changeset 49 919f36ff910f
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Performs a set of util methods related to objects.
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #ifndef OBJECTUTILS_H
    19 #define OBJECTUTILS_H
    21 // INCLUDES
    22 #include <e32def.h>
    23 #include <badesca.h>
    25 #include "nwx_defs.h"
    26 #include <nw_dom_element.h>
    28 // CONSTANTS
    30 // MACROS
    32 // DATA TYPES
    37 #ifdef __cplusplus
    38 extern "C" {
    39 #endif /* __cplusplus */
    41 typedef struct NW_LMgr_Box_s NW_LMgr_Box_t;
    42 typedef struct NW_HED_DomHelper_s NW_HED_DomHelper_t;
    44 #ifdef __cplusplus
    45 }
    46 #endif /* __cplusplus */
    48 class CBrCtlObjectInfo;
    52 class ObjectUtils
    53     {
    54     public:  // Datatypes
    55         typedef enum
    56             {
    57             EHandlerImage,
    58             EHandlerPlugin,
    59             EHandlerExternalApp,
    60             EHandlerAny
    61             } THandlerType;
    64     public:  // Constructors and destructor
    65         /**
    66         * Destructor.
    67         */
    68         ~ObjectUtils();
    71     public:  // New Methods
    72         /**
    73         * Returns ETrue if aBox is an object box.
    74         *
    75         * @param aBox a box.
    76         * @param aOnlyIfPlaceHolder if true this method will only return true
    77         *        if the box is showing its place-holder (not an active plugin).
    78         *        Otherwise it was true true if it an object-box.
    79         *
    80         * @return ETrue or EFalse.
    81         */
    82         static TBool IsObjectBox(const NW_LMgr_Box_t& aBox, TBool aOnlyIfPlaceHolder);
    84         /**
    85         * Returns ETrue if aBox is an object box in the pre-active state.
    86         *
    87         * @param aBox a box.
    88         *
    89         * @return ETrue or EFalse.
    90         */
    91         static TBool IsDownloadedObjectBox(const NW_LMgr_Box_t& aBox);
    93         /**
    94         * Gets the following information about the object's resource: whether a third party
    95         * plugin or external application can open the resource, the size of the resource,
    96         * the mime-type of the resource, and the name of the plugin or application to
    97         * be used to open the resource.
    98         *
    99         * @param aBox the object's associated box.
   100         * @param aBrCtlObjectInfo, upon completion it holds the info about the object.
   101         *
   102         * @return void.
   103         */
   104 	    static void GetBrCtlObjectInfoL(const NW_LMgr_Box_t& aBox, CBrCtlObjectInfo& aBrCtlObjectInfo);
   106         /**
   107         * Determines whether a given content-type of dot-extension has a cooresponding
   108         * plugin or external application.  aContentType and aUrl can be NULL, but at least
   109         * one must be non-NULL (otherwise it will always return EFalse).  If aHandlerType 
   110         * is EPlugin then it returns ETrue only if their is a supported plugin.  If aHandlerType 
   111         * is EExternalApp then it returns ETrue only if their is a supported external
   112         * application.  If aHandlerType is EBoth then it returns ETrue only if their is a 
   113         * supported plugin or external application.
   114         *
   115         * @param aContentType the content type to compare against, may be NULL.
   116         * @param aUrl the url to extract the dot-extension and to compare against, may be NULL.
   117         * @param aHandlerType the type of handler to consider.
   118         *
   119         * @return ETrue or EFalse.
   120         */
   121         static TBool IsSupported(const TDesC* aContentType, const TDesC* aUrl, 
   122                 THandlerType aHandlerType);
   124         /**
   125         * Returns ETrue if plugin support is enabled.
   126         *
   127         * @return ETrue or EFalse.
   128         */
   129         static TBool Enabled();
   131         /**
   132         * Extracts the attribute's names and values from the given aElementNode.
   133         *
   134         * @param aDomHelper the caller's DomHelper, used to interact with its
   135         *        dom-tree.
   136         * @param aElementNode the element to extract attributes from.
   137         * @param aNameArray the attribute names.
   138         * @param aValueArray the attribute values.
   139         *
   140         * @return void
   141         */
   142         static void GetAttributesL(const NW_HED_DomHelper_t& aDomHelper, 
   143                 const NW_DOM_ElementNode_t& aElementNode, CDesCArray** aNameArray, 
   144                 CDesCArray** aValueArray);
   146         /**
   147         * Extracts the <param> tag attribute's name and value from the given aElementNode.
   148         *
   149         * @param aDomHelper the caller's DomHelper, used to interact with its
   150         *        dom-tree.
   151         * @param aElementNode the element to extract attributes from.
   152         * @param aNameArray the attribute names.
   153         * @param aValueArray the attribute values.
   154         *
   155         * @return void
   156         */
   157         static void GetParamAttributesL(const NW_HED_DomHelper_t& aDomHelper, 
   158                 const NW_DOM_ElementNode_t& aElementNode, CDesCArray** aNameArray, 
   159                 CDesCArray** aValueArray);
   161         /**
   162         * Given a name and value array attained from GetAttributesL it returns
   163         * a copy of the attribute value associated with the given name.  Upon
   164         * success the caller adopts aValue.  aValue is set to NULL if no 
   165         * attribute with the given name is present.
   166         *
   167         * @param aNameArray the attribute names.
   168         * @param aValueArray the attribute values.
   169         * @param aName the name of the attribute to be extracted.
   170         * @param aValue upon success it contains a copy of the attribute value or 
   171         *        NULL if the attribute wasn't present.
   172         *
   173         * @return void
   174         */
   175         static void GetAttributeValueL(const CDesCArray& aNameArray,
   176                 const CDesCArray& aValueArray, const TDesC& aName, TDesC** aValue);
   178         /**
   179         * Given a name and value array this method inserts name/value pair to array.
   180         * If the name already is in the array, replace value 
   181         * by deleting old pair and adding new pair
   182         *
   183         * @param aNameArray the attribute names.
   184         * @param aValueArray the attribute values.
   185         * @param aName the name of the attribute to be replaced.
   186         * @param aValue the value of the attribute to be replaced.
   187         *
   188         * @return void
   189         */
   190         static void SetAttributeValueL( CDesCArray& aNameArray,
   191                 CDesCArray& aValueArray, const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aValue);
   193         /**
   194         * Given a name and value array this method remove name/value pair from array.
   195         * If the name is not found in the array, do nothing 
   196         *
   197         * @param aNameArray the attribute names.
   198         * @param aValueArray the attribute values.
   199         * @param aName the name of the attribute to be removed.
   200         *
   201         * @return void
   202         */
   203         static void ObjectUtils::RemoveAttributeL( CDesCArray& aNameArray,
   204                  CDesCArray& aValueArray, const TDesC& aName );
   206         /**
   207         * Returns the content type associated with the given class-id.
   208         *
   209         * @param aClassId the classid to lookup.
   210         *
   211         * @return the associated content type of NULL if no association exists.
   212         */
   213         static TDesC* ObjectUtils::GetAssociatedContentType(const TDesC& aClassId);
   215         /**
   216         * Returns the source param name associated with the given class-id.
   217         *
   218         * @param aClassId the classid to lookup.
   219         *
   220         * @return the associated source param name of NULL if no association exists.
   221         */
   222         static TDesC* ObjectUtils::GetAssociatedSourceParamName(const TDesC& aClassId);
   224         /**
   225         * General purpose panic function for Object related errors.
   226         *
   227         * @since 2.6
   228         * @param aError The reason for panic. Could be left out.
   229         * @return void
   230         */
   231         static void Panic(TInt aError = KErrNone);
   233         /**
   234         * General purpose panic function for Object related errors.
   235         *
   236         * @since 2.8
   237         * @param aUrl The uri with file name and extension.
   238         * @return the content type of the uri
   239         */
   240 		static HBufC* ObjectUtils::GetContentTypeByUrl(const TDesC* aUri);
   242     private:  // Private Methods
   243         /**
   244         * C++ default constructor.
   245         */
   246         ObjectUtils();
   248         /**
   249         * Returns the name of the plugin that supports the given content-type or
   250         * dot-extension otherwise NULL if no plugin support this type.  aContentType 
   251         * and aUrl can be NULL, but at least one must be non-NULL (otherwise it will 
   252         * always return EFalse). The caller adopts the result.
   253         *
   254         * @param aContentType the content type to compare against, may be NULL.
   255         * @param aUrl the url to compare against, may be NULL.
   256         *
   257         * @return The name of the plugin or NULL
   258         */
   259         static TDesC* GetPluginNameL(const TDesC* aContentType,
   260                 const TDesC* aUrl);
   262         /**
   263         * Returns the name of the external application that supports the given 
   264         * content-type or NULL if no application support this type.  
   265         * The caller adopts the result.
   266         *
   267         * @return The name of the application or NULL
   268         */
   269         static TDesC* GetExternalAppNameL(const TDesC* aContentType);
   271         /**
   272         * Returns ETrue if the content-type or dot-extension is a supported image type. 
   273         * aContentType and aUrl can be NULL, but at least one must be non-NULL (otherwise 
   274         * it will always return EFalse).
   275         *
   276         * @param aContentType the content type to compare against, may be NULL.
   277         * @param aUrl the url to compare against, may be NULL.
   278         *
   279         * @return ETrue if its a supported image type.
   280         */
   281         static TBool IsImageSupported(const TDesC* aContentType, const TDesC* aUrl);
   283         /**
   284         * Returns the cooresponding value (either source-param-name or content-type) 
   285         * given the class-id.
   286         *
   287         * @param aClassId the class-id used to map to the requested value.
   288         * @param aValueSelector used to select the cooresponding value 
   289         *                       (either KParamName or KContentType)
   290         * @return the value or NULL on out of memory.
   291         */
   292         static TDesC* ObjectUtils::GetClassidAssociation(const TDesC& aClassId, 
   293                 TInt aValueSelector);
   294     };
   296 #endif  // OBJECTUTILS_H