changeset 0 f58d6ec98e88
child 1 b700e12870ca
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/aknlayoutcompiler/src/MLEqCompData2DHuiML.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:14:18 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+// disable "identifier was truncated to '255' characters in the browser information" warning
+#pragma warning (disable:4786)
+#include "MLEqCompData2DHuiML.h"
+#include "MLEqCompDataParse.h"
+#include "LayoutCompilerErr.h"
+#include "FormulaTree.h"
+#include <cdlcompilertoolkit/cdltkprocess.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "CodeGenConsts.h"
+using namespace std;
+typedef LayoutProcessArgsErr<MLEqCompDataToDHuiML> MLEqCompDataToDHuiMLArgsErr;
+// constants
+const string KCompDataFileNameSuffix("compData");
+const string KAttributesFileNameSuffix("attributes");
+// class TEqLayoutSaxWriter
+class TEqLayoutSaxWriter
+	{
+	enum 
+		{
+		KIndentSize=4
+		};
+	TEqLayoutSaxWriter(ofstream& aStream);
+    void StartDocument();
+    void EndDocument();
+	void OpenStartElement(const string& aLocalName);
+	void CloseStartElement();
+	void CloseAndEndStartElement();
+	void EndElement(const string& aLocalName);
+	void Attribute(const string& aLocalName, const string& aValue);
+	void Comment(const string& aComment);
+	void Indent();
+	void IncreaseIndentLevel();
+	void DecreaseIndentLevel();
+	ofstream& iStream;
+	int iIndentLevel;
+	};
+TEqLayoutSaxWriter::TEqLayoutSaxWriter(ofstream& aStream)
+	: 
+	iStream(aStream),
+	iIndentLevel(0)
+	{
+	};
+void TEqLayoutSaxWriter::StartDocument()
+	{
+	Indent();
+	iStream << string("<xmluiml xmlns=\"http://www.series60.com/xml/xmluiml/1\">") << endl;
+	IncreaseIndentLevel();
+	}
+void TEqLayoutSaxWriter::EndDocument()
+	{
+	DecreaseIndentLevel();
+	Indent();
+	iStream << string("</xmluiml>") << endl;
+	}
+//void TEqLayoutSaxWriter::StartElement(const string& /*namespaceURI*/, const string& localName /*, const string& qName*/ /*, const AttributesT& atts*/)
+void TEqLayoutSaxWriter::OpenStartElement(const string& aLocalName)
+	{
+	Indent();
+	iStream << "<" << aLocalName;
+	IncreaseIndentLevel();
+	}
+void TEqLayoutSaxWriter::CloseStartElement()
+	{
+	iStream << ">" << endl;
+	}
+void TEqLayoutSaxWriter::CloseAndEndStartElement()
+	{
+	iStream << " />" << endl;
+	DecreaseIndentLevel();
+	}
+void TEqLayoutSaxWriter::EndElement(const string& aLocalName)
+	{
+	DecreaseIndentLevel();
+	Indent();
+	iStream << "</" << aLocalName << ">" << endl;
+	}
+void TEqLayoutSaxWriter::Attribute(const string& aLocalName, const string& aValue)
+	{
+	iStream << " " << aLocalName << "=\"" << aValue << "\"";
+	}
+void TEqLayoutSaxWriter::Comment(const string& aComment)
+	{
+	iStream << "<!--  " << aComment << " -->" << endl;
+	}
+void TEqLayoutSaxWriter::Indent()
+	{
+	stringstream ss;
+	int max = iIndentLevel * KIndentSize;
+	for(int count = 0; count < max; count++)
+		{
+		ss << " ";
+		}
+	iStream << ss.str();
+	}
+void TEqLayoutSaxWriter::IncreaseIndentLevel()
+	{
+	if(iIndentLevel > 1000)
+		throw GeneralErr("TEqLayoutSaxWriter::DecreaseIndentLevel - nesting inconsistency");
+	iIndentLevel++;
+	}
+void TEqLayoutSaxWriter::DecreaseIndentLevel()
+	{
+	if(iIndentLevel == 0)
+		throw GeneralErr("TEqLayoutSaxWriter::DecreaseIndentLevel - nesting inconsistency");
+	iIndentLevel--;
+	}
+// MLEqCompDataToDHuiML
+int MLEqCompDataToDHuiML::Process(const vector<string>& args)
+	{
+	int numExpectedArgs = 5;
+	int numArgs = args.size();
+	if(numArgs < numExpectedArgs)
+		throw MLEqCompDataToDHuiMLArgsErr();
+    int arg = 2;
+	string listName = args[arg++];
+	string compDataName = args[arg++];
+	string parChildName = args[arg++];
+	string dhuimlName = args[arg++];
+	auto_ptr<TMLEqCompDataParseLayout> layoutParse = TMLEqCompDataParseLayout::Parse(listName, compDataName, parChildName);
+	auto_ptr<TMLEqCompData> layout(layoutParse.get());
+	layoutParse.release();
+	TMLEqCompData* theLayout = layout.get();
+	theLayout->Compile();
+	cout << "writing dhuiml file " << dhuimlName << endl;
+	ofstream dhuiml(dhuimlName.c_str());
+	int KIndent = 4;
+	TEqLayoutSaxWriter saxWriter(dhuiml);
+	saxWriter.StartDocument();
+	stringstream comment1;
+	comment1 << "Generated from list: " << listName;
+	saxWriter.Comment(comment1.str());
+	stringstream comment2;
+	comment2 << "Generated from component data: " << compDataName;
+	saxWriter.Comment(comment2.str());
+	stringstream comment3;
+	comment3 << "Generated from parent child data: " << parChildName;
+	saxWriter.Comment(comment3.str());
+	LayoutTablesToDeclarative(saxWriter, *theLayout);
+	saxWriter.EndDocument();
+	return 0;
+	}
+void MLEqCompDataToDHuiML::ShowHelp(ostream& stream)
+	{
+	stream << "MLEqCompData2DHuiML <MLEqCompListName> <MLEqCompDataName> <MLEqParChildName> <DHuiMLName>" << endl;
+    stream << "  e.g. from \\S60\\AknLayout2\\group run " << endl;
+    stream << "  aknlayoutcompiler MLEqCompData2DHuiML " << endl;
+	stream << "      ..\\..\\xml_master\\xml\\m_p_30\\m_p_30_list.xml " << endl;
+	stream << "      ..\\..\\xml_master\\xml\\m_p_30\\m_p_30\\0.161093285736413\\eur_compData.xml " << endl;
+	stream << "      ..\\..\\xml_master\\xml\\m_p_30\\m_p_30\\0.161093285736413\\eur_parChildRelation.xml " << endl;
+	stream << "      ..\\generated_declarative\\lct_avkon.dhuiml" << endl;
+	}
+void MLEqCompDataToDHuiML::LayoutTablesToDeclarative(TEqLayoutSaxWriter& aSaxWriter, const TMLEqCompData& aLayout)
+	{
+	// first the tables are output
+	for (TMLEqCompData::const_iterator pTab = aLayout.begin(); pTab != aLayout.end(); ++pTab)
+		{
+		AddTableToDeclarative(aSaxWriter, **pTab);
+		}
+	}
+void MLEqCompDataToDHuiML::LayoutComponentsToDeclarative(TEqLayoutSaxWriter& aSaxWriter, const TMLEqCompData& aLayout)
+	{
+	// then the individual components are output
+	for (TMLEqCompData::TMLEqCompDataComponents::const_iterator pLine = aLayout.iComponents.begin(); pLine != aLayout.iComponents.end(); ++pLine)
+		{
+		// @todo this may be needed if the components are to be written out separately from the tables
+		}
+	}
+const string KDHuiMLLayoutmanager("layoutmanager");
+const string KDHuiMLLayoutmanagerId("id");
+const string KDHuiMLLayoutmanagerName("name");
+const string KDHuiMLOptionSet("optionset");
+const string KDHuiMLOptionSetId("id");
+const string KDHuiMLOptionSetOrientationPortrait("portrait");
+const string KDHuiMLOptionSetOrientationLandscape("landscape");
+const string KDHuiMLOptionSetOrientationTrue("true");
+const string KDHuiMLOptionSetOrientationFalse("false");
+void MLEqCompDataToDHuiML::AddTableToDeclarative(TEqLayoutSaxWriter& aSaxWriter, TMLEqCompDataTable& aTable)
+	{
+	if(aTable.size() == 0)
+		return;
+//	<layoutmanager id="1233" name="listscroll_app_pane">
+//		<optionset id="0" portrait="true" landscape="false">
+//			<lctcomponent id="1234" name="grid_app_pane">
+	aSaxWriter.OpenStartElement(KDHuiMLLayoutmanager);
+	aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLLayoutmanagerId, CdlTkUtil::IntToString(aTable.iId));
+	aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLLayoutmanagerName, aTable.iName);
+	aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+	// iterate through option sets
+	for(TMLEqCompDataTable::iterator pOptionSet = aTable.begin(); pOptionSet != aTable.end(); ++pOptionSet)
+		{
+		int optionSetId = pOptionSet->first;
+		TMLEqCompDataTableOptionSet& optionSet = pOptionSet->second;
+		aSaxWriter.OpenStartElement(KDHuiMLOptionSet);
+		aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLOptionSetId, CdlTkUtil::IntToString(optionSetId));
+		string isPortrait = (optionSet.iOrientation & EMLEqCompDataOptionSetOrientationPortrait) ? KDHuiMLOptionSetOrientationTrue : KDHuiMLOptionSetOrientationFalse;
+		aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLOptionSetOrientationPortrait, isPortrait);
+		string isLandscape = (optionSet.iOrientation & EMLEqCompDataOptionSetOrientationLandscape) ? KDHuiMLOptionSetOrientationTrue : KDHuiMLOptionSetOrientationFalse;
+		aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLOptionSetOrientationLandscape, isLandscape);
+		aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+		for(TMLEqCompDataTableOptionSet::iterator pLine = optionSet.begin(); pLine != optionSet.end(); ++pLine)
+			{
+			AddLineToDeclarative(aSaxWriter, **pLine, optionSetId);
+			}
+		aSaxWriter.EndElement(KDHuiMLOptionSet);
+		}
+	aSaxWriter.EndElement(KDHuiMLLayoutmanager);
+	}
+const string KDHuiMLLCTComponent("lctcomponent");
+const string KDHuiMLLCTComponentId("id");
+const string KDHuiMLLCTComponentName("name");
+const string KDHuiMLAlfLayout("alflayout");
+const string KDHuiMLAlfLayoutType("type");
+const string KDHuiMLAlfLayoutTypeAnchor("anchor");
+void MLEqCompDataToDHuiML::AddLineToDeclarative(TEqLayoutSaxWriter& aSaxWriter, TMLEqCompDataLine& aLine, int aOptionSetId)
+	{
+	// beginning of component
+//		<lctcomponent id="1234" name="grid_app_pane">
+//			<alflayout type="anchor">
+	aSaxWriter.OpenStartElement(KDHuiMLLCTComponent);
+	aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLLCTComponentId, CdlTkUtil::IntToString(aLine.iId));
+	aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLLCTComponentName, aLine.iName);
+	aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+	aSaxWriter.OpenStartElement(KDHuiMLAlfLayout);
+	aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAlfLayoutType, KDHuiMLAlfLayoutTypeAnchor);
+	aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+	const string* outputOrder =  KEqCompDataPaneOutputOrder;
+	const int outputSize = KEqCompDataPaneOutputOrderSize;
+	vector<string> cellOrder(outputOrder, outputOrder + outputSize);
+	for (vector<string>::iterator pCell = cellOrder.begin(); pCell != cellOrder.end(); ++pCell)
+		{
+		string cellName = *pCell;
+		AddCellToDeclarative(aSaxWriter, aLine[cellName], cellName, aOptionSetId);
+		}
+	aSaxWriter.EndElement(KDHuiMLAlfLayout);
+	aSaxWriter.EndElement(KDHuiMLLCTComponent);
+	}
+const string KDHuiMLAnchor("anchor");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorOrdinal("ordinal");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorType("type");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorTypePrefix("EAlfAnchorType"); // not currently used, to save disk space
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorAttachmentOrigin("attachmentOrigin");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorAttachmentOriginPrefix("EAlfAnchorAttachmentOrigin");  // not currently used, to save disk space
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorAttachmentOrdinal("attachmentOrdinal");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorAttachmentOrdinalAttachToParent("P");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorOffset("offset");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorOffsetMagnitude("magnitude");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorOffsetUnit("unit");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorOffsetUnitPixel("S60");
+void MLEqCompDataToDHuiML::AddCellToDeclarative(TEqLayoutSaxWriter& aSaxWriter, TMLEqCompDataValues& aValues, const string& aCellName, int aOptionSetId)
+	{
+//				<anchor 
+//					ordinal="0" // don't need this, as declarative can calculate drawing order at runtime
+//					type="EAlfAnchorTypeLeft"
+//					attachmentOrigin="EAlfAnchorAttachmentOriginLeft"
+//					attachmentOrdinal="EAlfAnchorAttachToParent">
+//			        <offset 
+//						magnitude="20"
+//						unit="EAlfUnitPixel" 
+//						zoomId = "233" />
+//					<formula formulaStr=""> // @todo this is temporary whilst equation evaluation is developed
+//						...
+//					</formula>
+//				</anchor>
+	bool validCell(false);
+	TMLEqCompDataFormula* formula = NULL;
+	TMLEqCompDataValuesOptionSet& optionSet = aValues.iOptionSets[aOptionSetId];
+	// always assume it's the first and only forumla
+	if(optionSet.size() > 0)
+		{
+		formula = &(optionSet[0]);
+		if(!formula->iFormulaString.empty())
+			{
+			validCell = true;
+			}
+		}
+	if(!validCell)
+		return;
+	aSaxWriter.OpenStartElement(KDHuiMLAnchor);
+//		aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorOrdinal, 0); // don't need this, as declarative can calculate drawing order at runtime
+	string anchorType = aCellName;
+	ConvertPositionValueStr(anchorType);
+	aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorType, anchorType); 
+	// @todo for now, always attach to the same side, but need to calculate this for e.g. orthogonal anchors
+	aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorAttachmentOrigin, anchorType);
+	aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorAttachmentOrdinal, KDHuiMLAnchorAttachmentOrdinalAttachToParent);
+	aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+		{
+		aSaxWriter.OpenStartElement(KDHuiMLAnchorOffset);
+		aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorOffsetMagnitude, "0"); // @todo, replace with value in units!
+		aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorOffsetUnit, KDHuiMLAnchorOffsetUnitPixel); // @todo, replace with s60 units when supported
+		aSaxWriter.CloseAndEndStartElement();
+		}
+	AddFormulaToDeclarative(aSaxWriter, *formula);
+	aSaxWriter.EndElement(KDHuiMLAnchor);
+	}
+// this is all temporary, to illustrate equation parsing
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorFormula("formula");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaString("formulastr");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNode("node");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType("type");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue("value");
+void Print(TEqLayoutSaxWriter& aSaxWriter, const FormulaTreeNode& aNode)
+	{
+	aSaxWriter.OpenStartElement(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNode);
+	stringstream ss;
+	switch (aNode.Type())
+		{
+		case FormulaTreeNode::EReal:		// Double() = the number
+			ss << aNode.Real();
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "real");
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			break;
+		case FormulaTreeNode::EInt:			// Int() = the number
+			ss << aNode.Int();
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "int");
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			break;
+		case FormulaTreeNode::ECell:			// Char() = cell name
+			ss << aNode.Char();
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "cell");
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			break;
+		case FormulaTreeNode::EParent:		// nothing special
+			ss << aNode.Char();
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "parent");
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			break;
+		case FormulaTreeNode::EParentCell:	// Char() = parent cell name
+			ss << aNode.Char();
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "parent_cell");
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			break;
+		case FormulaTreeNode::ETableCell:		// Double() = target table
+			ss << aNode.Real();
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "table_cell");
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			break;
+		case FormulaTreeNode::EComponent:		// Double() = component id, [0] = cell name
+			ss << aNode.Real();
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "component");
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			Print(aSaxWriter, aNode[0]);
+			break;
+		case FormulaTreeNode::EAbsolute:		// Text() = whole thing, [0], [1] = real components, [2] = cell name
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "absolute_cell_ref");
+//			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			Print(aSaxWriter, aNode[0]);
+			Print(aSaxWriter, aNode[1]);
+			Print(aSaxWriter, aNode[2]);
+			break;
+		case FormulaTreeNode::EUnits:			// Double() = units
+			ss << aNode.Real();
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "units");
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			break;
+		case FormulaTreeNode::EConstant:		// Double() = constant
+			ss << aNode.Real();
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "constant");
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			break;
+		case FormulaTreeNode::EAttribute:		// Int() = attribute
+			ss << aNode.Int();
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "attribute");
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			break;
+		case FormulaTreeNode::EMystery:		// Text() = whole thing, [0], [1] = int components
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "mystery");
+//			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			Print(aSaxWriter, aNode[0]);
+			Print(aSaxWriter, aNode[1]);
+			break;
+		case FormulaTreeNode::EFunction:		// Text() = function name, [0] = parameter
+			ss << aNode.Text();
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "function");
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			Print(aSaxWriter, aNode[0]);
+			break;
+		case FormulaTreeNode::EArithmetic:	// Char() = arithmetic operator, [0], [1] = sub expressions
+			ss << aNode.Char();
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "arithmetic");
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			Print(aSaxWriter, aNode[0]);
+			Print(aSaxWriter, aNode[1]);
+			break;
+		case FormulaTreeNode::ECondition:		// Text() = comparison operator, [0], [1] = sub expressions
+			ss << aNode.Text();
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "condition");
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			Print(aSaxWriter, aNode[0]);
+			Print(aSaxWriter, aNode[1]);
+			break;
+		case FormulaTreeNode::EConditional:	// no content, [0] = condition, [1] = then expression, [2] = else expression
+			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeType, "if_then_else");
+//			aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNodeValue, ss.str());
+			aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+			Print(aSaxWriter, aNode[0]);
+			Print(aSaxWriter, aNode[1]);
+			Print(aSaxWriter, aNode[2]);
+			break;
+		}
+	aSaxWriter.EndElement(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaNode);
+	}
+void MLEqCompDataToDHuiML::AddFormulaToDeclarative(TEqLayoutSaxWriter& aSaxWriter, const TMLEqCompDataFormula& aFormula)
+	{
+//		<formula formulaStr=""> // @todo this is temporary whilst equation evaluation is developed
+//			<node type="123" value="456"/>
+//		</formula>		
+	aSaxWriter.OpenStartElement(KDHuiMLAnchorFormula);
+	aSaxWriter.Attribute(KDHuiMLAnchorFormulaString, aFormula.iFormulaString); // @todo, replace with expanded formula xml
+	aSaxWriter.CloseStartElement();
+	if(aFormula.iFormulaTree)
+		{
+		Print(aSaxWriter, *(aFormula.iFormulaTree));
+		}
+	aSaxWriter.EndElement(KDHuiMLAnchorFormula);
+	}
+extern const string KEqCompDataKeywordParamLeft;
+extern const string KEqCompDataKeywordParamTop;
+extern const string KEqCompDataKeywordParamRight;
+extern const string KEqCompDataKeywordParamBottom;
+extern const string KEqCompDataKeywordParamWidth;
+extern const string KEqCompDataKeywordParamHeight;
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorLeft("left");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorTop("top");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorRight("right");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorBottom("bottom");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorWidth("width");
+const string KDHuiMLAnchorHeight("height");
+void MLEqCompDataToDHuiML::ConvertPositionValueStr(std::string& aValueStr)
+	{
+	if(aValueStr == KEqCompDataKeywordParamLeft) 
+		aValueStr = KDHuiMLAnchorLeft;
+	else if(aValueStr == KEqCompDataKeywordParamTop) 
+		aValueStr = KDHuiMLAnchorTop;
+	else if(aValueStr == KEqCompDataKeywordParamRight) 
+		aValueStr = KDHuiMLAnchorRight;
+	else if(aValueStr == KEqCompDataKeywordParamBottom) 
+		aValueStr = KDHuiMLAnchorBottom;
+	else if(aValueStr == KEqCompDataKeywordParamWidth) 
+		aValueStr = KDHuiMLAnchorWidth;
+	else if(aValueStr == KEqCompDataKeywordParamHeight) 
+		aValueStr = KDHuiMLAnchorHeight;
+	else
+		aValueStr = KDHuiMLAnchorLeft;
+		}
+// end of file