changeset 0 33413c0669b9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vpnengine/pkiservice/src/keyoperationprovider.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:14:51 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Class, which provides keypair operations.
+#include <asymmetric.h>
+#include "keyoperationprovider.h"
+#include "pkiservicesigner.h"
+#include "pkiservicedecryptor.h"
+#include "pkisession.h"
+#include "pkidefs.h"
+#include "logonservices.h"
+#include "keymanager.h"
+#include "pkiserviceassert.h"
+#include "keyoperationqueue.h"
+static const TInt KTimeoutNever = -1;
+CKeyPairOperationProvider* CKeyPairOperationProvider::NewL(CKeyOperationQueue& aKeyOperationQueue)
+    {
+    CKeyPairOperationProvider* self = new (ELeave)CKeyPairOperationProvider(aKeyOperationQueue);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+    }
+CKeyPairOperationProvider::CKeyPairOperationProvider(CKeyOperationQueue& aKeyOperationQueue) 
+:CActive(EPriorityStandard), iKeyOperationQueue(aKeyOperationQueue), iOutputDataPtr(NULL, 0)
+    {
+    CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+    }
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::ConstructL()
+    {    
+    User::LeaveIfError(iFileServer.Connect());
+    iUnifiedKeyStore = CUnifiedKeyStore::NewL(iFileServer);        
+    iLogonService = CLogonServices::NewL(*iUnifiedKeyStore);
+    iKeyManager = CKeyManager::NewL(*iLogonService);
+    iPkiSigner = CPkiServiceSigner::NewL(*iLogonService);
+    iPkiDecryptor = CPkiServiceDecryptor::NewL(*iLogonService);
+    }
+    {
+    Cancel();
+    delete iPkiDecryptor;
+    delete iPkiSigner;
+    delete iKeyManager;
+    delete iLogonService;
+    delete iUnifiedKeyStore;
+    iFileServer.Close();
+    }
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::Initialize()
+	{	
+	PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iKeyOperation == EKeyOperationIdle);
+	iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationInitialize;
+	if (!iIsInitialized)
+    	{	    	    
+    	iUnifiedKeyStore->Initialize(iStatus);
+    	SetActive();
+    	}
+    else
+        {
+        TRequestStatus* ownStatus = &iStatus;
+        *ownStatus = KRequestPending;        
+        SetActive();
+        User::RequestComplete(ownStatus, KErrNone);
+        }
+	}
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::GetKeyPairList(const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId, TInt aUsedKeyStore)
+	{
+	PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iIsInitialized);
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(!IsActive());	
+	PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iKeyOperation == EKeyOperationIdle);    
+	iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationGetKeyList;
+	iUsedKeyStore = aUsedKeyStore;
+    TCTKeyAttributeFilter filter;    
+    if (aKeyId.Length() > 0)
+        {        
+        filter.iKeyId = aKeyId;
+        }
+	iUnifiedKeyStore->List(iKeysList, filter, iStatus);
+	SetActive();
+	}
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::Decrypt(const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId,
+                                        TInt aUsedKeyStore,
+                                        HBufC8* aEncryptedData,
+                                        TInt aOutputLength)
+    {
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iIsInitialized);
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(!IsActive());    
+	PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iKeyOperation == EKeyOperationIdle);
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(aKeyId.Length() > 0);
+    iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationDecrypting;
+    TRAPD(err, DecryptL(aKeyId, aUsedKeyStore, aEncryptedData, aOutputLength));
+    if (err != KErrNone)
+        {
+        iStatus = KRequestPending;
+        TRequestStatus* ownStatus = &iStatus;
+        SetActive();
+        User::RequestComplete(ownStatus, err);
+        }   
+    }
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::DecryptL(const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId,
+                                         TInt aUsedKeyStore,
+                                         HBufC8* aEncryptedData,
+                                         TInt aOutputLength)
+    {
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iKeysList.Count() == 0);
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iKeyOperation == EKeyOperationDecrypting);        
+    iInputData = aEncryptedData;
+    iOutputData = HBufC8::NewL(aOutputLength);
+    iOutputDataPtr.Set(iOutputData->Des());
+    iPkiDecryptor->Decrypt(aKeyId,
+                           *iInputData,
+                           iOutputDataPtr,
+                           *iUnifiedKeyStore,
+                           aUsedKeyStore,
+                           iStatus);
+    SetActive();                                
+    }
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::Sign(const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId,
+                                     TInt aUsedKeyStore,
+                                     HBufC8* aDataToBeSigned)
+    {
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iIsInitialized);
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(!IsActive());    
+	PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iKeyOperation == EKeyOperationIdle);
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(aKeyId.Length() > 0);    
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iKeysList.Count() == 0);
+    iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationSigning;
+    iInputData = aDataToBeSigned;
+    iPkiSigner->Sign(aKeyId,
+                     *iInputData,
+                     iOutputData,
+                     *iUnifiedKeyStore,
+                     aUsedKeyStore,
+                     iStatus);
+    SetActive();                  
+    }
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::Logon()
+    {
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iIsInitialized);
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(!IsActive()); 
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iKeyOperation == EKeyOperationIdle);           
+    iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationLogon;
+    iLogonService->Logon(iStatus);
+    SetActive();		
+    }
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::Logoff()
+    {
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iIsInitialized);
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(!IsActive());    
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iKeyOperation == EKeyOperationIdle);    
+    iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationLogoff;
+    iLogonService->Logoff(iStatus);
+    SetActive();		        
+    }
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::ChangePassword()
+    {
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iIsInitialized);
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(!IsActive());    
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iKeyOperation == EKeyOperationIdle);    
+    if (iLogonService->LogonCompleted())
+        {
+        iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationChangingPassword;
+        iLogonService->ChangePassword(iStatus);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationLogonForChangePassword;
+        iLogonService->Logon(iStatus);
+        }    
+    SetActive();        
+    }
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::RemoveKeyPair(const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId, TInt aUsedKeyStore)
+    {
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iIsInitialized);
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(!IsActive());    
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iKeyOperation == EKeyOperationIdle);    
+    iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationRemoveKeyPair;
+    iKeyManager->RemoveKeyPair(aKeyId, *iUnifiedKeyStore, aUsedKeyStore, iStatus);
+    SetActive();
+    }
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::GenerateKeyPair(const TUint aKeySize, 
+                                                TPKIKeyAlgorithm aKeyAlgorithm,
+                                                TInt aUsedKeyStore)
+    {
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iIsInitialized);
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(!IsActive());    
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iKeyOperation == EKeyOperationIdle);    
+    iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationGeneratingKeyPair;
+    iKeyManager->GenerateKeyPair(*iUnifiedKeyStore, aUsedKeyStore, aKeySize, 
+                                 aKeyAlgorithm, iKeyId, iStatus);
+    SetActive();   
+    }
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::ImportKeyPair(HBufC8* aKeyData, TInt aUsedKeyStore)
+    {
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iIsInitialized);
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(!IsActive());    
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iKeyOperation == EKeyOperationIdle);    
+    iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationImportingKeyPair;
+    iInputData = aKeyData;    
+    iKeyManager->ImportKeyPair(*iUnifiedKeyStore, aUsedKeyStore, *iInputData, iKeyId, iStatus);
+    SetActive();       
+    }
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::GetPublicKey(const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId, TInt aUsedKeyStore)
+    {	
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iIsInitialized);
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(!IsActive());    
+    PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iKeyOperation == EKeyOperationIdle);    
+    iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationPublicKeyExport;
+    iKeyManager->ExportPublicKey(*iUnifiedKeyStore, aUsedKeyStore, aKeyId, iOutputData, iStatus);
+    SetActive();       	
+    }
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::RunL()
+	{
+	switch(iKeyOperation)
+		{
+		case EKeyOperationInitialize:
+		    {		        
+			iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationIdle;	
+			TInt err = iStatus.Int();		
+			if (err == KErrNone)
+				{
+				if (!iIsInitialized)
+    				{				    
+    				iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationSetPassPhraseTimeout;
+    			    iUnifiedKeyStore->SetPassphraseTimeout(KTimeoutNever, iStatus);	
+    			    SetActive();
+    				}
+                else
+                    {//keystore is already initialized
+                    iKeyOperationQueue.KeyStoreInitComplete(err);
+                    }
+				}          
+            else
+                {                    				  				
+			    iKeyOperationQueue.KeyStoreInitComplete(err);
+                }
+		    }
+			break;
+        case EKeyOperationSetPassPhraseTimeout:
+            iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationIdle;
+            if (iStatus.Int() == KErrNone)
+                {
+                iIsInitialized = ETrue;
+                }
+            iKeyOperationQueue.KeyStoreInitComplete(iStatus.Int());
+            break;			
+		case EKeyOperationGetKeyList:
+		    {		        
+			PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iIsInitialized);
+			iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationIdle;
+			CArrayFixFlat<TKeyListEntry>* list = NULL;
+			TInt err = iStatus.Int();
+			if (err == KErrNone)
+    			{			    
+    			TRAP(err, list = MakeKeyEntryListL(iKeysList, iUsedKeyStore));
+    			}
+            CleanupCryptoOperation();   			
+			iKeyOperationQueue.KeyPairListComplete(err, list);
+		    }
+			break;
+        case EKeyOperationDecrypting:
+            {                
+            PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iIsInitialized);            
+            iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationIdle;                       
+            HBufC8* plainTextData = NULL;
+            if (iStatus.Int() == KErrNone)
+                {       
+                plainTextData = iOutputData;
+                iOutputData = NULL;                
+                }                
+            CleanupCryptoOperation();
+            iKeyOperationQueue.DecryptComplete(iStatus.Int(), plainTextData);
+            }
+            break;     
+        case EKeyOperationSigning:
+            {                
+            PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iIsInitialized);                       
+            iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationIdle;
+            HBufC8* data = iOutputData;
+            iOutputData = NULL;
+            CleanupCryptoOperation(); 
+            iKeyOperationQueue.SignComplete(iStatus.Int(), data);                             
+            }
+            break; 
+        case EKeyOperationPublicKeyExport:
+            {
+            PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iIsInitialized);            
+            iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationIdle;     
+            PKISERVICE_ASSERT((iStatus.Int() == KErrNone && iOutputData != NULL) ||
+                           (iStatus.Int() != KErrNone && iOutputData == NULL));
+            HBufC8* publicKeyData = iOutputData;
+            iOutputData = NULL;
+            CleanupCryptoOperation();                 
+            iKeyOperationQueue.GetPublicKeyCompleted(iStatus.Int(), publicKeyData);                                      
+            }
+            break;
+		case EKeyOperationLogon:
+		    iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationIdle;     
+            iKeyOperationQueue.LogonCompleted(iStatus.Int());
+		    break;
+		case EKeyOperationLogoff:
+		    iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationIdle;     
+		    iKeyOperationQueue.LogoffCompleted(iStatus.Int());
+            break;
+		case EKeyOperationLogonForChangePassword:
+		    iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationIdle;     
+		    if (iStatus.Int() == KErrNone)
+    		    {
+    		    iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationChangingPassword;  
+    		    iLogonService->ChangePassword(iStatus);
+    		    SetActive();
+    		    }
+		    else
+		        {
+		        iKeyOperationQueue.PasswordChangeCompleted(iStatus.Int());
+		        }
+		    break;
+		case EKeyOperationChangingPassword: 
+		    iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationIdle;     
+		    iKeyOperationQueue.PasswordChangeCompleted(iStatus.Int());
+            break;
+		case EKeyOperationRemoveKeyPair:
+		    iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationIdle;     
+		    iKeyOperationQueue.KeyPairRemoveCompleted(iStatus.Int());
+		    break;
+        case EKeyOperationGeneratingKeyPair:
+            {                
+            iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationIdle;
+            TPKIKeyIdentifier keyId = iKeyId;
+            iKeyId.Zero();
+            iKeyOperationQueue.KeyGenerationCompleted(iStatus.Int(), keyId);        		                
+            }
+            break;
+        case EKeyOperationImportingKeyPair:
+            {
+            delete iInputData;
+            iInputData = NULL;
+            iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationIdle;
+            TPKIKeyIdentifier keyId = iKeyId;
+            iKeyId.Zero();
+            iKeyOperationQueue.StoreKeyPairCompleted(iStatus.Int(), keyId);        		                            
+            }
+            break;
+		default:
+		}
+	}
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::DoCancel()
+	{		
+	switch(iKeyOperation)
+		{
+		case EKeyOperationInitialize:
+			PKISERVICE_ASSERT(!iIsInitialized);
+			iUnifiedKeyStore->CancelInitialize();
+			break;
+        case EKeyOperationSetPassPhraseTimeout:
+            iUnifiedKeyStore->CancelSetPassphraseTimeout();
+            break;
+		case EKeyOperationGetKeyList:
+			PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iIsInitialized);
+			iUnifiedKeyStore->CancelList();
+			break;
+		case EKeyOperationDecrypting:		    
+		    //Deletes and cancels the decryptor also
+            CleanupCryptoOperation();            		    
+            break;		        
+        case EKeyOperationSigning:
+            //Deletes and cancels the signer also.
+            CleanupCryptoOperation();
+            break;
+		case EKeyOperationLogon: //falls through
+		case EKeyOperationLogoff: //falls through
+		case EKeyOperationLogonForChangePassword: //falls through
+		case EKeyOperationChangingPassword: 
+		    iLogonService->Cancel();
+		    break;
+		case EKeyOperationRemoveKeyPair: //falls through
+		case EKeyOperationGeneratingKeyPair://falls through
+        case EKeyOperationImportingKeyPair://falls through
+        case EKeyOperationPublicKeyExport:        
+		    iKeyManager->Cancel();
+		    break;
+		default:
+		}
+    iKeyOperation = EKeyOperationIdle;		
+	}
+TInt CKeyPairOperationProvider::RunError(TInt aError)
+	{
+	//This is not be called, because the RunL doesn't
+	//leave.
+	return aError;
+	}
+CArrayFixFlat<TKeyListEntry>* CKeyPairOperationProvider::MakeKeyEntryListL(RMPointerArray<CCTKeyInfo> aKeysList,
+                                                                           TInt aUsedKeyStore) const
+    {
+    CArrayFixFlat<TKeyListEntry>* list = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TKeyListEntry>(2);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(list);
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < aKeysList.Count(); ++i)
+        {
+        const CCTKeyInfo* info = aKeysList[i];
+        if (aUsedKeyStore == 0 ||
+            aUsedKeyStore == aKeysList[i]->Token().TokenType().Type().iUid)
+            {
+            TKeyListEntry keyInfo;	        
+            keyInfo.iObjectName = info->Label();
+            keyInfo.iSubjectKeyId = info->ID();
+            keyInfo.iKeySize = info->Size();                  // Key size                            
+            switch(info->Algorithm())
+                {
+                case CCTKeyInfo::ERSA:
+                	keyInfo.iKeyAlgorithm = EPKIRSA;
+                	break;
+                case CCTKeyInfo::EDSA:
+                	keyInfo.iKeyAlgorithm = EPKIDSA;
+                	break;
+                case CCTKeyInfo::EDH:
+                	keyInfo.iKeyAlgorithm = EPKIDH;
+                	break;
+                default:	         
+                	keyInfo.iKeyAlgorithm = EPKIInvalidAlgorithm;
+                	break;
+                }            
+            list->AppendL(keyInfo);
+            }        
+        }    
+    CleanupStack::Pop(list);    
+    return list;
+    }
+void CKeyPairOperationProvider::CleanupCryptoOperation()
+    {                
+    delete iInputData;
+    iInputData = NULL;
+    delete iOutputData;
+    iOutputData = NULL;
+    iKeysList.Close();            		        
+    }