changeset 28 d39add9822e2
child 35 1f3c3f2f5b0a
equal deleted inserted replaced
27:6297cdf66332 28:d39add9822e2
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Gesture helper implementation
    15 *
    16 */
    17 #include <e32math.h>
    18 #include "pinchgesturerecogniser.h"
    19 #include "GenericSimpleGesture.h"
    20 #include <rt_uievent.h>
    21 #include "filelogger.h"
    22 #include "statemachine.h" // for stmUiEventEngine::Distance(dx,dy)
    24 using namespace stmGesture ;
    26 extern long Mm2Pixels(long mm) ;
    29 CPinchGestureRecogniser::CPinchGestureRecogniser(MGestureListener* aListener) :
    30         CGestureRecogniser(aListener)
    31 {
    32     m_pinching = false ;
    33     m_pinchingspeed = 3.5 ; // by default something suitable for capacitive
    34     m_holdseen = false ;
    35 }
    37 CPinchGestureRecogniser* CPinchGestureRecogniser::NewL(MGestureListener* aListener)
    38 {
    39     CPinchGestureRecogniser* self = new (ELeave) CPinchGestureRecogniser(aListener) ;
    40     return self;
    41 }
    43 CPinchGestureRecogniser::~CPinchGestureRecogniser()
    44 {
    45 }
    47 TGestureRecognitionState CPinchGestureRecogniser::recognise(int numOfActiveStreams,
    48         MGestureEngineIf* pge)
    49 {
    50     TGestureRecognitionState state = ENotMyGesture;
    51     // Check if we are enabled or not
    52     if (!m_gestureEnabled) return state ;
    54     if (m_loggingenabled)
    55     {
    56         LOGARG("CPinchGestureRecogniser: %d %d %d ", m_pinching, m_holdseen, numOfActiveStreams) ;
    57     }
    58 #if !defined(ADVANCED_POINTER_EVENTS)
    59     // Look at the events to see if it looks like pinch in single touch
    60     // WARNING: this code is a hack : in single touch capacitive touch device (like Alvin with 52.50) it works so-and-so,
    61     // because the pointer events were reported from the corners of the rectangle formed by two fingers pressing.
    62     // In resistive touch device like Tube or Ivalo the reported points are somewhere int he middle between the fingers
    63     // and jumping a lot, so it is very difficult to get it right.
    64     if (numOfActiveStreams == 1)
    65     {
    66         // Then look at the event stream, first we need to see a hold and then a fast jump
    67         const stmUiEventEngine::MUiEvent* puie = pge->getUiEvents(0);
    68         int countOfEvents = puie->countOfEvents() ;
    69         stmUiEventEngine::TUiEventCode eventCode = puie->Code() ;
    71         if (countOfEvents > 0 ) // how many events
    72         {
    73             if (m_loggingenabled)
    74             {
    75                 LOGARG("CPinchGestureRecogniser: %d %d %d %d %d, m: %d b: %d",
    76                         m_pinching, m_holdseen, numOfActiveStreams, countOfEvents, eventCode,
    77                         int(m_m), int(m_b)) ;
    78             }
    80             if (m_pinching)
    81             {
    82                 // We have entered pinching state, lets move one of the points unless it is a release
    83                 if (eventCode == stmUiEventEngine::ERelease)
    84                 {
    85                     m_pinching = false ;
    86                     m_holdseen = false ;
    87                 }
    88                 else
    89                 {
    90                     bool pointIgnored = true ;  // for logging purposes
    91                     int currentLength = m_loggingenabled ?
    92                                         stmUiEventEngine::Distance(m_pinchstart, m_pinchend) : 0;
    94                     TPoint oStart(m_pinchstart) ;
    95                     TPoint oEnd(m_pinchend) ;
    96                     int difference = 0 ;
    97                     state = ELockToThisGesture ;
    98                     const TPoint& tp = puie->CurrentXY();
    99                     // calculate the distance of the new point from the stored vector
   100                     int d1 =  ((m_pinchstart.iX-tp.iX)*(m_pinchstart.iX-tp.iX)) +
   101                                 ((m_pinchstart.iY-tp.iY)*(m_pinchstart.iY-tp.iY)) ;
   102                     int d2 =  ((m_pinchend.iX-tp.iX)*(m_pinchend.iX-tp.iX)) +
   103                                 ((m_pinchend.iY-tp.iY)*(m_pinchend.iY-tp.iY)) ;
   104                     // check also if the Y coordinate happens to be near the hold point,
   105                     // this seems to be the case at least with alvin, we keep getting two points,
   106                     // where one is near the Y coordinate of the hold point
   107                     int diffY = Abs(tp.iY-m_pinchstart.iY) ;
   109                     if (d1 < d2 || diffY < 12)
   110                     {
   111                         // the detected point is near the first point,
   112                         // or the detected point is about on the same horizontal line with the hold point
   113                         // do not do anything, but keep the gesture
   114                     }
   115                     else
   116                     {
   117                         pointIgnored = false ;
   118                         // the detected point is close to the other end, then adjust the stored vector
   119                         int xd = m_pinchend.iX-tp.iX ;
   120                         int yd = m_pinchend.iY-tp.iY ;
   121                         if (xd < 0 ) xd = - xd ;
   122                         if (yd < 0 ) yd = - yd ;
   123                         // look which coordinate is closer to the original and use that
   124                         if (xd < yd)
   125                         {
   126                             // calculate new point based on the X value
   127                             m_pinchend.iX = tp.iX ;
   128                             m_pinchend.iY = m_m*m_pinchend.iX + m_b ;
   129                             if (m_pinchend.iY < 0) m_pinchend.iY = 0 ;
   130                         }
   131                         else
   132                         {
   133                             if (m_m != 0)
   134                             {
   135                                 m_pinchend.iY = tp.iY ;
   136                                 m_pinchend.iX = (m_pinchend.iY - m_b)/m_m ;
   137                                 if (m_pinchend.iX <0 ) m_pinchend.iX = 0 ;
   138                             }
   139                             else
   140                             {
   141                                 m_pinchend.iX = tp.iX ;
   142                                 m_pinchend.iY = m_m*m_pinchend.iX + m_b ;
   143                                 if (m_pinchend.iY < 0) m_pinchend.iY = 0 ;
   144                             }
   145                         }
   146                         float newd = calculateDistance() ;
   147                         // check if the difference is too big and adjust accordingly
   148                         // the method also updates the m_ddistance
   149                         difference = adjustPinchMove(m_ddistance, newd) ;
   150                         // Now we have a pinch gesture with size as details
   151                         stmGesture::TTwoPointGesture pgest(KUid, m_pinchstart, m_pinchend);
   152                         pgest.setLogging(m_loggingenabled);
   153                         pgest.setDetails(difference) ;
   154                         // inform the listener
   155                         m_listener->gestureEnter(pgest);
   156                     }
   157                     if (m_loggingenabled)
   158                     {
   159                         int newLength = stmUiEventEngine::Distance(m_pinchstart, m_pinchend);
   160                         float speedX = puie->speedX() ;
   161                         float speedY = puie->speedY() ;
   163                         LOGARG("CPinchGestureRecogniser: %d: o: %d, n: %d, d: %d (%d,%d) " \
   164                                 "speed %f (%d,%d : %d,%d) (from: (%d,%d : %d,%d) (m: %f b: %f)",
   165                                 pointIgnored,
   166                                 currentLength, newLength, difference,
   167                                 tp.iX, tp.iY, double(speedX),
   168                                 m_pinchstart.iX, m_pinchstart.iY, m_pinchend.iX, m_pinchend.iY,
   169                                 oStart.iX, oStart.iY, oEnd.iX, oEnd.iY,
   170                                 double(m_m), double(m_b)) ;
   172                     }
   174                 }
   175             }
   176             else if (eventCode == stmUiEventEngine::EMove) // The last one is move and we were not pinching
   177             {
   178                 if (m_loggingenabled)
   179                 {
   180                     LOGARG("CPinchGestureRecogniser: %d: num %d code %d", m_pinching, countOfEvents, eventCode);
   181                 }
   182                 stmUiEventEngine::MUiEvent* puieFirst = puie->previousEvent();
   184                 // check if we have seen hold
   185                 if (m_holdseen)
   186                 {
   187                     const TPoint& tp1 = puie->CurrentXY() ;
   188                     float speedX = puie->speedX() ;
   189                     float speedY = puie->speedY() ;
   190                     if (m_loggingenabled)
   191                     {
   192                         LOGARG("CPinchGestureRecogniser: tp1: %d %d hold %d %d, speed %f",
   193                                 tp1.iX, tp1.iY,
   194                                 m_holdseenAtPos.iX, m_holdseenAtPos.iY, double(speedX) );
   195                     }
   196                     // is the speed extremely high so that it looks like other finger pressing in different location?
   197                     if ( (speedX > m_pinchingspeed) || (speedY > m_pinchingspeed) )
   198                     {
   199                         TInt64 tstamp = puie->timestamp() ;
   200                         TTime now(tstamp) ;
   201                         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds tim = now.MicroSecondsFrom(m_holdseenAtTime) ;
   202                         m_pinching = true;
   203                         m_pinchstart = m_holdseenAtPos;
   204                         m_pinchend = tp1;
   205                         calculateZoomingLine();
   206                         m_ddistance = calculateDistance();
   207                         state = ELockToThisGesture ;    // NOTE: once pinch is started, it will stay until release
   208                         // create the first pich gesture which does not yet resize anything
   209                         stmGesture::TTwoPointGesture pgest(KUid, m_pinchstart, m_pinchend);
   210                         pgest.setLogging(m_loggingenabled);
   211                         pgest.setDetails(0) ;
   212                         // inform the listener
   213                         m_listener->gestureEnter(pgest);
   214                     }
   215                 }
   216             }
   217         }
   218         if (!m_pinching)
   219         {
   220             if (m_loggingenabled)
   221             {
   222                 LOGARG("CPinchGestureRecogniser: not pinching %d", puie);
   223             }
   224             if (puie && puie->Code() == stmUiEventEngine::EHold) // The last one is hold and we were not pinching
   225             {
   226                 m_holdseen = true;
   227                 m_holdseenAtPos = puie->CurrentXY();
   228                 m_holdseenAtTime = puie->timestamp() ;
   229                 if (m_loggingenabled)
   230                 {
   231                     LOGARG("CPinchGestureRecogniser: hold seen at(%d, %d) at %Ld",
   232                             m_holdseenAtPos.iX, m_holdseenAtPos.iY, m_holdseenAtTime.Int64());
   233                 }
   234             }
   235         }
   236         if (puie && puie->Code() == stmUiEventEngine::ETouch) // The last one is touch
   237         {
   238             m_holdseen = false;
   239         }
   240         else if (puie && puie->Code() == stmUiEventEngine::ERelease) // The last one is release
   241         {
   242             m_holdseen = false;
   243         }
   244     }
   245 #else
   246     // This is the multi touch case: two event streams needs to be there; this is the real pinch zoom
   247     if (numOfActiveStreams == 2)
   248     {
   249         const stmUiEventEngine::MUiEvent* puie1 = pge->getUiEvents(0);
   250         const stmUiEventEngine::MUiEvent* puie2 = pge->getUiEvents(1);
   251         stmUiEventEngine::TUiEventCode eventCode1 = puie1->Code() ;
   252         stmUiEventEngine::TUiEventCode eventCode2 = puie2->Code() ;
   254         if (m_loggingenabled)
   255         {
   256             TPoint p1 = puie1->CurrentXY() ;
   257             TPoint p2 = puie2->CurrentXY() ;
   258             LOGARG("CPinchGestureRecogniser: two streams: %s at [%d,%d], %s at [%d,%d]",
   259                     stmUiEventEngine::EventName(eventCode1), p1.iX, p1.iY,
   260                     stmUiEventEngine::EventName(eventCode1), p2.iX, p2.iY
   261                     ) ;
   263         }
   266         if (!m_pinching)
   267         {
   268             // This means we start pinching, the events can be any combination of ETouch, EMove, EHold
   269             if ( (  eventCode1 == stmUiEventEngine::ETouch  ||
   270                     eventCode1 == stmUiEventEngine::EMove   ||
   271                     eventCode1 == stmUiEventEngine::EHold
   272                   ) &&
   273                  (  eventCode2 == stmUiEventEngine::ETouch  ||
   274                     eventCode2 == stmUiEventEngine::EMove   ||
   275                     eventCode2 == stmUiEventEngine::EHold )
   276                  )
   277             {
   278                 // This is valid pinching start
   279                 m_pinching = true ;
   280                 // get the start and end position for the picnhing vector
   281                 m_pinchstart = puie1->CurrentXY() ;
   282                 m_pinchend = puie2->CurrentXY() ;
   283                 calculateZoomingLine();
   284                 m_ddistance = calculateDistance();
   285                 state = ELockToThisGesture ;    // NOTE: once pich is started, it will stay until release
   286                 if (m_loggingenabled)
   287                 {
   288                     LOGARG("CPinchGestureRecogniser: pinch start: [%d,%d][%d,%d]",
   289                             m_pinchstart.iX, m_pinchstart.iY, m_pinchend.iX, m_pinchend.iY) ;
   291                 }
   292                 // create the first pich gesture which does not yet resize anything
   293                 stmGesture::TTwoPointGesture pgest(KUid, m_pinchstart, m_pinchend);
   294                 pgest.setLogging(m_loggingenabled);
   295                 pgest.setDetails(0) ;
   296                 // inform the listener
   297                 m_listener->gestureEnter(pgest);
   298             }
   299             else
   300             {
   301             	// Not a valid pinching start, do nothing (maybe it were easier to just check if one of the events is ERelease)
   302             }
   303         }
   304         else
   305         {
   306             // We have entered pinching state, lets move one of the points unless it is a release
   307             if (eventCode1 == stmUiEventEngine::ERelease || eventCode2 == stmUiEventEngine::ERelease)
   308             {
   309                 release(pge);
   310             }
   311             else
   312             {
   313                 state = ELockToThisGesture ;
   315                 // get the start and end position for the picnhing vector
   316                 m_pinchstart = puie1->CurrentXY() ;
   317                 m_pinchend = puie2->CurrentXY() ;
   318                 float newd = calculateDistance() ;
   319                 // check if the difference is too big and adjust accordingly
   320                 // the method also updates the m_ddistance
   321                 int difference = adjustPinchMove(m_ddistance, newd) ;
   322                 // Now we have a pinch gesture with size
   323                 if (m_loggingenabled)
   324                 {
   325                     LOGARG("CPinchGestureRecogniser: pinch: [%d,%d][%d,%d], diff %d",
   326                             m_pinchstart.iX, m_pinchstart.iY, m_pinchend.iX, m_pinchend.iY, difference) ;
   328                 }
   330                 stmGesture::TTwoPointGesture pgest(KUid, m_pinchstart, m_pinchend);
   331                 pgest.setLogging(m_loggingenabled);
   332                 pgest.setDetails(difference) ;
   333                 // inform the listener
   334                 m_listener->gestureEnter(pgest);
   335             }
   336         }
   338     }
   339 #endif
   341     if (state == ENotMyGesture)
   342     {
   343         if (m_loggingenabled)
   344         {
   345             LOGARG("CPinchGestureRecogniser: NotMyGesture %d %d %d ",
   346                     m_pinching, m_holdseen, numOfActiveStreams) ;
   347         }
   348         // if it was not our gesture, then the state can not be pinching...
   349         m_pinching = false ;
   350     }
   351     return state;
   352 }
   354 void CPinchGestureRecogniser::release(MGestureEngineIf* /*ge*/)
   355 {
   356     m_pinching = false ;
   357     m_listener->gestureExit(KUid) ;
   358 }
   360 /*!
   361  * Now that we know the two points where the zooming started, we move those points only along
   362  * the same line y = mx + b, so lets calculate m and b.
   363  */
   364 void CPinchGestureRecogniser::calculateZoomingLine()
   365 {
   366     int sX = m_pinchstart.iX ;
   367     int sY = m_pinchstart.iY ;
   368     int eX = m_pinchend.iX ;
   369     int eY = m_pinchend.iY ;
   371     if (eX == sX)
   372     {
   373         m_m = 0.f ;
   374     }
   375     else
   376     {
   377         m_m = float(eY-sY)/(eX-sX) ;
   378     }
   379     m_b = sY-(m_m*sX) ;
   380 }
   382 /*!
   383  * calculate the distance, return as float
   384  */
   385 float CPinchGestureRecogniser::calculateDistance()
   386 {
   387     double x = ((m_pinchstart.iX-m_pinchend.iX)*(m_pinchstart.iX-m_pinchend.iX))+
   388                ((m_pinchstart.iY-m_pinchend.iY)*(m_pinchstart.iY-m_pinchend.iY)) ;
   389     double ddist ;
   390     Math::Sqrt(ddist, x) ;
   391     return float(ddist) ;
   392 }
   394 /*!
   395  * Set the pinching speed as pixels / ms (meaning that in case of singletouch device
   396  * the other finger looks like the EMove UI event suddenly jumps to new location;
   397  * in resistive the new location is somewhere in the middle of the touches, in capacitive
   398  * the driver seems to report three or four points:
   399  * original (x,y), new (a,b) and also (a,y), sometimes (x,b)
   400  */
   401 void CPinchGestureRecogniser::setPinchingSpeed(float aSpeed) __SOFTFP
   402 {
   403     m_pinchingspeed = aSpeed ;
   404 }
   406 /*!
   407  * Adjust the pinch move so that it will not be too jumpy
   408  */
   409 int CPinchGestureRecogniser::adjustPinchMove(float& aPreviousDistance, float aNewDistance)
   410 {
   411     float diff = aNewDistance - aPreviousDistance ;
   412     float logdiff = diff ;
   413     if (diff < 0) diff = -diff ;	// Note that the next calculations need the positive diff value, but keep the original in logdiff
   414     float changePercentage = (diff/aPreviousDistance)*100.f ;
   415     if (changePercentage > 10.f)
   416     {
   417         // change more than 10%, make at most 10%
   418         float newdiff = aPreviousDistance*0.1f ;
   419         if (aPreviousDistance > aNewDistance) newdiff = -newdiff ;
   420         if (m_loggingenabled)
   421         {
   422             LOGARG("CPinchGestureRecogniser: adjustPinchMove from %f to %f : was, now %f %f",
   423                 double(logdiff), double(newdiff), double(aPreviousDistance), double(aNewDistance));
   424         }
   426         aPreviousDistance = aPreviousDistance + newdiff ;
   427         diff = newdiff ;
   428     }
   429     else
   430     {
   431         if (m_loggingenabled)
   432         {
   433             LOGARG("CPinchGestureRecogniser: adjustPinchMove from %f to %f : was, now %f %f",
   434                 double(logdiff), double(diff), double(aPreviousDistance), double(aNewDistance));
   435         }
   436         aPreviousDistance = aNewDistance ;  // accept the new value and update the new length
   437         diff = logdiff ;    // put the original back (this is why the logdiff can not be Abs(diff)!
   438     }
   439     return (int)diff ;
   440 }