changeset 28 d39add9822e2
equal deleted inserted replaced
27:6297cdf66332 28:d39add9822e2
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Gesture helper implementation
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "GestureEngine.h"
    20 #include "filelogger.h"
    23 using namespace stmGesture ;
    25 CGestureEngine::CGestureEngine()
    26 {
    27     m_numOfActiveStreams = 0 ;
    28     m_currentGestureOwner = -1 ;
    29     m_currentLockedGesture = -1 ;
    30     for (int i = 0; i < stmUiEventEngine::KMaxNumberOfPointers; i++)
    31     {
    32         m_uiEventStream[i] = NULL ;
    33     }
    34 }
    36 CGestureEngine::~CGestureEngine()
    37 {
    38     m_gestures.Reset() ;
    39 }
    41 bool CGestureEngine::addGesture(const MGestureRecogniserIf* aNewGesture)
    42 {
    43     // Add the new gesture recogniser to our list of recognisers
    44     return m_gestures.Append(aNewGesture) == 0;
    45 }
    47 bool CGestureEngine::insertGesture(const MGestureRecogniserIf* aNewGesture)
    48 {
    49     return insertGestureAt(aNewGesture, 0) == 0;
    50 }
    52 bool CGestureEngine::insertGestureAt(const MGestureRecogniserIf* aNewGesture, int position)
    53 {
    54     return m_gestures.Insert(aNewGesture, position) == 0 ;
    55 }
    57 bool CGestureEngine::removeGesture(const MGestureRecogniserIf* aOldGesture)
    58 {
    59     // If gestures are removed, there cannot be current gesture owner...
    60     if (m_currentGestureOwner != -1)
    61     {
    62         MGestureRecogniserIf* pgrif = m_gestures[m_currentGestureOwner] ;
    63         pgrif->release(this) ;
    64         m_currentGestureOwner = -1 ;    // no more gesture owners...
    65     }
    66     TInt ix = m_gestures.Find(aOldGesture) ;
    67     bool found = (ix != -1);
    68     if (found)
    69     {
    70         m_gestures.Remove(ix) ;
    71     }
    72     return found ;
    73 }
    75 int CGestureEngine::activeStreamCount() const
    76 {
    77     return m_numOfActiveStreams ;
    78 }
    80 const stmUiEventEngine::MUiEvent* CGestureEngine::getUiEvents(int indexOfActiveStream) const
    81 {
    82 #if defined(ADVANCED_POINTER_EVENTS)
    83 	// create temporary array of active event streams and initialize with zero
    84 	const stmUiEventEngine::MUiEvent* activeEventPointers[stmUiEventEngine::KMaxNumberOfPointers] ;
    85 	for (int x = 0; x < stmUiEventEngine::KMaxNumberOfPointers; x++) activeEventPointers[x] = 0 ;
    86 	// then fill from currently active event streams
    87 	int indextoactiveEventPointers = 0 ;
    88     for (int i = 0; i < stmUiEventEngine::KMaxNumberOfPointers; i++)
    89     {
    90     	if (m_uiEventStream[i])
    91     	    activeEventPointers[indextoactiveEventPointers++] = m_uiEventStream[i] ;
    92     }
    93 	// then return the active event stream asked
    94     return activeEventPointers[indexOfActiveStream] ;
    95 #else
    96     // in single touch it is enough to return the only possible pointer
    97     return m_uiEventStream[indexOfActiveStream] ;
    98 #endif
    99 }
   101 /*!
   102  * Process the UI events
   103  */
   104 void CGestureEngine::HandleUiEventL(const stmUiEventEngine::MUiEvent& aEvent )
   105 {
   106     // process one incoming UI event
   107     storeUiEvent(aEvent) ;  // store the event to the "stream" based on the index of pointer
   108     walkTroughGestures() ;  // and walk trough the gestures to process the UI event
   109     updateUiEvents() ;
   110     // If it was last release event, make sure no-one has the gestures locked
   111     m_numOfActiveStreams = 0 ;
   112     for (int i = 0; i < stmUiEventEngine::KMaxNumberOfPointers; i++)
   113     {
   114         if (m_uiEventStream[i]) m_numOfActiveStreams++ ;
   115     }
   116     if (m_numOfActiveStreams == 0)
   117     {
   118         if (m_currentLockedGesture != -1)
   119         {
   120             MGestureRecogniserIf* pgrif = m_gestures[m_currentLockedGesture] ;
   121             pgrif->release(this) ;
   122         }
   123         m_currentLockedGesture = -1 ;
   124     }
   125 }
   127 /*!
   128  * Store the UI event.  There are max X "streams" of events, one for each
   129  * pointer.  The streams are actually just pointers to the latest event, since the
   130  * MUiEvent interface has methods to walk trough the chain of events.
   131  */
   132 void CGestureEngine::storeUiEvent(const stmUiEventEngine::MUiEvent& aEvent)
   133 {
   134     m_uiEventStream[aEvent.Index()] = &aEvent ;
   135     m_numOfActiveStreams = 0 ;
   136     for (int i = 0; i < stmUiEventEngine::KMaxNumberOfPointers; i++)
   137     {
   138         if (m_uiEventStream[i]) m_numOfActiveStreams++ ;
   139     }
   140 }
   142 /*!
   143  *  Call each gesture handler in turn until one claims to be in control of the gesture.
   144  */
   145 void CGestureEngine::walkTroughGestures()
   146 {
   147     int newowner = -1 ;
   148     int newlocker = m_currentLockedGesture ;
   149     // check if someone has locked the gesture
   150     TGestureRecognitionState thestate = ENotMyGesture ;
   151     if (m_currentLockedGesture != -1)
   152     {
   153         MGestureRecogniserIf* pgrif = m_gestures[m_currentLockedGesture] ;
   154         if (pgrif)
   155         {
   156             if (m_loggingEnabled)
   157             {
   158                 // log entry about locked gesture (hmm.. should have added names to the MGestureRecogniserIf
   159                 LOGARG("locked gesture recognizer %d (addr %d), active streams %d",
   160                         m_currentLockedGesture, pgrif, m_numOfActiveStreams);
   161             }
   163             thestate = pgrif->recognise(m_numOfActiveStreams, this) ;
   164             switch (thestate)
   165             {
   166             case EGestureActive:
   167             {
   168                 // This gesture recogniser owns the gesture, so release the lock
   169                 newlocker = -1 ;
   170                 newowner = m_currentLockedGesture ;
   171                 if (m_loggingEnabled)
   172                 {
   173                     LOGARG("new owner %d lock release", m_currentLockedGesture);
   174                 }
   175                 break;
   176             }
   177             case ELockToThisGesture:
   178             {
   179                 // this gesture recogniser wants to keep the lock
   180                 newowner = m_currentLockedGesture ;
   181                 newlocker = m_currentLockedGesture ;
   182                 if (m_loggingEnabled)
   183                 {
   184                     LOGARG("new owner %d keep lock", m_currentLockedGesture);
   185                 }
   186                 break;
   188             }
   189             case ENotMyGesture:
   190             {
   191                 break;
   192             }
   193             }
   194         }
   195         else
   196         {
   197             if (m_loggingEnabled)
   198             {
   199                 LOGARG("NULL recogniser for %d", m_currentLockedGesture);
   200             }
   201         }
   202     }
   204     if (thestate == ENotMyGesture)
   205     {
   206         if (m_loggingEnabled)
   207         {
   208             LOGARG("walk trough recognizers active streams %d", m_numOfActiveStreams);
   209         }
   210         // No locking gesture, walk trough the list until someone handles this
   211         for (int i = 0; i < m_gestures.Count(); i++)
   212         {
   213             bool controlObtained = false;
   214             MGestureRecogniserIf* pgrif = m_gestures[i];
   215             if (pgrif)
   216             {
   217                 switch (pgrif->recognise(m_numOfActiveStreams, this))
   218                 {
   219                 case EGestureActive:
   220                 {
   221                     // This gesture recogniser owns the gesture, stop looping...
   222                     controlObtained = true;
   223                     newowner = i;
   224                     break;
   225                 }
   226                 case ELockToThisGesture:
   227                 {
   228                     // this gesture recogniser wants to take ownership
   229                     controlObtained = true;
   230                     newowner = i;
   231                     newlocker = i;
   232                     break;
   234                 }
   235                 case ENotMyGesture:
   236                 {
   237                     break;
   238                 }
   239                 }
   240             }
   241             if (controlObtained)
   242             {
   243                 break; // do not process rest of the gestures
   244             }
   246         }
   247     }
   248     if (newowner != -1 && newowner != m_currentGestureOwner)
   249     {
   250         if (m_currentGestureOwner != -1)
   251         {
   252             MGestureRecogniserIf* pgrif = m_gestures[m_currentGestureOwner] ;
   253             pgrif->release(this) ;
   254         }
   255         m_currentGestureOwner = newowner ;
   256     }
   257     m_currentLockedGesture = newlocker ;    // if someone locked it or released the lock
   258 }
   260 void CGestureEngine::updateUiEvents()
   261 {
   262     for (int i = 0; i < stmUiEventEngine::KMaxNumberOfPointers; i++)
   263     {
   264         if (m_uiEventStream[i])
   265         {
   266             if (m_uiEventStream[i]->Code() == stmUiEventEngine::ERelease)
   267             {
   268                 // Event can be removed since Release is the last event
   269                 // note that it is the lower layer event engine
   270                 // which actually deletes the object
   271                 m_uiEventStream[i] = NULL ;
   272             }
   273         }
   274     }
   275 }