changeset 0 f58d6ec98e88
child 1 b700e12870ca
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/aknlayoutcompiler/src/MLCompDataParse.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:14:18 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+// disable "identifier was truncated to '255' characters in the browser information" warning
+#pragma warning(disable: 4786 4250 4503 4541)
+#include "MLCompDataParse.h"
+#include <akndef.hrh>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream> // !!! for debug output only
+extern string whiteSpace;
+// const data
+const string KCompDataParseRoot = "Layout";
+const string KCompDataParseRootAttributeMasterName = "MasterName";
+const string KCompDataParseRootAttributeLayoutName = "LayoutName";
+const string KCompDataParseRootAttributeVariantName = "variant_name";
+const string KCompDataParseRootAttributeResolutionHeight = "resolutionHeight";
+const string KCompDataParseRootAttributeResolutionWidth = "resolutionWidth";
+const string KCompDataParseRootAttributeCreatedOn = "createdOn";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeComponent = "Component";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeComponentAttributeName = "name";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeComponentAttributeId = "id";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeComponentAttributeType = "type";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeComponentAttributeDrawingOrder = "drawingorder";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeComponentAttributeMirror = "mirror";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeComponentAttributeMaxVariety = "maxVariety";
+const string KCompDataParseTextComponentTypeScreen= "Screen";
+const string KCompDataParseTextComponentTypeContainer= "Container";
+const string KCompDataParseTextComponentTypePane= "Pane";
+const string KCompDataParseTextComponentTypeGraphic= "Graphic";
+const string KCompDataParseTextComponentTypeText= "Text";
+const string KCompDataParseTextComponentMirrorTrue= "true";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeOption = "option";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeParentInfo = "ParentInfo";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeLayoutInfo = "LayoutInfo";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeAttributeInfo = "AttributeInfo";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeAttrSets = "attrsets";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeParent = "parent";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeParentOption = "option";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeParentOptionAttributeVariety = "variety";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeParentInfoParentAttributeId = "id";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeParentInfoParentAttributeVariety = "variety";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeLayoutInfoParam = "Param";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeLayoutInfoParamAttributeName = "name";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeValue = "Value";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeVarietyIndex = "varietyIndex";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeVarietyIndexValue = "value";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeCalc = "calc";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeValue = "value";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeColNumber = "colNumber";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeRowNumber = "rowNumber";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeShowInTable = "showInTable";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeShowInTableTrue = "true";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeShowInTableFalse = "false";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeZoom = "zoom";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeZoomNormal = "normal";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeZoomVerySmall = "-2 zoom";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeZoomSmall = "-1 zoom";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeZoomLarge = "+1 zoom";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeZoomVeryLarge = "+2 zoom";
+const string KCompDataParseTextFontPrimary = "qfn_primary";
+const string KCompDataParseTextFontSecondary = "qfn_secondary";
+const string KCompDataParseTextFontTitle = "qfn_title";
+const string KCompDataParseTextFontPrimarySmall = "qfn_primary_small"; // is that the correct text?
+const string KCompDataParseTextFontDigital = "qfn_digital";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamNameColor = "Color";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameColor = "C";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamNameLeft = "Left";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameLeft = "l";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamNameRight = "Right";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameRight = "r";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamNameTop = "Top";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameTop = "t";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamNameBottom = "Bottom";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameBottom = "b";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamNameWidth = "Width";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameWidth = "W";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamNameHeight = "Height";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameHeight = "H";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamNameJustification = "Justification";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameJustification = "J";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamNameType = "Type";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameType = "Type";
+// these have been changed to lower case, so that matching
+// can be performed independent of case
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamTypeCalcValueNone = "none";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamTypeCalcValueLeft = "left";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamTypeCalcValueCenter = "center";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamTypeCalcValueRight = "right";
+const string KCompDataParseTextParamTypeCalcValueBidi = "bidi";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeAttributeInfoOption = "option";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeAttributeInfoOptionAttributeVariety = "variety";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeAttributeInfoAttributeSet = "attributeset";
+const string KCompDataParseNodeAttributeInfoAttributeSetAttributeName = "name";
+//  TMLCompDataParseValues
+TMLCompDataParseValues::TMLCompDataParseValues(TMLCompDataLine* aLine)
+	: 
+	TMLCompDataValues(aLine), 
+	iSaxZoomLevels(0), 
+	iSaxVariety(-1)
+	{
+	}
+MSaxLayoutHandler* TMLCompDataParseValues::HandleSax(const std::string& aElement, const TAttribs& aAttribs)
+	{
+//	<Param name="Left">
+//		<Value>
+//	      <varietyIndex value="0"/>
+//			<optionIndex value="0"/>
+//			<calc ... >
+//			...
+//		</Value>
+//		...
+//	</Param>
+	if (aElement == KCompDataParseNodeValue)
+		{
+		delete iSaxZoomLevels;
+		iSaxZoomLevels = 0;
+		iSaxZoomLevels = new TMLCompDataZoomLevels;
+		}
+	else if (aElement == KCompDataParseNodeVarietyIndex)
+		{
+		HandleSaxVariety(aElement, aAttribs);
+		}
+	else if (aElement == KCompDataParseNodeCalc)
+		{
+		HandleSaxCalc(aElement, aAttribs);
+		}
+	return this;
+	}
+void TMLCompDataParseValues::HandleSaxEnd(const std::string& aElement)
+	{
+	if (aElement == KCompDataParseNodeValue)
+		{
+		insert(make_pair(iSaxVariety, *iSaxZoomLevels));
+		delete iSaxZoomLevels;
+		iSaxZoomLevels = 0;
+		}
+	}
+void TMLCompDataParseValues::HandleSaxVariety(const std::string& /*aElement*/, const TAttribs& aAttribs)
+	{
+//      <varietyIndex value="0"/>
+	string varietyIndexStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeVarietyIndexValue);
+	iSaxVariety = CdlTkUtil::ParseInt(varietyIndexStr); // defaults to zero
+	if(iLine->MaxVariety() < iSaxVariety)
+		{
+		iLine->SetMaxVariety(iSaxVariety);
+		}
+	}
+void TMLCompDataParseValues::HandleSaxCalc(const std::string& /*aElement*/, const TAttribs& aAttribs)
+	{
+//		<calc value="0"/>
+// or
+//		<calc value="0" zoom="x_2"/>
+// or
+//		<calc colNumber="1" rowNumber="1" value="0"/>
+// or
+//		<calc colNumber="1" rowNumber="1" value="0" zoom="x_2"/>
+    // note that if there is only one calc, but the colNumber and rowNumber attributes are present
+    // then we have to assume that it is a multivalue component, so deduce which kind it is from 
+    // the current value name
+	// first the index part
+	int max = 1;
+	int cols = 0;
+	int rows = 0;
+	string colStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeColNumber);
+	if(!colStr.empty())
+		{
+		cols = CdlTkUtil::ParseInt(colStr);
+        if(TMLCompDataTable::IsHorizontalColumn(iName))
+            {
+            iLine->SetNeedsCols(true);
+            }
+		}
+	string rowStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeRowNumber);
+	if(!rowStr.empty())
+		{
+		rows = CdlTkUtil::ParseInt(rowStr);
+        if(TMLCompDataTable::IsVerticalColumn(iName))
+            {
+            iLine->SetNeedsRows(true);
+            }
+		}
+	// keep the line updated if we have found more rows / cols than it knows about
+	if(iLine->NumCols() < cols) 
+		iLine->SetNumCols(cols);
+	if(iLine->NumRows() < rows) 
+		iLine->SetNumRows(rows);
+	// each calc is either a row or a col (depending on which axis)
+	if(cols > 1)
+		max = cols;
+	else if(rows > 1)
+		max = rows;
+	// then the value part of the calc
+	string valueStr;
+	valueStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeValue);
+	ConvertValueStr(valueStr);
+	// check whether the calc is a default value (which corresponds to normal zoom)
+	// or if it corresponds to a known zoom factor
+	string zoomStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeZoom);
+	int zoom = ConvertZoomStr(zoomStr);
+	if(zoom != EAknUiZoomAutomatic)
+		{
+		// then put them together
+		int num = max - 1; // change to zero based
+		TMLCompDataCalcs& calcs = (*iSaxZoomLevels)[zoom];
+		calcs[num] = valueStr;
+		}
+	}
+void TMLCompDataParseValues::ConvertValueStr(std::string& aValueStr)
+	{
+	int valueInt = 0;
+	if(iName == KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameType)
+		{
+		if(aValueStr == KCompDataParseTextFontPrimary) 
+			valueInt = ELayoutCompilerFontCategoryPrimary;
+		else if(aValueStr == KCompDataParseTextFontSecondary)
+			valueInt = ELayoutCompilerFontCategorySecondary;
+		else if(aValueStr == KCompDataParseTextFontTitle)
+			valueInt = ELayoutCompilerFontCategoryTitle;
+		else if(aValueStr == KCompDataParseTextFontPrimarySmall) 
+			valueInt = ELayoutCompilerFontCategoryPrimarySmall;
+		else if(aValueStr == KCompDataParseTextFontDigital)
+			valueInt = ELayoutCompilerFontCategoryDigital;
+		else
+			valueInt = ELayoutCompilerFontCategoryUndefined;
+		aValueStr = CdlTkUtil::IntToString(valueInt);
+		}
+	else if(iName == KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameJustification)
+		{
+		// jusitication does not have consistent capitalization
+		string lowerValueStr = CdlTkUtil::ToLower(aValueStr);
+		if(lowerValueStr == KCompDataParseTextParamTypeCalcValueNone) 
+			valueInt = ELayoutAlignNone;
+		else if(lowerValueStr == KCompDataParseTextParamTypeCalcValueLeft) 
+			valueInt = ELayoutAlignLeft;
+		else if(lowerValueStr == KCompDataParseTextParamTypeCalcValueRight) 
+			valueInt = ELayoutAlignRight;
+		else if(lowerValueStr == KCompDataParseTextParamTypeCalcValueCenter) 
+			valueInt = ELayoutAlignCenter;
+		else if(lowerValueStr == KCompDataParseTextParamTypeCalcValueBidi) 
+			valueInt = ELayoutAlignBidi;
+		else 
+			valueInt = ELayoutAlignNone;
+		aValueStr = CdlTkUtil::IntToString(valueInt);
+		}
+	}
+int TMLCompDataParseValues::ConvertZoomStr(const std::string& aZoomStr)
+	{
+	int zoomInt = EAknUiZoomAutomatic;
+	string lowerZoomStr = CdlTkUtil::ToLower(aZoomStr);
+	if(lowerZoomStr.empty())
+		zoomInt = EAknUiZoomNormal;
+	else if(lowerZoomStr == KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeZoomVerySmall) 
+		zoomInt = EAknUiZoomVerySmall;
+	else if(lowerZoomStr == KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeZoomSmall) 
+		zoomInt = EAknUiZoomSmall;
+	else if(lowerZoomStr == KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeZoomLarge) 
+		zoomInt = EAknUiZoomLarge;
+	else if(lowerZoomStr == KCompDataParseNodeCalcAttributeZoomVeryLarge) 
+		zoomInt = EAknUiZoomVeryLarge;
+	return zoomInt;
+	}
+//  TMLCompDataParseParentInfo
+TMLCompDataParseParentInfo::TMLCompDataParseParentInfo(TMLCompDataLine* aLine)
+	:
+	iSaxParentInfoSelector(0),
+	iSaxVariety(0)
+	{
+	}
+MSaxLayoutHandler* TMLCompDataParseParentInfo::HandleSax(const std::string& aElement, const TAttribs& aAttribs)
+	{
+//	<ParentInfo>
+// 		<option variety="0">
+// 			<parent id="3140" variety="2"/>
+//		</option>
+//	</ParentInfo>
+	if (aElement == KCompDataParseNodeOption)
+		{
+		delete iSaxParentInfoSelector;
+		iSaxParentInfoSelector= 0;
+		iSaxParentInfoSelector = new TMLCompDataParentInfoSelector;
+		HandleSaxVariety(aElement, aAttribs);
+		}
+	else if (aElement == KCompDataParseNodeParent)
+		{
+		HandleSaxParent(aElement, aAttribs);
+		}
+	return this;
+	}
+void TMLCompDataParseParentInfo::HandleSaxEnd(const std::string& aElement)
+	{
+	if (aElement == KCompDataParseNodeOption) // value
+		{
+		insert(make_pair(iSaxVariety, *iSaxParentInfoSelector));
+		delete iSaxParentInfoSelector;
+		iSaxParentInfoSelector = 0;
+		}
+	}
+void TMLCompDataParseParentInfo::HandleSaxParent(const std::string& aElement, const TAttribs& aAttribs)
+	{
+// 			<parent id="3140" variety="2"/>
+	string parentIdStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeParentInfoParentAttributeId);
+	string parentVarietyStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeParentInfoParentAttributeVariety);
+	iSaxParentInfoSelector->iParentId = CdlTkUtil::ParseInt(parentIdStr);
+	iSaxParentInfoSelector->iParentVariety = CdlTkUtil::ParseInt(parentVarietyStr);
+	}
+void TMLCompDataParseParentInfo::HandleSaxVariety(const std::string& aElement, const TAttribs& aAttribs)
+	{
+// 		<option variety="0">
+	string varietyIndexStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeParentOptionAttributeVariety);
+	iSaxVariety = CdlTkUtil::ParseInt(varietyIndexStr); // defaults to zero
+	}
+//  TMLCompDataParseLayoutLine
+	: 
+	TMLCompDataLine(), 
+	iSaxValues(0),
+	iSaxParentInfo(0),
+	iSaxAttributeInfo(0)
+	{
+	}
+MSaxLayoutHandler* TMLCompDataParseLayoutLine::HandleSax(const std::string& aElement, const TAttribs& aAttribs)
+	{
+	if(aElement == KCompDataParseNodeComponent)
+		{
+		HandleSaxAttributes(aAttribs);
+		}
+	else if(aElement == KCompDataParseNodeParentInfo)
+		{
+		return HandleSaxParent(aElement, aAttribs);
+		}
+	else if(aElement == KCompDataParseNodeLayoutInfoParam)
+		{
+		//	<LayoutInfo>
+		//		<Param name="Left">
+		//		...
+		//	</LayoutInfo>
+		return HandleSaxParam(aElement, aAttribs);
+		}
+	else if(aElement == KCompDataParseNodeAttributeInfo)
+		{
+		return HandleSaxAttributeInfo(aElement, aAttribs);
+		}
+	return this;
+	}
+void TMLCompDataParseLayoutLine::HandleSaxAttributes(const TAttribs& aAttribs)
+	{
+//	<Component 
+//		drawingorder="0" 
+//		id="1" 
+//		maxVariety="2" 
+//		mirror="true" 
+//		name="application_window" 
+//		type="Container">
+	iName = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeComponentAttributeName);
+	string idStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeComponentAttributeId);
+	iId = CdlTkUtil::ParseInt(idStr);
+	if(iId == 0)
+		{
+		// this must be a dummy component, so have to fabricate a component id
+		// TODO: ensure that layout data contains real component ids
+		if(iName == "text_primary")
+			iId = -1;
+		else if(iName == "text_secondary")
+			iId = -2;
+		else if(iName == "text_title")
+			iId = -3;
+		else if(iName == "text_primary_small")
+			iId = -4;
+		}
+	string typeStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeComponentAttributeType);
+	if(typeStr == KCompDataParseTextComponentTypeScreen)
+		{
+		iType = EScreenComponent;
+		}
+	else if(typeStr == KCompDataParseTextComponentTypeContainer)
+		{
+		iType = EContainerComponent;
+		}
+	else if(typeStr == KCompDataParseTextComponentTypePane)
+		{
+		iType = EPaneComponent;
+		}
+	else if(typeStr == KCompDataParseTextComponentTypeGraphic)
+		{
+		iType = EGraphicComponent;
+		}
+	else if(typeStr == KCompDataParseTextComponentTypeText)
+		{
+		iType = ETextComponent;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iType = EUnknownComponent;
+		}
+	string drawingOrderStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeComponentAttributeDrawingOrder);
+	iDrawingOrder = CdlTkUtil::ParseInt(drawingOrderStr);
+	string mirroredStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeComponentAttributeMirror);
+	iIsMirroredHorizontally = (mirroredStr == KCompDataParseTextComponentMirrorTrue); // will be false if empty, eg for a non-mirrored layout
+	string maxVarietyStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeComponentAttributeMaxVariety);
+	if(!maxVarietyStr.empty()) // screen doesn't have maxVariety for some reason
+		{
+		int maxVariety = CdlTkUtil::ParseInt(maxVarietyStr) - 2;
+		// we ignore the maxVariety for now, as it will be calculated by parsing the values
+		}
+	}
+MSaxLayoutHandler* TMLCompDataParseLayoutLine::HandleSaxParent(const std::string& aElement, const TAttribs& aAttribs)
+	{
+	delete iSaxParentInfo;
+	iSaxParentInfo = 0;
+	iSaxParentInfo = new TMLCompDataParseParentInfo(this);
+	return iSaxParentInfo;
+	}
+MSaxLayoutHandler* TMLCompDataParseLayoutLine::HandleSaxParam(const std::string& /*aElement*/, const TAttribs& aAttribs)
+	{
+	delete iSaxValues;
+	iSaxValues = 0;
+	iSaxValues = new TMLCompDataParseValues(this);
+	string nameStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeLayoutInfoParamAttributeName);
+	iSaxValues->iName = ShortParamName(nameStr);
+	return iSaxValues;
+	}
+void TMLCompDataParseLayoutLine::HandleSaxEnd(const std::string& aElement)
+	{
+	if(aElement == KCompDataParseNodeParentInfo)
+		{
+		iParentInfo = iSaxParentInfo;
+		iSaxParentInfo = 0;
+		}
+	else if(aElement == KCompDataParseNodeLayoutInfoParam)
+		{
+		insert(make_pair(iSaxValues->iName, *iSaxValues));
+		delete iSaxValues;
+		iSaxValues = 0;
+		}
+	else if(aElement == KCompDataParseNodeAttributeInfo)
+		{
+		iAttributeInfo = iSaxAttributeInfo;
+		iSaxAttributeInfo = 0;
+		}
+	}
+MSaxLayoutHandler* TMLCompDataParseLayoutLine::HandleSaxAttributeInfo(const std::string& aElement, const TAttribs& aAttribs)
+	{
+	delete iSaxAttributeInfo;
+	iSaxAttributeInfo = 0;
+	iSaxAttributeInfo = new TMLCompDataParseAttributeInfo(this);
+	return iSaxAttributeInfo;
+	}
+string TMLCompDataParseLayoutLine::ShortParamName(string& aName)
+	{
+	string shortName = aName;
+	if(aName == KCompDataParseTextParamNameColor)
+		shortName = KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameColor;
+	else if(aName == KCompDataParseTextParamNameLeft)
+		shortName = KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameLeft;
+	else if(aName == KCompDataParseTextParamNameRight)
+		shortName = KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameRight;
+	else if(aName == KCompDataParseTextParamNameTop)
+		shortName = KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameTop;
+	else if(aName == KCompDataParseTextParamNameBottom)
+		shortName = KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameBottom;
+	else if(aName == KCompDataParseTextParamNameWidth)
+		shortName = KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameWidth;
+	else if(aName == KCompDataParseTextParamNameHeight)
+		shortName = KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameHeight;
+	else if(aName == KCompDataParseTextParamNameJustification)
+		shortName = KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameJustification;
+	else if(aName == KCompDataParseTextParamNameType)
+		shortName = KCompDataParseTextParamShortNameType;
+	return shortName;
+	}
+//  TMLCompDataParseAttributeInfo
+TMLCompDataParseAttributeInfo::TMLCompDataParseAttributeInfo(TMLCompDataLine* aLine)
+	:
+	iSaxAttributeInfoSelector(0),
+	iSaxVariety(0)
+	{
+	}
+MSaxLayoutHandler* TMLCompDataParseAttributeInfo::HandleSax(const std::string& aElement, const TAttribs& aAttribs)
+	{
+//        <AttributeInfo>
+//            <option variety="0">
+//                <attributeset name="a0"/>
+//            </option>
+//            <option variety="1">
+//                <attributeset name="a1"/>
+//            </option>
+//        </AttributeInfo>
+	if (aElement == KCompDataParseNodeAttributeInfoOption)
+		{
+		delete iSaxAttributeInfoSelector;
+		iSaxAttributeInfoSelector= 0;
+		iSaxAttributeInfoSelector = new TMLCompDataAttributeInfoSelector;
+		HandleSaxVariety(aElement, aAttribs);
+		}
+	else if (aElement == KCompDataParseNodeAttributeInfoAttributeSet)
+		{
+		HandleSaxAttributeSet(aElement, aAttribs);
+		}
+	return this;
+	}
+void TMLCompDataParseAttributeInfo::HandleSaxEnd(const std::string& aElement)
+	{
+	if (aElement == KCompDataParseNodeAttributeInfoOption) // value
+		{
+		if(!iSaxAttributeInfoSelector->iAttributeSetName.empty())
+			{
+			insert(make_pair(iSaxVariety, *iSaxAttributeInfoSelector));
+			}
+		delete iSaxAttributeInfoSelector;
+		iSaxAttributeInfoSelector = 0;
+		}
+	}
+void TMLCompDataParseAttributeInfo::HandleSaxVariety(const std::string& aElement, const TAttribs& aAttribs)
+	{
+// 		<option variety="0">
+	string varietyIndexStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeParentOptionAttributeVariety);
+	iSaxVariety = CdlTkUtil::ParseInt(varietyIndexStr); // defaults to zero
+	}
+void TMLCompDataParseAttributeInfo::HandleSaxAttributeSet(const std::string& aElement, const TAttribs& aAttribs)
+	{
+//                <attributeset name="a0"/>
+	string attributeSetNameStr = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseNodeAttributeInfoAttributeSetAttributeName);
+	iSaxAttributeInfoSelector->iAttributeSetName = attributeSetNameStr;
+	}
+// class TMLCompDataParseLayoutTable
+TMLCompDataParseLayoutTable::TMLCompDataParseLayoutTable(TMLCompData* aTables)
+:	TMLCompDataTable(aTables)
+	{
+	}
+MSaxLayoutHandler* TMLCompDataParseLayoutTable::HandleSax(const std::string& /*aElement*/, const TAttribs& /*aAttribs*/)
+	{
+	return this;
+	}
+// class TMLCompDataParseLayout
+MSaxLayoutHandler* TMLCompDataParseLayout::HandleSax(const std::string& aElement, const TAttribs& aAttribs)
+	{
+	if (aElement == KCompDataParseRoot)
+		{
+		// <Layout MasterId="0.6821563014440754" 
+		//		MasterName="m_p" LayoutSetId="1" 
+		//		LayoutName="D_avkon_port" 
+		//		VariantId="0.45128997192758025" 
+		//		variant_name="eur" 
+		//		variant_abbreviation="e" 
+		//		ppi="100.0" 
+		//		ppiUnit="Inches" 
+		//		resolutionHeight="416" 
+		//		resolutionWidth="352" 
+		//		createdOn="2004-08-27 12:37:42.727">
+		iMasterName = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseRootAttributeMasterName);
+		iLayoutName = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseRootAttributeLayoutName);
+		iVariantName = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseRootAttributeVariantName);
+		iResolutionHeight = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseRootAttributeResolutionHeight);
+		iResolutionWidth = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseRootAttributeResolutionWidth);
+		iTimestamp = aAttribs.getValue(KCompDataParseRootAttributeCreatedOn);
+		return this;
+		}
+	else if (aElement == KCompDataParseNodeComponent)
+		{
+		TMLCompDataParseLayoutLine* line = new TMLCompDataParseLayoutLine();
+		line->HandleSax(aElement, aAttribs);
+		iComponents.insert(make_pair(line->iId, line));
+		return line;
+		}
+	else
+		return this;
+	}
+auto_ptr<TMLCompDataParseLayout> TMLCompDataParseLayout::Parse(const string& aLayName)
+	{
+	auto_ptr<TMLCompDataParseLayout> layout(new TMLCompDataParseLayout);
+	int pos=0;
+	string layName = aLayName;
+	int next = layName.find('+', pos);
+	if (next != string::npos)
+		{
+		throw GeneralErr(layName + " TMLCompDataParseLayout::Parse() - doesn't support multiple files");
+		}
+	if (layName.size() >= 2 && layName.substr(0,2) == "-m")
+		{
+		layName = layName.substr(2);
+		layout->iCanBeMirror = true;
+		}
+	layout->iName = layName;
+	// SAX parsing method
+	cout << "reading MLCompData(SAX) " << layName << endl;
+	TLayoutSaxParser saxParser(layout.get());
+	saxParser.Parse(layName);
+	return layout;
+	}
+TLayoutSaxParser::TLayoutSaxParser(MSaxLayoutHandler* aHandler)
+	{ 
+	iStack.push(aHandler);
+	}
+void TLayoutSaxParser::Parse(const std::string& aFileName)
+	{
+	SAX::basic_InputSource<std::string> is(aFileName);
+	SAX::XMLReader<std::string> parser;
+	parser.setContentHandler(*this);
+	parser.setErrorHandler(*this);
+	parser.parse(is);
+	}
+void TLayoutSaxParser::startElement(const std::string& /*namespaceURI*/, const std::string& localName,
+                              const std::string& /*qName*/, const SAX::basic_Attributes<std::string>& atts)
+    {
+	MSaxLayoutHandler* handler = iStack.top();
+	if (!handler)
+		throw GeneralErr("SAX: No element handler");
+	MSaxLayoutHandler* next = handler->HandleSax(localName, atts);
+	iStack.push(next);
+    }
+void TLayoutSaxParser::endElement(const std::string& /*namespaceURI*/, const std::string& localName,
+                            const std::string& /*qName*/)
+    {
+	iStack.pop();
+	MSaxLayoutHandler* handler = iStack.top();
+	if (handler)
+		handler->HandleSaxEnd(localName);
+    }
+void TLayoutSaxParser::warning(const TException& aException) 
+    {
+	cerr << aException.what();
+    }
+void TLayoutSaxParser::error(const TException& aException) 
+    {
+	cerr << aException.what();
+    }
+void TLayoutSaxParser::fatalError(const TException& aException)
+    {
+	cerr << aException.what();
+    }
+// End of File