changeset 0 f58d6ec98e88
child 1 b700e12870ca
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uitools_plat/cdl_api/inc/CdlCompilerToolkit/CdlTkUtil.h	Thu Dec 17 09:14:18 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#ifndef CDLTKUTIL_H
+#define CDLTKUTIL_H
+#pragma warning (disable:4786)	// disable "identifier was truncated to '255' characters in the browser information" warning
+#include <string>
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <vector>
+#include <CdlDef.h>
+namespace CdlCompilerToolkit {
+class CCdlTkFileCleanup;
+* This is a collection of utility functions that the CDL compiler toolkit uses
+* and which may be of use to other tools based on this toolkit
+class CdlTkUtil
+	{
+	typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> CReplaceTerm;
+	/**
+    * Gives the current working drive
+    * @return the drive as a "X:" string.
+    */
+	static std::string CurrentDrive();
+	/**
+    * Gives the current working directory, without drive
+    * @return the current working directory
+    */
+	static std::string CurrentDir();
+	/**
+    * Gives the current output path for generated files
+    * @return the output path
+    */
+	static std::string OutputPath();
+	/**
+    * Sets the curreent output path for generated files
+    * @param aPath the output path for generated files
+    */
+	static void SetOutputPath(const std::string& aPath);
+	/**
+    * Gives the command line used to run the tool using this toolkit
+    * @return the command line, will be empty if SetCommandLine() is not called
+    */
+	static std::string CommandLine();
+	/**
+    * Sets the command line for the tool using this toolkit.
+    */
+	static void SetCommandLine(int argc, char* argv[]);
+	/**
+    * Extract an int from the string. This function automatically detects
+	* bases 8, 10 and 16.
+    * @param aInt a string containing an integer
+    * @return the integer value parsed
+    */
+	static int ParseInt(const std::string& aInt);
+	/**
+    * Formats an integer as a string
+    * @param aInt the integer to format
+    * @return a string representing the integer in base 10
+    */
+	static std::string IntToString(int aInt);
+	/**
+    * Formats an integer as a hex string
+    * @param aInt the integer to format
+    * @return a string representing the integer in base 16
+    */
+	static std::string IntToHexString(int aInt);
+	/**
+    * Formats a short integer as a hex string
+    * @param aInt the integer to format
+    * @return a string representing the integer in base 16
+    */
+	static std::string ShortToHexString(short aInt);
+	/**
+    * Formats an 8-bit integer as a hex string
+    * @param aInt the integer to format
+    * @return a string representing the integer in base 16
+    */
+	static std::string CharToHexString(char aInt);
+	/**
+    * Converts a string to lower case
+    * @param aString the string to convert
+    * @return a version of the string in lower case
+    */
+	static std::string ToLower(const std::string& aString);
+	/**
+    * Converts a string to upper case
+    * @param aString the string to convert
+    * @return a version of the string in upper case
+    */
+	static std::string ToUpper(const std::string& aString);
+	/**
+    * Converts a string to C++ identifier format. Characters which are not
+	* valid C++ identifier characters are replaced with an underscore. If the
+	* string starts with a number or is empty, an underscore is added to the start.
+    * @param aString a string to convert to a C++ identifier
+    * @return the converted string
+    */
+	static std::string ToCpp(const std::string& aString);
+	/**
+    * Strips white-space from the start and end of the string
+    * @param aStr the string from which white space should be removed
+    */
+	static void StripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace(std::string& aStr);
+	/**
+    * Is the character alphabetic?
+    * @param aChar the character to test
+    * @return true if the character is alphabetic
+    */
+	static bool IsAlpha(char aChar);
+	/**
+    * Is the character numeric?
+    * @param aChar the character to test
+    * @return true if the character is numeric
+    */
+	static bool IsNumeric(char aChar);
+	/**
+    * Is the character valid for a C++ identifier?
+    * @param aChar the character to test
+    * @return true if the character is valid for a C++ identifier
+    */
+	static bool IsCpp(char aChar);
+	/**
+    * This class contains a set of terms to replace in a string. It is used
+	* with CdlTkUtil::MultiReplace().
+    */
+	class CReplaceSet : public std::vector<CReplaceTerm>
+		{
+	public:
+		void Add(const std::string& aTarget, const std::string& aWith);
+		};
+	/**
+    * Replace a set of targets with other text in a string and return the result.
+    * @param aSet the set of pairs of targets and replacement text
+	* @param aIn the string to replace text in
+    * @return The result of the replacement
+    */
+	static std::string MultiReplace(const CReplaceSet& aSet, const std::string& aIn);
+	/**
+    * Replace a target in a string with some text and return the result.
+    * @param aTarget the text to replace
+    * @param aWith the text that replaces aTarget
+    * @param aIn the string in which to replace the text
+    * @return the result of the replacement
+    */
+	static std::string Replace(const std::string& aTarget, const std::string& aWith, const std::string& aIn);
+	/**
+    * Add a string to another. This function uses exponential growth of the target
+	* string to reduce average runtime for long sequences of appends to O(n log(n)).
+    * @param aTarget the string to which text is to be appended
+	* @param aAppend the text to append
+   */
+	static void AppendString(std::string& aTarget, const std::string& aAppend);
+	/**
+    * Remove and path components from a file name and path, and return the file name.
+    * @param aPath the path and filename
+    * @return the filename component of the path and filename passed in.
+    */
+	static std::string StripPath(const std::string& aPath);
+	/**
+    * Resolves a filename relative to a path, and returns the resulting resolved path
+    * @param aPath the path to which a relative filename is to be calculated
+	* @param aFileName the filename, possibly including relative path components
+	* such as . and .. which should be resolved.
+    * @return the resolved path and filename
+    */
+	static std::string ResolvePath(const std::string& aPath, const std::string& aFileName);
+	/**
+    * Converts a filename and path so that first letter of file name is capitalized
+	* and the rest is lower case
+    * @param aString the string to convert
+    * @return the converted filename and path
+    */
+	static std::string CapitalizeFilename(const std::string& aString);
+	/**
+    * Converts a filename and path to use the current standard for file name case
+    * @param aString the string to convert
+    * @return the converted filename and path
+    */
+	static std::string CorrectFilenameCase(const std::string& aString);
+	/**
+    * Opens a temporary output file, with a temporary file name.
+	* This function is normally used in conjunction with ExportFile() to ensure
+	* that files are only modified if they are changed.
+    * @param aStream the output stream to open
+	* @param aFile a file cleanup object which will contain the temporary file name
+	* and will remove the file on destruction
+    */
+	static void OpenTempOutput(std::ofstream& aStream, CCdlTkFileCleanup& aFile, std::ios_base::openmode aOpenMode = std::ios_base::out);
+	/**
+    * Opens an output file, throwing a CdlTkFileOpenErr exception if it fails.
+    * @param aStream the stream to open
+	* @param aFileName the name of the file to open
+    */
+	static void OpenOutput(std::ofstream& aStream, const std::string& aFileName, std::ios_base::openmode aOpenMode = std::ios_base::out);
+	/**
+    * Opens an input file, throwing a CdlTkFileOpenErr exception if it fails.
+    * @param aStream the stream to open
+	* @param aFileName the name of the file to open
+    */
+	static void OpenInput(std::ifstream& aStream, const std::string& aFileName, std::ios_base::openmode aOpenMode = std::ios_base::in);
+	/**
+    * Compares the source file with the destination. If they differ,
+	* it replaces the destination file with the source. The source file is removed.
+	* This function will throw a CdlTkFileOpenErr if the destination file
+	* is not writable. This function should be used when the destination file
+	* should not be modified manually.
+    * @param aSourceFile the temporary source file.
+    * @param aDestinationFileName the name of the destination file.
+    */
+	static void ExportFile(CCdlTkFileCleanup& aSourceFile, const std::string& aDestinationFileName, std::ios_base::openmode aOpenMode = 0);
+	/**
+    * Compares the source file with the destination. If they differ,
+	* it replaces the destination file with the source. The source file is removed.
+	* This function will report an error to the standard error stream if the
+	* destination file is not writable. This function should be used when the
+	* destination file may be modified manually, and may be under source control.
+    * @param aSourceFile the temporary source file.
+    * @param aDestinationFileName the name of the destination file.
+    */
+	static void ExportFileIfWritable(CCdlTkFileCleanup& aSourceFile, const std::string& aDestinationFileName, std::ios_base::openmode aOpenMode = 0);
+	/**
+    * Delete a file
+    * @param aFileName the name of the file to be deleted
+    */
+	static void DeleteFile(const std::string& aFileName);
+	/**
+    * Copies a file
+    * @param aSourceFileName the source file.
+    * @param aDestinationFileName the destination file.
+    */
+	static void CopyFile(const std::string& aSourceFileName, const std::string& aDestinationFileName, std::ios_base::openmode aOpenMode = 0);
+	/**
+    * Checks to see if two files are identical
+    * @param aLeftFileName one of the files to check
+    * @param aRightFileName the other file to check
+    */
+	static bool FilesAreIdentical(const std::string& aLeftFileName, const std::string& aRightFileName, std::ios_base::openmode aOpenMode = std::ios_base::in);
+	static void ReadFile(std::string& aContent, const std::string& aFileName);
+	static void WriteFile(const std::string& aContent, const std::string& aFileName);
+	template <class OutputIterator>
+	inline static void Tokenize(const std::string& aString, OutputIterator pOut)
+		{
+		const std::string ws(" \t\r\n");
+		std::string::const_iterator pChar = aString.begin();
+		std::string::const_iterator pWord = pChar;
+		for (; ; ++pChar)
+			{
+			if (pChar == aString.end() || ws.find_first_of(*pChar) != string::npos)
+				{
+				if (pWord != pChar)
+					{
+					*pOut = std::string(pWord, pChar);
+					pOut++;
+					}
+				pWord = pChar+1;
+				if (pChar == aString.end())
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	};
+* This is the base class for all CDL Compiler Toolkit exceptions
+class CdlCompilerToolkitErr
+	{
+	/**
+    * destructor
+    */
+	virtual ~CdlCompilerToolkitErr();
+	/**
+    * virtual method for describing the exception on a stream
+    * @param stream the output stream for the exceptions description
+    */
+	virtual void Show(std::ostream& stream) const = 0;
+	};
+* This exception class is thrown for general assertions
+class CdlTkAssert : public CdlCompilerToolkitErr
+	{
+	/**
+    * constructor for a general assertion exception
+    * @param aText the assertion description
+    */
+	CdlTkAssert(const std::string& aText);
+	/**
+    * virtual method for describing the exception on a stream
+    * @param stream the output stream for the exceptions description
+    */
+	void Show(std::ostream& stream) const;
+	std::string iText;
+	};
+* This exception class is thrown for errors in opening a file
+class CdlTkFileOpenErr : public CdlCompilerToolkitErr
+	{
+	/**
+    * constructor for a file open exception
+    * @param aFileName the file that has failed to open
+    */
+	CdlTkFileOpenErr(const std::string& aFileName);
+	/**
+    * virtual method for describing the exception on a stream
+    * @param stream the output stream for the exceptions description
+    */
+	void Show(std::ostream& aStream) const;
+	std::string iFileName;
+	};
+* This class represents a temporary file. If an instance is destroyed, it will
+* delete the filename it has been given.
+class CCdlTkFileCleanup
+	{
+	/**
+    * default constructor
+    */
+	CCdlTkFileCleanup();
+	/**
+    * constructor which sets the filename for the temporary file
+    * @param aName the name for the file to be cleaned up
+    */
+	CCdlTkFileCleanup(const std::string& aName);
+	/**
+    * destructor
+	* This will delete the temporary file, if a filename has been set.
+    */
+	~CCdlTkFileCleanup();
+	/**
+    * Set the filename of the temporary file.
+    * @param aName the filename of the temporary file.
+    */
+	void Set(const std::string& aName);
+	/**
+    * Gets the filename of the temporary file.
+    * @return the filename.
+    */
+	std::string Name() const;
+	/**
+    * Deletes the temporary file and resets the filename.
+    */
+	void Cleanup();
+	/**
+    * Resets the filename so that no file will be deleted.
+    */
+	void Release();
+	std::string iName;
+	};
+}	// end of namespace CdlCompilerToolkit