changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 25 0ed94ceaa377
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *	  Declaration of class CBrowserTelService.
    16 *
    17 *
    18 */
    22 #ifndef __BROWSERTELSERVICE_H
    23 #define __BROWSERTELSERVICE_H
    25 #include "BrowserTelServiceEtelWatcher.h"
    27 #include <e32def.h> //resolve NULL redefinition warning (conflict with time.h).
    28 #include <e32base.h>
    29 #include <etel.h>
    30 #include <etelmm.h>
    31 #include <f32file.h>
    32 #include <AknProgressDialog.h>
    33 #include <AknWaitDialog.h>
    34 #include <ConnectionObservers.h>
    35 #include <ApEngineConsts.h>
    36 #include <errorui.h> 
    37 #include <bldvariant.hrh>
    38 #include <ConeResLoader.h>
    41 // AIW related headers
    42 #include <AiwServiceHandler.h>
    45 #include <AiwDialData.h>
    46 #include <AiwDialDataExt.h>
    49 #endif // __BROWSER_TEL_SERVICES_CALLUI__
    51 #define JAPANESE ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdJapanese ) )
    54 class MBrowserTelServiceObserver;
    55 class CSendAppUi;
    56 class CContactIdArray;
    57 class CPbkContactEngine;
    58 class CPbkContactItem;
    60 // DATA TYPES
    61 enum TBrowserTelServiceState
    62 	{
    63 	EIdle,
    64 	EDialing,
    65 	EDialingDTMF,
    66 	EConnected
    67 	};
    69 enum TBrowserTelServiceError
    70 	{
    71 	ESendDTMFFailed
    72 	};
    74 enum TBrowserTelServiceDlgType
    75 	{
    76 	EConfirmMakeCall,
    77 	EConfirmSendDTMF,
    78 	EConfirmAddToPb,
    79     ESendingDTMF
    80 	};
    82 enum TMatchType
    83 	{
    84 	EPhoneNumber,
    85 	EEmail
    86 	};
    88 // CONSTANTS
    90 const TUid KUidBrowserApplication = { 0x10008D39 };
    92 // The Central Repository key used to determine how BrowserTelService
    93 // should handle a 'mailto' attribute of an html link element:
    94 //     0 = email;  1 = MMS composer
    95 const TUint32 KBrowserMailtoSendingApp = 0x00000004;
    97 // Return values
    98 const TInt KErrInvocationError = (-200);
    99 const TInt KErrNoCallActive = (-108);	// KErrGsmNoCallActive
   100 const TInt KErrUserNoAnswer = (-107);	// KErrGsmCCUserNoAnswer
   101 const TInt KErrNoService = (-106);		// KErrGsmNoService
   102 const TInt KErrUserBusy = (-105);		// KErrGsmCCUserBusy
   103 const TInt KErrPBPhoneBookFull = (-104);
   104 const TInt KErrPBWriteError = (-103);
   105 const TInt KErrPBNumberTooLong = (-102);
   106 const TInt KErrPBNameTooLong = (-100);
   107 const TInt KErrUnspecified = (-1);
   111 /**
   112 *  Implements telephony services for browser.
   113 *  This class implements required telephony services for multipurpose browser.
   114 */
   115 class CBrowserTelService : public CActive, 
   116 						   public MBrowserTelServiceEtelWatcherObserver, 
   117 						   public MConnectionStageObserver,
   119                            public MAiwNotifyCallback,
   120 #endif // __BROWSER_TEL_SERVICES_CALLUI__                           
   121 						   public MProgressDialogCallback
   122 	{
   123 	public:		// Constructors and destructor			
   124 		/**
   125         * Destructor.
   126         */
   127 		IMPORT_C ~CBrowserTelService();
   129         /**
   130         * Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
   131         * @param aObserver The observer for CBrowserTelService.
   132         * Defaults to NULL.
   133         * @return The constructed CBrowserTelService object.
   134         */		
   135 		IMPORT_C static CBrowserTelService* NewL( MBrowserTelServiceObserver* 
   136 													aObserver = NULL );
   137 		IMPORT_C static CBrowserTelService* NewLC( MBrowserTelServiceObserver* 
   138 													aObserver = NULL );
   140         /**
   141         * Parses given phone number. If specified number contains DTMF 
   142 		* sequence it will be
   143         * extracted from the phone number.
   144         * @param aNumber. Phone number with possible DTMF sequence.
   145         * @return The extracted DTMF sequence
   146         */
   147         IMPORT_C HBufC* ParsePhoneNumberL( TDes* aNumber );
   149 	public:		// New functions
   150 		/**
   151         * Call the given phone number synchronously.
   152         * @param aNumber The phone number to be called.
   153         * @return Typically KErrNone or another of the system-wide error codes.
   154         *
   155         * NOTE: If the specified phone number contains DTMF sequence, it will 
   156 		* be extracted from the number. After the call has been established 
   157 		* the dtmf sequence will be send immediately. This function will 
   158 		* return after the dtmf sending has 
   159         * been handled.
   160         */	
   161 		IMPORT_C TInt MakeCall( TDesC& aNumber, TBool aSendDTMFAlwaysConfirm );
   163 		/**
   164         * Call the given phone number asynchronously.
   165         * @param aStatus Request status.
   166 		* @param aNumber The phone number to be called.
   167         * @return Typically KErrNone or another of the system-wide error codes.
   168         *
   169         * NOTE: If the specified phone number contains DTMF sequence then it 
   170 		* will be extracted from the number. After the call has been 
   171 		* established the dtmf sequence will be sent immediately.
   172         */	
   173 		IMPORT_C void MakeCall( TRequestStatus& aStatus, TDesC& aNumber, 
   174 							    TBool aSendDTMFAlwaysConfirm );	
   176 		/**
   177         * Cancel the request set with 
   178 		* MakeCallL(TRequestStatus& aStatus,TDesC& aNumber)
   179         */
   180 		IMPORT_C void CancelMakeCall();
   182 		/**
   183         * Send given DTMF sequence (needs an active call) synchronously.
   184         * @param aNumber DTMF number.
   185         * @return Typically KErrNone or another of the system-wide error codes.
   186         */
   187 		IMPORT_C TInt SendDTMF( TDesC& aNumber, TBool aSendDTMFAlwaysConfirm );	
   189 		/**
   190         * Send given DTMF sequence (needs an active call) asynchronously.
   191         * @param aStatus Request status.
   192 		* @param aNumber DTMF number.
   193         * @return Typically KErrNone or another of the system-wide error codes.
   194         */	
   195 		IMPORT_C void SendDTMF( TRequestStatus& aStatus,TDesC& aNumber, 
   196 							    TBool aSendDTMFAlwaysConfirm );
   198 		/**
   199         * Cancel the request set with SendDTMFL().
   200         */
   201 		IMPORT_C void CancelSendDTMFL();
   203 		/**
   204         * Create a new phonebook entry. Draw up a dialog. Fill its names, 
   205 		* and phonenumber fields with the given values.
   206         * @param aNumber Phone number
   207 		* @param aName Name
   208 		* @param aEmail Email address
   209         * @return always KErrNone
   210         */	
   211 		IMPORT_C TInt AddPBEntryL( TDesC& aNumber, 
   212 								   TDesC& aName, 
   213 								   TDesC& aEmail );
   215 		/**
   216         * Current state of the engine
   217         * @return TBrowserTelServiceState
   218         */	
   219 		IMPORT_C TBrowserTelServiceState State() const; 
   221 		/**
   222         * Add observer. Observers are notified whenever 
   223 		* the engine state changes.
   224         * @param aObserver The Observer.
   225         */
   226 		IMPORT_C void AddObserver( MBrowserTelServiceObserver* aObserver );
   228 		/**
   229         * Remove observer.
   230         * @param aObserver The Observer.
   231         */
   232 		IMPORT_C void RemoveObserver( MBrowserTelServiceObserver* aObserver ); 
   234 		/**
   235         * Create the message and open up the email editor as ready to send.
   236         * @param aToRecipients To recipients.
   237 		* @param aCcRecipients Cc recipients.
   238 		* @param aParams Other parameters ??.
   239 		* @param aBody Body text.
   240         * @return Typically KErrNone or another of the system-wide error codes.
   241         */	
   242 		IMPORT_C TInt SendEmailMessageL( const TDesC& aToRecipients,
   243 										 const TDesC& aCcRecipients, 
   244 										 const TDesC& /*aParams*/,
   245 										 const TDesC& aBody );
   246 		/**
   247         * Create the message and open up the email editor as ready to send.
   248         * @param aToRecipients To recipients.
   249 		* @param aCcRecipients Cc recipients.
   250 		* @param aParams Other parameters ??.
   251 		* @param aBody Body text.
   252 		* @param aLaunchEmbedded information to launch embedded mode or not
   253         * @return Typically KErrNone or another of the system-wide error codes.
   254         */	
   255 		IMPORT_C TInt SendEmailMessageL( const TDesC& aToRecipients,	
   256 										 const TDesC& aCcRecipients,	
   257 										 const TDesC& aParams,
   258 										 const TDesC& aBody,
   259 										 TBool aLaunchEmbedded );
   261 		/**
   262 		* Check for active CSD/HSCSD connection and disconnect if active.
   263 		*/
   264 		IMPORT_C void DisconnectActiveCSDConnectionL();
   266         /**
   267         * Displays specified type of dialog.
   268         * @param aDynamicText. Typically a phone number, 
   269 		* dtmf string or email address.
   270         * @param aDlgType. Dialog type.
   271         * @return 0 if cancelled otherwise non zero.
   272         */
   273 		IMPORT_C TInt ShowDialogL( const TDesC& aDynamicText, 
   274 								   const TBrowserTelServiceDlgType& aDlgType );
   277 		/**
   278         * Call the given phone number synchronously.
   279         * @param aNumber The phone number to be called.
   280         * @return Typically KErrNone or another of the system-wide error codes.
   281         *
   282         * NOTE: If the specified phone number contains DTMF sequence, it will 
   283 		* be extracted from the number. After the call has been established 
   284 		* the dtmf sequence will be send immediately. This function will 
   285 		* return after the dtmf sending has 
   286         * been handled.
   287         */	
   288 		IMPORT_C TInt MakeVOIPCall( TDesC& aNumber, TBool aSendDTMFAlwaysConfirm );
   291 	protected:	// Functions from base classes
   292 		/**
   293 		* From CActive
   294 		*/
   295 		void DoCancel();
   296 		void RunL();
   298         /**
   299         * From MProgressDialogCallback
   300         *
   301         * Get's called when a dialog is dismissed.
   302         */
   303         virtual void DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId );
   307         /**
   308         * From MAiwNotifyCallback
   309         */
   310         TInt HandleNotifyL( TInt aCmdId,
   311                             TInt aEventId,
   312                             CAiwGenericParamList& aEventParamList,
   313                             const CAiwGenericParamList& aInParamList );
   315 #endif // __BROWSER_TEL_SERVICES_CALLUI__
   317 	private:	// New functions
   318 	    /**
   319         * C++ default constructor.
   320         */
   321 		CBrowserTelService();
   323 		/**
   324         * Second phase constructor. Leaves on failure.
   325         * @param aObserver The observer for CBrowserTelService. 
   326         */
   327 		void ConstructL( MBrowserTelServiceObserver* aObserver );
   329 		/**
   330         * Set the internal state of CBrowserTelService.
   331         * @param aState The state.
   332         */		
   333 		void SetState( TBrowserTelServiceState aState );
   335 		/**
   336         * Set the internal state to idle and notify observers.
   337 		* Just a convenience function.
   338         */
   339 		void SetStateIdleAndNotifyObservers();	
   341 		/**
   342         * Notify observers of the current state of CBrowserTelService.
   343         */
   344 		void NotifyObservers();
   346 		/**
   347         * Notify observers of error that occurred
   348         * @param aError The error. 
   349         */
   350 		void NotifyObservers( TBrowserTelServiceError aError );
   352         /**
   353         * Initialization before DoMakeCallL
   354 		* @param aNumber The phone number to be called.
   355         * @return Typically KErrNone or another of the system-wide error codes.
   356         */
   357         void MakeCallL( TDesC& aNumber, TBool aSendDTMFAlwaysConfirm, TBool voipCall = EFalse );
   359         /**
   360         * Called if anything went wrong in MakeCall
   361         */
   362         void CleanupBuffers();
   364 		/**
   365         * Make phone call.
   366         */
   367 		void DoMakeCallL( TDesC& aNumber, TBool voipCall = 0 );
   369 		/**
   370         * Leave version of exported SendDTMF function.
   371         */	
   372 		void SendDTMFL( TDesC& aNumber, TBool aSendDTMFAlwaysConfirm );	
   374 		/**
   375         * Leave version of exported SendDTMF function.
   376         */	
   377 		void SendDTMFL( TRequestStatus& aStatus,TDesC& aNumber, 
   378 							    TBool aSendDTMFAlwaysConfirm );
   380 		/**
   381         * Send DTMF sequence.
   382         * @param aNumber The DTMF number. 
   383         */
   384 		void DoSendDTMFL( TDesC& aNumber );
   386 		/**
   387 		* Validates the given phone number. Rips all the "-","(",")", 
   388 		* and white spaces off. If the given string has any 
   389 		* alphabetical(excluding w and p) characters, 
   390 		* then NULL will be returned.
   391         * @param aNumber The phone number.
   392 		* @return If the given string has any alphabetical characters, 
   393 		* then NULL will be returned.
   394 		* Otherwise the validated phone number.
   395         */
   396 		HBufC* ValidateNumberL( TDesC& aNumber );
   398         /**
   399         * Looks for DTMF sequence from a specified phone number.
   400         * @param aNumber The phone number that might contain a DTMF sequence
   401         * @return NULL if DTMF sequence couldn't be found. 
   402 		* Otherwise the DTMF number.
   403         * NOTE: The DTMF sequence will be ripped off from 
   404 		* the given phone number if found.
   405         */
   406         HBufC* FindAndRipDTMFSequenceL( TDes* aNumber );
   408         /**
   409         * Looks for tel URI parameters from a specified phone number.
   410         * @param aNumber The phone number that might contain URI parameters
   411         * @return HBufC containing URI parameters, if parameters couldn't 
   412         * be found the HBufC with zero len is returned
   413         * NOTE: The parameters will be ripped off from the given phone 
   414         * number if found.
   415         */        
   416         HBufC* FindAndRipURIParametersL( TDes& aNumber );
   419         /**
   420         * Looks for voip parameters from a specified phone number.
   421         * @param aNumber The phone number that might contain voip parameters
   422         * NOTE: The parameters will be ripped off from the given phone 
   423         * number if found.
   424         */        
   425         void FindAndRipVoipParametersL( TDes& aNumber );
   427         /**
   428         * Validates the given dtmf number. Characters [p w 0...9 * / ,] 
   429 		* are allowed, with the exception that only one "w" or "/" 
   430 		* (wait) in succession is allowed.
   431         * @param aNumber The dtmf number do be validated.
   432         * NOTE: Removes all invalid characters.
   433         */
   434         void ValidateDTMFNumberL( TDes* aNumber );
   436         /**
   437         * Parses given string into sequences. Sequences are determined 
   438 		* by [ w / p , ] characters.
   439         * Each sequence begins with [ w / p , ] character.
   440         */
   441         CArrayPtrFlat<HBufC>* ParseDTMFSequencesL( const TDesC* aDTMFString );
   443         /**
   444         * Parses given string to sequences.
   445         */
   446         CArrayPtrFlat<HBufC>* ParseDTMFSequencesForDlgL(
   447 								const TDesC* aDTMFString );
   449         /**
   450         * Rips off [ w / p , ] character.
   451         * NOTE: Assumes that the wait/pause char is the first character of 
   452 		* the given string. If the first character is not a wait/pause 
   453 		* char then this function does nothing.
   454         */
   455         TChar RipWaitChar( TDes* aNumber );
   457         /**
   458         * Analyses given number whether the DTMF confirmation query 
   459 		* should be displayed.
   460         * @param aNumber
   461         * @return ETrue if dialog should be displayed.
   462         * NOTE: The given string will be modified if a wait 
   463 		* char [/ w p ,]is found. The
   464         * wait char is deleted from the aNumber.
   465         */
   466         TBool DisplaySendDTMFDialog( TDes* aNumber );
   468         /**
   469         * Seeks given number in phone book.
   470         * @param aPhoneNumber The phone number to look for.
   471         * @return owner's name of the number, 
   472 		* if not found then NULL will be returned.
   473         */
   474 		HBufC* SearchPbForMatchL( const TDesC& aPhoneNumber );
   475 		CContactIdArray* SearchPbForMatchLC( CPbkContactEngine& aPbkEngine,
   476                                              const TDesC& aToMatch,
   477 											 const TMatchType& aMatchType );
   479 		/**
   480         * Closes all open etel sessions.
   481         */
   482 		void CloseAllSessions();
   484 		/**
   485         * Internal error handling.
   486         * @param aError The error.
   487         */
   488 		void HandleError( TInt aError );
   490 		static TInt IdleCallback( TAny* aTelService );
   491 		void DoIdleCallback();
   493         /**
   494         * 
   495         * @return EFalse if nothing to handle, otherwise ETrue (processing).
   496         */
   497         TBool HandleInternalSendDTMFL();
   499         /**
   500         * Brings Browser to the foreground.
   501         */
   502         void BringBrowserToForeground();
   504 		/**
   505         * Check if there are activate voice call on.
   506         */
   507 		void CheckIsThereActivateVoiceCallOnL();
   509 		/**
   510         * Check from DTMF number is there any illeagal char's.
   511 		* aNumber DTMF sequence for check.
   512 		* Return ETrue if everything OK and EFalse if illeagal char
   513 		* in DTMF sequence.
   514         */
   515 		void CheckDTMFNumberL( TDesC& aNumber );
   517         /**
   518         * Search for existing contact item, or create a new empty one.
   519         * @param aPbkEngine phonebook engine
   520         * @param aNumber Phone number
   521 		* @param aEmail Email address
   522         * @param aNewContact ETrue if new contact item created
   523         * @return existing/new contact item 
   524         */
   525         CPbkContactItem* SearchPBItemLC( CPbkContactEngine& aPbkEngine,
   526                                          TDesC& aNumber, 
   527                                          TDesC& aEmail,
   528                                          TBool& aNewContact );                                       
   530         /**
   531         * Set contact item's field. If field doesn't exist in the contact 
   532         * item, a new one is added.
   533         * @param aField field to set
   534         * @param phonebook engine
   535         * @param aContactItem contact item of which field is set
   536         * @param aFieldValue contact item field value
   537         * @param index of field to focus initially in contact editor dialog
   538         */
   539         void SetPBEntryFieldL( TInt aField,
   540                                CPbkContactEngine* aPbkEngine,
   541                                CPbkContactItem* aContactItem,
   542                                const TPtrC& aFieldValue,
   543                                TInt& aFormIndex );
   545         /**
   546         * Parse recipients received in aRecipients.
   547         * Recipients are separaret by commas.
   548         * @param aRecipients Recipient list. Items separated by commas.
   549         * @return array of recipients
   550         */
   551         CPtrC16Array* ParseRecipientsLC( const TDesC& aRecipients );
   552         /**
   553         * Looks for postd from a specified phone number.
   554         * @param aNumber The phone number that might contain a postd parameter
   555         * @return NULL if postd parameter couldn't be found. 
   556 		* Otherwise the DTMF number.
   557         */
   558         HBufC* FindPostdParmL( TDes& aNumber );
   560 	private:	// Functions from base classes	
   561 		/** 
   562 		* From MBrowserTelServiceEtelWatcherObserver
   563 		*/
   564 		void BrowserTelServiceEtelWatcherEvent( RCall::TStatus& aStatus );	
   566 		/** 
   567 		* From MConnectionStageObserver
   568 		*/
   569 		void ConnectionStageAchievedL();
   571         /**
   572         * @return the bearer type of connection
   573         */
   574         TApBearerType ConnectionTypeL( TUint aApId );
   576     private:
   578         void ErrorHandler( TInt aErrorId );
   580         /**
   581         * Create the message and open up the mms editor as ready to send.
   582         * @param aToRecipients To recipients.
   583 		* @param aCcRecipients Cc recipients.
   584 		* @param aParams Other parameters ??.
   585 		* @param aBody Body text.
   586 		* @param aLaunchEmbedded information to launch embedded mode or not
   587         * @return Typically KErrNone or another of the system-wide error codes.
   588         */	
   589         TInt SendMmsMessageL( const TDesC& aToRecipients,
   590 							  const TDesC& aCcRecipients, 
   591                               const TDesC& aParams,
   592 							  const TDesC& aBody,
   593 							  TBool aLaunchEmbedded );
   597         /**
   598         * Show confirmation query before sending dtmf when CallUi is used.
   599 		* @param aDTMF DTMF sequence
   600         * @return TBool User esponse.
   601         */
   602        TBool SendDMFConfQueryL( const TDesC& aDTMF );
   604 #endif // __BROWSER_TEL_SERVICES_CALLUI__
   606 	private:	// Data
   607         CArrayPtrFlat<HBufC>* iSendableDTMFNumbers;
   608         CArrayPtrFlat<HBufC>* iDlgDTMFNumbers;
   609 		RPointerArray<MBrowserTelServiceObserver> iObserverList;
   610 		HBufC* iDTMFNumber;
   611 		TBrowserTelServiceState iState;
   612 		RTelServer iRTelServer;
   613 		RPhone iRPhone;
   614 		//RAdvGsmPhone iRAdvGsmPhone;
   615         RMobilePhone iRAdvGsmPhone;
   616 		RLine iRLine;
   617 		RCall iRCall;
   618 		RCall::TStatus iCallStatus;
   619 		CBrowserTelServiceEtelWatcher* iWatcher;
   620 		TBool iSynch;
   621 		TInt iRetVal;
   622 		CActiveSchedulerWait iWait;
   623 		TRequestStatus* iUserRequestStatus;
   624 		TBool iAgentDisconnected;
   625         CAknWaitDialog* iWaitDlg;
   626         TBool iInternalDTMFWaitStarted;
   627         TBool iConfirmedOnce;
   628         TBool iDTMFAlwaysConfirm;
   629 		CIdle* iIdle;
   630         CErrorUI* iErrorUi;
   632         TFileName                   iResourceFileName; ///< Temp storage for the file name.
   633         RConeResourceLoader         iResourceLoader; ///< Resource loader.
   634         TBool                       iResourceOpened; ///< Indicate if the resource is opened.
   638 		// AIW related members
   639         CAiwServiceHandler* iServiceHandler;
   641         // DialData.
   642         CAiwDialData*      iDialData;
   644 #endif // __BROWSER_TEL_SERVICES_CALLUI__
   646 	};
   648 /**
   649 * This class defines a protocol for observing CBrowserTelService stages.
   650 * You should inherit from this if you want to observe 
   651 * CBrowserTelService stages.
   652 */
   653 class MBrowserTelServiceObserver
   654 	{
   655 	public:	// New functions
   656 		/**
   657         * Notification of the state change.
   658         * @param aEvent The new state.
   659         */
   660 		virtual void BrowserTelServiceEvent( 
   661 								TBrowserTelServiceState aEvent ) = 0;
   663 		/**
   664         * Notification of the error that occurred.
   665         * @param aError The error.
   666         */
   667 		virtual void BrowserTelServiceError(
   668 								TBrowserTelServiceError aError ) = 0;
   669 	};
   671 #endif // __BROWSERTELSERVICE_H