// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description: SCSI protocol
#include "scsiprot.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "mscfileserver.h"
// Helper macros
#define LBA(x) static_cast<TUint32>((x[3] << 24) | (x[4] << 16) | (x[5] << 8) | x[6])
#define LEN(x) static_cast<TUint16>((x[8] << 8) | x[9])
LOCAL_D const TUint KDefaultBlockSize = 0x800; //default block size for MM
LOCAL_D const TUint KUndefinedLun = 0xFFFF;
LOCAL_D const TUint8 KAllPages = 0x3F;
LOCAL_D const TUint8 KChangeableValues = 0x1;
LOCAL_D const TUint8 KDefaultValues = 0x2;
Default constructor for TSenseInfo
: iSenseCode(ENoSense),
Set sense with no additional info.
@param aSenseCode sense key
void TSenseInfo::SetSense(TSenseCode aSenseCode)
iSenseCode = static_cast<TUint8>(aSenseCode);
iAdditional = EAscNull;
iQualifier = EAscqNull;
Set sense with additional info.
@param aSenseCode sense key
@param aAdditional additional sense code (ASC)
void TSenseInfo::SetSense(TSenseCode aSenseCode, TAdditionalCode aAdditional)
iSenseCode = static_cast<TUint8>(aSenseCode);
iAdditional = static_cast<TUint8>(aAdditional);
iQualifier = EAscqNull;
Set sense with additional info and qualifier.
@param aSenseCode sense key
@param aAdditional additional sense code (ASC)
@param aQualifier additional sense code qualifier (ASCQ)
void TSenseInfo::SetSense(TSenseCode aSenseCode,
TAdditionalCode aAdditional,
TAdditionalSenseCodeQualifier aQualifier)
iSenseCode = static_cast<TUint8>(aSenseCode);
iAdditional = static_cast<TUint8>(aAdditional);
iQualifier = static_cast<TUint8>(aQualifier);
Creates the CScsiProtocol object. Called during controller initialisation.
@param aFsImage reference to the file system image
CScsiProtocol* CScsiProtocol::NewL(CMscFileController& aController)
CScsiProtocol* self = new (ELeave) CScsiProtocol(aController);
return self;
@param aFsImage reference to the file system image
CScsiProtocol::CScsiProtocol(CMscFileController& aController):
void CScsiProtocol::ConstructL()
Associates the transport with the protocol. Called during initialisation of the controller.
@param aTransport pointer to the transport object
void CScsiProtocol::RegisterTransport(MTransportBase* aTransport)
iTransport = aTransport;
Called by the Transport when it detects that the USB device is either running
at High Speed or is at least capable of HS operation. The Protocol can use this
information (for instance) to select the optimal write block size to use.
This function is preferably called before actual MS data transfer operation
starts, and usually only once.
void CScsiProtocol::ReportHighSpeedDevice()
iMediaWriteSize = KHsMediaWriteSize;
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "HS Device reported: SCSI will use %d bytes disk write size"),
iMediaWriteSize ))
TInt CScsiProtocol::SetScsiParameters(TMassStorageConfig aConfig)
iConfig = aConfig;
return KErrNone;
Called by the transport layer when a packet is available for decoding.
If an error occurs, the sense code is updated and EFalse is returned.
@param aData
@return ETrue if command was decoded and executed successfully
TBool CScsiProtocol::DecodePacket(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun)
TUint8 command = aData[1];
if (command != ERequestSense)
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "command = 0x%x lun=%d"), command, aLun ))
switch (command)
case ETestUnitReady:
case ERequestSense:
case EInquiry:
HandleInquiry(aData, aLun);
case EModeSense:
HandleModeSense(aData, aLun);
case EModeSense10:
HandleModeSense10(aData, aLun);
case EStartStopUnit:
HandleStartStopUnit( aData,aLun);
case EPreventMediaRemoval:
HandlePreventMediaRemoval(aData, aLun);
case EReadCapacity:
HandleReadCapacity(aData, aLun);
case ERead10:
HandleRead10(aData, aLun);
case ERead12:
HandleRead12(aData, aLun);
case EReadTOC:
HandleReadTOC(aData, aLun);
case EGetConfiguration:
HandleGetConfiguration(aData, aLun);
iSenseInfo.SetSense(TSenseInfo::EIllegalRequest, TSenseInfo::EInvalidCmdCode);
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "result = %d" ), iSenseInfo.SenseOk() ))
return ( iSenseInfo.SenseOk() );
Checks if drive ready
@param aLun Logic unit number
@return pointer to drive correspondent to LUN if drive mounted and ready, NULL otherwise
CFileSystemImage* CScsiProtocol::GetCheckFs(TUint aLun)
TInt err = KErrNone;
CFileSystemImage* image = iController.FsImage( aLun );
if ( image == NULL )
TRACE_ERROR(( _L( "Illegal LUN %d" ), aLun ))
iSenseInfo.SetSense(TSenseInfo::EIllegalRequest, TSenseInfo::ELuNotSupported);
return NULL;
// Image exists, ensure it is opened for access
err = image->Open();
if ( err == KErrNone )
// Image is now open, if it wasn't already
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "Image opened successfully" ) ))
return image;
// Either file doesn't exist or was removed
TRACE_ERROR(( _L( "Error %d opening image" ), err ))
iSenseInfo.SetSense( TSenseInfo::ENotReady, TSenseInfo::EMediaNotPresent );
return NULL;
Command Parser for the UNIT READY command (0x00)
@param aLun Logic unit number
@return ETrue if successful,
TBool CScsiProtocol::HandleUnitReady(TUint aLun)
return ( GetCheckFs(aLun) != NULL );
Command Parser for the REQUEST SENSE command (0x03)
@return ETrue if successful,
TBool CScsiProtocol::HandleRequestSense(TPtrC8& aData)
TUint length = aData[5];
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "length = %d"), length ))
TSenseInfo* senseInfo;
senseInfo = &iSenseInfo;
iCommandBuf[00] = 0x70; //(current errors)
iCommandBuf[02] = static_cast<TUint8>(senseInfo->iSenseCode & 0x0F);
iCommandBuf[12] = senseInfo->iAdditional;
iCommandBuf[13] = senseInfo->iQualifier;
if (length<18 && length >=8)
iCommandBuf.SetLength(length); //length of response code data
iCommandBuf[07] = TUint8(length - 8); //additional sence length
else if (length >= KRequestSenseCommandLength)
iCommandBuf[07] = KRequestSenseCommandLength - 8; // we have max 18 byte to send
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "Response=0x%x Sense=0x%x, Additional=0x%x, Qualifier=0x%x\n"),
iCommandBuf[0], iCommandBuf[02], iCommandBuf[12], iCommandBuf[13] ))
TPtrC8 writeBuf = iCommandBuf.Left(length);
// clear the sense info
return ETrue;
Command Parser for the INQUIRY command (0x12)
@param aLun Logic unit number
@return ETrue if successful,
TBool CScsiProtocol::HandleInquiry(TPtrC8& aData, TUint /*aLun*/ )
TBool cmdDt = aData[2] & 0x2;
TBool evpd = aData[2] & 0x1;
TUint8 page = aData[3];
if (cmdDt || evpd || page /*|| aLun >= KUsbMsMaxDrives*/)
iSenseInfo.SetSense(TSenseInfo::EIllegalRequest, TSenseInfo::EInvalidFieldInCdb);
return EFalse;
iCommandBuf[0] = 0x05; // CD-ROM
iCommandBuf[1] = 0x80; // MSB: RMB : Removable
iCommandBuf[2] = 0x02; // Version SPC-3
iCommandBuf[3] = 0x02; // AERC, TrmTsk, NormACA, Response Data Format
iCommandBuf[4] = 0x1F; // Additional Length
TPtr8 vendorId(&iCommandBuf[8], 8, 8); // Vendor ID (Vendor Specific/Logged by T10)
vendorId.Fill(' ', 8);
TPtr8 productId(&iCommandBuf[16], 16, 16); // Product ID (Vendor Specific)
productId.Fill(' ', 16);
TPtr8 productRev(&iCommandBuf[32], 4, 4); // Product Revision Level (Vendor Specific)
productRev.Fill(' ', 4);
TUint length = aData[5];
TPtrC8 writeBuf = iCommandBuf.Left(length);
return ETrue;
Command Parser for the START STOP UNIT command (0x1B)
@param aData command data (started form position 1)
@param aLun Logic unit number
@return ETrue if successful, TFalse otherwise
TBool CScsiProtocol::HandleStartStopUnit(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun)
CFileSystemImage* image = GetCheckFs(aLun);
if ( image == NULL )
return EFalse;
const TUint8 KStartMask = 0x01;
const TUint8 KImmedMask = 0x01;
const TUint8 KLoejMask = 0x02;
TBool immed = aData[2] & KImmedMask ? ETrue : EFalse;
TBool start = aData[5] & KStartMask ? ETrue : EFalse;
TBool loej = aData[5] & KLoejMask ? ETrue : EFalse;
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "Data %X %X" ), aData[2], aData[5] ))
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "IMMED = %d" ), immed ))
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "START = %d"), start ))
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "LOEJ = %d" ), loej ))
TInt err = KErrNone;
if (loej)
if (start) //Start unit
// GetCheckFs has already opened the image file
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "Load media" ) ))
else //Stop unit
err = image->Close();
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "Unload media" ) ))
if (err != KErrNone) //actually we have error here only if the LUN is incorrect
iSenseInfo.SetSense(TSenseInfo::EIllegalRequest, TSenseInfo::ELuNotSupported);
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
Command Parser for the PREVENT/ALLOW MEDIA REMOVAL command (0x1E)
@param aData command data (started form position 1)
@param aLun Logic unit number
@return ETrue if successful.
TBool CScsiProtocol::HandlePreventMediaRemoval(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun)
if ( GetCheckFs(aLun) == NULL )
return EFalse;
TInt prevent = aData[5] & 0x01;
// locking is not supported
if (prevent)
iSenseInfo.SetSense(TSenseInfo::EIllegalRequest, TSenseInfo::EInvalidFieldInCdb);
return ETrue;
/** Cancel active state, Invoked by transnport when it stops */
TInt CScsiProtocol::Cancel()
return KErrNone;
Command Parser for the READ CAPACITY(10) command (0x25)
@param aData command data (started form position 1)
@param aLun Logic unit number
@return ETrue if successful.
TBool CScsiProtocol::HandleReadCapacity(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun)
CFileSystemImage* image = GetCheckFs(aLun);
if ( image == NULL )
return EFalse;
TInt pmi = aData[9] & 0x01;
TInt lba = aData[3] | aData[4] | aData[5] | aData[6];
if (pmi || lba) //do not support partial medium indicator
iSenseInfo.SetSense(TSenseInfo::EIllegalRequest, TSenseInfo::EInvalidFieldInCdb);
return EFalse;
TInt64 driveBlocks = image->Size() / MAKE_TINT64(0, KDefaultBlockSize) - 1;
if (I64HIGH(driveBlocks) == 0)
TUint32 numBlocks = I64LOW(driveBlocks);
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "Block size=%d, NumBlocks=%d" ),
KDefaultBlockSize, numBlocks ))
iCommandBuf[0] = static_cast<TUint8>((numBlocks & 0xFF000000) >> 24); // Number of blocks
iCommandBuf[1] = static_cast<TUint8>((numBlocks & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
iCommandBuf[2] = static_cast<TUint8>((numBlocks & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
iCommandBuf[3] = static_cast<TUint8>((numBlocks & 0x000000FF));
iCommandBuf[0] = iCommandBuf[1] = iCommandBuf[2] = iCommandBuf[3] = 0xFF; // indicate that size more then )0xFFFFFFFF
iCommandBuf[4] = static_cast<TUint8>((KDefaultBlockSize & 0xFF000000) >> 24); // Block Size
iCommandBuf[5] = static_cast<TUint8>((KDefaultBlockSize & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
iCommandBuf[6] = static_cast<TUint8>((KDefaultBlockSize & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
iCommandBuf[7] = static_cast<TUint8>((KDefaultBlockSize & 0x000000FF));
TPtrC8 writeBuf = iCommandBuf;
return ETrue;
Command Parser for the READ10 command (0x28)
@param aData command data (started form position 1)
@param aLun Logic unit number
@return ETrue if successful.
TBool CScsiProtocol::HandleRead10(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun)
CFileSystemImage* image = GetCheckFs(aLun);
if ( image == NULL )
return EFalse;
TInt rdProtect = aData[2] >> 5;
if (rdProtect)
iSenseInfo.SetSense(TSenseInfo::EIllegalRequest, TSenseInfo::EInvalidFieldInCdb);
return EFalse;
const TUint32 lba = LBA(aData);
const TUint16 len = LEN(aData);
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "READ(10) : LBA = %d, Length = %d (blocks)" ), lba, len))
if (!len)
return ETrue; // do nothing - this is not an error
const TInt64 bOffset = MAKE_TINT64(0, lba) * KDefaultBlockSize;
const TInt bLength = len * KDefaultBlockSize;
const TInt64 theEnd = bOffset + MAKE_TINT64(0, bLength);
if (theEnd > image->Size()) //check if media big enough for this request
TRACE_ERROR(( _L( "err - Request ends out of media" ) ))
iSenseInfo.SetSense(TSenseInfo::EIllegalRequest, TSenseInfo::ELbaOutOfRange);
return EFalse;
// check if our buffer can hold requested data
if (iCommandBuf.MaxLength() < bLength)
TRACE_ERROR(( _L( "err - Buffer too small" ) ))
iSenseInfo.SetSense(TSenseInfo::EIllegalRequest, TSenseInfo::EInvalidFieldInCdb);
return EFalse;
TInt err = image->Read(bOffset, bLength, iCommandBuf);
if (err != KErrNone)
TRACE_ERROR(( _L( "Read failed, err=%d" ), err ))
iSenseInfo.SetSense(TSenseInfo::ENotReady, TSenseInfo::EMediaNotPresent);
return EFalse;
TPtrC8 writeBuf = iCommandBuf;
// Set up data write to the host
return ETrue;
Command Parser for the READ12 command (0xA8)
@param aData command data (started form position 1)
@param aLun Logic unit number
@return ETrue if successful.
TBool CScsiProtocol::HandleRead12(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun)
CFileSystemImage* image = GetCheckFs(aLun);
if ( image == NULL )
return EFalse;
TInt rdProtect = aData[2] >> 5;
if (rdProtect)
iSenseInfo.SetSense(TSenseInfo::EIllegalRequest, TSenseInfo::EInvalidFieldInCdb);
return EFalse;
const TUint32 lba = static_cast<TUint32>((aData[3] << 24) | (aData[4] << 16) | (aData[5] << 8) | aData[6]);
const TUint32 len = static_cast<TUint32>((aData[7] << 24) | (aData[8] << 16) | (aData[9] << 8) | aData[10]);
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "READ(12) : LBA = %d, Length = %d (blocks)" ), lba, len ))
if (!len)
return ETrue; // do nothing - this is not an error
const TInt64 bOffset = MAKE_TINT64(0, lba) * KDefaultBlockSize;
const TUint32 bLength = len * KDefaultBlockSize;
const TInt64 theEnd = bOffset + MAKE_TINT64(0, bLength);
if (theEnd > image->Size()) //check if media big enough for this request
TRACE_ERROR(( _L( "err - Request ends out of media" ) ))
iSenseInfo.SetSense(TSenseInfo::EIllegalRequest, TSenseInfo::ELbaOutOfRange);
return EFalse;
// check if our buffer can hold requested data
if (iCommandBuf.MaxLength() < bLength)
TRACE_ERROR(( _L( "err - Buffer too small" ) ))
iSenseInfo.SetSense(TSenseInfo::EIllegalRequest, TSenseInfo::EInvalidFieldInCdb);
return EFalse;
TInt err = image->Read(bOffset, bLength, iCommandBuf);
if (err != KErrNone)
TRACE_ERROR(( _L( "Read failed, err=%d" ), err ))
iSenseInfo.SetSense(TSenseInfo::ENotReady, TSenseInfo::EMediaNotPresent);
return EFalse;
TPtrC8 writeBuf = iCommandBuf;
// Set up data write to the host
return ETrue;
Called by the transport when the requested data has been read or an error has
occurred during the read.
@param aError Indicate if an error occurs during reading data by transport.
@return KErrAbort if command processing is complete but has failed,
KErrCompletion if sufficient data is available in the buffer to process
the transfer immediately, KErrNotReady if insufficient data is
available in the buffer so the transport should wait for it to arrive,
KErrNone if command processing is complete and was successful.
TInt CScsiProtocol::ReadComplete(TInt aError)
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "Error = 0x%X" ), aError ))
// const TInt64 bOffset = iOffset;
TUint8 lastCommand = iLastCommand;
TUint lastLun = iLastLun;
iOffset = 0;
iLastCommand = EUndefinedCommand;
iLastLun = KUndefinedLun;
TRACE_INFO(( _L( "Last command was: %s" ),
(lastCommand == EUndefinedCommand) ? _S("Undefined") :
((lastCommand == EWrite10) ? _S("EWrite10") :
((lastCommand == EVerify10) ? _S("EVerify10") :
_S("Unknown"))) ))
if (aError != KErrNone ||
lastCommand == EUndefinedCommand ||
lastLun == KUndefinedLun)
return KErrAbort;
CFileSystemImage* image = GetCheckFs(lastLun);
if ( image == NULL )
return KErrAbort;
return iSenseInfo.SenseOk() ? KErrNone : KErrAbort;
Command Parser for the MODE SENSE(06) command (0x1A)
@return ETrue if successful.
TBool CScsiProtocol::HandleModeSense(TPtrC8& aData, TUint /*aLun*/)
TInt pageCode = aData[3] & 0x3F;
TUint8 pageControl= static_cast<TUint8>(aData[3] >>6);
// reserve 4 bytes for Length, Media type, Device-specific parameter and Block descriptor length
if (pageCode != KAllPages || pageControl == KChangeableValues)
TRACE_ERROR(( _L( "TSenseInfo::EIllegalRequest,TSenseInfo::EInvalidFieldInCdb")))
return EFalse;
if (pageControl != KDefaultValues)
iCommandBuf[2] = 1<<7; // set SWP bit at the Device Specific parameters
iCommandBuf[0]=3; //Sending only Mode parameter header
TPtrC8 writeBuf = iCommandBuf;
return (iSenseInfo.SenseOk());
const TUint16 KMaxModeRespLen = 58;
Command Parser for the MODE SENSE(10) command (0x5A)
@return ETrue if successful.
TBool CScsiProtocol::HandleModeSense10(TPtrC8& aData, TUint /*aLun*/)
TInt pageCode = aData[3] & 0x3F;
TUint8 pageControl= static_cast<TUint8>(aData[3] >>6);
TBool allPages = EFalse;
TUint16 len = static_cast<TUint16>((aData[8] << 8) | aData[9]);
__ASSERT_DEBUG(len > 1, User::Panic(KUsbMsSvrPncCat, EMsWrongLength));
iCommandBuf[2] = 0x71; // medium type
TInt i = 8;
switch (pageCode)
case 0x3F: // All mode pages
allPages = ETrue;
case 0x1A: // Power condition mode page
// byte 0
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x1A; // page code
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x0A; // length
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // IDLE = 0, STANDBY = 0
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // idle timer
// byte 8
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // standby timer
if (!allPages)
case 0x1D: // Timeout and protect mode page
// byte 0
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x1D; // page code
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x08; // length
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserver
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // G3, TMOE, DISP, SWPP = 0, 0, 0, 0
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // group 1 timeout
// byte 8
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // group 2 timeout
if (!allPages)
case 0x2A: // MM capabilities and mechanical status page
// byte 0
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x2A; // page code
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x1A; // length
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // !CD-R
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x30; // mode (mode 2, form 1,2)
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x29; // tray, eject, lock
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
// byte 8
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; //
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // obsolete
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; //
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // volume levels
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; //
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // buffer size
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; //
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // obsolete
// byte 16
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // unspecified
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // obsolete
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // obsolete
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // obsolete
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // obsolete
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; //
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // copy management revision
// byte 24
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
// Unknown page code
return EFalse;
if (i > len)
// don't send more data than the host will accept
i = len;
iCommandBuf[1] = (TUint8)(i-2); // length will not exceed 255, so LSB is enough
TPtrC8 writeBuf = iCommandBuf;
return (iSenseInfo.SenseOk());
Command Parser for the READ TOC/PMA/ATIP command (0x43)
@return ETrue if successful.
TBool CScsiProtocol::HandleReadTOC(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun)
if ( GetCheckFs(aLun) == NULL )
return EFalse;
TUint16 len = static_cast<TUint16>((aData[8] << 8) | aData[9]);
if (len == 0)
return ETrue; // allocation length = 0 is not an error
else if (len > 20)
len = 20;
// TOC header
iCommandBuf[0] = 0x00; // length MSB
iCommandBuf[1] = len-2; // length LSB
iCommandBuf[2] = 0x01; // first track
iCommandBuf[3] = 0x01; // last track
if (len >= 12)
// Track descriptor, track 1
iCommandBuf[5] = 0x14; // ADR | CTRL
iCommandBuf[6] = 0x01; // track
// Track start address
if (aData[2] & 0x02)
// TIME address = 0x00 00 02 00
iCommandBuf[10] = 0x02;
if (len >= 20)
// Track descriptor, lead-out
iCommandBuf[13] = 0x14;
iCommandBuf[14] = 0xaa;
TPtrC8 writeBuf = iCommandBuf;
return (iSenseInfo.SenseOk());
const TUint16 KFeatureNums[] = { 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003,
0x0010, 0x001E, 0x0100, 0x0105 };
const TInt KNumFeatures = sizeof(KFeatureNums) / sizeof(TUint16);
const TInt KMaxConfRespLen = 76;
Command Parser for the GET CONFIGURATION command (0x46)
@return ETrue if successful.
TBool CScsiProtocol::HandleGetConfiguration(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun)
if ( GetCheckFs(aLun) == NULL )
return EFalse;
TUint blockSize = KDefaultBlockSize;
TUint8 rt = aData[2] & 0x03;
TUint16 feature = static_cast<TUint16>((aData[3] << 8) | aData[4]);
TUint16 len = static_cast<TUint16>((aData[8] << 8) | aData[9]);
if (len == 0)
return ETrue; // allocation length = 0 is not an error
// Feature header
iCommandBuf[0] = 0x00; // length
iCommandBuf[1] = 0x00; // length
iCommandBuf[2] = 0x00; // length
iCommandBuf[6] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[7] = 0x08; // CD-ROM Profile 0x0008
TInt i = 8;
for (TInt f = 0; f < KNumFeatures; f++)
if ( ( ( rt == 2 ) && ( KFeatureNums[f] == feature ) ) ||
( ( rt != 2 ) && ( KFeatureNums[f] >= feature ) ) )
switch (KFeatureNums[f])
case 0x0000:
// Profile list
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // feature code = 0x0000
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x03; // persistent = 1, current = 1
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x04; // additional length (1 profile desc.)
// Profile descriptor
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x08; // profile 0x0008
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x01; // current
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
case 0x0001:
// Core feature descriptor
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x01; // feature code = 0x0001
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x07; // version = 0001b, persistent = 1, current = 1
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x08; // additional length
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x08; // physical interface = 0x00000008 (USB)
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x01; // DBE = 1
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
case 0x0002:
// Morphing feature descriptor
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x02; // feature code = 0x0002
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x07; // version = 0001b, persistent = 1, current = 1
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x04; // additional length
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x02; // OCEvent = 1, ASYNC = 0
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
case 0x0003:
// Removable medium feature descriptor
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x03; // feature code = 0x0003
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x03; // persistent = 1, current = 1
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x04; // additional length
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x29; // tray, eject, lock
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
case 0x0010:
// Random readable feature descriptor
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x10; // feature code = 0x0010
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x03; // persistent = 1, current = 1
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x08; // additional length
// Block Size
iCommandBuf[i++] = static_cast<TUint8>((blockSize & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
iCommandBuf[i++] = static_cast<TUint8>((blockSize & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
iCommandBuf[i++] = static_cast<TUint8>((blockSize & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
iCommandBuf[i++] = static_cast<TUint8>((blockSize & 0x000000FF));
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x01; // blocking = 1
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // PP = 0
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
case 0x001E:
// CD Read feature descriptor
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x1E; // feature code = 0x001E
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x0B; // version = 2, persistent = 1, current = 1
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x04; // additional length
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // DAP = 0, C2 flags = 0, CD-Text = 0
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
case 0x0100:
// Power management feature descriptor
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x01;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // feature code = 0x0100
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x03; // persistent = 1, current = 1
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // additional length = 0
case 0x0105:
// Timeout feature descriptor
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x01;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x05; // feature code = 0x0105
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x07; // version = 1, persistent = 1, current = 1
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x04; // additional length
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // G3 = 0
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // reserved
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00;
iCommandBuf[i++] = 0x00; // unit lenght = undefined
iCommandBuf[3] = (TUint8)(i-4); // length LSB
if (i > len)
// don't send more data than the host will accept
i = len;
TPtrC8 writeBuf = iCommandBuf.Left(i);
return (iSenseInfo.SenseOk());