changeset 0 f58d6ec98e88
child 1 b700e12870ca
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uitools_plat/cdl_api/inc/CdlCompilerToolkit/CdlTkInterface.h	Thu Dec 17 09:14:18 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,976 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#pragma warning (disable:4786)	// disable "identifier was truncated to '255' characters in the browser information" warning
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <CdlCompilerToolkit/CdlTkUtil.h>
+namespace CdlCompilerToolkit {
+class CCdlTkInterface;
+class CCdlTkFunctionApi;
+class CCdlTkDataApi;
+* Header information for a CDL interface
+class CCdlTkInterfaceHeader
+	{
+	/**
+	* A collection of CDL interface flags. This class has operations to allow
+	* the flags to be manipulated through their textual name, or as an array
+	* of bits.
+	*/
+	class CFlags
+		{
+	public:
+		/**
+		* constructor
+		*/
+		CFlags();
+		/**
+		* Sets a flag to be on
+		* @param aFlagName the name of the flag to be turned on
+		*/
+		void SetFlag(const std::string& aFlagName);
+		/**
+		* Sets a flag to be off
+		* @param aFlagName the name of the flag to be turned off
+		*/
+		void ClearFlag(const std::string& aFlagName);
+		/**
+		* Returns a representation of the flags as a 32-bit integer
+		* @return a 32-bit integer containing a bit patterns representing the flags
+		*/
+		int FlagsAsInt() const;
+		/**
+		* Returns a string representation of the flags
+		* @return a string containing the set flags' names combined with the
+		* C++ bitwise OR operator |.
+		* If no flags are set, "0" is returned.
+		*/
+		std::string FlagsAsString() const;
+		/**
+		* Gives the number of bit flags that this class uses.
+		* @return the  number of bit flags that this class uses.
+		*/
+		int Count() const;
+		/**
+		* Test whether a flag is set, using a flag index between 0 and Count()-1
+		* to identify the flag.
+		* @param aFlagIndex the index of the flag in question
+		* @return the bool value of the flag
+		*/
+		bool IsSet(int aFlagIndex) const;
+		/**
+		* Test whether a flag is set, using the flag name to identify the flag
+		* @param aFlagName the name of the flag in question
+		* @return the bool value of the flag
+		*/
+		bool IsSet(const std::string& aFlagName) const;
+		/**
+		* Adds the set flags in another CFlags object to this one.
+		* @param aOther another CFlags object
+		* @return this modified object.
+		*/
+		CFlags& operator|=(const CFlags& aOther);
+		/**
+		* Returns the name of a flag identified by its index
+		* @param aFlagIndex the index of the flag, between 0 and Count()-1
+		* @return the name of the flag
+		*/
+		std::string FlagName(int aFlagIndex) const;
+	private:
+		int IndexToFlagVal(int aIndex) const;
+		int FlagVal(const std::string& aFlagName) const;
+	private:
+		int iFlags;
+		};
+	/**
+	* A version number
+	*/
+	class CVersion
+		{
+	public:
+		/**
+		* constructor
+		*/
+		CVersion();
+		/**
+		* constructor
+		* @param aMajor the major version number
+		* @param aMinor the minor version number
+		*/
+		CVersion(int aMajor, int aMinor);
+		/**
+		* Compare two versions
+		* @param aOther another version number
+		* @return true if this version is less than the other version
+		*/
+		bool operator<(const CVersion aOther) const;
+		/**
+		* Compare two versions
+		* @param aOther another version number
+		* @return true if the two versions are equal
+		*/
+		bool operator==(const CVersion aOther) const;
+		/**
+		* The major version number
+		* @return the major version number
+		*/
+		int Major() const;
+		/**
+		* Set the major verion number
+		* @param aMajor the major version number
+		*/
+		void SetMajor(int aMajor);
+		/**
+		* The minor version number
+		* @return the minor version number
+		*/
+		int Minor() const;
+		/**
+		* Set the minor verion number
+		* @param aMinor the minor version number
+		*/
+		void SetMinor(int aMinor);
+	private:
+		int iMajor;
+		int iMinor;
+		};
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    */
+	CCdlTkInterfaceHeader();
+	/**
+    * Merge another header in with this one. This process is normally used
+	* when colapsing an extended CDL interface into a monolithic one.
+	* The other header is checked to make sure that it does nothing illegal,
+	* like change the name or UID, or decrease the version number, before the
+	* flags are merged and the version number is copied.
+    * @param aOther the header to merge with this one.
+    */
+	void MergeExtensionHeader(const CCdlTkInterfaceHeader& aOther);
+	/**
+    * Get the name of the CDL interface
+    * @return the name
+    */
+	std::string Name() const;
+	/**
+    * Set the name of the CDL interface
+    * @param aName the name for the CDL interface
+    */
+	void SetName(const std::string& aName);
+	/**
+    * Get the UID of the CDL interface
+    * @return the UID
+    */
+	int Uid() const;
+	/**
+    * Set the UID of the CDL interface
+    * @param aUid the UID for the CDL interface
+    */
+	void SetUid(int aUid);
+	/**
+    * Set the version of the CDL interface.
+    * @param aVersion The version for the interface
+    */
+	void SetVersion(const CVersion& aVersion);
+	/**
+    * Get the version of the CDL interface.
+    * @return the version of the CDL interface.
+    */
+	const CVersion& Version() const;
+	/**
+    * Get the flags for the CDL interface.
+    * @return the flags
+    */
+	const CFlags& Flags() const;
+	/**
+    * Get the flags for the CDL interface.
+    * @return a modifiable flags object
+    */
+	CFlags& Flags();
+	/**
+    * Compare this header with another
+    * @param aOther a header to compare this one with
+    * @return true if they are equal
+    */
+	bool operator==(const CCdlTkInterfaceHeader& aOther) const;
+	std::string iName;
+	int iUid;
+	CVersion iVer;
+	CFlags iFlags;
+	};
+* A single parameter in a function API in a CDL interface. It contains
+* a type and a name.
+class CCdlTkApiParam
+	{
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    */
+	CCdlTkApiParam();
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    * @param aType the parameter type
+	* @param aName the parameter name
+    */
+	CCdlTkApiParam(const std::string& aType, const std::string& aName);
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    * @param aType the parameter type
+	* @param aName the parameter name
+	* @param aDefaultValue the default value - If the supplied value is empty, there will be no default value
+    */
+	CCdlTkApiParam(const std::string& aType, const std::string& aName, const std::string& aDefaultValue);
+	/**
+    * Get the parameter type
+    * @return the parameter type
+    */
+	const std::string& Type() const;
+	/**
+    * Set the parameter type
+    * @param aType the type for the parameter
+    */
+	void SetType(const std::string& aType);
+	/**
+    * Get the parameter name
+    * @return the parameter name
+    */
+	const std::string& Name() const;
+	/**
+    * Set the parameter name
+    * @param aName the parameter name
+    */
+	void SetName(const std::string& aName);
+	/**
+    * Get the default value
+    * @return the default value - If there is no default value, the return value will be empty
+    */
+	const std::string& DefaultValue() const;
+	/**
+    * Set the default value
+    * @param aDefaultValue the default value  - If the supplied value is empty, there will be no default value
+    */
+	void SetDefaultValue(const std::string& aDefaultValue);
+	/**
+    * compare two parameters
+    * @param aOther the parameter to compare with
+    * @return true if name, type, and default value are the same
+    */
+	bool operator==(const CCdlTkApiParam& aOther) const;
+	/**
+    * compare two parameters
+    * @param aOther the parameter to compare with
+    * @return true if any of name, type, and default value are not the same
+    */
+	bool operator!=(const CCdlTkApiParam& aOther) const
+		{
+		return !(*this == aOther);
+		}
+	std::string iType;
+	std::string iName;
+	std::string iDefaultValue;
+	};
+* The parameter list for a function API in a CDL interface
+class CCdlTkApiParams : public std::vector<CCdlTkApiParam>
+	{
+	/**
+    * Finds a parameter by its name
+    * @param aParamName the name of the parameter to look for
+    * @return an iterator pointing at the parameter, or end() if not found.
+    */
+	iterator FindByName(std::string aParamName);
+	};
+* A CDL data type translation.
+* Data type translations have three parts.
+* 1) the type that the translation matches.
+* 2) the syntax for defining an instance of that type.
+* 3) the pointer reference syntax for that type.
+* The type match string may contain the text "aType". This will match against
+* any content in a type to be matched.
+* The definition and pointer reference strings may contain the variables
+* "aName" and "aType". "aName" will be replaced by the instance name.
+* "aType" will be replaced by the text in the type string that matched "aType".
+class CCdlTkDataTypeTranslation
+	{
+	/**
+    * An enum used to identify the source of a data type translation, whether
+	* it is built into the CDL compiler toolkit, or it comes from a CDL file.
+    */
+	enum TTranslationSource
+		{
+		EInbuilt,
+		EFromCdl
+		};
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    */
+	CCdlTkDataTypeTranslation();
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    * @param aType the type that this translation matches
+    */
+	CCdlTkDataTypeTranslation(const std::string& aType);
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    * @param aType the type that this translation matches
+	* @param aDefn the definition syntax for instances of this type.
+	* @param aPtrRef the pointer reference syntax for instances of this type.
+	* @param aSource the source of this translation.
+    */
+	CCdlTkDataTypeTranslation(const std::string& aType, const std::string& aDefn, const std::string& aPtrRef, TTranslationSource aSource);
+	/**
+    * Get the type match string
+    * @return the type match string
+    */
+	std::string Type() const;
+	/**
+    * Set the type match string
+    * @param aType the type match string
+    */
+	void SetType(const std::string& aType);
+	/**
+    * Get the definition syntax string
+    * @return the definition syntax string
+    */
+	std::string Definition() const;
+	/**
+    * Set the definition syntax string
+    * @param aDefn the definition syntax string
+    */
+	void SetDefinition(const std::string& aDefn);
+	/**
+    * Get the pointer reference syntax
+    * @return the pointer reference syntax
+    */
+	std::string PointerReference() const;
+	/**
+    * Set the pointer reference syntax
+    * @param aPtrRef the pointer reference syntax
+    */
+	void SetPointerReference(const std::string& aPtrRef);
+	/**
+    * Get the source of the translation
+    * @return the source of the translation
+    */
+	TTranslationSource Source() const;
+	/**
+    * Attempts to match a type string against the type string in this translation.
+	* Where this translation doesn't use "aType" in its type string, this is
+	* a simple comparison between they type strings.
+	* Where this translation does use "aType" in its type string, that will match
+	* any text in aType, but the rest of the type strings must match exactly.
+	* The part of aType that matches the string "aType" will be returned in
+	* aTypeVar.
+	* For example, consider when this translation's type is "vector<aType>".
+	* It will match a type "vector<int>" and "int" will be placed into aTypeVar.
+	* However it will not match "list<int>", because "list<>" does not match "vector<>".
+    * @param aType the type string to match.
+	* @param aTypeVar the text in aType that matched the type variable "aType".
+    * @return true if the match succeded.
+    */
+	bool Match(const std::string& aType, std::string& aTypeVar) const;
+	/**
+    * Compare two type translations.
+    * @param aOther a translation to compare
+    * @return true if type, definition syntax, pointer reference syntax and
+	* source are all the same.
+    */
+	bool operator==(const CCdlTkDataTypeTranslation& aOther) const;
+	std::string iType;
+	std::string iDefn;
+	std::string iPtrRef;
+	TTranslationSource iSource;
+	// member data used in Match() calculation
+	std::string iTextBeforeTypeVar;
+	std::string iTextAfterTypeVar;
+	int iTypeVarPos;
+	int iSizeAfterTypeVar;
+	int iTypeSize;
+	int iTypeSizeWithoutTypeVar;
+	};
+* A collection of data type translations
+class CCdlTkDataTypeTranslations : public std::vector<CCdlTkDataTypeTranslation>
+	{
+	/**
+    * constructor
+	* Adds all the inbuilt translations.
+    */
+	CCdlTkDataTypeTranslations();
+	/**
+    * Merges adds another collection of translations to the end of this one.
+	* Inbuilt translations are ignored, as they will already be in this collection.
+    * @param aOther another collection of translations.
+    */
+	void MergeExtensionTranslations(const CCdlTkDataTypeTranslations& aOther);
+	/**
+    * Finds the last translation in the collection that matches the type.
+	* Note, translations are searched from last to first, so that more recently
+	* added translations can overrideolder ones.
+    * @param aType the type string to match.
+	* @param aTypeVar the text in aType that matched the type variable "aType".
+    * @return a pointer to the translation for which the match succeded, or 
+	* NULL if no match succeded.
+    */
+	const CCdlTkDataTypeTranslation* Find(const std::string& aType, std::string& aTypeVar) const;
+	};
+* The base class for an individual API in a CDL interface
+class CCdlTkApi
+	{
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    * @param aInterface the interface that this API belongs to
+    */
+	CCdlTkApi(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface);
+	/**
+    * destructor
+    */
+	virtual ~CCdlTkApi();
+	/**
+    * Create a new copy of this API
+    * @param aInterface the interface to which the new copy will belong
+    * @return a new copy of this API
+    */
+	virtual CCdlTkApi* Clone(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface) const = 0;
+	/**
+    * Get the return type for this API
+    * @return the return type
+    */
+	const std::string& ReturnType() const;
+	/**
+    * Set the return type for this API
+    * @param aType the return type
+    */
+	void SetReturnType(const std::string& aType);
+	/**
+    * Does this API return void?
+    * @return true if this API returns void.
+    */
+	bool IsVoidReturn() const;
+	/**
+    * Get the name of the API
+    * @return the name of the API
+    */
+	const std::string& Name() const;
+	/**
+    * Set the name of the API
+    * @param aName the name of the API
+    */
+	void SetName(const std::string& aName);
+	/**
+    * Get the line number of the source file where the API appeared
+    * @return the line number of the source file where the API appeared
+    */
+	int SourceFileLineNum() const;
+	/**
+    * Set the line number of the source file where the API appeared
+    * @param aLineNum the line number of the source file where the API appeared
+    */
+	void SetSourceFileLineNum(int aLineNum);
+	/**
+    * Get the comment text for the API
+    * @return the comment text for the API
+    */
+	const std::string& Comment() const;
+	/**
+    * Set the comment text for the API
+    * @param aComment the comment text for the API
+    */
+	void SetComment(const std::string& aComment);
+	/**
+    * Get the interface to which this API belongs
+    * @return the interface to which this API belongs
+    */
+	const CCdlTkInterface& Interface() const;
+	/**
+    * Get the interface to which this API belongs
+    * @return the interface to which this API belongs
+    */
+	CCdlTkInterface& Interface();
+	/**
+    * Return whether this API is a function API
+    * @return true if it is a function API, false if it is a data API
+    */
+	virtual bool IsFunc() const = 0;
+	/**
+    * Downcast this object to a function API
+    * @return this object as a function API
+    */
+	const CCdlTkFunctionApi& AsFunc() const;
+	/**
+    * Downcast this object to a data API
+    * @return this object as a data API
+    */
+	const CCdlTkDataApi& AsData() const;
+	/**
+    * Get the type of a pointer to this API
+    * @return the type of a pointer to this API
+    */
+	virtual std::string PointerType() const = 0;
+	/**
+    * Get the type and name list for the paramters to this API, will be
+	* empty for data APIs.
+    * @return the type and name list for the paramters to this API
+    */
+	virtual std::string ParamsTypeAndNameList() const = 0;
+	/**
+    * Test for inequality
+    * @param aOther an API to compare
+    * @return true if not equal
+    */
+	bool operator!=(const CCdlTkApi& aOther) const;
+	/**
+    * Test for equality
+    * @param aOther an API to compare
+    * @return true if equal
+    */
+	virtual bool operator==(const CCdlTkApi& aOther) const;
+	/**
+    * Assign the contents of another API to this one
+    * @param a 
+    * @return 
+    */
+	void operator=(const CCdlTkApi& aOther);
+	std::string iReturnType;
+	std::string iName;
+	int iSourceFileLineNum;
+	CCdlTkInterface& iInterface;
+	std::string iComment;
+	};
+* An individual data API belonging to a CDL interface
+class CCdlTkDataApi : public CCdlTkApi
+	{
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    * @param aInterface the interface to which this API belongs
+    */
+	CCdlTkDataApi(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface);
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    * @param aInterface the interface to which this API belongs
+	* @param aCopy an API to copy
+    */
+	CCdlTkDataApi(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, const CCdlTkDataApi& aCopy);
+	// from CCdlTkApi
+	CCdlTkApi* Clone(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface) const;
+	bool IsFunc() const;
+	std::string PointerType() const;
+	std::string ParamsTypeAndNameList() const;
+	};
+* An individual function API belonging to a CDL interface
+class CCdlTkFunctionApi : public CCdlTkApi
+	{
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    * @param aInterface the interface to which this API belongs
+    */
+	CCdlTkFunctionApi(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface);
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    * @param aInterface the interface to which this API belongs
+	* @param aCopy an API to copy
+    */
+	CCdlTkFunctionApi(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, const CCdlTkFunctionApi& aCopy);
+	/**
+    * Get the parameters list for this function
+    * @return  the parameters list for this function
+    */
+	CCdlTkApiParams& Params();
+	/**
+    * Get the parameters list for this function
+    * @return  the parameters list for this function
+    */
+	const CCdlTkApiParams& Params() const;
+	/**
+    * Get the list of parameter names as a comma separated string
+    * @return the list of parameter names as a comma separated string
+    */
+	std::string ParamNameList() const;
+	/**
+    * Get the list of parameter types as a comma separated string
+    * @return the list of parameter types as a comma separated string
+    */
+	std::string ParamTypeList() const;
+	/**
+    * Get a type name for this API.
+    * @return a type name for this API.
+    */
+	std::string ApiNameAsTypeName() const;
+	// from CCdlTkApi
+	CCdlTkApi* Clone(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface) const;
+	bool IsFunc() const;
+	std::string PointerType() const;
+	std::string ParamsTypeAndNameList() const;
+	bool operator==(const CCdlTkApi& aOther) const;
+	CCdlTkApiParams iParams;
+	};
+* A set of APIs belonging to a CDL interface
+class CCdlTkApiList : public std::vector<CCdlTkApi*>
+	{
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    */
+	CCdlTkApiList();
+	/**
+    * destructor
+    */
+	~CCdlTkApiList();
+	/**
+    * Appends API from a CDL interface extension to this API to form a monolithic API
+    * @param aOther The API to add
+    */
+	void MergeExtendedApi(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, const CCdlTkApiList& aOther);
+	/**
+    * Copies APIs from another API list to this one. Existing APIs are removed first.
+	* @param aOther The API list to copy
+    * @param aInterface The CDL interface to which the new APIs will belong
+    */
+	void Copy(const CCdlTkApiList& aOther, CCdlTkInterface& aInterface);
+	/**
+    * Finds an API by name
+    * @param aName the name of the API to find
+    * @return a pointer to the API with that name, or NULL if not found
+    */
+	CCdlTkApi* Find(const std::string& aName) const;
+	/**
+    * Compare two API lists
+    * @param aOther the API list to compare
+    * @return true if the API lists are the same, ie the same content in the same order
+    */
+	bool operator==(const CCdlTkApiList& aOther) const;
+	/**
+    * Is this API list a subset of another
+    * @param aOther the candiate superset
+    * @return true if this API list does not contain any APIs that do not appear in the other APL list
+    */
+	bool IsSubsetOf(const CCdlTkApiList& aOther) const;
+	CCdlTkApiList(const CCdlTkApiList& aCopy);
+	void operator=(const CCdlTkApiList& aCopy);
+	void DeleteApis();
+	};
+* The C++ section of a CDL file
+class CCdlTkCpp : public std::vector<std::string>
+	{
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    */
+	CCdlTkCpp();
+	/**
+    * Adds the contents of another C++ section to the end of this one.
+	* @param aOther the other C++ section
+    */
+	void MergeExtensionCpp(const CCdlTkCpp& aOther);
+	};
+* a CDL interface
+class CCdlTkInterface
+	{
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    */
+	CCdlTkInterface();
+	/**
+    * copy constructor
+    * @param aCopy the CDL interface to copy
+    */
+	CCdlTkInterface(const CCdlTkInterface& aCopy);
+	/**
+    * assignment operator
+    * @param aCopy the CDL interface to copy
+    */
+	void operator=(const CCdlTkInterface& aCopy);
+	/**
+    * destructor
+    */
+	~CCdlTkInterface();
+	/**
+    * Colapse any extended interface into this one to form a monolithic interface
+    */
+	void MergeExtensions();
+	/**
+    * Get the CDL interface which this interface extends
+    * @return the CDL interface which this interface extends, or null if this is the base
+    */
+	CCdlTkInterface* Base() const;
+	/**
+    * Set the CDL interface which this interface extends
+    * @param aBase the CDL interface which this interface extends
+    */
+	void SetBase(CCdlTkInterface* aBase);				// does not take ownership
+	/**
+    * Get the ultimate base CDL interface which this interface extends. That is, the base
+	* interface which itself has no base.
+    * @return the ultimate base CDL interface which this interface extends, which may be this object itself
+    */
+	CCdlTkInterface* UltimateBase();
+	/**
+    * Get the ultimate base CDL interface which this interface extends. That is, the base
+	* interface which itself has no base.
+    * @return the ultimate base CDL interface which this interface extends, which may be this object itself
+    */
+	const CCdlTkInterface* UltimateBase() const;
+	/**
+    * Gets the immediate extension for this interface.
+    * @return the immediate extension for this interface, or null if it's not extended.
+    */
+	CCdlTkInterface* Extension() const;
+	/**
+    * Sets the immediate extension for this interface. This function takes ownership of the extension.
+    * @param aExtension the CDL interface to be the extension for this interface.
+    */
+	void SetExtension(CCdlTkInterface* aExtension);		// takes ownership
+	/**
+    * Get the tip extension for this interface. Extensions to an interface form a linked
+	* list. This function traverses to the end of the extension list and returns it.
+    * @return the latest extension for this interface, which may be this interface itself if it's not extended
+    */
+	CCdlTkInterface* UltimateExtension();
+	/**
+    * Get the tip extension for this interface. Extensions to an interface form a linked
+	* list. This function traverses to the end of the extension list and returns it.
+    * @return the latest extension for this interface, which may be this interface itself if it's not extended
+    */
+	const CCdlTkInterface* UltimateExtension() const;
+	/**
+    * Get the filename for the CDL file for this CDL interface.
+    * @return the filename for this interface's CDL file.
+    */
+	std::string FileName() const;
+	/**
+    * Set the filename for the CDL file for this CDL interface
+    * @param aFileName The file name for this interface's CDL file
+    */
+	void SetFileName(const std::string& aFileName);
+	/**
+    * Get the additional comment for this CDL interface
+    * @return the additional comment for this interface's CDL file.
+    */
+	std::string AdditionalComment() const;
+	/**
+    * Set the additional comment for this CDL interface
+	* The caller must provide sufficient annotation for the text to be treated as a 
+	* comment by the compiler, ensuring that the comment is terminated correctly
+    * @param aAdditionalComment The additional commentfor this interface's CDL file
+    */
+	void SetAdditionalComment(const std::string& aAdditionalComment);
+	/**
+    * Get the header for this interface
+    * @return the header for this interface
+    */
+	CCdlTkInterfaceHeader& Header();
+	/**
+    * Get the header for this interface
+    * @return the header for this interface
+    */
+	const CCdlTkInterfaceHeader& Header() const;
+	/**
+    * Get the C++ section for this CDL interface
+    * @return the C++ section for this CDL interface
+    */
+	CCdlTkCpp& Cpp();
+	/**
+    * Get the C++ section for this CDL interface
+    * @return the C++ section for this CDL interface
+    */
+	const CCdlTkCpp& Cpp() const;
+	/**
+    * Get the API list for this CDL interface
+    * @return the API list for this CDL interface
+    */
+	CCdlTkApiList& ApiList();
+	/**
+    * Get the API list for this CDL interface
+    * @return the API list for this CDL interface
+    */
+	const CCdlTkApiList& ApiList() const;
+	/**
+    * Get the data type translations for this CDL interface
+    * @return the data type translations for this CDL interface
+    */
+	CCdlTkDataTypeTranslations& DataTypeTranslations();
+	/**
+    * Get the data type translations for this CDL interface
+    * @return the data type translations for this CDL interface
+    */
+	const CCdlTkDataTypeTranslations& DataTypeTranslations() const;
+	/**
+    * Get the C++ namespace name for this CDL interface. This is generated from the CDL interface name.
+    * @return the C++ namespace name for this CDL interface.
+    */
+	std::string NamespaceName() const;
+	/**
+    * Compare this interface with another
+    * @param aOther The interface to compare
+    * @return true if the interfaces are equal
+    */
+	bool operator==(const CCdlTkInterface& aOther) const;
+	std::string iFileName;
+	std::string iAdditionalComment;
+	CCdlTkInterfaceHeader iHeader;
+	CCdlTkCpp iCpp;
+	CCdlTkApiList iApiList;
+	CCdlTkDataTypeTranslations iDataTypeTranslations;
+	CCdlTkInterface* iBase;			// not owned
+	CCdlTkInterface* iExtension;	// owned
+	};
+* A collection of CDL interfaces
+class CCdlTkInterfaceList : public std::vector<CCdlTkInterface*>
+	{
+	/**
+    * constructor
+    */
+	CCdlTkInterfaceList();
+	/**
+    * destructor - deletes the interfaces
+    */
+	~CCdlTkInterfaceList();
+	CCdlTkInterfaceList(const CCdlTkInterfaceList& aCopy);
+	void operator=(const CCdlTkInterfaceList& aCopy);
+	};
+}	// end of namespace CdlCompilerToolkit