changeset 0 05e9090e2422
child 10 08459e712984
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:05e9090e2422
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Skin server utils class.
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include <f32file.h>
    21 #include <bautils.h>
    23 #include <e32math.h>
    24 #include <DRMRights.h>
    26 #include <DRMHelper.h>
    27 #include <caf/caf.h>
    28 #include <caf/rightsinfo.h>
    30 #include "AknsSrvUtils.h"
    31 #include "AknsSrv.h"
    32 #include "AknsSrvDescriptorFileLayout.h"
    33 #include <AknsSkinUID.h>
    34 #include "AknsDriveMaster.h"
    37 #include "AknsDebug.h"
    39 #include <centralrepository.h>
    40 #include <AknSkinsInternalCRKeys.h>
    41 #include <AknsConstants.h>
    43 // Maximum lenght of uri.
    44 const TInt KMaxContentUriLength = 256;
    46 // Length of extension (including preceding dot).
    47 const TInt KExtensionLength = 4;
    49 // Mif-file extension
    50 _LIT( KAknsSkinSrvMifFileExt, ".mif" );
    52 const TInt KAknsDummySkinPkgID = 0x70000000;
    54 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    56 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 // AknsSrvUtils::CheckAHOverrideFlag
    58 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59 //
    60 TBool AknsSrvUtils::CheckAHOverrideFlagL( CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile )
    61     {
    62     TUint8 ahflag = GetUInt8L( aFile, EAknsSrvDFOSkinSkinType );
    64     if ( (ahflag&2) !=0 )
    65         {
    66         return ETrue;
    67         }
    68     else
    69         {
    70         return EFalse;
    71         }
    72     }
    74 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    75 // AknsSrvUtils::SearchSkinsL
    76 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    77 //
    78 void AknsSrvUtils::SearchSkinsL(
    79     RFs& aRfs, const TDesC& aBasePath, const TDesC& aDirName,
    80     CDesCArray* aSkinFiles )
    81     {
    82     SearchSkinsL( aRfs, aBasePath, aDirName, KSKNPostFix, aSkinFiles );
    83     }
    85 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 // AknsSrvUtils::SearchDirectoriesL
    87 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    88 //
    89 void AknsSrvUtils::SearchDirectoriesL(
    90     RFs& aRFs, const TDesC& aPath, CDesCArray* aSkinFiles )
    91     {
    92     SearchDirectoriesL( aRFs, aPath, KSKNPostFix, aSkinFiles );
    93     }
    95 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96 // AknsSrvUtils::GetSkinPIDL
    97 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98 //
    99 TAknsPkgID AknsSrvUtils::GetSkinPIDL(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile)
   100     {
   101     TInt number = GetInt32L( aFile, EAknsSrvDFOSkinSkinPID1 );
   102     TInt timestamp = GetInt32L( aFile, EAknsSrvDFOSkinSkinPID2 );
   104     TAknsPkgID pid;
   105     pid.Set( timestamp, number );
   106     return pid;
   107     }
   109 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   110 // AknsSrvUtils::BuildSkinInfoPackagesL
   111 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   112 //
   113 void AknsSrvUtils::BuildSkinInfoPackagesL(
   114     CArrayPtr<TAknsSrvSkinInfoPkg>* aSkinInfo, CDesCArray* aSkinArray,
   115     RFs& aFileSession, CDRMHelper& aDrmHelper )
   116     {
   117     AKNS_TRACE_INFO("AknsSrvUtils::BuildSkinInfoPackagesL BEGIN" );
   118     TAknsSrvSkinInfoPkg* infopkg = NULL;
   120     // Read default skin PID.
   121     CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidPersonalisation );
   122     TInt value = 0;
   123     TBuf<32> buf;
   124     TAknsPkgID defaultSkin = KAknsNullPkgID;
   126     TInt err = repository->Get( KPslnDefaultSkinUID, buf );
   127     if ( err != KErrNone || buf.Length() < 8 )
   128         {
   129         err = repository->Get( KPslnDefaultSkinID, value );
   130         if( err == KErrNone )
   131             {
   132             defaultSkin.Set( TUid::Uid( value ) );
   133             }
   134         }
   135     else
   136         {
   137         TInt bufLength = buf.Length();
   138         // If its 8 characters long, its UID.
   139         // PIDs are 16 characters (8 ID + 8 timestamp)
   140         if ( bufLength == 8 )
   141             {
   142             // Let's try to set it directly as Hex.
   143             TLex hexLex( buf );
   144             TUint pid;
   145             err = hexLex.Val( pid, EHex );
   146             if (!err)
   147                 {
   148                 // UIDs have no timestamp.
   149                 defaultSkin.Set( 0, pid );
   150                 }
   151             }
   152         else
   153             {
   154             // The skin PID is set in CenRep in format <PID1><PID2> and
   155             // values are in hex.
   156             TLex lex ( buf.Left( 8 ) );
   157             TLex lex2 ( buf.Right( 8 ) );
   158             TUint pid;
   159             TUint timeStamp;
   160             err = lex.Val( pid, EHex );
   161             if ( !err )
   162                 {
   163                 err = lex2.Val( timeStamp, EHex );
   164                 }
   165             if ( !err )
   166                 {
   167                 defaultSkin.Set( timeStamp, pid );
   168                 }
   169             }        
   170         }
   171     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );  
   173     for( TInt skincount=0; skincount<aSkinArray->Count(); skincount++ )
   174         {
   175         TRAPD( err2, (infopkg=BuildSkinInfoPackageL(
   176             aSkinArray->MdcaPoint(skincount), aDrmHelper, aFileSession ) ) );
   177         TBool fabricated = EFalse;
   179         if( err2 != KErrNone )
   180             {
   181             // Fabricate skin information, since the array must contain
   182             // items for broken skins as well (to ensure that they can
   183             // be deleted).
   184             TInt index = aSkinArray->MdcaPoint(skincount).LocateReverse('\\');
   185             TPtrC filedir;
   186             filedir.Set( aSkinArray->MdcaPoint(skincount).Left(index) );
   187             TPtrC filename;
   188             filename.Set( aSkinArray->MdcaPoint(skincount).Mid(index+1) );
   190             infopkg = new (ELeave) TAknsSrvSkinInfoPkg;
   191             infopkg->iPID = KAknsNullPkgID;
   192             infopkg->iColorSchemePID = KAknsPIDColorBlue;
   193             infopkg->iSkinDirectoryBuf = filedir;
   194             infopkg->iSkinIniFileDirectoryBuf = filedir;
   195             infopkg->iSkinNameBuf = filename;
   196             infopkg->iIdleStateWallPaperImageName = KNullDesC;
   197             infopkg->iFullName = KNullDesC;
   198             infopkg->iIsCopyable = EFalse;
   199             infopkg->iIsDeletable = ETrue;
   200             infopkg->iIdleBgImageIndex = 0;
   201             infopkg->iProtectionType = EAknsSrvNoProtection;
   202             infopkg->iCorrupted = ETrue;
   203             fabricated = ETrue;
   204             }
   205         CleanupStack::PushL( infopkg );
   207         TBool mifFile = EFalse;
   208         TBool alreadyFound = EFalse;
   210         if( infopkg )
   211             {
   212             if ( infopkg->iFullName.Length() > 0 )
   213                 {
   214                 SkinHasMifFileL( mifFile, aFileSession, infopkg->iFullName );
   215                 }
   217             // If no mif-file, assume that skin is corrupted.
   218             if ( !mifFile )
   219                 {
   220                 infopkg->iCorrupted = ETrue;
   221                 }
   223             for( TInt i=0; i<aSkinInfo->Count(); i++ )
   224                 {
   225                 if( aSkinInfo->At(i)->iPID == infopkg->iPID )
   226                     {
   227                     alreadyFound = ETrue;
   228                     break;
   229                     }
   230                 }
   231             }
   233         if( infopkg && ((!alreadyFound) || fabricated) )
   234             {
   235             // Add all but default skin.
   236             if ( infopkg->iPID != KAknsPIDS60DefaultSkin )
   237                 {
   238                 aSkinInfo->AppendL(infopkg);
   239                 CleanupStack::Pop( infopkg );
   240                 }
   241             // If default skin ID has not been changed, show S60 default skin.
   242             else if ( defaultSkin == KAknsNullPkgID &&
   243                       infopkg->iPID == KAknsPIDS60DefaultSkin )
   244                 {
   245                 aSkinInfo->AppendL(infopkg);
   246                 CleanupStack::Pop( infopkg );
   247                 }
   248             else
   249                 {
   250                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //infopkg
   251                 }
   252             }
   253         else
   254             {
   255             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // infopkg
   256             }
   257         }
   258     AKNS_TRACE_INFO("AknsSrvUtils::BuildSkinInfoPackagesL END" );
   259     }
   261 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   262 // AknsSrvUtils::IsDrmProtectedL
   263 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   264 //
   265 TBool AknsSrvUtils::IsDrmProtectedL(const TDesC& aFilename)
   266     {
   267     TBool isProtected(EFalse);
   268     TInt value = KErrNone;
   270     CContent* content = CContent::NewLC( aFilename );
   271     User::LeaveIfError( content->GetAttribute( EIsProtected, value ) );
   272     if ( value )
   273         {
   274         isProtected = ETrue;
   275         }
   276     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( content );
   277     return isProtected;
   278     }
   280 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   281 // AknsSrvUtils::IsDrmProtectedL
   282 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   283 //
   284 TBool AknsSrvUtils::IsDrmProtectedL(RFile& aFileHandle)
   285     {
   286     TBool isProtected(EFalse);
   287     TInt value = KErrNone;
   289     CContent* content = CContent::NewLC( aFileHandle );
   290     User::LeaveIfError( content->GetAttribute( EIsProtected, value ) );
   291     if ( value )
   292         {
   293         isProtected = ETrue;
   294         }
   295     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( content );
   296     return isProtected;
   297     }
   299 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   300 // AknsSrvUtils::BuildSkinInfoPackageL
   301 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   302 //
   303 TAknsSrvSkinInfoPkg* AknsSrvUtils::BuildSkinInfoPackageL(
   304     const TDesC& aFilename, CDRMHelper& aDrmHelper, RFs& aFileSession )
   305     {
   306     TAknsSrvSkinInfoPkg* infopkg = NULL;
   307     TAknsSkinSrvSkinProtectionType protectionType = EAknsSrvNoProtection;
   308     TBool isProtected(EFalse);
   310     TChar driveLetter = aFilename[0];
   311     TInt driveNumber;
   312     User::LeaveIfError(aFileSession.CharToDrive(driveLetter, driveNumber));
   313     User::LeaveIfError(aFileSession.ShareProtected());
   315     TInt err = aFileSession.CreatePrivatePath(driveNumber);
   317     if (err!=KErrNone && err!=KErrAlreadyExists)
   318         {
   319         User::Leave(err);
   320         }
   322     User::LeaveIfError(aFileSession.SetSessionToPrivate(driveNumber));
   324     RFile file;
   325     User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(aFileSession,aFilename, EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly));
   326     CleanupClosePushL(file); // 1
   328     // Files on ROM are not DRM protected
   329     if (aFilename[0] != 'Z')
   330         {
   331         isProtected = IsDrmProtectedL(file);
   332         if (isProtected)
   333             {
   334             // If protection is indicated, by default set it on.
   335             protectionType = EAknsSrvProtected;
   337             TBool expired = EFalse;
   338             TBool sendAllowed = EFalse; //not needed
   339             CDRMHelperRightsConstraints* playDrmHlpCons = NULL;
   340             CDRMHelperRightsConstraints* dispDrmHlpCons = NULL;
   341             CDRMHelperRightsConstraints* execDrmHlpCons = NULL;
   342             CDRMHelperRightsConstraints* printDrmHlpCons = NULL;
   343             TRAPD( drmErr, aDrmHelper.GetRightsDetailsL(
   344                 aFilename, ContentAccess::EView, expired, sendAllowed,
   345                 playDrmHlpCons, dispDrmHlpCons, execDrmHlpCons, printDrmHlpCons ) );
   346             // DrmHelper leaves if the content is protected, but there are rights.
   348             if ( drmErr == KErrCANoRights )
   349                 {
   350                 protectionType = EAknsSrvNoRights;
   351                 }
   352             else if ( drmErr == KErrArgument )
   353                 {
   354                 protectionType = EAknsSrvNoProtection;
   355                 }
   356             // Delete not needed constraints.
   357             delete printDrmHlpCons;
   358             delete execDrmHlpCons;
   359             delete playDrmHlpCons;
   360             CleanupStack::PushL( dispDrmHlpCons );
   361             // Check expiration. If expired and no rights => expired.
   362             if ( expired && !dispDrmHlpCons )
   363                 {
   364                 protectionType = EAknsSrvExpiredRights;
   365                 }
   366             // If expired, but there are rights => future rights.
   367             if ( expired && dispDrmHlpCons )
   368                 {
   369                 protectionType = EAknsSrvFutureRights;
   370                 }
   371             if ( dispDrmHlpCons )
   372                 {
   373                 TUint32 counter = 0;
   374                 TUint32 origCounter = 0;
   375                 TRAP( drmErr, dispDrmHlpCons->GetCountersL( counter, origCounter ) );
   376                 // No counters
   377                 if ( drmErr == KErrNotFound )
   378                     {
   379                     protectionType = EAknsSrvProtected;
   380                     }
   381                 else
   382                     {
   383                     protectionType = EAknsSrvCountBased;
   384                     }
   385                 }
   386             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dispDrmHlpCons );
   387             }
   388         else
   389             {
   390             protectionType = EAknsSrvNoProtection;
   391             }
   392         }
   393     CAknsSrvFileBuffer* fileBuf = NULL;
   394     if (!isProtected) // The file is not protected, open it normally
   395         {
   396         fileBuf = CAknsSrvFileBuffer::NewL( file );
   397         CleanupStack::PushL( fileBuf ); // 2
   398         }
   399     else // The file is protected, open it ignoring the rights..
   400         {
   401         TInt error = aDrmHelper.ConsumeFile2(
   402             file, EInstall, CDRMHelper::EStart );
   403         if ( error == KErrCANoRights ||
   404              protectionType == EAknsSrvNoRights ||
   405              protectionType == EAknsSrvExpiredRights )
   406             {
   407             // Rights object deleted, bake up something
   408             // sensible
   409             TInt index = aFilename.LocateReverse('\\');
   410             TPtrC filedir;
   411             filedir.Set( aFilename.Left(index) );
   412             TPtrC filename;
   413             filename.Set( aFilename.Mid(index+1) );
   414             infopkg = new (ELeave) TAknsSrvSkinInfoPkg;
   415             //Create a Random id for DRM Expired Skin
   416             TAknsPkgID dummyPID  = { KAknsDummySkinPkgID + (Math::Random()>>4), 0 };
   417             infopkg->iPID = dummyPID;
   418             infopkg->iColorSchemePID = KAknsPIDColorBlue;
   419             infopkg->iSkinDirectoryBuf = filedir;
   420             infopkg->iSkinIniFileDirectoryBuf = filedir;
   421             infopkg->iSkinNameBuf = filename;
   422             infopkg->iIdleStateWallPaperImageName = KNullDesC;
   423             infopkg->iFullName = aFilename;
   424             infopkg->iIsCopyable = EFalse;
   425             infopkg->iIsDeletable = ETrue;
   426             infopkg->iIdleBgImageIndex = 0;
   427             infopkg->iProtectionType = protectionType;
   428             infopkg->iCorrupted = EFalse;
   429             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ); // file
   430             return infopkg;
   431             }
   432         else if ( error != KErrNone )
   433             {
   434             User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   435             }
   436         fileBuf = CAknsSrvFileBuffer::NewL( file);
   437         CleanupStack::PushL( fileBuf ); // 2
   438         }
   439     if( CheckAHOverrideFlagL( *fileBuf ) )
   440         {
   441         // Do not build package for A&H override skins
   442         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //fileBuf, file
   443         return NULL;
   444         }
   446     TAknsPkgID pid;
   447     pid.Set( GetSkinPIDL( *fileBuf ) );
   449     TInt index = aFilename.LocateReverse('\\');
   450     TPtrC filedir;
   451     filedir.Set( aFilename.Left(index));
   453     TInt idlebmpindex(0);
   454     HBufC* idlewallpaperbmpname = KAknsSkinSrvEmptyString().AllocL();
   455     CleanupStack::PushL(idlewallpaperbmpname); // 3
   458     HBufC* name = AknsSrvUtils::GetSkinNameL( *fileBuf );
   459     CleanupStack::PushL(name); // 4
   461     infopkg = new (ELeave) TAknsSrvSkinInfoPkg;
   462     infopkg->iPID = pid;
   463     infopkg->iColorSchemePID = KAknsPIDColorBlue;
   464     infopkg->iSkinDirectoryBuf = filedir;
   465     infopkg->iSkinNameBuf = *name;
   466     infopkg->iIdleStateWallPaperImageName = *idlewallpaperbmpname;
   467     infopkg->iFullName = aFilename;
   468     infopkg->iIsCopyable = EFalse;
   469     infopkg->iIsDeletable = EFalse;
   470     infopkg->iIdleBgImageIndex = idlebmpindex;
   471     infopkg->iCorrupted = EFalse;
   472     infopkg->iSupportAnimBg = AnimBackgroundSupportL( *fileBuf );
   474     if ( filedir.LocateF('Z') == 0)
   475         {
   476         TPath inifiledir;
   477         inifiledir.Append(filedir);
   479         TPath defaultDrive;
   480         CAknsSrvDriveMaster::GetDefaultDrive( DriveInfo::EDefaultSystem, defaultDrive );
   481         inifiledir.Replace( 0, 3, defaultDrive );
   483         infopkg->iSkinIniFileDirectoryBuf = inifiledir;
   484         infopkg->iProtectionType = EAknsSrvNoProtection;
   485         }
   486     else
   487         {
   488         infopkg->iSkinIniFileDirectoryBuf = filedir;
   489         infopkg->iProtectionType = protectionType;
   490         }
   492     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, idlewallpaperbmpname );
   493     if (isProtected)
   494         {
   495         aDrmHelper.ConsumeFile2(
   496            file, EInstall, CDRMHelper::EFinish );
   497         }
   498     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // file, fileBuf
   499     return infopkg;
   500     }
   502 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   503 // AknsSrvUtils::AnimBackgroundSupportL
   504 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   505 //
   506 TBool AknsSrvUtils::AnimBackgroundSupportL(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile)
   507     {
   508     TInt32 numberofchunks = GetInt32L( aFile, EAknsSrvDFOSkinChunksN );
   509     TInt32 chunksize = 0;
   510     TUint16 chunktype = 0;
   511     TInt totaloffset = EAknsSrvDFOSkinContent;
   512     for (TInt count = 0;count< numberofchunks;count++)
   513         {
   514         chunksize = GetInt32L( aFile, totaloffset+EAknsSrvDFOCommonLength );
   515         chunktype = GetUInt16L( aFile, totaloffset+EAknsSrvDFOCommonType );
   516         if( chunktype == EAknsSkinDescSkinDescClass )
   517             {
   518             TInt chunkoffset = totaloffset;
   519             TInt32 chunkcount = GetInt32L( aFile,chunkoffset+EAknsSrvDFOClassChunksN );
   521             chunkoffset += EAknsSrvDFOClassContent;
   522             for (TInt count = 0;count < chunkcount;count++)
   523                 {
   524                 TInt32 chunklen = GetInt32L( aFile,chunkoffset+EAknsSrvDFOCommonLength );
   525                 TInt16 chunktype = GetUInt16L( aFile,chunkoffset+EAknsSrvDFOCommonType );
   526                 if ( chunktype == EAknsSkinDescSkinDescStringItemDef )
   527                     {
   528                     TInt32 major = GetInt32L( aFile,chunkoffset+EAknsSrvDFOStringMajor );
   529                     TInt32 minor = GetInt32L( aFile,chunkoffset+EAknsSrvDFOStringMinor );
   530                     if ( major == EAknsMajorProperty && 
   531                             minor == EAknsMinorPropertyAnimBgParam  )
   532                         {
   533                         return ETrue;
   534                         }
   535                     }
   536                 chunkoffset += chunklen;
   537                 if( GetUInt8L( aFile, chunkoffset-1 ) != 0xf5 )
   538                     {
   539                     return EFalse;
   540                     }
   541                 }   
   542             }
   543         totaloffset+=chunksize;
   544         if( AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile, totaloffset-1 ) != 0xf5 )
   545             {
   546             return EFalse;
   547             }        
   548         }
   549     return EFalse;
   550     }
   552 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   553 // AknsSrvUtils::GetSkinFileNameL
   554 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   555 //
   556 HBufC* AknsSrvUtils::GetSkinFileNameL(
   557     const TDesC& aPath, const TAknsPkgID aPID, RFs& aFileSession )
   558     {
   559     AKNS_TRACE_INFO("CAknsSrvUtils::GetSkinFilename ENTERED");
   560     HBufC* filename = NULL;
   562     CDesC16ArrayFlat* skinfiles = new (ELeave) CDesC16ArrayFlat(5);
   563     CleanupStack::PushL(skinfiles);
   565     TPath skindir;
   566     skindir.AppendNumFixedWidthUC( aPID.iNumber, EHex, 8 );
   567     if( !aPID.IsUid() )
   568         {
   569         skindir.AppendNumFixedWidthUC( aPID.iTimestamp, EHex, 8 );
   570         }
   572     // No leave here, since path may be missing on some drives
   573     TRAPD( err, SearchSkinsL(aFileSession, aPath, skindir, skinfiles ) );
   574     if( err )
   575         {
   576         AKNS_TRACE_ERROR1("CAknsSrvUtils::GetSkinFilename SearchSkinsL FAILED %d", err);
   577         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( skinfiles );
   578         return NULL;
   579         }
   581     if (skinfiles->Count() > 0)
   582         {
   583         // pickup the first file
   584         filename = (skinfiles->MdcaPoint(0)).AllocL();
   585         }
   586     CleanupStack::Pop( skinfiles );
   587     skinfiles->Reset();
   588     delete skinfiles;   
   589     return filename;
   590     }
   592 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   593 // AknsSrvUtils::ReadSkinDescL
   594 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   595 //
   596 TUint8* AknsSrvUtils::ReadSkinDescL(
   597     CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset, const TUint aCount )
   598     {
   599     TUint8* buff = new (ELeave) TUint8[aCount];
   600     CleanupStack::PushL( buff );
   601     for( TUint i=0; i<aCount; i++ )
   602         {
   603         buff[i] = GetUInt8L( aFile, aOffset+i );
   604         }
   605     CleanupStack::Pop( buff );
   606     return buff;
   607     }
   609 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   610 // AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L
   611 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   612 //
   613 TInt32 AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset)
   614     {
   615     return aFile.GetInt32L( aOffset );
   616     }
   618 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   619 // AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L
   620 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   621 //
   622 TUint16 AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset)
   623     {
   624     return aFile.GetUint16L( aOffset );
   625     }
   627 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   628 // AknsSrvUtils::GetInt16L
   629 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   630 //
   631 TInt16 AknsSrvUtils::GetInt16L(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset)
   632     {
   633     return aFile.GetInt16L( aOffset );
   634     }
   636 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   637 // AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L
   638 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   639 //
   640 TUint8 AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset)
   641     {
   642     return aFile.GetUint8L( aOffset );
   643     }
   645 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   646 // AknsSrvUtils::GetSkinNameL
   647 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   648 //
   649 HBufC* AknsSrvUtils::GetSkinNameL(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile)
   650     {
   651     TInt32 numberofchunks =
   652         GetInt32L( aFile, EAknsSrvDFOSkinChunksN );
   653     TInt32 chunksize = 0;
   654     TInt offset = EAknsSrvDFOSkinContent;
   655     TUint16 chunktype = 0;
   656     TUint16 language = 0;
   657     HBufC* name = NULL;
   659     TLanguage bestfound = ELangOther; // Currently the best match
   660     TLanguage phonelang = User::Language();
   661     for (TInt count = 0;count< numberofchunks;count++)
   662         {
   663         chunksize = GetInt32L( aFile, offset+EAknsSrvDFOCommonLength );
   664         chunktype = GetUInt16L( aFile, offset+EAknsSrvDFOCommonType );
   665         if( chunktype == EAknsSkinDescName )
   666             {
   667             language = GetUInt16L( aFile, offset+EAknsSrvDFONameLanguage );
   668             if ( (bestfound == ELangOther) ||
   669                 (language == ELangEnglish) ||
   670                 (language == phonelang) )
   671                 {
   672                 if (name)
   673                     {
   674                     CleanupStack::Pop(name);
   675                     delete name;
   676                     }
   677                 TUint16 namelen = GetUInt16L(
   678                     aFile, offset+EAknsSrvDFONameNameLen );
   679                 TUint8* namebuf = ReadSkinDescL(
   680                     aFile, offset+EAknsSrvDFONameName, 2*namelen );
   681                 TBuf<128> buf;
   682                 // We only want 128 leftmost characters from the skin name
   683                 // and the rest is discarded...
   684                 if( namelen>127 )
   685                     {
   686                     namelen = 127;
   687                     }
   688                 buf.Append( reinterpret_cast<TUint16*>(namebuf), namelen );
   689                 buf.ZeroTerminate();
   690                 delete [] namebuf;
   691                 name = buf.AllocL();
   692                 CleanupStack::PushL(name);
   693                 bestfound = static_cast<TLanguage>(language);
   694                 if (bestfound == phonelang)
   695                     {
   696                     break; // Found the correct language, break here...
   697                     }
   698                 }
   699             }
   700         offset+=chunksize;
   701         if( AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile, offset-1 ) != 0xf5 )
   702             {
   703             AKNS_TRACE_ERROR("AknsSrvUtils::GetSkinNameL CORRUPTED FILE!");
   704             User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
   705             }
   706         }
   707     if (name)
   708         {
   709         CleanupStack::Pop(name);
   710         }
   711     return name;
   712     }
   714 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   715 // AknsSrvUtils::IsFile
   716 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   717 //
   718 TBool AknsSrvUtils::IsFile( RFs& aFileSession, const TDesC& aFilename )
   719     {
   720     TBool result = EFalse;
   721     {
   722     TUint attValue;
   723     if( aFileSession.Att( aFilename, attValue ) == KErrNone )
   724         {
   725         result = ETrue;
   726         }
   727     }
   728     return result;
   729     }
   731 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   732 // AknsSrvUtils::SearchSkinsL
   733 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   734 //
   735 void AknsSrvUtils::SearchSkinsL(
   736     RFs& aRfs, const TDesC& aBasePath, const TDesC& aDirName,
   737     const TDesC& aExtension, CDesCArray* aSkinFiles )
   738     {
   739     CDir* dir = NULL;
   740     TPath path;
   741     path.Append(aBasePath);
   742     path.Append(aDirName);
   743     path.Append( aExtension );
   745     TFileName filename;
   746     User::LeaveIfError(
   747         aRfs.GetDir( path, KEntryAttMaskSupported, ESortByName, dir) );
   749     CleanupStack::PushL( dir );
   751     TInt filecount = dir->Count();
   752     AKNS_TRACE_INFO1("AknsSrvUtils::SearchSkinsL filecount = %d", filecount );
   754     for (TInt file = 0;file<filecount;file++)
   755         {
   756         filename.Copy(aBasePath);
   757         filename.Append(aDirName);
   758         filename.Append('\\');
   759         filename.Append((*dir)[file].iName);
   761         aSkinFiles->AppendL(filename);
   762         }
   763     AKNS_TRACE_INFO1("AknsSrvUtils::SearchSkinsL skinFiles = %d", aSkinFiles->Count() );
   764     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dir );
   765     }
   767 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   768 // AknsSrvUtils::SearchDirectoriesL
   769 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   770 //
   771 void AknsSrvUtils::SearchDirectoriesL(
   772     RFs& aRfs, const TDesC& aPath, const TDesC& aExtension, CDesCArray* aSkinFiles )
   773     {
   774     // First read the directory containing skins
   775     TInt dircount;
   776     CDir* dir;
   778     // We don't want to leave here, the path to be searched might not be
   779     // present on all drives....
   780     TInt err = aRfs.GetDir( aPath,
   781         KEntryAttMatchExclusive |KEntryAttMatchMask |KEntryAttDir,
   782         ESortByName,dir );
   783     if (err)
   784         {
   785         return;
   786         }
   788     CleanupStack::PushL(dir);
   790     dircount = dir->Count();
   792     for (TInt direntry = 0;direntry<dircount;direntry++)
   793         {
   794         SearchSkinsL(aRfs, aPath, (*dir)[direntry].iName, aExtension, aSkinFiles);
   795         }
   796     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dir );
   797     }
   799 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   800 // AknsSrvUtils::GetSkinFileNameL
   801 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   802 //
   803 HBufC* AknsSrvUtils::GetSkinFileNameL(
   804             CAknsSrvDriveMaster& aDriveMaster,
   805             const TAknsPkgID aPID,
   806             RFs& aFileSession,
   807             CAknsSrvDriveMaster::TAknsSrvSkinDriveList aDriveType )
   808     {
   809     HBufC* skinFileName = NULL;
   810     TFileName path;
   811     TInt driveCount = aDriveMaster.GetNumberOfDrives( aDriveType );
   812     TInt index = 0;
   813     for ( ; index < driveCount; index++ )
   814         {
   815         aDriveMaster.SkinDirectoryOnDrive(
   816             aDriveType, index, path );
   817         skinFileName = GetSkinFileNameL( path, aPID, aFileSession );
   818         if ( skinFileName )
   819             {
   820             // break the loop when first matching skin file found.
   821             index = driveCount;
   822             }
   823         }
   824     return skinFileName;
   825     }
   827 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   828 // AknsSrvUtils::GetContentUriFromFileL
   829 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   830 //
   831 HBufC8* AknsSrvUtils::GetContentUriFromFileL( const TDesC& aFilename )
   832     {
   833     HBufC8* contenturi = NULL;
   834     CContent* content = CContent::NewLC( aFilename );
   836     HBufC* contentUri = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxContentUriLength );
   837     TPtr tempPtr = contentUri->Des();
   838     // "EContentID" has the "content uri" we want. Not "EContentURI".
   839     TInt err = content->GetStringAttribute( ContentAccess::EContentID, tempPtr );
   840     if ( !err )
   841         {
   842         // Convert to 8-bit string
   843         contenturi = HBufC8::NewL( contentUri->Length() );
   844         contenturi->Des().Copy( *contentUri );
   845         }
   846     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, content ); // content, contentUri
   847     return contenturi;
   848     }
   850 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   851 // AknsSrvUtils::GetProtectionTypeL
   852 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   853 //
   854 void AknsSrvUtils::GetProtectionTypeL(
   855     const TDesC& aFilename,
   856     TAknsSkinSrvSkinProtectionType& aProtectionType )
   857     {
   858     CContent* content = CContent::NewLC( aFilename );
   859     TInt value = KErrNone;
   861     User::LeaveIfError( content->GetAttribute( ERightsNone, value ) );
   862     if ( value )
   863         {
   864         aProtectionType = EAknsSrvNoRights;
   865         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( content );
   866         return;
   867         }
   868     User::LeaveIfError( content->GetAttribute( ERightsHaveExpired, value ) );
   869     if ( value )
   870         {
   871         aProtectionType = EAknsSrvExpiredRights;
   872         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( content );
   873         return;
   874         }
   875     User::LeaveIfError( content->GetAttribute( ECanView, value ) );
   876     if ( value )
   877         {
   878         aProtectionType = EAknsSrvProtected;
   879         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( content );
   880         return;
   881         }
   882     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( content );
   883     AKNS_TRACE_INFO1("AknsSrvUtils::GetProtectionTypeL - aProtectionType = %d", aProtectionType);
   884     return;
   885     }
   887 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   888 // AknsSrvUtils::SkinHasMifFileL
   889 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   890 //
   891 void AknsSrvUtils::SkinHasMifFileL( TBool& aHasMifFile,
   892     RFs& aFileSession, const TDesC& aFilename )
   893     {
   894     aHasMifFile = ETrue;
   895     _LIT( KAknsStaticPath, "\\resource\\skins" );
   896     TBool parseError = EFalse;
   898     // No need to make checks for ROM skins.
   899     if ( aFilename[0] == 'Z' )
   900         {
   901         return;
   902         }
   904     HBufC* fileNameBuffer = HBufC::NewL( KMaxFileName );
   905     TParsePtrC fileName( aFilename );
   906     TPtr bufferPtr = fileNameBuffer->Des();
   908     // First append drive and static path.
   909     if ( fileName.DrivePresent() )
   910         {
   911         bufferPtr.Append( fileName.Drive() );
   912         }
   913     else
   914         {
   915         delete fileNameBuffer;
   916         aHasMifFile = EFalse;
   917         return;
   918         }
   920     // Append resource path
   921     if ( !parseError )
   922         {
   923         bufferPtr.Append( KAknsStaticPath );
   924         }
   926     if ( fileName.PathPresent() && !parseError )
   927         {
   928         // Take path without the trailing backslash.
   929         TPtrC path = fileName.Path().Left( fileName.Path().Length() - 1 );
   931         // Locate last backslash.
   932         TChar backslash('\\');
   933         TInt bsLoc = path.LocateReverse( backslash );
   935         // Append skin PID to the directory.
   936         bufferPtr.Append( fileName.Path().Mid( bsLoc ) );
   938         if ( fileName.ExtPresent() )
   939             {
   940             // Last, append filename. Now string is complete.
   941             bufferPtr.Append( fileName.NameAndExt() );
   943             // switch the extension and check for file existance.
   944             bufferPtr.Replace(
   945                 bufferPtr.Length() - KExtensionLength,
   946                 KExtensionLength,
   947                 KAknsSkinSrvMifFileExt );
   948             if ( !BaflUtils::FileExists( aFileSession, bufferPtr ) )
   949                 {
   950                 // Finally, check if this could be old skin - check if
   951                 // .mif file is in the same directory.
   952                 bufferPtr.Zero();
   953                 bufferPtr.Append( fileName.FullName() );
   954                 bufferPtr.Replace(
   955                     bufferPtr.Length() - KExtensionLength,
   956                     KExtensionLength,
   957                     KAknsSkinSrvMifFileExt );
   958                 if ( !BaflUtils::FileExists( aFileSession, bufferPtr ) )
   959                     {
   960                     // There is no matching .mif-file => leave.
   961                     delete fileNameBuffer;
   962                     aHasMifFile = EFalse;
   963                     return;
   964                     }
   965                 }
   967             // switch back the graphics file extension.
   968             bufferPtr.Replace(
   969                 bufferPtr.Length() - KExtensionLength,
   970                 KExtensionLength,
   971                 fileName.Ext() );
   972             }
   973         else
   974             {
   975             delete fileNameBuffer;
   976             aHasMifFile = EFalse;
   977             return;
   978             }
   979         }
   980     else
   981         {
   982         delete fileNameBuffer;
   983         aHasMifFile = EFalse;
   984         return;
   985         }
   986     delete fileNameBuffer;
   987     }
   989 //  End of File