changeset 0 f58d6ec98e88
child 1 b700e12870ca
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/aknlayoutcompiler/src/LayCdl2Inst.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:14:18 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+// disable "identifier was truncated to '255' characters in the browser information" warning
+#pragma warning (disable:4786)
+#include "LayCdl2Inst.h"
+#include "LayoutCompilerErr.h"
+#include "LayoutParse.h"
+#include "CppWriter.h"
+#include "Lay2Cdl.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "CodeGenConsts.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace CdlCompilerToolkit;
+typedef LayoutProcessArgsErr<LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstance> LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstanceArgsErr;
+class LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstanceChecker : public MCdlTkApiCheckObserver
+	{
+	void StartCheck();
+	void CheckComplete();
+	void ApiInBoth(const CCdlTkApi& aApi);
+	void ApiNotInLeft(const CCdlTkApi& aApi);
+	void ApiNotInRight(const CCdlTkApi& aApi);
+	int iNotInLeft;
+	int iNotInRight;
+	};
+void LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstanceChecker::StartCheck()
+	{
+	iNotInLeft = 0;
+	iNotInRight = 0;
+	}
+void LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstanceChecker::CheckComplete()
+	{
+	if (iNotInLeft)
+		cout << "Layout is partial implementation of interface" << endl;
+	if (iNotInRight)
+		throw CdlTkAssert("Layout interface check failed");
+	}
+void LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstanceChecker::ApiInBoth(const CCdlTkApi& /*aApi*/)
+	{
+	}
+void LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstanceChecker::ApiNotInLeft(const CCdlTkApi& /*aApi*/)
+	{
+	iNotInLeft++;
+	}
+void LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstanceChecker::ApiNotInRight(const CCdlTkApi& aApi)
+	{
+	iNotInRight++;
+	cerr << aApi.Name() << " not in interface" << endl;
+	}
+int LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstance::Process(const vector<string>& args)
+	{
+	if (args.size() < 5 || args.size()%2 == 0)
+		throw LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstanceArgsErr();
+	string cdlName = args[2];
+	CCdlTkCdlFileParser parser(cdlName);
+	auto_ptr<CCdlTkInterface> iface(parser.LoadAndParse(true));
+	LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstance process(*iface);
+	TLayout* base = NULL;
+	for (int arg = 3; arg < args.size(); arg += 2)
+		{
+		string layoutName = args[arg];
+		string instName = args[arg+1];
+		auto_ptr<TLayParseLayout> layoutParse = TLayParseLayout::Parse(layoutName);
+		auto_ptr<TLayout> layout(layoutParse.get());
+		layoutParse.release();
+		if (base)
+			{
+			auto_ptr<TLayout> newLayout(new TLayout(*base));
+			newLayout->Merge(TLayout::KMergeModeVariant, *layout);
+			layout = newLayout;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			base = layout.get();
+			}
+		process.AddLayout(layout, instName);
+		}
+	process.WriteInstances();
+	return 0;
+	}
+void LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstance::ShowHelp(ostream& stream)
+	{
+	stream << "LayCdl2Inst <cdlName> (<layoutName> <instanceName>)+ " << endl;
+	stream << "  Creates CDL instances containing the layout data." << endl;
+	stream << "  All layout instances must conform to the CDL interface." << endl;
+	stream << "  If more than one layout is supplied, subsequent ones are treated as" << endl;
+	stream << "  variants of the first." << endl;
+	}
+void LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstance::CheckLayoutAgainstInterface(const TLayout& aLayout, const CCdlTkInterface& aIface)
+	{
+	auto_ptr<CCdlTkInterface> layIface = LayoutToCdl::LayoutToInterface(aLayout);
+	LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstanceChecker checker;
+	CCdlTkApiChecker check(*layIface, aIface, checker);
+	check.Process();
+	}
+LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstance::LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstance(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface)
+: iInterface(aInterface)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	for (CLayouts::iterator pLayout = iLayouts.begin(); pLayout != iLayouts.end(); ++pLayout)
+		delete *pLayout;
+	}
+void LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstance::AddLayout(auto_ptr<TLayout>& aLayout, const string& aInstName)
+	{
+	CLayoutToInst* base = NULL;
+	if (iLayouts.size())
+		base = iLayouts[0];
+	auto_ptr<CLayoutToInst> p(new CLayoutToInst(base, iInterface, aLayout, aInstName));
+	iLayouts.push_back(p.get());
+	p.release();
+	}
+void LayoutAndCdlToCdlInstance::WriteInstances()
+	{
+	CLayouts::iterator pLayout = iLayouts.begin();
+	CLayouts::iterator end = iLayouts.end();
+	if (pLayout!=end)
+		(*pLayout)->Process();
+	for (; pLayout != end; ++pLayout)
+		{
+		CCdlTkWriteInstance writer((*pLayout)->Instance());
+		writer.Process();
+		}
+	}
+CLayoutToInst::CLayoutToInst(CLayoutToInst* aBase, CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, auto_ptr<TLayout>& aLayout, const string& aInstName)
+: iBase(aBase), iInterface(aInterface), iLayout(*aLayout), iInstName(aInstName)
+	{
+	iLayoutPtr = aLayout.get();
+	aLayout.release();
+	iInstance = new CCdlTkInstance(iInterface);
+	iInstance->SetName(aInstName);
+	string extraCpp("#include <aknlayout2datadef.h>\n");
+	extraCpp += string("#include \"") + CdlTkUtil::ToLower(aBase ? aBase->FwdDeclName() : FwdDeclName()) + "\"\n";
+	iInstance->SetExtraCpp(extraCpp);
+	for (TLayout::iterator pTab = iLayout.begin(); pTab != iLayout.end(); ++pTab)
+		{
+		AddTableToInstance(**pTab);
+		}
+	}
+	{
+	delete iInstance;
+	delete iLayoutPtr;
+	}
+string CLayoutToInst::FwdDeclName()
+	{
+	if (iBase)
+		return iBase->FwdDeclName();
+	else
+		return iInstName + ".FwdDecl.h";
+	}
+void CLayoutToInst::Process()
+	{
+	string fileName(FwdDeclName());
+	string interfaceNsName = iInterface.NamespaceName();
+	ofstream stream;
+	CCdlTkFileCleanup tempFile;
+	CdlTkUtil::OpenTempOutput(stream, tempFile);
+	WriteHeaderGuardStart(fileName, stream);
+	stream << "namespace " << CdlTkUtil::ToCpp(iInstance->Name()) << endl;
+	stream << "{" << endl;
+	CCdlTkApiList& apiList = iInterface.ApiList();
+	for (CCdlTkApiList::iterator pApi = apiList.begin(); pApi != apiList.end(); ++pApi)
+		{
+		if ((*pApi)->IsFunc())
+			{
+			stream << "extern " << interfaceNsName << "::" << (*pApi)->AsFunc().ApiNameAsTypeName() << " " << (*pApi)->Name() << ";" << endl;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			string typeExt = "Imp";
+			if ((*pApi)->ReturnType() == KTypeLayoutTableLimits)
+				typeExt = "";
+			stream << "extern " << (*pApi)->ReturnType() << typeExt << " const " << (*pApi)->Name() << ";" << endl;
+			}
+		}
+	stream << "}" << endl << endl;
+	WriteHeaderGuardEnd(fileName, stream);
+	stream.close();
+	CdlTkUtil::ExportFile(tempFile, CdlTkUtil::OutputPath() + fileName);
+	}
+CCdlTkInstance& CLayoutToInst::Instance()
+	{
+	return *iInstance;
+	}
+void CLayoutToInst::AddTableToInstance(TLayoutTable& aTable)
+	{
+	for (TLayoutTable::iterator pLine = aTable.begin(); pLine != aTable.end(); ++pLine)
+		{
+		TLayoutLine& line = **pLine;
+		if (line.iIsMergedIdentical)
+			{
+			string apiName = LayoutToCdl::LineApiName(line);
+			AddFwdRefToInstance(apiName, false);
+			string multilineApiName = KFuncMultiline + apiName;
+			if (aTable.iType == TLayoutTable::ETextTable &&
+				line["B"].size() > 1 &&
+				HasApi(multilineApiName))
+				{
+				AddFwdRefToInstance(multilineApiName, false);
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if (aTable.iType == TLayoutTable::EWindowTable)
+				AddWindowLineToInstance(line);
+			else
+				AddTextLineToInstance(line);
+			}
+		}
+	int tableNum = 0;
+	for (TLayoutTable::TLayoutSubTables::const_iterator pSub = aTable.iSubTables.begin(); pSub != aTable.iSubTables.end(); ++pSub)
+		{
+		TLayoutTable::TLayoutSubTable& sub = **pSub;
+		if (sub.iIsMergedIdentical)
+			{
+			AddFwdRefToInstance(LayoutToCdl::TableApiName(aTable, sub, tableNum)+KFuncLimitsSuffix, false);
+			AddFwdRefToInstance(LayoutToCdl::TableApiName(aTable, sub, tableNum), false);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			AddTableLimitsToInstance(aTable, sub, tableNum);
+			string tableType = KTypeTextLineLayout;
+			if (aTable.iType == TLayoutTable::EWindowTable)
+				tableType = KTypeWindowLineLayout;
+			AddSubTableToInstance(tableType, aTable, sub, tableNum);
+			}
+		tableNum++;
+		}
+	}
+void CLayoutToInst::AddWindowLineToInstance(TLayoutLine& aLine)
+	{
+	string apiName = LayoutToCdl::LineApiName(aLine);
+	if (!HasApi(apiName))
+		return;
+	CCdlTkImplementation& imp = FindImp(apiName);
+	SetFuncLine(imp, aLine, KTypeWindowLineLayout, KWindowOutputOrder, KWindowOutputOrderSize, "", "");
+	}
+const string KMultiLineTextLineExtra = "\
+\tline.iB = KB[0];\n\
+\tline.iBaselineSkip = KB[1]-KB[0];\n\
+\tline.iNumberOfLinesShown = aNumberOfLinesShown;\n";
+const string KTextLineExtra = "\
+\tline.iBaselineSkip = 0;\n\
+\tline.iNumberOfLinesShown = 1;\n";
+void CLayoutToInst::AddTextLineToInstance(TLayoutLine& aLine)
+	{
+	string apiName = LayoutToCdl::LineApiName(aLine);
+	if (!HasApi(apiName))
+		return;
+	CCdlTkImplementation& imp = FindImp(apiName);
+	SetFuncLine(imp, aLine, KTypeTextLineLayout, KTextOutputOrder, KTextOutputOrderSize, "", KTextLineExtra);
+	if (aLine["B"].size() > 1)
+		{
+		string preExtra = "\tTInt " + KParamNameB + " = 0;\n";
+		if (aLine["B"].ParamName() != KParamNameB)
+			preExtra = "";
+		string apiName = KFuncMultiline + imp.Name();
+		if (HasApi(apiName))
+			{
+			CCdlTkImplementation& multiLineImp = FindImp(KFuncMultiline + imp.Name());
+			SetFuncLine(multiLineImp, aLine, KTypeMultiLineTextLayout, KTextOutputOrder, KTextOutputOrderSize, preExtra, KMultiLineTextLineExtra);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+bool CLayoutToInst::HasApi(const string& aName)
+	{
+	return iInterface.ApiList().Find(aName) != 0;
+	}
+CCdlTkImplementation& CLayoutToInst::FindImp(const string& aName)
+	{
+	CCdlTkImplementation* impl = iInstance->Impl().Find(aName);
+	if (!impl)
+		throw NotFoundErr(aName + " in interface " + iInterface.FileName());
+	return *impl;
+	}
+// subtable function uses the main table of pointers, with a mask to ensure that only correct lines are accessed
+// which are indexed by aLineIndex
+const string KSubTableImpl = "\
+\tstatic #PTRTYPE const * const KSubTableImpl = (#PTRTYPE const * const)&KCdlImpl.#FIRST_MEMBER;\n\
+\tASSERT(0<=" + KParamLineIndex + " && " + KParamLineIndex + "<32 && ((1<<" + KParamLineIndex + ") & #VALID_INDEX));\n\
+\t#PTRTYPE KImpl = KSubTableImpl[" + KParamLineIndex + "];\n\
+\treturn #EVAL;\n\
+const string KSubTableFuncEval = "(*KImpl)(#PARAMNAMES)";
+const string KSubTableDataEval = "*KImpl";
+void CLayoutToInst::AddSubTableToInstance(const string& aType, TLayoutTable& aTable, TLayoutTable::TLayoutSubTable& aSubTable, int aTableNum)
+	{
+	string apiName = LayoutToCdl::TableApiName(aTable, aSubTable, aTableNum);
+	if (!HasApi(apiName))
+		return;
+	CCdlTkImplementation& imp = FindImp(apiName);
+	const CCdlTkFunctionApi& api = imp.Api().AsFunc();
+	const CCdlTkApiParams& params = api.Params();
+	TLayoutLine& line = *aTable[aSubTable[0]];
+	CCdlTkImplementation& lineImp = FindImp(LayoutToCdl::LineApiName(line));
+	const CCdlTkApi& lineApi = lineImp.Api();
+	string ptrType;
+	if (lineApi.IsFunc())
+		ptrType = iInterface.NamespaceName() + "::" + lineApi.PointerType();
+	else
+		ptrType = lineApi.PointerType();
+	int valid = 0;
+	for (int ii=0; ii<aTable.size(); ii++)
+		{
+		if (find(aSubTable.begin(), aSubTable.end(), ii) != aSubTable.end())
+			{
+			valid |= 1<<ii;
+			}
+		}
+	string firstMember = LayoutToCdl::LineApiName(*aTable[0]);
+	CdlTkUtil::CReplaceSet implSet;
+	implSet.Add("#TYPE", aType);
+	implSet.Add("#NAME", imp.Name());
+	implSet.Add("#PARAMLIST", api.ParamsTypeAndNameList());
+	implSet.Add("#PTRTYPE", ptrType);
+	implSet.Add("#FIRST_MEMBER", firstMember);
+	implSet.Add("#VALID_INDEX", CdlTkUtil::IntToHexString(valid));
+	implSet.Add("#EVAL", lineApi.IsFunc() ?
+			CdlTkUtil::Replace("#PARAMNAMES", lineApi.AsFunc().ParamNameList(), KSubTableFuncEval) :
+			KSubTableDataEval);
+	string impl = CdlTkUtil::MultiReplace(implSet, KSubTableImpl);
+	imp.SetTemplatePointerReference();
+	imp.SetDefinition(impl);
+	}
+const string KTableLimitsImpl =
+KTypeLayoutTableLimits + " #NAME()\n\
+\tconst " + KTypeLayoutTableLimits + " limits = {#FIRST, #LAST};\n\
+\treturn limits;\n\
+void CLayoutToInst::AddTableLimitsToInstance(TLayoutTable& aTable, TLayoutTable::TLayoutSubTable& aSubTable, int aTableNum)
+	{
+	string apiName = LayoutToCdl::TableApiName(aTable, aSubTable, aTableNum)+KFuncLimitsSuffix;
+	if (!HasApi(apiName))
+		return;
+	CCdlTkImplementation& imp = FindImp(apiName);
+	int first = *aSubTable.begin();
+	int last = *aSubTable.rbegin();
+	CdlTkUtil::CReplaceSet implSet;
+	implSet.Add("#NAME", imp.Name());
+	implSet.Add("#FIRST", CdlTkUtil::IntToString(first));
+	implSet.Add("#LAST", CdlTkUtil::IntToString(last));
+	string impl = CdlTkUtil::MultiReplace(implSet, KTableLimitsImpl);
+	imp.SetTemplatePointerReference();
+	imp.SetDefinition(impl);
+	}
+// data implementation is a simple const static data declaration
+const string KDataImpl = "const #TYPEImp #NAME = {#DATA};";
+const string KDataPtr = "(#TYPE*)&#NAME";
+void CLayoutToInst::SetDataLine(CCdlTkImplementation& aImp, TLayoutLine& aLine, const string& aType, const string aOutputOrder[], int aOutputOrderSize)
+	{
+	string data;
+	for (int ii=0; ii<aOutputOrderSize; ii++)
+		{
+		if (ii != 0)
+			data += ",";
+		string value = aLine[aOutputOrder[ii]][0];
+		CdlTkUtil::AppendString(data, TValues::CppValue(value));
+		}
+	CdlTkUtil::CReplaceSet implSet;
+	implSet.Add("#TYPE", aType);
+	implSet.Add("#NAME", aImp.Name());
+	implSet.Add("#DATA", data);
+	string impl = CdlTkUtil::MultiReplace(implSet, KDataImpl);
+	CdlTkUtil::CReplaceSet ptrSet;
+	ptrSet.Add("#TYPE", aType);
+	ptrSet.Add("#NAME", aImp.Name());
+	string ptr = CdlTkUtil::MultiReplace(ptrSet, KDataPtr);
+	aImp.SetPointerReference(ptr);
+	aImp.SetDefinition(impl);
+	}
+// function implementation starts with asserts for parameter ranges and
+// tables of values for the parameterised cells.
+// The actual structure is initialised for the fixed values and indexed lookups
+// on the tables
+const string KFunctionImpl = "\
+\t#TYPEImp line = {#INIT};\n\
+\treturn line;\n\
+const string KFunctionAssert = "\tASSERT(0<=#PARAMNAME && #PARAMNAME<#PARAMLIMIT);\n";
+const string KFunctionTable = "\tconst static TInt16 K#TABLENAME[#PARAMLIMIT] = {#VALUES};\n";
+const string KFunctionLookup = "\tline.i#TABLENAME = K#TABLENAME[#PARAMNAME];\n";
+const string KFunctionRect = "\tline.SetAllParentOffsets(" + KParamParentRect + ");\n";
+void CLayoutToInst::SetFuncLine(CCdlTkImplementation& aImp, TLayoutLine& aLine, const string& aType, const string aOutputOrder[], int aOutputOrderSize, const string& aPreExtra, const string& aPostExtra)
+	{
+	const CCdlTkFunctionApi& api = aImp.Api().AsFunc();
+	const CCdlTkApiParams& params = api.Params();
+	string asserts;
+	string tables;
+	string init;
+	string lookups;
+	for (int ii=0; ii<aOutputOrderSize; ii++)
+		{
+		TValues& values = aLine[aOutputOrder[ii]];
+		const string& paramName = values.ParamName();
+		const string& paramLimit = CdlTkUtil::IntToString(values.size());
+		const string& tableName = aOutputOrder[ii];
+		if (ii != 0)
+			init += ",";
+		if (values.size() > 1)
+			{
+			string v;
+			for (TValues::iterator pVal = values.begin(); pVal != values.end(); ++pVal)
+				{
+				if (pVal != values.begin())
+					v += ",";
+				v += TValues::CppValue(*pVal);
+				}
+			CdlTkUtil::CReplaceSet replaceSet;
+			replaceSet.Add("#PARAMNAME", paramName);
+			replaceSet.Add("#PARAMLIMIT", paramLimit); 
+			replaceSet.Add("#TABLENAME", tableName); 
+			replaceSet.Add("#VALUES", v); 
+			CdlTkUtil::AppendString(asserts, CdlTkUtil::MultiReplace(replaceSet, KFunctionAssert));
+			CdlTkUtil::AppendString(tables, CdlTkUtil::MultiReplace(replaceSet, KFunctionTable));
+			CdlTkUtil::AppendString(lookups, CdlTkUtil::MultiReplace(replaceSet, KFunctionLookup));
+			CdlTkUtil::AppendString(init, "0");
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			CdlTkUtil::AppendString(init, TValues::CppValue(values[0]));
+			}
+		}
+	string paramTypeAndNameList(api.ParamsTypeAndNameList());
+	if (aLine.iIsMirroredHorizontally)
+		MirrorParamNames(paramTypeAndNameList);
+	CdlTkUtil::CReplaceSet implSet;
+	implSet.Add("#TYPE", aType);
+	implSet.Add("#NAME", api.Name());
+	implSet.Add("#PARAMTYPEANDNAMELIST", paramTypeAndNameList);
+	implSet.Add("#PRE_EXTRA", aPreExtra);
+	implSet.Add("#ASSERTS", asserts);
+	implSet.Add("#TABLES", tables);
+	implSet.Add("#INIT", init);
+	implSet.Add("#LOOKUPS", lookups);
+	implSet.Add("#POST_EXTRA", aPostExtra);
+	implSet.Add("#RECT_ADJUST", aLine.iNeedsP ? KFunctionRect : "");
+	string impl = CdlTkUtil::MultiReplace(implSet, KFunctionImpl);
+	aImp.SetTemplatePointerReference();
+	aImp.SetDefinition(impl);
+	}
+void CLayoutToInst::MirrorParamNames(std::string& aNames)
+	{
+	aNames = CdlTkUtil::Replace(KParamNameL, "__tmp__", aNames);
+	aNames = CdlTkUtil::Replace(KParamNameR, KParamNameL, aNames);
+	aNames = CdlTkUtil::Replace("__tmp__", KParamNameR, aNames);
+	}
+void CLayoutToInst::AddFwdRefToInstance(const string& aName, bool aCast)
+	{
+	string ns(CdlTkUtil::ToCpp(iBase->iInstance->Name()));
+	if (!HasApi(aName))
+		return;
+	CCdlTkImplementation& imp = FindImp(aName);
+	string ptr;
+	if (aCast)
+		ptr = string("(") + imp.Api().ReturnType() + "*)";
+	ptr += string("&") + ns + "::" + aName;
+	imp.SetPointerReference(ptr);
+	}