changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 25 0ed94ceaa377
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *      Declaration of class CFavouritesItemImpl.
    16 *      
    17 *
    18 */
    24 //  INCLUDES
    26 #include <e32base.h>
    27 #include <s32strm.h>
    28 #include <FavouritesItem.h>
    29 #include <FavouritesLimits.h>
    30 #include <FavouritesWapAp.h>
    34 /**
    35 * Implementation class behind proxy CFavouritesItem.
    36 */
    37 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CFavouritesItemImpl): public CBase
    38     {
    40     public:     // Constructors and destructor
    42         /**
    43         * Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
    44         * @return The constructed item.
    45         */
    46         static CFavouritesItemImpl* NewL();
    48         /**
    49         * Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
    50         * @return The constructed item.
    51         */
    52         static CFavouritesItemImpl* NewLC();
    54         /**
    55         * Destructor.
    56         */
    57         virtual ~CFavouritesItemImpl();
    59         /**
    60         * Assignment operator.
    61         * @param aCopyFrom Assign from this.
    62         */
    63         CFavouritesItemImpl& operator=( const CFavouritesItemImpl& aCopyFrom );
    65     protected:      // Constructors
    67         /**
    68         * C++ constructor.
    69         */
    70         inline CFavouritesItemImpl();
    72         /**
    73         * Second-phase constructor.
    74         */
    75         void ConstructL();
    77     public:     // Query
    79         /**
    80         * Get unique id of the item.
    81         * @return The unique id.
    82         */
    83         inline TInt Uid() const;
    85         /**
    86         * Get the uid of the parent folder of this item.
    87         * @return The unique id of the parent folder.
    88         */
    89         inline TInt ParentFolder() const;
    91         /**
    92         * Get type of the item (item or folder).
    93         * @return The type of the item. It is either EFolder or EItem
    94         * (never ENone).
    95         */
    96         inline CFavouritesItem::TType Type() const;
    98         /**
    99         * Get the name of this item.
   100         * @return The name of this item.
   101         */
   102         inline const TDesC& Name() const;
   104         /**
   105         * Get the URL of this item.
   106         * @return The URL of this item.
   107         */
   108         inline const TDesC& Url() const;
   110         /**
   111         * Get WAP Access Point id associated with this item.
   112         * @return The WAP Access Point id.
   113         */
   114         inline TFavouritesWapAp WapAp() const;
   116         /**
   117         * Get the username associated with this item.
   118         * @return The username.
   119         */
   120         inline const TDesC& UserName() const;
   122         /**
   123         * Get password associated with this item.
   124         * @return The password.
   125         */
   126         inline const TDesC& Password() const;
   128         /**
   129         * Get context id associated with this item.
   130         * @return The context id.
   131         */
   132         inline TInt32 ContextId() const;
   134         /**
   135         * Check if this is an item (not folder).
   136         * @return ETrue if this is an item.
   137         */
   138         inline TBool IsItem() const;
   140         /**
   141         * Check if this is a folder.
   142         * @return ETrue if this is a folder.
   143         */
   144         inline TBool IsFolder() const;
   146         /**
   147         * Check if this is a factory item.
   148         * @return ETrue if this is a factory item.
   149         */
   150         inline TBool IsFactoryItem() const;
   152         /**
   153         * Check if this is a read-only in database. Note that ETrue value does
   154         * not prevent modifying this CFavouritesItemImpl object.
   155         * @return ETrue if this is read-only in database.
   156         */
   157         inline TBool IsReadOnly() const;
   159         /**
   160         * Get last modification time (of database entry), universal time.
   161         * This can be zero if:
   162         * - Last modification time is not available in database (old
   163         *   databases); or
   164         * - Engine does not support this feature.
   165         * Note that zero means Modified().Int64() == 0, and not
   166         * Time::NullTTime().
   167         */
   168         inline TTime Modified() const;
   170         /**
   171         * Check if this is hidden.
   172         * @return ETrue if this is hidden.
   173         */
   174         inline TBool IsHidden() const;
   176     public:     // update
   178         /**
   179         * Set parent folder.
   180         * @param aId The unique id of the parent folder.
   181         */
   182         inline void SetParentFolder( TInt aId );
   184         /**
   185         * Set item type (item or folder).
   186         * @param aType The type to be set. ENone cannot be set (if that is
   187         * specified, it is ignored).
   188         */
   189         inline void SetType( CFavouritesItem::TType aType );
   191         /**
   192         * Set name of the item. Leading or trailing whitespace is trimmed.
   193         * Length limit is KFavouritesMaxName (leaves with KErrOverflow).
   194         * @param aName The name to be set.
   195         */
   196         void SetNameL( const TDesC& aName );
   198         /**
   199         * Set URL of the item.
   200         * Length limit is KFavouritesMaxURL (leaves with KErrOverflow).
   201         * @param aUrl The URL to be set.
   202         */
   203         inline void SetUrlL( const TDesC& aUrl );
   205         /**
   206         * Set WAP Access Point of the item.
   207         * @param aAccessPoint The WAP Access point to be set.
   208         */
   209         inline void SetWapAp( const TFavouritesWapAp& aAccessPoint );
   211         /**
   212         * Set username of the item.
   213         * Length limit is KFavouritesMaxUserName (leaves with KErrOverflow).
   214         * @param aUserName The username to be set.
   215         */
   216         inline void SetUserNameL( const TDesC& aUserName );
   218         /**
   219         * Set password.
   220         * Length limit is KFavouritesMaxPassword (leaves with KErrOverflow).
   221         * @param aPassword The password to be set.
   222         */
   223         inline void SetPasswordL( const TDesC& aPassword );
   225         /**
   226         * Set context id of the item.
   227         * @param aContextId The context id to be set.
   228         */
   229         inline void SetContextId( TInt32 aContextId );
   231         /**
   232         * Set hidden value of the item.
   233         * @param aHidden The hidden value to be set.
   234         */
   235         inline void SetHidden( TBool aHidden );
   237     public:     // Streaming
   239         /**
   240         * Externalize into a stream.
   241         * @param aStream The stream to externalize to.
   242         */
   243         void ExternalizeL( RWriteStream& aStream ) const;
   245         /**
   246         * Internalize from a stream.
   247         * @param aStream The stream to externalize from.
   248         */
   249         void InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream );
   251         /**
   252         * Externalize update-delta into a stream.
   253         * This is a performance oprtimization to reduce data transfer between
   254         * client and server. When database is updated (using an item), only
   255         * the changed data is synced back to the item (name, uid,
   256         * last-mod-time).
   257         * @param aStream The stream to externalize to.
   258         */
   259         void ExternalizeUpdateDeltaL( RWriteStream& aStream ) const;
   261         /**
   262         * Internalize update-delta from a stream.
   263         * This is a performance oprtimization to reduce data transfer between
   264         * client and server. When database is updated (using an item), only
   265         * the changed data is synced back to the item (name, uid,
   266         * last-mod-time).
   267         * @param aStream The stream to externalize from.
   268         */
   269         void InternalizeUpdateDeltaL( RReadStream& aStream );
   271     private:    // Streaming utils
   273         /**
   274         * Externalize descriptor member to a stream.
   275         * @param aBuf Buffer.
   276         * @param aStream The stream to externalize to.
   277         */
   278         void BufToStreamL( const TDesC& aBuf, RWriteStream& aStream ) const;
   280         /**
   281         * Internalize HBufC* member from a stream.
   282         * @param aBuf Buffer.
   283         * @param aStream The stream to internalize from.
   284         */
   285         void BufFromStreamL( HBufC*& aBuf, RReadStream& aStream );
   287     private:
   289         /**
   290         * Set buffer from string. Leaves for exceeding aMaxLength.
   291         * @param aBuf Buffer.
   292         * @param aDesc Descriptor to set from.
   293         * @param aMaxLength Max length.
   294         */
   295         void SetBufL( HBufC*& aBuf, const TDesC& aDesc, TInt aMaxLength );
   297         /**
   298         * Set unique id of the item.
   299         * @param aUid The unique id to be set.
   300         */
   301         inline void SetUid( TInt aUid );
   303         /**
   304         * Set factory item flag of the item.
   305         * @param aFactoryItem The factory item flag to be set.
   306         */
   307         inline void SetFactoryItem( TBool aFactoryItem );
   309         /**
   310         * Set read-only flag of the item.
   311         * @param aReadOnly The read-only flag to be set.
   312         */
   313         inline void SetReadOnly( TBool aReadOnly );
   315         /**
   316         * Set last modification time of the item.
   317         * @param aReadOnly The last modification time to be set.
   318         */
   319         inline void SetModified( TTime aModified );
   321         /**
   322         * Validate the item.
   323         * - For all kinds: valid name required.
   324         * - For items: URL must be present.
   325         * - For folders: URL, Username, Password must be empty;
   326         *                WAP Access Point must not be specified.
   327         * @return ETrue if the item matches the above criteria.
   328         */
   329         TBool IsValid() const;
   331         /**
   332         * Create a bookmark name from a string.
   333         * Leading / trailing whitespace is removed. Note that the resulting
   334         * name may be zero length (if aSource is made up from whitespace only).
   335         * In this case the return value is KErrNone, though the name is not
   336         * valid.
   337         * @param aSource The string to create name from.
   338         * @param aTarget Resulting name is placed here. Previous content is
   339         * overwritten. Must be large enough to hold the result;
   340         * the result's length equals to or less than aSource length (i.e.
   341         * aSource.Length() is enough for aTarget).
   342         * @return
   343         * - KErrOverflow if name was trimmed (because it was too long);
   344         * - KErrNone otherwise.
   345         */
   346         static TInt MakeName( const TDesC& aSource, TDes& aTarget );
   348         /**
   349         * Check if aName is a valid bookmark name.
   350         * @return aName Name to check. Not expecting trailing/leading
   351         * whitespace or whitespace other than spaces (i.e. should be a name
   352         * that comes from MakeName()).
   353         * @return ETrue if the name is valid.
   354         */
   355         static TBool IsValidName( const TDesC& aName );
   357     private:    // Data
   359         TInt iUid;                      ///< Uid of the item.
   360         TInt iParentFolder;             ///< Uid of the parent folder.
   361         CFavouritesItem::TType iType;   ///< Type (EFolder or EItem).
   362         HBufC* iName;                   ///< Name, owned. Never NULL.
   363         HBufC* iUrl;                    ///< URL, owned. Never NULL.
   364         TFavouritesWapAp iWapAp;        ///< WAP Access Point.
   365         HBufC* iUserName;               ///< Username, owned. Never NULL.
   366         HBufC* iPassword;               ///< Password, owned. Never NULL.
   367         TBool iReadOnly;                ///< Read-only flag.
   368         TBool iFactoryItem;             ///< Factory item flag.
   369         TInt32 iContextId;              ///< Context id.
   370         TTime iModified;                ///< Last modification time.
   371         TBool iHidden;                  ///< hidden flag.
   373     private:    // Friend classes
   375         friend class RFavouritesDb;
   376         friend class CFavouritesSrvDb;
   377         friend class RFavouritesSrvTable;
   378         friend class CFavouritesItem;
   380     };
   382 #endif
   384 #include "FavouritesItemImpl.inl"
   386 // End of File