changeset 23 13a33d82ad98
parent 0 822a42b6c3f1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dvrengine/CommonRecordingEngine/inc/CCRRTSPPacketSource.h	Wed Sep 01 12:20:37 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1052 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:    Class that negotiaties RTP stream using RTSP*
+#include "CCRPacketSourceBase.h"
+#include "CCRStreamingSession.h"
+#include "CCRConnection.h"
+#include "CCRRtspResponse.h"
+#include "CCRRtpTcpObserver.h"
+#include "CCRSock.h"
+#include "MCRTimerObserver.h"
+#include <rtp.h>
+// None
+// None
+// None
+class CCRRtspCommand;
+class CDvrSdpParser;
+class RRtpSession;
+class RRtpReceiveSource;
+class TRtpEvent;
+class CCRTimer;
+class CCRPunchPacketSender;
+class CCRRtpTcpStreamer;
+*  Class that negotiaties RTP stream using RTSP.
+*  @lib CommonRecordingEngine.lib
+*  @since Series 60 3.0
+class CCRRtspPacketSource : public CCRPacketSourceBase,
+                            public MCRSockObserver,
+                            public MCRRtpTcpObserver,
+                            public MCRConnectionObserver,
+                            public MCRTimerObserver
+    {
+public: // Data types
+    /**
+    * RTP packet memory layout structure
+    */
+    struct TCRRtpMessageHeader
+        {
+        TUint iVersion:2;
+        TUint iPadding:1;
+        TUint iExtension:1;
+        TUint iCsrcCount:4;
+        TUint iMarker:1;
+        TUint iPayloadType:7;
+        TUint iSeq:16;
+        TUint32 iTimestamp;
+        TUint32 iSSRC;
+        };
+    /**
+    * RTCP sender report memory layout 
+    */
+    struct TCRRtpSRReportHeader
+        {
+        // Note the order of first 3 items:
+        unsigned char iReportCount:5; // this and
+        unsigned char iPadding:1;     // this and
+        unsigned char iVersion:2;     // this are first 8 bits. 
+        // Note that above order is reversed from spec.
+        unsigned char iPacketType;
+        TUint16 iLength;
+        TUint32 iSenderSSRC;
+        TUint32 iMSWTimestamp;
+        TUint32 iLSWTimestamp;
+        TUint32 iRTPTimestamp;
+        TUint32 iSenderPacketCount;
+        TUint32 iSenderOctetCount;
+        };
+    /**
+    * Enum for identifying sockets. Sockets return this via Id()
+    * and this is also used as an array index. 
+    */
+    enum TCRRTPSockId
+        {
+        ERTPControl=0,     /**< placeholder for RTSP sock */
+        ERTPVideoSend1,    /**< RTP video payload */
+        ERTPVideoSend2,    /**< RTCP video */
+        ERTPAudioSend1,    /**< RTP audio payload */
+        ERTPAudioSend2,    /**< RTCP audio */
+        ERTPMaxSockets     /**< Just max value, no real socket assigned for this */
+        };
+public: // Constructors and destructor
+    /**
+    * Two-phased constructor.
+    * Calling this method will finally cause a call to DoConnectL() so
+    * this class will start connecting as soon as it is constructed, 
+    * address where to connect to is in aParams. 
+    * @param aParams is the stream address
+    * @param aConnection is handle to RConnection wrapper to use
+    * @param aSessionObs is pointer to our observer
+    * @aOwningSession is the streaming session that owns this packet source
+    * @return CCRRtspPacketSource pointer to CCRRtspPacketSource class
+    */
+    static CCRRtspPacketSource* NewL( const SCRRtspParams& aParams,
+                                      CCRConnection& aConnection,
+                                      RSocketServ& aSockServer,
+                                      MCRStreamObserver& aSessionObs,
+                                      CCRStreamingSession& aOwningSession );
+    /**
+    * Destructor.
+    */
+    virtual ~CCRRtspPacketSource();
+public: // New functions
+    /**
+    * Method for aquiring the URI being streamed here
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return URI.
+    */
+    TPtr URI();
+    /**
+    * Method that packet puncher calls to tell
+    * it has finished punching the firewall.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aPuncher tells the number of the port 
+    * where the punch packet was sent to.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void PunchPacketsSent( CCRPunchPacketSender* aPuncher );
+    /**
+    * Method for setting observer that this source will report its status to.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aObserver is the observer instance implementing MCRConnectionObserver.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void RegisterConnectionObs( MCRConnectionObserver* aObserver );
+    /**
+    * Method for removing status observer
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void UnregisterConnectionObs();
+public: // Methods from base classes
+    /**
+    * From CCRPacketSourceBase.
+    * Method for acquiring sdp.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aSdp is string pointer that will be .Set() to contain the sdp.
+    *        If no sdp is available no .Set() will occur.
+    * @return KErrNotReady if no sdp available.
+    */
+    TInt GetSdp( TPtrC8& aSdp );
+    /**
+    * From CCRPacketSourceBase.
+    * Method for acquiring (almost) up-to-date sequence and ts numbers.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aAudioSeq is reference to TUint that will be set by this
+    *        method to contain latest available sequence number for
+    *        audio stream being received via this packet source.
+    * @param aAudioTS rtp timestamp for audio.
+    * @param aVideoSeq rtp seq for video. If no video, value will not be touched.
+    * @param aVideoTS rtp ts for video.
+    * @return KErrNone if data available.
+    */
+    TInt SeqAndTS( TUint& aAudioSeq,
+                   TUint& aAudioTS,
+                   TUint& aVideoSeq,
+                   TUint& aVideoTS );
+    /**
+    * From CCRPacketSourceBase.
+    * Post action after source initialized.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void PostActionL();
+    /**
+    * From CCRPacketSourceBase.
+    * Method for ordering "play" for packet source.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aStartPos is start position in seconds.
+    * @param aEndPos is end position in seconds.
+    * @return a system wide error code.
+    */
+    TInt Play( const TReal& aStartPos,
+               const TReal& aEndPos );
+    /**
+    * From CCRPacketSourceBase.
+    * Method for pausing play from source.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return a system wide error code.
+    */
+    TInt Pause();
+    /**
+    * From CCRPacketSourceBase.
+    * Method for stopping play from source.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return a system wide error code.
+    */
+    TInt Stop();
+    /**
+    * From CCRPacketSourceBase.
+    * Method for getting range of stream. If no range/duration
+    * is available this method will set the return values to
+    * 0.0,-1.0 and that may be quite normal state live streams.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aLower is where to start from. If no value available,
+    *        value of aLower must be set to 0
+    * @param aUpper is where to stop. Negative values mean eternity.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void GetRange( TReal& aLower,
+                   TReal& aUpper );
+    /**
+    * From CCRPacketSourceBase.
+    * Setter for current position.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aPosition a postion of playback.
+    * @return a system wide error code.
+    */
+    virtual TInt SetPosition( const TInt64 aPosition ) ;
+    /**
+    * From MCRSockObserver.
+    * This method is called after some data has been received from socket.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aSockId identifies the socket where the data came from. 
+    * @param aData is descriptor containing the data received.
+    *        ownership of data is not passed via this call.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void DataReceived( TInt aSockId,
+                       const TDesC8& aData );
+    /**
+    * From MCRSockObserver.
+    * This method is called after status of socket changes.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aSockId Identifies the socket that had the status change
+    * @param aStatus is the new status of the sock
+    * @param aError if aStatus was an error-status, this may contain error code
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void SockStatusChange( TInt aSockId, 
+                           CCRSock::TCRSockStatus aStatus,
+                           TInt aError );
+    /**
+    * From MCRRtpTcpObserver.
+    * Signals an available incoming RTSP control message
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aData a RTSP meaage data.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void RtspMsgAvailable( const TDesC8& aData );
+    /**
+    * From MCRRtpTcpObserver.
+    * Receives a RTP/RTCP packet available from TCP streamer and
+    * forwards to streaming sessions (buffers).
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aChannel specifies channel if in TCP streaming case, in practice
+    *        tells if it is a video/audio packet and if it is RTP or RTCP.
+    * @param aPacket is the payload of the  packet
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void RtpTcpPacketAvailable( TInt aChannel,
+                                const TDesC8& aPacket );
+    /**
+    * From MCRRtpTcpObserver.
+    * Receives a RTP/RTCP packet and forward to streaming server
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aChunk contains RTP packet with headers suitable to be sent to remote
+    *        via RTSP control socket.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void ForwardRtpTcpChunck( const TDesC8& aChunk );
+    /**
+    * From MCRConnectionObserver.
+    * receives notifications of connection status changes,
+    * used to clear heuristics on streaming capabilities.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aSessionId a session id.
+    * @param aStatus is the new status of the connection.
+    * @param aErr contains error code if new status is failure status.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void ConnectionStatusChange( TInt aSessionId,
+                                 TCRConnectionStatus aStatus,
+                                 TInt aErr );
+    /**
+    * From MCRTimerObserver.
+    * The function to be called when a timeout occurs.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aTimer is pointer to timer instance that caused call to this method.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void TimerExpired( CCRTimer* aTimer );
+private: // Constructors and destructor
+    /**
+    * C++ default constructor.
+    * @param aConnection is RConnection wrapper to use.
+    * @param aSockServer is socket server to use when opening sockets.
+    * @param aSessionObs is pointer to our observer.
+    * @param aOwningSession is pointer to session that owns this source.
+    */
+    CCRRtspPacketSource( CCRConnection& aConnection,
+                         RSocketServ& aSockServer,
+                         MCRStreamObserver& aSessionObs,
+                         CCRStreamingSession& aOwningSession );
+    /**
+    * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
+    * @aParams aParams contains stream address parameters that this packet source
+    *          will try to use to obtain the stream.
+    * @return none
+    */
+    void ConstructL( const SCRRtspParams& aParams );
+private: // New methods
+    /**
+    * Method for connecting.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void DoConnectL();
+    /**
+    * Method for cleaning up.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void CleanUp();
+    /**
+    * Method for initiating cleanup.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aSelfPtr is pointer to "this".
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    static TInt CleanUpCallback( TAny* aSelfPtr );
+    /**
+    * Method for asking for cleanup in async way.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void DoCleanup();
+    /**
+    * Method for sending RTSP command. Command in question depends on state.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void SendRtspCommandL();
+    /**
+    * Method for parsing and reacting to RTSP reply.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aData a RTSP response data.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void ProcessRtspResponseL( const TDesC8& aData );
+    /**
+    * Method for parsing and reacting to RTSP command that
+    * remote server may send to us
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aData a RTSP response data.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void ProcessRTSPCommandL( const TDesC8& aData );
+    /**
+    * Method for sending error indication to client side
+    * if rtsp response was something errorneous.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aErrorCode is RTSP response code,something else than 200 OK.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void ProcessRtspErrorResponseL( CCRRtspResponse::TResponseCode aErrorCode );
+    /**
+    * Method for doing SETUP.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aControlAddr is either absolute or relative controladdr for stream.
+    * @param aForAudio is ETrue if control addr is for audio.
+    * @return client port number.
+    */
+    TInt SendSetupCommandL( const TDesC8& aControlAddr,
+                            TBool aForAudio );
+    /**
+    * Method for doing PLAY.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void SendPlayCommandL();
+    /**
+    * Method for doing PAUSE that is sent to remote server.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void SendPauseCommandL();
+    /**
+    * Method for doing OPTIONS ping that is sent to remote server.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void SendOptionsCommandL();
+    /**
+    * Method for doing TEARDOWN.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void SendTearDownCommandL();
+    /**
+    * Method that sets up rtp sessions. Must be called before play is issued.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    TInt SetupRTPSessions();
+    /**
+    * Method that starts RTSP command response timeout.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aTime a timer interval.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void StartRtspTimeout( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aTime );
+    /**
+    * Callback method from RTP session for audio.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aPtr is pointer to "this".
+    * @param aEvent is the event. In practice it contains RTP packet or RTCP packet.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    static void AudioRTPCallBack( CCRRtspPacketSource* aPtr,
+                                  const TRtpEvent& aEvent );
+    /**
+    * Callback method from RTP session for video.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aPtr is pointer to "this".
+    * @param aEvent is the event. In practice it contains RTP packet or RTCP packet.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    static void VideoRTPCallBack( CCRRtspPacketSource* aPtr,
+                                  const TRtpEvent& aEvent );
+    /**
+    * Callback for RTSP timeout. Just ask session to start cleanup.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aPtr is pointer to "this".
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    static TInt RtspTimeoutCallback( TAny* aPtr );
+    /**
+    * Method for creating sender report header.
+    * @param aPtr is pointer to "this".
+    * @param aEvent is the rtp packet event received.
+    * @param aStreamId a stream id.
+    * @return none
+    */
+    static void SenderReport( CCRRtspPacketSource* aPtr,
+                              const TRtpEvent& aEvent,
+                              MCRPacketSource::TCRPacketStreamId aStreamId );
+    /**
+    * Method for handling audio.
+    * @param aPtr is pointer to "this".
+    * @param aSource a receiver source.
+    * @param aEvent is the rtp packet event received.
+    * @return none
+    */
+    static void HandleNewSourceL( CCRRtspPacketSource* aPtr,
+                                  RRtpReceiveSource& aSource,
+                                  const TRtpEvent& aEvent,
+                                  TRtpCallbackFunction aCallback );
+    /**
+    * Generate DESCRIBE message with authentication information.
+    * used when server responses with 401 or 407.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void SendAuthDescribeL();
+    /**
+    * Adds authentication info to given command.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aCommand the command where to add authentication info.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void AddAuthenticationL( TInt aCommand );
+    /**
+    * Setup sessions for RTP stack and issue play command
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void SetupSessionsAndPlay();
+    /**
+    * Initiates sending of punch packets
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param none.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void SendPunchPacketsL();
+    /**
+    * Creates a socket in iRTPSockArr for multicast streaming:
+    * binds to local port and join multicast group
+    *
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aSockId  id for RTP socket in iRTPSockArr
+    * @param aGroupAddr multicast group address, in IPv6 or mapped IPv4
+    * @param aPort local UDP port to listen
+    * @return system error code
+    */
+    TInt CreateMulticastSocket( TCRRTPSockId aSockId,
+                                const TInetAddr& aGroupAddr,
+                                TInt aPort );
+    /**
+    * Creates a socket in iRTPSockArr for unicast streaming:
+    * binds to local port and connects to remote address
+    *
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aSockId  id for RTP socket in iRTPSockArr
+    * @param aLocalAddr  local address and port to listen
+    * @param aRemoteAddr remote address and port to connect to
+    * @return system error code
+    */
+    TInt CreateUnicastSocket( TCRRTPSockId aSockId,
+                              const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr,
+                              const TInetAddr& aRemoteAddr );
+    /**
+    * Method that handles rtp payload packet to buffer.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aEvent is the rtp packet event received.
+    * @param aIsAudio indicates whether this is audio or video packet.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void RTPPayloadProcessor ( const TRtpEvent& aEvent,
+                               const TBool aIsAudio );
+    /**
+    * Method for setting session parameters.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aSession is reference to either audio or video rtp session.
+    *        from instance variables of this class ; the parameters will
+    *        be set in similar way for both audio and video
+    * @param aGranularity is number of clock ticks per second, usually found from SDP
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    void SetRtpSession( RRtpSession& aSession ,
+                        TReal aGranularity );
+    /**
+    * Method for initiating cleanup.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aSelfPtr is pointer to "this".
+    * @return symbian error code.
+    */
+    static TInt SendRtspPing( TAny* aSelfPtr );
+    /**
+    * Method for synchronizing of timestamps and notifying sinks.
+    * This should be called after sender reports are received
+    * and with normal packet reception in the beginning of the stream.
+    * In practice this will be called for about every packet while
+    * iNoRtpInfoHeader is on, when we know the seq+ts then 
+    * iNoRtpInfoHeader will be turned off and this method will be no longer
+    * used ; detection of no rtp info header in rtsp play reply will turn
+    * iNoRtpInfoHeader on. 
+    *
+    * @param aStreamId identifies the stream
+    * @param aMSWTimestamp more significant part of wall-clock. Seconds.
+    * @param aLSWTimestamp less significant part of wall-clock. Fraction of seconds.
+    * @param aRTPTimestamp rtptimestamp of aMSW+aLSWTimestamp
+    * @param aSeq sequence number of aRTPTimestamp
+    */
+    void ConstructSeqAndTsForSink ( MCRPacketSource::TCRPacketStreamId aStreamId,
+                                    TUint32 aMSWTimestamp,
+                                    TUint32 aLSWTimestamp,
+                                    TUint32 aRTPTimestamp,
+                                    TUint aSeq );
+    /**
+    * Method for setting up multicast or tcp streaming from setup reply.
+    * @param none
+    * @return none
+    */
+    void ConditionallySetupMultiCastOrTcpStreamingL();
+    /**
+    * Method checks that we all receiveing from all streams, if not returns false.
+    * @param none
+    * @return ETrue if receiving from all streams.
+    */
+    TBool CheckReceiveOfStreams();
+    /**
+    * Method that flags given stream as receiving stream.
+    * @param aStreamType stream that is receiving   
+    * @return none
+    */
+    void StreamFound( TCRPacketStreamId aStreamType );
+    /**
+    * Method that resets all created receive streams as non receiving.  
+    * @param none
+    * @return none
+    */
+    void ResetStreamFlags();
+#if defined ( LIVE_TV_FILE_TRACE ) || defined ( LIVE_TV_RDEBUG_TRACE )
+    /**                                        
+    * Method for showing a packet header.
+    * @since Series 60 3.0
+    * @param aRtcpHeader a pointer to packet header.
+    * @param aEvent is the rtp packet event received.
+    * @return none.
+    */
+    static void ShowHeader( const TDesC8& aRtcpHeader,
+                            const TCRRtpSRReportHeader& aSrReport );
+private: // Data
+    /**
+    * rtsp URL we're supposed to view.
+    */
+    HBufC* iRtspUri;
+    /**
+    * Hostname -part of iRTSPURI.
+    */
+    TPtrC iRtspUriHost;
+    /**
+    * rtsp URL in 8bit descriptor, only because there is no uri parser in 8 bit.
+    */
+    HBufC8* iRtspUri8;
+    /**
+    * possible username, if server requires.
+    */
+    HBufC* iUserName;
+    /**
+    * possible password, if server requires.
+    */
+    HBufC* iPassword;
+    /**
+    * Sequence number from rtp info header concerning audio.
+    */
+    TUint iSeqFromRtpInfoForAudio;
+    /**
+    * Sequence number from rtp info header concerning video.
+    */
+    TUint iSeqFromRtpInfoForVideo;
+    /**
+    * RTP Session for audio.
+    */
+    RRtpSession iAudioSession;
+    /**
+    * RTP Session for video.
+    */
+    RRtpSession iVideoSession;
+    /**
+    * Receive stream for audio.
+    */
+    RRtpReceiveSource iRtpRecvSrcAudio;
+    /**
+    * Receive stream for audio.
+    */
+    RRtpReceiveSource iRtpRecvSrcVideo;
+    /*
+    * Socket server reference ; all sockets we use must be via common sock serv. 
+    */
+    RSocketServ& iSockServer;
+    /*
+    * RConnection wrapper reference ; all sockets we use must share an RConnection.
+    */
+    CCRConnection& iConnection;
+    /*
+    * Socket to use to talk RTSP to remote server. 
+    */
+    CCRSock* iRtspSock;
+    /**
+    * Sockets for incoming multicast RTP data, to bypass RTP stack limitations.
+    */
+    CCRSock* iRTPSockArr[ERTPMaxSockets];
+    /**
+    * pointer to data sent by us via socket.
+    */
+    HBufC8* iSentData;
+    /**
+    * State of this rtsp client, or stage in discussion.
+    */
+    TCRRTSPStage iStage;
+    /**
+    * Pointers to previous commands sent in various stages.
+    */
+    CCRRtspCommand* iPrevCommands[ERTSPLastStage];
+    /**
+    * Pointers to responses of various commands.
+    */
+    CCRRtspResponse* iResponses[ERTSPLastStage];
+    /** 
+    * CSeq for rtsp negotiation.
+    */
+    TInt iCSeq;
+    /**
+    * SDP parser.
+    */
+    CDvrSdpParser* iSdpParser;
+    /**
+    * Client portbase. Value used for video, for audio it is this value + 2.
+    */
+    TInt iClientPort;
+    /**
+    * Transport method for RTP.
+    */
+    TCRRTPTransport iTransport;
+    /**
+    * Timer for UDP reception timeout, to fire TCP usage.
+    */
+    CCRTimer* iUdpReceptionTimer;
+    /**
+    * IP packet parser.
+    */
+    CCRRtpTcpStreamer* iRtpTcpStreamer;
+    /**
+    * Session id from server.
+    */
+    TPtrC8 iSessionId;
+    /**
+    * If sink is ready.
+    */
+    TBool iReadyToPlay;
+    /**
+    * RTP time initial value for audio.
+    */
+    TUint32 iRTPTimeStampAudio;
+    /**
+    * RTP time initial value for video.
+    */
+    TUint32 iRTPTimeStampVideo;
+    /**
+    * If authentication is needed.
+    */
+    TBool iAuthenticationNeeded;
+    /**
+    * Nonce of the authentication header.
+    */
+    HBufC8* iNonce;
+    /**
+    * Realm of the authentication header.
+    */
+    HBufC8* iRealm;
+    /**
+    * Authentication type ("Basic" or "Digest"). 
+    */
+    HBufC8* iAuthType;
+    /** 
+    * Opaque of the authentication header.
+    */
+    HBufC8* iOpaque;
+    /**
+    * User Agent header if present.
+    */
+    HBufC8* iUserAgent;
+    /**
+    * Connection bandwidth in bit/s for 'Bandwidth' header.
+    */
+    TInt iBandwidth;
+    /**
+    * x-wap-profile if present.
+    */
+    HBufC8* iWapProfile;
+    /**
+    * Number of times authentication has failed.
+    */
+    TInt iAuthFailedCount;
+    /**
+    * Our observer.
+    */
+    MCRStreamObserver& iSessionObs;
+    /**
+    * Number of bytes sent in audio rtp packets.
+    */
+    TUint32 iAudioBytes;
+    /**
+    * Number os audio rtp packets sent.
+    */
+    TUint32 iAudioPackets;
+    /**
+    * Number of bytes sent in video rtp packets.
+    */
+    TUint32 iVideoBytes;
+    /**
+    * Number of video packets sent.
+    */
+    TUint32 iVideoPackets;
+    /**
+    * Instance for punch packet sender ; lifetime will be from setup stage
+    * to delivery of first audio packet.
+    */
+    CCRPunchPacketSender* iPunchPacketSenderAudio;
+    /**
+    * Instance for punch packet sender ; lifetime will be from setup stage
+    * to delivery of first video packet.
+    */
+    CCRPunchPacketSender* iPunchPacketSenderVideo;
+    /**
+    * Flag for successful sending of punch packets for audio stream.
+    */
+    TBool iPunchPacketSentForAudio;
+    /**
+    * Flag for successful sending of punch packets for video stream.
+    */
+    TBool iPunchPacketSentForVideo;
+    /**
+    * Connection status observer.
+    */
+    MCRConnectionObserver* iObserver;
+    /**
+    * Position where playback will start. Usually will have value 0 but will
+    * be changed if user seeks the clip.
+    */
+    TReal iStartPos;
+    /**
+    * Position where playback is supposed to end. Most streaming servers won't
+    * obey this at all but rtsp gives possibility to specify end position so
+    * we'll support that anyway.
+    */
+    TReal iEndPos;
+    /**
+    * Sends RTSP ping.
+    */
+    CPeriodic* iRtspPingTimer;
+    /**
+    * Timer started when RTSP message is sent and cancelled when reply is received. 
+    * If this timer fires, it means that we didn't get reply in time that in turn
+    * forces cleanup of this source.
+    */
+    CPeriodic* iRtspTimeout;
+    /**
+    * Sequence number of last rtsp reply received. 
+    */    
+    TInt iLastReceivedSeq;
+    /**
+    * We have a play-command pending, not yet sent. 
+    */    
+    TInt iPostPonedPlay;
+    /**
+    * Proxy server addr to use while streaming.
+    */
+    TName iProxyServerAddr; 
+    /**
+    * Proxy server port to use while streaming. 
+    */
+    TInt iProxyServerPort;     
+    /**
+    * Flag telling that there has been no rtp-info header.
+    * in play-response 
+    */
+    TBool iNoRtpInfoHeader; 
+    /**
+    * Wall-clock timestamp MSW part for syncronizing.
+    */
+    TUint32 iMSWTimestamp; 
+    /**
+    * Wall-clock timestamp LSW part for syncronizing.
+    */
+    TUint32 iLSWTimestamp;
+    /**
+    * Flag set when we manage to get UDP traffic. If we some reason loose
+    * traffic completely (eg staying too long in PAUSE -state while streaming)
+    * we dont try TCP at first but after we have tried UDP again.
+    */  
+    TBool iUdpFound;
+    /**
+    * Simple container class representing one receive stream.
+    */
+    class TReceiveStream
+        {
+        public:
+        /**
+        * Default constructor setting default values.
+        */
+        TReceiveStream()
+            {
+            iStreamType = EStreamIdCount;
+            iDataReceived = EFalse;
+            };
+        /**
+        * Stream type, defined in MCRPacketSource.
+        */
+        TCRPacketStreamId iStreamType;
+        /**
+        * Boolean flagging if we have traffic from this stream.
+        */
+        TBool iDataReceived;
+        };
+    /**
+    * Array of receive streams.
+    */    
+    RArray<TReceiveStream> iReceiveStreams;
+    /**
+    * Boolean flagging if we have found traffic from all receive streams.
+    */
+    TBool iTrafficFound;
+    };
+// End of file