changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 48 79859ed3eea9
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *      Implementation of class CFavouritesSession
    16 *      
    17 *
    18 */
    23 #include "FavouritesSrvDb.h"
    24 #include "FavouritesSrvDbNotifier.h"
    25 #include "FavouritesSrvDbIncremental.h"
    26 #include "FavouritesSrvStream.h"
    27 #include "FavouritesSrvFile.h"
    28 #include "FavouritesSrvBuf.h"
    29 #include "FavouritesBuf.h"
    30 #include "FavouritesFilter.h"
    31 #include "FavouritesSrvSession.h"
    32 #include "FavouritesSrvSessionEntry.h"
    33 #include "FavouritesDef.h"
    34 #include "FavouritesMsg.h"
    35 #include "FavouritesItemImplList.h"
    36 #include "FavouritesUtil.h"
    37 #include "UidMap.h"
    38 #include "favouriteslogger.h"
    39 #include <utf.h>
    40 // CONSTANTS
    42 /// Object list granularity.
    43 LOCAL_D const TInt KFavouritesSrvSessionObjectGranularity = 4;
    44 /// Uid list granularity.
    45 LOCAL_D const TInt KFavouritesSrvSessionUidListGranularity = 4;
    46 /// Granularity of AP map in RFS.
    47 LOCAL_D const TInt KApMapGranularity = 4;
    49 // Secure policy ID of the Faveng database files.
    50 LOCAL_D const TUint KUidFavengDbPolicy = 0x101FD685;
    53 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    55 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    56 // CFavouritesSession::NewL
    57 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    58 //
    59 CFavouritesSession* CFavouritesSession::NewL()
    60     {
    61     CFavouritesSession* sess = new (ELeave) CFavouritesSession();
    62     CleanupStack::PushL( sess );
    63     sess->ConstructL();
    64     CleanupStack::Pop();
    65     return sess;
    66     }
    68 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    69 // CFavouritesSession::~CFavouritesSession
    70 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    71 //
    72 CFavouritesSession::~CFavouritesSession()
    73     {
    74     // Free all entries in reverse order:
    75     // Files -> Streams -> Incrementals -> Notifiers -> Databases.
    76     for ( TInt type = TFavouritesSessionEntry::EFile;
    77           type > TFavouritesSessionEntry::ENone;
    78           type--
    79         )
    80         {
    81         for ( TInt i = 0; i < iNumEntries; i++ )
    82             {
    83             if ( STATIC_CAST( TInt, iEntries[i].Type() ) == type )
    84                 {
    85                 iEntries[i].Release();
    86                 }
    87             }
    88         }
    89     delete iEntries;
    90     iEntries = NULL;    // Safety code.
    91     iNumEntries = 0;    // Safety code.
    93     // In the case of -Secure Backup is in progress- 
    94     // the ActiveScheduler is not active the server does not exists at this point.
    95     if(CActiveScheduler::Current() != NULL)
    96     	{
    97     	FLOG(( _L("Server().SessionClosed()") ));
    98     	Server().SessionClosed();
    99     	}
   100     else
   101     	{
   102     	FLOG(( _L("CActiveScheduler::Current() == NULL") ));
   103     	}
   105     iDbs.Close();
   106     iFs.Close();
   107     }
   109 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   110 // CFavouritesSession::CFavouritesSession
   111 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   112 //
   113 CFavouritesSession::CFavouritesSession()
   114 : iEntries( NULL ), iNumEntries( 0 ), iChkNum( 1 )
   115     {
   116     }
   118 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   119 // CFavouritesSession::ConstructL
   120 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   121 //
   122 void CFavouritesSession::ConstructL()
   123     {
   124     User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
   125     User::LeaveIfError( iFs.SetSessionToPrivate( EDriveC ) );
   126     User::LeaveIfError( iDbs.Connect() );
   128        }
   130 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   131 // CFavouritesSession::CountResources
   132 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   133 //
   134 TInt CFavouritesSession::CountResources()
   135     {
   136     TInt cnt( 0 );
   137     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iNumEntries; i++ )
   138         {
   139         if ( iEntries[i].Type() != TFavouritesSessionEntry::ENone )
   140             {
   141             cnt++;
   142             }
   143         }
   144     return cnt;
   145     }
   147 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   148 // CFavouritesSession::ServiceL
   149 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   150 //
   151 void CFavouritesSession::ServiceL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
   152     {
   153 	// Set received message in server so it can be used in cleanup when
   154     // server panics.
   155 	Server().ReceivedMessage( aMessage );
   156     TInt ret( KErrNone );
   157     TFavouritesMsg msg( aMessage.Function() );
   158     if ( msg.IsNull() )
   159         {
   160         // Null handle -> session function.
   161         switch ( msg.Function() )
   162             {
   163             // Session functions.
   164             case EFavengResourceMarkStart:
   165                 {
   166                 ResourceCountMarkStart();
   167                 break;
   168                 }
   170             case EFavengResourceMarkEnd:
   171                 {
   172                 ResourceCountMarkEnd( aMessage );
   173                 break;
   174                 }
   176             case EFavengResourceCount:
   177                 {
   178                 ret = CountResources();
   179                 break;
   180                 }
   182             case EFavengDeleteDatabase:
   183                 {
   184                 TBuf<KFavouritesMaxName> name;
   185                 TInt len = aMessage.GetDesLength( 0 );
   186                 if ( len < 1 || len > KFavouritesMaxName )
   187                     {
   188                     User::Leave( KErrBadName );
   189                     }
   190                 name.SetLength( len );
   191                 aMessage.ReadL( 0, name );
   192                 DatabaseDirL( name, iParse );
   193                 TRAPD( err, DeleteDirL( iParse ) );
   194                 // Map KErrPathNotFound error to KErrNotFound.
   195                 if ( err == KErrPathNotFound )
   196                     {
   197                     err = KErrNotFound;
   198                     }
   199                 User::LeaveIfError( err );
   200                 break;
   201                 }
   203             case EFavengSetHeapFailure:
   204                 {
   205                 User::__DbgSetAllocFail
   206                     (
   207                     RAllocator::EUser,
   208                     STATIC_CAST( RAllocator::TAllocFail, aMessage.Int0() ),
   209                     aMessage.Int1()
   210                     );
   211                 break;
   212                 }
   214             case EFavengOpenDatabase:
   215                 {
   217                 // Fixed for Bug id - JJUN-78RARE (FAVENGSRV crashes under IPC attack)
   218                 // When client sends 8 bit descriptor input and favourite server always 
   219                 // will attempt  on 16 bit RMessage2 read/write. So server will leave with 
   220                 // KErrBadDescriptor and hence crash occurs. To avoid this crash,favourite 
   221                 // server will attempt to  read/write on 8bit descriptor.
   223                 HBufC *buf = HBufC::NewLC(KFavouritesMaxName);
   224                 TPtr name(buf->Des());
   225                 TInt len = aMessage.GetDesLength( 0 );
   226                 if ( len < 1 || len > KFavouritesMaxName )
   227                     {
   228                     User::Leave( KErrBadName );
   229                     }
   230                 name.SetLength( len );
   231                 TInt err =  aMessage.Read( 0, name );
   233                 if ( KErrBadDescriptor == err)   // Mismatch between 8 bit and 16 bit descriptors
   234 	            {
   235             	    HBufC8 *buf8 = HBufC8::NewLC(KFavouritesMaxName);
   236             	    TPtr8 name8(buf8->Des());
   237                 	name8.SetLength( len );
   238                 	aMessage.ReadL( 0, name8 );
   239                 	CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8(name,name8);
   240                 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(/*buf8*/);
   241                 }
   242                 else
   243                 {
   244                 	User::LeaveIfError(err);
   245                 }
   247                 DatabaseDirL( name, iParse );
   248                 TFavouritesHandle h = NewHandleL();
   249                 Entry( h ) = *(CFavouritesSrvDb::NewL
   250                     ( iFs, iDbs, iParse.FullName(), name ));
   251                 ret = h;
   252                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(/*buf*/);
   253                 break;
   254                 }
   256             case EFavengOpenStream:
   257                 {
   258                 ret = NewStreamL( *(HFavouritesSrvBuf::NewL()), aMessage );
   259                 break;
   260                 }
   262             default:
   263                 {
   264                 ret = KErrNotSupported;
   265                 break;
   266                 }
   267             }
   268         }
   269     else
   270         {
   271         // Object based functions.
   272         TFavouritesSessionEntry& e = EntryL( msg );
   274         switch( msg.Function() )
   275             {
   276             // Favourites Engine functions.
   277             case EFavengClose:
   278                 {
   279                 e.Release();
   280                 break;
   281                 };
   283             case EFavengIsDamaged:
   284                 {
   285                 ret = e.Database().IsDamagedL();
   286                 break;
   287                 }
   289             case EFavengRecover:
   290                 {
   291                 e.Database().RecoverL();
   292                 break;
   293                 }
   295             case EFavengCompact:
   296                 {
   297                 e.Database().CompactL();
   298                 break;
   299                 }
   301             case EFavengSize:
   302                 {
   303                 TPckgBuf<RDbDatabase::TSize> size;
   304                 size() = e.Database().Size();
   305                 aMessage.WriteL( 0, size );
   306                 break;
   307                 }
   309             case EFavengUpdateStats:
   310                 {
   311                 e.Database().UpdateStatsL();
   312                 break;
   313                 }
   315             case EFavengBegin:
   316                 {
   317                 if ( e.Database().InTransaction() )
   318                     {
   319                     Server().PanicClient( EFavouritesNestedTransaction );
   320                     }
   321                 else
   322                     {
   323                     e.Database().BeginL( (TBool)aMessage.Int0() );
   324                     }
   325                 break;
   326                 }
   328             case EFavengCommit:
   329                 {
   330                 if ( e.Database().InTransaction() )
   331                     {
   332                     e.Database().CommitL();
   333                     }
   334                 else
   335                     {
   336                     Server().PanicClient( EFavouritesNoTransaction );
   337                     }
   338                 break;
   339                 }
   341             case EFavengRollback:
   342                 {
   343                 if ( e.Database().InTransaction() )
   344                     {
   345                     e.Database().Rollback();
   346                     }
   347                 else
   348                     {
   349                     Server().PanicClient( EFavouritesNoTransaction );
   350                     }
   351                 break;
   352                 }
   354             case EFavengGet:
   355                 {
   356                 RWriteStream stream( HFavouritesSrvBuf::NewLC() );
   357                 CFavouritesItemImpl* item = CFavouritesItemImpl::NewLC();
   358                 e.Database().GetL( aMessage.Int0(), *item );
   359                 item->ExternalizeL( stream );
   360                 stream.CommitL();
   361                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( item );
   362                 CleanupStack::Pop();    // Stream buf; will be taken by stream.
   363                 ret = NewStreamL( *(stream.Sink()), aMessage );
   364                 break;
   365                 }
   367             case EFavengGetAll:
   368                 {
   369                 TPckgBuf<TFavouritesFilter> filter;
   370                 aMessage.ReadL( 0, filter );
   371                 RWriteStream stream( HFavouritesSrvBuf::NewLC() );
   372                 CFavouritesItemImplList* list =
   373                     new (ELeave) CFavouritesItemImplList();
   374                 CleanupStack::PushL( list );
   375                 e.Database().GetAllL( *list, filter() );
   376                 list->ExternalizeL( stream );
   377                 stream.CommitL();
   378                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( list );
   379                 CleanupStack::Pop();    // Stream buf; will be taken by stream.
   380                 ret = NewStreamL( *(stream.Sink()), aMessage );
   381                 break;
   382                 }
   384             case EFavengGetUids:
   385                 {
   386                 TPckgBuf<TFavouritesFilter> filter;
   387                 aMessage.ReadL( 0, filter );
   388                 RWriteStream stream( HFavouritesSrvBuf::NewLC() );
   389                 CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* list = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>
   390                     ( KFavouritesSrvSessionUidListGranularity );
   391                 CleanupStack::PushL( list );
   392                 e.Database().GetUidsL( *list, filter() );
   393                 FavouritesUtil::ExternalizeL( *list, stream );
   394                 stream.CommitL();
   395                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( list );
   396                 CleanupStack::Pop();    // Stream buf; will be taken by stream.
   397                 ret = NewStreamL( *(stream.Sink()), aMessage );
   398                 break;
   399                 }
   401             case EFavengPreferredUid:
   402                 {
   403                 TPckgBuf<TInt> uid;
   404                 uid() = e.Database().PreferredUidL( aMessage.Int0() );
   405                 aMessage.WriteL( 1, uid );
   406                 break;
   407                 }
   409             case EFavengDelete:
   410                 {
   411                 e.Database().DeleteL( aMessage.Int0() );
   412                 break;
   413                 }
   415             case EFavengUpdate:
   416                 {
   417                 MStreamBuf& buf = EntryL( TFavouritesHandle
   418                     ( aMessage.Int0() ) ).Stream().Host();
   419                 RReadStream rs( &buf );
   420                 CFavouritesItemImpl* item = CFavouritesItemImpl::NewLC();
   421                 item->InternalizeL( rs );
   422                 e.Database().UpdateL
   423                     ( *item, aMessage.Int1(), aMessage.Int2() );
   424                 RWriteStream ws( &buf );
   425                 item->ExternalizeUpdateDeltaL( ws );
   426                 ws.CommitL();
   427                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( item );
   428                 break;
   429                 }
   431             case EFavengAdd:
   432                 {
   433                 MStreamBuf& buf = EntryL( TFavouritesHandle
   434                     ( aMessage.Int0() ) ).Stream().Host();
   435                 RReadStream rs( &buf );
   436                 CFavouritesItemImpl* item = CFavouritesItemImpl::NewLC();
   437                 item->InternalizeL( rs );
   438                 e.Database().AddL( *item, aMessage.Int1() );
   439                 RWriteStream ws( &buf );
   440                 item->ExternalizeUpdateDeltaL( ws );
   441                 ws.CommitL();
   442                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( item );
   443                 break;
   444                 }
   446             case EFavengSetSpecialItem:
   447                 {
   448                 MStreamBuf& buf = EntryL( TFavouritesHandle
   449                     ( aMessage.Int0() ) ).Stream().Host();
   450                 RReadStream rs( &buf );
   451                 CFavouritesItemImpl* item = CFavouritesItemImpl::NewLC();
   452                 item->InternalizeL( rs );
   453                 e.Database().SetSpecialItemL( *item, aMessage.Int1() );
   454                 RWriteStream ws( &buf );
   455                 item->ExternalizeUpdateDeltaL( ws );
   456                 ws.CommitL();
   457                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( item );
   458                 break;
   459                 }
   461             case EFavengSetFactoryItem:
   462                 {
   463                 e.Database().SetFactoryItemL
   464                                         ( aMessage.Int0(), aMessage.Int1() );
   465                 break;
   466                 }
   468             case EFavengSetReadOnly:
   469                 {
   470                 e.Database().SetReadOnlyL
   471                                         ( aMessage.Int0(), aMessage.Int1() );
   472                 break;
   473                 }
   475             case EFavengSetModified:
   476                 {
   477                 e.Database().SetModifiedL( aMessage.Int0(),
   478                     TTime( MAKE_TINT64( aMessage.Int1(), aMessage.Int2() ) ) );
   479                 break;
   480                 }
   482             case EFavengSetPreferredUid:
   483                 {
   484                 e.Database().SetPreferredUidL
   485                                         ( aMessage.Int0(), aMessage.Int1() );
   486                 break;
   487                 }
   489             case EFavengItemExists:
   490                 {
   491                 ret = e.Database().ItemExistsL( aMessage.Int0() );
   492                 break;
   493                 }
   495             case EFavengFolderExists:
   496                 {
   497                 ret = e.Database().FolderExistsL( aMessage.Int0() );
   498                 break;
   499                 }
   501             case EFavengCount:
   502                 {
   503                 TPckgBuf<TFavouritesFilter> filter;
   504                 aMessage.ReadL( 0, filter );
   505                 ret = e.Database().CountL( filter() );
   506                 break;
   507                 }
   509             case EFavengSetData:
   510                 {
   511                 MStreamBuf& buf = EntryL( TFavouritesHandle
   512                     ( aMessage.Int0() ) ).Stream().Host();
   513                 e.Database().SetDataL( aMessage.Int1(), buf );
   514                 break;
   515                 }
   517             case EFavengGetData:
   518                 {
   519                 RWriteStream stream( HFavouritesSrvBuf::NewLC() );
   520                 e.Database().GetDataL
   521                     ( aMessage.Int0(), *(stream.Sink()) );
   522                 stream.CommitL();
   523                 CleanupStack::Pop();    // Stream buf; will be taken by stream.
   524                 ret = NewStreamL( *(stream.Sink()), aMessage );
   525                 break;
   526                 }
   528             case EFavengSetBrowserData:
   529                 {
   530                 MStreamBuf& buf = EntryL( TFavouritesHandle
   531                     ( aMessage.Int0() ) ).Stream().Host();
   532                 e.Database().SetBrowserDataL( aMessage.Int1(), buf );
   533                 break;
   534                 }
   536             case EFavengGetBrowserData:
   537                 {
   538                 RWriteStream stream( HFavouritesSrvBuf::NewLC() );
   539                 e.Database().GetBrowserDataL
   540                     ( aMessage.Int0(), *(stream.Sink()) );
   541                 stream.CommitL();
   542                 CleanupStack::Pop();    // Stream buf; will be taken by stream.
   543                 ret = NewStreamL( *(stream.Sink()), aMessage );
   544                 break;
   545                 }
   547             case EFavengMakeUniqueName:
   548                 {
   549                 TBuf<KFavouritesMaxName> name;
   550                 name.SetLength( aMessage.Int1() );
   551                 aMessage.ReadL( 0, name );
   552                 e.Database().MakeUniqueNameL( name, aMessage.Int2() );
   553                 aMessage.WriteL( 0, name );
   554                 ret = name.Length();
   555                 break;
   556                 };
   559             case EFavengRestoreFactorySettings:
   560                 {
   561                 TFileName refDb;
   562                 TInt len = aMessage.Int1();
   563                 if ( len > refDb.MaxLength() )
   564                     {
   565                     User::Leave( KErrBadName );
   566                     }
   567                 refDb.SetLength( len );
   568                 aMessage.ReadL( 0, refDb );
   569                 RWriteStream stream( HFavouritesSrvBuf::NewLC() );
   570                 CUidMap* map = new (ELeave) CUidMap( KApMapGranularity );
   571                 CleanupStack::PushL( map );
   572                 e.Database().RestoreFactorySettingsL( refDb, *map );
   573                 map->ExternalizeL( stream );
   574                 stream.CommitL();
   575                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( map );
   576                 CleanupStack::Pop();    // Stream buf; will be taken by stream.
   577                 ret = NewStreamL( *(stream.Sink()), aMessage );
   578 			    FLOG(( _L("restore: case EFavengRestoreFactorySettings") ));
   579                 break;
   580                 }
   582             case EFavengSetAccessPoints:
   583                 {
   584                 MStreamBuf& buf = EntryL( TFavouritesHandle
   585                     ( aMessage.Int0() ) ).Stream().Host();
   586                 RReadStream rs( &buf );
   587                 CUidMap* map = new (ELeave) CUidMap( KApMapGranularity );
   588                 CleanupStack::PushL( map );
   589                 map->InternalizeL( rs );
   590                 e.Database().SetAccessPointsL( *map );
   591                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( map );
   592                 break;
   593                 }
   595 			case EFavengFileOpen:
   596                 {
   597                 TFavouritesHandle h = NewHandleL();
   598                 e.Database().FilenameL( aMessage.Int0(), iParse );
   599                 CFavouritesSrvFile* file = CFavouritesSrvFile::NewL();
   600                 Entry( h ) = *file;
   601                 file->SetName(iParse);
   603                 ret = h;
   604                 break;
   605                 }
   607             case EFavengFileOpenRead:
   608                 {
   609                 CFavouritesSrvFile& file = e.File();
   611                 file.OpenL();
   612                 file.TransferToClientL( aMessage );
   614                 break;
   615                 }
   617             case EFavengFileOpenWrite:
   618                 {
   619                 CFavouritesSrvFile& file = e.File();
   621                 file.ReplaceL();
   622                 file.TransferToClientL( aMessage );
   624                 break;
   625                 }
   627             case EFavengFileDelete:
   628                 {
   629                 TFavouritesHandle h = NewHandleL();
   630                 e.Database().FilenameL( aMessage.Int0(), iParse );
   631                 TInt err = iFs.Delete( iParse.FullName() );
   632                 // Map KErrPathNotFound error to KErrNotFound.
   633                 if ( err == KErrPathNotFound )
   634                     {
   635                     err = KErrNotFound;
   636                     }
   637                 User::LeaveIfError( err );
   638                 break;
   639                 }
   641             case EFavengIncrementalRecover:
   642                 {
   643                 TFavouritesHandle h = NewHandleL();
   644                 CFavouritesSrvDbIncremental* inc =
   645                     new (ELeave) CFavouritesSrvDbIncremental();
   646                 Entry( h ) = *inc;
   647                 TPckgBuf<TInt> step;
   648                 inc->RecoverL( e.Database(), step() );
   649                 aMessage.WriteL( 0, step );
   650                 ret = h;
   651                 break;
   652                 }
   654             case EFavengIncrementalCompact:
   655                 {
   656                 TFavouritesHandle h = NewHandleL();
   657                 CFavouritesSrvDbIncremental* inc =
   658                     new (ELeave) CFavouritesSrvDbIncremental();
   659                 Entry( h ) = *inc;
   660                 TPckgBuf<TInt> step;
   661                 inc->CompactL( e.Database(), step() );
   662                 aMessage.WriteL( 0, step );
   663                 ret = h;
   664                 break;
   665                 }
   667             case EFavengIncrementalNext:
   668                 {
   669                 TInt step =  aMessage.Int0();
   670                 if ( step == e.Incremental().Step() && step > 0 )
   671                     {
   672                     e.Incremental().NextL( step );
   673                     ret = step;
   674                     }
   675                 else
   676                     {
   677                     Server().PanicClient( EFavouritesBadStep );
   678                     }
   679                 break;
   680                 }
   682             case EFavengOpenNotifier:
   683                 {
   684                 TFavouritesHandle h = NewHandleL();
   685                 Entry( h ) = *(CFavouritesSrvDbNotifier::NewL( e.Database() ));
   686                 ret = h;
   687                 break;
   688                 }
   690             case EFavengNotifyAllEvents:
   691                 {
   692                 if ( e.Notifier().IsActive() )
   693                     {
   694                     Server().PanicClient( EFavouritesAlreadyOpen );
   695                     }
   696                 else
   697                     {
   698                     e.Notifier().NotifyAllEvents( aMessage );
   699                     return; // Notifier will complete the message.
   700                     }
   701                 break;
   702                 }
   704             case EFavengNotifyChange:
   705                 {
   706                 if ( e.Notifier().IsActive() )
   707                     {
   708                     Server().PanicClient( EFavouritesAlreadyOpen );
   709                     }
   710                 else
   711                     {
   712                     e.Notifier().NotifyChange( aMessage );
   713                     return; // Notifier will complete the message.
   714                     }
   715                 break;
   716                 }
   718             case EFavengNotifyCancel:
   719                 {
   720                 e.Notifier().Cancel();
   721                 break;
   722                 }
   724             case EFavengStreamRead:
   725                 {
   726                 ret = e.Stream().ReadL( aMessage );
   727                 break;
   728                 }
   730             case EFavengStreamWrite:
   731                 {
   732                 e.Stream().WriteL( aMessage );
   733                 break;
   734                 }
   736             default:
   737                 {
   738                 ret = KErrNotSupported;
   739                 break;
   740                 }
   741             }
   743         }
   745 	// Fixed for Bug id - JJUN-78RARE (FAVENGSRV crashes under IPC attack)    
   746 	if ( (EFavengFileOpenRead == msg.Function()) && msg.IsNull() )
   747 		{
   748 		User::Leave(ret);	
   749 		}
   751     if ( !Server().ReceivedMessage().IsNull() &&
   752     	// Special cases - file handler passed -
   753     	// IPC message is transfered automatically. 
   754     	msg.Function() != EFavengFileOpenRead &&
   755     	msg.Function() != EFavengFileOpenWrite)
   756         {
   757         aMessage.Complete( ret );
   758         }
   759     }
   761 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   762 // CFavouritesSession::ServiceError
   763 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   764 //
   765 void CFavouritesSession::ServiceError( const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aError )
   766     {
   767     // A bad descriptor / bad handle error implies a badly programmed client,
   768     // so panic it; otherwise use the default handling (report the error to
   769     // the client).
   770     if ( aError == KErrBadDescriptor || aError == KErrBadHandle )
   771         {
   772         Server().PanicClient( aError );
   773         }
   774     CSession2::ServiceError( aMessage, aError );
   775     }
   777 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   778 // CFavouritesSession::NewHandleL
   779 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   780 //
   781 TFavouritesHandle CFavouritesSession::NewHandleL()
   782     {
   783     TInt i;
   784     for ( i = 0; i < iNumEntries; i++ )
   785         {
   786         if ( iEntries[i].Type() == TFavouritesSessionEntry::ENone )
   787             {
   788             // Found free slot; assign check number and return it.
   789             iEntries[i].ChkNum() = NextChkNum();
   790             return TFavouritesHandle( i, iEntries[i].ChkNum() );
   791             }
   792         }
   793     // No free slot; expand entry list.
   794     TInt newNum = iNumEntries + KFavouritesSrvSessionObjectGranularity;
   795     if ( newNum > (1 << KIndexBits) )
   796         {
   797         // Index range exhausted.
   798         User::Leave( KErrNoMemory );
   799         }
   800     iEntries = STATIC_CAST( TFavouritesSessionEntry*, User::ReAllocL\
   801         ( iEntries, newNum * sizeof( TFavouritesSessionEntry ) ) );
   802     // Initialize new entries.
   803     for ( i = iNumEntries; i < newNum; i++ )
   804         {
   805         iEntries[i].SetNull();
   806         }
   807     i = iNumEntries;    // Index of first newly allocated entry.
   808     iNumEntries = newNum;
   809     iEntries[i].ChkNum() = NextChkNum();
   810     return TFavouritesHandle( i, iEntries[i].ChkNum() );
   811     }
   813 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   814 // CFavouritesSession::EntryL
   815 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   816 //
   817 TFavouritesSessionEntry& CFavouritesSession::EntryL
   818 ( TFavouritesHandle aHandle )
   819     {
   820     TInt i = aHandle.Index();
   821     if ( i > iNumEntries || aHandle.ChkNum() != iEntries[i].ChkNum() )
   822         {
   823         User::Leave( KErrBadHandle );
   824         }
   825     return iEntries[i];
   826     }
   828 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   829 // CFavouritesSession::Entry
   830 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   831 //
   832 TFavouritesSessionEntry& CFavouritesSession::Entry
   833 ( TFavouritesHandle aHandle )
   834     {
   835     TInt i = aHandle.Index();
   836     if ( i > iNumEntries || aHandle.ChkNum() != iEntries[i].ChkNum() )
   837         {
   838         FavouritesPanic( EFavouritesInternal );
   839         }
   840     return iEntries[i];
   841     }
   843 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   844 // CFavouritesSession::NextChkNum
   845 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   846 //
   847 TInt CFavouritesSession::NextChkNum()
   848     {
   849     if ( iChkNum > (1 << KChkNumBits - 1) )
   850         {
   851         iChkNum = 1;    // Start from 1 - we never get 0 handle.
   852         }
   853     return iChkNum++;
   854     }
   856 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   857 // CFavouritesSession::NewStreamL
   858 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   859 //
   860 TFavouritesHandle CFavouritesSession::NewStreamL
   861 ( MStreamBuf& aHost, const RMessage2& aMessage )
   862     {
   863     aHost.PushL();
   864     TInt len = Min( aHost.SizeL(), KFavouritesStreamBufSize );
   865     if ( len )
   866         {
   867         // We already have some data; send it.
   868         TPckgBuf<TFavouritesBuf> buf;
   869         aHost.ReadL( buf().iData, len );
   870         buf().iLen = len;
   871         aMessage.WriteL( 3, buf );
   872         }
   873     // Make a handle.
   874     TFavouritesHandle h = NewHandleL();
   875     TFavouritesSessionEntry& e = Entry( h );
   876     // Create the stream, owner is the entry (== the session).
   877     // Pass ownership to session.
   878     e = *(new (ELeave) HFavouritesSrvStream( aHost ));
   879     CleanupStack::Pop();    // aHost
   880     return h;
   881     }
   884 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   885 // CFavouritesSession::DatabaseDirL
   886 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   887 //
   888 void CFavouritesSession::DatabaseDirL( const TDesC& aName, TParse& aParse )
   889     {
   890     TDriveName cDrive = TDriveUnit( EDriveC ).Name();
   892     _LIT(KDbExtension, ".db");
   894     User::LeaveIfError( aParse.SetNoWild( aName, &cDrive, &KDbExtension() ) );
   895     }
   898 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   899 // CFavouritesSession::DeleteDirL
   900 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   901 //
   902 void CFavouritesSession::DeleteDirL( const TParse& aParse )
   903     {
   904     const TUid KDbPolicyUid = TUid::Uid(KUidFavengDbPolicy);
   906     TPtrC path( aParse.FullName() );
   907     TInt err = iDbs.DeleteDatabase( path, KDbPolicyUid );
   909     if ( err != KErrNone )
   910         {
   911         User::Leave( err );
   912         }
   913     }
   915 //  End of File