changeset 23 25fce757be94
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/usbuis/usbsettingsapp/src/usbuisettingmodel.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:13:57 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include "usbuisettingmodel.h"
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <UsbWatcherInternalCRKeys.h>
+#include <XQSettingsKey>
+#include <usbman.h>
+#include <HbIcon>
+#include <QItemSelection>
+#include <QItemSelectionModel>
+#include "usbuimodelactive.h"
+#include "usbdebug.h"
+const QString TextIdPrefix = ("txt_usb_dblist_");
+const QString DescriptionIdPostfix = ("_val");
+const QString ModeIconNamePrefix = ("qtg_large_");
+    Constructor.
+ */
+UsbUiSettingModel::UsbUiSettingModel( QObject *parent )
+    : QAbstractItemModel( parent), mSelectionModel(NULL)
+    mModelActive = new UsbUiModelActive();
+    mCurrentMode = currentMode();
+    initializeModelData(mCurrentMode);
+  	bool ret = mSettingsManager.startMonitoring( 
+   	        XQSettingsKey( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+   	                KCRUidUsbWatcher.iUid, KUsbWatcherPersonality ) );
+    myDebug() << ">>> UsbUiSettingModel::startMonitoring value=" 
+              << ret; 
+   	// signal: personality changed in the central repository                
+   	ret = connect( &mSettingsManager, 
+   	        SIGNAL( valueChanged( const XQSettingsKey&, const QVariant& ) ), 
+   	        this, 
+   	        SLOT( cenrepChanged( const XQSettingsKey&, const QVariant& ) ) );
+    myDebug() << ">>> UsbUiSettingModel::UsbUiSettingModel connect valueChanged="
+            << ret;
+    // signal: response from usbwatcher to our attempt to set the personality 	        
+   	ret = connect( mModelActive, 
+   	        SIGNAL( requestCompleted( int ) ), 
+   	        this, 
+   	        SLOT( personalitySetCompleted( int )));
+    myDebug() << ">>> UsbUiSettingModel::UsbUiSettingModel connect requestCompleted="
+            << ret;
+    Destructor.
+ */
+    myDebug() << ">>> UsbUiSettingModel::~UsbUiSettingModel";
+    mSettingsManager.stopMonitoring( 
+            XQSettingsKey( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+                    KCRUidUsbWatcher.iUid, KUsbWatcherPersonality ) );
+    delete mModelActive;
+    myDebug() << "<<< UsbUiSettingModel::~UsbUiSettingModel";
+    Provides notification of changes in selected usb mode
+ */
+void UsbUiSettingModel::cenrepChanged( const XQSettingsKey &key,  
+        const QVariant &value )  
+    Q_UNUSED(key);
+    myDebug() << ">>> UsbUiSettingModel::cenrepChanged";
+    // key is not checked, as we monitor only one key
+    updateSelectionModel(value.toInt());                                 
+    myDebug() << "<<< UsbUiSettingModel::cenrepChanged"; 
+ * updates the selection model
+ * The selection model will signal the view.
+ */
+void UsbUiSettingModel::updateSelectionModel(int newPersonality)
+    myDebug() << ">>> UsbUiSettingModel::updateSelectionModel value=" 
+            << newPersonality; 
+    mCurrentMode = newPersonality;
+    mSelectionModel->clear();    
+    int row = mPersonalityIds.indexOf(newPersonality);
+    myDebug() << ">>> UsbUiSettingModel::updateSelectionModel row=" 
+            << row; 
+    // in case of the hidden personality , the selection model is left empty
+    if ( row >= 0 ) {
+        //set selection model for the new selection
+        QModelIndex selectionIndex = index(row, 0, QModelIndex());
+        QItemSelection selection(selectionIndex, selectionIndex);
+        mSelectionModel->select(selection, QItemSelectionModel::Select);    
+    }
+    myDebug() << "<<< UsbUiSettingModel::updateSelectionModel"; 
+ * Returns the index of the item in the model specified by the given row, column and parent index.
+ */
+QModelIndex UsbUiSettingModel::index( int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent ) const
+    return hasIndex( row, column, parent ) ? createIndex( row, column ) : QModelIndex();
+    This model does not support hierarchy, so this returns an empty model index. 
+ */
+QModelIndex UsbUiSettingModel::parent( const QModelIndex &child ) const
+    Q_UNUSED( child );
+    return QModelIndex();
+ * Returns the number of rows under the given parent
+ */
+int UsbUiSettingModel::rowCount( const QModelIndex &parent ) const
+    Q_UNUSED( parent );
+    return mSettingsList.count();
+ * Returns the number of columns for the children of the given parent.
+ * This model is one-dimensional, so this returns 1.
+ */
+int UsbUiSettingModel::columnCount( const QModelIndex &parent ) const
+    Q_UNUSED( parent );
+    return 1;
+ * Returns the data stored under the given role for the item referred to by the index.
+ */
+QVariant UsbUiSettingModel::data( const QModelIndex &index, int role ) const
+    return mSettingsList.value( index.row() ).value( role );
+ * This is called when usb selection is changed in the view (selection model). 
+ */
+void UsbUiSettingModel::handleSelectionChange(const QItemSelection &selected, 
+        const QItemSelection &deselected )
+    Q_UNUSED( deselected );
+    myDebug() << ">>>  UsbUiSettingModel::handleSelectionChange";
+    QModelIndexList items = selected.indexes();
+    if (!items.isEmpty()) {
+        myDebug() << "     UsbUiSettingModel::handleSelectionChange item exists";
+        QModelIndex index = items[0];
+        int newPersonalityId =;
+        if ( newPersonalityId != mCurrentMode ) {
+            myDebug() << "     UsbUiSettingModel::handleSelectionChange setting personality";
+            mModelActive->SetUsbPersonality(newPersonalityId);
+        }
+    }
+    myDebug() << "<<<  UsbUiSettingModel::handleSelectionChange return";
+ * Getter for the source data.
+ */
+const QModelIndex* UsbUiSettingModel::sourceData() const
+    return new QModelIndex( createIndex( 0, 0 ) );
+void  UsbUiSettingModel::setSelectionModel(QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel)
+    {
+    myDebug() << ">>>  UsbUiSettingModel::setSelectionModel";
+    mSelectionModel = selectionModel;
+    connect( mSelectionModel, 
+                SIGNAL( selectionChanged( const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection & ) ), 
+                this, 
+                SLOT( handleSelectionChange( const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection & ) ) );
+    updateSelectionModel(mCurrentMode);
+    myDebug() << "<<<  UsbUiSettingModel::setSelectionModel return";
+    }
+ * Get the translated mode name for the personality friendly name.
+ */
+QString UsbUiSettingModel::modeName( QString &friendlyName )
+    myDebug() << ">>>  UsbUiSettingModel::modeName";
+    QString textId = TextIdPrefix + friendlyName;
+    QString modeName = hbTrId( textId.toAscii() );
+    myDebug() << "<<< UsbUiSettingModel::modeName " << modeName;
+    return modeName;
+ * Get the current USB mode (personality) ID
+ */
+int UsbUiSettingModel::currentMode()
+    myDebug() << ">>>  UsbUiSettingModel::CurrentMode";
+    int currentMode = mSettingsManager.readItemValue(
+                XQSettingsKey( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+                KCRUidUsbWatcher.iUid, KUsbWatcherPersonality ) ).toInt();
+    myDebug() << "<<< UsbUiSettingModel::CurrentMode " << currentMode;
+    return currentMode;
+void UsbUiSettingModel::initializeModelData( int aModeId )
+    myDebug() << ">>> UsbUiSettingModel::initializeModelData aModeId="
+            << aModeId;
+    RUsb usbMan;
+    if ( usbMan.Connect() == KErrNone ) {
+        RArray<TInt> personalityIds;
+        mPersonalityIds.clear();
+        if ( usbMan.GetPersonalityIds( personalityIds ) == KErrNone ) {
+            for ( int i = 0; i < personalityIds.Count(); i++ ) {
+                myDebug() << ">>> UsbUiSettingModel::initializeModelData personality ID ="
+                    << personalityIds[i];
+                if ( !isPersonalityHidden(usbMan, personalityIds[i]) ) {
+                    mPersonalityIds.append( personalityIds[i] );                    
+                    QString friendlyName = getFriendlyName(usbMan, personalityIds[i]);
+                    QStringList displayList;
+                    //text-1 mode name
+                    displayList.append( modeName( friendlyName ) );
+                    //text-2 description
+                    QString textId = TextIdPrefix + friendlyName + DescriptionIdPostfix;
+                    displayList.append( hbTrId(textId.toAscii()) );
+                    QMap< int, QVariant > dataRow;
+                    dataRow[ Qt::DisplayRole ] = QVariant( displayList );
+                    //icon-1
+                    QString iconName = ModeIconNamePrefix + friendlyName;
+                    HbIcon icon(iconName);
+                    QList<QVariant> icons;
+                    icons << icon;                    
+                    dataRow[ Qt::DecorationRole ] = QVariant( icons );
+                    mSettingsList << dataRow;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        personalityIds.Close();
+        usbMan.Close();
+    }
+    myDebug() << "<<< UsbUiSettingModel::initializeModelData";
+ * it checks the response from usbwatcher to see if the new mode change has been successful
+ * it will go back to the previous personality if it has not been successful
+ */
+void UsbUiSettingModel::personalitySetCompleted (int status )
+    myDebug() << ">>> UsbUiSettingModel::personalitySetCompleted status= "
+        << status;      
+    // status contains Symbian error code from usbwatcher
+    // if the status is KErrNone, we are ready to process the next request
+    if (status != KErrNone) {
+        // changing the personality failed, so we need to set back the previous personality
+        // the value will be read from central repository and also updates mCurrentMode  
+        updateSelectionModel(currentMode());
+    }
+    myDebug() << "<<< UsbUiSettingModel::personalitySetCompleted";      
+bool UsbUiSettingModel::isPersonalityHidden(RUsb &usbman, TInt personalityId)
+    myDebug() << ">>> UsbUiSettingModel::isPersonalityHidden from USB Manager";
+    bool hidden = false;
+    TUint32 property = 0;
+    TInt ret = usbman.GetPersonalityProperty(personalityId, property);
+    if (ret == KErrNone) {
+        myDebug() << "property " << property;
+        if (property & KUsbPersonalityPropertyHidden) {
+            hidden = true;
+        }
+    } 
+    myDebug() << "<<< UsbUiSettingModel::isPersonalityHidden " << hidden;
+    return hidden;
+QString UsbUiSettingModel::getFriendlyName(RUsb &usbman, TInt personalityId)
+    myDebug() << ">>> UsbUiSettingModel::getFriendlyName";
+    QString friendlyName;
+    HBufC* description = NULL;
+    TInt err = usbman.GetDescription(personalityId, description);
+    if (err == KErrNone) {
+        friendlyName = QString::fromUtf16(description->Ptr(), description->Length());
+        friendlyName.replace( QChar(' '), QChar('_') );
+        delete description;
+    } else {
+        myDebug() << "    UsbUiSettingModel::getFriendlyName RUsb error "
+            << err;    
+    }
+    myDebug() << "    UsbUiSettingModel::getFriendlyName friendlyName=" << friendlyName;
+    myDebug() << "<<< UsbUiSettingModel::getFriendlyName";
+    return friendlyName;