changeset 23 13a33d82ad98
parent 0 822a42b6c3f1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/group/	Wed Sep 01 12:20:37 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:  Cleaner script to perform more thorough cleanup than abld reallyclean#
+use strict;
+use constant DEBUG => 0;
+my $iCleanup_file = "cleanup.txt";
+my @iErrors = ();
+my $iTag_platform = "__PLATFORM__";
+my $iTag_target = "__TARGET__";
+my @iPlatforms = ( "winscw", "armv5" );
+my @iTargets = ( "udeb", "urel" );
+my $iSlowClean = 0;
+my $iTest = 0;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Main
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+my $iCommand = shift @ARGV || "";
+if ( $iCommand eq "clean" ) {
+    print "Running cleanup...\n";
+    clean();
+} elsif ( $iCommand eq "slowclean" ) {
+    $iSlowClean = 1;
+    clean();
+} elsif ( $iCommand eq "test" ) {
+    print "Running test...\n";
+    $iTest = 1;
+    clean();
+} elsif ( $iCommand eq "init" ) {
+    init_environment();
+} elsif ( $iCommand eq "generate" ) {
+    generate();
+} else {
+    print "Usage: $0 <command>\n";
+    print "Commands:\n";
+    print "  init      Initializes the build environment by calling 'bldmake bldfiles' and 'abld makefile'.\n";
+    print "            This needs to be run only if the environment has not been built yet and 'abld build -what' fails.\n";
+    print "  generate  Generates a configuration file of releasables to be cleaned.\n";
+    print "  clean     Cleans the build quickly by deleting all matching files from the configuration file.\n";
+    print "  slowclean Slower and more thorough clean that deletes all similar files in addition to the ones normal clean deletes.\n";
+    print "            Example: Cleanup list contains file 'binary.dll'. Slowclean will also delete files named\n";
+    print "            '' and ''\n";
+    print "  test      Runs a test to see what files would be deleted on a real cleanup run.\n";
+    print "            Shows only files that would not be deleted by 'abld reallyclean'.\n";
+    exit 0;
+# Print possible errors
+print join "\n", @iErrors;
+exit 0;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Subroutines
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Initializes the environment to be able to call 'abld build -what'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub init_environment {
+    # Initialize the environment in order to get "abld build -what" to run properly
+    print "Initializing build environment...\n";
+    print "Calling 'bldmake bldfiles'\n";
+    system "bldmake bldfiles";
+    print "Calling 'abld export'\n";
+    system "abld export";
+    print "Calling 'abld makefile winscw'\n";
+    system "abld makefile winscw";
+    print "Calling 'abld makefile armv5'\n";
+    system "abld makefile armv5";
+    print "Done.\n";
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generates the cleanup list by calling 'abld build -what' and parsing it
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub generate {
+    print "Attempting to generate the cleanup list...\n";
+    # Get the list of releasables from the build tools
+    open my $in, "abld build -what 2>&1 |" or die "Cannot open pipe! $!";
+    my %parsed;
+    while ( <$in> ) {
+        if ( /No such file or directory/  ) {
+            push @iErrors, "Unable to generate cleanup list. The environment is not ready. Run 'init' before running 'generate'";
+            last;
+        }
+        $_ = lc $_;
+        next unless /^\\epoc32/;
+        s/release\\(?:winscw|armv5)\\(?:udeb|urel)/release\\$iTag_platform\\$iTag_target/i;
+        # Cenrep file. Add the corresponding .cre file to the cleanup list
+        if ( /(.+?winscw\\c\\private\\10202be9\\)(.{8})\.txt/ ) {
+            $parsed{ $1 . "persists\\" . $2 . ".cre\n" }++;
+        }
+        $parsed{ $_ }++;
+    }
+    close $in;
+    if ( @iErrors > 0 ) {
+        return;
+    }
+    open my $out, ">$iCleanup_file" or die "Cannot open file $iCleanup_file! $!";
+    print $out join "", sort keys %parsed;
+    close $out;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Cleans up the environment by deleting all files found from the cleanup list
+# Cleaning is done by finding all files that match the string in the list in
+# so all similarly named files are also deleted. (CodeWarrior temporary files etc )
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub clean {
+    if ( !-e $iCleanup_file ) {
+        push @iErrors, "Cleanup file $iCleanup_file not found! Run 'generate' to generate it.";
+        return;
+    }
+    open my $in, "$iCleanup_file" or die "Cannot open cleanup file $iCleanup_file! $!";
+    my @releasables = <$in>;
+    close $in;
+    my $total = scalar @releasables;
+    print "$total rules found from cleanup list...\n";
+    my @deleted = ();
+    my $progress = 0;
+    foreach ( @releasables ) {
+        $progress++;
+        next if $_ eq "";
+        # Found __PLATFORM__ tag. Substitute it with all known platforms and add them back to the array
+        if ( /$iTag_platform/ ) {
+            foreach my $platform ( @iPlatforms ) {
+                my $new_releasable = $_;
+                $new_releasable =~ s/$iTag_platform/$platform/;
+                debug( "Adding releasable: $new_releasable" );
+                push @releasables, $new_releasable;
+                $total++; # Adjust the total amount of files to be deleted
+            }
+            # Move on to the next round
+            next;
+        }
+        # Found __TARGET__ tag. Substitute it with all known targets and add them back to the array
+        if ( /$iTag_target/ ) {
+            foreach my $target ( @iTargets ) {
+                my $new_releasable = $_;
+                $new_releasable =~ s/$iTag_target/$target/;
+                debug( "Adding releasable: $new_releasable" );
+                push @releasables, $new_releasable;
+                $total++; # Adjust the total amount of files to be deleted
+            }
+            # Move on to the next round
+            next;
+        }
+        # At this point there is nothing to substitute. Find all files matching the releasable name and delete them
+        chomp; # Get rid of newline at the end
+        my $releasable = lc $_;
+        my @files_found;
+        if ( $iSlowClean == 1 ) {
+            @files_found = glob "$_*";
+        } else {
+            push @files_found, $releasable;
+        }
+        foreach my $file ( @files_found ) {
+            next unless $file =~ /^\\epoc32/; # Some kind of safeguard, just in case
+            if ( $iTest == 1 ) {
+                # If the file is not one of the releasables, it would not be deleted by reallyclean
+                # So add it to the list of files that would only be deleted by this script
+                $file = lc $file;
+                if ( $file ne $releasable || $file =~ /\.cre$/ ) {
+                    push @deleted, $file;
+                }
+            } else {
+                my $err = 0;
+                unlink $file or ( $err = -1 );
+                if ( $err ne -1 ) {
+                    push @deleted, $file;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        # Report progress
+        my $percent = ( $progress / $total ) * 100;
+        printf "\r  ( %d / %d ) % .1f %%", $progress, $total, $percent;
+    }
+    if ( @deleted > 0 ) {
+        print "\n\nSummary:\n";
+        foreach my $deleted ( sort @deleted ) {
+            if ( $iTest ) {
+                print "Would be deleted: $deleted\n";
+            } else {
+                print "Deleted: $deleted\n";
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        print "\n\nNothing to be done.\n";
+    }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Debug output. Prints a string if the debug flag is defined
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub debug {
+    my $msg = shift;
+    if ( DEBUG ) {
+        print $msg;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file