* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "LayPerfWriter.h"
#include "Lay2Cdl.h" // for static methods
#include "Layout.h" // for constants
#include "CodeGenConsts.h"
#include <CdlCompilerToolkit/CdlTkUtil.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <set>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
using namespace CdlCompilerToolkit;
// TLayPerfTableWriter
TLayPerfTableWriter::TLayPerfTableWriter(TLayoutTable& aTable, string& aInterfaceName, int aTableId)
void TLayPerfTableWriter::Write(ostream& out)
if (IsWindowTable())
else if (IsTextTable())
cout << "Unknown " << "Table " << iTable.Name() << endl;
bool TLayPerfTableWriter::IsWindowTable()
return iTable.iType == TLayoutTable::EWindowTable;
const string KTestAPITableFuntionSig = "\
string GenerateFunctionName(string aInterfaceName, int aTableId)
string tableNum = CdlTkUtil::IntToString(aTableId);
CdlTkUtil::CReplaceSet rep;
rep.Add("$LAYOUT", aInterfaceName);
rep.Add("$TABLEID", tableNum);
return CdlTkUtil::MultiReplace(rep, KTestAPITableFuntionSig);
void TLayPerfTableWriter::WriteWindowTable(ostream& out)
out << "void " << GenerateFunctionName(iInterfaceName, iTableId) << endl;
out << "{" << endl; // start of function
out << "\n// Layout MACROs for LAF Table : ";
out << iTable.Name() << endl;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<iTable.size(); ++i)
WriteWindowLine(out, *iTable[i]);
out << endl;
out << "}\n" << endl; // end of function
void TLayPerfTableWriter::WriteWindowLine(ostream& out, TLayoutLine& aLine)
string params;
string limits;
bool mirrored = aLine.iIsMirroredHorizontally;
const string* KParams = mirrored ? KWindowOutputOrderMirrored : KWindowOutputOrder;
int count = KWindowOutputOrderSize;
BuildGenericLine(aLine, KParams, count, params, limits);
out << limits << endl;
out << "LAYOUT_TEST_WINDOW_LINE( "; // macro name
out << iInterfaceName << "::"; // namespace name
out << LayoutToCdl::LineApiName(aLine); // api name
out << "(";
out << params << " )";
out << " )" << endl; // this ends the macro call
void TLayPerfTableWriter::BuildGenericLine(TLayoutLine& aLine, const string* aKParams, int aCount, string& aParams, string& aLimits)
vector<string> paramList;
bool mirrored = aLine.iIsMirroredHorizontally;
if (aLine.iNeedsP)
aParams += "aParent";
if (aLine.iNeedsIndex)
for (int i=0; i < aCount; i++)
const string& name = aKParams[i];
const TValues& defValues = aLine[name];
if (defValues.iNeedsIndex)
string paramName = CdlTkUtil::ToCpp(defValues.ParamName());
if (mirrored)
if (paramName == KParamNameL)
paramName = KParamNameR;
else if (paramName == KParamNameR)
paramName = KParamNameL;
if(find(paramList.begin(), paramList.end(), paramName) == paramList.end())
if(aParams.size() > 0)
aParams += ", ";
aParams += paramName;
aLimits += paramName + "_Limit" + " = ";
aLimits += CdlTkUtil::IntToString(defValues.size() - 1) + "; "; // subtract one from the max value to give the upper limit
void TLayPerfTableWriter::WriteCell(ostream& out, TValues& values)
if (values.size() > 1)
out << "{";
for (TValues::iterator pVal = values.begin(); pVal != values.end(); ++pVal)
if (pVal != values.begin())
out << ", ";
out << *pVal;
if (values.size() > 1)
out << "}";
if (values.iParam.length())
out << "[" << values.iParam << "]";
bool TLayPerfTableWriter::IsTextTable()
return iTable.iType == TLayoutTable::ETextTable;
void TLayPerfTableWriter::WriteTextTable(ostream& out)
out << "void " << GenerateFunctionName(iInterfaceName, iTableId) << endl;
out << "{" << endl; // start of function
out << "// Layout MACROs for LAF Table : ";
out << iTable.Name() << endl;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<iTable.size(); ++i)
WriteTextLine(out, *iTable[i]);
out << endl;
out << "}\n" << endl; // end of function
void TLayPerfTableWriter::WriteTextLine(ostream& out, TLayoutLine& aLine)
string params;
string limits;
bool mirrored = aLine.iIsMirroredHorizontally;
const string* KParams = mirrored ? KTextOutputOrderMirrored : KTextOutputOrder;
int count = KTextOutputOrderSize;
BuildGenericLine(aLine, KParams, count, params, limits);
out << limits << endl;
out << "LAYOUT_TEST_TEXT_LINE( "; // macro name
out << iInterfaceName << "::"; // namespace name
out << LayoutToCdl::LineApiName(aLine); // api name
out << "(";
out << params << " )";
out << " )" << endl; // this ends the macro call
// TLayPerfWriter
TLayPerfWriter::TLayPerfWriter(TLayout& aLayout, const std::string& aName)
: TLayWriterBase(aLayout, aName)
void TLayPerfWriter::Write(const std::string& aCdlName)
ofstream out(iName.c_str());
cout << "writing layout " << iName << endl;
string cdlFileName(CdlTkUtil::StripPath(aCdlName));
string ifName(LayoutToCdl::InterfaceName(cdlFileName));
out << "// function implementations: " << endl;
unsigned int tableId = 0;
for (TLayout::iterator pTab = iLayout.begin(); pTab != iLayout.end(); ++pTab)
TLayPerfTableWriter writer(**pTab, ifName, tableId++);
out << "void testLayout_" << ifName << "()\n{" << endl;
tableId = 0;
for(;tableId < iLayout.size(); tableId++)
out << GenerateFunctionName(ifName, tableId) << ";" << endl;
out << "}\n" << endl;
// End of File