changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 25 0ed94ceaa377
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *     This file contains the declaration of the  receive handler of Download Mgr Server.
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include "DownloadMgrLogger.h"
    22 #include "DownloadMgrHandler.h"
    23 #include "DownloadMgrClient.h"
    24 #include "DownloadMgrDefAttrib.h"
    26 // CONSTANTS
    31 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    33 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    34 // CDownloadMgrHandler::CDownloadMgrHandler
    35 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    36 //
    37 CDownloadMgrHandler::CDownloadMgrHandler( MHttpDownloadMgrObserver* aHandler,
    38                                           RHttpDownload* aSubSession )
    39 :CActive( EPriorityStandard + 2 ) /* EPriorityStandard + 2 is used until EHttpProgResponseBodyReceived
    40                                     event is received, then it must be set to EPriorityLow 
    41                                     until an other event arrives. Then it is set back to 
    42                                     EPriorityStandard + 2. */
    43 ,iPtr(0,0)                             
    44     {
    45     CLOG_CREATE;
    47     CLOG_ENTERFN( "CDownloadMgrHandler::CDownloadMgrHandler" )
    48     iHandler = aHandler;
    49     iDownloadSubSession = aSubSession;
    50     iDownloadSession = NULL;
    51     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
    52     iClosed = NULL;
    53     iHandlerType = EHttpDownload;
    54     iPrevDlEvent.iDownloadState = THttpDownloadState(0); // None
    55     iPrevDlEvent.iProgressState = EHttpProgNone;
    56     //iPrevDlEvent.iMoIndex = 0;
    57     }
    59 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    60 // CDownloadMgrHandler::CDownloadMgrHandler
    61 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    62 //
    63 CDownloadMgrHandler::CDownloadMgrHandler( RHttpDownloadMgr* aSession )
    64 :CActive( EPriorityStandard ) /* Session-level event handler: priority remains 
    65                                  EPriorityStandard! */
    66 ,iPtr(0,0)                                 
    67     {
    68     CLOG_CREATE;
    70     CLOG_ENTERFN( "CDownloadMgrHandler::CDownloadMgrHandler" )
    71     iHandler = NULL;
    72     iDownloadSubSession = NULL;
    73     iDownloadSession = aSession;
    74     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
    75     iClosed = NULL;
    76     iHandlerType = EHttpDownloadMgr;
    77     iPrevDlEvent.iDownloadState = THttpDownloadState(0); // None
    78     iPrevDlEvent.iProgressState = EHttpProgNone;
    79     //iPrevDlEvent.iMoIndex = 0;
    80     }
    82 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    83 // CDownloadMgrHandler::CDownloadMgrHandler
    84 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    85 //
    86 CDownloadMgrHandler::~CDownloadMgrHandler()
    87     {
    88     CLOG_WRITE( "CDownloadMgrHandler::~CDownloadMgrHandler" )
    89     Cancel();
    90     CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT( "this: 0x%x", this );
    93     CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT( "~iClosed: 0x%x", iClosed );
    94     if( iClosed )
    95         {
    96         CLOG_WRITE( "*iClosed = ETrue;" );
    97         *iClosed = ETrue;
    98         }
   101     if( iPackedEventAttribs )
   102         {
   103         delete iPackedEventAttribs;
   104         }
   106     CLOG_CLOSE;
   107     }
   109 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   110 // CDownloadMgrHandler::AdjustPriority
   111 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   112 //
   113 void CDownloadMgrHandler::AdjustPriority( THttpDownloadEvent& aCurrentDlEvent )
   114     {
   115     if( !iDownloadSubSession->EventPriorityFlag() )
   116     //The flag is zero if there is no cod AND client side download
   117         {
   118         if ( aCurrentDlEvent.iProgressState == EHttpProgCodDescriptorDownloaded )
   119             {
   120             // Cod download to be started in client side
   121             // Set priority to the original (EPriorityStandard + 2) value.
   122             CLOG_WRITE( "Setting EPriorityStandard + 2" );            
   123             }        
   124         else if( aCurrentDlEvent.iProgressState == EHttpProgResponseBodyReceived && 
   125             iPrevDlEvent.iProgressState != EHttpProgResponseBodyReceived )
   126             { // Progress changes to EHttpProgResponseBodyReceived
   127             // Set priority to a low value.
   128             CLOG_WRITE( "Setting EPriorityStandard + 1" );
   129             SetPriority( EPriorityStandard + 1 );
   130             }
   131         else if ( aCurrentDlEvent.iProgressState != EHttpProgResponseBodyReceived && 
   132                   iPrevDlEvent.iProgressState == EHttpProgResponseBodyReceived )
   133             { // Progress changes from EHttpProgResponseBodyReceived
   134             // Set priority to the original (EPriorityStandard + 2) value.
   135             CLOG_WRITE( "Setting EPriorityStandard + 2" );
   136             SetPriority( EPriorityStandard + 2 );
   137             }
   139         // Otherwise no changes in priority!
   141         iPrevDlEvent = aCurrentDlEvent; // Remember for the event
   142         }
   143     }
   145 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   146 // CDownloadMgrHandler::RunL
   147 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   148 //
   149 void CDownloadMgrHandler::RunL()
   150     {
   151     CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT( " CDownloadMgrHandler::RunL DH-iStat: %d", iStatus.Int() );
   152     if ( iStatus.Int() == KErrNone )
   153         {
   154         THttpDownloadEvent event;
   155         event.iDownloadState = (THttpDownloadState)iDownloadState();
   156         event.iProgressState = (THttpProgressState)iProgressState();
   157         CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT( "DS: %d", event.iDownloadState );
   158         CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT( "PS: %d", event.iProgressState );
   159         CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT( "Handler Type: %d", iHandlerType );
   160         CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT( "this: 0x%x", this );
   161         switch( iHandlerType )
   162             {
   163             case EHttpDownload:
   164                 {
   165                 TBool closed( EFalse );
   166                 iClosed = &closed;
   167                 CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT( "iClosed before: %d", *iClosed );
   169                 // *** Do active object priority adjustments here ***
   170                 AdjustPriority( event );
   171                 TPtr8 ptr = iPackedEventAttribs->Des();
   172                 iDownloadSubSession->UnpackEventAttribL( ptr );
   174                 // Media object index
   175                 //event.iMoIndex = iDownloadSubSession->ActiveMoIndex();
   177                 if( EHttpDlDeleting == event.iDownloadState )
   178                     {
   179                     iDownloadSubSession->Delete();
   180 					iClosed = NULL;
   181                     }
   182                 else
   183                     {
   184                     iHandler->HandleDMgrEventL( *iDownloadSubSession, event );
   185                     }
   186                 // Check if the download subsession has been closed by the client
   187                 CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT( "closed: %d", closed );
   188                 iClosed = NULL;
   189                 if( !closed )
   190                     {
   191                     StartL();
   192                     }
   193                 break;
   194                 }
   195             case EHttpDownloadMgr:
   196                 {
   197                 // Unmask iHandle into 'handle' and 'media index'
   198                 TInt handle = (iHandle() & 0x0000FFFF);
   199                 //event.iMoIndex = (iHandle() >> 16);
   200                 TBool closed( EFalse );
   201                 iClosed = &closed;
   202                 iDownloadSession->HandleSessionEventL( handle, event );
   203                 CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT( "closed: %d", closed );
   204                 iClosed = NULL;
   205                 if( !closed )
   206                     {
   207                     StartL();
   208                     }
   209                 break;
   210                 }
   211             default:
   212                 {
   213                 break;
   214                 }
   215             }
   216         }
   217     else
   218         {
   219         //Should be got here!
   220         }
   221     }
   223 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   224 // CDownloadMgrHandler::DoCancel
   225 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   226 //
   227 void CDownloadMgrHandler::DoCancel()
   228     {
   229     CLOG_ENTERFN( "CDownloadMgrHandler::DoCancel" )
   230     switch( iHandlerType )
   231         {
   232         case EHttpDownload:
   233             {
   234             iDownloadSubSession->CancelEventNotification();
   235             break;
   236             }
   237         case EHttpDownloadMgr:
   238             {
   239             iDownloadSession->CancelSessionEventNotification();
   240             break;
   241             }
   242         default:
   243             {
   244             break;
   245             }
   246         }
   247     }
   249 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   250 // CDownloadMgrHandler::StartL
   251 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   252 //
   253 void CDownloadMgrHandler::StartL()
   254     {
   255     CLOG_ENTERFN( "CDownloadMgrHandler::StartL" )
   256     if( !IsActive() )
   257         {
   258         iStatus = KRequestPending;
   259         switch( iHandlerType )
   260             {
   261             case EHttpDownload:
   262                 {
   263                 //Use packer to alloc buffer
   264                 HBufC8* temp_packer = TDMgrUtils::PackEventAttribL();
   265                 if( iPackedEventAttribs )
   266                     {
   267                     delete iPackedEventAttribs;
   268                     }                
   269                 iPackedEventAttribs = temp_packer;
   270                 CLOG_WRITE( "EHttpDownload" );
   271                 TInt length = iPackedEventAttribs->Des().Length();
   272                 iPtr.Set( iPackedEventAttribs->Des() );
   273                 iDownloadSubSession->StartEventNotification( iDownloadState,
   274                                                              iProgressState,
   275                                                              iPtr,
   276                                                              iStatus );
   277                 break;
   278                 }
   279             case EHttpDownloadMgr:
   280                 {
   281                 CLOG_WRITE( "EHttpDownloadMgr" );
   282                 iDownloadSession->StartSessionEventNotification( iDownloadState,
   283                                                                  iProgressState,
   284                                                                  iHandle,
   285                                                                  iStatus );
   286                 break;
   287                 }
   288             default:
   289                 {
   290                 break;
   291                 }
   292             }
   293         SetActive();
   294         }
   295     }