, aLayoutType, morphing, aLocalItem );
  1185     }
  1187 //  End of File