/** Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).* All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description: This is a localisation file for usbuinotif. **/// LOCALISATION STRINGS// *** STRINGS FOR CONFIRMATION QUERIES ***//d: Memory card needs to be unlocked before it can be used//l: popup_note_window//w://r: 3.0//#define qtn_usb_mode_note_memory_card_locked "Memory card needs to be unlocked"//d: Mass storage memory is not accessible because it cannot be unmounted for some reason//d: Softkey "OK" is shown. //l: popup_note_window//w://r: 3.2//#define qtn_usb_mode_note_storage_media_failure "Storage media not accessible"//d: User disconnects the cable without disconnecting or unmounting it from the PC//l: popup_note_window//w://r: 3.0//#define qtn_usb_mode_note_cable_unsafely_removed "Data loss may have occurred. In future, stop file transfers before removing the cable"//d: While in file transfer mode, the phone receives a card eject event//l: popup_note_window//w://r: 3.0//#define qtn_usb_mode_note_mmc_unsafely_removed "Data loss may have occurred. In future, stop file transfers before removing the memory card"//d: User changes the mode to something from Mass storage mode. Memory card//d: might corrupt here so asking for confirmation. Note that the soft keys //d: are labeled as "OK" and "Cancel". //l: popup_note_window//w://r: 3.1//#define qtn_usb_mode_query_change_from_mass_storage "Change USB mode? Storage media may be corrupted if file transfer is ongoing."//d: User tries to use MTP personality without memory card. Since that can be //d: the only media shared via this personality, the connection may be partly //d: or fully unusable. //d: Softkey "OK" is shown. //l: popup_note_window//w://r: 3.2//#define qtn_usb_mode_query_no_memory_card "Memory card is not present. The connection may not work as expected."//d: The header for USB connected pop-up//l: popup_discreet_window_t1//r: 5.2#define qtn_usb_mode_msg_header "USB Connected"//d: Too much power error in USB OTG during operating, cable disconnect required//l: popup_note_window//w://r: 5.2//#define qtn_usb_otg_error_current_limit "Error in USB connection. Disconnect device."//d: Too much power error in USB OTG during enumerating, cable disconnect required//l: popup_note_window//w://r: 5.2//#define qtn_usb_otg_error_too_much_current_required "Unsupported USB device. Disconnect device."//d: Unsupported device error in USB OTG, cable disconnect required//l: popup_note_window//w://r: 5.2//#define qtn_usb_otg_error_unsupported "Unsupported USB device. Disconnect device."//d: USB hubs are not supported.//l: popup_note_window//w://r: 5.2//#define qtn_usb_otg_error_hub "Hubs are not supported. Disconnect USB cable."//d: Connection error in USB OTG, cable disconnect required//l: popup_note_window//w://r: 5.2//#define qtn_usb_otg_error_unrecoverable "Error in USB connection. Disconnect cable."//d: Partially supported warning in USB OTG.//l: popup_note_window//w://r: 5.2//#define qtn_usb_otg_warning_partial_support "Partially supported USB device connected. All functionality might not work."//d: Emptry cable error in USB OTG.//l: popup_note_window//w://r: 5.2//#define qtn_usb_otg_error_cable "Remove USB cable or connect a device."//d: Unknown mass storage filesystem, disconnect device.//l: popup_note_window//w://r: 5.2//#define qtn_usb_otg_error_unsupported_filesystem "Unknown file system. Disconnect device."//d: General Mass storage error in USB OTG.//l: popup_note_window//w://r: 5.2//#define qtn_usb_otg_general_mass_storage_error "General Mass storage error"// End of USB_OTG//d: Memory not enough or full error//l: popup_note_window//r: 5.2#define qtn_usb_error_memory_not_enough "Memory full. Close some applications and try to connect USB cable again"//d: Disk full error//l: popup_note_window//r: 5.2#define qtn_usb_error_disk_full "Disk full. Remove some files and try to connect USB cable again."// End of File