* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Debug macros
#ifndef DEBUG_H
#define DEBUG_H
// Here are parameters need to be modified.
// Component name
// For handling unicode strings as L##MACRO is interpreted as LMACRO
#define WIDEN2( x ) L##x
#define WIDEN( x ) WIDEN2( x )
_LIT( KUsbPanicModule, ""WIDEN( MODULE_NAME ) );
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Comment this line out if using real-time debugging
//#define LOG_TO_FILE
// ===========================================================================
#if defined ( LOG_TO_FILE )
// ===========================================================================
// Add corresponding libabry in mmp file
// LIBRARY flogger.lib
// The log file is located at
// c:\logs\usb\MODULE_NAME.txt
#include <flogger.h>
#define DESC( x ) TPtrC( ( const TText* ) ( x ) )
#define DESC8( x ) TPtrC8( ( const TUint8* ) ( x ) )
_LIT( KUsbLogDir, "USB" );
_LIT( KUsbLogFile, ""WIDEN(MODULE_NAME)L".txt" );
// s: c string.
#define LOG(s) RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KUsbLogDir, \
KUsbLogFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, \
DESC8( "[%08x] ["MODULE_NAME"] "##s ), TUint(RThread().Id()) )
// s: c string contains "%x"
// v: varaible corresponding to %x
#define LOG1(s, v) RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KUsbLogDir, \
KUsbLogFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, \
DESC8( "[%08x] ["MODULE_NAME"] "##s ), v, \
TUint(RThread().Id()) )
// s: c string contains "%x%y"
// v1: varaible corresponding to %x
// v2: varaible corresponding to %y
#define LOG2(s, v1, v2) RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KUsbLogDir, \
KUsbLogFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, \
DESC8( "[%08x] ["MODULE_NAME"] "##s ), TUint(RThread().Id()), \
v1, v2 )
// s: c string contains "%x%y%z"
// v1: varaible corresponding to %x
// v2: varaible corresponding to %y
// v3: varaible corresponding to %z
#define LOG3(s, v1, v2, v3) RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KUsbLogDir, \
KUsbLogFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, \
DESC8( "[%08x] ["MODULE_NAME"] "##s ), \
TUint(RThread().Id()), v1, v2, v3 )
class TFuncLogger
TFuncLogger(const TDesC8& aFuncName)
iFuncName.Set( aFuncName );
RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KUsbLogDir, KUsbLogFile,
DESC8( "[%08x] ["MODULE_NAME"] >>%s" ), TUint(RThread().Id()),
iFuncName.Ptr() );
RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KUsbLogDir, KUsbLogFile,
DESC8( "[%08x] ["MODULE_NAME"] <<%s" ), TUint(RThread().Id()),
iFuncName.Ptr() );
TPtrC8 iFuncName;
// ===========================================================================
#else //Real-time logging
// ===========================================================================
#include <e32debug.h>
// Paramters same as above.
#define LOG( str ) { RDebug::Printf( "[%08x] ["MODULE_NAME"] %s",\
TUint(RThread().Id()), str ); }
#define LOG1( s, v ) { RDebug::Printf( "[%08x] ["MODULE_NAME"] "##s ,\
TUint(RThread().Id()), v ); }
#define LOG2( s, v1,v2 ) { RDebug::Printf( "[%08x] ["MODULE_NAME"] "##s , \
TUint(RThread().Id()), v1, v2 ); }
#define LOG3( s, v1, v2, v3 ) { RDebug::Printf( "[%08x] ["MODULE_NAME"] "##s, \
TUint(RThread().Id()), v1, v2, v3); }
class TFuncLogger
TFuncLogger(const TDesC8& aFuncName)
iFuncName.Set( aFuncName );
RDebug::Printf( "[%08x] ["MODULE_NAME"] >>%s", TUint(RThread().Id()),
RDebug::Printf( "[%08x] ["MODULE_NAME"] <<%s", TUint(RThread().Id()),
TPtrC8 iFuncName;
#endif // LOG_TO_FILE
#define LEAVE( exp ) {volatile TInt err = exp; \
LOG3( "LEAVE(%d) @file: %s, line: %d", err, __FILE__, __LINE__ );\
User::Leave( err );}
#define LEAVEIFERROR( exp ) {volatile TInt err = exp; if(err < 0) LEAVE(err);}
#define PANIC( exp ) {volatile TInt err = exp; \
LOG3( "PANIC(%d) @file: %s, line: %d", err, __FILE__, __LINE__ );\
User::Panic( KUsbPanicModule, err );}
#define LOG_FUNC TFuncLogger __instrument(TPtrC8((TUint8*)__PRETTY_FUNCTION__));
#else // _DEBUG
// ===========================================================================
#define LOG( s )
#define LOG1( s, v )
#define LOG2( s, v1, v2 )
#define LOG3( s, v1, v2, v3 )
#define LEAVE( exp ) User::Leave( exp );
#define LEAVEIFERROR( exp ) User::LeaveIfError( exp );
#define PANIC( err ) User::Panic( KUsbPanicModule, err );
#define LOG_FUNC
// ===========================================================================
#endif // _DEBUG
// ===========================================================================
#endif // DEBUG_H
// End of File