changeset 0 33413c0669b9
child 2 ef893827b4d1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vpnengine/ikecert/src/ikepkiutils.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:14:51 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   static method for certficate handling
+#include <x509cert.h>
+#include <asn1dec.h>
+#include <x500dn.h>
+#include "ikepkiutils.h"
+#include "ikev1pkiservice.h"
+#include "ikepublickey.h"
+#include "utlcrypto.h"
+#include "ikecert.h"
+#include "ikecalist.h"
+#include "ikecaelem.h"
+#include "ikev2const.h"
+#include "ikev2payloads.h"
+#include "ikecertconst.h"
+EXPORT_C TBool IkePkiUtils::CertifyIdentityL(const CX509Certificate* aCert, 
+                                             TDesC8& aId, TInt aIdType)
+    {
+	TBool status = EFalse;
+	if ( aCert )
+	    {	
+	   //
+	   // Check that specified identity exist in current certificate
+	   // data. If aIdType type is ID_DER_ASN1_DN, identity must match
+	   // with Certificate Subject name. 
+	   // All other aIdTypes ara checked against SubjectAltNames data,
+	   // if present 
+	   //
+		if ( aIdType == ID_DER_ASN1_DN )
+		    {
+	        //
+	        // Binary DER encoding of an ASN.1 X.500 Distinguished Name identity
+	        // is certified by comparing it to peer certificate subject name
+	        //
+			CX500DistinguishedName* asn1DnName = CX500DistinguishedName::NewLC(aId);
+		    status = asn1DnName->ExactMatchL(aCert->SubjectName());			   			   
+		    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(asn1DnName);
+		    }
+		else
+		    {
+            //
+            // Other identity types are certified by comparing it to the SubjectAltName field        
+            //
+			HBufC8* idBuf = HBufC8::NewLC(aId.Length() + 2);
+			TUint8* idHdr = (TUint8*)idBuf->Des().Ptr();
+			idHdr[1]      = (TUint8)aId.Length();
+			switch ( aIdType ) 
+			    {
+				case ID_IPV4_ADDR:
+					idHdr[0] = 0x87;
+					break;
+				case ID_FQDN:
+					idHdr[0] = 0x82;                       
+					break;
+				case ID_RFC822_ADDR:
+					idHdr[0] = 0x81;                                   
+					break;
+				case ID_IPV6_ADDR:
+					idHdr[0] = 0x87;           
+					break;
+				default:
+					idHdr = NULL;
+                    break;
+		    	}
+			if ( idHdr )
+			    {	
+			   Mem::Copy(&idHdr[2], aId.Ptr(), aId.Length());
+			   TPtrC8 ptrId(idHdr, (aId.Length() + 2));
+			   status = IkeCert::AltNameExistsL(aCert, ptrId);
+		    	}
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  //IdBuf			
+		    }
+    	}	
+	return status;
+    }
+EXPORT_C TBool IkePkiUtils::VerifyIkev2SignatureL(const TDesC8& aSignature, 
+                                                  const TDesC8& aAuthData, 
+                                                  const CX509Certificate& aCert)
+    {
+	//
+	// Calculate SHA1 hash over aAuthdata to build reference hash and
+	// verify IKEv2 signature with it
+	//
+	CUtlMessageDigest* Digest = TUtlCrypto::MakeMessageDigesterL(TUtlCrypto::EUtlMessageDigestSha1);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(Digest);			
+	TPtrC8 RefHash = Digest->Final(aAuthData);
+	TBool Status   = VerifySignatureL(MAJORV2, aSignature, RefHash, aCert);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(Digest);
+	return Status; 
+    }	 
+EXPORT_C TBool IkePkiUtils::VerifyIkev1SignatureL(const TDesC8& aSignature, 
+                                                  const TDesC8& aRefHash, 
+                                                  const CX509Certificate& aCert)
+    {
+	//
+	// Verify IKEv1 signature. 
+	//
+	return VerifySignatureL(MAJORV1, aSignature, aRefHash, aCert);
+    }	 
+EXPORT_C HBufC8* IkePkiUtils::GetIdentityFromCertL(TUint8 aIdType, const TDesC8& aCertData)
+    {
+	//
+	// Get IKE Identity data from specified Certificate data. The Id
+	// type parameter specifies the field of Certificate from where the
+	// Identity data is taken
+	//
+	HBufC8* identity;
+	CX509Certificate* cert = CX509Certificate::NewL(aCertData);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(cert);			
+	if ( (aIdType == ID_DER_ASN1_DN) || (aIdType == ID_NOT_DEFINED) || (aIdType > ID_IPV6_ADDR) )
+	    {       
+	    // 
+	    // DER encoded ASN.1 X.500 Distinguished Name as IKE identity
+		// Get Id data from certificate subject name
+	    //
+		identity = IkeCert::GetCertificateFieldDERL(cert, KSubjectName);
+	    }
+	else
+	    {
+	     //
+	     // Get IKE Identity from own certifate subject alt name extension (according to IdType value)
+	     //
+		identity = IkeCert::GetSubjectAltNameDataL(cert, aIdType); 
+	    }
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cert); 
+	return identity;
+    }	 
+EXPORT_C TBool IkePkiUtils::GetCertSubjectNameDERL(const CX509Certificate* aCert, 
+                                                   TDes8& aSubjectName)
+    {
+	TBool status = ETrue;
+	HBufC8* nameBfr = IkeCert::GetCertificateFieldDERL(aCert, KSubjectName);
+    if ( nameBfr && ( nameBfr->Des().Length() <= aSubjectName.MaxLength() ) )
+	    {
+		aSubjectName.Copy(nameBfr->Des());
+		delete nameBfr;
+	    }
+	else 
+	    {
+		aSubjectName.SetLength(0);
+		status = EFalse;
+	    }
+	return status;
+    }	        
+EXPORT_C CX509Certificate* IkePkiUtils::VerifyCertificateL(const CArrayFixFlat<const TCertificateISAKMP*>& aCerts,
+                                                           const CIkeCaList& aTrustedCAList)
+    {
+    const CArrayFixFlat<TCertPayloadIkev2*>* certificateArray = IkePkiUtils::CastCertArray(&aCerts);    
+    return VerifyCertificateL(*certificateArray, aTrustedCAList);
+    }
+EXPORT_C CX509Certificate* IkePkiUtils::VerifyCertificateL(const CArrayFixFlat<TCertPayloadIkev2*>& aCerts,
+                                                           const CIkeCaList& aTrustedCAList)
+   {
+	//
+	// Find a requested certificate or chain of certificates from IKE certificate payload array
+	// using trusted CA list (iTrustedCAList).
+	// When requested certificate found verify this certificate. 
+	//
+	CX509Certificate* certOk = NULL;	
+	CX509Certificate* caCert = NULL;
+	CX509Certificate* currCert=NULL;
+	const TCertPayloadIkev2* firstCertPayload=NULL;
+	const TCertPayloadIkev2* certPayload = aCerts.At(0);
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(certPayload != NULL, User::Invariant());
+    CArrayFixFlat<CX509Certificate*>* caArray=new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<CX509Certificate*> (aCerts.Count());
+    CleanupStack::PushL(caArray);
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < aCerts.Count(); i++  ) 
+        {
+         const TCertPayloadIkev2* currCertPayload=aCerts.At(i);
+         __ASSERT_DEBUG(currCertPayload != NULL, User::Invariant());
+         if ( currCertPayload->GetEncoding() == X509_CERTIFICATE_SIGN )
+        {          
+             firstCertPayload=currCertPayload;
+             const TPtrC8 CertStream(currCertPayload->Certificate(),
+                                    (TPayloadIkev2::Cast(currCertPayload)->GetLength() - 
+                                     TCertPayloadIkev2::Size()));
+             currCert = CX509Certificate::NewLC(CertStream);
+             caArray->AppendL(currCert);
+            }
+        }
+    if ( caArray->Count() == 1)
+           {
+         const TPtrC8 userCertStream(firstCertPayload->Certificate(),
+                                    (TPayloadIkev2::Cast(firstCertPayload)->GetLength() - 
+                                     TCertPayloadIkev2::Size()));
+         firstCertPayload=NULL;
+            CX509Certificate* clientCert = CX509Certificate::NewLC(userCertStream);
+            caCert = IkePkiUtils::FindCaCertificateL(*clientCert, aTrustedCAList);
+            if ( caCert )
+                {
+                 certOk = IkePkiUtils::VerifyX509CertificateL(*caCert, *clientCert);
+             if ( certOk )  // CertOk = clientCert
+                    {
+                     CleanupStack::Pop(clientCert);  // CertOk = Cert              
+                clientCert=NULL;
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(currCert);
+                currCert=NULL;
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(caArray);
+                caArray=NULL;
+                return certOk; 
+                }
+            }   
+         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(clientCert);  // Cert
+         clientCert=NULL;
+         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(currCert);
+         currCert=NULL;
+         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(caArray);
+         caArray=NULL;
+         return NULL;
+         }
+    if ( caArray->Count()>1 ) //if certificate chain is received
+       {    
+           CX509Certificate* userCert=NULL;
+           CX509Certificate* certChainRoot = IkePkiUtils::VerifyCertChainL(*caArray, userCert, aTrustedCAList);
+           CX509Certificate* realUserCert=userCert; //Real user certificate found from chain as a parameter by reference 
+           //cleaning
+           TInt certCount=caArray->Count();
+           for ( TInt i=0; i<certCount ;i++)
+               CleanupStack::Pop();
+           CleanupStack::Pop(caArray);
+           for ( TInt i=0; i<certCount ;i++)
+               {
+                CX509Certificate* itemPtr=caArray->At(i);
+                if ( realUserCert != itemPtr && certChainRoot != itemPtr )
+                    delete itemPtr;
+               }
+           for ( TInt i=0; i<certCount ;i++)
+                 caArray->Delete(0);
+           delete caArray;
+           if ( certChainRoot )
+               caCert = IkePkiUtils::FindCaCertificateL(*certChainRoot, aTrustedCAList);
+           else
+               caCert=NULL;
+           if ( caCert )
+               certOk = IkePkiUtils::VerifyX509CertificateL(*caCert, *certChainRoot);
+           if ( certChainRoot != userCert )
+           			delete certChainRoot;
+           if ( certOk )
+              return realUserCert;
+           else
+              return NULL;
+           }
+    return NULL;
+    }
+EXPORT_C const CArrayFixFlat<TCertPayloadIkev2*>* IkePkiUtils::CastCertArray(const CArrayFixFlat<const TCertificateISAKMP*>* aCerts) 
+    { 
+    return reinterpret_cast<const CArrayFixFlat<TCertPayloadIkev2*>*>(aCerts); 
+    }
+CX509Certificate* IkePkiUtils::VerifyX509CertificateL(const CX509Certificate& aCaCert, 
+                                                      CX509Certificate& aCert)
+    {
+	TPKIKeyAlgorithm reqKeyType = EPKIInvalidAlgorithm;
+	switch (aCert.SigningAlgorithm().AsymmetricAlgorithm().Algorithm())
+    	{
+		case ERSA:
+			reqKeyType = EPKIRSA;
+			break;
+		case EDSA:
+			reqKeyType = EPKIDSA;
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+	    }
+	if ( reqKeyType == EPKIInvalidAlgorithm )
+		return NULL;
+	CIkePublicKey* pubKey = CIkePublicKey::NewL(aCaCert);
+	if ( !pubKey )
+		return NULL;	
+	if ( reqKeyType != pubKey->Algorithm() )
+	    {
+		delete pubKey;
+		return NULL;
+	    }	
+	CleanupStack::PushL(pubKey);
+	TInt  ret   = KErrNotSupported;
+	TBool valid = EFalse;
+	switch (pubKey->Algorithm())
+    	{
+		case EPKIRSA:
+			TRAP(ret, valid = aCert.VerifySignatureL(pubKey->KeyData()));
+			break;
+		case EPKIDSA:
+		    {
+			TX509KeyFactory keyFactory;
+			CDSAParameters* params = keyFactory.DSAParametersL(pubKey->KeyParams());
+			CleanupStack::PushL(params);
+			CSigningKeyParameters*sgkp = CSigningKeyParameters::NewLC();
+			sgkp->SetDSAParamsL(*params);
+			aCert.SetParametersL(*sgkp);
+			TRAP(ret, valid = aCert.VerifySignatureL(pubKey->KeyData()));
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sgkp); 
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(params); 
+			break;
+		    }
+		case EPKIInvalidAlgorithm:
+			break;
+	    }
+	CX509Certificate* ValidCert = NULL;	
+	if ( valid && (ret == KErrNone) )
+	    {
+		//
+		// One hour error margin, no warning margin
+		//
+		ret = IkeCert::CheckValidityPeriod(aCert, 0, KDefaultErrorMargin);
+		if ( ret == KErrNone )
+	    	{	
+			//
+			// Verify certificate extensions
+			//
+			ret = IkeCert::VerifyCertExtensionsL(aCert);
+			if ( ret == KErrNone || ret == KCertVerifyCACertificate )
+				ValidCert = &aCert;			
+	    	}		
+    	}	
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pubKey);
+	return ValidCert;  
+CX509Certificate* IkePkiUtils::FindCaCertificateL(const CX509Certificate& aUserCert,
+                                                  const CIkeCaList& aTrustedCAList)
+    {
+	//
+	// Find a CA certificate from Trusted CA list (iTrustedCAList) for
+	// specified user certificate
+	//	
+	const CX500DistinguishedName& issuerName = aUserCert.IssuerName();	
+	CX509Certificate* caCert = NULL;
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < aTrustedCAList.Count(); i++)
+	    {
+    	//
+	    // Find CA certificate for current user certificate by
+	    // comparing certificate issuer name to the subject name of a
+	    // CA certificate
+	    //		
+		caCert = aTrustedCAList.At(i)->Certificate();
+		if ( issuerName.ExactMatchL(caCert->SubjectName()) )
+		    {
+		    break;	
+		    }
+		caCert = NULL;
+	    }	
+	return caCert;
+    }
+TBool IkePkiUtils::VerifySignatureL(TInt aIkeVersion, 
+                                    const TDesC8& aSignature, 
+                                    const TDesC8& aRefHash, 
+                                    const CX509Certificate& aCert)
+    {
+	//
+	// Verify IKE signature. 
+	//
+	TBool status = EFalse;
+	if ( aSignature.Length() > 0 )	
+	    {	    	
+    	CIkePublicKey* publicKey = CIkePublicKey::NewL(aCert);
+    	if ( !publicKey )
+    	    {	    
+    		return EFalse;			
+    	    }
+    	CleanupStack::PushL(publicKey);			
+    	switch (publicKey->Algorithm())
+    	    {
+    		case EPKIRSA:
+    			{
+                HBufC8 *resBuf;
+                TUtlCrypto::RsaPublicKeyDecryptL(publicKey->KeyData(), aSignature, resBuf);
+                CleanupStack::PushL(resBuf);							
+                if ( aIkeVersion == MAJORV1 ) 
+                    {
+                    //
+                    // Because IKEv1 signature is not a "real" PKCS1
+                    // encoded signature but pure private encrypted has
+                    // signature is verified by using RSA public key
+                    // decrypt and result comparison to reference hash
+                    //
+                    status = (aRefHash.Compare(*resBuf) == 0); //Compare the result with the hash to see if they match
+                    }
+                else
+    				{
+                    //
+                    // IKEv2(n) signature is encoded as PKCS1v1_5
+                    // signature (EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5)
+                    // ASN1 encoding of signature is the following:
+                    //	DigestInfo::=SEQUENCE{
+                    //	  digestAlgorithm  AlgorithmIdentifier,
+                    //	  digest OCTET STRING }
+                    //
+                    CArrayPtrFlat<TASN1DecGeneric>* seq = NULL;
+                    TInt position = 0;
+                    TRAPD(err, seq = DecodeDERL(*resBuf, position));
+                    if ( err == KErrNone )
+                        {
+                        TCleanupItem CleanupSeq(IkeCert::CleanupSequence, seq);						
+                        CleanupStack::PushL(CleanupSeq);
+                        if (seq->Count() == 2)
+                            {
+                            //
+                            // Currently the digestAlgorithm is not
+                            // verified, but only digest value itself is
+                            // compared with reference hash.
+                            // ( see CPKCS1SignatureResult::DoVerifyL() in
+                            //   x509cert.cpp)
+                            // 
+                            const TASN1DecGeneric* gen2 = seq->At(1);                            
+                            TPtrC8 digest(gen2->GetContentDER());
+                            status = (aRefHash.Compare(digest) == 0);
+                            }
+                        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //CleanupSeq
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        //
+                        // Verify signature as pure encrypted (SHA1)
+                        // hash as old IKEv1 style "signature" 
+                        //
+                        //DEB(iService.PrintText(_L("Old IKEv1 style signature used by IKEv2 peer !\n"));)					   
+                        status = (aRefHash.Compare(*resBuf) == 0); //Compare the result with the hash to see if they match					   
+                        }	
+    				}
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(resBuf);
+    			break;
+    			}
+            case EPKIDSA:
+                {
+                const TPtrC8 sigR = aSignature.Left(aSignature.Length() / 2);
+                const TPtrC8 sigS = aSignature.Right(aSignature.Length() / 2);
+                status = TUtlCrypto::DsaVerifySignatureL(publicKey->KeyData(), 
+                                                         publicKey->KeyParams(), 
+                                                         sigR, sigS, aRefHash);
+                break;
+                }
+            default:        //Only RSA and DSA are valid
+                User::Invariant();
+            	break;
+    		}
+    	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(publicKey);
+	    }
+	return status;
+    }	
+CArrayPtrFlat<TASN1DecGeneric>* IkePkiUtils::DecodeDERL(const TDesC8& aPtr, TInt& aPosition)
+    {
+	TASN1DecSequence decSeq;
+	CArrayPtrFlat<TASN1DecGeneric>* seq =	decSeq.DecodeDERLC(aPtr, aPosition);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(seq);
+	return seq;
+    }
+EXPORT_C CX509Certificate* IkePkiUtils::VerifyCertChainL(const CArrayFixFlat<CX509Certificate*>& aCerts, CX509Certificate*& realUserCert, const CIkeCaList& aTrustedCAList)
+    {
+    CX509Certificate* currCaCert=NULL;
+    CX509Certificate* certOk=NULL;
+    CArrayFixFlat<const CX500DistinguishedName*>* issuerArray=new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<const CX500DistinguishedName*> (aCerts.Count()); 
+    CArrayFixFlat<const CX500DistinguishedName*>* subjectArray=new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<const CX500DistinguishedName*> (aCerts.Count()); 
+    CleanupStack::PushL(issuerArray);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(subjectArray);
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < aCerts.Count(); i++  ) 
+        {
+        issuerArray->AppendL(&aCerts.At(i)->IssuerName());
+        subjectArray->AppendL(&aCerts.At(i)->SubjectName());
+        }
+    TInt userCertIndex=0; 
+    TInt caCertIndex=0;
+    //find UserCert from aCerts array if not in first certificate payload
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < (aCerts.Count()); i++  )
+        {
+        for ( TInt j = 0; j < (aCerts.Count()); j++  )
+            {
+            caCertIndex=j;
+            if ( i!=caCertIndex )
+                {
+                const CX500DistinguishedName& issuerNameStr=*issuerArray->At(j);
+                if ( issuerNameStr.ExactMatchL(*subjectArray->At(i)) )
+                    userCertIndex=i+1;
+                }
+            }
+        if ( userCertIndex == i && i!=caCertIndex )
+            break;
+        userCertIndex=i;
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(subjectArray);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(issuerArray);
+    CX509Certificate* currCert = aCerts.At(userCertIndex);
+    TInt currCertIndex=0; 
+    realUserCert=currCert;
+    //Verify chain and return highest CA
+    while ( currCertIndex < aCerts.Count())
+        {
+        CX509Certificate* trustedCaCert  = IkePkiUtils::FindCaCertificateL(*currCert, aTrustedCAList);
+        if ( trustedCaCert )
+            return currCert;
+        else
+            {
+            for ( TInt j = 0; j < aCerts.Count(); j++ )
+                {
+                currCaCert = aCerts.At(j);
+                if ( currCert->IssuerName().ExactMatchL(currCaCert->SubjectName()))
+                    {
+                    certOk = IkePkiUtils::VerifyX509CertificateL(*currCaCert, *currCert);
+                    if ( certOk )
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }       
+            if ( !certOk  ) //if chain is malicious break and return NULL
+                break;
+            currCertIndex++;
+            currCert=currCaCert;
+            }
+        }
+        return NULL;
+    }