* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: vcxconnectionutility definitions and enums*
* P&S key id enums:
* EVCxPSConnectionStatus - Master saves current connection status here. Possible values are:
* - EVCxNotConnected: there is no active connection in the connectionutility scope
* - EVCxConnected: connection exists and is active
* - EVCxRoamingRequest: connectiontuility is in roaming mode
* EVCxPSIapId - Current active iap id
* EVCxPSSnapId - Current active Destination id
* EVCxPSMasterExists - This value is used to notify slaves wether master exists or not.
* When active master disconnects it changes this value to 0. Slaves notify
* this and first slave which gets the notifications changes itself to be new master
* EVCxPSNbrConnInstances- Number of processes that use connectionutility and have active connection.
* EVCxPSRoamingRequestStatus - Value is used internally by the master when it waits slaves to request
* roaming state.
* Possible values are:
* - EVCxRoamingNotInit: when master has requested roaming from it's own clients it sets this value.
* Same value is resetted if roaming is not allowed
* - EVCxRoamingAllowed: When master's and all slaves' clients have been accepted roaming this value is
* setted to notify that roaming is allowed
* EVCxPSNbrRoamResp - Number of responses received from different connectionutility processes.
* EVCxPSNbRoamAccepted - Number of accepted responses from the roaming request from different
* connectionutility processes.
enum TVCxPSConUtilKeyId
EVCxPSConnectionStatus = 0x00000001, // TVCxConnectionStatus
EVCxPSIapId, // TInt
EVCxPSSnapId, // TInt
EVCxPSMasterExists, // TInt
EVCxPSNbrConnInstances, // TInt
EVCxPSRoamingRequestStatus, // TVCxPSConUtilRoamingRequest
EVCxPSNbrRoamResp, // TInt
EVCxPSNbRoamAccepted // TInt
* enums for roaming state to be used in
* EVCxPSRoamingRequestStatus when EVCxPSConnectionStatus
* is EVCxRoamingRequest
enum TVCxPSConUtilRoamingRequest
EVCxRoamingNotInit = 50,
* connection utility's connection state enums
* EVCxNotConnected
* current instance is not connected to network and does not maintain any active connection.
* EVCxConnecting
* current instance is waiting for networkingmiddleware to initialize connection
* EVCxConnected
* current instance is connected and it maintains active connection
* EVCxDisconnecting
* current instance is disconnecting
* EVCxRoamingRequest
* current master instance is requesting it's client's about roaming.
* If instance is slave, this state notifies that slave does not accept roaming.
* EVCxPendingClientRequest
* Operation path is in the client side during roaming.
* EVCxRoamingAccepted
* Slave: current instance's client's are all accepted roaming.
* Master: every local client and all slaves have been accepted roaming.
* EVCxError
* unresolved error received from the networking middleware. In this case clients are notified by the IapChanged in which
* case client can try to resolve connection by recalling GetIap, or disconnecting connection
enum TVCxConnectionStatus
EVCxNotConnected = 10,
// end of file